path: root/src/shortcutgetter.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/shortcutgetter.cpp')
1 files changed, 428 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/shortcutgetter.cpp b/src/shortcutgetter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6966b07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shortcutgetter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer.
+ Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Ricardo Villalba <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Note: The ShortcutGetter class is taken from the source code of Edyuk
+ (, from file 3rdparty/qcumber/qshortcutdialog.cpp
+ Copyright (C) 2006 FullMetalCoder
+ License: GPL
+ I've just made a little few changes on it.
+** Copyright (C) 2006 FullMetalCoder
+** This file is part of the Edyuk project (beta version)
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+** version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the
+** file GPL.txt included in the packaging of this file.
+** Notes : Parts of the project are derivative work of Trolltech's QSA library
+** or Trolltech's Qt4 framework but, unless notified, every single line of code
+** is the work of the Edyuk team or a contributor.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "shortcutgetter.h"
+#include <QLayout>
+#include <QHash>
+#include <QLabel>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QShortcut>
+#include <QLineEdit>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QPushButton>
+#include <QDialogButtonBox>
+#if 1
+static QHash<int, const char*> keyMap;
+static void initKeyMap()
+ if ( !keyMap.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ /*
+ I'm a bit unsure about these one...
+ */
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Escape] = "Escape";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Return] = "Return";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Enter] = "Enter";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Insert] = "Ins";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Delete] = "Delete";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Home] = "Home";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_End] = "End";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Left] = "Left";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Up] = "Up";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Right] = "Right";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Down] = "Down";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_PageUp] = "PgUp";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_PageDown] = "PgDown";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_CapsLock] = "CapsLock";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_NumLock] = "NumLock";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_ScrollLock] = "ScrollLock";
+ /*
+ These one are quite sure...
+ */
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F1] = "F1";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F2] = "F2";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F3] = "F3";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F4] = "F4";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F5] = "F5";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F6] = "F6";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F7] = "F7";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F8] = "F8";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F9] = "F9";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F10] = "F10";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F11] = "F11";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F12] = "F12";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F13] = "F13";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F14] = "F14";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F15] = "F15";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F16] = "F16";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F17] = "F17";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F18] = "F18";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F19] = "F19";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F20] = "F20";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F21] = "F21";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F22] = "F22";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F23] = "F23";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F24] = "F24";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F25] = "F25";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F26] = "F26";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F27] = "F27";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F28] = "F28";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F29] = "F29";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F30] = "F30";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F31] = "F31";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F32] = "F32";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F33] = "F33";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F34] = "F34";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F35] = "F35";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Exclam] = "!";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_QuoteDbl] = "\"";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_NumberSign] = "-";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Dollar] = "$";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Percent] = "%";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Ampersand] = "&amp;";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Apostrophe] = "\'";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_ParenLeft] = "(";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_ParenRight] = ")";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Asterisk] = "*";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Plus] = "+";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Comma] = ",";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Minus] = "-";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Period] = "Period";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Slash] = "/";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_0] = "0";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_1] = "1";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_2] = "2";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_3] = "3";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_4] = "4";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_5] = "5";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_6] = "6";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_7] = "7";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_8] = "8";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_9] = "9";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Colon] = ":";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Semicolon] = ";";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Less] = "<";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Equal] = "=";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Greater] = ">";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Question] = "?";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_At] = "@";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_A] = "A";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_B] = "B";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_C] = "C";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_D] = "D";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_E] = "E";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_F] = "F";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_G] = "G";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_H] = "H";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_I] = "I";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_J] = "J";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_K] = "K";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_L] = "L";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_M] = "M";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_N] = "N";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_O] = "O";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_P] = "P";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Q] = "Q";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_R] = "R";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_S] = "S";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_T] = "T";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_U] = "U";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_V] = "V";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_W] = "W";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_X] = "X";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Y] = "Y";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Z] = "Z";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_BracketLeft] = "[";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Backslash] = "\\";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_BracketRight] = "]";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Underscore] = "_";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_BraceLeft] = "{";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Bar] = "|";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_BraceRight] = "}";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_AsciiTilde] = "~";
+ // Added by rvm:
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Space] = "Space";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Backspace] = "Backspace";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_MediaPlay] = "Media Play";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_MediaStop] = "Media Stop";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_MediaPrevious] = "Media Previous";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_MediaNext] = "Media Next";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_MediaRecord] = "Media Record";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_MediaLast] = "Media Last"; // doesn't work?
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_VolumeUp] = "Volume Up";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_VolumeDown] = "Volume Down";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_VolumeMute] = "Volume Mute";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Back] = "Back";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Forward] = "Forward";
+ keyMap[Qt::Key_Stop] = "Stop";
+static QString keyToString(int k)
+ if ( k == Qt::Key_Shift || k == Qt::Key_Control || k == Qt::Key_Meta ||
+ k == Qt::Key_Alt || k == Qt::Key_AltGr )
+ return QString::null;
+ initKeyMap();
+ return keyMap[k];
+static QString keyToString(int k)
+ if ( k == Qt::Key_Shift || k == Qt::Key_Control || k == Qt::Key_Meta ||
+ k == Qt::Key_Alt || k == Qt::Key_AltGr )
+ return QString::null;
+ return QKeySequence(k).toString();
+static QStringList modToString(Qt::KeyboardModifiers k)
+ //qDebug("modToString: k: %x", (int) k);
+ QStringList l;
+ if ( k & Qt::ShiftModifier )
+ l << "Shift";
+ if ( k & Qt::ControlModifier )
+ l << "Ctrl";
+ if ( k & Qt::AltModifier )
+ l << "Alt";
+ if ( k & Qt::MetaModifier )
+ l << "Meta";
+ if ( k & Qt::GroupSwitchModifier )
+ ;
+ if ( k & Qt::KeypadModifier )
+ ;
+ return l;
+ShortcutGetter::ShortcutGetter(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent)
+ setWindowTitle(tr("Modify shortcut"));
+ QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout(this);
+ vbox->setMargin(2);
+ vbox->setSpacing(4);
+ QLabel *l = new QLabel(this);
+ l->setText(tr("Press the key combination you want to assign"));
+ vbox->addWidget(l);
+ leKey = new QLineEdit(this);
+ leKey->installEventFilter(this);
+ vbox->addWidget(leKey);
+ // Change by rvm: use a QDialogButtonBox instead of QPushButtons
+ // and add a clear button
+ setCaptureKeyboard(true);
+ QDialogButtonBox * buttonbox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok |
+ QDialogButtonBox::Cancel |
+ QDialogButtonBox::Reset );
+ QPushButton * clearbutton = buttonbox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Reset);
+ clearbutton->setText( tr("Clear") );
+ QPushButton * captureButton = new QPushButton(tr("Capture"), this);
+ captureButton->setToolTip( tr("Capture keystrokes") );
+ captureButton->setCheckable( captureKeyboard() );
+ captureButton->setChecked( captureKeyboard() );
+ connect(captureButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(setCaptureKeyboard(bool)));
+ buttonbox->addButton(captureButton, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
+ connect( buttonbox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()) );
+ connect( buttonbox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()) );
+ connect( clearbutton, SIGNAL(clicked()), leKey, SLOT(clear()) );
+ vbox->addWidget(buttonbox);
+void ShortcutGetter::setCaptureKeyboard(bool b) {
+ capture = b;
+ leKey->setReadOnly(b);
+ leKey->setFocus();
+QString ShortcutGetter::exec(const QString& s)
+ bStop = false;
+ leKey->setText(s);
+ if ( QDialog::exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
+ return leKey->text();
+ return QString();
+bool ShortcutGetter::event(QEvent *e)
+ if (!capture) return QDialog::event(e);
+ QString key;
+ QStringList mods;
+ QKeyEvent *k = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e);
+ switch ( e->type() )
+ {
+ case QEvent::KeyPress :
+ if ( bStop )
+ {
+ lKeys.clear();
+ bStop = false;
+ }
+ key = keyToString(k->key());
+ mods = modToString(k->modifiers());
+ //qDebug("event: key.count: %d, mods.count: %d", key.count(), mods.count());
+ if ( key.count() || mods.count() )
+ {
+ if ( key.count() && !lKeys.contains(key) )
+ lKeys << key;
+ foreach ( key, mods )
+ if ( !lKeys.contains(key) )
+ lKeys << key;
+ } else {
+ key = k->text();
+ if ( !lKeys.contains(key) )
+ lKeys << key;
+ }
+ setText();
+ break;
+ case QEvent::KeyRelease :
+ bStop = true;
+ break;
+ /*
+ case QEvent::ShortcutOverride :
+ leKey->setText("Shortcut override");
+ break;
+ */
+ default:
+ return QDialog::event(e);
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool ShortcutGetter::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
+ if (!capture) return QDialog::eventFilter(o, e);
+ if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ||
+ e->type() ==QEvent::KeyRelease )
+ return event(e);
+ else
+ return QDialog::eventFilter(o, e);
+void ShortcutGetter::setText()
+ QStringList seq;
+ if ( lKeys.contains("Shift") )
+ seq << "Shift";
+ if ( lKeys.contains("Ctrl") )
+ seq << "Ctrl";
+ if ( lKeys.contains("Alt") )
+ seq << "Alt";
+ if ( lKeys.contains("Meta") )
+ seq << "Meta";
+ foreach ( QString s, lKeys ) {
+ //qDebug("setText: s: '%s'", s.toUtf8().data());
+ if ( s != "Shift" && s != "Ctrl"
+ && s != "Alt" && s != "Meta" )
+ seq << s;
+ }
+ leKey->setText(seq.join("+"));
+ //leKey->selectAll();
+#include "moc_shortcutgetter.cpp"