path: root/cmd/restic/cmd_backup_integration_test.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cmd/restic/cmd_backup_integration_test.go')
1 files changed, 569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/restic/cmd_backup_integration_test.go b/cmd/restic/cmd_backup_integration_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb7bef633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/restic/cmd_backup_integration_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+package main
+import (
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "runtime"
+ "testing"
+ ""
+ ""
+ rtest ""
+ ""
+func testRunBackupAssumeFailure(t testing.TB, dir string, target []string, opts BackupOptions, gopts GlobalOptions) error {
+ return withTermStatus(gopts, func(ctx context.Context, term *termstatus.Terminal) error {
+ t.Logf("backing up %v in %v", target, dir)
+ if dir != "" {
+ cleanup := rtest.Chdir(t, dir)
+ defer cleanup()
+ }
+ opts.GroupBy = restic.SnapshotGroupByOptions{Host: true, Path: true}
+ return runBackup(ctx, opts, gopts, term, target)
+ })
+func testRunBackup(t testing.TB, dir string, target []string, opts BackupOptions, gopts GlobalOptions) {
+ err := testRunBackupAssumeFailure(t, dir, target, opts, gopts)
+ rtest.Assert(t, err == nil, "Error while backing up")
+func TestBackup(t *testing.T) {
+ testBackup(t, false)
+func TestBackupWithFilesystemSnapshots(t *testing.T) {
+ if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && fs.HasSufficientPrivilegesForVSS() == nil {
+ testBackup(t, true)
+ }
+func testBackup(t *testing.T, useFsSnapshot bool) {
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ testSetupBackupData(t, env)
+ opts := BackupOptions{UseFsSnapshot: useFsSnapshot}
+ // first backup
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 1)
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+ stat1 := dirStats(env.repo)
+ // second backup, implicit incremental
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ snapshotIDs := testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 2)
+ stat2 := dirStats(env.repo)
+ if stat2.size > stat1.size+stat1.size/10 {
+ t.Error("repository size has grown by more than 10 percent")
+ }
+ t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat2.size-stat1.size)
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+ // third backup, explicit incremental
+ opts.Parent = snapshotIDs[0].String()
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ snapshotIDs = testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 3)
+ stat3 := dirStats(env.repo)
+ if stat3.size > stat1.size+stat1.size/10 {
+ t.Error("repository size has grown by more than 10 percent")
+ }
+ t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat3.size-stat2.size)
+ // restore all backups and compare
+ for i, snapshotID := range snapshotIDs {
+ restoredir := filepath.Join(env.base, fmt.Sprintf("restore%d", i))
+ t.Logf("restoring snapshot %v to %v", snapshotID.Str(), restoredir)
+ testRunRestore(t, env.gopts, restoredir, snapshotID)
+ diff := directoriesContentsDiff(env.testdata, filepath.Join(restoredir, "testdata"))
+ rtest.Assert(t, diff == "", "directories are not equal: %v", diff)
+ }
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+func TestBackupWithRelativePath(t *testing.T) {
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ testSetupBackupData(t, env)
+ opts := BackupOptions{}
+ // first backup
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ firstSnapshotID := testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 1)[0]
+ // second backup, implicit incremental
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ // that the correct parent snapshot was used
+ latestSn, _ := testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
+ rtest.Assert(t, latestSn != nil, "missing latest snapshot")
+ rtest.Assert(t, latestSn.Parent != nil && latestSn.Parent.Equal(firstSnapshotID), "second snapshot selected unexpected parent %v instead of %v", latestSn.Parent, firstSnapshotID)
+func TestBackupParentSelection(t *testing.T) {
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ testSetupBackupData(t, env)
+ opts := BackupOptions{}
+ // first backup
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata/0/0"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ firstSnapshotID := testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 1)[0]
+ // second backup, sibling path
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata/0/tests"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 2)
+ // third backup, incremental for the first backup
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata/0/0"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ // test that the correct parent snapshot was used
+ latestSn, _ := testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
+ rtest.Assert(t, latestSn != nil, "missing latest snapshot")
+ rtest.Assert(t, latestSn.Parent != nil && latestSn.Parent.Equal(firstSnapshotID), "third snapshot selected unexpected parent %v instead of %v", latestSn.Parent, firstSnapshotID)
+func TestDryRunBackup(t *testing.T) {
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ testSetupBackupData(t, env)
+ opts := BackupOptions{}
+ dryOpts := BackupOptions{DryRun: true}
+ // dry run before first backup
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, dryOpts, env.gopts)
+ snapshotIDs := testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 0)
+ packIDs := testRunList(t, "packs", env.gopts)
+ rtest.Assert(t, len(packIDs) == 0,
+ "expected no data, got %v", snapshotIDs)
+ indexIDs := testRunList(t, "index", env.gopts)
+ rtest.Assert(t, len(indexIDs) == 0,
+ "expected no index, got %v", snapshotIDs)
+ // first backup
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ snapshotIDs = testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 1)
+ packIDs = testRunList(t, "packs", env.gopts)
+ indexIDs = testRunList(t, "index", env.gopts)
+ // dry run between backups
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, dryOpts, env.gopts)
+ snapshotIDsAfter := testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 1)
+ rtest.Equals(t, snapshotIDs, snapshotIDsAfter)
+ dataIDsAfter := testRunList(t, "packs", env.gopts)
+ rtest.Equals(t, packIDs, dataIDsAfter)
+ indexIDsAfter := testRunList(t, "index", env.gopts)
+ rtest.Equals(t, indexIDs, indexIDsAfter)
+ // second backup, implicit incremental
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ snapshotIDs = testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 2)
+ packIDs = testRunList(t, "packs", env.gopts)
+ indexIDs = testRunList(t, "index", env.gopts)
+ // another dry run
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, dryOpts, env.gopts)
+ snapshotIDsAfter = testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 2)
+ rtest.Equals(t, snapshotIDs, snapshotIDsAfter)
+ dataIDsAfter = testRunList(t, "packs", env.gopts)
+ rtest.Equals(t, packIDs, dataIDsAfter)
+ indexIDsAfter = testRunList(t, "index", env.gopts)
+ rtest.Equals(t, indexIDs, indexIDsAfter)
+func TestBackupNonExistingFile(t *testing.T) {
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ testSetupBackupData(t, env)
+ _ = withRestoreGlobalOptions(func() error {
+ globalOptions.stderr = io.Discard
+ p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9")
+ dirs := []string{
+ filepath.Join(p, "0"),
+ filepath.Join(p, "1"),
+ filepath.Join(p, "nonexisting"),
+ filepath.Join(p, "5"),
+ }
+ opts := BackupOptions{}
+ testRunBackup(t, "", dirs, opts, env.gopts)
+ return nil
+ })
+func TestBackupSelfHealing(t *testing.T) {
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
+ p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "test/test")
+ rtest.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
+ rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 5))
+ opts := BackupOptions{}
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+ // remove all data packs
+ removePacksExcept(env.gopts, t, restic.NewIDSet(), false)
+ testRunRebuildIndex(t, env.gopts)
+ // now the repo is also missing the data blob in the index; check should report this
+ testRunCheckMustFail(t, env.gopts)
+ // second backup should report an error but "heal" this situation
+ err := testRunBackupAssumeFailure(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
+ rtest.Assert(t, err != nil,
+ "backup should have reported an error")
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+func TestBackupTreeLoadError(t *testing.T) {
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
+ p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "test/test")
+ rtest.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
+ rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 5))
+ opts := BackupOptions{}
+ // Backup a subdirectory first, such that we can remove the tree pack for the subdirectory
+ testRunBackup(t, env.testdata, []string{"test"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ r, err := OpenRepository(context.TODO(), env.gopts)
+ rtest.OK(t, err)
+ rtest.OK(t, r.LoadIndex(context.TODO()))
+ treePacks := restic.NewIDSet()
+ r.Index().Each(context.TODO(), func(pb restic.PackedBlob) {
+ if pb.Type == restic.TreeBlob {
+ treePacks.Insert(pb.PackID)
+ }
+ })
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+ // delete the subdirectory pack first
+ for id := range treePacks {
+ rtest.OK(t, r.Backend().Remove(context.TODO(), restic.Handle{Type: restic.PackFile, Name: id.String()}))
+ }
+ testRunRebuildIndex(t, env.gopts)
+ // now the repo is missing the tree blob in the index; check should report this
+ testRunCheckMustFail(t, env.gopts)
+ // second backup should report an error but "heal" this situation
+ err = testRunBackupAssumeFailure(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
+ rtest.Assert(t, err != nil, "backup should have reported an error for the subdirectory")
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+ // remove all tree packs
+ removePacksExcept(env.gopts, t, restic.NewIDSet(), true)
+ testRunRebuildIndex(t, env.gopts)
+ // now the repo is also missing the data blob in the index; check should report this
+ testRunCheckMustFail(t, env.gopts)
+ // second backup should report an error but "heal" this situation
+ err = testRunBackupAssumeFailure(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
+ rtest.Assert(t, err != nil, "backup should have reported an error")
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+var backupExcludeFilenames = []string{
+ "testfile1",
+ "foo.tar.gz",
+ "private/secret/passwords.txt",
+ "work/source/test.c",
+func TestBackupExclude(t *testing.T) {
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
+ datadir := filepath.Join(env.base, "testdata")
+ for _, filename := range backupExcludeFilenames {
+ fp := filepath.Join(datadir, filename)
+ rtest.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(fp), 0755))
+ f, err := os.Create(fp)
+ rtest.OK(t, err)
+ fmt.Fprint(f, filename)
+ rtest.OK(t, f.Close())
+ }
+ snapshots := make(map[string]struct{})
+ opts := BackupOptions{}
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ snapshots, snapshotID := lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, env.gopts))
+ files := testRunLs(t, env.gopts, snapshotID)
+ rtest.Assert(t, includes(files, "/testdata/foo.tar.gz"),
+ "expected file %q in first snapshot, but it's not included", "foo.tar.gz")
+ opts.Excludes = []string{"*.tar.gz"}
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ snapshots, snapshotID = lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, env.gopts))
+ files = testRunLs(t, env.gopts, snapshotID)
+ rtest.Assert(t, !includes(files, "/testdata/foo.tar.gz"),
+ "expected file %q not in first snapshot, but it's included", "foo.tar.gz")
+ opts.Excludes = []string{"*.tar.gz", "private/secret"}
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ _, snapshotID = lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, env.gopts))
+ files = testRunLs(t, env.gopts, snapshotID)
+ rtest.Assert(t, !includes(files, "/testdata/foo.tar.gz"),
+ "expected file %q not in first snapshot, but it's included", "foo.tar.gz")
+ rtest.Assert(t, !includes(files, "/testdata/private/secret/passwords.txt"),
+ "expected file %q not in first snapshot, but it's included", "passwords.txt")
+func TestBackupErrors(t *testing.T) {
+ if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
+ return
+ }
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ testSetupBackupData(t, env)
+ // Assume failure
+ inaccessibleFile := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "0")
+ rtest.OK(t, os.Chmod(inaccessibleFile, 0000))
+ defer func() {
+ rtest.OK(t, os.Chmod(inaccessibleFile, 0644))
+ }()
+ opts := BackupOptions{}
+ err := testRunBackupAssumeFailure(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
+ rtest.Assert(t, err != nil, "Assumed failure, but no error occurred.")
+ rtest.Assert(t, err == ErrInvalidSourceData, "Wrong error returned")
+ testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 1)
+const (
+ incrementalFirstWrite = 10 * 1042 * 1024
+ incrementalSecondWrite = 1 * 1042 * 1024
+ incrementalThirdWrite = 1 * 1042 * 1024
+func TestIncrementalBackup(t *testing.T) {
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
+ datadir := filepath.Join(env.base, "testdata")
+ testfile := filepath.Join(datadir, "testfile")
+ rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalFirstWrite))
+ opts := BackupOptions{}
+ testRunBackup(t, "", []string{datadir}, opts, env.gopts)
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+ stat1 := dirStats(env.repo)
+ rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalSecondWrite))
+ testRunBackup(t, "", []string{datadir}, opts, env.gopts)
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+ stat2 := dirStats(env.repo)
+ if stat2.size-stat1.size > incrementalFirstWrite {
+ t.Errorf("repository size has grown by more than %d bytes", incrementalFirstWrite)
+ }
+ t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat2.size-stat1.size)
+ rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalThirdWrite))
+ testRunBackup(t, "", []string{datadir}, opts, env.gopts)
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+ stat3 := dirStats(env.repo)
+ if stat3.size-stat2.size > incrementalFirstWrite {
+ t.Errorf("repository size has grown by more than %d bytes", incrementalFirstWrite)
+ }
+ t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat3.size-stat2.size)
+func TestBackupTags(t *testing.T) {
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ testSetupBackupData(t, env)
+ opts := BackupOptions{}
+ testRunBackup(t, "", []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+ newest, _ := testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
+ if newest == nil {
+ t.Fatal("expected a backup, got nil")
+ }
+ rtest.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 0,
+ "expected no tags, got %v", newest.Tags)
+ parent := newest
+ opts.Tags = restic.TagLists{[]string{"NL"}}
+ testRunBackup(t, "", []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+ newest, _ = testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
+ if newest == nil {
+ t.Fatal("expected a backup, got nil")
+ }
+ rtest.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 1 && newest.Tags[0] == "NL",
+ "expected one NL tag, got %v", newest.Tags)
+ // Tagged backup should have untagged backup as parent.
+ rtest.Assert(t, parent.ID.Equal(*newest.Parent),
+ "expected parent to be %v, got %v", parent.ID, newest.Parent)
+func TestBackupProgramVersion(t *testing.T) {
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ testSetupBackupData(t, env)
+ testRunBackup(t, "", []string{env.testdata}, BackupOptions{}, env.gopts)
+ newest, _ := testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
+ if newest == nil {
+ t.Fatal("expected a backup, got nil")
+ }
+ resticVersion := "restic " + version
+ rtest.Assert(t, newest.ProgramVersion == resticVersion,
+ "expected %v, got %v", resticVersion, newest.ProgramVersion)
+func TestQuietBackup(t *testing.T) {
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ testSetupBackupData(t, env)
+ opts := BackupOptions{}
+ env.gopts.Quiet = false
+ testRunBackup(t, "", []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
+ testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 1)
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+ env.gopts.Quiet = true
+ testRunBackup(t, "", []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
+ testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 2)
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+func TestHardLink(t *testing.T) {
+ // this test assumes a test set with a single directory containing hard linked files
+ env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
+ defer cleanup()
+ datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "test.hl.tar.gz")
+ fd, err := os.Open(datafile)
+ if os.IsNotExist(err) {
+ t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
+ return
+ }
+ rtest.OK(t, err)
+ rtest.OK(t, fd.Close())
+ testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
+ rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
+ linkTests := createFileSetPerHardlink(env.testdata)
+ opts := BackupOptions{}
+ // first backup
+ testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
+ snapshotIDs := testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 1)
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+ // restore all backups and compare
+ for i, snapshotID := range snapshotIDs {
+ restoredir := filepath.Join(env.base, fmt.Sprintf("restore%d", i))
+ t.Logf("restoring snapshot %v to %v", snapshotID.Str(), restoredir)
+ testRunRestore(t, env.gopts, restoredir, snapshotID)
+ diff := directoriesContentsDiff(env.testdata, filepath.Join(restoredir, "testdata"))
+ rtest.Assert(t, diff == "", "directories are not equal %v", diff)
+ linkResults := createFileSetPerHardlink(filepath.Join(restoredir, "testdata"))
+ rtest.Assert(t, linksEqual(linkTests, linkResults),
+ "links are not equal")
+ }
+ testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
+func linksEqual(source, dest map[uint64][]string) bool {
+ for _, vs := range source {
+ found := false
+ for kd, vd := range dest {
+ if linkEqual(vs, vd) {
+ delete(dest, kd)
+ found = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !found {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return len(dest) == 0
+func linkEqual(source, dest []string) bool {
+ // equal if sliced are equal without considering order
+ if source == nil && dest == nil {
+ return true
+ }
+ if source == nil || dest == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if len(source) != len(dest) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for i := range source {
+ found := false
+ for j := range dest {
+ if source[i] == dest[j] {
+ found = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !found {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true