path: root/silx/gui/plot/items/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot/items/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1734 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot/items/ b/silx/gui/plot/items/
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-# coding: utf-8
-# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# ###########################################################################*/
-"""This module provides the base class for items of the :class:`Plot`.
-__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "08/12/2020"
-import collections
- from collections import abc
-except ImportError: # Python2 support
- import collections as abc
-from copy import deepcopy
-import logging
-import enum
-from typing import Optional, Tuple
-import warnings
-import weakref
-import numpy
-import six
-from ....utils.deprecation import deprecated
-from ....utils.proxy import docstring
-from ....utils.enum import Enum as _Enum
-from ....math.combo import min_max
-from ... import qt
-from ... import colors
-from ...colors import Colormap
-from ._pick import PickingResult
-from silx import config
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class ItemChangedType(enum.Enum):
- """Type of modification provided by :attr:`Item.sigItemChanged` signal."""
- # Private setters and setInfo are not emitting sigItemChanged signal.
- # Signals to consider:
- # COLORMAP_SET emitted when setColormap is called but not forward colormap object signal
- # CURRENT_COLOR_CHANGED emitted current color changed because highlight changed,
- # highlighted color changed or color changed depending on hightlight state.
- VISIBLE = 'visibleChanged'
- """Item's visibility changed flag."""
- ZVALUE = 'zValueChanged'
- """Item's Z value changed flag."""
- COLORMAP = 'colormapChanged' # Emitted when set + forward events from the colormap object
- """Item's colormap changed flag.
- This is emitted both when setting a new colormap and
- when the current colormap object is updated.
- """
- SYMBOL = 'symbolChanged'
- """Item's symbol changed flag."""
- SYMBOL_SIZE = 'symbolSizeChanged'
- """Item's symbol size changed flag."""
- LINE_WIDTH = 'lineWidthChanged'
- """Item's line width changed flag."""
- LINE_STYLE = 'lineStyleChanged'
- """Item's line style changed flag."""
- COLOR = 'colorChanged'
- """Item's color changed flag."""
- LINE_BG_COLOR = 'lineBgColorChanged'
- """Item's line background color changed flag."""
- YAXIS = 'yAxisChanged'
- """Item's Y axis binding changed flag."""
- FILL = 'fillChanged'
- """Item's fill changed flag."""
- ALPHA = 'alphaChanged'
- """Item's transparency alpha changed flag."""
- DATA = 'dataChanged'
- """Item's data changed flag"""
- MASK = 'maskChanged'
- """Item's mask changed flag"""
- HIGHLIGHTED = 'highlightedChanged'
- """Item's highlight state changed flag."""
- HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR = 'highlightedColorChanged'
- """Deprecated, use HIGHLIGHTED_STYLE instead."""
- HIGHLIGHTED_STYLE = 'highlightedStyleChanged'
- """Item's highlighted style changed flag."""
- SCALE = 'scaleChanged'
- """Item's scale changed flag."""
- TEXT = 'textChanged'
- """Item's text changed flag."""
- POSITION = 'positionChanged'
- """Item's position changed flag.
- This is emitted when a marker position changed and
- when an image origin changed.
- """
- OVERLAY = 'overlayChanged'
- """Item's overlay state changed flag."""
- VISUALIZATION_MODE = 'visualizationModeChanged'
- """Item's visualization mode changed flag."""
- COMPLEX_MODE = 'complexModeChanged'
- """Item's complex data visualization mode changed flag."""
- NAME = 'nameChanged'
- """Item's name changed flag."""
- EDITABLE = 'editableChanged'
- """Item's editable state changed flags."""
- SELECTABLE = 'selectableChanged'
- """Item's selectable state changed flags."""
-class Item(qt.QObject):
- """Description of an item of the plot"""
- """Default layer for overlay rendering"""
- """Default selectable state of items"""
- sigItemChanged = qt.Signal(object)
- """Signal emitted when the item has changed.
- It provides a flag describing which property of the item has changed.
- See :class:`ItemChangedType` for flags description.
- """
- _sigVisibleBoundsChanged = qt.Signal()
- """Signal emitted when the visible extent of the item in the plot has changed.
- This signal is emitted only if visible extent tracking is enabled
- (see :meth:`_setVisibleBoundsTracking`).
- """
- def __init__(self):
- qt.QObject.__init__(self)
- self._dirty = True
- self._plotRef = None
- self._visible = True
- self._selectable = self._DEFAULT_SELECTABLE
- self._z = self._DEFAULT_Z_LAYER
- self._info = None
- self._xlabel = None
- self._ylabel = None
- self.__name = ''
- self.__visibleBoundsTracking = False
- self.__previousVisibleBounds = None
- self._backendRenderer = None
- def getPlot(self):
- """Returns the ~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget this item belongs to.
- :rtype: Union[~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget,None]
- """
- return None if self._plotRef is None else self._plotRef()
- def _setPlot(self, plot):
- """Set the plot this item belongs to.
- WARNING: This should only be called from the Plot.
- :param Union[~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget,None] plot: The Plot instance.
- """
- if plot is not None and self._plotRef is not None:
- raise RuntimeError('Trying to add a node at two places.')
- self.__disconnectFromPlotWidget()
- self._plotRef = None if plot is None else weakref.ref(plot)
- self.__connectToPlotWidget()
- self._updated()
- def getBounds(self): # TODO return a Bounds object rather than a tuple
- """Returns the bounding box of this item in data coordinates
- :returns: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) or None
- :rtype: 4-tuple of float or None
- """
- return self._getBounds()
- def _getBounds(self):
- """:meth:`getBounds` implementation to override by sub-class"""
- return None
- def isVisible(self):
- """True if item is visible, False otherwise
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return self._visible
- def setVisible(self, visible):
- """Set visibility of item.
- :param bool visible: True to display it, False otherwise
- """
- visible = bool(visible)
- if visible != self._visible:
- self._visible = visible
- # When visibility has changed, always mark as dirty
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.VISIBLE,
- checkVisibility=False)
- def isOverlay(self):
- """Return true if item is drawn as an overlay.
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return False
- def getName(self):
- """Returns the name of the item which is used as legend.
- :rtype: str
- """
- return self.__name
- def setName(self, name):
- """Set the name of the item which is used as legend.
- :param str name: New name of the item
- :raises RuntimeError: If item belongs to a PlotWidget.
- """
- name = str(name)
- if self.__name != name:
- if self.getPlot() is not None:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Cannot change name while item is in a PlotWidget")
- self.__name = name
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.NAME)
- def getLegend(self): # Replaced by getName for API consistency
- return self.getName()
- @deprecated(replacement='setName', since_version='0.13')
- def _setLegend(self, legend):
- legend = str(legend) if legend is not None else ''
- self.setName(legend)
- def isSelectable(self):
- """Returns true if item is selectable (bool)"""
- return self._selectable
- def _setSelectable(self, selectable): # TODO support update
- """Set whether item is selectable or not.
- This is private for now as change is not handled.
- :param bool selectable: True to make item selectable
- """
- self._selectable = bool(selectable)
- def getZValue(self):
- """Returns the layer on which to draw this item (int)"""
- return self._z
- def setZValue(self, z):
- z = int(z) if z is not None else self._DEFAULT_Z_LAYER
- if z != self._z:
- self._z = z
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.ZVALUE)
- def getInfo(self, copy=True):
- """Returns the info associated to this item
- :param bool copy: True to get a deepcopy, False otherwise.
- """
- return deepcopy(self._info) if copy else self._info
- def setInfo(self, info, copy=True):
- if copy:
- info = deepcopy(info)
- self._info = info
- def getVisibleBounds(self) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float]]:
- """Returns visible bounds of the item bounding box in the plot area.
- :returns:
- (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) in data coordinates of the visible area or
- None if item is not visible in the plot area.
- :rtype: Union[List[float],None]
- """
- plot = self.getPlot()
- bounds = self.getBounds()
- if plot is None or bounds is None or not self.isVisible():
- return None
- xmin, xmax = numpy.clip(bounds[:2], *plot.getXAxis().getLimits())
- ymin, ymax = numpy.clip(
- bounds[2:], *plot.getYAxis(self.__getYAxis()).getLimits())
- if xmin == xmax or ymin == ymax: # Outside the plot area
- return None
- else:
- return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
- def _isVisibleBoundsTracking(self) -> bool:
- """Returns True if visible bounds changes are tracked.
- When enabled, :attr:`_sigVisibleBoundsChanged` is emitted upon changes.
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return self.__visibleBoundsTracking
- def _setVisibleBoundsTracking(self, enable: bool) -> None:
- """Set whether or not to track visible bounds changes.
- :param bool enable:
- """
- if enable != self.__visibleBoundsTracking:
- self.__disconnectFromPlotWidget()
- self.__previousVisibleBounds = None
- self.__visibleBoundsTracking = enable
- self.__connectToPlotWidget()
- def __getYAxis(self) -> str:
- """Returns current Y axis ('left' or 'right')"""
- return self.getYAxis() if isinstance(self, YAxisMixIn) else 'left'
- def __connectToPlotWidget(self) -> None:
- """Connect to PlotWidget signals and install event filter"""
- if not self._isVisibleBoundsTracking():
- return
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if plot is not None:
- for axis in (plot.getXAxis(), plot.getYAxis(self.__getYAxis())):
- axis.sigLimitsChanged.connect(self._visibleBoundsChanged)
- plot.installEventFilter(self)
- self._visibleBoundsChanged()
- def __disconnectFromPlotWidget(self) -> None:
- """Disconnect from PlotWidget signals and remove event filter"""
- if not self._isVisibleBoundsTracking():
- return
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if plot is not None:
- for axis in (plot.getXAxis(), plot.getYAxis(self.__getYAxis())):
- axis.sigLimitsChanged.disconnect(self._visibleBoundsChanged)
- plot.removeEventFilter(self)
- def _visibleBoundsChanged(self, *args) -> None:
- """Check if visible extent actually changed and emit signal"""
- if not self._isVisibleBoundsTracking():
- return # No visible extent tracking
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if plot is None or not plot.isVisible():
- return # No plot or plot not visible
- extent = self.getVisibleBounds()
- if extent != self.__previousVisibleBounds:
- self.__previousVisibleBounds = extent
- self._sigVisibleBoundsChanged.emit()
- def eventFilter(self, watched, event):
- """Event filter to handle PlotWidget show events"""
- if watched is self.getPlot() and event.type() == qt.QEvent.Show:
- self._visibleBoundsChanged()
- return super().eventFilter(watched, event)
- def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
- """Mark the item as dirty (i.e., needing update).
- This also triggers Plot.replot.
- :param event: The event to send to :attr:`sigItemChanged` signal.
- :param bool checkVisibility: True to only mark as dirty if visible,
- False to always mark as dirty.
- """
- if not checkVisibility or self.isVisible():
- if not self._dirty:
- self._dirty = True
- # TODO: send event instead of explicit call
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if plot is not None:
- plot._itemRequiresUpdate(self)
- if event is not None:
- self.sigItemChanged.emit(event)
- def _update(self, backend):
- """Called by Plot to update the backend for this item.
- This is meant to be called asynchronously from _updated.
- This optimizes the number of call to _update.
- :param backend: The backend to update
- """
- if self._dirty:
- # Remove previous renderer from backend if any
- self._removeBackendRenderer(backend)
- # If not visible, do not add renderer to backend
- if self.isVisible():
- self._backendRenderer = self._addBackendRenderer(backend)
- self._dirty = False
- def _addBackendRenderer(self, backend):
- """Override in subclass to add specific backend renderer.
- :param BackendBase backend: The backend to update
- :return: The renderer handle to store or None if no renderer in backend
- """
- return None
- def _removeBackendRenderer(self, backend):
- """Override in subclass to remove specific backend renderer.
- :param BackendBase backend: The backend to update
- """
- if self._backendRenderer is not None:
- backend.remove(self._backendRenderer)
- self._backendRenderer = None
- def pick(self, x, y):
- """Run picking test on this item
- :param float x: The x pixel coord where to pick.
- :param float y: The y pixel coord where to pick.
- :return: None if not picked, else the picked position information
- :rtype: Union[None,PickingResult]
- """
- if not self.isVisible() or self._backendRenderer is None:
- return None
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if plot is None:
- return None
- indices = plot._backend.pickItem(x, y, self._backendRenderer)
- if indices is None:
- return None
- else:
- return PickingResult(self, indices)
-class DataItem(Item):
- """Item with a data extent in the plot"""
- def _boundsChanged(self, checkVisibility: bool=True) -> None:
- """Call this method in subclass when data bounds has changed.
- :param bool checkVisibility:
- """
- if not checkVisibility or self.isVisible():
- self._visibleBoundsChanged()
- # TODO hackish data range implementation
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if plot is not None:
- plot._invalidateDataRange()
- @docstring(Item)
- def setVisible(self, visible: bool):
- if visible != self.isVisible():
- self._boundsChanged(checkVisibility=False)
- super().setVisible(visible)
-# Mix-in classes ##############################################################
-class ItemMixInBase(object):
- """Base class for Item mix-in"""
- def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True):
- """This is implemented in :class:`Item`.
- Mark the item as dirty (i.e., needing update).
- This also triggers Plot.replot.
- :param event: The event to send to :attr:`sigItemChanged` signal.
- :param bool checkVisibility: True to only mark as dirty if visible,
- False to always mark as dirty.
- """
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Issue with Mix-In class inheritance order")
-class LabelsMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
- """Mix-in class for items with x and y labels
- Setters are private, otherwise it needs to check the plot
- current active curve and access the internal current labels.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self._xlabel = None
- self._ylabel = None
- def getXLabel(self):
- """Return the X axis label associated to this curve
- :rtype: str or None
- """
- return self._xlabel
- def _setXLabel(self, label):
- """Set the X axis label associated with this curve
- :param str label: The X axis label
- """
- self._xlabel = str(label)
- def getYLabel(self):
- """Return the Y axis label associated to this curve
- :rtype: str or None
- """
- return self._ylabel
- def _setYLabel(self, label):
- """Set the Y axis label associated with this curve
- :param str label: The Y axis label
- """
- self._ylabel = str(label)
-class DraggableMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
- """Mix-in class for draggable items"""
- def __init__(self):
- self._draggable = False
- def isDraggable(self):
- """Returns true if image is draggable
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return self._draggable
- def _setDraggable(self, draggable): # TODO support update
- """Set if image is draggable or not.
- This is private for not as it does not support update.
- :param bool draggable:
- """
- self._draggable = bool(draggable)
- def drag(self, from_, to):
- """Perform a drag of the item.
- :param List[float] from_: (x, y) previous position in data coordinates
- :param List[float] to: (x, y) current position in data coordinates
- """
- raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass")
-class ColormapMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
- """Mix-in class for items with colormap"""
- def __init__(self):
- self._colormap = Colormap()
- self._colormap.sigChanged.connect(self._colormapChanged)
- self.__data = None
- self.__cacheColormapRange = {} # Store {normalization: range}
- def getColormap(self):
- """Return the used colormap"""
- return self._colormap
- def setColormap(self, colormap):
- """Set the colormap of this item
- :param silx.gui.colors.Colormap colormap: colormap description
- """
- if self._colormap is colormap:
- return
- if isinstance(colormap, dict):
- colormap = Colormap._fromDict(colormap)
- if self._colormap is not None:
- self._colormap.sigChanged.disconnect(self._colormapChanged)
- self._colormap = colormap
- if self._colormap is not None:
- self._colormap.sigChanged.connect(self._colormapChanged)
- self._colormapChanged()
- def _colormapChanged(self):
- """Handle updates of the colormap"""
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.COLORMAP)
- def _setColormappedData(self, data, copy=True,
- min_=None, minPositive=None, max_=None):
- """Set the data used to compute the colormapped display.
- It also resets the cache of data ranges.
- This method MUST be called by inheriting classes when data is updated.
- :param Union[None,numpy.ndarray] data:
- :param Union[None,float] min_: Minimum value of the data
- :param Union[None,float] minPositive:
- Minimum of strictly positive values of the data
- :param Union[None,float] max_: Maximum value of the data
- """
- self.__data = None if data is None else numpy.array(data, copy=copy)
- self.__cacheColormapRange = {} # Reset cache
- # Fill-up colormap range cache if values are provided
- if max_ is not None and numpy.isfinite(max_):
- if min_ is not None and numpy.isfinite(min_):
- self.__cacheColormapRange[Colormap.LINEAR, Colormap.MINMAX] = min_, max_
- if minPositive is not None and numpy.isfinite(minPositive):
- self.__cacheColormapRange[Colormap.LOGARITHM, Colormap.MINMAX] = minPositive, max_
- colormap = self.getColormap()
- if None in (colormap.getVMin(), colormap.getVMax()):
- self._colormapChanged()
- def getColormappedData(self, copy=True):
- """Returns the data used to compute the displayed colors
- :param bool copy: True to get a copy,
- False to get internal data (do not modify!).
- :rtype: Union[None,numpy.ndarray]
- """
- if self.__data is None:
- return None
- else:
- return numpy.array(self.__data, copy=copy)
- def _getColormapAutoscaleRange(self, colormap=None):
- """Returns the autoscale range for current data and colormap.
- :param Union[None,~silx.gui.colors.Colormap] colormap:
- The colormap for which to compute the autoscale range.
- If None, the default, the colormap of the item is used
- :return: (vmin, vmax) range (vmin and /or vmax might be `None`)
- """
- if colormap is None:
- colormap = self.getColormap()
- data = self.getColormappedData(copy=False)
- if colormap is None or data is None:
- return None, None
- normalization = colormap.getNormalization()
- autoscaleMode = colormap.getAutoscaleMode()
- key = normalization, autoscaleMode
- vRange = self.__cacheColormapRange.get(key, None)
- if vRange is None:
- vRange = colormap._computeAutoscaleRange(data)
- self.__cacheColormapRange[key] = vRange
- return vRange
-class SymbolMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
- """Mix-in class for items with symbol type"""
- """Default marker of the item"""
- """Default marker size of the item"""
- _SUPPORTED_SYMBOLS = collections.OrderedDict((
- ('o', 'Circle'),
- ('d', 'Diamond'),
- ('s', 'Square'),
- ('+', 'Plus'),
- ('x', 'Cross'),
- ('.', 'Point'),
- (',', 'Pixel'),
- ('|', 'Vertical line'),
- ('_', 'Horizontal line'),
- ('tickleft', 'Tick left'),
- ('tickright', 'Tick right'),
- ('tickup', 'Tick up'),
- ('tickdown', 'Tick down'),
- ('caretleft', 'Caret left'),
- ('caretright', 'Caret right'),
- ('caretup', 'Caret up'),
- ('caretdown', 'Caret down'),
- (u'\u2665', 'Heart'),
- ('', 'None')))
- """Dict of supported symbols"""
- def __init__(self):
- if self._DEFAULT_SYMBOL is None: # Use default from config
- self._symbol = config.DEFAULT_PLOT_SYMBOL
- else:
- self._symbol = self._DEFAULT_SYMBOL
- if self._DEFAULT_SYMBOL_SIZE is None: # Use default from config
- self._symbol_size = config.DEFAULT_PLOT_SYMBOL_SIZE
- else:
- self._symbol_size = self._DEFAULT_SYMBOL_SIZE
- @classmethod
- def getSupportedSymbols(cls):
- """Returns the list of supported symbol names.
- :rtype: tuple of str
- """
- return tuple(cls._SUPPORTED_SYMBOLS.keys())
- @classmethod
- def getSupportedSymbolNames(cls):
- """Returns the list of supported symbol human-readable names.
- :rtype: tuple of str
- """
- return tuple(cls._SUPPORTED_SYMBOLS.values())
- def getSymbolName(self, symbol=None):
- """Returns human-readable name for a symbol.
- :param str symbol: The symbol from which to get the name.
- Default: current symbol.
- :rtype: str
- :raise KeyError: if symbol is not in :meth:`getSupportedSymbols`.
- """
- if symbol is None:
- symbol = self.getSymbol()
- return self._SUPPORTED_SYMBOLS[symbol]
- def getSymbol(self):
- """Return the point marker type.
- Marker type::
- - 'o' circle
- - '.' point
- - ',' pixel
- - '+' cross
- - 'x' x-cross
- - 'd' diamond
- - 's' square
- :rtype: str
- """
- return self._symbol
- def setSymbol(self, symbol):
- """Set the marker type
- See :meth:`getSymbol`.
- :param str symbol: Marker type or marker name
- """
- if symbol is None:
- symbol = self._DEFAULT_SYMBOL
- elif symbol not in self.getSupportedSymbols():
- for symbolCode, name in self._SUPPORTED_SYMBOLS.items():
- if name.lower() == symbol.lower():
- symbol = symbolCode
- break
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unsupported symbol %s' % str(symbol))
- if symbol != self._symbol:
- self._symbol = symbol
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.SYMBOL)
- def getSymbolSize(self):
- """Return the point marker size in points.
- :rtype: float
- """
- return self._symbol_size
- def setSymbolSize(self, size):
- """Set the point marker size in points.
- See :meth:`getSymbolSize`.
- :param str symbol: Marker type
- """
- if size is None:
- size = self._DEFAULT_SYMBOL_SIZE
- if size != self._symbol_size:
- self._symbol_size = size
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.SYMBOL_SIZE)
-class LineMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
- """Mix-in class for item with line"""
- """Default line width"""
- """Default line style"""
- _SUPPORTED_LINESTYLE = '', ' ', '-', '--', '-.', ':', None
- """Supported line styles"""
- def __init__(self):
- self._linewidth = self._DEFAULT_LINEWIDTH
- self._linestyle = self._DEFAULT_LINESTYLE
- @classmethod
- def getSupportedLineStyles(cls):
- """Returns list of supported line styles.
- :rtype: List[str,None]
- """
- def getLineWidth(self):
- """Return the curve line width in pixels
- :rtype: float
- """
- return self._linewidth
- def setLineWidth(self, width):
- """Set the width in pixel of the curve line
- See :meth:`getLineWidth`.
- :param float width: Width in pixels
- """
- width = float(width)
- if width != self._linewidth:
- self._linewidth = width
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.LINE_WIDTH)
- def getLineStyle(self):
- """Return the type of the line
- Type of line::
- - ' ' no line
- - '-' solid line
- - '--' dashed line
- - '-.' dash-dot line
- - ':' dotted line
- :rtype: str
- """
- return self._linestyle
- def setLineStyle(self, style):
- """Set the style of the curve line.
- See :meth:`getLineStyle`.
- :param str style: Line style
- """
- style = str(style)
- assert style in self.getSupportedLineStyles()
- if style is None:
- style = self._DEFAULT_LINESTYLE
- if style != self._linestyle:
- self._linestyle = style
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.LINE_STYLE)
-class ColorMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
- """Mix-in class for item with color"""
- _DEFAULT_COLOR = (0., 0., 0., 1.)
- """Default color of the item"""
- def __init__(self):
- self._color = self._DEFAULT_COLOR
- def getColor(self):
- """Returns the RGBA color of the item
- :rtype: 4-tuple of float in [0, 1] or array of colors
- """
- return self._color
- def setColor(self, color, copy=True):
- """Set item color
- :param color: color(s) to be used
- :type color: str ("#RRGGBB") or (npoints, 4) unsigned byte array or
- one of the predefined color names defined in
- :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
- False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- """
- if isinstance(color, six.string_types):
- color = colors.rgba(color)
- elif isinstance(color, qt.QColor):
- color = colors.rgba(color)
- else:
- color = numpy.array(color, copy=copy)
- # TODO more checks + improve color array support
- if color.ndim == 1: # Single RGBA color
- color = colors.rgba(color)
- else: # Array of colors
- assert color.ndim == 2
- self._color = color
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.COLOR)
-class YAxisMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
- """Mix-in class for item with yaxis"""
- _DEFAULT_YAXIS = 'left'
- """Default Y axis the item belongs to"""
- def __init__(self):
- self._yaxis = self._DEFAULT_YAXIS
- def getYAxis(self):
- """Returns the Y axis this curve belongs to.
- Either 'left' or 'right'.
- :rtype: str
- """
- return self._yaxis
- def setYAxis(self, yaxis):
- """Set the Y axis this curve belongs to.
- :param str yaxis: 'left' or 'right'
- """
- yaxis = str(yaxis)
- assert yaxis in ('left', 'right')
- if yaxis != self._yaxis:
- self._yaxis = yaxis
- # Handle data extent changed for DataItem
- if isinstance(self, DataItem):
- self._boundsChanged()
- # Handle visible extent changed
- if self._isVisibleBoundsTracking():
- # Switch Y axis signal connection
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if plot is not None:
- previousYAxis = 'left' if self.getXAxis() == 'right' else 'right'
- plot.getYAxis(previousYAxis).sigLimitsChanged.disconnect(
- self._visibleBoundsChanged)
- plot.getYAxis(self.getYAxis()).sigLimitsChanged.connect(
- self._visibleBoundsChanged)
- self._visibleBoundsChanged()
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.YAXIS)
-class FillMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
- """Mix-in class for item with fill"""
- def __init__(self):
- self._fill = False
- def isFill(self):
- """Returns whether the item is filled or not.
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return self._fill
- def setFill(self, fill):
- """Set whether to fill the item or not.
- :param bool fill:
- """
- fill = bool(fill)
- if fill != self._fill:
- self._fill = fill
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.FILL)
-class AlphaMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
- """Mix-in class for item with opacity"""
- def __init__(self):
- self._alpha = 1.
- def getAlpha(self):
- """Returns the opacity of the item
- :rtype: float in [0, 1.]
- """
- return self._alpha
- def setAlpha(self, alpha):
- """Set the opacity of the item
- .. note::
- If the colormap already has some transparency, this alpha
- adds additional transparency. The alpha channel of the colormap
- is multiplied by this value.
- :param alpha: Opacity of the item, between 0 (full transparency)
- and 1. (full opacity)
- :type alpha: float
- """
- alpha = float(alpha)
- alpha = max(0., min(alpha, 1.)) # Clip alpha to [0., 1.] range
- if alpha != self._alpha:
- self._alpha = alpha
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.ALPHA)
-class ComplexMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
- """Mix-in class for complex data mode"""
- """Override to only support a subset of all ComplexMode"""
- class ComplexMode(_Enum):
- """Identify available display mode for complex"""
- NONE = 'none'
- ABSOLUTE = 'amplitude'
- PHASE = 'phase'
- REAL = 'real'
- IMAGINARY = 'imaginary'
- AMPLITUDE_PHASE = 'amplitude_phase'
- LOG10_AMPLITUDE_PHASE = 'log10_amplitude_phase'
- SQUARE_AMPLITUDE = 'square_amplitude'
- def __init__(self):
- self.__complex_mode = self.ComplexMode.ABSOLUTE
- def getComplexMode(self):
- """Returns the current complex visualization mode.
- :rtype: ComplexMode
- """
- return self.__complex_mode
- def setComplexMode(self, mode):
- """Set the complex visualization mode.
- :param ComplexMode mode: The visualization mode in:
- 'real', 'imaginary', 'phase', 'amplitude'
- :return: True if value was set, False if is was already set
- :rtype: bool
- """
- mode = self.ComplexMode.from_value(mode)
- assert mode in self.supportedComplexModes()
- if mode != self.__complex_mode:
- self.__complex_mode = mode
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.COMPLEX_MODE)
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def _convertComplexData(self, data, mode=None):
- """Convert complex data to the specific mode.
- :param Union[ComplexMode,None] mode:
- The kind of value to compute.
- If None (the default), the current complex mode is used.
- :return: The converted dataset
- :rtype: Union[numpy.ndarray[float],None]
- """
- if data is None:
- return None
- if mode is None:
- mode = self.getComplexMode()
- if mode is self.ComplexMode.REAL:
- return numpy.real(data)
- elif mode is self.ComplexMode.IMAGINARY:
- return numpy.imag(data)
- elif mode is self.ComplexMode.ABSOLUTE:
- return numpy.absolute(data)
- elif mode is self.ComplexMode.PHASE:
- return numpy.angle(data)
- elif mode is self.ComplexMode.SQUARE_AMPLITUDE:
- return numpy.absolute(data) ** 2
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unsupported conversion mode: %s', str(mode))
- @classmethod
- def supportedComplexModes(cls):
- """Returns the list of supported complex visualization modes.
- See :class:`ComplexMode` and :meth:`setComplexMode`.
- :rtype: List[ComplexMode]
- """
- return cls.ComplexMode.members()
- else:
-class ScatterVisualizationMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
- """Mix-in class for scatter plot visualization modes"""
- """Allows to override supported Visualizations"""
- @enum.unique
- class Visualization(_Enum):
- """Different modes of scatter plot visualizations"""
- POINTS = 'points'
- """Display scatter plot as a point cloud"""
- LINES = 'lines'
- """Display scatter plot as a wireframe.
- This is based on Delaunay triangulation
- """
- SOLID = 'solid'
- """Display scatter plot as a set of filled triangles.
- This is based on Delaunay triangulation
- """
- REGULAR_GRID = 'regular_grid'
- """Display scatter plot as an image.
- It expects the points to be the intersection of a regular grid,
- and the order of points following that of an image.
- First line, then second one, and always in the same direction
- (either all lines from left to right or all from right to left).
- """
- IRREGULAR_GRID = 'irregular_grid'
- """Display scatter plot as contiguous quadrilaterals.
- It expects the points to be the intersection of an irregular grid,
- and the order of points following that of an image.
- First line, then second one, and always in the same direction
- (either all lines from left to right or all from right to left).
- """
- BINNED_STATISTIC = 'binned_statistic'
- """Display scatter plot as 2D binned statistic (i.e., generalized histogram).
- """
- @enum.unique
- class VisualizationParameter(_Enum):
- """Different parameter names for scatter plot visualizations"""
- GRID_MAJOR_ORDER = 'grid_major_order'
- """The major order of points in the regular grid.
- Either 'row' (row-major, fast X) or 'column' (column-major, fast Y).
- """
- GRID_BOUNDS = 'grid_bounds'
- """The expected range in data coordinates of the regular grid.
- A 2-tuple of 2-tuple: (begin (x, y), end (x, y)).
- This provides the data coordinates of the first point and the expected
- last on.
- As for `GRID_SHAPE`, this can be wider than the current data.
- """
- GRID_SHAPE = 'grid_shape'
- """The expected size of the regular grid (height, width).
- The given shape can be wider than the number of points,
- in which case the grid is not fully filled.
- """
- BINNED_STATISTIC_SHAPE = 'binned_statistic_shape'
- """The number of bins in each dimension (height, width).
- """
- BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION = 'binned_statistic_function'
- """The reduction function to apply to each bin (str).
- Available reduction functions are: 'mean' (default), 'count', 'sum'.
- """
- DATA_BOUNDS_HINT = 'data_bounds_hint'
- """The expected bounds of the data in data coordinates.
- A 2-tuple of 2-tuple: ((ymin, ymax), (xmin, xmax)).
- This provides a hint for the data ranges in both dimensions.
- It is eventually enlarged with actually data ranges.
- WARNING: dimension 0 i.e., Y first.
- """
- VisualizationParameter.GRID_MAJOR_ORDER: ('row', 'column'),
- VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION: ('mean', 'count', 'sum'),
- }
- """Supported visualization parameter values.
- Defined for parameters with a set of acceptable values.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.__visualization = self.Visualization.POINTS
- self.__parameters = dict(# Init parameters to None
- (parameter, None) for parameter in self.VisualizationParameter)
- self.__parameters[self.VisualizationParameter.BINNED_STATISTIC_FUNCTION] = 'mean'
- @classmethod
- def supportedVisualizations(cls):
- """Returns the list of supported scatter visualization modes.
- See :meth:`setVisualization`
- :rtype: List[Visualization]
- """
- return cls.Visualization.members()
- else:
- @classmethod
- def supportedVisualizationParameterValues(cls, parameter):
- """Returns the list of supported scatter visualization modes.
- See :meth:`VisualizationParameters`
- :param VisualizationParameter parameter:
- This parameter for which to retrieve the supported values.
- :returns: tuple of supported of values or None if not defined.
- """
- parameter = cls.VisualizationParameter(parameter)
- parameter, None)
- def setVisualization(self, mode):
- """Set the scatter plot visualization mode to use.
- See :class:`Visualization` for all possible values,
- and :meth:`supportedVisualizations` for supported ones.
- :param Union[str,Visualization] mode:
- The visualization mode to use.
- :return: True if value was set, False if is was already set
- :rtype: bool
- """
- mode = self.Visualization.from_value(mode)
- assert mode in self.supportedVisualizations()
- if mode != self.__visualization:
- self.__visualization = mode
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.VISUALIZATION_MODE)
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def getVisualization(self):
- """Returns the scatter plot visualization mode in use.
- :rtype: Visualization
- """
- return self.__visualization
- def setVisualizationParameter(self, parameter, value=None):
- """Set the given visualization parameter.
- :param Union[str,VisualizationParameter] parameter:
- The name of the parameter to set
- :param value: The value to use for this parameter
- Set to None to automatically set the parameter
- :raises ValueError: If parameter is not supported
- :return: True if parameter was set, False if is was already set
- :rtype: bool
- :raise ValueError: If value is not supported
- """
- parameter = self.VisualizationParameter.from_value(parameter)
- if self.__parameters[parameter] != value:
- validValues = self.supportedVisualizationParameterValues(parameter)
- if validValues is not None and value not in validValues:
- raise ValueError("Unsupported parameter value: %s" % str(value))
- self.__parameters[parameter] = value
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.VISUALIZATION_MODE)
- return True
- return False
- def getVisualizationParameter(self, parameter):
- """Returns the value of the given visualization parameter.
- This method returns the parameter as set by
- :meth:`setVisualizationParameter`.
- :param parameter: The name of the parameter to retrieve
- :returns: The value previously set or None if automatically set
- :raises ValueError: If parameter is not supported
- """
- if parameter not in self.VisualizationParameter:
- raise ValueError("parameter not supported: %s", parameter)
- return self.__parameters[parameter]
- def getCurrentVisualizationParameter(self, parameter):
- """Returns the current value of the given visualization parameter.
- If the parameter was set by :meth:`setVisualizationParameter` to
- a value that is not None, this value is returned;
- else the current value that is automatically computed is returned.
- :param parameter: The name of the parameter to retrieve
- :returns: The current value (either set or automatically computed)
- :raises ValueError: If parameter is not supported
- """
- # Override in subclass to provide automatically computed parameters
- return self.getVisualizationParameter(parameter)
-class PointsBase(DataItem, SymbolMixIn, AlphaMixIn):
- """Base class for :class:`Curve` and :class:`Scatter`"""
- # note: _logFilterData must be overloaded if you overload
- # getData to change its signature
- """Default overlay layer for points,
- on top of images."""
- def __init__(self):
- DataItem.__init__(self)
- SymbolMixIn.__init__(self)
- AlphaMixIn.__init__(self)
- self._x = ()
- self._y = ()
- self._xerror = None
- self._yerror = None
- # Store filtered data for x > 0 and/or y > 0
- self._filteredCache = {}
- self._clippedCache = {}
- # Store bounds depending on axes filtering >0:
- # key is (isXPositiveFilter, isYPositiveFilter)
- self._boundsCache = {}
- @staticmethod
- def _logFilterError(value, error):
- """Filter/convert error values if they go <= 0.
- Replace error leading to negative values by nan
- :param numpy.ndarray value: 1D array of values
- :param numpy.ndarray error:
- Array of errors: scalar, N, Nx1 or 2xN or None.
- :return: Filtered error so error bars are never negative
- """
- if error is not None:
- # Convert Nx1 to N
- if error.ndim == 2 and error.shape[1] == 1 and len(value) != 1:
- error = numpy.ravel(error)
- # Supports error being scalar, N or 2xN array
- valueMinusError = value - numpy.atleast_2d(error)[0]
- errorClipped = numpy.isnan(valueMinusError)
- mask = numpy.logical_not(errorClipped)
- errorClipped[mask] = valueMinusError[mask] <= 0
- if numpy.any(errorClipped): # Need filtering
- # expand errorbars to 2xN
- if error.size == 1: # Scalar
- error = numpy.full(
- (2, len(value)), error, dtype=numpy.float64)
- elif error.ndim == 1: # N array
- newError = numpy.empty((2, len(value)),
- dtype=numpy.float64)
- newError[0,:] = error
- newError[1,:] = error
- error = newError
- elif error.size == 2 * len(value): # 2xN array
- error = numpy.array(
- error, copy=True, dtype=numpy.float64)
- else:
- _logger.error("Unhandled error array")
- return error
- error[0, errorClipped] = numpy.nan
- return error
- def _getClippingBoolArray(self, xPositive, yPositive):
- """Compute a boolean array to filter out points with negative
- coordinates on log axes.
- :param bool xPositive: True to filter arrays according to X coords.
- :param bool yPositive: True to filter arrays according to Y coords.
- :rtype: boolean numpy.ndarray
- """
- assert xPositive or yPositive
- if (xPositive, yPositive) not in self._clippedCache:
- xclipped, yclipped = False, False
- if xPositive:
- x = self.getXData(copy=False)
- with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # Ignore NaN warnings
- xclipped = x <= 0
- if yPositive:
- y = self.getYData(copy=False)
- with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # Ignore NaN warnings
- yclipped = y <= 0
- self._clippedCache[(xPositive, yPositive)] = \
- numpy.logical_or(xclipped, yclipped)
- return self._clippedCache[(xPositive, yPositive)]
- def _logFilterData(self, xPositive, yPositive):
- """Filter out values with x or y <= 0 on log axes
- :param bool xPositive: True to filter arrays according to X coords.
- :param bool yPositive: True to filter arrays according to Y coords.
- :return: The filter arrays or unchanged object if filtering not needed
- :rtype: (x, y, xerror, yerror)
- """
- x = self.getXData(copy=False)
- y = self.getYData(copy=False)
- xerror = self.getXErrorData(copy=False)
- yerror = self.getYErrorData(copy=False)
- if xPositive or yPositive:
- clipped = self._getClippingBoolArray(xPositive, yPositive)
- if numpy.any(clipped):
- # copy to keep original array and convert to float
- x = numpy.array(x, copy=True, dtype=numpy.float64)
- x[clipped] = numpy.nan
- y = numpy.array(y, copy=True, dtype=numpy.float64)
- y[clipped] = numpy.nan
- if xPositive and xerror is not None:
- xerror = self._logFilterError(x, xerror)
- if yPositive and yerror is not None:
- yerror = self._logFilterError(y, yerror)
- return x, y, xerror, yerror
- def _getBounds(self):
- if self.getXData(copy=False).size == 0: # Empty data
- return None
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if plot is not None:
- xPositive = plot.getXAxis()._isLogarithmic()
- yPositive = plot.getYAxis()._isLogarithmic()
- else:
- xPositive = False
- yPositive = False
- # TODO bounds do not take error bars into account
- if (xPositive, yPositive) not in self._boundsCache:
- # use the getData class method because instance method can be
- # overloaded to return additional arrays
- data = PointsBase.getData(self, copy=False, displayed=True)
- if len(data) == 5:
- # hack to avoid duplicating caching mechanism in Scatter
- # (happens when cached data is used, caching done using
- # Scatter._logFilterData)
- x, y, _xerror, _yerror = data[0], data[1], data[3], data[4]
- else:
- x, y, _xerror, _yerror = data
- xmin, xmax = min_max(x, finite=True)
- ymin, ymax = min_max(y, finite=True)
- self._boundsCache[(xPositive, yPositive)] = tuple([
- (bound if bound is not None else numpy.nan)
- for bound in (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)])
- return self._boundsCache[(xPositive, yPositive)]
- def _getCachedData(self):
- """Return cached filtered data if applicable,
- i.e. if any axis is in log scale.
- Return None if caching is not applicable."""
- plot = self.getPlot()
- if plot is not None:
- xPositive = plot.getXAxis()._isLogarithmic()
- yPositive = plot.getYAxis()._isLogarithmic()
- if xPositive or yPositive:
- # At least one axis has log scale, filter data
- if (xPositive, yPositive) not in self._filteredCache:
- self._filteredCache[(xPositive, yPositive)] = \
- self._logFilterData(xPositive, yPositive)
- return self._filteredCache[(xPositive, yPositive)]
- return None
- def getData(self, copy=True, displayed=False):
- """Returns the x, y values of the curve points and xerror, yerror
- :param bool copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
- False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- :param bool displayed: True to only get curve points that are displayed
- in the plot. Default: False
- Note: If plot has log scale, negative points
- are not displayed.
- :returns: (x, y, xerror, yerror)
- :rtype: 4-tuple of numpy.ndarray
- """
- if displayed: # filter data according to plot state
- cached_data = self._getCachedData()
- if cached_data is not None:
- return cached_data
- return (self.getXData(copy),
- self.getYData(copy),
- self.getXErrorData(copy),
- self.getYErrorData(copy))
- def getXData(self, copy=True):
- """Returns the x coordinates of the data points
- :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
- False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- return numpy.array(self._x, copy=copy)
- def getYData(self, copy=True):
- """Returns the y coordinates of the data points
- :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
- False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray
- """
- return numpy.array(self._y, copy=copy)
- def getXErrorData(self, copy=True):
- """Returns the x error of the points
- :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
- False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray, float or None
- """
- if isinstance(self._xerror, numpy.ndarray):
- return numpy.array(self._xerror, copy=copy)
- else:
- return self._xerror # float or None
- def getYErrorData(self, copy=True):
- """Returns the y error of the points
- :param copy: True (Default) to get a copy,
- False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- :rtype: numpy.ndarray, float or None
- """
- if isinstance(self._yerror, numpy.ndarray):
- return numpy.array(self._yerror, copy=copy)
- else:
- return self._yerror # float or None
- def setData(self, x, y, xerror=None, yerror=None, copy=True):
- """Set the data of the curve.
- :param numpy.ndarray x: The data corresponding to the x coordinates.
- :param numpy.ndarray y: The data corresponding to the y coordinates.
- :param xerror: Values with the uncertainties on the x values
- :type xerror: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32.
- If it is an array, it can either be a 1D array of
- same length as the data or a 2D array with 2 rows
- of same length as the data: row 0 for positive errors,
- row 1 for negative errors.
- :param yerror: Values with the uncertainties on the y values.
- :type yerror: A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32. See xerror.
- :param bool copy: True make a copy of the data (default),
- False to use provided arrays.
- """
- x = numpy.array(x, copy=copy)
- y = numpy.array(y, copy=copy)
- assert len(x) == len(y)
- assert x.ndim == y.ndim == 1
- # Convert complex data
- if numpy.iscomplexobj(x):
- _logger.warning(
- 'Converting x data to absolute value to plot it.')
- x = numpy.absolute(x)
- if numpy.iscomplexobj(y):
- _logger.warning(
- 'Converting y data to absolute value to plot it.')
- y = numpy.absolute(y)
- if xerror is not None:
- if isinstance(xerror, abc.Iterable):
- xerror = numpy.array(xerror, copy=copy)
- if numpy.iscomplexobj(xerror):
- _logger.warning(
- 'Converting xerror data to absolute value to plot it.')
- xerror = numpy.absolute(xerror)
- else:
- xerror = float(xerror)
- if yerror is not None:
- if isinstance(yerror, abc.Iterable):
- yerror = numpy.array(yerror, copy=copy)
- if numpy.iscomplexobj(yerror):
- _logger.warning(
- 'Converting yerror data to absolute value to plot it.')
- yerror = numpy.absolute(yerror)
- else:
- yerror = float(yerror)
- # TODO checks on xerror, yerror
- self._x, self._y = x, y
- self._xerror, self._yerror = xerror, yerror
- self._boundsCache = {} # Reset cached bounds
- self._filteredCache = {} # Reset cached filtered data
- self._clippedCache = {} # Reset cached clipped bool array
- self._boundsChanged()
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
-class BaselineMixIn(object):
- """Base class for Baseline mix-in"""
- def __init__(self, baseline=None):
- self._baseline = baseline
- def _setBaseline(self, baseline):
- """
- Set baseline value
- :param baseline: baseline value(s)
- :type: Union[None,float,numpy.ndarray]
- """
- if (isinstance(baseline, abc.Iterable)):
- baseline = numpy.array(baseline)
- self._baseline = baseline
- def getBaseline(self, copy=True):
- """
- :param bool copy:
- :return: histogram baseline
- :rtype: Union[None,float,numpy.ndarray]
- """
- if isinstance(self._baseline, numpy.ndarray):
- return numpy.array(self._baseline, copy=True)
- else:
- return self._baseline
-class _Style:
- """Object which store styles"""
-class HighlightedMixIn(ItemMixInBase):
- def __init__(self):
- self._highlightStyle = self._DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE
- self._highlighted = False
- def isHighlighted(self):
- """Returns True if curve is highlighted.
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return self._highlighted
- def setHighlighted(self, highlighted):
- """Set the highlight state of the curve
- :param bool highlighted:
- """
- highlighted = bool(highlighted)
- if highlighted != self._highlighted:
- self._highlighted = highlighted
- # TODO inefficient: better to use backend's setCurveColor
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED)
- def getHighlightedStyle(self):
- """Returns the highlighted style in use
- :rtype: CurveStyle
- """
- return self._highlightStyle
- def setHighlightedStyle(self, style):
- """Set the style to use for highlighting
- :param CurveStyle style: New style to use
- """
- previous = self.getHighlightedStyle()
- if style != previous:
- assert isinstance(style, _Style)
- self._highlightStyle = style
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED_STYLE)
- # Backward compatibility event
- if previous.getColor() != style.getColor():
- self._updated(ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR)