path: root/ldap3/core/
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Diffstat (limited to 'ldap3/core/')
1 files changed, 663 insertions, 572 deletions
diff --git a/ldap3/core/ b/ldap3/core/
index 811baf6..43189ef 100644
--- a/ldap3/core/
+++ b/ldap3/core/
@@ -1,572 +1,663 @@
-# Created on 2014.05.31
-# Author: Giovanni Cannata
-# Copyright 2014 - 2018 Giovanni Cannata
-# This file is part of ldap3.
-# ldap3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
-# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# ldap3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with ldap3 in the COPYING and COPYING.LESSER files.
-# If not, see <>.
-import socket
-from threading import Lock
-from datetime import datetime, MINYEAR
-from .exceptions import LDAPInvalidServerError, LDAPDefinitionError, LDAPInvalidPortError, LDAPInvalidTlsSpecificationError, LDAPSocketOpenError
-from ..protocol.formatters.standard import format_attribute_values
-from ..protocol.rfc4511 import LDAP_MAX_INT
-from ..protocol.rfc4512 import SchemaInfo, DsaInfo
-from .tls import Tls
-from ..utils.log import log, log_enabled, ERROR, BASIC, PROTOCOL
-from ..utils.conv import to_unicode
- from urllib.parse import unquote # Python 3
-except ImportError:
- from urllib import unquote # Python 2
-try: # try to discover if unix sockets are available for LDAP over IPC (ldapi:// scheme)
- # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
- from socket import AF_UNIX
- unix_socket_available = True
-except ImportError:
- unix_socket_available = False
-class Server(object):
- """
- LDAP Server definition class
- Allowed_referral_hosts can be None (default), or a list of tuples of
- allowed servers ip address or names to contact while redirecting
- search to referrals.
- The second element of the tuple is a boolean to indicate if
- authentication to that server is allowed; if False only anonymous
- bind will be used.
- Per RFC 4516. Use [('*', False)] to allow any host with anonymous
- bind, use [('*', True)] to allow any host with same authentication of
- Server.
- """
- _message_counter = 0
- _message_id_lock = Lock() # global lock for message_id shared by all Server objects
- def __init__(self,
- host,
- port=None,
- use_ssl=False,
- allowed_referral_hosts=None,
- get_info=SCHEMA,
- tls=None,
- formatter=None,
- connect_timeout=None,
- validator=None):
- self.ipc = False
- url_given = False
- host = host.strip()
- if host.lower().startswith('ldap://'):
- = host[7:]
- use_ssl = False
- url_given = True
- elif host.lower().startswith('ldaps://'):
- = host[8:]
- use_ssl = True
- url_given = True
- elif host.lower().startswith('ldapi://') and unix_socket_available:
- self.ipc = True
- use_ssl = False
- url_given = True
- elif host.lower().startswith('ldapi://') and not unix_socket_available:
- raise LDAPSocketOpenError('LDAP over IPC not available - UNIX sockets non present')
- else:
- = host
- if self.ipc:
- if str is bytes: # Python 2
- = unquote(host[7:]).decode('utf-8')
- else: # Python 3
- = unquote(host[7:]) # encoding defaults to utf-8 in python3
- self.port = None
- elif ':' in and':') == 1:
- hostname, _, hostport =':')
- try:
- port = int(hostport) or port
- except ValueError:
- if log_enabled(ERROR):
- log(ERROR, 'port <%s> must be an integer', port)
- raise LDAPInvalidPortError('port must be an integer')
- = hostname
- elif url_given and'['):
- hostname, sep, hostport =[1:].partition(']')
- if sep != ']' or not self._is_ipv6(hostname):
- if log_enabled(ERROR):
- log(ERROR, 'invalid IPv6 server address for <%s>',
- raise LDAPInvalidServerError()
- if len(hostport):
- if not hostport.startswith(':'):
- if log_enabled(ERROR):
- log(ERROR, 'invalid URL in server name for <%s>',
- raise LDAPInvalidServerError('invalid URL in server name')
- if not hostport[1:].isdecimal():
- if log_enabled(ERROR):
- log(ERROR, 'port must be an integer for <%s>',
- raise LDAPInvalidPortError('port must be an integer')
- port = int(hostport[1:])
- = hostname
- elif not url_given and self._is_ipv6(
- pass
- elif':') > 1:
- if log_enabled(ERROR):
- log(ERROR, 'invalid server address for <%s>',
- raise LDAPInvalidServerError()
- if not self.ipc:
- if not use_ssl and not port:
- port = 389
- elif use_ssl and not port:
- port = 636
- if isinstance(port, int):
- if port in range(0, 65535):
- self.port = port
- else:
- if log_enabled(ERROR):
- log(ERROR, 'port <%s> must be in range from 0 to 65535', port)
- raise LDAPInvalidPortError('port must in range from 0 to 65535')
- else:
- if log_enabled(ERROR):
- log(ERROR, 'port <%s> must be an integer', port)
- raise LDAPInvalidPortError('port must be an integer')
- if allowed_referral_hosts is None: # defaults to any server with authentication
- allowed_referral_hosts = [('*', True)]
- if isinstance(allowed_referral_hosts, SEQUENCE_TYPES):
- self.allowed_referral_hosts = []
- for referral_host in allowed_referral_hosts:
- if isinstance(referral_host, tuple):
- if isinstance(referral_host[1], bool):
- self.allowed_referral_hosts.append(referral_host)
- elif isinstance(allowed_referral_hosts, tuple):
- if isinstance(allowed_referral_hosts[1], bool):
- self.allowed_referral_hosts = [allowed_referral_hosts]
- else:
- self.allowed_referral_hosts = []
- self.ssl = True if use_ssl else False
- if tls and not isinstance(tls, Tls):
- if log_enabled(ERROR):
- log(ERROR, 'invalid tls specification: <%s>', tls)
- raise LDAPInvalidTlsSpecificationError('invalid Tls object')
- self.tls = Tls() if self.ssl and not tls else tls
- if not self.ipc:
- if self._is_ipv6(
- = ('ldaps' if self.ssl else 'ldap') + '://[' + + ']:' + str(self.port)
- else:
- = ('ldaps' if self.ssl else 'ldap') + '://' + + ':' + str(self.port)
- else:
- = host
- self.get_info = get_info
- self._dsa_info = None
- self._schema_info = None
- self.dit_lock = Lock()
- self.custom_formatter = formatter
- self.custom_validator = validator
- self._address_info = [] # property self.address_info resolved at open time (or when check_availability is called)
- self._address_info_resolved_time = datetime(MINYEAR, 1, 1) # smallest date ever
- self.current_address = None
- self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout
- self.mode = mode
- self.get_info_from_server(None) # load offline schema if needed
- if log_enabled(BASIC):
- log(BASIC, 'instantiated Server: <%r>', self)
- @staticmethod
- def _is_ipv6(host):
- try:
- socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, host)
- except (socket.error, AttributeError, ValueError):
- return False
- return True
- def __str__(self):
- if
- s = + (' - ssl' if self.ssl else ' - cleartext') + (' - unix socket' if self.ipc else '')
- else:
- s = object.__str__(self)
- return s
- def __repr__(self):
- r = 'Server(host={!r}, port={0.port!r}, use_ssl={0.ssl!r}'.format(self)
- r += '' if not self.allowed_referral_hosts else ', allowed_referral_hosts={0.allowed_referral_hosts!r}'.format(self)
- r += '' if self.tls is None else ', tls={0.tls!r}'.format(self)
- r += '' if not self.get_info else ', get_info={0.get_info!r}'.format(self)
- r += '' if not self.connect_timeout else ', connect_timeout={0.connect_timeout!r}'.format(self)
- r += '' if not self.mode else ', mode={0.mode!r}'.format(self)
- r += ')'
- return r
- @property
- def address_info(self):
- conf_refresh_interval = get_config_parameter('ADDRESS_INFO_REFRESH_TIME')
- if not self._address_info or ( - self._address_info_resolved_time).seconds > conf_refresh_interval:
- # converts addresses tuple to list and adds a 6th parameter for availability (None = not checked, True = available, False=not available) and a 7th parameter for the checking time
- addresses = None
- try:
- if self.ipc:
- addresses = [(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, None,, None)]
- else:
- addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED)
- except (socket.gaierror, AttributeError):
- pass
- if not addresses: # if addresses not found or raised an exception (for example for bad flags) tries again without flags
- try:
- addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP)
- except socket.gaierror:
- pass
- if addresses:
- self._address_info = [list(address) + [None, None] for address in addresses]
- self._address_info_resolved_time =
- else:
- self._address_info = []
- self._address_info_resolved_time = datetime(MINYEAR, 1, 1) # smallest date
- if log_enabled(BASIC):
- for address in self._address_info:
- log(BASIC, 'address for <%s> resolved as <%r>', self, address[:-2])
- return self._address_info
- def update_availability(self, address, available):
- cont = 0
- while cont < len(self._address_info):
- if self.address_info[cont] == address:
- self._address_info[cont][5] = True if available else False
- self._address_info[cont][6] =
- break
- cont += 1
- def reset_availability(self):
- for address in self._address_info:
- address[5] = None
- address[6] = None
- def check_availability(self):
- """
- Tries to open, connect and close a socket to specified address
- and port to check availability. Timeout in seconds is specified in CHECK_AVAILABITY_TIMEOUT if not specified in
- the Server object
- """
- conf_availability_timeout = get_config_parameter('CHECK_AVAILABILITY_TIMEOUT')
- available = False
- self.reset_availability()
- for address in self.candidate_addresses():
- available = True
- try:
- temp_socket = socket.socket(*address[:3])
- if self.connect_timeout:
- temp_socket.settimeout(self.connect_timeout)
- else:
- temp_socket.settimeout(conf_availability_timeout) # set timeout for checking availability to default
- try:
- temp_socket.connect(address[4])
- except socket.error:
- available = False
- finally:
- try:
- temp_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
- except socket.error:
- available = False
- finally:
- temp_socket.close()
- except socket.gaierror:
- available = False
- if available:
- if log_enabled(BASIC):
- log(BASIC, 'server <%s> available at <%r>', self, address)
- self.update_availability(address, True)
- break # if an available address is found exits immediately
- else:
- self.update_availability(address, False)
- if log_enabled(ERROR):
- log(ERROR, 'server <%s> not available at <%r>', self, address)
- return available
- @staticmethod
- def next_message_id():
- """
- LDAP messageId is unique for all connections to same server
- """
- with Server._message_id_lock:
- Server._message_counter += 1
- if Server._message_counter >= LDAP_MAX_INT:
- Server._message_counter = 1
- if log_enabled(PROTOCOL):
- log(PROTOCOL, 'new message id <%d> generated', Server._message_counter)
- return Server._message_counter
- def _get_dsa_info(self, connection):
- """
- Retrieve DSE operational attribute as per RFC4512 (5.1).
- """
- if connection.strategy.no_real_dsa: # do not try for mock strategies
- return
- if not connection.strategy.pooled: # in pooled strategies get_dsa_info is performed by the worker threads
- result ='',
- search_filter='(objectClass=*)',
- search_scope=BASE,
- attributes=['altServer', # requests specific dsa info attributes
- 'namingContexts',
- 'supportedControl',
- 'supportedExtension',
- 'supportedFeatures',
- 'supportedCapabilities',
- 'supportedLdapVersion',
- 'supportedSASLMechanisms',
- 'vendorName',
- 'vendorVersion',
- 'subschemaSubentry',
- '*',
- '+'], # requests all remaining attributes (other),
- get_operational_attributes=True)
- with self.dit_lock:
- if isinstance(result, bool): # sync request
- self._dsa_info = DsaInfo(connection.response[0]['attributes'], connection.response[0]['raw_attributes']) if result else self._dsa_info
- elif result: # asynchronous request, must check if attributes in response
- results, _ = connection.get_response(result)
- if len(results) == 1 and 'attributes' in results[0] and 'raw_attributes' in results[0]:
- self._dsa_info = DsaInfo(results[0]['attributes'], results[0]['raw_attributes'])
- if log_enabled(BASIC):
- log(BASIC, 'DSA info read for <%s> via <%s>', self, connection)
- def _get_schema_info(self, connection, entry=''):
- """
- Retrieve schema from subschemaSubentry DSE attribute, per RFC
- 4512 (4.4 and 5.1); entry = '' means DSE.
- """
- if connection.strategy.no_real_dsa: # do not try for mock strategies
- return
- schema_entry = None
- if self._dsa_info and entry == '': # subschemaSubentry already present in dsaInfo
- if isinstance(self._dsa_info.schema_entry, SEQUENCE_TYPES):
- schema_entry = self._dsa_info.schema_entry[0] if self._dsa_info.schema_entry else None
- else:
- schema_entry = self._dsa_info.schema_entry if self._dsa_info.schema_entry else None
- else:
- result =, '(objectClass=*)', BASE, attributes=['subschemaSubentry'], get_operational_attributes=True)
- if isinstance(result, bool): # sync request
- if result and 'subschemaSubentry' in connection.response[0]['raw_attributes']:
- if len(connection.response[0]['raw_attributes']['subschemaSubentry']) > 0:
- schema_entry = connection.response[0]['raw_attributes']['subschemaSubentry'][0]
- else: # asynchronous request, must check if subschemaSubentry in attributes
- results, _ = connection.get_response(result)
- if len(results) == 1 and 'raw_attributes' in results[0] and 'subschemaSubentry' in results[0]['attributes']:
- if len(results[0]['raw_attributes']['subschemaSubentry']) > 0:
- schema_entry = results[0]['raw_attributes']['subschemaSubentry'][0]
- if schema_entry and not connection.strategy.pooled: # in pooled strategies get_schema_info is performed by the worker threads
- if isinstance(schema_entry, bytes) and str is not bytes: # Python 3
- schema_entry = to_unicode(schema_entry, from_server=True)
- result =,
- search_filter='(objectClass=subschema)',
- search_scope=BASE,
- attributes=['objectClasses', # requests specific subschema attributes
- 'attributeTypes',
- 'ldapSyntaxes',
- 'matchingRules',
- 'matchingRuleUse',
- 'dITContentRules',
- 'dITStructureRules',
- 'nameForms',
- 'createTimestamp',
- 'modifyTimestamp',
- '*'], # requests all remaining attributes (other)
- get_operational_attributes=True
- )
- with self.dit_lock:
- self._schema_info = None
- if result:
- if isinstance(result, bool): # sync request
- self._schema_info = SchemaInfo(schema_entry, connection.response[0]['attributes'], connection.response[0]['raw_attributes']) if result else None
- else: # asynchronous request, must check if attributes in response
- results, result = connection.get_response(result)
- if len(results) == 1 and 'attributes' in results[0] and 'raw_attributes' in results[0]:
- self._schema_info = SchemaInfo(schema_entry, results[0]['attributes'], results[0]['raw_attributes'])
- if self._schema_info and not self._schema_info.is_valid(): # flaky servers can return an empty schema, checks if it is so and set schema to None
- self._schema_info = None
- if self._schema_info: # if schema is valid tries to apply formatter to the "other" dict with raw values for schema and info
- for attribute in self._schema_info.other:
- self._schema_info.other[attribute] = format_attribute_values(self._schema_info, attribute, self._schema_info.raw[attribute], self.custom_formatter)
- if self._dsa_info: # try to apply formatter to the "other" dict with dsa info raw values
- for attribute in self._dsa_info.other:
- self._dsa_info.other[attribute] = format_attribute_values(self._schema_info, attribute, self._dsa_info.raw[attribute], self.custom_formatter)
- if log_enabled(BASIC):
- log(BASIC, 'schema read for <%s> via <%s>', self, connection)
- def get_info_from_server(self, connection):
- """
- reads info from DSE and from subschema
- """
- if connection and not connection.closed:
- if self.get_info in [DSA, ALL]:
- self._get_dsa_info(connection)
- if self.get_info in [SCHEMA, ALL]:
- self._get_schema_info(connection)
- elif self.get_info == OFFLINE_EDIR_8_8_8:
- from ..protocol.schemas.edir888 import edir_8_8_8_schema, edir_8_8_8_dsa_info
- self.attach_schema_info(SchemaInfo.from_json(edir_8_8_8_schema))
- self.attach_dsa_info(DsaInfo.from_json(edir_8_8_8_dsa_info))
- elif self.get_info == OFFLINE_AD_2012_R2:
- from ..protocol.schemas.ad2012R2 import ad_2012_r2_schema, ad_2012_r2_dsa_info
- self.attach_schema_info(SchemaInfo.from_json(ad_2012_r2_schema))
- self.attach_dsa_info(DsaInfo.from_json(ad_2012_r2_dsa_info))
- elif self.get_info == OFFLINE_SLAPD_2_4:
- from ..protocol.schemas.slapd24 import slapd_2_4_schema, slapd_2_4_dsa_info
- self.attach_schema_info(SchemaInfo.from_json(slapd_2_4_schema))
- self.attach_dsa_info(DsaInfo.from_json(slapd_2_4_dsa_info))
- elif self.get_info == OFFLINE_DS389_1_3_3:
- from ..protocol.schemas.ds389 import ds389_1_3_3_schema, ds389_1_3_3_dsa_info
- self.attach_schema_info(SchemaInfo.from_json(ds389_1_3_3_schema))
- self.attach_dsa_info(DsaInfo.from_json(ds389_1_3_3_dsa_info))
- def attach_dsa_info(self, dsa_info=None):
- if isinstance(dsa_info, DsaInfo):
- self._dsa_info = dsa_info
- if log_enabled(BASIC):
- log(BASIC, 'attached DSA info to Server <%s>', self)
- def attach_schema_info(self, dsa_schema=None):
- if isinstance(dsa_schema, SchemaInfo):
- self._schema_info = dsa_schema
- if log_enabled(BASIC):
- log(BASIC, 'attached schema info to Server <%s>', self)
- @property
- def info(self):
- return self._dsa_info
- @property
- def schema(self):
- return self._schema_info
- @staticmethod
- def from_definition(host, dsa_info, dsa_schema, port=None, use_ssl=False, formatter=None, validator=None):
- """
- Define a dummy server with preloaded schema and info
- :param host: host name
- :param dsa_info: DsaInfo preloaded object or a json formatted string or a file name
- :param dsa_schema: SchemaInfo preloaded object or a json formatted string or a file name
- :param port: dummy port
- :param use_ssl: use_ssl
- :param formatter: custom formatter
- :return: Server object
- """
- if isinstance(host, SEQUENCE_TYPES):
- dummy = Server(host=host[0], port=port, use_ssl=use_ssl, formatter=formatter, validator=validator, tget_info=ALL) # for ServerPool object
- else:
- dummy = Server(host=host, port=port, use_ssl=use_ssl, formatter=formatter, validator=validator, get_info=ALL)
- if isinstance(dsa_info, DsaInfo):
- dummy._dsa_info = dsa_info
- elif isinstance(dsa_info, STRING_TYPES):
- try:
- dummy._dsa_info = DsaInfo.from_json(dsa_info) # tries to use dsa_info as a json configuration string
- except Exception:
- dummy._dsa_info = DsaInfo.from_file(dsa_info) # tries to use dsa_info as a file name
- if not
- if log_enabled(ERROR):
- log(ERROR, 'invalid DSA info for %s', host)
- raise LDAPDefinitionError('invalid dsa info')
- if isinstance(dsa_schema, SchemaInfo):
- dummy._schema_info = dsa_schema
- elif isinstance(dsa_schema, STRING_TYPES):
- try:
- dummy._schema_info = SchemaInfo.from_json(dsa_schema)
- except Exception:
- dummy._schema_info = SchemaInfo.from_file(dsa_schema)
- if not dummy.schema:
- if log_enabled(ERROR):
- log(ERROR, 'invalid schema info for %s', host)
- raise LDAPDefinitionError('invalid schema info')
- if log_enabled(BASIC):
- log(BASIC, 'created server <%s> from definition', dummy)
- return dummy
- def candidate_addresses(self):
- conf_reset_availability_timeout = get_config_parameter('RESET_AVAILABILITY_TIMEOUT')
- if self.ipc:
- candidates = self.address_info
- if log_enabled(BASIC):
- log(BASIC, 'candidate address for <%s>: <%s> with mode UNIX_SOCKET', self,
- else:
- # checks reset availability timeout
- for address in self.address_info:
- if address[6] and (( - address[6]).seconds > conf_reset_availability_timeout):
- address[5] = None
- address[6] = None
- # selects server address based on server mode and availability (in address[5])
- addresses = self.address_info[:] # copy to avoid refreshing while searching candidates
- candidates = []
- if addresses:
- if self.mode == IP_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
- candidates.append(addresses[0])
- elif self.mode == IP_V4_ONLY:
- candidates = [address for address in addresses if address[0] == socket.AF_INET and (address[5] or address[5] is None)]
- elif self.mode == IP_V6_ONLY:
- candidates = [address for address in addresses if address[0] == socket.AF_INET6 and (address[5] or address[5] is None)]
- elif self.mode == IP_V4_PREFERRED:
- candidates = [address for address in addresses if address[0] == socket.AF_INET and (address[5] or address[5] is None)]
- candidates += [address for address in addresses if address[0] == socket.AF_INET6 and (address[5] or address[5] is None)]
- elif self.mode == IP_V6_PREFERRED:
- candidates = [address for address in addresses if address[0] == socket.AF_INET6 and (address[5] or address[5] is None)]
- candidates += [address for address in addresses if address[0] == socket.AF_INET and (address[5] or address[5] is None)]
- else:
- if log_enabled(ERROR):
- log(ERROR, 'invalid server mode for <%s>', self)
- raise LDAPInvalidServerError('invalid server mode')
- if log_enabled(BASIC):
- for candidate in candidates:
- log(BASIC, 'obtained candidate address for <%s>: <%r> with mode %s', self, candidate[:-2], self.mode)
- return candidates
+# Created on 2014.05.31
+# Author: Giovanni Cannata
+# Copyright 2014 - 2020 Giovanni Cannata
+# This file is part of ldap3.
+# ldap3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# ldap3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with ldap3 in the COPYING and COPYING.LESSER files.
+# If not, see <>.
+import socket
+from threading import Lock
+from datetime import datetime, MINYEAR
+from .exceptions import LDAPInvalidServerError, LDAPDefinitionError, LDAPInvalidPortError, LDAPInvalidTlsSpecificationError, LDAPSocketOpenError, LDAPInfoError
+from ..protocol.formatters.standard import format_attribute_values
+from ..protocol.rfc4511 import LDAP_MAX_INT
+from ..protocol.rfc4512 import SchemaInfo, DsaInfo
+from .tls import Tls
+from ..utils.log import log, log_enabled, ERROR, BASIC, PROTOCOL, NETWORK
+from ..utils.conv import to_unicode
+from ..utils.port_validators import check_port, check_port_and_port_list
+ from urllib.parse import unquote # Python 3
+except ImportError:
+ from urllib import unquote # Python 2
+try: # try to discover if unix sockets are available for LDAP over IPC (ldapi:// scheme)
+ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+ from socket import AF_UNIX
+ unix_socket_available = True
+except ImportError:
+ unix_socket_available = False
+class Server(object):
+ """
+ LDAP Server definition class
+ Allowed_referral_hosts can be None (default), or a list of tuples of
+ allowed servers ip address or names to contact while redirecting
+ search to referrals.
+ The second element of the tuple is a boolean to indicate if
+ authentication to that server is allowed; if False only anonymous
+ bind will be used.
+ Per RFC 4516. Use [('*', False)] to allow any host with anonymous
+ bind, use [('*', True)] to allow any host with same authentication of
+ Server.
+ """
+ _message_counter = 0
+ _message_id_lock = Lock() # global lock for message_id shared by all Server objects
+ def __init__(self,
+ host,
+ port=None,
+ use_ssl=False,
+ allowed_referral_hosts=None,
+ get_info=SCHEMA,
+ tls=None,
+ formatter=None,
+ connect_timeout=None,
+ validator=None):
+ self.ipc = False
+ url_given = False
+ host = host.strip()
+ if host.lower().startswith('ldap://'):
+ = host[7:]
+ use_ssl = False
+ url_given = True
+ elif host.lower().startswith('ldaps://'):
+ = host[8:]
+ use_ssl = True
+ url_given = True
+ elif host.lower().startswith('ldapi://') and unix_socket_available:
+ self.ipc = True
+ use_ssl = False
+ url_given = True
+ elif host.lower().startswith('ldapi://') and not unix_socket_available:
+ raise LDAPSocketOpenError('LDAP over IPC not available - UNIX sockets non present')
+ else:
+ = host
+ if self.ipc:
+ if str is bytes: # Python 2
+ = unquote(host[7:]).decode('utf-8')
+ else: # Python 3
+ = unquote(host[7:]) # encoding defaults to utf-8 in python3
+ self.port = None
+ elif ':' in and':') == 1:
+ hostname, _, hostport =':')
+ try:
+ port = int(hostport) or port
+ except ValueError:
+ if log_enabled(ERROR):
+ log(ERROR, 'port <%s> must be an integer', port)
+ raise LDAPInvalidPortError('port must be an integer')
+ = hostname
+ elif url_given and'['):
+ hostname, sep, hostport =[1:].partition(']')
+ if sep != ']' or not self._is_ipv6(hostname):
+ if log_enabled(ERROR):
+ log(ERROR, 'invalid IPv6 server address for <%s>',
+ raise LDAPInvalidServerError()
+ if len(hostport):
+ if not hostport.startswith(':'):
+ if log_enabled(ERROR):
+ log(ERROR, 'invalid URL in server name for <%s>',
+ raise LDAPInvalidServerError('invalid URL in server name')
+ if not hostport[1:].isdecimal():
+ if log_enabled(ERROR):
+ log(ERROR, 'port must be an integer for <%s>',
+ raise LDAPInvalidPortError('port must be an integer')
+ port = int(hostport[1:])
+ = hostname
+ elif not url_given and self._is_ipv6(
+ pass
+ elif':') > 1:
+ if log_enabled(ERROR):
+ log(ERROR, 'invalid server address for <%s>',
+ raise LDAPInvalidServerError()
+ if not self.ipc:
+ if not use_ssl and not port:
+ port = 389
+ elif use_ssl and not port:
+ port = 636
+ port_err = check_port(port)
+ if port_err:
+ if log_enabled(ERROR):
+ log(ERROR, port_err)
+ raise LDAPInvalidPortError(port_err)
+ self.port = port
+ if allowed_referral_hosts is None: # defaults to any server with authentication
+ allowed_referral_hosts = [('*', True)]
+ if isinstance(allowed_referral_hosts, SEQUENCE_TYPES):
+ self.allowed_referral_hosts = []
+ for referral_host in allowed_referral_hosts:
+ if isinstance(referral_host, tuple):
+ if isinstance(referral_host[1], bool):
+ self.allowed_referral_hosts.append(referral_host)
+ elif isinstance(allowed_referral_hosts, tuple):
+ if isinstance(allowed_referral_hosts[1], bool):
+ self.allowed_referral_hosts = [allowed_referral_hosts]
+ else:
+ self.allowed_referral_hosts = []
+ self.ssl = True if use_ssl else False
+ if tls and not isinstance(tls, Tls):
+ if log_enabled(ERROR):
+ log(ERROR, 'invalid tls specification: <%s>', tls)
+ raise LDAPInvalidTlsSpecificationError('invalid Tls object')
+ self.tls = Tls() if self.ssl and not tls else tls
+ if not self.ipc:
+ if self._is_ipv6(
+ = ('ldaps' if self.ssl else 'ldap') + '://[' + + ']:' + str(self.port)
+ else:
+ = ('ldaps' if self.ssl else 'ldap') + '://' + + ':' + str(self.port)
+ else:
+ = host
+ self.get_info = get_info
+ self._dsa_info = None
+ self._schema_info = None
+ self.dit_lock = Lock()
+ self.custom_formatter = formatter
+ self.custom_validator = validator
+ self._address_info = [] # property self.address_info resolved at open time (or when check_availability is called)
+ self._address_info_resolved_time = datetime(MINYEAR, 1, 1) # smallest date ever
+ self.current_address = None
+ self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout
+ self.mode = mode
+ self.get_info_from_server(None) # load offline schema if needed
+ if log_enabled(BASIC):
+ log(BASIC, 'instantiated Server: <%r>', self)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _is_ipv6(host):
+ try:
+ socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, host)
+ except (socket.error, AttributeError, ValueError):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def __str__(self):
+ if
+ s = + (' - ssl' if self.ssl else ' - cleartext') + (' - unix socket' if self.ipc else '')
+ else:
+ s = object.__str__(self)
+ return s
+ def __repr__(self):
+ r = 'Server(host={!r}, port={0.port!r}, use_ssl={0.ssl!r}'.format(self)
+ r += '' if not self.allowed_referral_hosts else ', allowed_referral_hosts={0.allowed_referral_hosts!r}'.format(self)
+ r += '' if self.tls is None else ', tls={0.tls!r}'.format(self)
+ r += '' if not self.get_info else ', get_info={0.get_info!r}'.format(self)
+ r += '' if not self.connect_timeout else ', connect_timeout={0.connect_timeout!r}'.format(self)
+ r += '' if not self.mode else ', mode={0.mode!r}'.format(self)
+ r += ')'
+ return r
+ @property
+ def address_info(self):
+ conf_refresh_interval = get_config_parameter('ADDRESS_INFO_REFRESH_TIME')
+ if not self._address_info or ( - self._address_info_resolved_time).seconds > conf_refresh_interval:
+ # converts addresses tuple to list and adds a 6th parameter for availability (None = not checked, True = available, False=not available) and a 7th parameter for the checking time
+ addresses = None
+ try:
+ if self.ipc:
+ addresses = [(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, None,, None)]
+ else:
+ if self.mode == IP_V4_ONLY:
+ addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED)
+ elif self.mode == IP_V6_ONLY:
+ addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED)
+ else:
+ addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED)
+ except (socket.gaierror, AttributeError):
+ pass
+ if not addresses: # if addresses not found or raised an exception (for example for bad flags) tries again without flags
+ try:
+ if self.mode == IP_V4_ONLY:
+ addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP)
+ elif self.mode == IP_V6_ONLY:
+ addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP)
+ else:
+ addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP)
+ except socket.gaierror:
+ pass
+ if addresses:
+ self._address_info = [list(address) + [None, None] for address in addresses]
+ self._address_info_resolved_time =
+ else:
+ self._address_info = []
+ self._address_info_resolved_time = datetime(MINYEAR, 1, 1) # smallest date
+ if log_enabled(BASIC):
+ for address in self._address_info:
+ log(BASIC, 'address for <%s> resolved as <%r>', self, address[:-2])
+ return self._address_info
+ def update_availability(self, address, available):
+ cont = 0
+ while cont < len(self._address_info):
+ if self.address_info[cont] == address:
+ self._address_info[cont][5] = True if available else False
+ self._address_info[cont][6] =
+ break
+ cont += 1
+ def reset_availability(self):
+ for address in self._address_info:
+ address[5] = None
+ address[6] = None
+ def check_availability(self, source_address=None, source_port=None, source_port_list=None):
+ """
+ Tries to open, connect and close a socket to specified address and port to check availability.
+ Timeout in seconds is specified in CHECK_AVAILABITY_TIMEOUT if not specified in
+ the Server object.
+ If specified, use a specific address, port, or list of possible ports, when attempting to check availability.
+ NOTE: This will only consider multiple ports from the source port list if the first ones we try to bind to are
+ already in use. This will not attempt using different ports in the list if the server is unavailable,
+ as that could result in the runtime of check_availability significantly exceeding the connection timeout.
+ """
+ source_port_err = check_port_and_port_list(source_port, source_port_list)
+ if source_port_err:
+ if log_enabled(ERROR):
+ log(ERROR, source_port_err)
+ raise LDAPInvalidPortError(source_port_err)
+ # using an empty string to bind a socket means "use the default as if this wasn't provided" because socket
+ # binding requires that you pass something for the ip if you want to pass a specific port
+ bind_address = source_address if source_address is not None else ''
+ # using 0 as the source port to bind a socket means "use the default behavior of picking a random port from
+ # all ports as if this wasn't provided" because socket binding requires that you pass something for the port
+ # if you want to pass a specific ip
+ candidate_bind_ports = [0]
+ # if we have either a source port or source port list, convert that into our candidate list
+ if source_port is not None:
+ candidate_bind_ports = [source_port]
+ elif source_port_list is not None:
+ candidate_bind_ports = source_port_list[:]
+ conf_availability_timeout = get_config_parameter('CHECK_AVAILABILITY_TIMEOUT')
+ available = False
+ self.reset_availability()
+ for address in self.candidate_addresses():
+ available = True
+ try:
+ temp_socket = socket.socket(*address[:3])
+ # Go through our candidate bind ports and try to bind our socket to our source address with them.
+ # if no source address or ports were specified, this will have the same success/fail result as if we
+ # tried to connect to the remote server without binding locally first.
+ # This is actually a little bit better, as it lets us distinguish the case of "issue binding the socket
+ # locally" from "remote server is unavailable" with more clarity, though this will only really be an
+ # issue when no source address/port is specified if the system checking server availability is running
+ # as a very unprivileged user.
+ last_bind_exc = None
+ socket_bind_succeeded = False
+ for bind_port in candidate_bind_ports:
+ try:
+ temp_socket.bind((bind_address, bind_port))
+ socket_bind_succeeded = True
+ break
+ except Exception as bind_ex:
+ last_bind_exc = bind_ex
+ if log_enabled(NETWORK):
+ log(NETWORK, 'Unable to bind to local address <%s> with source port <%s> due to <%s>',
+ bind_address, bind_port, bind_ex)
+ if not socket_bind_succeeded:
+ if log_enabled(ERROR):
+ log(ERROR, 'Unable to locally bind to local address <%s> with any of the source ports <%s> due to <%s>',
+ bind_address, candidate_bind_ports, last_bind_exc)
+ raise LDAPSocketOpenError('Unable to bind socket locally to address {} with any of the source ports {} due to {}'
+ .format(bind_address, candidate_bind_ports, last_bind_exc))
+ if self.connect_timeout:
+ temp_socket.settimeout(self.connect_timeout)
+ else:
+ temp_socket.settimeout(conf_availability_timeout) # set timeout for checking availability to default
+ try:
+ temp_socket.connect(address[4])
+ except socket.error:
+ available = False
+ finally:
+ try:
+ temp_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
+ except socket.error:
+ available = False
+ finally:
+ temp_socket.close()
+ except socket.gaierror:
+ available = False
+ if available:
+ if log_enabled(BASIC):
+ log(BASIC, 'server <%s> available at <%r>', self, address)
+ self.update_availability(address, True)
+ break # if an available address is found exits immediately
+ else:
+ self.update_availability(address, False)
+ if log_enabled(ERROR):
+ log(ERROR, 'server <%s> not available at <%r>', self, address)
+ return available
+ @staticmethod
+ def next_message_id():
+ """
+ LDAP messageId is unique for all connections to same server
+ """
+ with Server._message_id_lock:
+ Server._message_counter += 1
+ if Server._message_counter >= LDAP_MAX_INT:
+ Server._message_counter = 1
+ if log_enabled(PROTOCOL):
+ log(PROTOCOL, 'new message id <%d> generated', Server._message_counter)
+ return Server._message_counter
+ def _get_dsa_info(self, connection):
+ """
+ Retrieve DSE operational attribute as per RFC4512 (5.1).
+ """
+ if connection.strategy.no_real_dsa: # do not try for mock strategies
+ return
+ if not connection.strategy.pooled: # in pooled strategies get_dsa_info is performed by the worker threads
+ result ='',
+ search_filter='(objectClass=*)',
+ search_scope=BASE,
+ attributes=['altServer', # requests specific dsa info attributes
+ 'namingContexts',
+ 'supportedControl',
+ 'supportedExtension',
+ 'supportedFeatures',
+ 'supportedCapabilities',
+ 'supportedLdapVersion',
+ 'supportedSASLMechanisms',
+ 'vendorName',
+ 'vendorVersion',
+ 'subschemaSubentry',
+ '*',
+ '+'], # requests all remaining attributes (other),
+ get_operational_attributes=True)
+ with self.dit_lock:
+ if isinstance(result, bool): # sync request
+ self._dsa_info = DsaInfo(connection.response[0]['attributes'], connection.response[0]['raw_attributes']) if result else self._dsa_info
+ elif result: # asynchronous request, must check if attributes in response
+ results, _ = connection.get_response(result)
+ if len(results) == 1 and 'attributes' in results[0] and 'raw_attributes' in results[0]:
+ self._dsa_info = DsaInfo(results[0]['attributes'], results[0]['raw_attributes'])
+ if log_enabled(BASIC):
+ log(BASIC, 'DSA info read for <%s> via <%s>', self, connection)
+ def _get_schema_info(self, connection, entry=''):
+ """
+ Retrieve schema from subschemaSubentry DSE attribute, per RFC
+ 4512 (4.4 and 5.1); entry = '' means DSE.
+ """
+ if connection.strategy.no_real_dsa: # do not try for mock strategies
+ return
+ schema_entry = None
+ if self._dsa_info and entry == '': # subschemaSubentry already present in dsaInfo
+ if isinstance(self._dsa_info.schema_entry, SEQUENCE_TYPES):
+ schema_entry = self._dsa_info.schema_entry[0] if self._dsa_info.schema_entry else None
+ else:
+ schema_entry = self._dsa_info.schema_entry if self._dsa_info.schema_entry else None
+ else:
+ result =, '(objectClass=*)', BASE, attributes=['subschemaSubentry'], get_operational_attributes=True)
+ if isinstance(result, bool): # sync request
+ if result and 'subschemaSubentry' in connection.response[0]['raw_attributes']:
+ if len(connection.response[0]['raw_attributes']['subschemaSubentry']) > 0:
+ schema_entry = connection.response[0]['raw_attributes']['subschemaSubentry'][0]
+ else: # asynchronous request, must check if subschemaSubentry in attributes
+ results, _ = connection.get_response(result)
+ if len(results) == 1 and 'raw_attributes' in results[0] and 'subschemaSubentry' in results[0]['attributes']:
+ if len(results[0]['raw_attributes']['subschemaSubentry']) > 0:
+ schema_entry = results[0]['raw_attributes']['subschemaSubentry'][0]
+ if schema_entry and not connection.strategy.pooled: # in pooled strategies get_schema_info is performed by the worker threads
+ if isinstance(schema_entry, bytes) and str is not bytes: # Python 3
+ schema_entry = to_unicode(schema_entry, from_server=True)
+ result =,
+ search_filter='(objectClass=subschema)',
+ search_scope=BASE,
+ attributes=['objectClasses', # requests specific subschema attributes
+ 'attributeTypes',
+ 'ldapSyntaxes',
+ 'matchingRules',
+ 'matchingRuleUse',
+ 'dITContentRules',
+ 'dITStructureRules',
+ 'nameForms',
+ 'createTimestamp',
+ 'modifyTimestamp',
+ '*'], # requests all remaining attributes (other)
+ get_operational_attributes=True
+ )
+ with self.dit_lock:
+ self._schema_info = None
+ if result:
+ if isinstance(result, bool): # sync request
+ self._schema_info = SchemaInfo(schema_entry, connection.response[0]['attributes'], connection.response[0]['raw_attributes']) if result else None
+ else: # asynchronous request, must check if attributes in response
+ results, result = connection.get_response(result)
+ if len(results) == 1 and 'attributes' in results[0] and 'raw_attributes' in results[0]:
+ self._schema_info = SchemaInfo(schema_entry, results[0]['attributes'], results[0]['raw_attributes'])
+ if self._schema_info and not self._schema_info.is_valid(): # flaky servers can return an empty schema, checks if it is so and set schema to None
+ self._schema_info = None
+ if self._schema_info: # if schema is valid tries to apply formatter to the "other" dict with raw values for schema and info
+ for attribute in self._schema_info.other:
+ self._schema_info.other[attribute] = format_attribute_values(self._schema_info, attribute, self._schema_info.raw[attribute], self.custom_formatter)
+ if self._dsa_info: # try to apply formatter to the "other" dict with dsa info raw values
+ for attribute in self._dsa_info.other:
+ self._dsa_info.other[attribute] = format_attribute_values(self._schema_info, attribute, self._dsa_info.raw[attribute], self.custom_formatter)
+ if log_enabled(BASIC):
+ log(BASIC, 'schema read for <%s> via <%s>', self, connection)
+ def get_info_from_server(self, connection):
+ """
+ reads info from DSE and from subschema
+ """
+ if connection and not connection.closed:
+ if self.get_info in [DSA, ALL]:
+ self._get_dsa_info(connection)
+ if self.get_info in [SCHEMA, ALL]:
+ self._get_schema_info(connection)
+ elif self.get_info == OFFLINE_EDIR_8_8_8:
+ from ..protocol.schemas.edir888 import edir_8_8_8_schema, edir_8_8_8_dsa_info
+ self.attach_schema_info(SchemaInfo.from_json(edir_8_8_8_schema))
+ self.attach_dsa_info(DsaInfo.from_json(edir_8_8_8_dsa_info))
+ elif self.get_info == OFFLINE_EDIR_9_1_4:
+ from ..protocol.schemas.edir914 import edir_9_1_4_schema, edir_9_1_4_dsa_info
+ self.attach_schema_info(SchemaInfo.from_json(edir_9_1_4_schema))
+ self.attach_dsa_info(DsaInfo.from_json(edir_9_1_4_dsa_info))
+ elif self.get_info == OFFLINE_AD_2012_R2:
+ from ..protocol.schemas.ad2012R2 import ad_2012_r2_schema, ad_2012_r2_dsa_info
+ self.attach_schema_info(SchemaInfo.from_json(ad_2012_r2_schema))
+ self.attach_dsa_info(DsaInfo.from_json(ad_2012_r2_dsa_info))
+ elif self.get_info == OFFLINE_SLAPD_2_4:
+ from ..protocol.schemas.slapd24 import slapd_2_4_schema, slapd_2_4_dsa_info
+ self.attach_schema_info(SchemaInfo.from_json(slapd_2_4_schema))
+ self.attach_dsa_info(DsaInfo.from_json(slapd_2_4_dsa_info))
+ elif self.get_info == OFFLINE_DS389_1_3_3:
+ from ..protocol.schemas.ds389 import ds389_1_3_3_schema, ds389_1_3_3_dsa_info
+ self.attach_schema_info(SchemaInfo.from_json(ds389_1_3_3_schema))
+ self.attach_dsa_info(DsaInfo.from_json(ds389_1_3_3_dsa_info))
+ def attach_dsa_info(self, dsa_info=None):
+ if isinstance(dsa_info, DsaInfo):
+ self._dsa_info = dsa_info
+ if log_enabled(BASIC):
+ log(BASIC, 'attached DSA info to Server <%s>', self)
+ def attach_schema_info(self, dsa_schema=None):
+ if isinstance(dsa_schema, SchemaInfo):
+ self._schema_info = dsa_schema
+ if log_enabled(BASIC):
+ log(BASIC, 'attached schema info to Server <%s>', self)
+ @property
+ def info(self):
+ return self._dsa_info
+ @property
+ def schema(self):
+ return self._schema_info
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_definition(host, dsa_info, dsa_schema, port=None, use_ssl=False, formatter=None, validator=None):
+ """
+ Define a dummy server with preloaded schema and info
+ :param host: host name
+ :param dsa_info: DsaInfo preloaded object or a json formatted string or a file name
+ :param dsa_schema: SchemaInfo preloaded object or a json formatted string or a file name
+ :param port: fake port
+ :param use_ssl: use_ssl
+ :param formatter: custom formatters
+ :return: Server object
+ """
+ if isinstance(host, SEQUENCE_TYPES):
+ dummy = Server(host=host[0], port=port, use_ssl=use_ssl, formatter=formatter, validator=validator, get_info=ALL) # for ServerPool object
+ else:
+ dummy = Server(host=host, port=port, use_ssl=use_ssl, formatter=formatter, validator=validator, get_info=ALL)
+ if isinstance(dsa_info, DsaInfo):
+ dummy._dsa_info = dsa_info
+ elif isinstance(dsa_info, STRING_TYPES):
+ try:
+ dummy._dsa_info = DsaInfo.from_json(dsa_info) # tries to use dsa_info as a json configuration string
+ except Exception:
+ dummy._dsa_info = DsaInfo.from_file(dsa_info) # tries to use dsa_info as a file name
+ if not
+ if log_enabled(ERROR):
+ log(ERROR, 'invalid DSA info for %s', host)
+ raise LDAPDefinitionError('invalid dsa info')
+ if isinstance(dsa_schema, SchemaInfo):
+ dummy._schema_info = dsa_schema
+ elif isinstance(dsa_schema, STRING_TYPES):
+ try:
+ dummy._schema_info = SchemaInfo.from_json(dsa_schema)
+ except Exception:
+ dummy._schema_info = SchemaInfo.from_file(dsa_schema)
+ if not dummy.schema:
+ if log_enabled(ERROR):
+ log(ERROR, 'invalid schema info for %s', host)
+ raise LDAPDefinitionError('invalid schema info')
+ if log_enabled(BASIC):
+ log(BASIC, 'created server <%s> from definition', dummy)
+ return dummy
+ def candidate_addresses(self):
+ conf_reset_availability_timeout = get_config_parameter('RESET_AVAILABILITY_TIMEOUT')
+ if self.ipc:
+ candidates = self.address_info
+ if log_enabled(BASIC):
+ log(BASIC, 'candidate address for <%s>: <%s> with mode UNIX_SOCKET', self,
+ else:
+ # checks reset availability timeout
+ for address in self.address_info:
+ if address[6] and (( - address[6]).seconds > conf_reset_availability_timeout):
+ address[5] = None
+ address[6] = None
+ # selects server address based on server mode and availability (in address[5])
+ addresses = self.address_info[:] # copy to avoid refreshing while searching candidates
+ candidates = []
+ if addresses:
+ if self.mode == IP_SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
+ candidates.append(addresses[0])
+ elif self.mode == IP_V4_ONLY:
+ candidates = [address for address in addresses if address[0] == socket.AF_INET and (address[5] or address[5] is None)]
+ elif self.mode == IP_V6_ONLY:
+ candidates = [address for address in addresses if address[0] == socket.AF_INET6 and (address[5] or address[5] is None)]
+ elif self.mode == IP_V4_PREFERRED:
+ candidates = [address for address in addresses if address[0] == socket.AF_INET and (address[5] or address[5] is None)]
+ candidates += [address for address in addresses if address[0] == socket.AF_INET6 and (address[5] or address[5] is None)]
+ elif self.mode == IP_V6_PREFERRED:
+ candidates = [address for address in addresses if address[0] == socket.AF_INET6 and (address[5] or address[5] is None)]
+ candidates += [address for address in addresses if address[0] == socket.AF_INET and (address[5] or address[5] is None)]
+ else:
+ if log_enabled(ERROR):
+ log(ERROR, 'invalid server mode for <%s>', self)
+ raise LDAPInvalidServerError('invalid server mode')
+ if log_enabled(BASIC):
+ for candidate in candidates:
+ log(BASIC, 'obtained candidate address for <%s>: <%r> with mode %s', self, candidate[:-2], self.mode)
+ return candidates
+ def _check_info_property(self, kind, name):
+ if not self._dsa_info:
+ raise LDAPInfoError('server info not loaded')
+ if kind == 'control':
+ properties =
+ elif kind == 'extension':
+ properties =
+ elif kind == 'feature':
+ properties =
+ else:
+ raise LDAPInfoError('invalid info category')
+ for prop in properties:
+ if name == prop[0] or (prop[2] and name.lower() == prop[2].lower()): # checks oid and description
+ return True
+ return False
+ def has_control(self, control):
+ return self._check_info_property('control', control)
+ def has_extension(self, extension):
+ return self._check_info_property('extension', extension)
+ def has_feature(self, feature):
+ return self._check_info_property('feature', feature)