path: root/utils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/')
1 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f065bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: sh indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# shellcheck source=utils/
+source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/"
+# load environment of the LXC suite
+source "$LXC_ENV"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# config
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# read also:
+# -
+# Location in the container where all folders from HOST are mounted
+export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+apt-get update -y
+apt-get upgrade -y
+apt-get install -y git curl wget
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+echo 'Set disable_coredump false' >> /etc/sudo.conf
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+pacman -Syu --noconfirm
+pacman -S --noconfirm inetutils git curl wget sudo
+echo 'Set disable_coredump false' >> /etc/sudo.conf
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+dnf update -y
+dnf install -y git curl wget hostname
+echo 'Set disable_coredump false' >> /etc/sudo.conf
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+yum update -y
+yum install -y git curl wget hostname sudo which
+echo 'Set disable_coredump false' >> /etc/sudo.conf
+for ((i=0; i<${#LXC_SUITE[@]}; i+=2)); do
+HOST_USER_ID=$(id -u "${HOST_USER}")
+HOST_GROUP_ID=$(id -g "${HOST_USER}")
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+usage() {
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ _cmd="$(basename "$0")"
+ cat <<EOF
+ $_cmd build [containers|<name>]
+ $_cmd copy [images]
+ $_cmd remove [containers|<name>|images]
+ $_cmd [start|stop] [containers|<name>]
+ $_cmd show [images|suite|info|config [<name>]]
+ $_cmd cmd [--|<name>] '...'
+ $_cmd install [suite|base [<name>]]
+ :containers: build, launch all containers and 'install base' packages
+ :<name>: build, launch container <name> and 'install base' packages
+ :images: copy remote images of the suite into local storage
+ :containers: delete all 'containers' or only <container-name>
+ :images: delete local images of the suite
+ :containers: start/stop all 'containers' from the suite
+ :<name>: start/stop container <name> from suite
+ :info: show info of all (or <name>) containers from LXC suite
+ :config: show config of all (or <name>) containers from the LXC suite
+ :suite: show services of all (or <name>) containers from the LXC suite
+ :images: show information of local images
+ use single qoutes to evaluate in container's bash, e.g.: 'echo \$(hostname)'
+ -- run command '...' in all containers of the LXC suite
+ :<name>: run command '...' in container <name>
+ :base: prepare LXC; install basic packages
+ :suite: install LXC ${LXC_SUITE_NAME} suite into all (or <name>) containers
+ usage_containers
+ [ -n "${1+x}" ] && err_msg "$1"
+usage_containers() {
+ lxc_suite_install_info
+ [ -n "${1+x}" ] && err_msg "$1"
+lxd_info() {
+ cat <<EOF
+LXD is needed, to install run::
+ snap install lxd
+ lxd init --auto
+main() {
+ local exit_val
+ local _usage="unknown or missing $1 command $2"
+ # don't check prerequisite when in recursion
+ if [[ ! $1 == __* ]] && [[ ! $1 == --help ]]; then
+ if ! in_container; then
+ ! required_commands lxc && lxd_info && exit 42
+ fi
+ [[ -z $LXC_SUITE ]] && err_msg "missing LXC_SUITE" && exit 42
+ fi
+ case $1 in
+ --getenv) var="$2"; echo "${!var}"; exit 0;;
+ -h|--help) usage; exit 0;;
+ build)
+ sudo_or_exit
+ case $2 in
+ ${LXC_HOST_PREFIX}-*) build_container "$2" ;;
+ ''|--|containers) build_all_containers ;;
+ *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ copy)
+ case $2 in
+ ''|images) lxc_copy_images_localy;;
+ *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ remove)
+ sudo_or_exit
+ case $2 in
+ ''|--|containers) remove_containers ;;
+ images) lxc_delete_images_localy ;;
+ ! lxc_exists "$2" && warn_msg "container not yet exists: $2" && exit 0
+ if ask_yn "Do you really want to delete container $2"; then
+ lxc_delete_container "$2"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *) usage "uknown or missing container <name> $2"; exit 42;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ start|stop)
+ sudo_or_exit
+ case $2 in
+ ''|--|containers) lxc_cmd "$1" ;;
+ ! lxc_exists "$2" && usage_containers "unknown container: $2" && exit 42
+ info_msg "lxc $1 $2"
+ lxc "$1" "$2" | prefix_stdout "[${_BBlue}${i}${_creset}] "
+ ;;
+ *) usage "uknown or missing container <name> $2"; exit 42;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ show)
+ sudo_or_exit
+ case $2 in
+ suite)
+ case $3 in
+ lxc exec -t "$3" -- "${LXC_REPO_ROOT}/utils/" __show suite \
+ | prefix_stdout "[${_BBlue}$3${_creset}] "
+ ;;
+ *) show_suite;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ images) show_images ;;
+ config)
+ case $3 in
+ ! lxc_exists "$3" && usage_containers "unknown container: $3" && exit 42
+ lxc config show "$3" | prefix_stdout "[${_BBlue}${3}${_creset}] "
+ ;;
+ *)
+ rst_title "container configurations"
+ echo
+ lxc list "$LXC_HOST_PREFIX-"
+ echo
+ lxc_cmd config show
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ info)
+ case $3 in
+ ! lxc_exists "$3" && usage_containers "unknown container: $3" && exit 42
+ lxc info "$3" | prefix_stdout "[${_BBlue}${3}${_creset}] "
+ ;;
+ *)
+ rst_title "container info"
+ echo
+ lxc_cmd info
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ __show)
+ # wrapped show commands, called once in each container
+ case $2 in
+ suite) lxc_suite_info ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ cmd)
+ sudo_or_exit
+ shift
+ case $1 in
+ --) shift; lxc_exec "$@" ;;
+ ! lxc_exists "$1" && usage_containers "unknown container: $1" && exit 42
+ local name=$1
+ shift
+ lxc_exec_cmd "${name}" "$@"
+ ;;
+ *) usage_containers "unknown container: $1" && exit 42
+ esac
+ ;;
+ install)
+ sudo_or_exit
+ case $2 in
+ suite|base)
+ case $3 in
+ ! lxc_exists "$3" && usage_containers "unknown container: $3" && exit 42
+ lxc_exec_cmd "$3" "${LXC_REPO_ROOT}/utils/" __install "$2"
+ ;;
+ ''|--) lxc_exec "${LXC_REPO_ROOT}/utils/" __install "$2" ;;
+ *) usage_containers "unknown container: $3" && exit 42
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42 ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ __install)
+ # wrapped install commands, called once in each container
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2119
+ case $2 in
+ suite) lxc_suite_install ;;
+ base) FORCE_TIMEOUT=0 lxc_install_base_packages ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ doc)
+ echo
+ echo ".. generic utils/ documentation"
+ ;;
+ -*) usage "unknown option $1"; exit 42;;
+ *) usage "unknown or missing command $1"; exit 42;;
+ esac
+build_all_containers() {
+ rst_title "Build all LXC containers of suite"
+ echo
+ usage_containers
+ lxc_copy_images_localy
+ lxc_init_all_containers
+ lxc_config_all_containers
+ lxc_boilerplate_all_containers
+ rst_title "install LXC base packages" section
+ echo
+ lxc_exec "${LXC_REPO_ROOT}/utils/" __install base
+ echo
+ lxc list "$LXC_HOST_PREFIX"
+build_container() {
+ rst_title "Build container $1"
+ local remote_image
+ local container
+ local image
+ local boilerplate_script
+ for ((i=0; i<${#LXC_SUITE[@]}; i+=2)); do
+ if [ "${LXC_HOST_PREFIX}-${LXC_SUITE[i+1]}" = "$1" ]; then
+ remote_image="${LXC_SUITE[i]}"
+ container="${LXC_HOST_PREFIX}-${LXC_SUITE[i+1]}"
+ image="${LXC_SUITE[i+1]}"
+ boilerplate_script="${image}_boilerplate"
+ boilerplate_script="${!boilerplate_script}"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ echo
+ if [ -z "$container" ]; then
+ err_msg "container $1 unknown"
+ usage_containers
+ return 42
+ fi
+ lxc_image_copy "${remote_image}" "${image}"
+ rst_title "init container" section
+ lxc_init_container "${image}" "${container}"
+ rst_title "configure container" section
+ lxc_config_container "${container}"
+ rst_title "run LXC boilerplate scripts" section
+ lxc_install_boilerplate "${container}" "$boilerplate_script"
+ echo
+ rst_title "install LXC base packages" section
+ lxc_exec_cmd "${container}" "${LXC_REPO_ROOT}/utils/" __install base \
+ | prefix_stdout "[${_BBlue}${container}${_creset}] "
+ echo
+ lxc list "$container"
+remove_containers() {
+ rst_title "Remove all LXC containers of suite"
+ rst_para "existing containers matching ${_BGreen}$LXC_HOST_PREFIX-*${_creset}"
+ echo
+ lxc list "$LXC_HOST_PREFIX-"
+ echo -en "\\n${_BRed}LXC containers to delete::${_creset}\\n\\n ${CONTAINERS[*]}\\n" | $FMT
+ local default=Ny
+ [[ $FORCE_TIMEOUT = 0 ]] && default=Yn
+ if ask_yn "Do you really want to delete these containers" $default; then
+ for i in "${CONTAINERS[@]}"; do
+ lxc_delete_container "$i"
+ done
+ fi
+ echo
+ lxc list "$LXC_HOST_PREFIX-"
+# images
+# ------
+lxc_copy_images_localy() {
+ rst_title "copy images" section
+ for ((i=0; i<${#LXC_SUITE[@]}; i+=2)); do
+ lxc_image_copy "${LXC_SUITE[i]}" "${LXC_SUITE[i+1]}"
+ done
+ # lxc image list local: && wait_key
+lxc_delete_images_localy() {
+ rst_title "Delete LXC images"
+ rst_para "local existing images"
+ echo
+ lxc image list local:
+ echo -en "\\n${_BRed}LXC images to delete::${_creset}\\n\\n ${LOCAL_IMAGES[*]}\\n"
+ if ask_yn "Do you really want to delete these images"; then
+ for i in "${LOCAL_IMAGES[@]}"; do
+ lxc_delete_local_image "$i"
+ done
+ fi
+ for i in $(lxc image list --format csv | grep '^,' | sed 's/,\([^,]*\).*$/\1/'); do
+ if ask_yn "Image $i has no alias, do you want to delete the image?" Yn; then
+ lxc_delete_local_image "$i"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo
+ lxc image list local:
+ rst_title "local images"
+ echo
+ lxc image list local:
+ echo -en "\\n${_Green}LXC suite images::${_creset}\\n\\n ${LOCAL_IMAGES[*]}\\n"
+ wait_key
+ for i in "${LOCAL_IMAGES[@]}"; do
+ if lxc_image_exists "$i"; then
+ info_msg "lxc image info ${_BBlue}${i}${_creset}"
+ lxc image info "$i" | prefix_stdout "[${_BBlue}${i}${_creset}] "
+ else
+ warn_msg "image ${_BBlue}$i${_creset} does not yet exists"
+ fi
+ done
+# container
+# ---------
+ rst_title "LXC suite ($LXC_HOST_PREFIX-*)"
+ echo
+ lxc list "$LXC_HOST_PREFIX-"
+ echo
+ for i in "${CONTAINERS[@]}"; do
+ if ! lxc_exists "$i"; then
+ warn_msg "container ${_BBlue}$i${_creset} does not yet exists"
+ else
+ lxc exec -t "${i}" -- "${LXC_REPO_ROOT}/utils/" __show suite \
+ | prefix_stdout "[${_BBlue}${i}${_creset}] "
+ echo
+ fi
+ done
+lxc_cmd() {
+ for i in "${CONTAINERS[@]}"; do
+ if ! lxc_exists "$i"; then
+ warn_msg "container ${_BBlue}$i${_creset} does not yet exists"
+ else
+ info_msg "lxc $* $i"
+ lxc "$@" "$i" | prefix_stdout "[${_BBlue}${i}${_creset}] "
+ fi
+ done
+lxc_exec_cmd() {
+ local name="$1"
+ shift
+ exit_val=
+ info_msg "[${_BBlue}${name}${_creset}] ${_BGreen}${*}${_creset}"
+ lxc exec -t --cwd "${LXC_REPO_ROOT}" "${name}" -- bash -c "$*"
+ exit_val=$?
+ if [[ $exit_val -ne 0 ]]; then
+ warn_msg "[${_BBlue}${name}${_creset}] exit code (${_BRed}${exit_val}${_creset}) from ${_BGreen}${*}${_creset}"
+ else
+ info_msg "[${_BBlue}${name}${_creset}] exit code (${exit_val}) from ${_BGreen}${*}${_creset}"
+ fi
+lxc_exec() {
+ for i in "${CONTAINERS[@]}"; do
+ if ! lxc_exists "$i"; then
+ warn_msg "container ${_BBlue}$i${_creset} does not yet exists"
+ else
+ lxc_exec_cmd "${i}" "$@" | prefix_stdout "[${_BBlue}${i}${_creset}] "
+ fi
+ done
+lxc_init_all_containers() {
+ rst_title "init all containers" section
+ local image_name
+ local container_name
+ for ((i=0; i<${#LXC_SUITE[@]}; i+=2)); do
+ lxc_init_container "${LXC_SUITE[i+1]}" "${LXC_HOST_PREFIX}-${LXC_SUITE[i+1]}"
+ done
+lxc_config_all_containers() {
+ rst_title "configure all containers" section
+ for i in "${CONTAINERS[@]}"; do
+ lxc_config_container "${i}"
+ done
+lxc_config_container() {
+ info_msg "[${_BBlue}$1${_creset}] configure container ..."
+ info_msg "[${_BBlue}$1${_creset}] map uid/gid from host to container"
+ #
+ echo -e -n "uid $HOST_USER_ID 0\\ngid $HOST_GROUP_ID 0"\
+ | lxc config set "$1" raw.idmap -
+ info_msg "[${_BBlue}$1${_creset}] share ${REPO_ROOT} (repo_share) from HOST into container"
+ #
+ lxc config device add "$1" repo_share disk \
+ source="${REPO_ROOT}" \
+ path="${LXC_REPO_ROOT}" &>/dev/null
+ # lxc config show "$1" && wait_key
+lxc_boilerplate_all_containers() {
+ rst_title "run LXC boilerplate scripts" section
+ local boilerplate_script
+ local image_name
+ for ((i=0; i<${#LXC_SUITE[@]}; i+=2)); do
+ image_name="${LXC_SUITE[i+1]}"
+ boilerplate_script="${image_name}_boilerplate"
+ boilerplate_script="${!boilerplate_script}"
+ lxc_install_boilerplate "${LXC_HOST_PREFIX}-${image_name}" "$boilerplate_script"
+ if [[ -z "${boilerplate_script}" ]]; then
+ err_msg "[${_BBlue}${container_name}${_creset}] no boilerplate for image '${image_name}'"
+ fi
+ done
+lxc_install_boilerplate() {
+ # usage: lxc_install_boilerplate <container-name> <string: shell commands ..>
+ #
+ # usage: lxc_install_boilerplate searx-archlinux "${archlinux_boilerplate}"
+ local container_name="$1"
+ local boilerplate_script="$2"
+ info_msg "[${_BBlue}${container_name}${_creset}] init .."
+ if lxc start -q "${container_name}" &>/dev/null; then
+ sleep 5 # guest needs some time to come up and get an IP
+ fi
+ lxc_init_container_env "${container_name}"
+ info_msg "[${_BBlue}${container_name}${_creset}] install / .."
+ cat <<EOF | lxc exec "${container_name}" -- bash | prefix_stdout "[${_BBlue}${container_name}${_creset}] "
+rm -f "/"
+ln -s "${LXC_REPO_ROOT}/utils/makefile.lxc" "/"
+ls -l "/"
+ info_msg "[${_BBlue}${container_name}${_creset}] run LXC boilerplate scripts .."
+ if lxc start -q "${container_name}" &>/dev/null; then
+ sleep 5 # guest needs some time to come up and get an IP
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "${boilerplate_script}" ]]; then
+ echo "${boilerplate_script}" \
+ | lxc exec "${container_name}" -- bash \
+ | prefix_stdout "[${_BBlue}${container_name}${_creset}] "
+ fi
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+main "$@"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------