path: root/Makefile
diff options
authorDmitry Bogatov <>2018-11-10 03:09:43 +0000
committerDmitry Bogatov <>2018-11-10 03:09:43 +0000
commit486f4254b69321ca468f4349c8f8384a651c03ae (patch)
tree0518772cc17a0754d7b22ba16486dd64b2419fae /Makefile
New upstream version 1.20
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6737880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# makefile for src
+VERS=$(shell ./src version | sed -n -e "/src: /s///p")
+SOURCES = README INSTALL COPYING NEWS TODO src srctest src.asc FAQ.asc Makefile control
+all: src.1
+check: pylint
+ make pylint
+ ./srctest -b rcs -p python2
+ ./srctest -b sccs -p python2
+ ./srctest -b rcs -p python3
+ ./srctest -b sccs -p python3
+.SUFFIXES: .html .asc .txt .1
+# Requires asciidoc and xsltproc/docbook stylesheets.
+ a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage $<
+ a2x --doctype manpage --format xhtml -D . $<
+ rm -f docbook-xsl.css
+FAQ.html: FAQ.asc
+ asciidoc -a toc FAQ.asc
+ rm -f *~ *.1 *.html *.tar.gz MANIFEST
+ rm -fr .rs* typescript test/typescript
+src-$(VERS).tar.gz: $(SOURCES) src.1
+ @ls $(SOURCES) src.1 | sed s:^:src-$(VERS)/: >MANIFEST
+ @(cd ..; ln -s src src-$(VERS))
+ (cd ..; tar -czf src/src-$(VERS).tar.gz `cat src/MANIFEST`)
+ @(cd ..; rm src-$(VERS))
+COMMON_PYLINT = --rcfile=/dev/null --reports=n \
+ --msg-template="{path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}" \
+ --dummy-variables-rgx='^_'
+PYLINTOPTS = "C0103,C0123,C0301,C0302,C0325,C0326,C0330,C0410,C1001,C0111,R0101,R0902,R0903,R0904,R0201,R0912,R0913,R0914,R0915,R1705,W0110,W0141,W0142,W0232,W0311,W0312,W0603,W0511,W0613,E1101,E1103"
+ @pylint $(COMMON_PYLINT) --disable=$(PYLINTOPTS) src
+ @echo $(VERS)
+dist: src-$(VERS).tar.gz
+release: src-$(VERS).tar.gz src.html FAQ.html
+ shipper version=$(VERS) | sh -e -x
+refresh: src.html FAQ.html
+ shipper -N -w version=$(VERS) | sh -e -x
+install: all
+ install -d "$(target)/bin"
+ install -d "$(target)$(mandir)/man1"
+ install src "$(target)/bin"
+ install -m644 src.1 "$(target)$(mandir)/man1"