path: root/silx/resources/opencl
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Diffstat (limited to 'silx/resources/opencl')
2 files changed, 26 insertions, 279 deletions
diff --git a/silx/resources/opencl/ b/silx/resources/opencl/
index 6fadc2c..da15131 100644
--- a/silx/resources/opencl/
+++ b/silx/resources/opencl/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
/************************ GPU VERSION (with textures) **************************/
kernel void backproj_kernel(
int num_proj,
int num_bins,
@@ -55,11 +55,6 @@ kernel void backproj_kernel(
const int tidy = get_local_id(1); //threadIdx.y;
const int bidy = get_group_id(1); //blockIdx.y;
- //~ local float shared[768];
- //~ float * sh_sin = shared;
- //~ float * sh_cos = shared+256;
- //~ float * sh_axis = sh_cos+256;
local float sh_cos[256];
local float sh_sin[256];
local float sh_axis[256];
@@ -107,7 +102,7 @@ kernel void backproj_kernel(
d_SLICE[ 32*get_num_groups(0)*(bidy*32+tidy*2+0) + bidx*32 + tidx*2 + 1] = res2;
d_SLICE[ 32*get_num_groups(0)*(bidy*32+tidy*2+1) + bidx*32 + tidx*2 + 1] = res3;
@@ -134,7 +129,7 @@ static float linear_interpolation(float2 vals,
if (xm == xp)
return vals.s0;
- else
+ else
return (vals.s0 * (xp - x)) + (vals.s1 * (x - xm));
@@ -197,280 +192,36 @@ kernel void backproj_cpu_kernel(
h1 = (acorr05 + (bx00+0)*pcos - (by00+1)*psin);
h2 = (acorr05 + (bx00+1)*pcos - (by00+0)*psin);
h3 = (acorr05 + (bx00+1)*pcos - (by00+1)*psin);
- float x;
- int ym, xm, xp;
- ym = proj;
- float2 vals;
- if(h0>=0 && h0<num_bins) {
- x = CLIP_MAX(h0, num_bins);
- vals = ADJACENT_PIXELS_VALS(d_sino, num_bins, ym, xm, xp);
- res0 += linear_interpolation(vals, x, xm, xp);
- }
- if(h1>=0 && h1<num_bins) {
- x = CLIP_MAX(h1, num_bins);
- vals = ADJACENT_PIXELS_VALS(d_sino, num_bins, ym, xm, xp);
- res1 += linear_interpolation(vals, x, xm, xp);
- }
- if(h2>=0 && h2<num_bins) {
- x = CLIP_MAX(h2, num_bins);
- vals = ADJACENT_PIXELS_VALS(d_sino, num_bins, ym, xm, xp);
- res2 += linear_interpolation(vals, x, xm, xp);
- }
- if(h3>=0 && h3<num_bins) {
- x = CLIP_MAX(h3, num_bins);
- vals = ADJACENT_PIXELS_VALS(d_sino, num_bins, ym, xm, xp);
- res3 += linear_interpolation(vals, x, xm, xp);
- }
- }
- d_SLICE[ 32*get_num_groups(0)*(bidy*32+tidy*2+0) + bidx*32 + tidx*2 + 0] = res0;
- d_SLICE[ 32*get_num_groups(0)*(bidy*32+tidy*2+1) + bidx*32 + tidx*2 + 0] = res1;
- d_SLICE[ 32*get_num_groups(0)*(bidy*32+tidy*2+0) + bidx*32 + tidx*2 + 1] = res2;
- d_SLICE[ 32*get_num_groups(0)*(bidy*32+tidy*2+1) + bidx*32 + tidx*2 + 1] = res3;
-/************************** OLD STUFF, for tinkering **************************/
-/// arr(xm, ym), arr(xm, yp), arr(xp, yp), arr(xp, ym)
-//~ #define ADJACENT_PIXELS_VALS2(arr, Nx, xm, xp, ym, yp) ((float4) (arr[ym*Nx + xm], arr[yp*Nx + xm], arr[yp*Nx + xp], arr[ym*Nx + xp]))
-/** xm, xp, ym, yp **/
-//~ #define ADJACENT_PIXELS_COORDS(x, y) ((int4)((int) floor(x), (int) ceil(x), (int) floor(y), (int) ceil(y)))
- (xm, ym) (xp, ym)
- (x, y)
- (xm, yp) (xp, yp)
-/// arr(xm, ym), arr(xm, yp), arr(xp, yp), arr(xp, ym)
-//~ #define ADJACENT_PIXELS_VALS(arr, Nx, coords) ((float4) (arr[coords.s2*Nx + coords.s0], arr[coords.s3*Nx + coords.s0], arr[coords.s3*Nx + coords.s1], arr[coords.s2*Nx + coords.s1]))
-/** xm, xp **/
-//~ #define ADJACENT_PIXELS_COORDS2(x) ((int2)((int) floor(x), (int) ceil(x)))
-float bilinear_interpolation(
- float x, // x position in the image
- float y, // y position in the image
- int Nx, // image width
- int Ny, // image height
- int4 adj_coords,
- float4 adj_vals
-) {
- float val;
- float tol = 0.001f; // CHECKME
- val = y - adj_coords.s2;
- if ((x - adj_coords.s0) < tol && (y - adj_coords.s2) < tol) val = adj_vals.s0;
- else if ((adj_coords.s1 - x) < tol && (adj_coords.s3 - y) < tol) val = adj_vals.s2;
- else {
- // Mirror - TODO: clamp ?
- if (adj_coords.s0 < 0) adj_coords.s0 = 0;
- if (adj_coords.s1 >= Nx) adj_coords.s1 = Nx - 1;
- if (adj_coords.s2 < 0) adj_coords.s2 = 0;
- if (adj_coords.s3 >= Ny) adj_coords.s3 = Ny -1;
- if (adj_coords.s0 >= Nx) adj_coords.s0 = Nx - 1;
- if (adj_coords.s2 >= Ny) adj_coords.s2 = Ny -1;
- // Interp
- val = adj_vals.s1*(adj_coords.s1-x)*(y-adj_coords.s2)
- + adj_vals.s2 *(x-adj_coords.s0)*(y-adj_coords.s2)
- + adj_vals.s0 *(adj_coords.s1-x)*(adj_coords.s3-y)
- + adj_vals.s3 *(x-adj_coords.s0)*(adj_coords.s3-y);
- }
- return val;
-__kernel void backproj_cpu_kernel_good(
- int num_proj,
- int num_bins,
- float axis_position,
- __global float *d_SLICE,
- __global float* d_sino,
- float gpu_offset_x,
- float gpu_offset_y,
- __global float * d_cos_s, // precalculated cos(theta[i])
- __global float * d_sin_s, // precalculated sin(theta[i])
- __global float * d_axis_s, // array of axis positions (n_projs)
- __local float* shared2) // 768B of local mem
- const int tidx = get_local_id(0); //threadIdx.x;
- const int bidx = get_group_id(0); //blockIdx.x;
- const int tidy = get_local_id(1); //threadIdx.y;
- const int bidy = get_group_id(1); //blockIdx.y;
- //~ __local float shared[768];
- //~ float * sh_sin = shared;
- //~ float * sh_cos = shared+256;
- //~ float * sh_axis = sh_cos+256;
- __local float sh_cos[256];
- __local float sh_sin[256];
- __local float sh_axis[256];
- float pcos, psin;
- float h0, h1, h2, h3;
- const float apos_off_x= gpu_offset_x - axis_position ;
- const float apos_off_y= gpu_offset_y - axis_position ;
- float acorr05;
- float res0 = 0, res1 = 0, res2 = 0, res3 = 0;
- const float bx00 = (32 * bidx + 2 * tidx + 0 + apos_off_x ) ;
- const float by00 = (32 * bidy + 2 * tidy + 0 + apos_off_y ) ;
+ float x;
+ int ym, xm, xp;
+ ym = proj;
+ float2 vals;
- int read=0;
- for(int proj=0; proj<num_proj; proj++) {
- if(proj>=read) {
- int ip = tidy*16+tidx;
- if( read+ip < num_proj) {
- sh_cos [ip] = d_cos_s[read+ip] ;
- sh_sin [ip] = d_sin_s[read+ip] ;
- sh_axis[ip] = d_axis_s[read+ip] ;
- }
- read=read+256; // 256=16*16 block size
+ if(h0>=0 && h0<num_bins) {
+ x = CLIP_MAX(h0, num_bins);
+ vals = ADJACENT_PIXELS_VALS(d_sino, num_bins, ym, xm, xp);
+ res0 += linear_interpolation(vals, x, xm, xp);
- pcos = sh_cos[256-read + proj] ;
- psin = sh_sin[256-read + proj] ;
- acorr05 = sh_axis[256 - read + proj] ;
- h0 = (acorr05 + bx00*pcos - by00*psin);
- h1 = (acorr05 + (bx00+0)*pcos - (by00+1)*psin);
- h2 = (acorr05 + (bx00+1)*pcos - (by00+0)*psin);
- h3 = (acorr05 + (bx00+1)*pcos - (by00+1)*psin);
- float x, val;
- float tol = 0.001f; // CHECKME
- float y = proj + 0.5f;
- int ym = (int) floor(y);
- int yp = (int) ceil(y);
- int xm, xp;
- //
- int i0, i1, j0, j1;
- float d0, d1, x0, x1, y0, y1;
- d0 = fmin(fmax(proj+0*0.5f, 0.0f), (num_proj - 1.0f));
- x0 = floor(d0);
- x1 = ceil(d0);
- i0 = (int) x0;
- i1 = (int) x1;
- if(h0>=0 && h0<num_bins) {
- d1 = fmin(fmax(h0+0*0.5f, 0.0f), (num_bins - 1.0f));
- y0 = floor(d1);
- y1 = ceil(d1);
- j0 = (int) y0;
- j1 = (int) y1;
- if ((i0 == i1) && (j0 == j1))
- val = d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0]; //[i0, j0]
- else if (i0 == i1)
- val = (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0] * (y1 - d1)) + (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j1] * (d1 - y0)); //[i0, j0],[i0, j1]
- else if (j0 == j1)
- val = (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0] * (x1 - d0)) + (d_sino[i1*num_bins + j0] * (d0 - x0)); // i0, j0 ; i1, j0
- else
- val = (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0] * (x1 - d0) * (y1 - d1)) // i0, j0
- + (d_sino[i1*num_bins + j0] * (d0 - x0) * (y1 - d1)) // i1, j0
- + (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j1] * (x1 - d0) * (d1 - y0)) // i0, j1
- + (d_sino[i1*num_bins + j1] * (d0 - x0) * (d1 - y0)); // i1, j1
- res0 += val;
- }
if(h1>=0 && h1<num_bins) {
- //~ int4 coords = ADJACENT_PIXELS_COORDS(h1 +0.5f, proj +0.5f);
- //~ res1 += bilinear_interpolation(h1 +0.5f, proj +0.5f, num_bins, num_proj, coords, ADJACENT_PIXELS_VALS(d_sino, num_bins, coords)); //tex2D(texProjes,h1 +0.5f,proj +0.5f);
- d1 = fmin(fmax(h1+0*0.5f, 0.0f), (num_bins - 1.0f));
- y0 = floor(d1);
- y1 = ceil(d1);
- j0 = (int) y0;
- j1 = (int) y1;
- if ((i0 == i1) && (j0 == j1))
- val = d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0]; //[i0, j0]
- else if (i0 == i1)
- val = (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0] * (y1 - d1)) + (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j1] * (d1 - y0)); //[i0, j0],[i0, j1]
- else if (j0 == j1)
- val = (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0] * (x1 - d0)) + (d_sino[i1*num_bins + j0] * (d0 - x0)); // i0, j0 ; i1, j0
- else
- val = (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0] * (x1 - d0) * (y1 - d1)) // i0, j0
- + (d_sino[i1*num_bins + j0] * (d0 - x0) * (y1 - d1)) // i1, j0
- + (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j1] * (x1 - d0) * (d1 - y0)) // i0, j1
- + (d_sino[i1*num_bins + j1] * (d0 - x0) * (d1 - y0)); // i1, j1
- res1 += val;
+ x = CLIP_MAX(h1, num_bins);
+ vals = ADJACENT_PIXELS_VALS(d_sino, num_bins, ym, xm, xp);
+ res1 += linear_interpolation(vals, x, xm, xp);
if(h2>=0 && h2<num_bins) {
- //~ int4 coords = ADJACENT_PIXELS_COORDS(h2 +0.5f, proj +0.5f);
- //~ res2 += 0; //bilinear_interpolation(h2 +0.5f, proj +0.5f, num_bins, num_proj, coords, ADJACENT_PIXELS_VALS(d_sino, num_bins, coords)); //tex2D(texProjes,h2 +0.5f,proj +0.5f);
- d1 = fmin(fmax(h2+0*0.5f, 0.0f), (num_bins - 1.0f));
- y0 = floor(d1);
- y1 = ceil(d1);
- j0 = (int) y0;
- j1 = (int) y1;
- if ((i0 == i1) && (j0 == j1))
- val = d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0]; //[i0, j0]
- else if (i0 == i1)
- val = (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0] * (y1 - d1)) + (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j1] * (d1 - y0)); //[i0, j0],[i0, j1]
- else if (j0 == j1)
- val = (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0] * (x1 - d0)) + (d_sino[i1*num_bins + j0] * (d0 - x0)); // i0, j0 ; i1, j0
- else
- val = (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0] * (x1 - d0) * (y1 - d1)) // i0, j0
- + (d_sino[i1*num_bins + j0] * (d0 - x0) * (y1 - d1)) // i1, j0
- + (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j1] * (x1 - d0) * (d1 - y0)) // i0, j1
- + (d_sino[i1*num_bins + j1] * (d0 - x0) * (d1 - y0)); // i1, j1
- res2+= val;
+ x = CLIP_MAX(h2, num_bins);
+ vals = ADJACENT_PIXELS_VALS(d_sino, num_bins, ym, xm, xp);
+ res2 += linear_interpolation(vals, x, xm, xp);
if(h3>=0 && h3<num_bins) {
- //~ int4 coords = ADJACENT_PIXELS_COORDS(h3 +0.5f, proj +0.5f);
- //~ res3 += 0; //bilinear_interpolation(h3 +0.5f, proj +0.5f, num_bins, num_proj, coords, ADJACENT_PIXELS_VALS(d_sino, num_bins, coords)); //tex2D(texProjes,h3 +0.5f,proj +0.5f);
- d1 = fmin(fmax(h3+0*0.5f, 0.0f), (num_bins - 1.0f));
- y0 = floor(d1);
- y1 = ceil(d1);
- j0 = (int) y0;
- j1 = (int) y1;
- if ((i0 == i1) && (j0 == j1))
- val = d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0]; //[i0, j0]
- else if (i0 == i1)
- val = (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0] * (y1 - d1)) + (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j1] * (d1 - y0)); //[i0, j0],[i0, j1]
- else if (j0 == j1)
- val = (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0] * (x1 - d0)) + (d_sino[i1*num_bins + j0] * (d0 - x0)); // i0, j0 ; i1, j0
- else
- val = (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j0] * (x1 - d0) * (y1 - d1)) // i0, j0
- + (d_sino[i1*num_bins + j0] * (d0 - x0) * (y1 - d1)) // i1, j0
- + (d_sino[i0*num_bins + j1] * (x1 - d0) * (d1 - y0)) // i0, j1
- + (d_sino[i1*num_bins + j1] * (d0 - x0) * (d1 - y0)); // i1, j1
- res3 += val;
+ x = CLIP_MAX(h3, num_bins);
+ vals = ADJACENT_PIXELS_VALS(d_sino, num_bins, ym, xm, xp);
+ res3 += linear_interpolation(vals, x, xm, xp);
d_SLICE[ 32*get_num_groups(0)*(bidy*32+tidy*2+0) + bidx*32 + tidx*2 + 0] = res0;
@@ -478,8 +229,4 @@ __kernel void backproj_cpu_kernel_good(
d_SLICE[ 32*get_num_groups(0)*(bidy*32+tidy*2+0) + bidx*32 + tidx*2 + 1] = res2;
d_SLICE[ 32*get_num_groups(0)*(bidy*32+tidy*2+1) + bidx*32 + tidx*2 + 1] = res3;
diff --git a/silx/resources/opencl/ b/silx/resources/opencl/
index afc58ff..2a6d870 100644
--- a/silx/resources/opencl/
+++ b/silx/resources/opencl/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
/************************ GPU VERSION (with textures) **************************/
kernel void forward_kernel(
global float *d_Sino,
read_only image2d_t d_slice,
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ kernel void forward_kernel(
d_Sino[dimrecx*(bidy*16 + tidy) + (bidx*16 + tidx)] = res;