path: root/src/silx/gui/data/
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1 files changed, 2059 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/data/ b/src/silx/gui/data/
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+++ b/src/silx/gui/data/
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2020 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module defines a views used by :class:``.
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import logging
+import numbers
+import numpy
+import os
+from silx.utils import deprecation
+from silx.gui import qt, icons
+from import TextFormatter
+from import nxdata
+from silx.gui.hdf5 import H5Node
+from import get_attr_as_unicode
+from silx.gui.colors import Colormap
+from silx.gui.dialog.ColormapDialog import ColormapDialog
+__authors__ = ["V. Valls", "P. Knobel"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "19/02/2019"
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# DataViewer modes
+RAW_MODE = 40
+HDF5_MODE = 60
+def _normalizeData(data):
+ """Returns a normalized data.
+ If the data embed a numpy data or a dataset it is returned.
+ Else returns the input data."""
+ if isinstance(data, H5Node):
+ if data.is_broken:
+ return None
+ return data.h5py_object
+ return data
+def _normalizeComplex(data):
+ """Returns a normalized complex data.
+ If the data is a numpy data with complex, returns the
+ absolute value.
+ Else returns the input data."""
+ if hasattr(data, "dtype"):
+ isComplex = numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.complexfloating)
+ else:
+ isComplex = isinstance(data, numbers.Complex)
+ if isComplex:
+ data = numpy.absolute(data)
+ return data
+class DataInfo(object):
+ """Store extracted information from a data"""
+ def __init__(self, data):
+ self.__priorities = {}
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ self.isArray = False
+ self.interpretation = None
+ self.isNumeric = False
+ self.isVoid = False
+ self.isComplex = False
+ self.isBoolean = False
+ self.isRecord = False
+ self.hasNXdata = False
+ self.isInvalidNXdata = False
+ self.countNumericColumns = 0
+ self.shape = tuple()
+ self.dim = 0
+ self.size = 0
+ if data is None:
+ return
+ if
+ nxd = nxdata.get_default(data)
+ nx_class = get_attr_as_unicode(data, "NX_class")
+ if nxd is not None:
+ self.hasNXdata = True
+ # can we plot it?
+ is_scalar = nxd.signal_is_0d or nxd.interpretation in ["scalar", "scaler"]
+ if not (is_scalar or nxd.is_curve or nxd.is_x_y_value_scatter or
+ nxd.is_image or nxd.is_stack):
+ # invalid: cannot be plotted by any widget
+ self.isInvalidNXdata = True
+ elif nx_class == "NXdata":
+ # group claiming to be NXdata could not be parsed
+ self.isInvalidNXdata = True
+ elif nx_class == "NXroot" or
+ # root claiming to have a default entry
+ if "default" in data.attrs:
+ def_entry = data.attrs["default"]
+ if def_entry in data and "default" in data[def_entry].attrs:
+ # and entry claims to have default NXdata
+ self.isInvalidNXdata = True
+ elif "default" in data.attrs:
+ # group claiming to have a default NXdata could not be parsed
+ self.isInvalidNXdata = True
+ if isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray):
+ self.isArray = True
+ elif and data.shape != tuple():
+ self.isArray = True
+ else:
+ self.isArray = False
+ if
+ if "interpretation" in data.attrs:
+ self.interpretation = get_attr_as_unicode(data, "interpretation")
+ else:
+ self.interpretation = None
+ elif self.hasNXdata:
+ self.interpretation = nxd.interpretation
+ else:
+ self.interpretation = None
+ if hasattr(data, "dtype"):
+ if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.void):
+ # That's a real opaque type, else it is a structured type
+ self.isVoid = data.dtype.fields is None
+ self.isNumeric = numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.number)
+ self.isRecord = data.dtype.fields is not None
+ self.isComplex = numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.complexfloating)
+ self.isBoolean = numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.bool_)
+ elif self.hasNXdata:
+ self.isNumeric = numpy.issubdtype(nxd.signal.dtype,
+ numpy.number)
+ self.isComplex = numpy.issubdtype(nxd.signal.dtype, numpy.complexfloating)
+ self.isBoolean = numpy.issubdtype(nxd.signal.dtype, numpy.bool_)
+ else:
+ self.isNumeric = isinstance(data, numbers.Number)
+ self.isComplex = isinstance(data, numbers.Complex)
+ self.isBoolean = isinstance(data, bool)
+ self.isRecord = False
+ if hasattr(data, "shape"):
+ self.shape = data.shape
+ elif self.hasNXdata:
+ self.shape = nxd.signal.shape
+ else:
+ self.shape = tuple()
+ if self.shape is not None:
+ self.dim = len(self.shape)
+ if hasattr(data, "shape") and data.shape is None:
+ # This test is expected to avoid to fall done on the h5py issue
+ #
+ self.size = 0
+ elif hasattr(data, "size"):
+ self.size = int(data.size)
+ else:
+ self.size = 1
+ if hasattr(data, "dtype"):
+ if data.dtype.fields is not None:
+ for field in data.dtype.fields:
+ if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype[field], numpy.number):
+ self.countNumericColumns += 1
+ def normalizeData(self, data):
+ """Returns a normalized data if the embed a numpy or a dataset.
+ Else returns the data."""
+ return _normalizeData(data)
+ def cachePriority(self, view, priority):
+ self.__priorities[view] = priority
+ def getPriority(self, view):
+ return self.__priorities[view]
+class DataViewHooks(object):
+ """A set of hooks defined to custom the behaviour of the data views."""
+ def getColormap(self, view):
+ """Returns a colormap for this view."""
+ return None
+ def getColormapDialog(self, view):
+ """Returns a color dialog for this view."""
+ return None
+ def viewWidgetCreated(self, view, plot):
+ """Called when the widget of the view was created"""
+ return
+class DataView(object):
+ """Holder for the data view."""
+ """Priority returned when the requested data can't be displayed by the
+ view."""
+ TITLE_PATTERN = "{datapath}{slicing} {permuted}"
+ """Pattern used to format the title of the plot.
+ Supported fields: `{directory}`, `{filename}`, `{datapath}`, `{slicing}`, `{permuted}`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent, modeId=None, icon=None, label=None):
+ """Constructor
+ :param qt.QWidget parent: Parent of the hold widget
+ """
+ self.__parent = parent
+ self.__widget = None
+ self.__modeId = modeId
+ if label is None:
+ label = self.__class__.__name__
+ self.__label = label
+ if icon is None:
+ icon = qt.QIcon()
+ self.__icon = icon
+ self.__hooks = None
+ def getHooks(self):
+ """Returns the data viewer hooks used by this view.
+ :rtype: DataViewHooks
+ """
+ return self.__hooks
+ def setHooks(self, hooks):
+ """Set the data view hooks to use with this view.
+ :param DataViewHooks hooks: The data view hooks to use
+ """
+ self.__hooks = hooks
+ def defaultColormap(self):
+ """Returns a default colormap.
+ :rtype: Colormap
+ """
+ colormap = None
+ if self.__hooks is not None:
+ colormap = self.__hooks.getColormap(self)
+ if colormap is None:
+ colormap = Colormap(name="viridis")
+ return colormap
+ def defaultColorDialog(self):
+ """Returns a default color dialog.
+ :rtype: ColormapDialog
+ """
+ dialog = None
+ if self.__hooks is not None:
+ dialog = self.__hooks.getColormapDialog(self)
+ if dialog is None:
+ dialog = ColormapDialog()
+ dialog.setModal(False)
+ return dialog
+ def icon(self):
+ """Returns the default icon"""
+ return self.__icon
+ def label(self):
+ """Returns the default label"""
+ return self.__label
+ def modeId(self):
+ """Returns the mode id"""
+ return self.__modeId
+ def normalizeData(self, data):
+ """Returns a normalized data if the embed a numpy or a dataset.
+ Else returns the data."""
+ return _normalizeData(data)
+ def customAxisNames(self):
+ """Returns names of axes which can be custom by the user and provided
+ to the view."""
+ return []
+ def setCustomAxisValue(self, name, value):
+ """
+ Set the value of a custom axis
+ :param str name: Name of the custom axis
+ :param int value: Value of the custom axis
+ """
+ pass
+ def isWidgetInitialized(self):
+ """Returns true if the widget is already initialized.
+ """
+ return self.__widget is not None
+ def select(self):
+ """Called when the view is selected to display the data.
+ """
+ return
+ def getWidget(self):
+ """Returns the widget hold in the view and displaying the data.
+ :returns: qt.QWidget
+ """
+ if self.__widget is None:
+ self.__widget = self.createWidget(self.__parent)
+ hooks = self.getHooks()
+ if hooks is not None:
+ hooks.viewWidgetCreated(self, self.__widget)
+ return self.__widget
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ """Create the the widget displaying the data
+ :param qt.QWidget parent: Parent of the widget
+ :returns: qt.QWidget
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def clear(self):
+ """Clear the data from the view"""
+ return None
+ def setData(self, data):
+ """Set the data displayed by the view
+ :param data: Data to display
+ :type data: numpy.ndarray or h5py.Dataset
+ """
+ return None
+ def __formatSlices(self, indices):
+ """Format an iterable of slice objects
+ :param indices: The slices to format
+ :type indices: Union[None,List[Union[slice,int]]]
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ if indices is None:
+ return ''
+ def formatSlice(slice_):
+ start, stop, step = slice_.start, slice_.stop, slice_.step
+ string = ('' if start is None else str(start)) + ':'
+ if stop is not None:
+ string += str(stop)
+ if step not in (None, 1):
+ string += ':' + step
+ return string
+ return '[' + ', '.join(
+ formatSlice(index) if isinstance(index, slice) else str(index)
+ for index in indices) + ']'
+ def titleForSelection(self, selection):
+ """Build title from given selection information.
+ :param NamedTuple selection: Data selected
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ if selection is None or selection.filename is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ directory, filename = os.path.split(selection.filename)
+ try:
+ slicing = self.__formatSlices(selection.slice)
+ except Exception:
+ _logger.debug("Error while formatting slices", exc_info=True)
+ slicing = '[sliced]'
+ permuted = '(permuted)' if selection.permutation is not None else ''
+ try:
+ title = self.TITLE_PATTERN.format(
+ directory=directory,
+ filename=filename,
+ datapath=selection.datapath,
+ slicing=slicing,
+ permuted=permuted)
+ except Exception:
+ _logger.debug("Error while formatting title", exc_info=True)
+ title = selection.datapath + slicing
+ return title
+ def setDataSelection(self, selection):
+ """Set the data selection displayed by the view
+ If called, it have to be called directly after `setData`.
+ :param selection: Data selected
+ :type selection: NamedTuple
+ """
+ pass
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ """Returns names of the expected axes of the view, according to the
+ input data. A none value will disable the default axes selectior.
+ :param data: Data to display
+ :type data: numpy.ndarray or h5py.Dataset
+ :param DataInfo info: Pre-computed information on the data
+ :rtype: list[str] or None
+ """
+ return []
+ def getReachableViews(self):
+ """Returns the views that can be returned by `getMatchingViews`.
+ :param object data: Any object to be displayed
+ :param DataInfo info: Information cached about this data
+ :rtype: List[DataView]
+ """
+ return [self]
+ def getMatchingViews(self, data, info):
+ """Returns the views according to data and info from the data.
+ :param object data: Any object to be displayed
+ :param DataInfo info: Information cached about this data
+ :rtype: List[DataView]
+ """
+ priority = self.getCachedDataPriority(data, info)
+ if priority == DataView.UNSUPPORTED:
+ return []
+ return [self]
+ def getCachedDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ try:
+ priority = info.getPriority(self)
+ except KeyError:
+ priority = self.getDataPriority(data, info)
+ info.cachePriority(self, priority)
+ return priority
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ """
+ Returns the priority of using this view according to a data.
+ - `UNSUPPORTED` means this view can't display this data
+ - `1` means this view can display the data
+ - `100` means this view should be used for this data
+ - `1000` max value used by the views provided by silx
+ - ...
+ :param object data: The data to check
+ :param DataInfo info: Pre-computed information on the data
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return str(self) < str(other)
+class _CompositeDataView(DataView):
+ """Contains sub views"""
+ def getViews(self):
+ """Returns the direct sub views registered in this view.
+ :rtype: List[DataView]
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def getReachableViews(self):
+ """Returns all views that can be reachable at on point.
+ This method return any sub view provided (recursivly).
+ :rtype: List[DataView]
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def getMatchingViews(self, data, info):
+ """Returns sub views matching this data and info.
+ This method return any sub view provided (recursivly).
+ :param object data: Any object to be displayed
+ :param DataInfo info: Information cached about this data
+ :rtype: List[DataView]
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @deprecation.deprecated(replacement="getReachableViews", since_version="0.10")
+ def availableViews(self):
+ return self.getViews()
+ def isSupportedData(self, data, info):
+ """If true, the composite view allow sub views to access to this data.
+ Else this this data is considered as not supported by any of sub views
+ (incliding this composite view).
+ :param object data: Any object to be displayed
+ :param DataInfo info: Information cached about this data
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return True
+class SelectOneDataView(_CompositeDataView):
+ """Data view which can display a data using different view according to
+ the kind of the data."""
+ def __init__(self, parent, modeId=None, icon=None, label=None):
+ """Constructor
+ :param qt.QWidget parent: Parent of the hold widget
+ """
+ super(SelectOneDataView, self).__init__(parent, modeId, icon, label)
+ self.__views = OrderedDict()
+ self.__currentView = None
+ def setHooks(self, hooks):
+ """Set the data context to use with this view.
+ :param DataViewHooks hooks: The data view hooks to use
+ """
+ super(SelectOneDataView, self).setHooks(hooks)
+ if hooks is not None:
+ for v in self.__views:
+ v.setHooks(hooks)
+ def addView(self, dataView):
+ """Add a new dataview to the available list."""
+ hooks = self.getHooks()
+ if hooks is not None:
+ dataView.setHooks(hooks)
+ self.__views[dataView] = None
+ def getReachableViews(self):
+ views = []
+ addSelf = False
+ for v in self.__views:
+ if isinstance(v, SelectManyDataView):
+ views.extend(v.getReachableViews())
+ else:
+ addSelf = True
+ if addSelf:
+ # Single views are hidden by this view
+ views.insert(0, self)
+ return views
+ def getMatchingViews(self, data, info):
+ if not self.isSupportedData(data, info):
+ return []
+ view = self.__getBestView(data, info)
+ if isinstance(view, SelectManyDataView):
+ return view.getMatchingViews(data, info)
+ else:
+ return [self]
+ def getViews(self):
+ """Returns the list of registered views
+ :rtype: List[DataView]
+ """
+ return list(self.__views.keys())
+ def __getBestView(self, data, info):
+ """Returns the best view according to priorities."""
+ if not self.isSupportedData(data, info):
+ return None
+ views = [(v.getCachedDataPriority(data, info), v) for v in self.__views.keys()]
+ views = filter(lambda t: t[0] > DataView.UNSUPPORTED, views)
+ views = sorted(views, key=lambda t: t[0], reverse=True)
+ if len(views) == 0:
+ return None
+ elif views[0][0] == DataView.UNSUPPORTED:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return views[0][1]
+ def customAxisNames(self):
+ if self.__currentView is None:
+ return
+ return self.__currentView.customAxisNames()
+ def setCustomAxisValue(self, name, value):
+ if self.__currentView is None:
+ return
+ self.__currentView.setCustomAxisValue(name, value)
+ def __updateDisplayedView(self):
+ widget = self.getWidget()
+ if self.__currentView is None:
+ return
+ # load the widget if it is not yet done
+ index = self.__views[self.__currentView]
+ if index is None:
+ w = self.__currentView.getWidget()
+ index = widget.addWidget(w)
+ self.__views[self.__currentView] = index
+ if widget.currentIndex() != index:
+ widget.setCurrentIndex(index)
+ def select(self):
+ self.__updateDisplayedView()
+ if self.__currentView is not None:
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ return qt.QStackedWidget()
+ def clear(self):
+ for v in self.__views.keys():
+ v.clear()
+ def setData(self, data):
+ if self.__currentView is None:
+ return
+ self.__updateDisplayedView()
+ self.__currentView.setData(data)
+ def setDataSelection(self, selection):
+ if self.__currentView is None:
+ return
+ self.__currentView.setDataSelection(selection)
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ view = self.__getBestView(data, info)
+ self.__currentView = view
+ return view.axesNames(data, info)
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ view = self.__getBestView(data, info)
+ self.__currentView = view
+ if view is None:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ else:
+ return view.getCachedDataPriority(data, info)
+ def replaceView(self, modeId, newView):
+ """Replace a data view with a custom view.
+ Return True in case of success, False in case of failure.
+ .. note::
+ This method must be called just after instantiation, before
+ the viewer is used.
+ :param int modeId: Unique mode ID identifying the DataView to
+ be replaced.
+ :param DataViews.DataView newView: New data view
+ :return: True if replacement was successful, else False
+ """
+ oldView = None
+ for view in self.__views:
+ if view.modeId() == modeId:
+ oldView = view
+ break
+ elif isinstance(view, _CompositeDataView):
+ # recurse
+ hooks = self.getHooks()
+ if hooks is not None:
+ newView.setHooks(hooks)
+ if view.replaceView(modeId, newView):
+ return True
+ if oldView is None:
+ return False
+ # replace oldView with new view in dict
+ self.__views = OrderedDict(
+ (newView, None) if view is oldView else (view, idx) for
+ view, idx in self.__views.items())
+ return True
+# NOTE: SelectOneDataView was introduced with silx 0.10
+CompositeDataView = SelectOneDataView
+class SelectManyDataView(_CompositeDataView):
+ """Data view which can select a set of sub views according to
+ the kind of the data.
+ This view itself is abstract and is not exposed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent, views=None):
+ """Constructor
+ :param qt.QWidget parent: Parent of the hold widget
+ """
+ super(SelectManyDataView, self).__init__(parent, modeId=None, icon=None, label=None)
+ if views is None:
+ views = []
+ self.__views = views
+ def setHooks(self, hooks):
+ """Set the data context to use with this view.
+ :param DataViewHooks hooks: The data view hooks to use
+ """
+ super(SelectManyDataView, self).setHooks(hooks)
+ if hooks is not None:
+ for v in self.__views:
+ v.setHooks(hooks)
+ def addView(self, dataView):
+ """Add a new dataview to the available list."""
+ hooks = self.getHooks()
+ if hooks is not None:
+ dataView.setHooks(hooks)
+ self.__views.append(dataView)
+ def getViews(self):
+ """Returns the list of registered views
+ :rtype: List[DataView]
+ """
+ return list(self.__views)
+ def getReachableViews(self):
+ views = []
+ for v in self.__views:
+ views.extend(v.getReachableViews())
+ return views
+ def getMatchingViews(self, data, info):
+ """Returns the views according to data and info from the data.
+ :param object data: Any object to be displayed
+ :param DataInfo info: Information cached about this data
+ """
+ if not self.isSupportedData(data, info):
+ return []
+ views = [v for v in self.__views if v.getCachedDataPriority(data, info) != DataView.UNSUPPORTED]
+ return views
+ def customAxisNames(self):
+ raise RuntimeError("Abstract view")
+ def setCustomAxisValue(self, name, value):
+ raise RuntimeError("Abstract view")
+ def select(self):
+ raise RuntimeError("Abstract view")
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ raise RuntimeError("Abstract view")
+ def clear(self):
+ for v in self.__views:
+ v.clear()
+ def setData(self, data):
+ raise RuntimeError("Abstract view")
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ raise RuntimeError("Abstract view")
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ if not self.isSupportedData(data, info):
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ priorities = [v.getCachedDataPriority(data, info) for v in self.__views]
+ priorities = [v for v in priorities if v != DataView.UNSUPPORTED]
+ priorities = sorted(priorities)
+ if len(priorities) == 0:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ return priorities[-1]
+ def replaceView(self, modeId, newView):
+ """Replace a data view with a custom view.
+ Return True in case of success, False in case of failure.
+ .. note::
+ This method must be called just after instantiation, before
+ the viewer is used.
+ :param int modeId: Unique mode ID identifying the DataView to
+ be replaced.
+ :param DataViews.DataView newView: New data view
+ :return: True if replacement was successful, else False
+ """
+ oldView = None
+ for iview, view in enumerate(self.__views):
+ if view.modeId() == modeId:
+ oldView = view
+ break
+ elif isinstance(view, CompositeDataView):
+ # recurse
+ hooks = self.getHooks()
+ if hooks is not None:
+ newView.setHooks(hooks)
+ if view.replaceView(modeId, newView):
+ return True
+ if oldView is None:
+ return False
+ # replace oldView with new view in dict
+ self.__views[iview] = newView
+ return True
+class _EmptyView(DataView):
+ """Dummy view to display nothing"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ DataView.__init__(self, parent, modeId=EMPTY_MODE)
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return None
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ return qt.QLabel(parent)
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+class _Plot1dView(DataView):
+ """View displaying data using a 1d plot"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(_Plot1dView, self).__init__(
+ parent=parent,
+ modeId=PLOT1D_MODE,
+ label="Curve",
+ icon=icons.getQIcon("view-1d"))
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = True
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from silx.gui import plot
+ return plot.Plot1D(parent=parent)
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().clear()
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = True
+ def normalizeData(self, data):
+ data = DataView.normalizeData(self, data)
+ data = _normalizeComplex(data)
+ return data
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ plotWidget = self.getWidget()
+ legend = "data"
+ plotWidget.addCurve(legend=legend,
+ x=range(len(data)),
+ y=data,
+ resetzoom=self.__resetZoomNextTime)
+ plotWidget.setActiveCurve(legend)
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = True
+ def setDataSelection(self, selection):
+ self.getWidget().setGraphTitle(self.titleForSelection(selection))
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return ["y"]
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ if info.size <= 0:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if data is None or not info.isArray or not info.isNumeric:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.dim < 1:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.interpretation == "spectrum":
+ return 1000
+ if info.dim == 2 and info.shape[0] == 1:
+ return 210
+ if info.dim == 1:
+ return 100
+ else:
+ return 10
+class _Plot2dRecordView(DataView):
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(_Plot2dRecordView, self).__init__(
+ parent=parent,
+ label="Curve",
+ icon=icons.getQIcon("view-1d"))
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = True
+ self._data = None
+ self._xAxisDropDown = None
+ self._yAxisDropDown = None
+ self.__fields = None
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from ._RecordPlot import RecordPlot
+ return RecordPlot(parent=parent)
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().clear()
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = True
+ def normalizeData(self, data):
+ data = DataView.normalizeData(self, data)
+ data = _normalizeComplex(data)
+ return data
+ def setData(self, data):
+ self._data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ all_fields = sorted(self._data.dtype.fields.items(), key=lambda e: e[1][1])
+ numeric_fields = [f[0] for f in all_fields if numpy.issubdtype(f[1][0], numpy.number)]
+ if numeric_fields == self.__fields: # Reuse previously selected fields
+ fieldNameX = self.getWidget().getXAxisFieldName()
+ fieldNameY = self.getWidget().getYAxisFieldName()
+ else:
+ self.__fields = numeric_fields
+ self.getWidget().setSelectableXAxisFieldNames(numeric_fields)
+ self.getWidget().setSelectableYAxisFieldNames(numeric_fields)
+ fieldNameX = None
+ fieldNameY = numeric_fields[0]
+ # If there is a field called time, use it for the x-axis by default
+ if "time" in numeric_fields:
+ fieldNameX = "time"
+ # Use the first field that is not "time" for the y-axis
+ if fieldNameY == "time" and len(numeric_fields) >= 2:
+ fieldNameY = numeric_fields[1]
+ self._plotData(fieldNameX, fieldNameY)
+ if not self._xAxisDropDown:
+ self._xAxisDropDown = self.getWidget().getAxesSelectionToolBar().getXAxisDropDown()
+ self._yAxisDropDown = self.getWidget().getAxesSelectionToolBar().getYAxisDropDown()
+ self._xAxisDropDown.activated.connect(self._onAxesSelectionChaned)
+ self._yAxisDropDown.activated.connect(self._onAxesSelectionChaned)
+ def setDataSelection(self, selection):
+ self.getWidget().setGraphTitle(self.titleForSelection(selection))
+ def _onAxesSelectionChaned(self):
+ fieldNameX = self._xAxisDropDown.currentData()
+ self._plotData(fieldNameX, self._yAxisDropDown.currentText())
+ def _plotData(self, fieldNameX, fieldNameY):
+ self.clear()
+ ydata = self._data[fieldNameY]
+ if fieldNameX is None:
+ xdata = numpy.arange(len(ydata))
+ else:
+ xdata = self._data[fieldNameX]
+ self.getWidget().addCurve(legend="data",
+ x=xdata,
+ y=ydata,
+ resetzoom=self.__resetZoomNextTime)
+ self.getWidget().setXAxisFieldName(fieldNameX)
+ self.getWidget().setYAxisFieldName(fieldNameY)
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = True
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return ["data"]
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ if info.size <= 0:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if data is None or not info.isRecord:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.dim < 1:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.countNumericColumns < 2:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.interpretation == "spectrum":
+ return 1000
+ if info.dim == 2 and info.shape[0] == 1:
+ return 210
+ if info.dim == 1:
+ return 40
+ else:
+ return 10
+class _Plot2dView(DataView):
+ """View displaying data using a 2d plot"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(_Plot2dView, self).__init__(
+ parent=parent,
+ modeId=PLOT2D_MODE,
+ label="Image",
+ icon=icons.getQIcon("view-2d"))
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = True
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from silx.gui import plot
+ widget = plot.Plot2D(parent=parent)
+ widget.setDefaultColormap(self.defaultColormap())
+ widget.getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog())
+ widget.getIntensityHistogramAction().setVisible(True)
+ widget.setKeepDataAspectRatio(True)
+ widget.getXAxis().setLabel('X')
+ widget.getYAxis().setLabel('Y')
+ maskToolsWidget = widget.getMaskToolsDockWidget().widget()
+ maskToolsWidget.setItemMaskUpdated(True)
+ return widget
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().clear()
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = True
+ def normalizeData(self, data):
+ data = DataView.normalizeData(self, data)
+ data = _normalizeComplex(data)
+ return data
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ self.getWidget().addImage(legend="data",
+ data=data,
+ resetzoom=self.__resetZoomNextTime)
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = False
+ def setDataSelection(self, selection):
+ self.getWidget().setGraphTitle(self.titleForSelection(selection))
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return ["y", "x"]
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ if info.size <= 0:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if (data is None or
+ not info.isArray or
+ not (info.isNumeric or info.isBoolean)):
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.dim < 2:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.interpretation == "image":
+ return 1000
+ if info.dim == 2:
+ return 200
+ else:
+ return 190
+class _Plot3dView(DataView):
+ """View displaying data using a 3d plot"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(_Plot3dView, self).__init__(
+ parent=parent,
+ modeId=PLOT3D_MODE,
+ label="Cube",
+ icon=icons.getQIcon("view-3d"))
+ try:
+ from ._VolumeWindow import VolumeWindow # noqa
+ except ImportError:
+ _logger.warning("3D visualization is not available")
+ _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True)
+ raise
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = True
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from ._VolumeWindow import VolumeWindow
+ plot = VolumeWindow(parent)
+ plot.setAxesLabels(*reversed(self.axesNames(None, None)))
+ return plot
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().clear()
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = True
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ self.getWidget().setData(data)
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = False
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return ["z", "y", "x"]
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ if info.size <= 0:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if data is None or not info.isArray or not info.isNumeric:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.dim < 3:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if min(data.shape) < 2:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.dim == 3:
+ return 100
+ else:
+ return 10
+class _ComplexImageView(DataView):
+ """View displaying data using a ComplexImageView"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(_ComplexImageView, self).__init__(
+ parent=parent,
+ label="Complex Image",
+ icon=icons.getQIcon("view-2d"))
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from silx.gui.plot.ComplexImageView import ComplexImageView
+ widget = ComplexImageView(parent=parent)
+ widget.setColormap(self.defaultColormap(), mode=ComplexImageView.ComplexMode.ABSOLUTE)
+ widget.setColormap(self.defaultColormap(), mode=ComplexImageView.ComplexMode.SQUARE_AMPLITUDE)
+ widget.setColormap(self.defaultColormap(), mode=ComplexImageView.ComplexMode.REAL)
+ widget.setColormap(self.defaultColormap(), mode=ComplexImageView.ComplexMode.IMAGINARY)
+ widget.getPlot().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog())
+ widget.getPlot().getIntensityHistogramAction().setVisible(True)
+ widget.getPlot().setKeepDataAspectRatio(True)
+ widget.getXAxis().setLabel('X')
+ widget.getYAxis().setLabel('Y')
+ maskToolsWidget = widget.getPlot().getMaskToolsDockWidget().widget()
+ maskToolsWidget.setItemMaskUpdated(True)
+ return widget
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().setData(None)
+ def normalizeData(self, data):
+ data = DataView.normalizeData(self, data)
+ return data
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ self.getWidget().setData(data)
+ def setDataSelection(self, selection):
+ self.getWidget().getPlot().setGraphTitle(
+ self.titleForSelection(selection))
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return ["y", "x"]
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ if info.size <= 0:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if data is None or not info.isArray or not info.isComplex:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.dim < 2:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.interpretation == "image":
+ return 1000
+ if info.dim == 2:
+ return 200
+ else:
+ return 190
+class _ArrayView(DataView):
+ """View displaying data using a 2d table"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ DataView.__init__(self, parent, modeId=RAW_ARRAY_MODE)
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from import ArrayTableWidget
+ widget = ArrayTableWidget(parent)
+ widget.displayAxesSelector(False)
+ return widget
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().setArrayData(numpy.array([[]]))
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ self.getWidget().setArrayData(data)
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return ["col", "row"]
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ if info.size <= 0:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if data is None or not info.isArray or info.isRecord:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.dim < 2:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.interpretation in ["scalar", "scaler"]:
+ return 1000
+ return 500
+class _StackView(DataView):
+ """View displaying data using a stack of images"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(_StackView, self).__init__(
+ parent=parent,
+ modeId=STACK_MODE,
+ label="Image stack",
+ icon=icons.getQIcon("view-2d-stack"))
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = True
+ def customAxisNames(self):
+ return ["depth"]
+ def setCustomAxisValue(self, name, value):
+ if name == "depth":
+ self.getWidget().setFrameNumber(value)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unsupported axis")
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from silx.gui import plot
+ widget = plot.StackView(parent=parent)
+ widget.setColormap(self.defaultColormap())
+ widget.getPlotWidget().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog())
+ widget.setKeepDataAspectRatio(True)
+ widget.setLabels(self.axesNames(None, None))
+ # hide default option panel
+ widget.setOptionVisible(False)
+ maskToolWidget = widget.getPlotWidget().getMaskToolsDockWidget().widget()
+ maskToolWidget.setItemMaskUpdated(True)
+ return widget
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().clear()
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = True
+ def normalizeData(self, data):
+ data = DataView.normalizeData(self, data)
+ data = _normalizeComplex(data)
+ return data
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ self.getWidget().setStack(stack=data, reset=self.__resetZoomNextTime)
+ # Override the colormap, while setStack overwrite it
+ self.getWidget().setColormap(self.defaultColormap())
+ self.__resetZoomNextTime = False
+ def setDataSelection(self, selection):
+ title = self.titleForSelection(selection)
+ self.getWidget().setTitleCallback(
+ lambda idx: "%s z=%d" % (title, idx))
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return ["depth", "y", "x"]
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ if info.size <= 0:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if data is None or not info.isArray or not info.isNumeric:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.dim < 3:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.interpretation == "image":
+ return 500
+ return 90
+class _ScalarView(DataView):
+ """View displaying data using text"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ DataView.__init__(self, parent, modeId=RAW_SCALAR_MODE)
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ widget = qt.QTextEdit(parent)
+ widget.setTextInteractionFlags(qt.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse)
+ widget.setAlignment(qt.Qt.AlignLeft | qt.Qt.AlignTop)
+ self.__formatter = TextFormatter(parent)
+ return widget
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().setText("")
+ def setData(self, data):
+ d = self.normalizeData(data)
+ if
+ d = d[()]
+ dtype = None
+ if data is not None:
+ if hasattr(data, "dtype"):
+ dtype = data.dtype
+ text = self.__formatter.toString(d, dtype)
+ self.getWidget().setText(text)
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return []
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ if info.size <= 0:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ if info.shape is None:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if data is None:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ return 2
+class _RecordView(DataView):
+ """View displaying data using text"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ DataView.__init__(self, parent, modeId=RAW_RECORD_MODE)
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from .RecordTableView import RecordTableView
+ widget = RecordTableView(parent)
+ widget.setWordWrap(False)
+ return widget
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().setArrayData(None)
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ widget = self.getWidget()
+ widget.setArrayData(data)
+ if len(data) < 100:
+ widget.resizeRowsToContents()
+ widget.resizeColumnsToContents()
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return ["data"]
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ if info.size <= 0:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.isRecord:
+ return 40
+ if data is None or not info.isArray:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.dim == 1:
+ if info.interpretation in ["scalar", "scaler"]:
+ return 1000
+ if info.shape[0] == 1:
+ return 510
+ return 500
+ elif info.isRecord:
+ return 40
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+class _HexaView(DataView):
+ """View displaying data using text"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ DataView.__init__(self, parent, modeId=RAW_HEXA_MODE)
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from .HexaTableView import HexaTableView
+ widget = HexaTableView(parent)
+ return widget
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().setArrayData(None)
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ widget = self.getWidget()
+ widget.setArrayData(data)
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return []
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ if info.size <= 0:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.isVoid:
+ return 2000
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+class _Hdf5View(DataView):
+ """View displaying data using text"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(_Hdf5View, self).__init__(
+ parent=parent,
+ modeId=HDF5_MODE,
+ label="HDF5",
+ icon=icons.getQIcon("view-hdf5"))
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from .Hdf5TableView import Hdf5TableView
+ widget = Hdf5TableView(parent)
+ return widget
+ def clear(self):
+ widget = self.getWidget()
+ widget.setData(None)
+ def setData(self, data):
+ widget = self.getWidget()
+ widget.setData(data)
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return None
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ widget = self.getWidget()
+ if widget.isSupportedData(data):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+class _RawView(CompositeDataView):
+ """View displaying data as raw data.
+ This implementation use a 2d-array view, or a record array view, or a
+ raw text output.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(_RawView, self).__init__(
+ parent=parent,
+ modeId=RAW_MODE,
+ label="Raw",
+ icon=icons.getQIcon("view-raw"))
+ self.addView(_HexaView(parent))
+ self.addView(_ScalarView(parent))
+ self.addView(_ArrayView(parent))
+ self.addView(_RecordView(parent))
+class _ImageView(CompositeDataView):
+ """View displaying data as 2D image
+ It choose between Plot2D and ComplexImageView widgets
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(_ImageView, self).__init__(
+ parent=parent,
+ modeId=IMAGE_MODE,
+ label="Image",
+ icon=icons.getQIcon("view-2d"))
+ self.addView(_ComplexImageView(parent))
+ self.addView(_Plot2dView(parent))
+class _InvalidNXdataView(DataView):
+ """DataView showing a simple label with an error message
+ to inform that a group with @NX_class=NXdata cannot be
+ interpreted by any NXDataview."""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ DataView.__init__(self, parent,
+ self._msg = ""
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ widget = qt.QLabel(parent)
+ widget.setWordWrap(True)
+ widget.setStyleSheet("QLabel { color : red; }")
+ return widget
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return []
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().setText("")
+ def setData(self, data):
+ self.getWidget().setText(self._msg)
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ if not info.isInvalidNXdata:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.hasNXdata:
+ self._msg = "NXdata seems valid, but cannot be displayed "
+ self._msg += "by any existing plot widget."
+ else:
+ nx_class = get_attr_as_unicode(data, "NX_class")
+ if nx_class == "NXdata":
+ # invalid: could not even be parsed by NXdata
+ self._msg = "Group has @NX_class = NXdata, but could not be interpreted"
+ self._msg += " as valid NXdata."
+ elif nx_class == "NXroot" or
+ default_entry = data[data.attrs["default"]]
+ default_nxdata_name = default_entry.attrs["default"]
+ self._msg = "NXroot group provides a @default attribute "
+ self._msg += "pointing to a NXentry which defines its own "
+ self._msg += "@default attribute, "
+ if default_nxdata_name not in default_entry:
+ self._msg += " but no corresponding NXdata group exists."
+ elif get_attr_as_unicode(default_entry[default_nxdata_name],
+ "NX_class") != "NXdata":
+ self._msg += " but the corresponding item is not a "
+ self._msg += "NXdata group."
+ else:
+ self._msg += " but the corresponding NXdata seems to be"
+ self._msg += " malformed."
+ else:
+ self._msg = "Group provides a @default attribute,"
+ default_nxdata_name = data.attrs["default"]
+ if default_nxdata_name not in data:
+ self._msg += " but no corresponding NXdata group exists."
+ elif get_attr_as_unicode(data[default_nxdata_name], "NX_class") != "NXdata":
+ self._msg += " but the corresponding item is not a "
+ self._msg += "NXdata group."
+ else:
+ self._msg += " but the corresponding NXdata seems to be"
+ self._msg += " malformed."
+ return 100
+class _NXdataBaseDataView(DataView):
+ """Base class for NXdata DataView"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ DataView.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def _updateColormap(self, nxdata):
+ """Update used colormap according to nxdata's SILX_style"""
+ cmap_norm = nxdata.plot_style.signal_scale_type
+ if cmap_norm is not None:
+ self.defaultColormap().setNormalization(
+ 'log' if cmap_norm == 'log' else 'linear')
+class _NXdataScalarView(_NXdataBaseDataView):
+ """DataView using a table view for displaying NXdata scalars:
+ 0-D signal or n-D signal with *@interpretation=scalar*"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__(
+ self, parent, modeId=NXDATA_SCALAR_MODE)
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from import ArrayTableWidget
+ widget = ArrayTableWidget(parent)
+ # widget.displayAxesSelector(False)
+ return widget
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ return ["col", "row"]
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().setArrayData(numpy.array([[]]),
+ labels=True)
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ # data could be a NXdata or an NXentry
+ nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False)
+ signal = nxd.signal
+ self.getWidget().setArrayData(signal,
+ labels=True)
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata:
+ nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False)
+ if nxd.signal_is_0d or nxd.interpretation in ["scalar", "scaler"]:
+ return 100
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+class _NXdataCurveView(_NXdataBaseDataView):
+ """DataView using a Plot1D for displaying NXdata curves:
+ 1-D signal or n-D signal with *@interpretation=spectrum*.
+ It also handles basic scatter plots:
+ a 1-D signal with one axis whose values are not monotonically increasing.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__(
+ self, parent, modeId=NXDATA_CURVE_MODE)
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from import ArrayCurvePlot
+ widget = ArrayCurvePlot(parent)
+ return widget
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer)
+ return None
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().clear()
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False)
+ signals_names = [nxd.signal_name] + nxd.auxiliary_signals_names
+ if nxd.axes_dataset_names[-1] is not None:
+ x_errors = nxd.get_axis_errors(nxd.axes_dataset_names[-1])
+ else:
+ x_errors = None
+ # this fix is necessary until the next release of PyMca (5.2.3 or 5.3.0)
+ # see and
+ if not hasattr(self.getWidget(), "setCurvesData") and \
+ hasattr(self.getWidget(), "setCurveData"):
+ _logger.warning("Using deprecated ArrayCurvePlot API, "
+ "without support of auxiliary signals")
+ self.getWidget().setCurveData(nxd.signal, nxd.axes[-1],
+ yerror=nxd.errors, xerror=x_errors,
+ ylabel=nxd.signal_name, xlabel=nxd.axes_names[-1],
+ title=nxd.title or nxd.signal_name)
+ return
+ self.getWidget().setCurvesData([nxd.signal] + nxd.auxiliary_signals, nxd.axes[-1],
+ yerror=nxd.errors, xerror=x_errors,
+ ylabels=signals_names, xlabel=nxd.axes_names[-1],
+ title=nxd.title or signals_names[0],
+ xscale=nxd.plot_style.axes_scale_types[-1],
+ yscale=nxd.plot_style.signal_scale_type)
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata:
+ if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_curve:
+ return 100
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+class _NXdataXYVScatterView(_NXdataBaseDataView):
+ """DataView using a Plot1D for displaying NXdata 3D scatters as
+ a scatter of coloured points (1-D signal with 2 axes)"""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__(
+ self, parent, modeId=NXDATA_XYVSCATTER_MODE)
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from import XYVScatterPlot
+ widget = XYVScatterPlot(parent)
+ widget.getScatterView().setColormap(self.defaultColormap())
+ widget.getScatterView().getScatterToolBar().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(
+ self.defaultColorDialog())
+ return widget
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer)
+ return None
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().clear()
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False)
+ x_axis, y_axis = nxd.axes[-2:]
+ if x_axis is None:
+ x_axis = numpy.arange(nxd.signal.size)
+ if y_axis is None:
+ y_axis = numpy.arange(nxd.signal.size)
+ x_label, y_label = nxd.axes_names[-2:]
+ if x_label is not None:
+ x_errors = nxd.get_axis_errors(x_label)
+ else:
+ x_errors = None
+ if y_label is not None:
+ y_errors = nxd.get_axis_errors(y_label)
+ else:
+ y_errors = None
+ self._updateColormap(nxd)
+ self.getWidget().setScattersData(y_axis, x_axis, values=[nxd.signal] + nxd.auxiliary_signals,
+ yerror=y_errors, xerror=x_errors,
+ ylabel=y_label, xlabel=x_label,
+ title=nxd.title,
+ scatter_titles=[nxd.signal_name] + nxd.auxiliary_signals_names,
+ xscale=nxd.plot_style.axes_scale_types[-2],
+ yscale=nxd.plot_style.axes_scale_types[-1])
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata:
+ if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_x_y_value_scatter:
+ # It have to be a little more than a NX curve priority
+ return 110
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+class _NXdataImageView(_NXdataBaseDataView):
+ """DataView using a Plot2D for displaying NXdata images:
+ 2-D signal or n-D signals with *@interpretation=image*."""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__(
+ self, parent, modeId=NXDATA_IMAGE_MODE)
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from import ArrayImagePlot
+ widget = ArrayImagePlot(parent)
+ widget.getPlot().setDefaultColormap(self.defaultColormap())
+ widget.getPlot().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog())
+ return widget
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer)
+ return None
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().clear()
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False)
+ isRgba = nxd.interpretation == "rgba-image"
+ self._updateColormap(nxd)
+ # last two axes are Y & X
+ img_slicing = slice(-2, None) if not isRgba else slice(-3, -1)
+ y_axis, x_axis = nxd.axes[img_slicing]
+ y_label, x_label = nxd.axes_names[img_slicing]
+ y_scale, x_scale = nxd.plot_style.axes_scale_types[img_slicing]
+ self.getWidget().setImageData(
+ [nxd.signal] + nxd.auxiliary_signals,
+ x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis,
+ signals_names=[nxd.signal_name] + nxd.auxiliary_signals_names,
+ xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label,
+ title=nxd.title, isRgba=isRgba,
+ xscale=x_scale, yscale=y_scale)
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata:
+ if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_image:
+ return 100
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+class _NXdataComplexImageView(_NXdataBaseDataView):
+ """DataView using a ComplexImageView for displaying NXdata complex images:
+ 2-D signal or n-D signals with *@interpretation=image*."""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__(
+ self, parent, modeId=NXDATA_IMAGE_MODE)
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from import ArrayComplexImagePlot
+ widget = ArrayComplexImagePlot(parent, colormap=self.defaultColormap())
+ widget.getPlot().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog())
+ return widget
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().clear()
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False)
+ self._updateColormap(nxd)
+ # last two axes are Y & X
+ img_slicing = slice(-2, None)
+ y_axis, x_axis = nxd.axes[img_slicing]
+ y_label, x_label = nxd.axes_names[img_slicing]
+ self.getWidget().setImageData(
+ [nxd.signal] + nxd.auxiliary_signals,
+ x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis,
+ signals_names=[nxd.signal_name] + nxd.auxiliary_signals_names,
+ xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label,
+ title=nxd.title)
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer)
+ return None
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata:
+ nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False)
+ if nxd.is_image and numpy.iscomplexobj(nxd.signal):
+ return 100
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+class _NXdataStackView(_NXdataBaseDataView):
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__(
+ self, parent, modeId=NXDATA_STACK_MODE)
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from import ArrayStackPlot
+ widget = ArrayStackPlot(parent)
+ widget.getStackView().setColormap(self.defaultColormap())
+ widget.getStackView().getPlotWidget().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog())
+ return widget
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer)
+ return None
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().clear()
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False)
+ signal_name = nxd.signal_name
+ z_axis, y_axis, x_axis = nxd.axes[-3:]
+ z_label, y_label, x_label = nxd.axes_names[-3:]
+ title = nxd.title or signal_name
+ self._updateColormap(nxd)
+ widget = self.getWidget()
+ widget.setStackData(
+ nxd.signal, x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, z_axis=z_axis,
+ signal_name=signal_name,
+ xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label, zlabel=z_label,
+ title=title)
+ # Override the colormap, while setStack overwrite it
+ widget.getStackView().setColormap(self.defaultColormap())
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata:
+ if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_stack:
+ return 100
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+class _NXdataVolumeView(_NXdataBaseDataView):
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__(
+ self, parent,
+ label="NXdata (3D)",
+ icon=icons.getQIcon("view-nexus"),
+ try:
+ import silx.gui.plot3d # noqa
+ except ImportError:
+ _logger.warning("Plot3dView is not available")
+ _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True)
+ raise
+ def normalizeData(self, data):
+ data = super(_NXdataVolumeView, self).normalizeData(data)
+ data = _normalizeComplex(data)
+ return data
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from import ArrayVolumePlot
+ widget = ArrayVolumePlot(parent)
+ return widget
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer)
+ return None
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().clear()
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False)
+ signal_name = nxd.signal_name
+ z_axis, y_axis, x_axis = nxd.axes[-3:]
+ z_label, y_label, x_label = nxd.axes_names[-3:]
+ title = nxd.title or signal_name
+ widget = self.getWidget()
+ widget.setData(
+ nxd.signal, x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, z_axis=z_axis,
+ signal_name=signal_name,
+ xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label, zlabel=z_label,
+ title=title)
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata:
+ if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_volume:
+ return 150
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+class _NXdataVolumeAsStackView(_NXdataBaseDataView):
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__(
+ self, parent,
+ label="NXdata (2D)",
+ icon=icons.getQIcon("view-nexus"),
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from import ArrayStackPlot
+ widget = ArrayStackPlot(parent)
+ widget.getStackView().setColormap(self.defaultColormap())
+ widget.getStackView().getPlotWidget().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog())
+ return widget
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer)
+ return None
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().clear()
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False)
+ signal_name = nxd.signal_name
+ z_axis, y_axis, x_axis = nxd.axes[-3:]
+ z_label, y_label, x_label = nxd.axes_names[-3:]
+ title = nxd.title or signal_name
+ self._updateColormap(nxd)
+ widget = self.getWidget()
+ widget.setStackData(
+ nxd.signal, x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, z_axis=z_axis,
+ signal_name=signal_name,
+ xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label, zlabel=z_label,
+ title=title)
+ # Override the colormap, while setStack overwrite it
+ widget.getStackView().setColormap(self.defaultColormap())
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ if info.isComplex:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata:
+ if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_volume:
+ return 200
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+class _NXdataComplexVolumeAsStackView(_NXdataBaseDataView):
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ _NXdataBaseDataView.__init__(
+ self, parent,
+ label="NXdata (2D)",
+ icon=icons.getQIcon("view-nexus"),
+ self._is_complex_data = False
+ def createWidget(self, parent):
+ from import ArrayComplexImagePlot
+ widget = ArrayComplexImagePlot(parent, colormap=self.defaultColormap())
+ widget.getPlot().getColormapAction().setColorDialog(self.defaultColorDialog())
+ return widget
+ def axesNames(self, data, info):
+ # disabled (used by default axis selector widget in Hdf5Viewer)
+ return None
+ def clear(self):
+ self.getWidget().clear()
+ def setData(self, data):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ nxd = nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False)
+ signal_name = nxd.signal_name
+ z_axis, y_axis, x_axis = nxd.axes[-3:]
+ z_label, y_label, x_label = nxd.axes_names[-3:]
+ title = nxd.title or signal_name
+ self._updateColormap(nxd)
+ self.getWidget().setImageData(
+ [nxd.signal] + nxd.auxiliary_signals,
+ x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis,
+ signals_names=[nxd.signal_name] + nxd.auxiliary_signals_names,
+ xlabel=x_label, ylabel=y_label, title=nxd.title)
+ def getDataPriority(self, data, info):
+ data = self.normalizeData(data)
+ if not info.isComplex:
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+ if info.hasNXdata and not info.isInvalidNXdata:
+ if nxdata.get_default(data, validate=False).is_volume:
+ return 200
+ return DataView.UNSUPPORTED
+class _NXdataView(CompositeDataView):
+ """Composite view displaying NXdata groups using the most adequate
+ widget depending on the dimensionality."""
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(_NXdataView, self).__init__(
+ parent=parent,
+ label="NXdata",
+ icon=icons.getQIcon("view-nexus"))
+ self.addView(_InvalidNXdataView(parent))
+ self.addView(_NXdataScalarView(parent))
+ self.addView(_NXdataCurveView(parent))
+ self.addView(_NXdataXYVScatterView(parent))
+ self.addView(_NXdataComplexImageView(parent))
+ self.addView(_NXdataImageView(parent))
+ self.addView(_NXdataStackView(parent))
+ # The 3D view can be displayed using 2 ways
+ nx3dViews = SelectManyDataView(parent)
+ nx3dViews.addView(_NXdataVolumeAsStackView(parent))
+ nx3dViews.addView(_NXdataComplexVolumeAsStackView(parent))
+ try:
+ nx3dViews.addView(_NXdataVolumeView(parent))
+ except Exception:
+ _logger.warning("NXdataVolumeView is not available")
+ _logger.debug("Backtrace", exc_info=True)
+ self.addView(nx3dViews)