path: root/src/silx/gui/plot/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/silx/gui/plot/')
1 files changed, 780 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silx/gui/plot/ b/src/silx/gui/plot/
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/src/silx/gui/plot/
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+# coding: utf-8
+# /*##########################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2021 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# ###########################################################################*/
+"""This module provides widget for displaying statistics relative to a
+Region of interest and an item
+__authors__ = ["H. Payno"]
+__license__ = "MIT"
+__date__ = "22/07/2019"
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from silx.gui import qt
+from silx.gui import icons
+from silx.gui.plot.StatsWidget import _StatsWidgetBase, StatsTable, _Container
+from silx.gui.plot.StatsWidget import UpdateModeWidget, UpdateMode
+from silx.gui.widgets.TableWidget import TableWidget
+from silx.gui.plot.items.roi import RegionOfInterest
+from silx.gui.plot import items as plotitems
+from silx.gui.plot.items.core import ItemChangedType
+from silx.gui.plot3d import items as plot3ditems
+from silx.gui.plot.CurvesROIWidget import ROI
+from silx.gui.plot import stats as statsmdl
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from silx.utils.proxy import docstring
+import silx.gui.plot.items.marker
+import silx.gui.plot.items.shape
+import functools
+import logging
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class _GetROIItemCoupleDialog(qt.QDialog):
+ """
+ Dialog used to know which plot item and which roi he wants
+ """
+ _COMPATIBLE_KINDS = ('curve', 'image', 'scatter', 'histogram')
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, rois=None):
+ qt.QDialog.__init__(self, parent=parent)
+ assert plot is not None
+ assert rois is not None
+ self._plot = plot
+ self._rois = rois
+ self.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout())
+ # define the selection widget
+ self._selection_widget = qt.QWidget()
+ self._selection_widget.setLayout(qt.QHBoxLayout())
+ self._kindCB = qt.QComboBox(parent=self)
+ self._selection_widget.layout().addWidget(self._kindCB)
+ self._itemCB = qt.QComboBox(parent=self)
+ self._selection_widget.layout().addWidget(self._itemCB)
+ self._roiCB = qt.QComboBox(parent=self)
+ self._selection_widget.layout().addWidget(self._roiCB)
+ self.layout().addWidget(self._selection_widget)
+ # define modal buttons
+ types = qt.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | qt.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel
+ self._buttonsModal = qt.QDialogButtonBox(parent=self)
+ self._buttonsModal.setStandardButtons(types)
+ self.layout().addWidget(self._buttonsModal)
+ self._buttonsModal.accepted.connect(self.accept)
+ self._buttonsModal.rejected.connect(self.reject)
+ # connect signal / slot
+ self._kindCB.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._updateValidItemAndRoi)
+ def _getCompatibleRois(self, kind):
+ """Return compatible rois for the given item kind"""
+ def is_compatible(roi, kind):
+ if isinstance(roi, RegionOfInterest):
+ return kind in ('image', 'scatter')
+ elif isinstance(roi, ROI):
+ return kind in ('curve', 'histogram')
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('kind not managed')
+ return list(filter(lambda x: is_compatible(x, kind), self._rois))
+ def exec(self):
+ self._kindCB.clear()
+ self._itemCB.clear()
+ # filter kind without any items
+ self._valid_kinds = {}
+ # key is item type, value kinds
+ self._valid_rois = {}
+ # key is item type, value rois
+ self._kind_name_to_roi = {}
+ # key is (kind, roi name) value is roi
+ self._kind_name_to_item = {}
+ # key is (kind, legend name) value is item
+ for kind in _GetROIItemCoupleDialog._COMPATIBLE_KINDS:
+ def getItems(kind):
+ output = []
+ for item in self._plot.getItems():
+ type_ = self._plot._itemKind(item)
+ if type_ in kind and item.isVisible():
+ output.append(item)
+ return output
+ items = getItems(kind=kind)
+ rois = self._getCompatibleRois(kind=kind)
+ if len(items) > 0 and len(rois) > 0:
+ self._valid_kinds[kind] = items
+ self._valid_rois[kind] = rois
+ for roi in rois:
+ name = roi.getName()
+ self._kind_name_to_roi[(kind, name)] = roi
+ for item in items:
+ self._kind_name_to_item[(kind, item.getLegend())] = item
+ # filter roi according to kinds
+ if len(self._valid_kinds) == 0:
+ _logger.warning('no couple item/roi detected for displaying stats')
+ return self.reject()
+ for kind in self._valid_kinds:
+ self._kindCB.addItem(kind)
+ self._updateValidItemAndRoi()
+ return qt.QDialog.exec(self)
+ def exec_(self): # Qt5 compatibility
+ return self.exec()
+ def _updateValidItemAndRoi(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._itemCB.clear()
+ self._roiCB.clear()
+ kind = self._kindCB.currentText()
+ for roi in self._valid_rois[kind]:
+ self._roiCB.addItem(roi.getName())
+ for item in self._valid_kinds[kind]:
+ self._itemCB.addItem(item.getLegend())
+ def getROI(self):
+ kind = self._kindCB.currentText()
+ roi_name = self._roiCB.currentText()
+ return self._kind_name_to_roi[(kind, roi_name)]
+ def getItem(self):
+ kind = self._kindCB.currentText()
+ item_name = self._itemCB.currentText()
+ return self._kind_name_to_item[(kind, item_name)]
+class ROIStatsItemHelper(object):
+ """Item utils to associate a plot item and a roi
+ Display on one row statistics regarding the couple
+ (Item (plot item) / roi).
+ :param Item plot_item: item for which we want statistics
+ :param Union[ROI,RegionOfInterest]: region of interest to use for
+ statistics.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, plot_item, roi):
+ self._plot_item = plot_item
+ self._roi = roi
+ @property
+ def roi(self):
+ """roi"""
+ return self._roi
+ def roi_name(self):
+ if isinstance(self._roi, ROI):
+ return self._roi.getName()
+ elif isinstance(self._roi, RegionOfInterest):
+ return self._roi.getName()
+ else:
+ raise TypeError('Unmanaged roi type')
+ @property
+ def roi_kind(self):
+ """roi class"""
+ return self._roi.__class__
+ # TODO: should call a util function from the wrapper ?
+ def item_kind(self):
+ """item kind"""
+ if isinstance(self._plot_item, plotitems.Curve):
+ return 'curve'
+ elif isinstance(self._plot_item, plotitems.ImageData):
+ return 'image'
+ elif isinstance(self._plot_item, plotitems.Scatter):
+ return 'scatter'
+ elif isinstance(self._plot_item, plotitems.Histogram):
+ return 'histogram'
+ elif isinstance(self._plot_item, (plot3ditems.ImageData,
+ plot3ditems.ScalarField3D)):
+ return 'image'
+ elif isinstance(self._plot_item, (plot3ditems.Scatter2D,
+ plot3ditems.Scatter3D)):
+ return 'scatter'
+ @property
+ def item_legend(self):
+ """legend of the plot Item"""
+ return self._plot_item.getLegend()
+ def id_key(self):
+ """unique key to represent the couple (item, roi)"""
+ return (self.item_kind(), self.item_legend, self.roi_kind,
+ self.roi_name())
+class _StatsROITable(_StatsWidgetBase, TableWidget):
+ """
+ Table sued to display some statistics regarding a couple (item/roi)
+ """
+ _LEGEND_HEADER_DATA = 'legend'
+ _KIND_HEADER_DATA = 'kind'
+ _ROI_HEADER_DATA = 'roi'
+ sigUpdateModeChanged = qt.Signal(object)
+ """Signal emitted when the update mode changed"""
+ def __init__(self, parent, plot):
+ TableWidget.__init__(self, parent)
+ _StatsWidgetBase.__init__(self, statsOnVisibleData=False,
+ displayOnlyActItem=False)
+ self.__region_edition_callback = {}
+ """We need to keep trace of the roi signals connection because
+ the roi emits the sigChanged during roi edition"""
+ self._items = {}
+ self.setRowCount(0)
+ self.setColumnCount(3)
+ # Init headers
+ headerItem = qt.QTableWidgetItem(self._LEGEND_HEADER_DATA.title())
+ headerItem.setData(qt.Qt.UserRole, self._LEGEND_HEADER_DATA)
+ self.setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, headerItem)
+ headerItem = qt.QTableWidgetItem(self._KIND_HEADER_DATA.title())
+ headerItem.setData(qt.Qt.UserRole, self._KIND_HEADER_DATA)
+ self.setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, headerItem)
+ headerItem = qt.QTableWidgetItem(self._ROI_HEADER_DATA.title())
+ headerItem.setData(qt.Qt.UserRole, self._ROI_HEADER_DATA)
+ self.setHorizontalHeaderItem(2, headerItem)
+ self.setSortingEnabled(True)
+ self.setPlot(plot)
+ self.__plotItemToItems = {}
+ """Key is plotItem, values is list of __RoiStatsItemWidget"""
+ self.__roiToItems = {}
+ """Key is roi, values is list of __RoiStatsItemWidget"""
+ self.__roisKeyToRoi = {}
+ def add(self, item):
+ assert isinstance(item, ROIStatsItemHelper)
+ if item.id_key() in self._items:
+ _logger.warning("Item %s is already present", item.id_key())
+ return None
+ self._items[item.id_key()] = item
+ self._addItem(item)
+ return item
+ def _addItem(self, item):
+ """
+ Add a _RoiStatsItemWidget item to the table.
+ :param item:
+ :return: True if successfully added.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(item, ROIStatsItemHelper):
+ # skipped because also receive all new plot item (Marker...) that
+ # we don't want to manage in this case.
+ return
+ # plotItem = item.getItem()
+ # roi = item.getROI()
+ kind = item.item_kind()
+ if kind not in statsmdl.BASIC_COMPATIBLE_KINDS:
+"Item has not a supported type: %s", item)
+ return False
+ # register the roi and the kind
+ self._registerPlotItem(item)
+ self._registerROI(item)
+ # Prepare table items
+ tableItems = [
+ qt.QTableWidgetItem(), # Legend
+ qt.QTableWidgetItem(), # Kind
+ qt.QTableWidgetItem()] # roi
+ for column in range(3, self.columnCount()):
+ header = self.horizontalHeaderItem(column)
+ name =
+ formatter = self._statsHandler.formatters[name]
+ if formatter:
+ tableItem = formatter.tabWidgetItemClass()
+ else:
+ tableItem = qt.QTableWidgetItem()
+ tooltip = self._statsHandler.stats[name].getToolTip(kind=kind)
+ if tooltip is not None:
+ tableItem.setToolTip(tooltip)
+ tableItems.append(tableItem)
+ # Disable sorting while adding table items
+ with self._disableSorting():
+ # Add a row to the table
+ self.setRowCount(self.rowCount() + 1)
+ # Add table items to the last row
+ row = self.rowCount() - 1
+ for column, tableItem in enumerate(tableItems):
+ tableItem.setData(qt.Qt.UserRole, _Container(item))
+ tableItem.setFlags(
+ qt.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable)
+ self.setItem(row, column, tableItem)
+ # Update table items content
+ self._updateStats(item, data_changed=True)
+ # Listen for item changes
+ # Using queued connection to avoid issue with sender
+ # being that of the signal calling the signal
+ item._plot_item.sigItemChanged.connect(self._plotItemChanged,
+ qt.Qt.QueuedConnection)
+ return True
+ def _removeAllItems(self):
+ for row in range(self.rowCount()):
+ tableItem = self.item(row, 0)
+ # item = self._tableItemToItem(tableItem)
+ # item.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._plotItemChanged)
+ self.clearContents()
+ self.setRowCount(0)
+ def clear(self):
+ self._removeAllItems()
+ def setStats(self, statsHandler):
+ """Set which stats to display and the associated formatting.
+ :param StatsHandler statsHandler:
+ Set the statistics to be displayed and how to format them using
+ """
+ self._removeAllItems()
+ _StatsWidgetBase.setStats(self, statsHandler)
+ self.setRowCount(0)
+ self.setColumnCount(len(self._statsHandler.stats) + 3) # + legend, kind and roi # noqa
+ for index, stat in enumerate(self._statsHandler.stats.values()):
+ headerItem = qt.QTableWidgetItem(
+ headerItem.setData(qt.Qt.UserRole,
+ if stat.description is not None:
+ headerItem.setToolTip(stat.description)
+ self.setHorizontalHeaderItem(3 + index, headerItem)
+ horizontalHeader = self.horizontalHeader()
+ horizontalHeader.setSectionResizeMode(qt.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents)
+ self._updateItemObserve()
+ def _updateItemObserve(self, *args):
+ pass
+ def _dataChanged(self, item):
+ pass
+ def _updateStats(self, item, data_changed=False, roi_changed=False):
+ assert isinstance(item, ROIStatsItemHelper)
+ plotItem = item._plot_item
+ roi = item._roi
+ if item is None:
+ return
+ plot = self.getPlot()
+ if plot is None:
+"Plot not available")
+ return
+ row = self._itemToRow(item)
+ if row is None:
+ _logger.error("This item is not in the table: %s", str(item))
+ return
+ statsHandler = self.getStatsHandler()
+ if statsHandler is not None:
+ stats = statsHandler.calculate(plotItem, plot,
+ onlimits=self._statsOnVisibleData,
+ roi=roi, data_changed=data_changed,
+ roi_changed=roi_changed)
+ else:
+ stats = {}
+ with self._disableSorting():
+ for name, tableItem in self._itemToTableItems(item).items():
+ if name == self._LEGEND_HEADER_DATA:
+ text = self._plotWrapper.getLabel(plotItem)
+ tableItem.setText(text)
+ elif name == self._KIND_HEADER_DATA:
+ tableItem.setText(self._plotWrapper.getKind(plotItem))
+ elif name == self._ROI_HEADER_DATA:
+ name = roi.getName()
+ tableItem.setText(name)
+ else:
+ value = stats.get(name)
+ if value is None:
+ _logger.error("Value not found for: %s", name)
+ tableItem.setText('-')
+ else:
+ tableItem.setText(str(value))
+ @contextmanager
+ def _disableSorting(self):
+ """Context manager that disables table sorting
+ Previous state is restored when leaving
+ """
+ sorting = self.isSortingEnabled()
+ if sorting:
+ self.setSortingEnabled(False)
+ yield
+ if sorting:
+ self.setSortingEnabled(sorting)
+ def _itemToRow(self, item):
+ """Find the row corresponding to a plot item
+ :param item: The plot item
+ :return: The corresponding row index
+ :rtype: Union[int,None]
+ """
+ for row in range(self.rowCount()):
+ tableItem = self.item(row, 0)
+ if self._tableItemToItem(tableItem) == item:
+ return row
+ return None
+ def _tableItemToItem(self, tableItem):
+ """Find the plot item corresponding to a table item
+ :param QTableWidgetItem tableItem:
+ :rtype: QObject
+ """
+ container =
+ return container()
+ def _itemToTableItems(self, item):
+ """Find all table items corresponding to a plot item
+ :param item: The plot item
+ :return: An ordered dict of column name to QTableWidgetItem mapping
+ for the given plot item.
+ :rtype: OrderedDict
+ """
+ result = OrderedDict()
+ row = self._itemToRow(item)
+ if row is not None:
+ for column in range(self.columnCount()):
+ tableItem = self.item(row, column)
+ if self._tableItemToItem(tableItem) != item:
+ _logger.error("Table item/plot item mismatch")
+ else:
+ header = self.horizontalHeaderItem(column)
+ name =
+ result[name] = tableItem
+ return result
+ def _plotItemToItems(self, plotItem):
+ """Return all _RoiStatsItemWidget associated to the plotItem
+ Needed for updating on itemChanged signal
+ """
+ if plotItem in self.__plotItemToItems:
+ return []
+ else:
+ return self.__plotItemToItems[plotItem]
+ def _registerPlotItem(self, item):
+ if item._plot_item not in self.__plotItemToItems:
+ self.__plotItemToItems[item._plot_item] = set()
+ self.__plotItemToItems[item._plot_item].add(item)
+ def _roiToItems(self, roi):
+ """Return all _RoiStatsItemWidget associated to the roi
+ Needed for updating on roiChanged signal
+ """
+ if roi in self.__roiToItems:
+ return []
+ else:
+ return self.__roiToItems[roi]
+ def _registerROI(self, item):
+ if item._roi not in self.__roiToItems:
+ self.__roiToItems[item._roi] = set()
+ # TODO: normalize also sig name
+ if isinstance(item._roi, RegionOfInterest):
+ # item connection within sigRegionChanged should only be
+ # stopped during the region edition
+ self.__region_edition_callback[item._roi] = functools.partial(
+ self._updateAllStats, False, True)
+ item._roi.sigRegionChanged.connect(self.__region_edition_callback[item._roi])
+ item._roi.sigEditingStarted.connect(functools.partial(
+ self._startFiltering, item._roi))
+ item._roi.sigEditingFinished.connect(functools.partial(
+ self._endFiltering, item._roi))
+ else:
+ item._roi.sigChanged.connect(functools.partial(
+ self._updateAllStats, False, True))
+ self.__roiToItems[item._roi].add(item)
+ def _startFiltering(self, roi):
+ roi.sigRegionChanged.disconnect(self.__region_edition_callback[roi])
+ def _endFiltering(self, roi):
+ roi.sigRegionChanged.connect(self.__region_edition_callback[roi])
+ self._updateAllStats(roi_changed=True)
+ def unregisterROI(self, roi):
+ if roi in self.__roiToItems:
+ del self.__roiToItems[roi]
+ if isinstance(roi, RegionOfInterest):
+ roi.sigRegionEditionStarted.disconnect(functools.partial(
+ self._startFiltering, roi))
+ roi.sigRegionEditionFinished.disconnect(functools.partial(
+ self._startFiltering, roi))
+ try:
+ roi.sigRegionChanged.disconnect(self._updateAllStats)
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ roi.sigChanged.disconnect(self._updateAllStats)
+ def _plotItemChanged(self, event):
+ """Handle modifications of the items.
+ :param event:
+ """
+ if event is ItemChangedType.DATA:
+ if self.getUpdateMode() is UpdateMode.MANUAL:
+ return
+ if self._skipPlotItemChangedEvent(event) is True:
+ return
+ else:
+ sender = self.sender()
+ for item in self.__plotItemToItems[sender]:
+ # TODO: get all concerned items
+ self._updateStats(item, data_changed=True)
+ # deal with stat items visibility
+ if event is ItemChangedType.VISIBLE:
+ if len(self._itemToTableItems(item).items()) > 0:
+ item_0 = list(self._itemToTableItems(item).values())[0]
+ row_index = item_0.row()
+ self.setRowHidden(row_index, not item.isVisible())
+ def _removeItem(self, itemKey):
+ if isinstance(itemKey, (silx.gui.plot.items.marker.Marker,
+ silx.gui.plot.items.shape.Shape)):
+ return
+ if itemKey not in self._items:
+ _logger.warning('key not recognized. Won\'t remove any item')
+ return
+ item = self._items[itemKey]
+ row = self._itemToRow(item)
+ if row is None:
+ kind = self._plotWrapper.getKind(item)
+ if kind in statsmdl.BASIC_COMPATIBLE_KINDS:
+ _logger.error("Removing item that is not in table: %s", str(item))
+ return
+ item._plot_item.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._plotItemChanged)
+ self.removeRow(row)
+ del self._items[itemKey]
+ def _updateAllStats(self, is_request=False, roi_changed=False):
+ """Update stats for all rows in the table
+ :param bool is_request: True if come from a manual request
+ """
+ if (self.getUpdateMode() is UpdateMode.MANUAL and
+ not is_request and not roi_changed):
+ return
+ with self._disableSorting():
+ for row in range(self.rowCount()):
+ tableItem = self.item(row, 0)
+ item = self._tableItemToItem(tableItem)
+ self._updateStats(item, roi_changed=roi_changed,
+ data_changed=is_request)
+ def _plotCurrentChanged(self, *args):
+ pass
+ def _getRoi(self, kind, name):
+ """return the roi fitting the requirement kind, name. This information
+ is enough to be sure it is unique (in the widget)"""
+ for roi in self.__roiToItems:
+ roiName = roi.getName()
+ if isinstance(roi, kind) and name == roiName:
+ return roi
+ return None
+ def _getPlotItem(self, kind, legend):
+ """return the plotItem fitting the requirement kind, legend.
+ This information is enough to be sure it is unique (in the widget)"""
+ for plotItem in self.__plotItemToItems:
+ if legend == plotItem.getLegend() and self._plotWrapper.getKind(plotItem) == kind:
+ return plotItem
+ return None
+class ROIStatsWidget(qt.QMainWindow):
+ """
+ Widget used to define stats item for a couple(roi, plotItem).
+ Stats will be computing on a given item (curve, image...) in the given
+ region of interest.
+ It also provide an interface for adding and removing items.
+ .. snapshotqt:: img/ROIStatsWidget.png
+ :width: 300px
+ :align: center
+ from silx.gui import qt
+ from silx.gui.plot import Plot2D
+ from silx.gui.plot.ROIStatsWidget import ROIStatsWidget
+ from silx.gui.plot.items.roi import RectangleROI
+ import numpy
+ plot = Plot2D()
+ plot.addImage(numpy.arange(10000).reshape(100, 100), legend='img')
+ rectangleROI = RectangleROI()
+ rectangleROI.setGeometry(origin=(0, 100), size=(20, 20))
+ rectangleROI.setName('Initial ROI')
+ widget = ROIStatsWidget(plot=plot)
+ widget.setStats([('sum', numpy.sum), ('mean', numpy.mean)])
+ widget.registerROI(rectangleROI)
+ widget.addItem(roi=rectangleROI, plotItem=plot.getImage('img'))
+ :param Union[qt.QWidget,None] parent: parent qWidget
+ :param PlotWindow plot: plot widget containing the items
+ :param stats: stats to display
+ :param tuple rois: tuple of rois to manage
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, plot=None, stats=None, rois=None):
+ qt.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent)
+ toolbar = qt.QToolBar(self)
+ icon = icons.getQIcon('add')
+ self._rois = list(rois) if rois is not None else []
+ self._addAction = qt.QAction(icon, 'add item/roi', toolbar)
+ self._addAction.triggered.connect(self._addRoiStatsItem)
+ icon = icons.getQIcon('rm')
+ self._removeAction = qt.QAction(icon, 'remove item/roi', toolbar)
+ self._removeAction.triggered.connect(self._removeCurrentRow)
+ toolbar.addAction(self._addAction)
+ toolbar.addAction(self._removeAction)
+ self.addToolBar(toolbar)
+ self._plot = plot
+ self._statsROITable = _StatsROITable(parent=self, plot=self._plot)
+ self.setStats(stats=stats)
+ self.setCentralWidget(self._statsROITable)
+ self.setWindowFlags(qt.Qt.Widget)
+ # expose API
+ self._setUpdateMode = self._statsROITable.setUpdateMode
+ self._updateAllStats = self._statsROITable._updateAllStats
+ # setup
+ self._statsROITable.setSelectionBehavior(qt.QTableWidget.SelectRows)
+ def registerROI(self, roi):
+ """For now there is no direct link between roi and plot. That is why
+ we need to add/register them to be able to associate them"""
+ self._rois.append(roi)
+ def setPlot(self, plot):
+ """Define the plot to interact with
+ :param Union[PlotWidget,SceneWidget,None] plot:
+ The plot containing the items on which statistics are applied
+ """
+ self._plot = plot
+ def getPlot(self):
+ return self._plot
+ @docstring(_StatsROITable)
+ def setStats(self, stats):
+ if stats is not None:
+ self._statsROITable.setStats(statsHandler=stats)
+ @docstring(_StatsROITable)
+ def getStatsHandler(self):
+ """
+ :return:
+ """
+ return self._statsROITable.getStatsHandler()
+ def _addRoiStatsItem(self):
+ """Ask the user what couple ROI / item he want to display"""
+ dialog = _GetROIItemCoupleDialog(parent=self, plot=self._plot,
+ rois=self._rois)
+ if dialog.exec():
+ self.addItem(roi=dialog.getROI(), plotItem=dialog.getItem())
+ def addItem(self, plotItem, roi):
+ """
+ Add a row of statitstic regarding the couple (plotItem, roi)
+ :param Item plotItem: item to use for statistics
+ :param roi: region of interest to limit the statistic.
+ :type: Union[ROI, RegionOfInterest]
+ :return: None of failed to add the item
+ :rtype: Union[None,ROIStatsItemHelper]
+ """
+ statsItem = ROIStatsItemHelper(roi=roi, plot_item=plotItem)
+ return self._statsROITable.add(item=statsItem)
+ def removeItem(self, plotItem, roi):
+ """
+ Remove the row associated to the couple (plotItem, roi)
+ :param Item plotItem: item to use for statistics
+ :param roi: region of interest to limit the statistic.
+ :type: Union[ROI,RegionOfInterest]
+ """
+ statsItem = ROIStatsItemHelper(roi=roi, plot_item=plotItem)
+ self._statsROITable._removeItem(itemKey=statsItem.id_key())
+ def _removeCurrentRow(self):
+ def is1DKind(kind):
+ if kind in ('curve', 'histogram', 'scatter'):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ currentRow = self._statsROITable.currentRow()
+ item_kind = self._statsROITable.item(currentRow, 1).text()
+ item_legend = self._statsROITable.item(currentRow, 0).text()
+ roi_name = self._statsROITable.item(currentRow, 2).text()
+ roi_kind = ROI if is1DKind(item_kind) else RegionOfInterest
+ roi = self._statsROITable._getRoi(kind=roi_kind, name=roi_name)
+ if roi is None:
+ _logger.warning('failed to retrieve the roi you want to remove')
+ return False
+ plot_item = self._statsROITable._getPlotItem(kind=item_kind,
+ legend=item_legend)
+ if plot_item is None:
+ _logger.warning('failed to retrieve the plot item you want to'
+ 'remove')
+ return False
+ return self.removeItem(plotItem=plot_item, roi=roi)