path: root/env.scm
diff options
authorIOhannes m zmölnig <>2017-01-23 13:23:12 +0100
committerIOhannes m zmölnig <>2017-01-23 13:23:12 +0100
commite56861860a027030bb6d8386ba25f95a057bccdd (patch)
tree952f78b2c7b2dc0925d69df7236358c0af294065 /env.scm
parent0b84e302c3cc5e4456ca13b292750f0ae63406bc (diff)
New upstream version 17.1
Diffstat (limited to 'env.scm')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/env.scm b/env.scm
index edf153d..fcea76a 100644
--- a/env.scm
+++ b/env.scm
@@ -69,14 +69,7 @@ end: (window-envelope 1.0 3.0 '(0.0 0.0 5.0 1.0)) -> '(1.0 0.2 3.0 0.6)"))
((>= i len) newe)
(let ((x (/ (- (newe i) diff) lastx)))
(set! xs (cons x xs))
- (set! (newe i) x))))))
- (remove-duplicates
- (lambda (lst)
- (let rem-dup ((lst lst)
- (nlst ()))
- (cond ((null? lst) nlst)
- ((member (car lst) nlst) (rem-dup (cdr lst) nlst))
- (else (rem-dup (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) nlst))))))))
+ (set! (newe i) x)))))))
(if (null? e1)
(at0 e2)
(if (null? e2)
@@ -84,7 +77,13 @@ end: (window-envelope 1.0 3.0 '(0.0 0.0 5.0 1.0)) -> '(1.0 0.2 3.0 0.6)"))
(let ((ee1 (at0 e1))
(ee2 (at0 e2))
(newe ()))
- (set! xs (sort! (remove-duplicates xs) <))
+ (set! xs (sort!
+ (let rem-dup ((lst xs)
+ (nlst ()))
+ (cond ((null? lst) nlst)
+ ((member (car lst) nlst) (rem-dup (cdr lst) nlst))
+ (else (rem-dup (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) nlst)))))
+ <))
(do ((len (length xs))
(i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i len) newe)
@@ -228,34 +227,34 @@ divseg in early versions of CLM and its antecedents in Sambox and Mus10 (linen).
(define reverse-envelope
(let ((documentation "(reverse-envelope env) reverses the breakpoints in 'env'"))
(lambda (e)
- (define (reverse-env-1 e newe xd)
- (if (null? e)
- newe
- (reverse-env-1 (cddr e)
- (cons (- xd (car e))
- (cons (cadr e)
- newe))
- xd)))
(let ((len (length e)))
- (if (memv len '(0 2))
+ (if (or (not (integer? len))
+ (< len 3))
- (reverse-env-1 e () (e (- len 2))))))))
+ (let ((xd (e (- len 2))))
+ (let reverse-env-1 ((e e) (newe ()))
+ (if (null? e)
+ newe
+ (reverse-env-1 (cddr e)
+ (cons (- xd (car e))
+ (cons (cadr e)
+ newe)))))))))))
;;; -------- concatenate-envelopes
(define concatenate-envelopes
- (let ((documentation "(concatenate-envelopes :rest envs) concatenates its arguments into a new envelope"))
+ (letrec ((documentation "(concatenate-envelopes :rest envs) concatenates its arguments into a new envelope")
+ (cat-1 (lambda (e newe xoff x0)
+ (if (null? e)
+ newe
+ (cat-1 (cddr e)
+ (cons (cadr e)
+ (cons (- (+ (car e) xoff) x0)
+ newe))
+ xoff
+ x0)))))
(lambda envs
- (define (cat-1 e newe xoff x0)
- (if (null? e)
- newe
- (cat-1 (cddr e)
- (cons (cadr e)
- (cons (- (+ (car e) xoff) x0)
- newe))
- xoff
- x0)))
(let ((ne ())
(xoff 0.0))
@@ -496,66 +495,69 @@ each segment: (powenv-channel '(0 0 .325 1 1 32.0 2 0 32.0))"))
;;; this is not very good...
-(define* (simplify-envelope env1 (ygrid 10) (xgrid 100))
+(define simplify-envelope
;; grid = how fine a fluctuation we will allow.
;; the smaller the grid, the less likely a given bump will get through
;; original x and y values are not changed, just sometimes omitted.
- (define (point-on-line px py qx qy tx ty)
- ;; is point tx ty on line defined by px py and qx qy --
- ;; #f if no, :before if on ray from p, :after if on ray from q, :within if between p and q
- ;; (these are looking at the "line" as a fat vector drawn on a grid)
- ;; taken from "Graphics Gems" by Glassner, code by A Paeth
- (if (or (= py qy ty)
- (= px qx tx))
- :within
- (and (< (abs (- (* (- qy py) (- tx px))
- (* (- ty py) (- qx px))))
- (max (abs (- qx px))
- (abs (- qy py))))
- (if (or (< qx px tx) (< qy py ty) (< tx px qx) (< ty py qy))
- :before
- (if (or (< px qx tx) (< py qy ty) (< tx qx px) (< ty qy py))
- :after
- :within)))))
- (if (not (and env1
- (> (length env1) 4)))
- env1
- (let ((new-env (list (cadr env1) (car env1)))
- (ymax (max-envelope env1))
- (ymin (min-envelope env1))
- (xmax (env1 (- (length env1) 2)))
- (xmin (car env1)))
- (if (= ymin ymax)
- (list xmin ymin xmax ymax)
- (do ((y-scl (/ ygrid (- ymax ymin)))
- (x-scl (/ (or xgrid ygrid) (- xmax xmin)))
- (px #f) (py #f)
- (qx #f) (qy #f)
- (tx #f) (ty #f)
- (qtx #f) (qty #f)
- (i 0 (+ i 2)))
- ((>= i (length env1))
- (set! new-env (cons qty (cons qtx new-env)))
- (reverse new-env))
- (let ((ttx (env1 i))
- (tty (env1 (+ i 1))))
- (set! tx (round (* ttx x-scl)))
- (set! ty (round (* tty y-scl)))
- (if px
- (if (not (point-on-line px py qx qy tx ty))
+ (let ((point-on-line
+ (lambda (px py qx qy tx ty)
+ ;; is point tx ty on line defined by px py and qx qy --
+ ;; #f if no, :before if on ray from p, :after if on ray from q, :within if between p and q
+ ;; (these are looking at the "line" as a fat vector drawn on a grid)
+ ;; taken from "Graphics Gems" by Glassner, code by A Paeth
+ (if (or (= py qy ty)
+ (= px qx tx))
+ :within
+ (and (< (abs (- (* (- qy py) (- tx px))
+ (* (- ty py) (- qx px))))
+ (max (abs (- qx px))
+ (abs (- qy py))))
+ (if (or (< qx px tx) (< qy py ty) (< tx px qx) (< ty py qy))
+ :before
+ (if (or (< px qx tx) (< py qy ty) (< tx qx px) (< ty qy py))
+ :after
+ :within)))))))
+ (lambda* (env1 (ygrid 10) (xgrid 100))
+ (if (not (and env1
+ (> (length env1) 4)))
+ env1
+ (let ((new-env (list (cadr env1) (car env1)))
+ (ymax (max-envelope env1))
+ (ymin (min-envelope env1))
+ (xmax (env1 (- (length env1) 2)))
+ (xmin (car env1)))
+ (if (= ymin ymax)
+ (list xmin ymin xmax ymax)
+ (do ((y-scl (/ ygrid (- ymax ymin)))
+ (x-scl (/ (or xgrid ygrid) (- xmax xmin)))
+ (px #f) (py #f)
+ (qx #f) (qy #f)
+ (tx #f) (ty #f)
+ (qtx #f) (qty #f)
+ (i 0 (+ i 2)))
+ ((>= i (length env1))
+ (set! new-env (cons qty (cons qtx new-env)))
+ (reverse new-env))
+ (let ((ttx (env1 i))
+ (tty (env1 (+ i 1))))
+ (set! tx (round (* ttx x-scl)))
+ (set! ty (round (* tty y-scl)))
+ (if px
+ (if (not (point-on-line px py qx qy tx ty))
+ (begin
+ (set! new-env (cons qty (cons qtx new-env)))
+ (set! px qx)
+ (set! py qy)))
- (set! new-env (cons qty (cons qtx new-env)))
(set! px qx)
(set! py qy)))
- (begin
- (set! px qx)
- (set! py qy)))
- (set! qx tx)
- (set! qy ty)
- (set! qtx ttx)
- (set! qty tty)))))))
- \ No newline at end of file
+ (set! qx tx)
+ (set! qy ty)
+ (set! qtx ttx)
+ (set! qty tty)))))))))
+ \ No newline at end of file