path: root/silx/gui/plot/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/')
1 files changed, 694 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/ b/silx/gui/plot/
index 748dd72..4aefab6 100644
--- a/silx/gui/plot/
+++ b/silx/gui/plot/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# coding: utf-8
# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2017 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2018 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -31,12 +31,14 @@ To run the following sample code, a QApplication must be initialized.
Create the colormap dialog and set the colormap description and data range:
>>> from silx.gui.plot.ColormapDialog import ColormapDialog
+>>> from silx.gui.plot.Colormap import Colormap
>>> dialog = ColormapDialog()
+>>> colormap = Colormap(name='red', normalization='log',
+... vmin=1., vmax=2.)
->>> dialog.setColormap(name='red', normalization='log',
-... autoscale=False, vmin=1., vmax=2.)
->>> dialog.setDataRange(1., 100.) # This scale the width of the plot area
+>>> dialog.setColormap(colormap)
+>>> colormap.setVRange(1., 100.) # This scale the width of the plot area
Get the colormap description (compatible with :class:`Plot`) from the dialog:
@@ -59,9 +61,9 @@ The updates of the colormap description are also available through the signal:
from __future__ import division
-__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "T. Vincent"]
+__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "T. Vincent", "H. Payno"]
__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "02/10/2017"
+__date__ = "09/02/2018"
import logging
@@ -69,13 +71,162 @@ import logging
import numpy
from .. import qt
-from .Colormap import Colormap
+from .Colormap import Colormap, preferredColormaps
from . import PlotWidget
from silx.gui.widgets.FloatEdit import FloatEdit
+import weakref
+from silx.math.combo import min_max
+from silx.third_party import enum
+from silx.gui import icons
+from silx.math.histogram import Histogramnd
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_colormapIconPreview = {}
+class _BoundaryWidget(qt.QWidget):
+ """Widget to edit a boundary of the colormap (vmin, vmax)"""
+ sigValueChanged = qt.Signal(object)
+ """Signal emitted when value is changed"""
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, value=0.0):
+ qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent=None)
+ self.setLayout(qt.QHBoxLayout())
+ self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self._numVal = FloatEdit(parent=self, value=value)
+ self.layout().addWidget(self._numVal)
+ self._autoCB = qt.QCheckBox('auto', parent=self)
+ self.layout().addWidget(self._autoCB)
+ self._autoCB.setChecked(False)
+ self._autoCB.toggled.connect(self._autoToggled)
+ self.sigValueChanged = self._autoCB.toggled
+ self.textEdited = self._numVal.textEdited
+ self.editingFinished = self._numVal.editingFinished
+ self._dataValue = None
+ def isAutoChecked(self):
+ return self._autoCB.isChecked()
+ def getValue(self):
+ return None if self._autoCB.isChecked() else self._numVal.value()
+ def getFiniteValue(self):
+ if not self._autoCB.isChecked():
+ return self._numVal.value()
+ elif self._dataValue is None:
+ return self._numVal.value()
+ else:
+ return self._dataValue
+ def _autoToggled(self, enabled):
+ self._numVal.setEnabled(not enabled)
+ self._updateDisplayedText()
+ def _updateDisplayedText(self):
+ # if dataValue is finite
+ if self._autoCB.isChecked() and self._dataValue is not None:
+ old = self._numVal.blockSignals(True)
+ self._numVal.setValue(self._dataValue)
+ self._numVal.blockSignals(old)
+ def setDataValue(self, dataValue):
+ self._dataValue = dataValue
+ self._updateDisplayedText()
+ def setFiniteValue(self, value):
+ assert(value is not None)
+ old = self._numVal.blockSignals(True)
+ self._numVal.setValue(value)
+ self._numVal.blockSignals(old)
+ def setValue(self, value, isAuto=False):
+ self._autoCB.setChecked(isAuto or value is None)
+ if value is not None:
+ self._numVal.setValue(value)
+ self._updateDisplayedText()
+class _ColormapNameCombox(qt.QComboBox):
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ qt.QComboBox.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.__initItems()
+ ORIGINAL_NAME = qt.Qt.UserRole + 1
+ def __initItems(self):
+ for colormapName in preferredColormaps():
+ index = self.count()
+ self.addItem(str.title(colormapName))
+ self.setItemIcon(index, self.getIconPreview(colormapName))
+ self.setItemData(index, colormapName, role=self.ORIGINAL_NAME)
+ def getIconPreview(self, colormapName):
+ """Return an icon preview from a LUT name.
+ This icons are cached into a global structure.
+ :param str colormapName: str
+ :rtype: qt.QIcon
+ """
+ if colormapName not in _colormapIconPreview:
+ icon = self.createIconPreview(colormapName)
+ _colormapIconPreview[colormapName] = icon
+ return _colormapIconPreview[colormapName]
+ def createIconPreview(self, colormapName):
+ """Create and return an icon preview from a LUT name.
+ This icons are cached into a global structure.
+ :param str colormapName: Name of the LUT
+ :rtype: qt.QIcon
+ """
+ colormap = Colormap(colormapName)
+ size = 32
+ lut = colormap.getNColors(size)
+ if lut is None or len(lut) == 0:
+ return qt.QIcon()
+ pixmap = qt.QPixmap(size, size)
+ painter = qt.QPainter(pixmap)
+ for i in range(size):
+ rgb = lut[i]
+ r, g, b = rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]
+ painter.setPen(qt.QColor(r, g, b))
+ painter.drawPoint(qt.QPoint(i, 0))
+ painter.drawPixmap(0, 1, size, size - 1, pixmap, 0, 0, size, 1)
+ painter.end()
+ return qt.QIcon(pixmap)
+ def getCurrentName(self):
+ return self.itemData(self.currentIndex(), self.ORIGINAL_NAME)
+ def findColormap(self, name):
+ return self.findData(name, role=self.ORIGINAL_NAME)
+ def setCurrentName(self, name):
+ index = self.findColormap(name)
+ if index < 0:
+ index = self.count()
+ self.addItem(str.title(name))
+ self.setItemIcon(index, self.getIconPreview(name))
+ self.setItemData(index, name, role=self.ORIGINAL_NAME)
+ self.setCurrentIndex(index)
+class _DataInPlotMode(enum.Enum):
+ """Enum for each mode of display of the data in the plot."""
+ NONE = 'none'
+ RANGE = 'range'
+ HISTOGRAM = 'histogram'
class ColormapDialog(qt.QDialog):
"""A QDialog widget to set the colormap.
@@ -83,57 +234,62 @@ class ColormapDialog(qt.QDialog):
:param str title: The QDialog title
- sigColormapChanged = qt.Signal(Colormap)
- """Signal triggered when the colormap is changed.
- It provides a dict describing the colormap to the slot.
- This dict can be used with :class:`Plot`.
- """
+ visibleChanged = qt.Signal(bool)
+ """This event is sent when the dialog visibility change"""
def __init__(self, parent=None, title="Colormap Dialog"):
qt.QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
+ self._colormap = None
+ self._data = None
+ self._dataInPlotMode = _DataInPlotMode.RANGE
+ self._ignoreColormapChange = False
+ """Used as a semaphore to avoid editing the colormap object when we are
+ only attempt to display it.
+ Used instead of n connect and disconnect of the sigChanged. The
+ disconnection to sigChanged was also limiting when this colormapdialog
+ is used in the colormapaction and associated to the activeImageChanged.
+ (because the activeImageChanged is send when the colormap changed and
+ the self.setcolormap is a callback)
+ """
self._histogramData = None
- self._dataRange = None
self._minMaxWasEdited = False
+ self._initialRange = None
+ self._dataRange = None
+ """If defined 3-tuple containing information from a data:
+ minimum, positive minimum, maximum"""
- colormaps = [
- 'gray', 'reversed gray',
- 'temperature', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'jet',
- 'viridis', 'magma', 'inferno', 'plasma']
- if 'hsv' in Colormap.getSupportedColormaps():
- colormaps.append('hsv')
- self._colormapList = tuple(colormaps)
+ self._colormapStoredState = None
# Make the GUI
vLayout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self)
- formWidget = qt.QWidget()
+ formWidget = qt.QWidget(parent=self)
formLayout = qt.QFormLayout(formWidget)
formLayout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10)
# Colormap row
- self._comboBoxColormap = qt.QComboBox()
- for cmap in self._colormapList:
- # Capitalize first letters
- cmap = ' '.join(w[0].upper() + w[1:] for w in cmap.split())
- self._comboBoxColormap.addItem(cmap)
- self._comboBoxColormap.activated[int].connect(self._notify)
+ self._comboBoxColormap = _ColormapNameCombox(parent=formWidget)
+ self._comboBoxColormap.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(self._updateName)
formLayout.addRow('Colormap:', self._comboBoxColormap)
# Normalization row
self._normButtonLinear = qt.QRadioButton('Linear')
self._normButtonLog = qt.QRadioButton('Log')
+ self._normButtonLog.toggled.connect(self._activeLogNorm)
normButtonGroup = qt.QButtonGroup(self)
- normButtonGroup.buttonClicked[int].connect(self._notify)
+ self._normButtonLinear.toggled[bool].connect(self._updateLinearNorm)
normLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout()
normLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
@@ -143,51 +299,124 @@ class ColormapDialog(qt.QDialog):
formLayout.addRow('Normalization:', normLayout)
- # Range row
- self._rangeAutoscaleButton = qt.QCheckBox('Autoscale')
- self._rangeAutoscaleButton.setChecked(True)
- self._rangeAutoscaleButton.toggled.connect(self._autoscaleToggled)
- self._rangeAutoscaleButton.clicked.connect(self._notify)
- formLayout.addRow('Range:', self._rangeAutoscaleButton)
# Min row
- self._minValue = FloatEdit(parent=self, value=1.)
- self._minValue.setEnabled(False)
+ self._minValue = _BoundaryWidget(parent=self, value=1.0)
+ self._minValue.sigValueChanged.connect(self._updateMinMax)
formLayout.addRow('\tMin:', self._minValue)
# Max row
- self._maxValue = FloatEdit(parent=self, value=10.)
- self._maxValue.setEnabled(False)
+ self._maxValue = _BoundaryWidget(parent=self, value=10.0)
+ self._maxValue.sigValueChanged.connect(self._updateMinMax)
formLayout.addRow('\tMax:', self._maxValue)
# Add plot for histogram
+ self._plotToolbar = qt.QToolBar(self)
+ self._plotToolbar.setFloatable(False)
+ self._plotToolbar.setMovable(False)
+ self._plotToolbar.setIconSize(qt.QSize(8, 8))
+ self._plotToolbar.setStyleSheet("QToolBar { border: 0px }")
+ self._plotToolbar.setOrientation(qt.Qt.Vertical)
+ group = qt.QActionGroup(self._plotToolbar)
+ group.setExclusive(True)
+ action = qt.QAction("Nothing", self)
+ action.setToolTip("No range nor histogram are displayed. No extra computation have to be done.")
+ action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon('colormap-none'))
+ action.setCheckable(True)
+ action.setData(_DataInPlotMode.NONE)
+ action.setChecked( == self._dataInPlotMode)
+ self._plotToolbar.addAction(action)
+ group.addAction(action)
+ action = qt.QAction("Data range", self)
+ action.setToolTip("Display the data range within the colormap range. A fast data processing have to be done.")
+ action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon('colormap-range'))
+ action.setCheckable(True)
+ action.setData(_DataInPlotMode.RANGE)
+ action.setChecked( == self._dataInPlotMode)
+ self._plotToolbar.addAction(action)
+ group.addAction(action)
+ action = qt.QAction("Histogram", self)
+ action.setToolTip("Display the data histogram within the colormap range. A slow data processing have to be done. ")
+ action.setIcon(icons.getQIcon('colormap-histogram'))
+ action.setCheckable(True)
+ action.setData(_DataInPlotMode.HISTOGRAM)
+ action.setChecked( == self._dataInPlotMode)
+ self._plotToolbar.addAction(action)
+ group.addAction(action)
+ group.triggered.connect(self._displayDataInPlotModeChanged)
+ self._plotBox = qt.QWidget(self)
- vLayout.addWidget(self._plot)
- # Close button
- buttonsWidget = qt.QWidget()
- vLayout.addWidget(buttonsWidget)
+ plotBoxLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout()
+ plotBoxLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ plotBoxLayout.setSpacing(2)
+ plotBoxLayout.addWidget(self._plotToolbar)
+ plotBoxLayout.addWidget(self._plot)
+ plotBoxLayout.setSizeConstraint(qt.QLayout.SetMinimumSize)
+ self._plotBox.setLayout(plotBoxLayout)
+ vLayout.addWidget(self._plotBox)
+ # define modal buttons
+ types = qt.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | qt.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel
+ self._buttonsModal = qt.QDialogButtonBox(parent=self)
+ self._buttonsModal.setStandardButtons(types)
+ self.layout().addWidget(self._buttonsModal)
+ self._buttonsModal.accepted.connect(self.accept)
+ self._buttonsModal.rejected.connect(self.reject)
+ # define non modal buttons
+ types = qt.QDialogButtonBox.Close | qt.QDialogButtonBox.Reset
+ self._buttonsNonModal = qt.QDialogButtonBox(parent=self)
+ self._buttonsNonModal.setStandardButtons(types)
+ self.layout().addWidget(self._buttonsNonModal)
+ self._buttonsNonModal.button(qt.QDialogButtonBox.Close).clicked.connect(self.accept)
+ self._buttonsNonModal.button(qt.QDialogButtonBox.Reset).clicked.connect(self.resetColormap)
+ # Set the colormap to default values
+ self.setColormap(Colormap(name='gray', normalization='linear',
+ vmin=None, vmax=None))
- buttonsLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout(buttonsWidget)
+ self.setModal(self.isModal())
- okButton = qt.QPushButton('OK')
- okButton.clicked.connect(self.accept)
- buttonsLayout.addWidget(okButton)
+ vLayout.setSizeConstraint(qt.QLayout.SetMinimumSize)
+ self.setFixedSize(self.sizeHint())
+ self._applyColormap()
- cancelButton = qt.QPushButton('Cancel')
- cancelButton.clicked.connect(self.reject)
- buttonsLayout.addWidget(cancelButton)
+ def showEvent(self, event):
+ self.visibleChanged.emit(True)
+ super(ColormapDialog, self).showEvent(event)
- # colormap window can not be resized
- self.setFixedSize(vLayout.minimumSize())
+ def closeEvent(self, event):
+ if not self.isModal():
+ self.accept()
+ super(ColormapDialog, self).closeEvent(event)
- # Set the colormap to default values
- self.setColormap(name='gray', normalization='linear',
- autoscale=True, vmin=1., vmax=10.)
+ def hideEvent(self, event):
+ self.visibleChanged.emit(False)
+ super(ColormapDialog, self).hideEvent(event)
+ def close(self):
+ self.accept()
+ qt.QDialog.close(self)
+ def setModal(self, modal):
+ assert type(modal) is bool
+ self._buttonsNonModal.setVisible(not modal)
+ self._buttonsModal.setVisible(modal)
+ qt.QDialog.setModal(self, modal)
+ def exec_(self):
+ wasModal = self.isModal()
+ self.setModal(True)
+ result = super(ColormapDialog, self).exec_()
+ self.setModal(wasModal)
+ return result
def _plotInit(self):
"""Init the plot to display the range and the values"""
@@ -199,51 +428,63 @@ class ColormapDialog(qt.QDialog):
self._plot.setMinimumSize(qt.QSize(250, 200))
- self._plot.hide()
+ def sizeHint(self):
+ return self.layout().minimumSize()
def _plotUpdate(self, updateMarkers=True):
"""Update the plot content
:param bool updateMarkers: True to update markers, False otherwith
- dataRange = self.getDataRange()
- if dataRange is None:
- if self._plot.isVisibleTo(self):
- self._plot.setVisible(False)
- self.setFixedSize(self.layout().minimumSize())
+ colormap = self.getColormap()
+ if colormap is None:
+ if self._plotBox.isVisibleTo(self):
+ self._plotBox.setVisible(False)
+ self.setFixedSize(self.sizeHint())
- if not self._plot.isVisibleTo(self):
- self._plot.setVisible(True)
- self.setFixedSize(self.layout().minimumSize())
+ if not self._plotBox.isVisibleTo(self):
+ self._plotBox.setVisible(True)
+ self.setFixedSize(self.sizeHint())
- dataMin, dataMax = dataRange
- marge = (abs(dataMax) + abs(dataMin)) / 6.0
- minmd = dataMin - marge
- maxpd = dataMax + marge
+ minData, maxData = self._minValue.getFiniteValue(), self._maxValue.getFiniteValue()
+ if minData > maxData:
+ # avoid a full collapse
+ minData, maxData = maxData, minData
+ minimum = minData
+ maximum = maxData
- start, end = self._minValue.value(), self._maxValue.value()
+ if self._dataRange is not None:
+ minRange = self._dataRange[0]
+ maxRange = self._dataRange[2]
+ minimum = min(minimum, minRange)
+ maximum = max(maximum, maxRange)
- if start <= end:
- x = [minmd, start, end, maxpd]
- y = [0, 0, 1, 1]
+ if self._histogramData is not None:
+ minHisto = self._histogramData[1][0]
+ maxHisto = self._histogramData[1][-1]
+ minimum = min(minimum, minHisto)
+ maximum = max(maximum, maxHisto)
- else:
- x = [minmd, end, start, maxpd]
- y = [1, 1, 0, 0]
- # Display the colormap on the side
- # colormap = {'name': self.getColormap()['name'],
- # 'normalization': self.getColormap()['normalization'],
- # 'autoscale': True, 'vmin': 1., 'vmax': 256.}
- # self._plot.addImage((1 + numpy.arange(256)).reshape(256, -1),
- # xScale=(minmd - marge, marge),
- # yScale=(1., 2./256.),
- # legend='colormap',
- # colormap=colormap)
+ marge = abs(maximum - minimum) / 6.0
+ if marge < 0.0001:
+ # Smaller that the QLineEdit precision
+ marge = 0.0001
+ minView, maxView = minimum - marge, maximum + marge
+ if updateMarkers:
+ # Save the state in we are not moving the markers
+ self._initialRange = minView, maxView
+ elif self._initialRange is not None:
+ minView = min(minView, self._initialRange[0])
+ maxView = max(maxView, self._initialRange[1])
+ x = [minView, minData, maxData, maxView]
+ y = [0, 0, 1, 1]
self._plot.addCurve(x, y,
@@ -252,22 +493,24 @@ class ColormapDialog(qt.QDialog):
- draggable = not self._rangeAutoscaleButton.isChecked()
if updateMarkers:
+ minDraggable = (self._colormap().isEditable() and
+ not self._minValue.isAutoChecked())
- self._minValue.value(),
+ self._minValue.getFiniteValue(),
- draggable=draggable,
+ draggable=minDraggable,
+ maxDraggable = (self._colormap().isEditable() and
+ not self._maxValue.isAutoChecked())
- self._maxValue.value(),
+ self._maxValue.getFiniteValue(),
- draggable=draggable,
+ draggable=maxDraggable,
@@ -275,11 +518,11 @@ class ColormapDialog(qt.QDialog):
def _plotMinMarkerConstraint(self, x, y):
"""Constraint of the min marker"""
- return min(x, self._maxValue.value()), y
+ return min(x, self._maxValue.getFiniteValue()), y
def _plotMaxMarkerConstraint(self, x, y):
"""Constraint of the max marker"""
- return max(x, self._minValue.value()), y
+ return max(x, self._minValue.getFiniteValue()), y
def _plotSlot(self, event):
"""Handle events from the plot"""
@@ -293,10 +536,139 @@ class ColormapDialog(qt.QDialog):
# This will recreate the markers while interacting...
# It might break if marker interaction is changed
if event['event'] == 'markerMoved':
- self._notify()
+ self._initialRange = None
+ self._updateMinMax()
+ @staticmethod
+ def computeDataRange(data):
+ """Compute the data range as used by :meth:`setDataRange`.
+ :param data: The data to process
+ :rtype: Tuple(float, float, float)
+ """
+ if data is None or len(data) == 0:
+ return None, None, None
+ dataRange = min_max(data, min_positive=True, finite=True)
+ if dataRange.minimum is None:
+ # Only non-finite data
+ dataRange = None
+ if dataRange is not None:
+ min_positive = dataRange.min_positive
+ if min_positive is None:
+ min_positive = float('nan')
+ dataRange = dataRange.minimum, min_positive, dataRange.maximum
+ if dataRange is None or len(dataRange) != 3:
+ qt.QMessageBox.warning(
+ None, "No Data",
+ "Image data does not contain any real value")
+ dataRange = 1., 1., 10.
+ return dataRange
+ @staticmethod
+ def computeHistogram(data):
+ """Compute the data histogram as used by :meth:`setHistogram`.
+ :param data: The data to process
+ :rtype: Tuple(List(float),List(float)
+ """
+ _data = data
+ if _data.ndim == 3: # RGB(A) images
+'Converting current image from RGB(A) to grayscale\
+ in order to compute the intensity distribution')
+ _data = (_data[:, :, 0] * 0.299 +
+ _data[:, :, 1] * 0.587 +
+ _data[:, :, 2] * 0.114)
+ if len(_data) == 0:
+ return None, None
+ xmin, xmax = min_max(_data, min_positive=False, finite=True)
+ nbins = min(256, int(numpy.sqrt(_data.size)))
+ data_range = xmin, xmax
+ # bad hack: get 256 bins in the case we have a B&W
+ if numpy.issubdtype(_data.dtype, numpy.integer):
+ if nbins > xmax - xmin:
+ nbins = xmax - xmin
+ nbins = max(2, nbins)
+ _data = _data.ravel().astype(numpy.float32)
+ histogram = Histogramnd(_data, n_bins=nbins, histo_range=data_range)
+ return histogram.histo, histogram.edges[0]
+ def _getData(self):
+ if self._data is None:
+ return None
+ return self._data()
+ def setData(self, data):
+ """Store the data as a weakref.
+ According to the state of the dialog, the data will be used to display
+ the data range or the histogram of the data using :meth:`setDataRange`
+ and :meth:`setHistogram`
+ """
+ oldData = self._getData()
+ if oldData is data:
+ return
+ if data is None:
+ self.setDataRange()
+ self.setHistogram()
+ self._data = None
+ return
+ self._data = weakref.ref(data, self._dataAboutToFinalize)
+ self._updateDataInPlot()
+ def _setDataInPlotMode(self, mode):
+ if self._dataInPlotMode == mode:
+ return
+ self._dataInPlotMode = mode
+ self._updateDataInPlot()
+ def _displayDataInPlotModeChanged(self, action):
+ mode =
+ self._setDataInPlotMode(mode)
+ def _updateDataInPlot(self):
+ data = self._getData()
+ if data is None:
+ return
+ mode = self._dataInPlotMode
+ if mode == _DataInPlotMode.NONE:
+ self.setHistogram()
+ self.setDataRange()
+ elif mode == _DataInPlotMode.RANGE:
+ result = self.computeDataRange(data)
+ self.setHistogram()
+ self.setDataRange(*result)
+ elif mode == _DataInPlotMode.HISTOGRAM:
+ # The histogram should be done in a worker thread
+ result = self.computeHistogram(data)
+ self.setHistogram(*result)
+ self.setDataRange()
+ def _colormapAboutToFinalize(self, weakrefColormap):
+ """Callback when the data weakref is about to be finalized."""
+ if self._colormap is weakrefColormap:
+ self.setColormap(None)
+ def _dataAboutToFinalize(self, weakrefData):
+ """Callback when the data weakref is about to be finalized."""
+ if self._data is weakrefData:
+ self.setData(None)
def getHistogram(self):
"""Returns the counts and bin edges of the displayed histogram.
@@ -312,136 +684,243 @@ class ColormapDialog(qt.QDialog):
"""Set the histogram to display.
This update the data range with the bounds of the bins.
- See :meth:`setDataRange`.
:param hist: array-like of counts or None to hide histogram
:param bin_edges: array-like of bins edges or None to hide histogram
if hist is None or bin_edges is None:
self._histogramData = None
- self._plot.remove(legend='Histogram', kind='curve')
- self.setDataRange() # Remove data range
+ self._plot.remove(legend='Histogram', kind='histogram')
hist = numpy.array(hist, copy=True)
bin_edges = numpy.array(bin_edges, copy=True)
self._histogramData = hist, bin_edges
- # For now, draw the histogram as a curve
- # using bin centers and normalised counts
- bins_center = 0.5 * (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:])
norm_hist = hist / max(hist)
- self._plot.addCurve(bins_center, norm_hist,
- legend="Histogram",
- color='gray',
- symbol='',
- linestyle='-',
- fill=True)
+ self._plot.addHistogram(norm_hist,
+ bin_edges,
+ legend="Histogram",
+ color='gray',
+ align='center',
+ fill=True)
+ self._updateMinMaxData()
- # Update the data range
- self.setDataRange(bin_edges[0], bin_edges[-1])
+ def getColormap(self):
+ """Return the colormap description as a :class:`.Colormap`.
- def getDataRange(self):
- """Returns the data range used for the histogram area.
+ """
+ if self._colormap is None:
+ return None
+ return self._colormap()
- :return: (dataMin, dataMax) or None if no data range is set
- :rtype: 2-tuple of float
+ def resetColormap(self):
- return self._dataRange
+ Reset the colormap state before modification.
- def setDataRange(self, min_=None, max_=None):
+ ..note :: the colormap reference state is the state when set or the
+ state when validated
+ """
+ colormap = self.getColormap()
+ if colormap is not None and self._colormapStoredState is not None:
+ if self._colormap()._toDict() != self._colormapStoredState:
+ self._ignoreColormapChange = True
+ colormap._setFromDict(self._colormapStoredState)
+ self._ignoreColormapChange = False
+ self._applyColormap()
+ def setDataRange(self, minimum=None, positiveMin=None, maximum=None):
"""Set the range of data to use for the range of the histogram area.
- :param float min_: The min of the data or None to disable range.
- :param float max_: The max of the data or None to disable range.
+ :param float minimum: The minimum of the data
+ :param float positiveMin: The positive minimum of the data
+ :param float maximum: The maximum of the data
- if min_ is None or max_ is None:
+ if minimum is None or positiveMin is None or maximum is None:
self._dataRange = None
- self._plotUpdate()
+ self._plot.remove(legend='Range', kind='histogram')
- min_, max_ = float(min_), float(max_)
- assert min_ <= max_
- self._dataRange = min_, max_
- if self._rangeAutoscaleButton.isChecked():
- self._minValue.setValue(min_)
- self._maxValue.setValue(max_)
- self._notify()
- else:
- self._plotUpdate()
+ hist = numpy.array([1])
+ bin_edges = numpy.array([minimum, maximum])
+ self._plot.addHistogram(hist,
+ bin_edges,
+ legend="Range",
+ color='gray',
+ align='center',
+ fill=True)
+ self._dataRange = minimum, positiveMin, maximum
+ self._updateMinMaxData()
+ def _updateMinMaxData(self):
+ """Update the min and max of the data according to the data range and
+ the histogram preset."""
+ colormap = self.getColormap()
+ minimum = float("+inf")
+ maximum = float("-inf")
+ if colormap is not None and colormap.getNormalization() == colormap.LOGARITHM:
+ # find a range in the positive part of the data
+ if self._dataRange is not None:
+ minimum = min(minimum, self._dataRange[1])
+ maximum = max(maximum, self._dataRange[2])
+ if self._histogramData is not None:
+ positives = list(filter(lambda x: x > 0, self._histogramData[1]))
+ if len(positives) > 0:
+ minimum = min(minimum, positives[0])
+ maximum = max(maximum, positives[-1])
+ else:
+ if self._dataRange is not None:
+ minimum = min(minimum, self._dataRange[0])
+ maximum = max(maximum, self._dataRange[2])
+ if self._histogramData is not None:
+ minimum = min(minimum, self._histogramData[1][0])
+ maximum = max(maximum, self._histogramData[1][-1])
+ if not numpy.isfinite(minimum):
+ minimum = None
+ if not numpy.isfinite(maximum):
+ maximum = None
+ self._minValue.setDataValue(minimum)
+ self._maxValue.setDataValue(maximum)
+ self._plotUpdate()
- def getColormap(self):
- """Return the colormap description as a :class:`.Colormap`.
+ def accept(self):
+ self.storeCurrentState()
+ qt.QDialog.accept(self)
+ def storeCurrentState(self):
+ """
+ save the current value sof the colormap if the user want to undo is
+ modifications
- isNormLinear = self._normButtonLinear.isChecked()
- if self._rangeAutoscaleButton.isChecked():
- vmin = None
- vmax = None
+ colormap = self.getColormap()
+ if colormap is not None:
+ self._colormapStoredState = colormap._toDict()
- vmin = self._minValue.value()
- vmax = self._maxValue.value()
- norm = Colormap.LINEAR if isNormLinear else Colormap.LOGARITHM
- colormap = Colormap(
- name=str(self._comboBoxColormap.currentText()).lower(),
- normalization=norm,
- vmin=vmin,
- vmax=vmax)
- return colormap
- def setColormap(self, name=None, normalization=None,
- autoscale=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, colors=None):
- """Set the colormap description
+ self._colormapStoredState = None
- If some arguments are not provided, the current values are used.
+ def reject(self):
+ self.resetColormap()
+ qt.QDialog.reject(self)
- :param str name: The name of the colormap
- :param str normalization: 'linear' or 'log'
- :param bool autoscale: Toggle colormap range autoscale
- :param float vmin: The min value, ignored if autoscale is True
- :param float vmax: The max value, ignored if autoscale is True
+ def setColormap(self, colormap):
+ """Set the colormap description
+ :param :class:`Colormap` colormap: the colormap to edit
- if name is not None:
- assert name in self._colormapList
- index = self._colormapList.index(name)
- self._comboBoxColormap.setCurrentIndex(index)
- if normalization is not None:
- assert normalization in Colormap.NORMALIZATIONS
- self._normButtonLinear.setChecked(normalization == Colormap.LINEAR)
- self._normButtonLog.setChecked(normalization == Colormap.LOGARITHM)
- if vmin is not None:
- self._minValue.setValue(vmin)
- if vmax is not None:
- self._maxValue.setValue(vmax)
- if autoscale is not None:
- self._rangeAutoscaleButton.setChecked(autoscale)
- if autoscale:
- dataRange = self.getDataRange()
- if dataRange is not None:
- self._minValue.setValue(dataRange[0])
- self._maxValue.setValue(dataRange[1])
- # Do it once for all the changes
- self._notify()
- def _notify(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Emit the signal for colormap change"""
+ assert colormap is None or isinstance(colormap, Colormap)
+ if self._ignoreColormapChange is True:
+ return
+ oldColormap = self.getColormap()
+ if oldColormap is colormap:
+ return
+ if oldColormap is not None:
+ oldColormap.sigChanged.disconnect(self._applyColormap)
+ if colormap is not None:
+ colormap.sigChanged.connect(self._applyColormap)
+ colormap = weakref.ref(colormap, self._colormapAboutToFinalize)
+ self._colormap = colormap
+ self.storeCurrentState()
+ self._updateResetButton()
+ self._applyColormap()
+ def _updateResetButton(self):
+ resetButton = self._buttonsNonModal.button(qt.QDialogButtonBox.Reset)
+ rStateEnabled = False
+ colormap = self.getColormap()
+ if colormap is not None and colormap.isEditable():
+ # can reset only in the case the colormap changed
+ rStateEnabled = colormap._toDict() != self._colormapStoredState
+ resetButton.setEnabled(rStateEnabled)
+ def _applyColormap(self):
+ self._updateResetButton()
+ if self._ignoreColormapChange is True:
+ return
+ colormap = self.getColormap()
+ if colormap is None:
+ self._comboBoxColormap.setEnabled(False)
+ self._normButtonLinear.setEnabled(False)
+ self._normButtonLog.setEnabled(False)
+ self._minValue.setEnabled(False)
+ self._maxValue.setEnabled(False)
+ else:
+ self._ignoreColormapChange = True
+ if colormap.getName() is not None:
+ name = colormap.getName()
+ self._comboBoxColormap.setCurrentName(name)
+ self._comboBoxColormap.setEnabled(self._colormap().isEditable())
+ assert colormap.getNormalization() in Colormap.NORMALIZATIONS
+ self._normButtonLinear.setChecked(
+ colormap.getNormalization() == Colormap.LINEAR)
+ self._normButtonLog.setChecked(
+ colormap.getNormalization() == Colormap.LOGARITHM)
+ vmin = colormap.getVMin()
+ vmax = colormap.getVMax()
+ dataRange = colormap.getColormapRange()
+ self._normButtonLinear.setEnabled(self._colormap().isEditable())
+ self._normButtonLog.setEnabled(self._colormap().isEditable())
+ self._minValue.setValue(vmin or dataRange[0], isAuto=vmin is None)
+ self._maxValue.setValue(vmax or dataRange[1], isAuto=vmax is None)
+ self._minValue.setEnabled(self._colormap().isEditable())
+ self._maxValue.setEnabled(self._colormap().isEditable())
+ self._ignoreColormapChange = False
- self.sigColormapChanged.emit(self.getColormap())
- def _autoscaleToggled(self, checked):
- """Handle autoscale changes by enabling/disabling min/max fields"""
- self._minValue.setEnabled(not checked)
- self._maxValue.setEnabled(not checked)
- if checked:
- dataRange = self.getDataRange()
- if dataRange is not None:
- self._minValue.setValue(dataRange[0])
- self._maxValue.setValue(dataRange[1])
+ def _updateMinMax(self):
+ if self._ignoreColormapChange is True:
+ return
+ vmin = self._minValue.getFiniteValue()
+ vmax = self._maxValue.getFiniteValue()
+ if vmax is not None and vmin is not None and vmax < vmin:
+ # If only one autoscale is checked constraints are too strong
+ # We have to edit a user value anyway it is not requested
+ # TODO: It would be better IMO to disable the auto checkbox before
+ # this case occur (valls)
+ cmin = self._minValue.isAutoChecked()
+ cmax = self._maxValue.isAutoChecked()
+ if cmin is False:
+ self._minValue.setFiniteValue(vmax)
+ if cmax is False:
+ self._maxValue.setFiniteValue(vmin)
+ vmin = self._minValue.getValue()
+ vmax = self._maxValue.getValue()
+ self._ignoreColormapChange = True
+ colormap = self._colormap()
+ if colormap is not None:
+ colormap.setVRange(vmin, vmax)
+ self._ignoreColormapChange = False
+ self._plotUpdate()
+ self._updateResetButton()
+ def _updateName(self):
+ if self._ignoreColormapChange is True:
+ return
+ if self._colormap():
+ self._ignoreColormapChange = True
+ self._colormap().setName(
+ self._comboBoxColormap.getCurrentName())
+ self._ignoreColormapChange = False
+ def _updateLinearNorm(self, isNormLinear):
+ if self._ignoreColormapChange is True:
+ return
+ if self._colormap():
+ self._ignoreColormapChange = True
+ norm = Colormap.LINEAR if isNormLinear else Colormap.LOGARITHM
+ self._colormap().setNormalization(norm)
+ self._ignoreColormapChange = False
def _minMaxTextEdited(self, text):
"""Handle _minValue and _maxValue textEdited signal"""
@@ -457,9 +936,10 @@ class ColormapDialog(qt.QDialog):
self._minMaxWasEdited = False
# Fix start value
- if self._minValue.value() > self._maxValue.value():
- self._minValue.setValue(self._maxValue.value())
- self._notify()
+ if (self._maxValue.getValue() is not None and
+ self._minValue.getValue() > self._maxValue.getValue()):
+ self._minValue.setValue(self._maxValue.getValue())
+ self._updateMinMax()
def _maxEditingFinished(self):
"""Handle _maxValue editingFinished signal
@@ -471,9 +951,10 @@ class ColormapDialog(qt.QDialog):
self._minMaxWasEdited = False
# Fix end value
- if self._minValue.value() > self._maxValue.value():
- self._maxValue.setValue(self._minValue.value())
- self._notify()
+ if (self._minValue.getValue() is not None and
+ self._minValue.getValue() > self._maxValue.getValue()):
+ self._maxValue.setValue(self._minValue.getValue())
+ self._updateMinMax()
def keyPressEvent(self, event):
"""Override key handling.
@@ -488,3 +969,13 @@ class ColormapDialog(qt.QDialog):
# Use QDialog keyPressEvent
super(ColormapDialog, self).keyPressEvent(event)
+ def _activeLogNorm(self, isLog):
+ if self._ignoreColormapChange is True:
+ return
+ if self._colormap():
+ self._ignoreColormapChange = True
+ norm = Colormap.LOGARITHM if isLog is True else Colormap.LINEAR
+ self._colormap().setNormalization(norm)
+ self._ignoreColormapChange = False
+ self._updateMinMaxData()