path: root/silx/gui/plot/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1249 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/ b/silx/gui/plot/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3875be4..0000000
--- a/silx/gui/plot/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1249 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# ###########################################################################*/
-"""A widget dedicated to compare 2 images.
-__authors__ = ["V. Valls"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "23/07/2018"
-import enum
-import logging
-import numpy
-import weakref
-import collections
-import math
-import silx.image.bilinear
-from silx.gui import qt
-from silx.gui import plot
-from silx.gui import icons
-from silx.gui.colors import Colormap
-from silx.gui.plot import tools
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-from silx.opencl import ocl
-if ocl is not None:
- try:
- from silx.opencl import sift
- except ImportError:
- # sift module is not available (e.g., in official Debian packages)
- sift = None
-else: # No OpenCL device or no pyopencl
- sift = None
-class VisualizationMode(enum.Enum):
- """Enum for each visualization mode available."""
- ONLY_A = 'a'
- ONLY_B = 'b'
- VERTICAL_LINE = 'vline'
- COMPOSITE_RED_BLUE_GRAY = "rbgchannel"
- COMPOSITE_RED_BLUE_GRAY_NEG = "rbgnegchannel"
- COMPOSITE_A_MINUS_B = "aminusb"
-class AlignmentMode(enum.Enum):
- """Enum for each alignment mode available."""
- ORIGIN = 'origin'
- CENTER = 'center'
- STRETCH = 'stretch'
- AUTO = 'auto'
-AffineTransformation = collections.namedtuple("AffineTransformation",
- ["tx", "ty", "sx", "sy", "rot"])
-"""Contains a 2D affine transformation: translation, scale and rotation"""
-class CompareImagesToolBar(qt.QToolBar):
- """ToolBar containing specific tools to custom the configuration of a
- :class:`CompareImages` widget
- Use :meth:`setCompareWidget` to connect this toolbar to a specific
- :class:`CompareImages` widget.
- :param Union[qt.QWidget,None] parent: Parent of this widget.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- qt.QToolBar.__init__(self, parent)
- self.__compareWidget = None
- menu = qt.QMenu(self)
- self.__visualizationAction = qt.QAction(self)
- self.__visualizationAction.setMenu(menu)
- self.__visualizationAction.setCheckable(False)
- self.addAction(self.__visualizationAction)
- self.__visualizationGroup = qt.QActionGroup(self)
- self.__visualizationGroup.setExclusive(True)
- self.__visualizationGroup.triggered.connect(self.__visualizationModeChanged)
- icon = icons.getQIcon("compare-mode-a")
- action = qt.QAction(icon, "Display the first image only", self)
- action.setIconVisibleInMenu(True)
- action.setCheckable(True)
- action.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence(qt.Qt.Key_A))
- action.setProperty("mode", VisualizationMode.ONLY_A)
- menu.addAction(action)
- self.__aModeAction = action
- self.__visualizationGroup.addAction(action)
- icon = icons.getQIcon("compare-mode-b")
- action = qt.QAction(icon, "Display the second image only", self)
- action.setIconVisibleInMenu(True)
- action.setCheckable(True)
- action.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence(qt.Qt.Key_B))
- action.setProperty("mode", VisualizationMode.ONLY_B)
- menu.addAction(action)
- self.__bModeAction = action
- self.__visualizationGroup.addAction(action)
- icon = icons.getQIcon("compare-mode-vline")
- action = qt.QAction(icon, "Vertical compare mode", self)
- action.setIconVisibleInMenu(True)
- action.setCheckable(True)
- action.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence(qt.Qt.Key_V))
- action.setProperty("mode", VisualizationMode.VERTICAL_LINE)
- menu.addAction(action)
- self.__vlineModeAction = action
- self.__visualizationGroup.addAction(action)
- icon = icons.getQIcon("compare-mode-hline")
- action = qt.QAction(icon, "Horizontal compare mode", self)
- action.setIconVisibleInMenu(True)
- action.setCheckable(True)
- action.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence(qt.Qt.Key_H))
- action.setProperty("mode", VisualizationMode.HORIZONTAL_LINE)
- menu.addAction(action)
- self.__hlineModeAction = action
- self.__visualizationGroup.addAction(action)
- icon = icons.getQIcon("compare-mode-rb-channel")
- action = qt.QAction(icon, "Blue/red compare mode (additive mode)", self)
- action.setIconVisibleInMenu(True)
- action.setCheckable(True)
- action.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence(qt.Qt.Key_C))
- action.setProperty("mode", VisualizationMode.COMPOSITE_RED_BLUE_GRAY)
- menu.addAction(action)
- self.__brChannelModeAction = action
- self.__visualizationGroup.addAction(action)
- icon = icons.getQIcon("compare-mode-rbneg-channel")
- action = qt.QAction(icon, "Yellow/cyan compare mode (subtractive mode)", self)
- action.setIconVisibleInMenu(True)
- action.setCheckable(True)
- action.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence(qt.Qt.Key_W))
- action.setProperty("mode", VisualizationMode.COMPOSITE_RED_BLUE_GRAY_NEG)
- menu.addAction(action)
- self.__ycChannelModeAction = action
- self.__visualizationGroup.addAction(action)
- icon = icons.getQIcon("compare-mode-a-minus-b")
- action = qt.QAction(icon, "Raw A minus B compare mode", self)
- action.setIconVisibleInMenu(True)
- action.setCheckable(True)
- action.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence(qt.Qt.Key_W))
- action.setProperty("mode", VisualizationMode.COMPOSITE_A_MINUS_B)
- menu.addAction(action)
- self.__ycChannelModeAction = action
- self.__visualizationGroup.addAction(action)
- menu = qt.QMenu(self)
- self.__alignmentAction = qt.QAction(self)
- self.__alignmentAction.setMenu(menu)
- self.__alignmentAction.setIconVisibleInMenu(True)
- self.addAction(self.__alignmentAction)
- self.__alignmentGroup = qt.QActionGroup(self)
- self.__alignmentGroup.setExclusive(True)
- self.__alignmentGroup.triggered.connect(self.__alignmentModeChanged)
- icon = icons.getQIcon("compare-align-origin")
- action = qt.QAction(icon, "Align images on their upper-left pixel", self)
- action.setProperty("mode", AlignmentMode.ORIGIN)
- action.setIconVisibleInMenu(True)
- action.setCheckable(True)
- self.__originAlignAction = action
- menu.addAction(action)
- self.__alignmentGroup.addAction(action)
- icon = icons.getQIcon("compare-align-center")
- action = qt.QAction(icon, "Center images", self)
- action.setProperty("mode", AlignmentMode.CENTER)
- action.setIconVisibleInMenu(True)
- action.setCheckable(True)
- self.__centerAlignAction = action
- menu.addAction(action)
- self.__alignmentGroup.addAction(action)
- icon = icons.getQIcon("compare-align-stretch")
- action = qt.QAction(icon, "Stretch the second image on the first one", self)
- action.setProperty("mode", AlignmentMode.STRETCH)
- action.setIconVisibleInMenu(True)
- action.setCheckable(True)
- self.__stretchAlignAction = action
- menu.addAction(action)
- self.__alignmentGroup.addAction(action)
- icon = icons.getQIcon("compare-align-auto")
- action = qt.QAction(icon, "Auto-alignment of the second image", self)
- action.setProperty("mode", AlignmentMode.AUTO)
- action.setIconVisibleInMenu(True)
- action.setCheckable(True)
- self.__autoAlignAction = action
- menu.addAction(action)
- if sift is None:
- action.setEnabled(False)
- action.setToolTip("Sift module is not available")
- self.__alignmentGroup.addAction(action)
- icon = icons.getQIcon("compare-keypoints")
- action = qt.QAction(icon, "Display/hide alignment keypoints", self)
- action.setCheckable(True)
- action.triggered.connect(self.__keypointVisibilityChanged)
- self.addAction(action)
- self.__displayKeypoints = action
- def setCompareWidget(self, widget):
- """
- Connect this tool bar to a specific :class:`CompareImages` widget.
- :param Union[None,CompareImages] widget: The widget to connect with.
- """
- compareWidget = self.getCompareWidget()
- if compareWidget is not None:
- compareWidget.sigConfigurationChanged.disconnect(self.__updateSelectedActions)
- compareWidget = widget
- if compareWidget is None:
- self.__compareWidget = None
- else:
- self.__compareWidget = weakref.ref(compareWidget)
- if compareWidget is not None:
- widget.sigConfigurationChanged.connect(self.__updateSelectedActions)
- self.__updateSelectedActions()
- def getCompareWidget(self):
- """Returns the connected widget.
- :rtype: CompareImages
- """
- if self.__compareWidget is None:
- return None
- else:
- return self.__compareWidget()
- def __updateSelectedActions(self):
- """
- Update the state of this tool bar according to the state of the
- connected :class:`CompareImages` widget.
- """
- widget = self.getCompareWidget()
- if widget is None:
- return
- mode = widget.getVisualizationMode()
- action = None
- for a in self.__visualizationGroup.actions():
- actionMode ="mode")
- if mode == actionMode:
- action = a
- break
- old = self.__visualizationGroup.blockSignals(True)
- if action is not None:
- # Check this action
- action.setChecked(True)
- else:
- action = self.__visualizationGroup.checkedAction()
- if action is not None:
- # Uncheck this action
- action.setChecked(False)
- self.__updateVisualizationMenu()
- self.__visualizationGroup.blockSignals(old)
- mode = widget.getAlignmentMode()
- action = None
- for a in self.__alignmentGroup.actions():
- actionMode ="mode")
- if mode == actionMode:
- action = a
- break
- old = self.__alignmentGroup.blockSignals(True)
- if action is not None:
- # Check this action
- action.setChecked(True)
- else:
- action = self.__alignmentGroup.checkedAction()
- if action is not None:
- # Uncheck this action
- action.setChecked(False)
- self.__updateAlignmentMenu()
- self.__alignmentGroup.blockSignals(old)
- def __visualizationModeChanged(self, selectedAction):
- """Called when user requesting changes of the visualization mode.
- """
- self.__updateVisualizationMenu()
- widget = self.getCompareWidget()
- if widget is not None:
- mode ="mode")
- widget.setVisualizationMode(mode)
- def __updateVisualizationMenu(self):
- """Update the state of the action containing visualization menu.
- """
- selectedAction = self.__visualizationGroup.checkedAction()
- if selectedAction is not None:
- self.__visualizationAction.setText(selectedAction.text())
- self.__visualizationAction.setIcon(selectedAction.icon())
- self.__visualizationAction.setToolTip(selectedAction.toolTip())
- else:
- self.__visualizationAction.setText("")
- self.__visualizationAction.setIcon(qt.QIcon())
- self.__visualizationAction.setToolTip("")
- def __alignmentModeChanged(self, selectedAction):
- """Called when user requesting changes of the alignment mode.
- """
- self.__updateAlignmentMenu()
- widget = self.getCompareWidget()
- if widget is not None:
- mode ="mode")
- widget.setAlignmentMode(mode)
- def __updateAlignmentMenu(self):
- """Update the state of the action containing alignment menu.
- """
- selectedAction = self.__alignmentGroup.checkedAction()
- if selectedAction is not None:
- self.__alignmentAction.setText(selectedAction.text())
- self.__alignmentAction.setIcon(selectedAction.icon())
- self.__alignmentAction.setToolTip(selectedAction.toolTip())
- else:
- self.__alignmentAction.setText("")
- self.__alignmentAction.setIcon(qt.QIcon())
- self.__alignmentAction.setToolTip("")
- def __keypointVisibilityChanged(self):
- """Called when action managing keypoints visibility changes"""
- widget = self.getCompareWidget()
- if widget is not None:
- keypointsVisible = self.__displayKeypoints.isChecked()
- widget.setKeypointsVisible(keypointsVisible)
-class CompareImagesStatusBar(qt.QStatusBar):
- """StatusBar containing specific information contained in a
- :class:`CompareImages` widget
- Use :meth:`setCompareWidget` to connect this toolbar to a specific
- :class:`CompareImages` widget.
- :param Union[qt.QWidget,None] parent: Parent of this widget.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- qt.QStatusBar.__init__(self, parent)
- self.setSizeGripEnabled(False)
- self.layout().setSpacing(0)
- self.__compareWidget = None
- self._label1 = qt.QLabel(self)
- self._label1.setFrameShape(qt.QFrame.WinPanel)
- self._label1.setFrameShadow(qt.QFrame.Sunken)
- self._label2 = qt.QLabel(self)
- self._label2.setFrameShape(qt.QFrame.WinPanel)
- self._label2.setFrameShadow(qt.QFrame.Sunken)
- self._transform = qt.QLabel(self)
- self._transform.setFrameShape(qt.QFrame.WinPanel)
- self._transform.setFrameShadow(qt.QFrame.Sunken)
- self.addWidget(self._label1)
- self.addWidget(self._label2)
- self.addWidget(self._transform)
- self._pos = None
- self._updateStatusBar()
- def setCompareWidget(self, widget):
- """
- Connect this tool bar to a specific :class:`CompareImages` widget.
- :param Union[None,CompareImages] widget: The widget to connect with.
- """
- compareWidget = self.getCompareWidget()
- if compareWidget is not None:
- compareWidget.getPlot().sigPlotSignal.disconnect(self.__plotSignalReceived)
- compareWidget.sigConfigurationChanged.disconnect(self.__dataChanged)
- compareWidget = widget
- if compareWidget is None:
- self.__compareWidget = None
- else:
- self.__compareWidget = weakref.ref(compareWidget)
- if compareWidget is not None:
- compareWidget.getPlot().sigPlotSignal.connect(self.__plotSignalReceived)
- compareWidget.sigConfigurationChanged.connect(self.__dataChanged)
- def getCompareWidget(self):
- """Returns the connected widget.
- :rtype: CompareImages
- """
- if self.__compareWidget is None:
- return None
- else:
- return self.__compareWidget()
- def __plotSignalReceived(self, event):
- """Called when old style signals at emmited from the plot."""
- if event["event"] == "mouseMoved":
- x, y = event["x"], event["y"]
- self.__mouseMoved(x, y)
- def __mouseMoved(self, x, y):
- """Called when mouse move over the plot."""
- self._pos = x, y
- self._updateStatusBar()
- def __dataChanged(self):
- """Called when internal data from the connected widget changes."""
- self._updateStatusBar()
- def _formatData(self, data):
- """Format pixel of an image.
- It supports intensity, RGB, and RGBA.
- :param Union[int,float,numpy.ndarray,str]: Value of a pixel
- :rtype: str
- """
- if data is None:
- return "No data"
- if isinstance(data, (int, numpy.integer)):
- return "%d" % data
- if isinstance(data, (float, numpy.floating)):
- return "%f" % data
- if isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray):
- # RGBA value
- if data.shape == (3,):
- return "R:%d G:%d B:%d" % (data[0], data[1], data[2])
- elif data.shape == (4,):
- return "R:%d G:%d B:%d A:%d" % (data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3])
- _logger.debug("Unsupported data format %s. Cast it to string.", type(data))
- return str(data)
- def _updateStatusBar(self):
- """Update the content of the status bar"""
- widget = self.getCompareWidget()
- if widget is None:
- self._label1.setText("Image1: NA")
- self._label2.setText("Image2: NA")
- self._transform.setVisible(False)
- else:
- transform = widget.getTransformation()
- self._transform.setVisible(transform is not None)
- if transform is not None:
- has_notable_translation = not numpy.isclose(transform.tx, 0.0, atol=0.01) \
- or not numpy.isclose(transform.ty, 0.0, atol=0.01)
- has_notable_scale = not numpy.isclose(, 1.0, atol=0.01) \
- or not numpy.isclose(, 1.0, atol=0.01)
- has_notable_rotation = not numpy.isclose(transform.rot, 0.0, atol=0.01)
- strings = []
- if has_notable_translation:
- strings.append("Translation")
- if has_notable_scale:
- strings.append("Scale")
- if has_notable_rotation:
- strings.append("Rotation")
- if strings == []:
- has_translation = not numpy.isclose(transform.tx, 0.0) \
- or not numpy.isclose(transform.ty, 0.0)
- has_scale = not numpy.isclose(, 1.0) \
- or not numpy.isclose(, 1.0)
- has_rotation = not numpy.isclose(transform.rot, 0.0)
- if has_translation or has_scale or has_rotation:
- text = "No big changes"
- else:
- text = "No changes"
- else:
- text = "+".join(strings)
- self._transform.setText("Align: " + text)
- strings = []
- if not numpy.isclose(transform.ty, 0.0):
- strings.append("Translation x: %0.3fpx" % transform.tx)
- if not numpy.isclose(transform.ty, 0.0):
- strings.append("Translation y: %0.3fpx" % transform.ty)
- if not numpy.isclose(, 1.0):
- strings.append("Scale x: %0.3f" %
- if not numpy.isclose(, 1.0):
- strings.append("Scale y: %0.3f" %
- if not numpy.isclose(transform.rot, 0.0):
- strings.append("Rotation: %0.3fdeg" % (transform.rot * 180 / numpy.pi))
- if strings == []:
- text = "No transformation"
- else:
- text = "\n".join(strings)
- self._transform.setToolTip(text)
- if self._pos is None:
- self._label1.setText("Image1: NA")
- self._label2.setText("Image2: NA")
- else:
- data1, data2 = widget.getRawPixelData(self._pos[0], self._pos[1])
- if isinstance(data1, str):
- self._label1.setToolTip(data1)
- text1 = "NA"
- else:
- self._label1.setToolTip("")
- text1 = self._formatData(data1)
- if isinstance(data2, str):
- self._label2.setToolTip(data2)
- text2 = "NA"
- else:
- self._label2.setToolTip("")
- text2 = self._formatData(data2)
- self._label1.setText("Image1: %s" % text1)
- self._label2.setText("Image2: %s" % text2)
-class CompareImages(qt.QMainWindow):
- """Widget providing tools to compare 2 images.
- .. image:: img/CompareImages.png
- :param Union[qt.QWidget,None] parent: Parent of this widget.
- :param backend: The backend to use, in:
- 'matplotlib' (default), 'mpl', 'opengl', 'gl', 'none'
- or a :class:`BackendBase.BackendBase` class
- :type backend: str or :class:`BackendBase.BackendBase`
- """
- VisualizationMode = VisualizationMode
- """Available visualization modes"""
- AlignmentMode = AlignmentMode
- """Available alignment modes"""
- sigConfigurationChanged = qt.Signal()
- """Emitted when the configuration of the widget (visualization mode,
- alignement mode...) have changed."""
- def __init__(self, parent=None, backend=None):
- qt.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent)
- self._resetZoomActive = True
- self._colormap = Colormap()
- """Colormap shared by all modes, except the compose images (rgb image)"""
- self._colormapKeyPoints = Colormap('spring')
- """Colormap used for sift keypoints"""
- if parent is None:
- self.setWindowTitle('Compare images')
- else:
- self.setWindowFlags(qt.Qt.Widget)
- self.__transformation = None
- self.__raw1 = None
- self.__raw2 = None
- self.__data1 = None
- self.__data2 = None
- self.__previousSeparatorPosition = None
- self.__plot = plot.PlotWidget(parent=self, backend=backend)
- self.__plot.setDefaultColormap(self._colormap)
- self.__plot.getXAxis().setLabel('Columns')
- self.__plot.getYAxis().setLabel('Rows')
- if silx.config.DEFAULT_PLOT_IMAGE_Y_AXIS_ORIENTATION == 'downward':
- self.__plot.getYAxis().setInverted(True)
- self.__plot.setKeepDataAspectRatio(True)
- self.__plot.sigPlotSignal.connect(self.__plotSlot)
- self.__plot.setAxesDisplayed(False)
- self.setCentralWidget(self.__plot)
- legend =
- self.__plot.addXMarker(
- 0,
- legend=legend,
- text='',
- draggable=True,
- color='blue',
- constraint=self.__separatorConstraint)
- self.__vline = self.__plot._getMarker(legend)
- legend =
- self.__plot.addYMarker(
- 0,
- legend=legend,
- text='',
- draggable=True,
- color='blue',
- constraint=self.__separatorConstraint)
- self.__hline = self.__plot._getMarker(legend)
- # default values
- self.__visualizationMode = ""
- self.__alignmentMode = ""
- self.__keypointsVisible = True
- self.setAlignmentMode(AlignmentMode.ORIGIN)
- self.setVisualizationMode(VisualizationMode.VERTICAL_LINE)
- self.setKeypointsVisible(False)
- # Toolbars
- self._createToolBars(self.__plot)
- if self._interactiveModeToolBar is not None:
- self.addToolBar(self._interactiveModeToolBar)
- if self._imageToolBar is not None:
- self.addToolBar(self._imageToolBar)
- if self._compareToolBar is not None:
- self.addToolBar(self._compareToolBar)
- # Statusbar
- self._createStatusBar(self.__plot)
- if self._statusBar is not None:
- self.setStatusBar(self._statusBar)
- def _createStatusBar(self, plot):
- self._statusBar = CompareImagesStatusBar(self)
- self._statusBar.setCompareWidget(self)
- def _createToolBars(self, plot):
- """Create tool bars displayed by the widget"""
- toolBar = tools.InteractiveModeToolBar(parent=self, plot=plot)
- self._interactiveModeToolBar = toolBar
- toolBar = tools.ImageToolBar(parent=self, plot=plot)
- self._imageToolBar = toolBar
- toolBar = CompareImagesToolBar(self)
- toolBar.setCompareWidget(self)
- self._compareToolBar = toolBar
- def getPlot(self):
- """Returns the plot which is used to display the images.
- :rtype: silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget
- """
- return self.__plot
- def getColormap(self):
- """
- :return: colormap used for compare image
- :rtype: silx.gui.colors.Colormap
- """
- return self._colormap
- def getRawPixelData(self, x, y):
- """Return the raw pixel of each image data from axes positions.
- If the coordinate is outside of the image it returns None element in
- the tuple.
- The pixel is reach from the raw data image without filter or
- transformation. But the coordinate x and y are in the reference of the
- current displayed mode.
- :param float x: X-coordinate of the pixel in the current displayed plot
- :param float y: Y-coordinate of the pixel in the current displayed plot
- :return: A tuple of for each images containing pixel information. It
- could be a scalar value or an array in case of RGB/RGBA informations.
- It also could be a string containing information is some cases.
- :rtype: Tuple(Union[int,float,numpy.ndarray,str],Union[int,float,numpy.ndarray,str])
- """
- data2 = None
- alignmentMode = self.__alignmentMode
- raw1, raw2 = self.__raw1, self.__raw2
- if alignmentMode == AlignmentMode.ORIGIN:
- x1 = x
- y1 = y
- x2 = x
- y2 = y
- elif alignmentMode == AlignmentMode.CENTER:
- yy = max(raw1.shape[0], raw2.shape[0])
- xx = max(raw1.shape[1], raw2.shape[1])
- x1 = x - (xx - raw1.shape[1]) * 0.5
- x2 = x - (xx - raw2.shape[1]) * 0.5
- y1 = y - (yy - raw1.shape[0]) * 0.5
- y2 = y - (yy - raw2.shape[0]) * 0.5
- elif alignmentMode == AlignmentMode.STRETCH:
- x1 = x
- y1 = y
- x2 = x * raw2.shape[1] / raw1.shape[1]
- y2 = x * raw2.shape[1] / raw1.shape[1]
- elif alignmentMode == AlignmentMode.AUTO:
- x1 = x
- y1 = y
- # Not implemented
- data2 = "Not implemented with sift"
- else:
- assert(False)
- x1, y1 = int(x1), int(y1)
- if raw1 is None or y1 < 0 or y1 >= raw1.shape[0] or x1 < 0 or x1 >= raw1.shape[1]:
- data1 = None
- else:
- data1 = raw1[y1, x1]
- if data2 is None:
- x2, y2 = int(x2), int(y2)
- if raw2 is None or y2 < 0 or y2 >= raw2.shape[0] or x2 < 0 or x2 >= raw2.shape[1]:
- data2 = None
- else:
- data2 = raw2[y2, x2]
- return data1, data2
- def setVisualizationMode(self, mode):
- """Set the visualization mode.
- :param str mode: New visualization to display the image comparison
- """
- if self.__visualizationMode == mode:
- return
- self.__visualizationMode = mode
- mode = self.getVisualizationMode()
- self.__vline.setVisible(mode == VisualizationMode.VERTICAL_LINE)
- self.__hline.setVisible(mode == VisualizationMode.HORIZONTAL_LINE)
- self.__updateData()
- self.sigConfigurationChanged.emit()
- def getVisualizationMode(self):
- """Returns the current interaction mode."""
- return self.__visualizationMode
- def setAlignmentMode(self, mode):
- """Set the alignment mode.
- :param str mode: New alignement to apply to images
- """
- if self.__alignmentMode == mode:
- return
- self.__alignmentMode = mode
- self.__updateData()
- self.sigConfigurationChanged.emit()
- def getAlignmentMode(self):
- """Returns the current selected alignemnt mode."""
- return self.__alignmentMode
- def setKeypointsVisible(self, isVisible):
- """Set keypoints visibility.
- :param bool isVisible: If True, keypoints are displayed (if some)
- """
- if self.__keypointsVisible == isVisible:
- return
- self.__keypointsVisible = isVisible
- self.__updateKeyPoints()
- self.sigConfigurationChanged.emit()
- def __setDefaultAlignmentMode(self):
- """Reset the alignemnt mode to the default value"""
- self.setAlignmentMode(AlignmentMode.ORIGIN)
- def __plotSlot(self, event):
- """Handle events from the plot"""
- if event['event'] in ('markerMoving', 'markerMoved'):
- mode = self.getVisualizationMode()
- legend =
- if event['label'] == legend:
- if mode == VisualizationMode.VERTICAL_LINE:
- value = int(float(str(event['xdata'])))
- elif mode == VisualizationMode.HORIZONTAL_LINE:
- value = int(float(str(event['ydata'])))
- else:
- assert(False)
- if self.__previousSeparatorPosition != value:
- self.__separatorMoved(value)
- self.__previousSeparatorPosition = value
- def __separatorConstraint(self, x, y):
- """Manage contains on the separators to clamp them inside the images."""
- if self.__data1 is None:
- return 0, 0
- x = int(x)
- if x < 0:
- x = 0
- elif x > self.__data1.shape[1]:
- x = self.__data1.shape[1]
- y = int(y)
- if y < 0:
- y = 0
- elif y > self.__data1.shape[0]:
- y = self.__data1.shape[0]
- return x, y
- def __updateSeparators(self):
- """Redraw images according to the current state of the separators.
- """
- mode = self.getVisualizationMode()
- if mode == VisualizationMode.VERTICAL_LINE:
- pos = self.__vline.getXPosition()
- self.__separatorMoved(pos)
- self.__previousSeparatorPosition = pos
- elif mode == VisualizationMode.HORIZONTAL_LINE:
- pos = self.__hline.getYPosition()
- self.__separatorMoved(pos)
- self.__previousSeparatorPosition = pos
- else:
- self.__image1.setOrigin((0, 0))
- self.__image2.setOrigin((0, 0))
- def __separatorMoved(self, pos):
- """Called when vertical or horizontal separators have moved.
- Update the displayed images.
- """
- if self.__data1 is None:
- return
- mode = self.getVisualizationMode()
- if mode == VisualizationMode.VERTICAL_LINE:
- pos = int(pos)
- if pos <= 0:
- pos = 0
- elif pos >= self.__data1.shape[1]:
- pos = self.__data1.shape[1]
- data1 = self.__data1[:, 0:pos]
- data2 = self.__data2[:, pos:]
- self.__image1.setData(data1, copy=False)
- self.__image2.setData(data2, copy=False)
- self.__image2.setOrigin((pos, 0))
- elif mode == VisualizationMode.HORIZONTAL_LINE:
- pos = int(pos)
- if pos <= 0:
- pos = 0
- elif pos >= self.__data1.shape[0]:
- pos = self.__data1.shape[0]
- data1 = self.__data1[0:pos, :]
- data2 = self.__data2[pos:, :]
- self.__image1.setData(data1, copy=False)
- self.__image2.setData(data2, copy=False)
- self.__image2.setOrigin((0, pos))
- else:
- assert(False)
- def setData(self, image1, image2):
- """Set images to compare.
- Images can contains floating-point or integer values, or RGB and RGBA
- values, but should have comparable intensities.
- RGB and RGBA images are provided as an array as `[width,height,channels]`
- of usigned integer 8-bits or floating-points between 0.0 to 1.0.
- :param numpy.ndarray image1: The first image
- :param numpy.ndarray image2: The second image
- """
- self.__raw1 = image1
- self.__raw2 = image2
- self.__updateData()
- if self.isAutoResetZoom():
- self.__plot.resetZoom()
- def setImage1(self, image1):
- """Set image1 to be compared.
- Images can contains floating-point or integer values, or RGB and RGBA
- values, but should have comparable intensities.
- RGB and RGBA images are provided as an array as `[width,height,channels]`
- of usigned integer 8-bits or floating-points between 0.0 to 1.0.
- :param numpy.ndarray image1: The first image
- """
- self.__raw1 = image1
- self.__updateData()
- if self.isAutoResetZoom():
- self.__plot.resetZoom()
- def setImage2(self, image2):
- """Set image2 to be compared.
- Images can contains floating-point or integer values, or RGB and RGBA
- values, but should have comparable intensities.
- RGB and RGBA images are provided as an array as `[width,height,channels]`
- of usigned integer 8-bits or floating-points between 0.0 to 1.0.
- :param numpy.ndarray image2: The second image
- """
- self.__raw2 = image2
- self.__updateData()
- if self.isAutoResetZoom():
- self.__plot.resetZoom()
- def __updateKeyPoints(self):
- """Update the displayed keypoints using cached keypoints.
- """
- if self.__keypointsVisible:
- data = self.__matching_keypoints
- else:
- data = [], [], []
- self.__plot.addScatter(x=data[0],
- y=data[1],
- z=1,
- value=data[2],
- colormap=self._colormapKeyPoints,
- legend="keypoints")
- def __updateData(self):
- """Compute aligned image when the alignment mode changes.
- This function cache input images which are used when
- vertical/horizontal separators moves.
- """
- raw1, raw2 = self.__raw1, self.__raw2
- if raw1 is None or raw2 is None:
- return
- alignmentMode = self.getAlignmentMode()
- self.__transformation = None
- if alignmentMode == AlignmentMode.ORIGIN:
- yy = max(raw1.shape[0], raw2.shape[0])
- xx = max(raw1.shape[1], raw2.shape[1])
- size = yy, xx
- data1 = self.__createMarginImage(raw1, size, transparent=True)
- data2 = self.__createMarginImage(raw2, size, transparent=True)
- self.__matching_keypoints = [0.0], [0.0], [1.0]
- elif alignmentMode == AlignmentMode.CENTER:
- yy = max(raw1.shape[0], raw2.shape[0])
- xx = max(raw1.shape[1], raw2.shape[1])
- size = yy, xx
- data1 = self.__createMarginImage(raw1, size, transparent=True, center=True)
- data2 = self.__createMarginImage(raw2, size, transparent=True, center=True)
- self.__matching_keypoints = ([data1.shape[1] // 2],
- [data1.shape[0] // 2],
- [1.0])
- elif alignmentMode == AlignmentMode.STRETCH:
- data1 = raw1
- data2 = self.__rescaleImage(raw2, data1.shape)
- self.__matching_keypoints = ([0, data1.shape[1], data1.shape[1], 0],
- [0, 0, data1.shape[0], data1.shape[0]],
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
- elif alignmentMode == AlignmentMode.AUTO:
- # TODO: sift implementation do not support RGBA images
- yy = max(raw1.shape[0], raw2.shape[0])
- xx = max(raw1.shape[1], raw2.shape[1])
- size = yy, xx
- data1 = self.__createMarginImage(raw1, size)
- data2 = self.__createMarginImage(raw2, size)
- self.__matching_keypoints = [0.0], [0.0], [1.0]
- try:
- data1, data2 = self.__createSiftData(data1, data2)
- if data2 is None:
- raise ValueError("Unexpected None value")
- except Exception as e:
- # TODO: Display it on the GUI
- _logger.error(e)
- self.__setDefaultAlignmentMode()
- return
- else:
- assert(False)
- mode = self.getVisualizationMode()
- if mode == VisualizationMode.COMPOSITE_RED_BLUE_GRAY_NEG:
- data1 = self.__composeImage(data1, data2, mode)
- data2 = numpy.empty((0, 0))
- elif mode == VisualizationMode.COMPOSITE_RED_BLUE_GRAY:
- data1 = self.__composeImage(data1, data2, mode)
- data2 = numpy.empty((0, 0))
- elif mode == VisualizationMode.COMPOSITE_A_MINUS_B:
- data1 = self.__composeImage(data1, data2, mode)
- data2 = numpy.empty((0, 0))
- elif mode == VisualizationMode.ONLY_A:
- data2 = numpy.empty((0, 0))
- elif mode == VisualizationMode.ONLY_B:
- data1 = numpy.empty((0, 0))
- self.__data1, self.__data2 = data1, data2
- self.__plot.addImage(data1, z=0, legend="image1", resetzoom=False)
- self.__plot.addImage(data2, z=0, legend="image2", resetzoom=False)
- self.__image1 = self.__plot.getImage("image1")
- self.__image2 = self.__plot.getImage("image2")
- self.__updateKeyPoints()
- # Set the separator into the middle
- if self.__previousSeparatorPosition is None:
- value = self.__data1.shape[1] // 2
- self.__vline.setPosition(value, 0)
- value = self.__data1.shape[0] // 2
- self.__hline.setPosition(0, value)
- self.__updateSeparators()
- # Avoid to change the colormap range when the separator is moving
- # TODO: The colormap histogram will still be wrong
- mode1 = self.__getImageMode(data1)
- mode2 = self.__getImageMode(data2)
- if mode1 == "intensity" and mode1 == mode2:
- if self.__data1.size == 0:
- vmin = self.__data2.min()
- vmax = self.__data2.max()
- elif self.__data2.size == 0:
- vmin = self.__data1.min()
- vmax = self.__data1.max()
- else:
- vmin = min(self.__data1.min(), self.__data2.min())
- vmax = max(self.__data1.max(), self.__data2.max())
- colormap = self.getColormap()
- colormap.setVRange(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
- self.__image1.setColormap(colormap)
- self.__image2.setColormap(colormap)
- def __getImageMode(self, image):
- """Returns a value identifying the way the image is stored in the
- array.
- :param numpy.ndarray image: Image to check
- :rtype: str
- """
- if len(image.shape) == 2:
- return "intensity"
- elif len(image.shape) == 3:
- if image.shape[2] == 3:
- return "rgb"
- elif image.shape[2] == 4:
- return "rgba"
- raise TypeError("'image' argument is not an image.")
- def __rescaleImage(self, image, shape):
- """Rescale an image to the requested shape.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- mode = self.__getImageMode(image)
- if mode == "intensity":
- data = self.__rescaleArray(image, shape)
- elif mode == "rgb":
- data = numpy.empty((shape[0], shape[1], 3), dtype=image.dtype)
- for c in range(3):
- data[:, :, c] = self.__rescaleArray(image[:, :, c], shape)
- elif mode == "rgba":
- data = numpy.empty((shape[0], shape[1], 4), dtype=image.dtype)
- for c in range(4):
- data[:, :, c] = self.__rescaleArray(image[:, :, c], shape)
- return data
- def __composeImage(self, data1, data2, mode):
- """Returns an RBG image containing composition of data1 and data2 in 2
- different channels
- :param numpy.ndarray data1: First image
- :param numpy.ndarray data1: Second image
- :param VisualizationMode mode: Composition mode.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- assert(data1.shape[0:2] == data2.shape[0:2])
- if mode == VisualizationMode.COMPOSITE_A_MINUS_B:
- # TODO: this calculation has no interest of generating a 'composed'
- # rgb image, this could be moved in an other function or doc
- # should be modified
- _type = data1.dtype
- result = data1.astype(numpy.float64) - data2.astype(numpy.float64)
- return result
- mode1 = self.__getImageMode(data1)
- if mode1 in ["rgb", "rgba"]:
- intensity1 = self.__luminosityImage(data1)
- vmin1, vmax1 = 0.0, 1.0
- else:
- intensity1 = data1
- vmin1, vmax1 = data1.min(), data1.max()
- mode2 = self.__getImageMode(data2)
- if mode2 in ["rgb", "rgba"]:
- intensity2 = self.__luminosityImage(data2)
- vmin2, vmax2 = 0.0, 1.0
- else:
- intensity2 = data2
- vmin2, vmax2 = data2.min(), data2.max()
- vmin, vmax = min(vmin1, vmin2) * 1.0, max(vmax1, vmax2) * 1.0
- shape = data1.shape
- result = numpy.empty((shape[0], shape[1], 3), dtype=numpy.uint8)
- a = (intensity1 - vmin) * (1.0 / (vmax - vmin)) * 255.0
- b = (intensity2 - vmin) * (1.0 / (vmax - vmin)) * 255.0
- if mode == VisualizationMode.COMPOSITE_RED_BLUE_GRAY:
- result[:, :, 0] = a
- result[:, :, 1] = (a + b) / 2
- result[:, :, 2] = b
- elif mode == VisualizationMode.COMPOSITE_RED_BLUE_GRAY_NEG:
- result[:, :, 0] = 255 - b
- result[:, :, 1] = 255 - (a + b) / 2
- result[:, :, 2] = 255 - a
- return result
- def __luminosityImage(self, image):
- """Returns the luminosity channel from an RBG(A) image.
- The alpha channel is ignored.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- mode = self.__getImageMode(image)
- assert(mode in ["rgb", "rgba"])
- is_uint8 = image.dtype.type == numpy.uint8
- # luminosity
- image = 0.21 * image[..., 0] + 0.72 * image[..., 1] + 0.07 * image[..., 2]
- if is_uint8:
- image = image / 255.0
- return image
- def __rescaleArray(self, image, shape):
- """Rescale a 2D array to the requested shape.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- y, x = numpy.ogrid[:shape[0], :shape[1]]
- y, x = y * 1.0 * (image.shape[0] - 1) / (shape[0] - 1), x * 1.0 * (image.shape[1] - 1) / (shape[1] - 1)
- b = silx.image.bilinear.BilinearImage(image)
- # TODO: could be optimized using strides
- x2d = numpy.zeros_like(y) + x
- y2d = numpy.zeros_like(x) + y
- result = b.map_coordinates((y2d, x2d))
- return result
- def __createMarginImage(self, image, size, transparent=False, center=False):
- """Returns a new image with margin to respect the requested size.
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- assert(image.shape[0] <= size[0])
- assert(image.shape[1] <= size[1])
- if image.shape == size:
- return image
- mode = self.__getImageMode(image)
- if center:
- pos0 = size[0] // 2 - image.shape[0] // 2
- pos1 = size[1] // 2 - image.shape[1] // 2
- else:
- pos0, pos1 = 0, 0
- if mode == "intensity":
- data = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=image.dtype)
- data[pos0:pos0 + image.shape[0], pos1:pos1 + image.shape[1]] = image
- # TODO: It is maybe possible to put NaN on the margin
- else:
- if transparent:
- data = numpy.zeros((size[0], size[1], 4), dtype=numpy.uint8)
- else:
- data = numpy.zeros((size[0], size[1], 3), dtype=numpy.uint8)
- depth = min(data.shape[2], image.shape[2])
- data[pos0:pos0 + image.shape[0], pos1:pos1 + image.shape[1], 0:depth] = image[:, :, 0:depth]
- if transparent and depth == 3:
- data[pos0:pos0 + image.shape[0], pos1:pos1 + image.shape[1], 3] = 255
- return data
- def __toAffineTransformation(self, sift_result):
- """Returns an affine transformation from the sift result.
- :param dict sift_result: Result of sift when using `all_result=True`
- :rtype: AffineTransformation
- """
- offset = sift_result["offset"]
- matrix = sift_result["matrix"]
- tx = offset[0]
- ty = offset[1]
- a = matrix[0, 0]
- b = matrix[0, 1]
- c = matrix[1, 0]
- d = matrix[1, 1]
- rot = math.atan2(-b, a)
- sx = (-1.0 if a < 0 else 1.0) * math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2)
- sy = (-1.0 if d < 0 else 1.0) * math.sqrt(c**2 + d**2)
- return AffineTransformation(tx, ty, sx, sy, rot)
- def getTransformation(self):
- """Retuns the affine transformation applied to the second image to align
- it to the first image.
- This result is only valid for sift alignment.
- :rtype: Union[None,AffineTransformation]
- """
- return self.__transformation
- def __createSiftData(self, image, second_image):
- """Generate key points and aligned images from 2 images.
- If no keypoints matches, unaligned data are anyway returns.
- :rtype: Tuple(numpy.ndarray,numpy.ndarray)
- """
- devicetype = "GPU"
- # Compute base image
- sift_ocl = sift.SiftPlan(template=image, devicetype=devicetype)
- keypoints = sift_ocl(image)
- # Check image compatibility
- second_keypoints = sift_ocl(second_image)
- mp = sift.MatchPlan()
- match = mp(keypoints, second_keypoints)
-"Number of Keypoints within image 1: %i" % keypoints.size)
-" within image 2: %i" % second_keypoints.size)
- self.__matching_keypoints = (match[:].x[:, 0],
- match[:].y[:, 0],
- match[:].scale[:, 0])
- matching_keypoints = match.shape[0]
-"Matching keypoints: %i" % matching_keypoints)
- if matching_keypoints == 0:
- return image, second_image
- # TODO: Problem here is we have to compute 2 time sift
- # The first time to extract matching keypoints, second time
- # to extract the aligned image.
- # Normalize the second image
- sa = sift.LinearAlign(image, devicetype=devicetype)
- data1 = image
- # TODO: Create a sift issue: if data1 is RGB and data2 intensity
- # it returns None, while extracting manually keypoints (above) works
- result = sa.align(second_image, return_all=True)
- data2 = result["result"]
- self.__transformation = self.__toAffineTransformation(result)
- return data1, data2
- def setAutoResetZoom(self, activate=True):
- """
- :param bool activate: True if we want to activate the automatic
- plot reset zoom when setting images.
- """
- self._resetZoomActive = activate
- def isAutoResetZoom(self):
- """
- :return: True if the automatic call to resetzoom is activated
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return self._resetZoomActive