path: root/silx/gui/fit/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 739 deletions
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-# coding: utf-8
-# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
-# This file is part of the PyMca X-ray Fluorescence Toolkit developed at
-# the ESRF by the Software group.
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# ######################################################################### */
-"""This module provides a widget designed to configure and run a fitting
-process with constraints on parameters.
-The main class is :class:`FitWidget`. It relies on
-:mod:``, which relies on :func:``.
-The user can choose between functions before running the fit. These function can
-be user defined, or by default are loaded from
-__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "P. Knobel"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "17/07/2018"
-import logging
-import sys
-import traceback
-from import fittheories
-from import fitmanager, functions
-from silx.gui import qt
-from .FitWidgets import (FitActionsButtons, FitStatusLines,
- FitConfigWidget, ParametersTab)
-from .FitConfig import getFitConfigDialog
-from .BackgroundWidget import getBgDialog, BackgroundDialog
-from ...utils.deprecation import deprecated
-QTVERSION = qt.qVersion()
-DEBUG = 0
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "P. Knobel"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "30/11/2016"
-class FitWidget(qt.QWidget):
- """This widget can be used to configure, run and display results of a
- fitting process.
- The standard steps for using this widget is to initialize it, then load
- the data to be fitted.
- Optionally, you can also load user defined fit theories. If you skip this
- step, a series of default fit functions will be presented (gaussian-like
- functions), and you can later load your custom fit theories from an
- external file using the GUI.
- A fit theory is a fit function and its associated features:
- - estimation function,
- - list of parameter names
- - numerical derivative algorithm
- - configuration widget
- Once the widget is up and running, the user may select a fit theory and a
- background theory, change configuration parameters specific to the theory
- run the estimation, set constraints on parameters and run the actual fit.
- The results are displayed in a table.
- .. image:: img/FitWidget.png
- """
- sigFitWidgetSignal = qt.Signal(object)
- """This signal is emitted by the estimation and fit methods.
- It carries a dictionary with two items:
- - *event*: one of the following strings
- - *EstimateStarted*,
- - *FitStarted*
- - *EstimateFinished*,
- - *FitFinished*
- - *EstimateFailed*
- - *FitFailed*
- - *data*: None, or fit/estimate results (see documentation for
- :attr:``)
- """
- def __init__(self, parent=None, title=None, fitmngr=None,
- enableconfig=True, enablestatus=True, enablebuttons=True):
- """
- :param parent: Parent widget
- :param title: Window title
- :param fitmngr: User defined instance of
- :class:``, or ``None``
- :param enableconfig: If ``True``, activate widgets to modify the fit
- configuration (select between several fit functions or background
- functions, apply global constraints, peak search parameters…)
- :param enablestatus: If ``True``, add a fit status widget, to display
- a message when fit estimation is available and when fit results
- are available, as well as a measure of the fit error.
- :param enablebuttons: If ``True``, add buttons to run estimation and
- fitting.
- """
- if title is None:
- title = "FitWidget"
- qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
- self.setWindowTitle(title)
- layout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self)
- self.fitmanager = self._setFitManager(fitmngr)
- """Instance of :class:`FitManager`.
- This is the underlying data model of this FitWidget.
- If no custom theories are defined, the default ones from
- :mod:`` are imported.
- """
- # reference fitmanager.configure method for direct access
- self.configure = self.fitmanager.configure
- self.fitconfig = self.fitmanager.fitconfig
- self.configdialogs = {}
- """This dictionary defines the fit configuration widgets
- associated with the fit theories in :attr:`fitmanager.theories`
- Keys must correspond to existing theory names, i.e. existing keys
- in :attr:`fitmanager.theories`.
- Values must be instances of QDialog widgets with an additional
- *output* attribute, a dictionary storing configuration parameters
- interpreted by the corresponding fit theory.
- The dialog can also define a *setDefault* method to initialize the
- widget values with values in a dictionary passed as a parameter.
- This will be executed first.
- In case the widget does not actually inherit :class:`QDialog`, it
- must at least implement the following methods (executed in this
- particular order):
- - :meth:`show`: should cause the widget to become visible to the
- user)
- - :meth:`exec_`: should run while the user is interacting with the
- widget, interrupting the rest of the program. It should
- typically end (*return*) when the user clicks an *OK*
- or a *Cancel* button.
- - :meth:`result`: must return ``True`` if the new configuration in
- attribute :attr:`output` is to be accepted (user clicked *OK*),
- or return ``False`` if :attr:`output` is to be rejected (user
- clicked *Cancel*)
- To associate a custom configuration widget with a fit theory, use
- :meth:`associateConfigDialog`. E.g.::
- fw = FitWidget()
- my_config_widget = MyGaussianConfigWidget(parent=fw)
- fw.associateConfigDialog(theory_name="Gaussians",
- config_widget=my_config_widget)
- """
- self.bgconfigdialogs = {}
- """Same as :attr:`configdialogs`, except that the widget is associated
- with a background theory in :attr:`fitmanager.bgtheories`"""
- self._associateDefaultConfigDialogs()
- self.guiConfig = None
- """Configuration widget at the top of FitWidget, to select
- fit function, background function, and open an advanced
- configuration dialog."""
- self.guiParameters = ParametersTab(self)
- """Table widget for display of fit parameters and constraints"""
- if enableconfig:
- self.guiConfig = FitConfigWidget(self)
- """Function selector and configuration widget"""
- self.guiConfig.FunConfigureButton.clicked.connect(
- self.__funConfigureGuiSlot)
- self.guiConfig.BgConfigureButton.clicked.connect(
- self.__bgConfigureGuiSlot)
- self.guiConfig.WeightCheckBox.setChecked(
- self.fitconfig.get("WeightFlag", False))
- self.guiConfig.WeightCheckBox.stateChanged[int].connect(self.weightEvent)
- self.guiConfig.BkgComBox.activated[str].connect(self.bkgEvent)
- self.guiConfig.FunComBox.activated[str].connect(self.funEvent)
- self._populateFunctions()
- layout.addWidget(self.guiConfig)
- layout.addWidget(self.guiParameters)
- if enablestatus:
- self.guistatus = FitStatusLines(self)
- """Status bar"""
- layout.addWidget(self.guistatus)
- if enablebuttons:
- self.guibuttons = FitActionsButtons(self)
- """Widget with estimate, start fit and dismiss buttons"""
- self.guibuttons.EstimateButton.clicked.connect(self.estimate)
- self.guibuttons.EstimateButton.setEnabled(False)
- self.guibuttons.StartFitButton.clicked.connect(self.startFit)
- self.guibuttons.StartFitButton.setEnabled(False)
- self.guibuttons.DismissButton.clicked.connect(self.dismiss)
- layout.addWidget(self.guibuttons)
- def _setFitManager(self, fitinstance):
- """Initialize a :class:`FitManager` instance, to be assigned to
- :attr:`fitmanager`, or use a custom FitManager instance.
- :param fitinstance: Existing instance of FitManager, possibly
- customized by the user, or None to load a default instance."""
- if isinstance(fitinstance, fitmanager.FitManager):
- # customized
- fitmngr = fitinstance
- else:
- # initialize default instance
- fitmngr = fitmanager.FitManager()
- # initialize the default fitting functions in case
- # none is present
- if not len(fitmngr.theories):
- fitmngr.loadtheories(fittheories)
- return fitmngr
- def _associateDefaultConfigDialogs(self):
- """Fill :attr:`bgconfigdialogs` and :attr:`configdialogs` by calling
- :meth:`associateConfigDialog` with default config dialog widgets.
- """
- # associate with all theories
- # Users can later associate their own custom dialogs to
- # replace the default.
- configdialog = getFitConfigDialog(parent=self,
- default=self.fitconfig)
- for theory in self.fitmanager.theories:
- self.associateConfigDialog(theory, configdialog)
- for bgtheory in self.fitmanager.bgtheories:
- self.associateConfigDialog(bgtheory, configdialog,
- theory_is_background=True)
- # associate with Strip and Snip
- bgdialog = getBgDialog(parent=self,
- default=self.fitconfig)
- for bgtheory in ["Strip", "Snip"]:
- if bgtheory in self.fitmanager.bgtheories:
- self.associateConfigDialog(bgtheory, bgdialog,
- theory_is_background=True)
- def _populateFunctions(self):
- """Fill combo-boxes with fit theories and background theories
- loaded by :attr:`fitmanager`.
- Run :meth:`fitmanager.configure` to ensure the custom configuration
- of the selected theory has been loaded into :attr:`fitconfig`"""
- for theory_name in self.fitmanager.bgtheories:
- self.guiConfig.BkgComBox.addItem(theory_name)
- self.guiConfig.BkgComBox.setItemData(
- self.guiConfig.BkgComBox.findText(theory_name),
- self.fitmanager.bgtheories[theory_name].description,
- qt.Qt.ToolTipRole)
- for theory_name in self.fitmanager.theories:
- self.guiConfig.FunComBox.addItem(theory_name)
- self.guiConfig.FunComBox.setItemData(
- self.guiConfig.FunComBox.findText(theory_name),
- self.fitmanager.theories[theory_name].description,
- qt.Qt.ToolTipRole)
- # - activate selected fit theory (if any)
- # - activate selected bg theory (if any)
- configuration = self.fitmanager.configure()
- if self.fitmanager.selectedtheory is None:
- # take the first one by default
- self.guiConfig.FunComBox.setCurrentIndex(1)
- self.funEvent(list(self.fitmanager.theories.keys())[0])
- else:
- idx = list(self.fitmanager.theories).index(self.fitmanager.selectedtheory)
- self.guiConfig.FunComBox.setCurrentIndex(idx + 1)
- self.funEvent(self.fitmanager.selectedtheory)
- if self.fitmanager.selectedbg is None:
- self.guiConfig.BkgComBox.setCurrentIndex(1)
- self.bkgEvent(list(self.fitmanager.bgtheories.keys())[0])
- else:
- idx = list(self.fitmanager.bgtheories).index(self.fitmanager.selectedbg)
- self.guiConfig.BkgComBox.setCurrentIndex(idx + 1)
- self.bkgEvent(self.fitmanager.selectedbg)
- configuration.update(self.configure())
- @deprecated(replacement='setData', since_version='0.3.0')
- def setdata(self, x, y, sigmay=None, xmin=None, xmax=None):
- self.setData(x, y, sigmay, xmin, xmax)
- def setData(self, x=None, y=None, sigmay=None, xmin=None, xmax=None):
- """Set data to be fitted.
- :param x: Abscissa data. If ``None``, :attr:`xdata`` is set to
- ``numpy.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, ..., len(y)-1])``
- :type x: Sequence or numpy array or None
- :param y: The dependant data ``y = f(x)``. ``y`` must have the same
- shape as ``x`` if ``x`` is not ``None``.
- :type y: Sequence or numpy array or None
- :param sigmay: The uncertainties in the ``ydata`` array. These are
- used as weights in the least-squares problem.
- If ``None``, the uncertainties are assumed to be 1.
- :type sigmay: Sequence or numpy array or None
- :param xmin: Lower value of x values to use for fitting
- :param xmax: Upper value of x values to use for fitting
- """
- if y is None:
- self.guibuttons.EstimateButton.setEnabled(False)
- self.guibuttons.StartFitButton.setEnabled(False)
- else:
- self.guibuttons.EstimateButton.setEnabled(True)
- self.guibuttons.StartFitButton.setEnabled(True)
- self.fitmanager.setdata(x=x, y=y, sigmay=sigmay,
- xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
- for config_dialog in self.bgconfigdialogs.values():
- if isinstance(config_dialog, BackgroundDialog):
- config_dialog.setData(x, y, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
- def associateConfigDialog(self, theory_name, config_widget,
- theory_is_background=False):
- """Associate an instance of custom configuration dialog widget to
- a fit theory or to a background theory.
- This adds or modifies an item in the correspondence table
- :attr:`configdialogs` or :attr:`bgconfigdialogs`.
- :param str theory_name: Name of fit theory. This must be a key of dict
- :attr:`fitmanager.theories`
- :param config_widget: Custom configuration widget. See documentation
- for :attr:`configdialogs`
- :param bool theory_is_background: If flag is *True*, add dialog to
- :attr:`bgconfigdialogs` rather than :attr:`configdialogs`
- (default).
- :raise: KeyError if parameter ``theory_name`` does not match an
- existing fit theory or background theory in :attr:`fitmanager`.
- :raise: AttributeError if the widget does not implement the mandatory
- methods (*show*, *exec_*, *result*, *setDefault*) or the mandatory
- attribute (*output*).
- """
- theories = self.fitmanager.bgtheories if theory_is_background else\
- self.fitmanager.theories
- if theory_name not in theories:
- raise KeyError("%s does not match an existing fitmanager theory")
- if config_widget is not None:
- for mandatory_attr in ["show", "exec_", "result", "output"]:
- if not hasattr(config_widget, mandatory_attr):
- raise AttributeError(
- "Custom configuration widget must define " +
- "attribute or method " + mandatory_attr)
- if theory_is_background:
- self.bgconfigdialogs[theory_name] = config_widget
- else:
- self.configdialogs[theory_name] = config_widget
- def _emitSignal(self, ddict):
- """Emit pyqtSignal after estimation completed
- (``ddict = {'event': 'EstimateFinished', 'data': fit_results}``)
- and after fit completed
- (``ddict = {'event': 'FitFinished', 'data': fit_results}``)"""
- self.sigFitWidgetSignal.emit(ddict)
- def __funConfigureGuiSlot(self):
- """Open an advanced configuration dialog widget"""
- self.__configureGui(dialog_type="function")
- def __bgConfigureGuiSlot(self):
- """Open an advanced configuration dialog widget"""
- self.__configureGui(dialog_type="background")
- def __configureGui(self, newconfiguration=None, dialog_type="function"):
- """Open an advanced configuration dialog widget to get a configuration
- dictionary, or use a supplied configuration dictionary. Call
- :meth:`configure` with this dictionary as a parameter. Update the gui
- accordingly. Reinitialize the fit results in the table and in
- :attr:`fitmanager`.
- :param newconfiguration: User supplied configuration dictionary. If ``None``,
- open a dialog widget that returns a dictionary."""
- configuration = self.configure()
- # get new dictionary
- if newconfiguration is None:
- newconfiguration = self.configureDialog(configuration, dialog_type)
- # update configuration
- configuration.update(self.configure(**newconfiguration))
- # set fit function theory
- try:
- i = 1 + \
- list(self.fitmanager.theories.keys()).index(
- self.fitmanager.selectedtheory)
- self.guiConfig.FunComBox.setCurrentIndex(i)
- self.funEvent(self.fitmanager.selectedtheory)
- except ValueError:
- _logger.error("Function not in list %s",
- self.fitmanager.selectedtheory)
- self.funEvent(list(self.fitmanager.theories.keys())[0])
- # current background
- try:
- i = 1 + \
- list(self.fitmanager.bgtheories.keys()).index(
- self.fitmanager.selectedbg)
- self.guiConfig.BkgComBox.setCurrentIndex(i)
- self.bkgEvent(self.fitmanager.selectedbg)
- except ValueError:
- _logger.error("Background not in list %s",
- self.fitmanager.selectedbg)
- self.bkgEvent(list(self.fitmanager.bgtheories.keys())[0])
- # update the Gui
- self.__initialParameters()
- def configureDialog(self, oldconfiguration, dialog_type="function"):
- """Display a dialog, allowing the user to define fit configuration
- parameters.
- By default, a common dialog is used for all fit theories. But if the
- defined a custom dialog using :meth:`associateConfigDialog`, it is
- used instead.
- :param dict oldconfiguration: Dictionary containing previous configuration
- :param str dialog_type: "function" or "background"
- :return: User defined parameters in a dictionary
- """
- newconfiguration = {}
- newconfiguration.update(oldconfiguration)
- if dialog_type == "function":
- theory = self.fitmanager.selectedtheory
- configdialog = self.configdialogs[theory]
- elif dialog_type == "background":
- theory = self.fitmanager.selectedbg
- configdialog = self.bgconfigdialogs[theory]
- # this should only happen if a user specifically associates None
- # with a theory, to have no configuration option
- if configdialog is None:
- return {}
- # update state of configdialog before showing it
- if hasattr(configdialog, "setDefault"):
- configdialog.setDefault(newconfiguration)
- configdialog.exec_()
- if configdialog.result():
- newconfiguration.update(configdialog.output)
- return newconfiguration
- def estimate(self):
- """Run parameter estimation function then emit
- :attr:`sigFitWidgetSignal` with a dictionary containing a status
- message and a list of fit parameters estimations
- in the format defined in
- :attr:``
- The emitted dictionary has an *"event"* key that can have
- following values:
- - *'EstimateStarted'*
- - *'EstimateFailed'*
- - *'EstimateFinished'*
- """
- try:
- theory_name = self.fitmanager.selectedtheory
- estimation_function = self.fitmanager.theories[theory_name].estimate
- if estimation_function is not None:
- ddict = {'event': 'EstimateStarted',
- 'data': None}
- self._emitSignal(ddict)
- self.fitmanager.estimate(callback=self.fitStatus)
- else:
- msg = qt.QMessageBox(self)
- msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Information)
- text = "Function does not define a way to estimate\n"
- text += "the initial parameters. Please, fill them\n"
- text += "yourself in the table and press Start Fit\n"
- msg.setText(text)
- msg.setWindowTitle('FitWidget Message')
- msg.exec_()
- return
- except Exception as e: # noqa (we want to catch and report all errors)
- _logger.warning('Estimate error: %s', traceback.format_exc())
- msg = qt.QMessageBox(self)
- msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical)
- msg.setWindowTitle("Estimate Error")
- msg.setText("Error on estimate: %s" % e)
- msg.exec_()
- ddict = {
- 'event': 'EstimateFailed',
- 'data': None}
- self._emitSignal(ddict)
- return
- self.guiParameters.fillFromFit(
- self.fitmanager.fit_results, view='Fit')
- self.guiParameters.removeAllViews(keep='Fit')
- ddict = {
- 'event': 'EstimateFinished',
- 'data': self.fitmanager.fit_results}
- self._emitSignal(ddict)
- @deprecated(replacement='startFit', since_version='0.3.0')
- def startfit(self):
- self.startFit()
- def startFit(self):
- """Run fit, then emit :attr:`sigFitWidgetSignal` with a dictionary
- containing a status message and a list of fit
- parameters results in the format defined in
- :attr:``
- The emitted dictionary has an *"event"* key that can have
- following values:
- - *'FitStarted'*
- - *'FitFailed'*
- - *'FitFinished'*
- """
- self.fitmanager.fit_results = self.guiParameters.getFitResults()
- try:
- ddict = {'event': 'FitStarted',
- 'data': None}
- self._emitSignal(ddict)
- self.fitmanager.runfit(callback=self.fitStatus)
- except Exception as e: # noqa (we want to catch and report all errors)
- _logger.warning('Estimate error: %s', traceback.format_exc())
- msg = qt.QMessageBox(self)
- msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical)
- msg.setWindowTitle("Fit Error")
- msg.setText("Error on Fit: %s" % e)
- msg.exec_()
- ddict = {
- 'event': 'FitFailed',
- 'data': None
- }
- self._emitSignal(ddict)
- return
- self.guiParameters.fillFromFit(
- self.fitmanager.fit_results, view='Fit')
- self.guiParameters.removeAllViews(keep='Fit')
- ddict = {
- 'event': 'FitFinished',
- 'data': self.fitmanager.fit_results
- }
- self._emitSignal(ddict)
- return
- def bkgEvent(self, bgtheory):
- """Select background theory, then reinitialize parameters"""
- bgtheory = str(bgtheory)
- if bgtheory in self.fitmanager.bgtheories:
- self.fitmanager.setbackground(bgtheory)
- else:
- functionsfile = qt.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
- self, "Select python module with your function(s)", "",
- "Python Files (*.py);;All Files (*)")
- if len(functionsfile):
- try:
- self.fitmanager.loadbgtheories(functionsfile)
- except ImportError:
- qt.QMessageBox.critical(self, "ERROR",
- "Function not imported")
- return
- else:
- # empty the ComboBox
- while self.guiConfig.BkgComBox.count() > 1:
- self.guiConfig.BkgComBox.removeItem(1)
- # and fill it again
- for key in self.fitmanager.bgtheories:
- self.guiConfig.BkgComBox.addItem(str(key))
- i = 1 + \
- list(self.fitmanager.bgtheories.keys()).index(
- self.fitmanager.selectedbg)
- self.guiConfig.BkgComBox.setCurrentIndex(i)
- self.__initialParameters()
- def funEvent(self, theoryname):
- """Select a fit theory to be used for fitting. If this theory exists
- in :attr:`fitmanager`, use it. Then, reinitialize table.
- :param theoryname: Name of the fit theory to use for fitting. If this theory
- exists in :attr:`fitmanager`, use it. Else, open a file dialog to open
- a custom fit function definition file with
- :meth:`fitmanager.loadtheories`.
- """
- theoryname = str(theoryname)
- if theoryname in self.fitmanager.theories:
- self.fitmanager.settheory(theoryname)
- else:
- # open a load file dialog
- functionsfile = qt.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
- self, "Select python module with your function(s)", "",
- "Python Files (*.py);;All Files (*)")
- if len(functionsfile):
- try:
- self.fitmanager.loadtheories(functionsfile)
- except ImportError:
- qt.QMessageBox.critical(self, "ERROR",
- "Function not imported")
- return
- else:
- # empty the ComboBox
- while self.guiConfig.FunComBox.count() > 1:
- self.guiConfig.FunComBox.removeItem(1)
- # and fill it again
- for key in self.fitmanager.theories:
- self.guiConfig.FunComBox.addItem(str(key))
- i = 1 + \
- list(self.fitmanager.theories.keys()).index(
- self.fitmanager.selectedtheory)
- self.guiConfig.FunComBox.setCurrentIndex(i)
- self.__initialParameters()
- def weightEvent(self, flag):
- """This is called when WeightCheckBox is clicked, to configure the
- *WeightFlag* field in :attr:`fitmanager.fitconfig` and set weights
- in the least-square problem."""
- self.configure(WeightFlag=flag)
- if flag:
- self.fitmanager.enableweight()
- else:
- # set weights back to 1
- self.fitmanager.disableweight()
- def __initialParameters(self):
- """Fill the fit parameters names with names of the parameters of
- the selected background theory and the selected fit theory.
- Initialize :attr:`fitmanager.fit_results` with these names, and
- initialize the table with them. This creates a view called "Fit"
- in :attr:`guiParameters`"""
- self.fitmanager.parameter_names = []
- self.fitmanager.fit_results = []
- for pname in self.fitmanager.bgtheories[self.fitmanager.selectedbg].parameters:
- self.fitmanager.parameter_names.append(pname)
- self.fitmanager.fit_results.append({'name': pname,
- 'estimation': 0,
- 'group': 0,
- 'code': 'FREE',
- 'cons1': 0,
- 'cons2': 0,
- 'fitresult': 0.0,
- 'sigma': 0.0,
- 'xmin': None,
- 'xmax': None})
- if self.fitmanager.selectedtheory is not None:
- theory = self.fitmanager.selectedtheory
- for pname in self.fitmanager.theories[theory].parameters:
- self.fitmanager.parameter_names.append(pname + "1")
- self.fitmanager.fit_results.append({'name': pname + "1",
- 'estimation': 0,
- 'group': 1,
- 'code': 'FREE',
- 'cons1': 0,
- 'cons2': 0,
- 'fitresult': 0.0,
- 'sigma': 0.0,
- 'xmin': None,
- 'xmax': None})
- self.guiParameters.fillFromFit(
- self.fitmanager.fit_results, view='Fit')
- def fitStatus(self, data):
- """Set *status* and *chisq* in status bar"""
- if 'chisq' in data:
- if data['chisq'] is None:
- self.guistatus.ChisqLine.setText(" ")
- else:
- chisq = data['chisq']
- self.guistatus.ChisqLine.setText("%6.2f" % chisq)
- if 'status' in data:
- status = data['status']
- self.guistatus.StatusLine.setText(str(status))
- def dismiss(self):
- """Close FitWidget"""
- self.close()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import numpy
- x = numpy.arange(1500).astype(numpy.float64)
- constant_bg = 3.14
- p = [1000, 100., 30.0,
- 500, 300., 25.,
- 1700, 500., 35.,
- 750, 700., 30.0,
- 1234, 900., 29.5,
- 302, 1100., 30.5,
- 75, 1300., 21.]
- y = functions.sum_gauss(x, *p) + constant_bg
- a = qt.QApplication(sys.argv)
- w = FitWidget()
- w.setData(x=x, y=y)
- a.exec_()