path: root/silx/gui/plot3d/_model/
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/gui/plot3d/_model/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1760 deletions
diff --git a/silx/gui/plot3d/_model/ b/silx/gui/plot3d/_model/
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-# coding: utf-8
-# /*##########################################################################
-# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# ###########################################################################*/
-This module provides base classes to implement models for 3D scene content
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division
-__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__date__ = "24/04/2018"
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import functools
-import logging
-import weakref
-import numpy
-import six
-from ...utils.image import convertArrayToQImage
-from ...colors import preferredColormaps
-from ... import qt, icons
-from .. import items
-from ..items.volume import Isosurface, CutPlane, ComplexIsosurface
-from ..Plot3DWidget import Plot3DWidget
-from .core import AngleDegreeRow, BaseRow, ColorProxyRow, ProxyRow, StaticRow
-_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class ItemProxyRow(ProxyRow):
- """Provides a node to proxy a data accessible through functions.
- It listens on sigItemChanged to trigger the update.
- Warning: Only weak reference are kept on fget and fset.
- :param Item3D item: The item to
- :param str name: The name of this node
- :param callable fget: A callable returning the data
- :param callable fset:
- An optional callable setting the data with data as a single argument.
- :param events:
- An optional event kind or list of event kinds to react upon.
- :param callable toModelData:
- An optional callable to convert from fget
- callable to data returned by the model.
- :param callable fromModelData:
- An optional callable converting data provided to the model to
- data for fset.
- :param editorHint: Data to provide as UserRole for editor selection/setup
- """
- def __init__(self,
- item,
- name='',
- fget=None,
- fset=None,
- events=None,
- toModelData=None,
- fromModelData=None,
- editorHint=None):
- super(ItemProxyRow, self).__init__(
- name=name,
- fget=fget,
- fset=fset,
- notify=None,
- toModelData=toModelData,
- fromModelData=fromModelData,
- editorHint=editorHint)
- if isinstance(events, (items.ItemChangedType,
- items.Item3DChangedType)):
- events = (events,)
- self.__events = events
- item.sigItemChanged.connect(self.__itemChanged)
- def __itemChanged(self, event):
- """Handle item changed
- :param Union[ItemChangedType,Item3DChangedType] event:
- """
- if self.__events is None or event in self.__events:
- self._notified()
-class ItemColorProxyRow(ColorProxyRow, ItemProxyRow):
- """Combines :class:`ColorProxyRow` and :class:`ItemProxyRow`"""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- ItemProxyRow.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-class ItemAngleDegreeRow(AngleDegreeRow, ItemProxyRow):
- """Combines :class:`AngleDegreeRow` and :class:`ItemProxyRow`"""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- ItemProxyRow.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-class _DirectionalLightProxy(qt.QObject):
- """Proxy to handle directional light with angles rather than vector.
- """
- sigAzimuthAngleChanged = qt.Signal()
- """Signal sent when the azimuth angle has changed."""
- sigAltitudeAngleChanged = qt.Signal()
- """Signal sent when altitude angle has changed."""
- def __init__(self, light):
- super(_DirectionalLightProxy, self).__init__()
- self._light = light
- light.addListener(self._directionUpdated)
- self._azimuth = 0
- self._altitude = 0
- def getAzimuthAngle(self):
- """Returns the signed angle in the horizontal plane.
- Unit: degrees.
- The 0 angle corresponds to the axis perpendicular to the screen.
- :rtype: int
- """
- return self._azimuth
- def getAltitudeAngle(self):
- """Returns the signed vertical angle from the horizontal plane.
- Unit: degrees.
- Range: [-90, +90]
- :rtype: int
- """
- return self._altitude
- def setAzimuthAngle(self, angle):
- """Set the horizontal angle.
- :param int angle: Angle from -z axis in zx plane in degrees.
- """
- angle = int(round(angle))
- if angle != self._azimuth:
- self._azimuth = angle
- self._updateLight()
- self.sigAzimuthAngleChanged.emit()
- def setAltitudeAngle(self, angle):
- """Set the horizontal angle.
- :param int angle: Angle from -z axis in zy plane in degrees.
- """
- angle = int(round(angle))
- if angle != self._altitude:
- self._altitude = angle
- self._updateLight()
- self.sigAltitudeAngleChanged.emit()
- def _directionUpdated(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Handle light direction update in the scene"""
- # Invert direction to manipulate the 'source' pointing to
- # the center of the viewport
- x, y, z = - self._light.direction
- # Horizontal plane is plane xz
- azimuth = int(round(numpy.degrees(numpy.arctan2(x, z))))
- altitude = int(round(numpy.degrees(numpy.pi/2. - numpy.arccos(y))))
- if azimuth != self.getAzimuthAngle():
- self.setAzimuthAngle(azimuth)
- if altitude != self.getAltitudeAngle():
- self.setAltitudeAngle(altitude)
- def _updateLight(self):
- """Update light direction in the scene"""
- azimuth = numpy.radians(self._azimuth)
- delta = numpy.pi/2. - numpy.radians(self._altitude)
- if delta == 0.: # Avoids zenith position
- delta = 0.0001
- z = - numpy.sin(delta) * numpy.cos(azimuth)
- x = - numpy.sin(delta) * numpy.sin(azimuth)
- y = - numpy.cos(delta)
- self._light.direction = x, y, z
-class Settings(StaticRow):
- """Subtree for :class:`SceneWidget` style parameters.
- :param SceneWidget sceneWidget: The widget to control
- """
- def __init__(self, sceneWidget):
- background = ColorProxyRow(
- name='Background',
- fget=sceneWidget.getBackgroundColor,
- fset=sceneWidget.setBackgroundColor,
- notify=sceneWidget.sigStyleChanged)
- foreground = ColorProxyRow(
- name='Foreground',
- fget=sceneWidget.getForegroundColor,
- fset=sceneWidget.setForegroundColor,
- notify=sceneWidget.sigStyleChanged)
- text = ColorProxyRow(
- name='Text',
- fget=sceneWidget.getTextColor,
- fset=sceneWidget.setTextColor,
- notify=sceneWidget.sigStyleChanged)
- highlight = ColorProxyRow(
- name='Highlight',
- fget=sceneWidget.getHighlightColor,
- fset=sceneWidget.setHighlightColor,
- notify=sceneWidget.sigStyleChanged)
- axesIndicator = ProxyRow(
- name='Axes Indicator',
- fget=sceneWidget.isOrientationIndicatorVisible,
- fset=sceneWidget.setOrientationIndicatorVisible,
- notify=sceneWidget.sigStyleChanged)
- # Light direction
- self._lightProxy = _DirectionalLightProxy(sceneWidget.viewport.light)
- azimuthNode = ProxyRow(
- name='Azimuth',
- fget=self._lightProxy.getAzimuthAngle,
- fset=self._lightProxy.setAzimuthAngle,
- notify=self._lightProxy.sigAzimuthAngleChanged,
- editorHint=(-90, 90))
- altitudeNode = ProxyRow(
- name='Altitude',
- fget=self._lightProxy.getAltitudeAngle,
- fset=self._lightProxy.setAltitudeAngle,
- notify=self._lightProxy.sigAltitudeAngleChanged,
- editorHint=(-90, 90))
- lightDirection = StaticRow(('Light Direction', None),
- children=(azimuthNode, altitudeNode))
- # Fog
- fog = ProxyRow(
- name='Fog',
- fget=sceneWidget.getFogMode,
- fset=sceneWidget.setFogMode,
- notify=sceneWidget.sigStyleChanged,
- toModelData=lambda mode: mode is Plot3DWidget.FogMode.LINEAR,
- fromModelData=lambda mode: Plot3DWidget.FogMode.LINEAR if mode else Plot3DWidget.FogMode.NONE)
- # Settings row
- children = (background, foreground, text, highlight,
- axesIndicator, lightDirection, fog)
- super(Settings, self).__init__(('Settings', None), children=children)
-class Item3DRow(BaseRow):
- """Represents an :class:`Item3D` with checkable visibility
- :param Item3D item: The scene item to represent.
- :param str name: The optional name of the item
- """
- _EVENTS = items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE, items.Item3DChangedType.LABEL
- """Events for which to update the first column in the tree"""
- def __init__(self, item, name=None):
- self.__name = None if name is None else six.text_type(name)
- super(Item3DRow, self).__init__()
- self.setFlags(
- self.flags(0) | qt.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable,
- 0)
- self.setFlags(self.flags(1) | qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable, 1)
- self._item = weakref.ref(item)
- item.sigItemChanged.connect(self._itemChanged)
- def _itemChanged(self, event):
- """Handle model update upon change"""
- if event in self._EVENTS:
- model = self.model()
- if model is not None:
- index = self.index(column=0)
- model.dataChanged.emit(index, index)
- def item(self):
- """Returns the :class:`Item3D` item or None"""
- return self._item()
- def data(self, column, role):
- if column == 0:
- if role == qt.Qt.CheckStateRole:
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None and item.isVisible():
- return qt.Qt.Checked
- else:
- return qt.Qt.Unchecked
- elif role == qt.Qt.DecorationRole:
- return icons.getQIcon('item-3dim')
- elif role == qt.Qt.DisplayRole:
- if self.__name is None:
- item = self.item()
- return '' if item is None else item.getLabel()
- else:
- return self.__name
- return super(Item3DRow, self).data(column, role)
- def setData(self, column, value, role):
- if column == 0 and role == qt.Qt.CheckStateRole:
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None:
- item.setVisible(value == qt.Qt.Checked)
- return True
- else:
- return False
- return super(Item3DRow, self).setData(column, value, role)
- def columnCount(self):
- return 2
-class DataItem3DBoundingBoxRow(ItemProxyRow):
- """Represents :class:`DataItem3D` bounding box visibility
- :param DataItem3D item: The item for which to display/control bounding box
- """
- def __init__(self, item):
- super(DataItem3DBoundingBoxRow, self).__init__(
- item=item,
- name='Bounding box',
- fget=item.isBoundingBoxVisible,
- fset=item.setBoundingBoxVisible,
- events=items.Item3DChangedType.BOUNDING_BOX_VISIBLE)
-class MatrixProxyRow(ItemProxyRow):
- """Proxy for a row of a DataItem3D 3x3 matrix transform
- :param DataItem3D item:
- :param int index: Matrix row index
- """
- def __init__(self, item, index):
- self._item = weakref.ref(item)
- self._index = index
- super(MatrixProxyRow, self).__init__(
- item=item,
- name='',
- fget=self._getMatrixRow,
- fset=self._setMatrixRow,
- events=items.Item3DChangedType.TRANSFORM)
- def _getMatrixRow(self):
- """Returns the matrix row.
- :rtype: QVector3D
- """
- item = self._item()
- if item is not None:
- matrix = item.getMatrix()
- return qt.QVector3D(*matrix[self._index, :])
- else:
- return None
- def _setMatrixRow(self, row):
- """Set the row of the matrix
- :param QVector3D row: Row values to set
- """
- item = self._item()
- if item is not None:
- matrix = item.getMatrix()
- matrix[self._index, :] = row.x(), row.y(), row.z()
- item.setMatrix(matrix)
- def data(self, column, role):
- data = super(MatrixProxyRow, self).data(column, role)
- if column == 1 and role == qt.Qt.DisplayRole:
- # Convert QVector3D to text
- data = "%g; %g; %g" % (data.x(), data.y(), data.z())
- return data
-class DataItem3DTransformRow(StaticRow):
- """Represents :class:`DataItem3D` transform parameters
- :param DataItem3D item: The item for which to display/control transform
- """
- _ROTATION_CENTER_OPTIONS = 'Origin', 'Lower', 'Center', 'Upper'
- def __init__(self, item):
- super(DataItem3DTransformRow, self).__init__(('Transform', None))
- self._item = weakref.ref(item)
- translation = ItemProxyRow(
- item=item,
- name='Translation',
- fget=item.getTranslation,
- fset=self._setTranslation,
- events=items.Item3DChangedType.TRANSFORM,
- toModelData=lambda data: qt.QVector3D(*data))
- self.addRow(translation)
- # Here to keep a reference
- self._xSetCenter = functools.partial(self._setCenter, index=0)
- self._ySetCenter = functools.partial(self._setCenter, index=1)
- self._zSetCenter = functools.partial(self._setCenter, index=2)
- rotateCenter = StaticRow(
- ('Center', None),
- children=(
- ItemProxyRow(item=item,
- name='X axis',
- fget=item.getRotationCenter,
- fset=self._xSetCenter,
- events=items.Item3DChangedType.TRANSFORM,
- toModelData=functools.partial(
- self._centerToModelData, index=0),
- editorHint=self._ROTATION_CENTER_OPTIONS),
- ItemProxyRow(item=item,
- name='Y axis',
- fget=item.getRotationCenter,
- fset=self._ySetCenter,
- events=items.Item3DChangedType.TRANSFORM,
- toModelData=functools.partial(
- self._centerToModelData, index=1),
- editorHint=self._ROTATION_CENTER_OPTIONS),
- ItemProxyRow(item=item,
- name='Z axis',
- fget=item.getRotationCenter,
- fset=self._zSetCenter,
- events=items.Item3DChangedType.TRANSFORM,
- toModelData=functools.partial(
- self._centerToModelData, index=2),
- editorHint=self._ROTATION_CENTER_OPTIONS),
- ))
- rotate = StaticRow(
- ('Rotation', None),
- children=(
- ItemAngleDegreeRow(
- item=item,
- name='Angle',
- fget=item.getRotation,
- fset=self._setAngle,
- events=items.Item3DChangedType.TRANSFORM,
- toModelData=lambda data: data[0]),
- ItemProxyRow(
- item=item,
- name='Axis',
- fget=item.getRotation,
- fset=self._setAxis,
- events=items.Item3DChangedType.TRANSFORM,
- toModelData=lambda data: qt.QVector3D(*data[1])),
- rotateCenter
- ))
- self.addRow(rotate)
- scale = ItemProxyRow(
- item=item,
- name='Scale',
- fget=item.getScale,
- fset=self._setScale,
- events=items.Item3DChangedType.TRANSFORM,
- toModelData=lambda data: qt.QVector3D(*data))
- self.addRow(scale)
- matrix = StaticRow(
- ('Matrix', None),
- children=(MatrixProxyRow(item, 0),
- MatrixProxyRow(item, 1),
- MatrixProxyRow(item, 2)))
- self.addRow(matrix)
- def item(self):
- """Returns the :class:`Item3D` item or None"""
- return self._item()
- @staticmethod
- def _centerToModelData(center, index):
- """Convert rotation center information from scene to model.
- :param center: The center info from the scene
- :param int index: dimension to convert
- """
- value = center[index]
- if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
- return value.title()
- elif value == 0.:
- return 'Origin'
- else:
- return six.text_type(value)
- def _setCenter(self, value, index):
- """Set one dimension of the rotation center.
- :param value: Value received through the model.
- :param int index: dimension to set
- """
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None:
- if value == 'Origin':
- value = 0.
- elif value not in self._ROTATION_CENTER_OPTIONS:
- value = float(value)
- else:
- value = value.lower()
- center = list(item.getRotationCenter())
- center[index] = value
- item.setRotationCenter(*center)
- def _setAngle(self, angle):
- """Set rotation angle.
- :param float angle:
- """
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None:
- _, axis = item.getRotation()
- item.setRotation(angle, axis)
- def _setAxis(self, axis):
- """Set rotation axis.
- :param QVector3D axis:
- """
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None:
- angle, _ = item.getRotation()
- item.setRotation(angle, (axis.x(), axis.y(), axis.z()))
- def _setTranslation(self, translation):
- """Set translation transform.
- :param QVector3D translation:
- """
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None:
- item.setTranslation(translation.x(), translation.y(), translation.z())
- def _setScale(self, scale):
- """Set scale transform.
- :param QVector3D scale:
- """
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None:
- sx, sy, sz = scale.x(), scale.y(), scale.z()
- if sx == 0. or sy == 0. or sz == 0.:
- _logger.warning('Cannot set scale to 0: ignored')
- else:
- item.setScale(scale.x(), scale.y(), scale.z())
-class GroupItemRow(Item3DRow):
- """Represents a :class:`GroupItem` with transforms and children
- :param GroupItem item: The scene group to represent.
- :param str name: The optional name of the group
- """
- """Number of rows for group parameters. Children are added after"""
- def __init__(self, item, name=None):
- super(GroupItemRow, self).__init__(item, name)
- self.addRow(DataItem3DBoundingBoxRow(item))
- self.addRow(DataItem3DTransformRow(item))
- item.sigItemAdded.connect(self._itemAdded)
- item.sigItemRemoved.connect(self._itemRemoved)
- for child in item.getItems():
- self.addRow(nodeFromItem(child))
- def _itemAdded(self, item):
- """Handle item addition to the group and add it to the model.
- :param Item3D item: added item
- """
- group = self.item()
- if group is None:
- return
- row = group.getItems().index(item)
- self.addRow(nodeFromItem(item), row + self._CHILDREN_ROW_OFFSET)
- def _itemRemoved(self, item):
- """Handle item removal from the group and remove it from the model.
- :param Item3D item: removed item
- """
- group = self.item()
- if group is None:
- return
- # Find item
- for row in self.children():
- if isinstance(row, Item3DRow) and row.item() is item:
- self.removeRow(row)
- break # Got it
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Model does not correspond to scene content")
-class InterpolationRow(ItemProxyRow):
- """Represents :class:`InterpolationMixIn` property.
- :param Item3D item: Scene item with interpolation property
- """
- def __init__(self, item):
- modes = [mode.title() for mode in item.INTERPOLATION_MODES]
- super(InterpolationRow, self).__init__(
- item=item,
- name='Interpolation',
- fget=item.getInterpolation,
- fset=item.setInterpolation,
- events=items.Item3DChangedType.INTERPOLATION,
- toModelData=lambda mode: mode.title(),
- fromModelData=lambda mode: mode.lower(),
- editorHint=modes)
-class _ColormapBaseProxyRow(ProxyRow):
- """Base class for colormap model row
- This class handle synchronization and signals from the item and the colormap
- """
- _sigColormapChanged = qt.Signal()
- """Signal used internally to notify colormap (or data) update"""
- def __init__(self, item, *args, **kwargs):
- self._item = weakref.ref(item)
- self._colormap = item.getColormap()
- ProxyRow.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self._colormap.sigChanged.connect(self._colormapChanged)
- item.sigItemChanged.connect(self._itemChanged)
- self._sigColormapChanged.connect(self._modelUpdated)
- def item(self):
- """Returns the :class:`ColormapMixIn` item or None"""
- return self._item()
- def _getColormapRange(self):
- """Returns the range of the colormap for the current data.
- :return: Colormap range (min, max)
- """
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None and self._colormap is not None:
- return self._colormap.getColormapRange(item)
- else:
- return 1, 100 # Fallback
- def _modelUpdated(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Emit dataChanged in the model"""
- topLeft = self.index(column=0)
- bottomRight = self.index(column=1)
- model = self.model()
- if model is not None:
- model.dataChanged.emit(topLeft, bottomRight)
- def _colormapChanged(self):
- self._sigColormapChanged.emit()
- def _itemChanged(self, event):
- """Handle change of colormap or data in the item.
- :param ItemChangedType event:
- """
- if event == items.ItemChangedType.COLORMAP:
- self._sigColormapChanged.emit()
- if self._colormap is not None:
- self._colormap.sigChanged.disconnect(self._colormapChanged)
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None:
- self._colormap = item.getColormap()
- self._colormap.sigChanged.connect(self._colormapChanged)
- else:
- self._colormap = None
- elif event == items.ItemChangedType.DATA:
- self._sigColormapChanged.emit()
-class _ColormapBoundRow(_ColormapBaseProxyRow):
- """ProxyRow for colormap min or max
- :param ColormapMixIn item: The item to handle
- :param str name: Name of the raw
- :param int index: 0 for Min and 1 of Max
- """
- def __init__(self, item, name, index):
- self._index = index
- _ColormapBaseProxyRow.__init__(
- self,
- item,
- name=name,
- fget=self._getBound,
- fset=self._setBound)
- self.setToolTip('Colormap %s bound:\n'
- 'Check to set bound manually, '
- 'uncheck for autoscale' % name.lower())
- def _getRawBound(self):
- """Proxy to get raw colormap bound
- :rtype: float or None
- """
- if self._colormap is None:
- return None
- elif self._index == 0:
- return self._colormap.getVMin()
- else: # self._index == 1
- return self._colormap.getVMax()
- def _getBound(self):
- """Proxy to get colormap effective bound value
- :rtype: float
- """
- if self._colormap is not None:
- bound = self._getRawBound()
- if bound is None:
- bound = self._getColormapRange()[self._index]
- return bound
- else:
- return 1. # Fallback
- def _setBound(self, value):
- """Proxy to set colormap bound.
- :param float value:
- """
- if self._colormap is not None:
- if self._index == 0:
- min_ = value
- max_ = self._colormap.getVMax()
- else: # self._index == 1
- min_ = self._colormap.getVMin()
- max_ = value
- if max_ is not None and min_ is not None and min_ > max_:
- min_, max_ = max_, min_
- self._colormap.setVRange(min_, max_)
- def flags(self, column):
- if column == 0:
- return qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | qt.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable
- elif column == 1:
- if self._getRawBound() is not None:
- flags = qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable | qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled
- else:
- flags = qt.Qt.NoItemFlags # Disabled if autoscale
- return flags
- else: # Never event
- return super(_ColormapBoundRow, self).flags(column)
- def data(self, column, role):
- if column == 0 and role == qt.Qt.CheckStateRole:
- if self._getRawBound() is None:
- return qt.Qt.Unchecked
- else:
- return qt.Qt.Checked
- else:
- return super(_ColormapBoundRow, self).data(column, role)
- def setData(self, column, value, role):
- if column == 0 and role == qt.Qt.CheckStateRole:
- if self._colormap is not None:
- bound = self._getBound() if value == qt.Qt.Checked else None
- self._setBound(bound)
- return True
- else:
- return False
- return super(_ColormapBoundRow, self).setData(column, value, role)
-class _ColormapGammaRow(_ColormapBaseProxyRow):
- """ProxyRow for colormap gamma normalization parameter
- :param ColormapMixIn item: The item to handle
- :param str name: Name of the raw
- """
- def __init__(self, item):
- _ColormapBaseProxyRow.__init__(
- self,
- item,
- name="Gamma",
- fget=self._getGammaNormalizationParameter,
- fset=self._setGammaNormalizationParameter)
- self.setToolTip('Colormap gamma correction parameter:\n'
- 'Only meaningful for gamma normalization.')
- def _getGammaNormalizationParameter(self):
- """Proxy for :meth:`Colormap.getGammaNormalizationParameter`"""
- if self._colormap is not None:
- return self._colormap.getGammaNormalizationParameter()
- else:
- return 0.0
- def _setGammaNormalizationParameter(self, gamma):
- """Proxy for :meth:`Colormap.setGammaNormalizationParameter`"""
- if self._colormap is not None:
- return self._colormap.setGammaNormalizationParameter(gamma)
- def _getNormalization(self):
- """Proxy for :meth:`Colormap.getNormalization`"""
- if self._colormap is not None:
- return self._colormap.getNormalization()
- else:
- return ''
- def flags(self, column):
- if column in (0, 1):
- if self._getNormalization() == 'gamma':
- flags = qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable | qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled
- else:
- flags = qt.Qt.NoItemFlags # Disabled if not gamma correction
- return flags
- else: # Never event
- return super(_ColormapGammaRow, self).flags(column)
-class ColormapRow(_ColormapBaseProxyRow):
- """Represents :class:`ColormapMixIn` property.
- :param Item3D item: Scene item with colormap property
- """
- def __init__(self, item):
- super(ColormapRow, self).__init__(
- item,
- name='Colormap',
- fget=self._get)
- self._colormapImage = None
- self._colormapsMapping = {}
- for cmap in preferredColormaps():
- self._colormapsMapping[cmap.title()] = cmap
- self.addRow(ProxyRow(
- name='Name',
- fget=self._getName,
- fset=self._setName,
- notify=self._sigColormapChanged,
- editorHint=list(self._colormapsMapping.keys())))
- norms = [norm.title() for norm in self._colormap.NORMALIZATIONS]
- self.addRow(ProxyRow(
- name='Normalization',
- fget=self._getNormalization,
- fset=self._setNormalization,
- notify=self._sigColormapChanged,
- editorHint=norms))
- self.addRow(_ColormapGammaRow(item))
- modes = [mode.title() for mode in self._colormap.AUTOSCALE_MODES]
- self.addRow(ProxyRow(
- name='Autoscale Mode',
- fget=self._getAutoscaleMode,
- fset=self._setAutoscaleMode,
- notify=self._sigColormapChanged,
- editorHint=modes))
- self.addRow(_ColormapBoundRow(item, name='Min.', index=0))
- self.addRow(_ColormapBoundRow(item, name='Max.', index=1))
- self._sigColormapChanged.connect(self._updateColormapImage)
- def getColormapImage(self):
- """Returns image representing the colormap or None
- :rtype: Union[QImage,None]
- """
- if self._colormapImage is None and self._colormap is not None:
- image = numpy.zeros((16, 130, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8)
- image[1:-1, 1:-1] = self._colormap.getNColors(image.shape[1] - 2)[:, :3]
- self._colormapImage = convertArrayToQImage(image)
- return self._colormapImage
- def _get(self):
- """Getter for ProxyRow subclass"""
- return None
- def _getName(self):
- """Proxy for :meth:`Colormap.getName`"""
- if self._colormap is not None and self._colormap.getName() is not None:
- return self._colormap.getName().title()
- else:
- return ''
- def _setName(self, name):
- """Proxy for :meth:`Colormap.setName`"""
- # Convert back from titled to name if possible
- if self._colormap is not None:
- name = self._colormapsMapping.get(name, name)
- self._colormap.setName(name)
- def _getNormalization(self):
- """Proxy for :meth:`Colormap.getNormalization`"""
- if self._colormap is not None:
- return self._colormap.getNormalization().title()
- else:
- return ''
- def _setNormalization(self, normalization):
- """Proxy for :meth:`Colormap.setNormalization`"""
- if self._colormap is not None:
- return self._colormap.setNormalization(normalization.lower())
- def _getAutoscaleMode(self):
- """Proxy for :meth:`Colormap.getAutoscaleMode`"""
- if self._colormap is not None:
- return self._colormap.getAutoscaleMode().title()
- else:
- return ''
- def _setAutoscaleMode(self, mode):
- """Proxy for :meth:`Colormap.setAutoscaleMode`"""
- if self._colormap is not None:
- return self._colormap.setAutoscaleMode(mode.lower())
- def _updateColormapImage(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Notify colormap update to update the image in the tree"""
- if self._colormapImage is not None:
- self._colormapImage = None
- model = self.model()
- if model is not None:
- index = self.index(column=1)
- model.dataChanged.emit(index, index)
- def data(self, column, role):
- if column == 1 and role == qt.Qt.DecorationRole:
- return self.getColormapImage()
- else:
- return super(ColormapRow, self).data(column, role)
-class SymbolRow(ItemProxyRow):
- """Represents :class:`SymbolMixIn` symbol property.
- :param Item3D item: Scene item with symbol property
- """
- def __init__(self, item):
- names = [item.getSymbolName(s) for s in item.getSupportedSymbols()]
- super(SymbolRow, self).__init__(
- item=item,
- name='Marker',
- fget=item.getSymbolName,
- fset=item.setSymbol,
- events=items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL,
- editorHint=names)
-class SymbolSizeRow(ItemProxyRow):
- """Represents :class:`SymbolMixIn` symbol size property.
- :param Item3D item: Scene item with symbol size property
- """
- def __init__(self, item):
- super(SymbolSizeRow, self).__init__(
- item=item,
- name='Marker size',
- fget=item.getSymbolSize,
- fset=item.setSymbolSize,
- events=items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL_SIZE,
- editorHint=(1, 20)) # TODO link with OpenGL max point size
-class PlaneEquationRow(ItemProxyRow):
- """Represents :class:`PlaneMixIn` as plane equation.
- :param Item3D item: Scene item with plane equation property
- """
- def __init__(self, item):
- super(PlaneEquationRow, self).__init__(
- item=item,
- name='Equation',
- fget=item.getParameters,
- fset=item.setParameters,
- events=items.ItemChangedType.POSITION,
- toModelData=lambda data: qt.QVector4D(*data),
- fromModelData=lambda data: (data.x(), data.y(), data.z(), data.w()))
- self._item = weakref.ref(item)
- def data(self, column, role):
- if column == 1 and role == qt.Qt.DisplayRole:
- item = self._item()
- if item is not None:
- params = item.getParameters()
- return ('%gx %+gy %+gz %+g = 0' %
- (params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]))
- return super(PlaneEquationRow, self).data(column, role)
-class PlaneRow(ItemProxyRow):
- """Represents :class:`PlaneMixIn` property.
- :param Item3D item: Scene item with plane equation property
- """
- _PLANES = OrderedDict((('Plane 0', (1., 0., 0.)),
- ('Plane 1', (0., 1., 0.)),
- ('Plane 2', (0., 0., 1.)),
- ('-', None)))
- """Mapping of plane names to normals"""
- _PLANE_ICONS = {'Plane 0': '3d-plane-normal-x',
- 'Plane 1': '3d-plane-normal-y',
- 'Plane 2': '3d-plane-normal-z',
- '-': '3d-plane'}
- """Mapping of plane names to normals"""
- def __init__(self, item):
- super(PlaneRow, self).__init__(
- item=item,
- name='Plane',
- fget=self.__getPlaneName,
- fset=self.__setPlaneName,
- events=items.ItemChangedType.POSITION,
- editorHint=tuple(self._PLANES.keys()))
- self._item = weakref.ref(item)
- self._lastName = None
- self.addRow(PlaneEquationRow(item))
- def _notified(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Handle notification of modification
- Here only send if plane name actually changed
- """
- if self._lastName != self.__getPlaneName():
- super(PlaneRow, self)._notified()
- def __getPlaneName(self):
- """Returns name of plane // to axes or '-'
- :rtype: str
- """
- item = self._item()
- planeNormal = item.getNormal() if item is not None else None
- for name, normal in self._PLANES.items():
- if numpy.array_equal(planeNormal, normal):
- return name
- return '-'
- def __setPlaneName(self, data):
- """Set plane normal according to given plane name
- :param str data: Selected plane name
- """
- item = self._item()
- if item is not None:
- for name, normal in self._PLANES.items():
- if data == name and normal is not None:
- item.setNormal(normal)
- def data(self, column, role):
- if column == 1 and role == qt.Qt.DecorationRole:
- return icons.getQIcon(self._PLANE_ICONS[self.__getPlaneName()])
- data = super(PlaneRow, self).data(column, role)
- if column == 1 and role == qt.Qt.DisplayRole:
- self._lastName = data
- return data
-class ComplexModeRow(ItemProxyRow):
- """Represents :class:`items.ComplexMixIn` symbol property.
- :param Item3D item: Scene item with symbol property
- """
- def __init__(self, item, name='Mode'):
- names = [m.value.replace('_', ' ').title()
- for m in item.supportedComplexModes()]
- super(ComplexModeRow, self).__init__(
- item=item,
- name=name,
- fget=item.getComplexMode,
- fset=item.setComplexMode,
- events=items.ItemChangedType.COMPLEX_MODE,
- toModelData=lambda data: data.value.replace('_', ' ').title(),
- fromModelData=lambda data: data.lower().replace(' ', '_'),
- editorHint=names)
-class RemoveIsosurfaceRow(BaseRow):
- """Class for Isosurface Delete button
- :param Isosurface isosurface: The isosurface item to attach the button to.
- """
- def __init__(self, isosurface):
- super(RemoveIsosurfaceRow, self).__init__()
- self._isosurface = weakref.ref(isosurface)
- def createEditor(self):
- """Specific editor factory provided to the model"""
- editor = qt.QWidget()
- layout = qt.QHBoxLayout(editor)
- layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- layout.setSpacing(0)
- removeBtn = qt.QToolButton()
- removeBtn.setText('Delete')
- removeBtn.setToolButtonStyle(qt.Qt.ToolButtonTextOnly)
- layout.addWidget(removeBtn)
- removeBtn.clicked.connect(self._removeClicked)
- layout.addStretch(1)
- return editor
- def isosurface(self):
- """Returns the controlled isosurface
- :rtype: Isosurface
- """
- return self._isosurface()
- def data(self, column, role):
- if column == 0 and role == qt.Qt.UserRole: # editor hint
- return self.createEditor
- return super(RemoveIsosurfaceRow, self).data(column, role)
- def flags(self, column):
- flags = super(RemoveIsosurfaceRow, self).flags(column)
- if column == 0:
- flags |= qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable
- return flags
- def _removeClicked(self):
- """Handle Delete button clicked"""
- isosurface = self.isosurface()
- if isosurface is not None:
- volume = isosurface.parent()
- if volume is not None:
- volume.removeIsosurface(isosurface)
-class IsosurfaceRow(Item3DRow):
- """Represents an :class:`Isosurface` item.
- :param Isosurface item: Isosurface item
- """
- """Range given as editor hint"""
- _EVENTS = items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE, items.ItemChangedType.COLOR
- """Events for which to update the first column in the tree"""
- def __init__(self, item):
- super(IsosurfaceRow, self).__init__(item, name=item.getLevel())
- self.setFlags(self.flags(1) | qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable, 1)
- item.sigItemChanged.connect(self._levelChanged)
- self.addRow(ItemProxyRow(
- item=item,
- name='Level',
- fget=self._getValueForLevelSlider,
- fset=self._setLevelFromSliderValue,
- events=items.Item3DChangedType.ISO_LEVEL,
- editorHint=self._LEVEL_SLIDER_RANGE))
- self.addRow(ItemColorProxyRow(
- item=item,
- name='Color',
- fget=self._rgbColor,
- fset=self._setRgbColor,
- events=items.ItemChangedType.COLOR))
- self.addRow(ItemProxyRow(
- item=item,
- name='Opacity',
- fget=self._opacity,
- fset=self._setOpacity,
- events=items.ItemChangedType.COLOR,
- editorHint=(0, 255)))
- self.addRow(RemoveIsosurfaceRow(item))
- def _getValueForLevelSlider(self):
- """Convert iso level to slider value.
- :rtype: int
- """
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None:
- volume = item.parent()
- if volume is not None:
- dataRange = volume.getDataRange()
- if dataRange is not None:
- dataMin, dataMax = dataRange[0], dataRange[-1]
- if dataMax != dataMin:
- offset = (item.getLevel() - dataMin) / (dataMax - dataMin)
- else:
- offset = 0.
- sliderMin, sliderMax = self._LEVEL_SLIDER_RANGE
- value = sliderMin + (sliderMax - sliderMin) * offset
- return value
- return 0
- def _setLevelFromSliderValue(self, value):
- """Convert slider value to isolevel.
- :param int value:
- """
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None:
- volume = item.parent()
- if volume is not None:
- dataRange = volume.getDataRange()
- if dataRange is not None:
- sliderMin, sliderMax = self._LEVEL_SLIDER_RANGE
- offset = (value - sliderMin) / (sliderMax - sliderMin)
- dataMin, dataMax = dataRange[0], dataRange[-1]
- level = dataMin + (dataMax - dataMin) * offset
- item.setLevel(level)
- def _rgbColor(self):
- """Proxy to get the isosurface's RGB color without transparency
- :rtype: QColor
- """
- item = self.item()
- if item is None:
- return None
- else:
- color = item.getColor()
- color.setAlpha(255)
- return color
- def _setRgbColor(self, color):
- """Proxy to set the isosurface's RGB color without transparency
- :param QColor color:
- """
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None:
- color.setAlpha(item.getColor().alpha())
- item.setColor(color)
- def _opacity(self):
- """Proxy to get the isosurface's transparency
- :rtype: int
- """
- item = self.item()
- return 255 if item is None else item.getColor().alpha()
- def _setOpacity(self, opacity):
- """Proxy to set the isosurface's transparency.
- :param int opacity:
- """
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None:
- color = item.getColor()
- color.setAlpha(opacity)
- item.setColor(color)
- def _levelChanged(self, event):
- """Handle isosurface level changed and notify model
- :param ItemChangedType event:
- """
- if event == items.Item3DChangedType.ISO_LEVEL:
- model = self.model()
- if model is not None:
- index = self.index(column=1)
- model.dataChanged.emit(index, index)
- def data(self, column, role):
- if column == 0: # Show color as decoration, not text
- if role == qt.Qt.DisplayRole:
- return None
- elif role == qt.Qt.DecorationRole:
- return self._rgbColor()
- elif column == 1 and role in (qt.Qt.DisplayRole, qt.Qt.EditRole):
- item = self.item()
- return None if item is None else item.getLevel()
- return super(IsosurfaceRow, self).data(column, role)
- def setData(self, column, value, role):
- if column == 1 and role == qt.Qt.EditRole:
- item = self.item()
- if item is not None:
- item.setLevel(value)
- return True
- return super(IsosurfaceRow, self).setData(column, value, role)
-class ComplexIsosurfaceRow(IsosurfaceRow):
- """Represents an :class:`ComplexIsosurface` item.
- :param ComplexIsosurface item:
- """
- _EVENTS = (items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE,
- items.ItemChangedType.COLOR,
- items.ItemChangedType.COMPLEX_MODE)
- """Events for which to update the first column in the tree"""
- def __init__(self, item):
- super(ComplexIsosurfaceRow, self).__init__(item)
- self.addRow(ComplexModeRow(item, "Color Complex Mode"), index=1)
- for row in self.children():
- if isinstance(row, ColorProxyRow):
- self._colorRow = row
- break
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Cannot retrieve Color tree row")
- self._colormapRow = ColormapRow(item)
- self.__updateRowsForItem(item)
- item.sigItemChanged.connect(self.__itemChanged)
- def __itemChanged(self, event):
- """Update enabled/disabled rows"""
- if event == items.ItemChangedType.COMPLEX_MODE:
- item = self.sender()
- self.__updateRowsForItem(item)
- def __updateRowsForItem(self, item):
- """Update rows for item
- :param item:
- """
- if not isinstance(item, ComplexIsosurface):
- return
- if item.getComplexMode() == items.ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode.NONE:
- removed = self._colormapRow
- added = self._colorRow
- else:
- removed = self._colorRow
- added = self._colormapRow
- # Remove unwanted rows
- if removed in self.children():
- self.removeRow(removed)
- # Add required rows
- if added not in self.children():
- self.addRow(added, index=2)
- def data(self, column, role):
- if column == 0 and role == qt.Qt.DecorationRole:
- item = self.item()
- if (item is not None and
- item.getComplexMode() != items.ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode.NONE):
- return self._colormapRow.getColormapImage()
- return super(ComplexIsosurfaceRow, self).data(column, role)
-class AddIsosurfaceRow(BaseRow):
- """Class for Isosurface create button
- :param Union[ScalarField3D,ComplexField3D] volume:
- The volume item to attach the button to.
- """
- def __init__(self, volume):
- super(AddIsosurfaceRow, self).__init__()
- self._volume = weakref.ref(volume)
- def createEditor(self):
- """Specific editor factory provided to the model"""
- editor = qt.QWidget()
- layout = qt.QHBoxLayout(editor)
- layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- layout.setSpacing(0)
- addBtn = qt.QToolButton()
- addBtn.setText('+')
- addBtn.setToolButtonStyle(qt.Qt.ToolButtonTextOnly)
- layout.addWidget(addBtn)
- addBtn.clicked.connect(self._addClicked)
- layout.addStretch(1)
- return editor
- def volume(self):
- """Returns the controlled volume item
- :rtype: Union[ScalarField3D,ComplexField3D]
- """
- return self._volume()
- def data(self, column, role):
- if column == 0 and role == qt.Qt.UserRole: # editor hint
- return self.createEditor
- return super(AddIsosurfaceRow, self).data(column, role)
- def flags(self, column):
- flags = super(AddIsosurfaceRow, self).flags(column)
- if column == 0:
- flags |= qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable
- return flags
- def _addClicked(self):
- """Handle Delete button clicked"""
- volume = self.volume()
- if volume is not None:
- dataRange = volume.getDataRange()
- if dataRange is None:
- dataRange = 0., 1.
- volume.addIsosurface(
- numpy.mean((dataRange[0], dataRange[-1])),
- '#0000FF')
-class VolumeIsoSurfacesRow(StaticRow):
- """Represents :class:`ScalarFieldView`'s isosurfaces
- :param Union[ScalarField3D,ComplexField3D] volume:
- Volume item to control
- """
- def __init__(self, volume):
- super(VolumeIsoSurfacesRow, self).__init__(
- ('Isosurfaces', None))
- self._volume = weakref.ref(volume)
- volume.sigIsosurfaceAdded.connect(self._isosurfaceAdded)
- volume.sigIsosurfaceRemoved.connect(self._isosurfaceRemoved)
- if isinstance(volume, items.ComplexMixIn):
- self.addRow(ComplexModeRow(volume, "Complex Mode"))
- for item in volume.getIsosurfaces():
- self.addRow(nodeFromItem(item))
- self.addRow(AddIsosurfaceRow(volume))
- def volume(self):
- """Returns the controlled volume item
- :rtype: Union[ScalarField3D,ComplexField3D]
- """
- return self._volume()
- def _isosurfaceAdded(self, item):
- """Handle isosurface addition
- :param Isosurface item: added isosurface
- """
- volume = self.volume()
- if volume is None:
- return
- row = volume.getIsosurfaces().index(item)
- if isinstance(volume, items.ComplexMixIn):
- row += 1 # Offset for the ComplexModeRow
- self.addRow(nodeFromItem(item), row)
- def _isosurfaceRemoved(self, item):
- """Handle isosurface removal
- :param Isosurface item: removed isosurface
- """
- volume = self.volume()
- if volume is None:
- return
- # Find item
- for row in self.children():
- if isinstance(row, IsosurfaceRow) and row.item() is item:
- self.removeRow(row)
- break # Got it
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Model does not correspond to scene content")
-class Scatter2DPropertyMixInRow(object):
- """Mix-in class that enable/disable row according to Scatter2D mode.
- :param Scatter2D item:
- :param str propertyName: Name of the Scatter2D property of this row
- """
- def __init__(self, item, propertyName):
- assert propertyName in ('lineWidth', 'symbol', 'symbolSize')
- self.__propertyName = propertyName
- self.__isEnabled = item.isPropertyEnabled(propertyName)
- self.__updateFlags()
- item.sigItemChanged.connect(self.__itemChanged)
- def data(self, column, role):
- if column == 1 and not self.__isEnabled:
- # Discard data and editorHint if disabled
- return None
- else:
- return super(Scatter2DPropertyMixInRow, self).data(column, role)
- def __updateFlags(self):
- """Update model flags"""
- if self.__isEnabled:
- self.setFlags(qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled, 0)
- self.setFlags(qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | qt.Qt.ItemIsEditable, 1)
- else:
- self.setFlags(qt.Qt.NoItemFlags)
- def __itemChanged(self, event):
- """Set flags to enable/disable the row"""
- if event == items.ItemChangedType.VISUALIZATION_MODE:
- item = self.sender()
- if item is not None: # This occurs with PySide/python2.7
- self.__isEnabled = item.isPropertyEnabled(self.__propertyName)
- self.__updateFlags()
- # Notify model
- model = self.model()
- if model is not None:
- begin = self.index(column=0)
- end = self.index(column=1)
- model.dataChanged.emit(begin, end)
-class Scatter2DSymbolRow(Scatter2DPropertyMixInRow, SymbolRow):
- """Specific class for Scatter2D symbol.
- It is enabled/disabled according to visualization mode.
- :param Scatter2D item:
- """
- def __init__(self, item):
- SymbolRow.__init__(self, item)
- Scatter2DPropertyMixInRow.__init__(self, item, 'symbol')
-class Scatter2DSymbolSizeRow(Scatter2DPropertyMixInRow, SymbolSizeRow):
- """Specific class for Scatter2D symbol size.
- It is enabled/disabled according to visualization mode.
- :param Scatter2D item:
- """
- def __init__(self, item):
- SymbolSizeRow.__init__(self, item)
- Scatter2DPropertyMixInRow.__init__(self, item, 'symbolSize')
-class Scatter2DLineWidth(Scatter2DPropertyMixInRow, ItemProxyRow):
- """Specific class for Scatter2D symbol size.
- It is enabled/disabled according to visualization mode.
- :param Scatter2D item:
- """
- def __init__(self, item):
- # TODO link editorHint with OpenGL max line width
- ItemProxyRow.__init__(self,
- item=item,
- name='Line width',
- fget=item.getLineWidth,
- fset=item.setLineWidth,
- events=items.ItemChangedType.LINE_WIDTH,
- editorHint=(1, 10))
- Scatter2DPropertyMixInRow.__init__(self, item, 'lineWidth')
-def initScatter2DNode(node, item):
- """Specific node init for Scatter2D to set order of parameters
- :param Item3DRow node: The model node to setup
- :param Scatter2D item: The Scatter2D the node is representing
- """
- node.addRow(ItemProxyRow(
- item=item,
- name='Mode',
- fget=item.getVisualization,
- fset=item.setVisualization,
- events=items.ItemChangedType.VISUALIZATION_MODE,
- editorHint=[m.value.title() for m in item.supportedVisualizations()],
- toModelData=lambda data: data.value.title(),
- fromModelData=lambda data: data.lower()))
- node.addRow(ItemProxyRow(
- item=item,
- name='Height map',
- fget=item.isHeightMap,
- fset=item.setHeightMap,
- events=items.Item3DChangedType.HEIGHT_MAP))
- node.addRow(ColormapRow(item))
- node.addRow(Scatter2DSymbolRow(item))
- node.addRow(Scatter2DSymbolSizeRow(item))
- node.addRow(Scatter2DLineWidth(item))
-def initVolumeNode(node, item):
- """Specific node init for volume items
- :param Item3DRow node: The model node to setup
- :param Union[ScalarField3D,ComplexField3D] item:
- The volume item represented by the node
- """
- node.addRow(nodeFromItem(item.getCutPlanes()[0])) # Add cut plane
- node.addRow(VolumeIsoSurfacesRow(item))
-def initVolumeCutPlaneNode(node, item):
- """Specific node init for volume CutPlane
- :param Item3DRow node: The model node to setup
- :param CutPlane item: The CutPlane the node is representing
- """
- if isinstance(item, items.ComplexMixIn):
- node.addRow(ComplexModeRow(item))
- node.addRow(PlaneRow(item))
- node.addRow(ColormapRow(item))
- node.addRow(ItemProxyRow(
- item=item,
- name='Show <=Min',
- fget=item.getDisplayValuesBelowMin,
- fset=item.setDisplayValuesBelowMin,
- events=items.ItemChangedType.ALPHA))
- node.addRow(InterpolationRow(item))
-NODE_SPECIFIC_INIT = [ # class, init(node, item)
- (items.Scatter2D, initScatter2DNode),
- (items.ScalarField3D, initVolumeNode),
- (CutPlane, initVolumeCutPlaneNode),
-"""List of specific node init for different item class"""
-def nodeFromItem(item):
- """Create :class:`Item3DRow` subclass corresponding to item
- :param Item3D item: The item fow which to create the node
- :rtype: Item3DRow
- """
- assert isinstance(item, items.Item3D)
- # Item with specific model row class
- if isinstance(item, (items.GroupItem, items.GroupWithAxesItem)):
- return GroupItemRow(item)
- elif isinstance(item, ComplexIsosurface):
- return ComplexIsosurfaceRow(item)
- elif isinstance(item, Isosurface):
- return IsosurfaceRow(item)
- # Create Item3DRow and populate it
- node = Item3DRow(item)
- if isinstance(item, items.DataItem3D):
- node.addRow(DataItem3DBoundingBoxRow(item))
- node.addRow(DataItem3DTransformRow(item))
- # Specific extra init
- for cls, specificInit in NODE_SPECIFIC_INIT:
- if isinstance(item, cls):
- specificInit(node, item)
- break
- else: # Generic case: handle mixins
- for cls in item.__class__.__mro__:
- if cls is items.ColormapMixIn:
- node.addRow(ColormapRow(item))
- elif cls is items.InterpolationMixIn:
- node.addRow(InterpolationRow(item))
- elif cls is items.SymbolMixIn:
- node.addRow(SymbolRow(item))
- node.addRow(SymbolSizeRow(item))
- elif cls is items.PlaneMixIn:
- node.addRow(PlaneRow(item))
- return node