diff options
40 files changed, 4102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/README.Debian b/debian/README.Debian
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9a0f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/README.Debian
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+This is the Stunnel 4.x package for Debian.
+* Upgrading from stunnel to stunnel4
+Stunnel 3 has been deprecated from Debian. The new stunnel4 has a
+different command line syntax and configuration. You will need to
+update your scripts.
+The wrapper script /usr/bin/stunnel3 understands stunnel3 command line
+syntax and calls stunnel4 with appropriate options. It appears to
+support every stunnel3 option *except* -S (which controls the defaults
+used for certificate sources).
+* Basic configuration
+After installation, you should :
+ - edit /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf
+ - edit /etc/default/stunnel and set ENABLE=1, if you want your
+ configured tunnels to start automatically on boot.
+ - generate a certificate for use with stunnel if you want to use server mode
+Sergio Rua <> made a perl front-end for the stunnel
+configuration. It is very simple and only includes a couple of configuration
+options. This script is located in
+ /usr/share/doc/stunnel4/contrib/
+It requires libgnome2-perl and libgtk2-perl.
+* How to create SSL keys for stunnel
+The certificates default directory is /etc/ssl/certs, so cd into that dir
+and issue the command:
+ openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 365 -out stunnel.pem -keyout stunnel.pem
+Fill in the info requested.
+Change 'stunnel.pem' to the name of the certificate you need to
+create. stunnel.pem will be used by default by stunnel, but you want
+to create different certificates for different services you run with
+stunnel. Make sure only root can read the file (or only the user that
+needs to read it, if stunnel is run as that user):
+ chmod 600 stunnel.pem
+Now you need to append the DH parameters to the certificate.
+First you need to generate some amount of random data:
+ dd if=/dev/urandom of=temp_file count=2
+Use /dev/random if you want a more secure source of data, but make
+sure you have enough entropy on you system (the output file should be
+at least 512 bytes long).
+And now make openssl generate the DH parameters and append them to the
+certificate file:
+ openssl dhparam -rand temp_file 512 >> stunnel.pem
+You also want to link the certificate to its hash name so that openssl
+can find it also by that means:
+ ln -sf stunnel.pem `openssl x509 -noout -hash < stunnel.pem`.0
+Read the manual page for openssl for more info on the various options.
+Since version 4.21 stunnel includes support for OpenSSL's FIPS mode. However,
+using it requires stunnel to be compiled statically against OpenSSL and all
+supporting libraries. Thus, this option is disabled in the Debian package.
+See the OpenSSL FIPS User Guide at
+and the OpenSSL notes about FIPS 140-2 at
+ - Julien LEMOINE <>, Sun, 19 Feb 2006 17:31:24 +0100
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <>, Sat, 30 Oct 2007 14:50:54 z
diff --git a/debian/ b/debian/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4e5d13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Sergio Rua <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General
+# Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'.
+use strict;
+use Gtk2;
+use Gnome2;
+use Gtk2::SimpleList;
+use constant TRUE => 1;
+use constant FALSE => 0;
+# Please configure if necessary!
+my $cfgfile = "/etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf";
+my $backup_cfg = 1;
+my $base_cfg_dir = $cfgfile;$base_cfg_dir=~s/\/stunnel\.conf//g;
+# global variables
+my $ekey;
+my $ecert;
+my $verify;
+my $app;
+my $elog;
+my $clientmode;
+my $debuglevel;
+my $capath;
+my $list;
+sub mydie
+ my ($msg)=@_;
+ print "$msg\n";
+ Gtk2->main_quit;
+ exit (-1);
+sub sel_file
+ my ($title,$entry,$isfile)=@_;
+ my $fsel=Gtk2::FileSelection->new($title);
+ $fsel->ok_button->signal_connect("clicked",sub {
+ print "OK: ". $fsel->get_filename."\n";
+ $entry->set_text($fsel->get_filename);
+ $fsel->destroy;
+ });
+ $fsel->cancel_button->signal_connect("clicked",sub { $fsel->destroy; });
+ $fsel->show;
+sub add_connection
+ my $win = new Gtk2::Window("toplevel");
+ $win->set_position("center");
+ my $vbox = new Gtk2::VBox( 0, 2 );
+ $win->add($vbox);
+ $vbox->show;
+ my $druid = new Gnome2::Druid;
+ $druid->signal_connect("cancel", sub { $win->destroy; } );
+ $vbox->pack_start($druid,0,0,0);
+ my $druid_start = new Gnome2::DruidPageEdge("GNOME_EDGE_START");
+ $druid_start->set_title("Connections setup");
+ $druid_start->set_text("Please follow this configuration wizard to ".
+ "configure your connections\n");
+# $druid_start->set_watermark($logo);
+ $druid_start->show;
+ $druid->append_page($druid_start);
+# Second Step: accepting connections
+ my $druid_name = new Gnome2::DruidPageStandard();
+ $druid_name->set_title("Connection name");
+ my $dvbox=new Gtk2::VBox(2,2);
+ my $dtable=new Gtk2::Table(2,2,FALSE);
+ $dvbox->pack_start($dtable,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ my $label=new Gtk2::Label("Enter this connection name");
+ $dtable->attach($label,0,1,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $ename=new Gtk2::Entry();
+ $dtable->attach($ename,1,2,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $druid_name->append_item("",$dvbox,"");
+ $druid_name->show_all;
+ # add page to the druid
+ $druid->append_page($druid_name);
+# Second Step: accepting connections
+ my $druid_accept = new Gnome2::DruidPageStandard();
+ $druid_accept->set_title("Accepting connections");
+ my $dvbox=new Gtk2::VBox(2,2);
+ my $dtable=new Gtk2::Table(2,2,FALSE);
+ $dvbox->pack_start($dtable,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ my $accept_error=new Gtk2::Label("");
+ $dtable->attach($accept_error,0,1,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label=new Gtk2::Label("IP or hostname");
+ $dtable->attach($label,0,1,1,2,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $eip=new Gtk2::Entry();
+ $dtable->attach($eip,1,2,1,2,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label=new Gtk2::Label("Port number");
+ $dtable->attach($label,0,1,2,3,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $eport=new Gtk2::Entry();
+ $dtable->attach($eport,1,2,2,3,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $druid_accept->append_item("",$dvbox,"");
+ $druid_accept->show_all;
+ # add page to the druid
+ $druid->append_page($druid_accept);
+# Third Step: connecting to...
+ my $druid_connect = new Gnome2::DruidPageStandard();
+ $druid_connect->set_title("Connection To...");
+ my $dvbox=new Gtk2::VBox(2,2);
+ my $dtable=new Gtk2::Table(2,2,FALSE);
+ $dvbox->pack_start($dtable,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ my $label=new Gtk2::Label("IP or hostname");
+ $dtable->attach($label,0,1,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $etoip=new Gtk2::Entry();
+ $dtable->attach($etoip,1,2,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label=new Gtk2::Label("Port number");
+ $dtable->attach($label,0,1,1,2,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $etoport=new Gtk2::Entry();
+ $dtable->attach($etoport,1,2,1,2,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $druid_connect->append_item("",$dvbox,"");
+ $druid_connect->show_all;
+ # add page to the druid
+ $druid->append_page($druid_connect);
+# Finishing and adding connection
+ my $druid_finish = new Gnome2::DruidPageEdge("GNOME_EDGE_FINISH");
+ $druid_finish->set_title("Configuration Finished.");
+ $druid_finish->set_text("The configuration has been finished. Click to either save or cancel");
+# $druid_finish->set_logo($logo2);
+ $druid_finish->signal_connect("finish", sub {
+ my $acip=$eip->get_text();
+ my $acport=$eport->get_text();
+ my $coip=$etoip->get_text();
+ my $coport=$etoport->get_text();
+ my $dslist = $list->{data};
+ push @$dslist, [ $ename->get_text(), $acip.":".$acport, $coip.":".$coport ];
+ $win->destroy;
+ });
+ $druid_finish->show;
+ $druid->append_page($druid_finish);
+ $druid->show;
+ $win->show;
+sub load_config_file
+ my $con=$list->{data};
+ my $name="";
+ my $accept="";
+ my $connect="";
+ if (! -s $cfgfile) {
+ print "Config file not found. Starting from scratch!\n";
+ return (0);
+ }
+ open F, "<$cfgfile" or die "$cfgfile: $!\n";
+ while (<F>) {
+ $_=~s/\n//g;
+ if ($_=~/^cert.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ $ecert->set_text($value);
+ } elsif ($_=~/^key.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ $ekey->set_text($value);
+ } elsif ($_=~/^verify.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ if ($value==1) {
+ $verify->entry->set_text("verify peer certificate if present");
+ } elsif ($value==2) {
+ $verify->entry->set_text("verify peer certificate");
+ } elsif ($value==3) {
+ $verify->entry->set_text("verify peer with locally installed certificate");
+ } else {
+ $verify->entry->set_text("no verify");
+ }
+ } elsif ($_=~/^client.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ $clientmode->entry->set_text($value);
+ } elsif ($_=~/^(capath|CApath).*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ $capath->set_text($value);
+ } elsif ($_=~/^debug.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ $debuglevel->entry->set_text($value);
+ } elsif ($_=~/^output.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ $elog->set_text($value);
+ } elsif ($_=~/^\[.*/) {
+ $_=~s/\[//g;
+ $_=~s/\]//g;
+ $name=$_;
+ } elsif ($_=~/^accept.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,$accept) = split "=",$_;
+ $accept=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ } elsif ($_=~/^connect.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,$connect) = split "=",$_;
+ $connect=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ }
+ # load connection
+ if (($accept) && ($name) && ($connect)) {
+ push @$con, [ $name, $accept, $connect ];
+ $name=$connect=$accept="";
+ }
+ }
+ close F;
+sub save_config_file
+ if ($backup_cfg) {
+ chdir ($base_cfg_dir);
+ rename($cfgfile,$cfgfile.".$$") or
+ print "Error at \n$cfgfile: $!\nNo backup made!\n";
+ }
+ open O, ">$cfgfile" or
+ mydie "Cannot open config file: $!\n";
+ print "Saving $cfgfile\n\n\n";
+ print O "# Configuration file created by \"stunnelconf\" by ".
+ "Sergio Rua <srua\>\n\n";
+ if ($ekey->get_text()) {
+ print O "key = ".$ekey->get_text()."\n";
+ }
+ if ($ecert->get_text()) {
+ print O "cert = ".$ecert->get_text()."\n";
+ }
+ print O "verify = ".$verify->entry->get_text()."\n";
+ print O "output = ".$elog->get_text()."\n";
+ print O "client = ".$clientmode->entry->get_text()."\n";
+ print O "debug = ".$debuglevel->entry->get_text()."\n";
+ print O "CApath = ".$capath->get_text()."\n";
+ print O "\n\n"; # just some spaces
+ my @rowref = @{$list->{data}};
+ my $i=0;
+ for $i (0 .. $#rowref) {
+ print O "[".$rowref[$i][0] . "]\n";
+ # if no hostname, ugly ":" to be removed
+ $rowref[$i][1]=~s/^://g;
+ $rowref[$i][2]=~s/^://g;
+ print O "accept = ".$rowref[$i][1] . "\n";
+ print O "connect = ".$rowref[$i][2] . "\n";
+ print O "\n"; # just some spaces
+ }
+ close O;
+ Gtk2->main_quit;
+ return 0;
+sub create_main_win
+ $app = Gnome2::App->new ("stunnel-conf");
+ $app->set_default_size(470,410);
+ $app->signal_connect( 'destroy' => sub { Gtk2->main_quit; } );
+ $app->set_title("Stunnel Configuration");
+ my $vbox=Gtk2::VBox->new(FALSE,0);
+ my $frame=Gtk2::Frame->new("Common options");
+ $vbox->pack_start($frame,TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ my $table=Gtk2::Table->new(6, 2, FALSE);
+ $frame->add($table);
+ my $label0=Gtk2::Label->new("Private Key");
+ $table->attach($label0,0,1,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label1=Gtk2::Label->new("Certificate");
+ $table->attach($label1,0,1,1,2,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label2=Gtk2::Label->new("Verify level");
+ $table->attach($label2,0,1,2,3,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label3=Gtk2::Label->new("Log output");
+ $table->attach($label3,0,1,3,4,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label4=Gtk2::Label->new("Client mode");
+ $table->attach($label4,0,1,4,5,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label5=Gtk2::Label->new("Debug level");
+ $table->attach($label5,0,1,5,6,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label6=Gtk2::Label->new("Certificates path");
+ $table->attach($label6,0,1,6,7,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ # Private Key
+ my $hbox0=Gtk2::HBox->new(FALSE,0);
+ $table->attach($hbox0,1,2,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $ekey=Gtk2::Entry->new();
+ $hbox0->pack_start($ekey,TRUE,TRUE,0);
+ my $bkey=Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock("gtk-open");
+ $bkey->signal_connect("clicked",sub {
+ sel_file("Select private key",$ekey);
+ });
+ $hbox0->pack_start($bkey,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ # Certificate
+ my $hbox1=Gtk2::HBox->new(FALSE,0);
+ $table->attach($hbox1,1,2,1,2,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $ecert=Gtk2::Entry->new();
+ $hbox1->pack_start($ecert,TRUE,TRUE,0);
+ my $bcert=Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock("gtk-open");
+ $bcert->signal_connect("clicked",sub {
+ sel_file("Select certificate",$ecert);
+ });
+ $hbox1->pack_start($bcert,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ # Auth level - verify
+ $verify = Gtk2::Combo->new();
+ $verify->entry->set_text("no verify");
+ $verify->set_popdown_strings(("no verify",
+ "verify peer certificate if present",
+ "verify peer certificate",
+ "verify peer with locally installed certificate"));
+ $table->attach($verify,1,2,2,3,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ # Log output
+ my $hbox2=Gtk2::HBox->new(FALSE,0);
+ $table->attach($hbox2,1,2,3,4,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $elog=Gtk2::Entry->new();
+ $hbox2->pack_start($elog,TRUE,TRUE,0);
+ my $blog=Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock("gtk-open");
+ $blog->signal_connect("clicked",sub {
+ sel_file("Select log file",$elog);
+ });
+ $hbox2->pack_start($blog,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ # Client mode
+ $clientmode = Gtk2::Combo->new();
+ $clientmode->entry->set_text("no verify");
+ $clientmode->set_popdown_strings(("yes","no"));
+ $table->attach($clientmode,1,2,4,5,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ # Debug level
+ $debuglevel = Gtk2::Combo->new();
+ $debuglevel->entry->set_text("no verify");
+ $debuglevel->set_popdown_strings(("0","1","5","7"));
+ $table->attach($debuglevel,1,2,5,6,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ # CA path
+ my $hbox3=Gtk2::HBox->new(FALSE,0);
+ $table->attach($hbox3,1,2,6,7,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $capath=Gtk2::Entry->new();
+ $hbox3->pack_start($capath,TRUE,TRUE,0);
+# my $bcapath=Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock("gtk-open");
+# $bcapath->signal_connect("clicked",sub {
+# sel_file("Select Certificates Path",$capath);
+# });
+# $hbox3->pack_start($bcapath,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ # connections section
+ my $frame2=Gtk2::Frame->new("Connections");
+ $vbox->pack_start($frame2,TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ my $hbox4=Gtk2::HBox->new(FALSE,0);
+ $list=Gtk2::SimpleList->new (
+ 'Name' => 'text',
+ 'Accept' => 'text',
+ 'Connect' => 'text',
+ );
+# $list->get_selection->set_mode ('multiple');
+ my $scwin = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;
+ $scwin->set_policy (qw/automatic automatic/);
+ $scwin->add($list);
+ $hbox4->pack_start($scwin,TRUE,TRUE,0);
+ # list buttons
+ my $vbbox=Gtk2::VButtonBox->new();
+ $vbbox->set_layout('spread');
+ my $badd = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-add');
+ $badd->signal_connect( 'clicked' => sub { add_connection; } );
+ $vbbox->add($badd);
+# my $bedit = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-properties');
+# $bedit->signal_connect( 'clicked' => sub {
+# print "Edit\n";
+# } );
+# $vbbox->add($bedit);
+ my $brem = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-remove');
+ $brem->signal_connect( 'clicked' => sub {
+ my @sel = $list->get_selected_indices;
+ print @sel;
+ foreach my $i (@sel) {
+ delete $list->{data}[$i];
+ }
+ } );
+ $vbbox->add($brem);
+ $hbox4->pack_start($vbbox,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ # main buttons!!!
+ my $bbox=Gtk2::HButtonBox->new();
+ $bbox->set_layout('spread');
+ my $bok = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-ok');
+ $bok->signal_connect( 'clicked' => sub { save_config_file; } );
+ $bbox->add($bok);
+ my $bcancel = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-cancel');
+ $bcancel->signal_connect( 'clicked' => sub { Gtk2->main_quit;} );
+ $bbox->add($bcancel);
+ $vbox->pack_start($bbox,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ $frame2->add($hbox4);
+# App contents and show them
+ $app->set_contents($vbox);
+ $app->show_all;
+Gnome2::Program->init ("stunnelconf", "0.1");
+exit 0;
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c84f490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,1440 @@
+stunnel4 (3:5.52-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream version:
+ - refresh the 02-rename-binary and 04-restore-pidfile-default patches
+ - add the 05-typos patch to correct a typographical error
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Tue, 30 Apr 2019 12:15:59 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.50-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Correct the name of the Debian branch in the git-buildpackage config.
+ * Make sure the src/dhparam.c file is never regenerated.
+ * Let the Perl test use 2048-bit DH keys to work with OpenSSL 1.1.
+ Closes: #923448; thanks, Sebastian Andrzej Siewior, for
+ the suggested fix!
+ * Use the test-name autopkgtest feature.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Sat, 02 Mar 2019 22:53:48 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.50-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.3.0 with no changes.
+ * Bump the debhelper compatibility level to 12 with no changes.
+ * Add the year 2019 to my debian/* copyright notice.
+ * Add a trivial git-buildpackage config file.
+ * Fix a FTBFS in the nodoc build: no "-o root -g root" needed.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Wed, 13 Feb 2019 20:33:03 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.50-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream version:
+ - drop the 05-author-tests and 07-path-max patches, integrated upstream
+ - refresh the 02-rename-binary and 04-restore-pidfile-default patches
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Thu, 06 Dec 2018 17:05:38 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.49-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.2.1 with no changes.
+ * Use the B-D: debhelper-compat (= 11) mechanism.
+ * New upstream version:
+ - drop the 10-enabled and 11-killproc patches, integrated upstream
+ - refresh patch line numbers
+ - reenable the upstream test suite, both at build time and as
+ an autopkgtest, since this upstream version Closes: #906981
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Mon, 10 Sep 2018 12:05:18 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.48-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Bring up to compliance with Debian Policy 4.2.0: install
+ the upstream release notes as "NEWS" instead of "changelog".
+ * Temporarily disable the upstream test suite, both during the build
+ and as an autopkgtest, until #906981 is fixed. Add the requisite
+ Perl module build dependencies.
+ * Also add Unicode::UTF8 as a dependency for our test program.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Fri, 24 Aug 2018 23:47:08 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.48-1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.5 with no changes.
+ * New upstream version.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Fri, 13 Jul 2018 17:18:17 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.47-1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * New upstream release with a fix for a SNI mode crash,
+ add a build and test dependency on net-tools now needed for
+ the upstream test suite.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Mon, 25 Jun 2018 11:28:17 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.46-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Tue, 29 May 2018 02:04:44 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.45-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream version:
+ - drop the 09-try-restart patch, integrated upstream
+ - drop the 12-disable-tests patch, no longer needed
+ - refresh patch line numbers
+ - update the upstream copyright years
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Thu, 24 May 2018 17:15:06 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.44-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.4 with no changes.
+ * Add procps to the build dependencies for the upstream test suite.
+ * Bump the debhelper compat level to 11 with no changes.
+ * Bump the year on my debian/* copyright notice.
+ * Change the way the service handles the lack of default configuration:
+ - drop the ENABLED option from /etc/defaults/stunnel4
+ - let debhelper take care of not starting the service immediately
+ after installation (when there are no valid config files yet)
+ - add a NEWS blurb pointing out how to disable the service if it
+ is indeed meant to only be started on demand
+ * Let the init script actually wait for the old stunnel instances to
+ stop before starting the new ones or even reporting that the old
+ ones are dead. Closes: #782030
+ * Use my Debian e-mail address.
+ * Point the Vcs-* URLs to
+ * Temporarily drop two tests that rely on an expired certificate and
+ an expired CRL. Closes: #895954, #899130
+ * Drop an empty line at the end of the Debian changelog file.
+ * Drop the "CAs" spelling error override, since recent versions of
+ Lintian do not consider it an error any more.
+ * Add a trivial autopkgtest running adequate on the installed package.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Mon, 21 May 2018 18:23:00 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.44-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release, drop the 10-accept patch taken from upstream.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Mon, 27 Nov 2017 14:12:39 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.43-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Remove whitespace at the end of the lines in old changelog entries.
+ * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.1 with no changes.
+ * Fix some typographical errors in old changelog entries.
+ * Add "Rules-Requires-Root: no" to the source control stanza.
+ * New upstream release:
+ - add netcat-traditional to the build dependencies since
+ the new upstream test suite uses it
+ - also run the upstream test suite as an automated package test
+ - add an upstream patch for the behavior of the "accept" option
+ * Rename the automated test scripts without a language extension.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Wed, 15 Nov 2017 15:58:34 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.42-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add a simple autopkgtest suite.
+ * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.0:
+ - do not install documentation files if the "nodoc" build option is
+ set or the "nodoc" build profile is active.
+ - add the 09-try-restart patch to implement the "try-restart" action
+ in the SysV init script.
+ * New upstream version:
+ - drop the 08-session-free patch, fixed upstream in a better way
+ - refresh the 02-rename-binary, 04-restore-pidfile-default, and
+ 07-path-max patches
+ - add a Lintian override because "CAs" is not a typo for this package
+ - add a build dependency on autoconf-archive
+ - bump the year in the upstream copyright notice
+ * Drop the sdf build dependency, it does not seem to be needed any more.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Sat, 23 Sep 2017 16:25:21 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.39-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add the 08-session-free patch to avoid freeing the SSL session
+ twice, which will either be detected by the OpenSSL library and
+ crash the stunnel process, or cause use-after-free problems that
+ may lead to even worse results later. Closes: #850292
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Sun, 08 Jan 2017 17:30:12 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.39-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream version:
+ - drop the 08-dh-openssl-1.1 patch, dhparam.c was regenerated with
+ OpenSSL 1.1 again
+ - refresh the rest of the patches
+ * Remove the cybermirror sites from the watch file; their stunnel
+ mirror has been "undergoing maintenance" for at least three months.
+ * Bump the year of my debian/* copyright notice.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Tue, 03 Jan 2017 12:29:16 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.38-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release:
+ - drop the 06-lfs, 08-typos, and 09-realloc patches, included upstream
+ - add the 08-dh-openssl-1.1.patch to fix the build with OpenSSL 1.1
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Sun, 27 Nov 2016 03:31:13 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.37-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add the 09-realloc patch to fix a reallocation / double-free bug.
+ Closes: #843988; thanks, Sebastian Andrzej Siewior and gregor
+ herrmann!
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Wed, 16 Nov 2016 20:50:08 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.37-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Reformat the build and runtime dependency lists in the control file.
+ * Add a runtime dependency on lsb-base for /lib/lsb/init-functions.
+ * Drop the dh_installinit override: --restart-after-upgrade is already
+ the default behavior in debhelper compatibility level 10.
+ * Update the watch file a bit:
+ - replace pgpmode=auto with pgpsigurlmangle - the former will not
+ fail on a missing upstream signature file
+ - make the version regular expression a bit more sane
+ - use v4's @ARCHIVE_EXT@ substitution variable
+ * Add another correction to the typos patch.
+ * New upstream release.
+ * Correct the download webpage's URL in the copyright file.
+ * Correct the project homepage's URL in the stunnel3 manual page.
+ * Use the HTTPS scheme for various upstream URLs.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Thu, 10 Nov 2016 02:57:28 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.36-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add the 24-typos patch to fix some typographical errors.
+ * New upstream version:
+ - drop the 10-no-zlib-compression patch, integrated upstream
+ * Bump the debhelper B-D to 10 and drop the Lintian override.
+ * Rename the patch files to "reindex" sequentially.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Sun, 25 Sep 2016 12:43:20 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.35-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release:
+ - drop the 24-ssl23 patch, integrated upstream
+ - refresh the other patches
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Mon, 18 Jul 2016 10:45:04 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.33-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Switch the URL in a patch to HTTPS.
+ * Switch the copyright format URL to HTTPS.
+ * New upstream version:
+ - fix the build with OpenSSL-1.1; Closes: #828562
+ - refresh the 12-restore-pidfile-default and 23-path-max patches
+ * Add the 24-ssl23.h patch to further fix the OpenSSL 1.1 build -
+ the ssl23.h file was removed.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Mon, 27 Jun 2016 13:51:43 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.32-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.8 with no changes.
+ * Remove the Breaks/Replaces relations for the old "stunnel" package;
+ it is not even present in oldstable.
+ * Update the watch file:
+ - switch to the HTTPS scheme for the upstream downloads page
+ - re-enable the location
+ and use FTP passive mode to access it
+ - actually include upstream's signing subkey in the key file!
+ - update to the watch file format 4 and use pgpmode=auto
+ * Use Autoconf's AC_SYS_LARGEFILE for Large File Support.
+ * New upstream release:
+ - update the upstream author's e-mail address in the copyright file,
+ the upstream metadata file, and the stunnel3.8 manual page
+ - refresh the 02-rename-binary patch
+ * Bump the debhelper compatibility level to 10:
+ - override the Lintian debhelper warning as it itself suggests
+ - let debhelper handle the parallel building and autoreconf by itself
+ * Add the 23-path-max patch to allocate the configuration filename
+ dynamically and avoid the use of the possibly undefined PATH_MAX.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Wed, 04 May 2016 14:54:45 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.31-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release.
+ * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.7 with no changes.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Wed, 02 Mar 2016 11:29:06 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.30-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release:
+ - bump the upstream copyright years
+ - refresh the 02-rename-binary patch
+ - refresh the 10-no-zlib-compression patch (line numbers only)
+ * Bump the year on my debian/* copyright notice.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Sun, 31 Jan 2016 15:40:22 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.29-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release, refresh the patches' line numbers.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Fri, 08 Jan 2016 20:59:02 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.28-1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * New upstream release:
+ - high urgency: fix a bug introduced in 3:5.27-1: if an OpenSSL
+ engine is used, the SSL library's initialization would not be
+ performed completely, skipping, for instance, the proper
+ initialization of the pseudo-random number generator
+ - refresh the patches
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Fri, 11 Dec 2015 23:24:40 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.27-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release:
+ - refresh the patches
+ - drop the 19-typos patch, applied upstream
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Fri, 04 Dec 2015 00:34:30 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.26-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream version:
+ - drop the 14-lsb-init-functions, 18-lsb-startup, and 20-comparison
+ patches, applied upstream
+ - rework the 02-rename-binary and 10-no-zlib-compression patches
+ - update the 19-typos patch: the fixes within it were applied
+ upstream, but a couple of new typos were introduced
+ - refresh patches
+ - add the 21-author-tests patch to make the building of the Win32
+ binaries conditional on an environment variable and not on
+ the presence of the .git directory
+ - update the upstream copyright notice in debian/copyright
+ * Drop the perl-modules dependency - "perl", brought in by perl:Depends,
+ ought to be enough.
+ * Run the build in all of the source directories. Closes: #804292
+ * Use an https:// URL for Vcs-Git.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Thu, 19 Nov 2015 20:44:33 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:5.18-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add the 17-upstream-hangup patch to fix prematurely closed
+ connections when there is still data to be written.
+ Thanks to Joachim Falk for backporting the patch!
+ Closes: #771241
+ * Add the 18-lsb-startup patch to make the daemons' startup consistent
+ with the way things are done in Debian.
+ Among other things, Closes: #782030
+ * Rework the patches a bit:
+ - update the description of 01-fix-paths
+ - move the tools/ chunk from 01-fix-paths to 02-rename-binary
+ - drop 08-client-example: it was actually applied upstream, no need
+ to add the same text twice
+ - drop 11-no-rle-compression: the OpenSSL bug has been fixed
+ somewhere in the 1.x release timeframe
+ * Add the 19-typos patch to fix some minor documentation typos and
+ rework the 02-rename-binary patch to make the change in the manual page
+ during the stunnel.pod -> stunnel.8 rebuild
+ * Add the 20-comparison patch to fix a minor logging bug.
+ * Remove ${misc:Pre-Depends} as explained in debhelper's #783898.
+ * Bump the year on my debian/* copyright notice.
+ * Add --parallel to the debhelper invocation.
+ * New upstream version:
+ - rework the 01-fix-paths and the 10-zlib-compression patches to
+ catch up with upstream updates
+ - refresh patches
+ - drop the 05-logrotate-warning-in-sample-conf patch, applied upstream
+ - drop the 15-upstream-systemd-libs, 16-upstream-sslv23-method, and
+ 17-upstream-hangup patches since they were cherry-picked from
+ upstream to begin with
+ - remove handling for the dropped French manual page
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Sun, 14 Jun 2015 04:13:02 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.06-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Limit the systemd build dependency to Linux architectures only,
+ so that we actually give Stunnel a chance to build on kFreeBSD
+ or the Hurd.
+ * Add debian/upstream/metadata.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Mon, 20 Oct 2014 11:49:05 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.06-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release:
+ - refresh patches
+ - drop 13-init-script-typo.patch, included upstream
+ * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.6.
+ [ Santiago Vila <> ]
+ * Fix logrotate typo (closes: #762242).
+ [ Peter Pentchev ]
+ * Disable the autodetection of zlib in the configure script,
+ it will most probably not be used at all later.
+ * Fix the DEP-3 format of the 01-fix-paths, 02-rename-binary, and
+ 03-runas-user patches - use multiple "Author" headers.
+ * Switch to the cgit frontend for Vcs-Browser.
+ * New upstream release:
+ - refresh the patches
+ - add a build dependency on libsystemd-dev for the systemd socket
+ activation support
+ - add the 15-upstream-systemd-libs patch to fix the build with
+ the systemd version in unstable/testing
+ - add a news blurb about the disabled SSLv2 and SSLv3 protocols
+ and the configuration options to enable them
+ - add the 16-upstream-sslv23-method patch to fix the build for
+ OpenSSL with disabled SSLv2 and SSLv3
+ - add Mark Theunissen's copyright notice for the systemd socket
+ activation code
+ * Drop an ancient README.Debian note about upgrading from 4.20 or
+ earlier, it has not even been in oldstable for quite some time now.
+ * Switch the /usr/bin/stunnel symlink from stunnel3 to stunnel4,
+ as README.Debian has threatened for ages. Add a news blurb.
+ * Add perl:Depends to the binary package.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:04:50 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.03-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream version:
+ - refresh the 02-rename-binary, 10-no-zlib-compression, and
+ 12-restore-pidfile-default patches
+ - drop the 09-init-script-ulimits patch, it was actually
+ included upstream in 5.02
+ - add the 13-init-script-typo patch to remove a stray quote
+ * Add the 14-lsb-init-functions patch to source /lib/lsb/init-functions,
+ although the init script does not use anything there yet.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Sun, 10 Aug 2014 01:55:32 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.02-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream version:
+ - drop the 04-selective-tunnel-restart, 06-init-script-description,
+ and 07-init-script-status patches, applied upstream
+ - refresh the 01-fix-paths, 02-rename-binary, 03-runas-user,
+ 05-logrotate-warning-in-sample-conf, 08-client-example,
+ 09-init-script-ulimits, and 12-restore-pidfile-default patches
+ - augment the 01-fix-paths patch to also move the pidfile to
+ /var/run/ and not /usr/var/run/.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Tue, 10 Jun 2014 17:23:32 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.01-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add the 12-restore-pidfile-default patch to restore stunnel's
+ "create the pid file by default" behavior, since the init script
+ has no way of monitoring the started stunnel4 processes otherwise.
+ The init script now warns about configurations with no "pid"
+ setting; in a future version it will refuse to start stunnel for
+ these configurations. Closes: #744851
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Fri, 18 Apr 2014 14:37:42 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.01-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add the 11-no-rle-compression patch to disable RLE compression since
+ OpenSSL does not really implement it. Closes: #744350
+ * Modify the 10-no-zlib-compression patch to not even allow starting
+ a tunnel configured with "zlib" or "deflate" compression.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Mon, 14 Apr 2014 15:24:25 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.01-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New maintainer. Closes: #738093
+ * A new upload should fix the build with newer OpenSSL.
+ Closes: #737517
+ * Add DEP-3 headers to the patch files.
+ * Switch to debhelper override rules.
+ * Use dh-autoreconf and retarget the rename-binary patch.
+ Closes: #727511
+ * Canonicalize the Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser source control fields.
+ * Update the watch file a bit:
+ - watch a mirror in addition to the main site, at least temporarily
+ until the main FTP site is fixed
+ - watch for 5.x versions, too
+ - add Michal Trojnara's PGP key
+ * Convert the copyright file to the 1.0 format and add my notice.
+ * Remove the README.source file, unnecessary in the 3.0 (quilt) format.
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 with no further changes.
+ * Bump the debhelper compatibility level to 9 with multiarch:
+ - let debhelper set the build environment variables
+ - add misc:Pre-Depends to the binary package
+ - remove the libtool .la file in the multiarch lib directory
+ * Drop the versions from the libssl-dev and openssl build dependencies.
+ * Drop two automatically-created directories from debian/dirs
+ * New upstream release:
+ - Closes: #723781 (package new upstream version)
+ - a fix for CVE-2014-0016 was included. Closes: #740802
+ - refresh the rename-binary patch
+ - drop the CVE-2013-1762 patch, it was taken from stunnel-4.55
+ - add a stunnel4.NEWS item to note the newly disabled by default
+ pidfile and libwrap options
+ - update the copyright file
+ * Build with Large File Support - no problems there, since stunnel
+ never really uses the position or the size of any open files.
+ * Add the init_script_status patch to support the 'status' command.
+ Closes: #548974
+ * Rename the Debian patches following a number sequence.
+ * Modify the debian/stunnel3.8 and add the 08-client-example patch
+ to add a client configuration example to the English manual page.
+ Closes: #644398, although this one shall have to be referred to
+ upstream for inclusion in the rest of the documentation, too.
+ * Reword the note about FIPS support in README.Debian, fix a typo
+ and correct the URLs to the OpenSSL FIPS User Guide.
+ Closes: #642440
+ * Optionally set resource limits on startup. Closes: #599138
+ - add the RLIMITS variable to /etc/default/stunnel4
+ - add the 09-init-script-ulimits patch to honor it
+ * Add the 10-no-zlib-compression patch to disable the hardcoded
+ addition of zlib as a compression algorithm for OpenSSL 0.9.8 and
+ later; the Debian OpenSSL package is compiled without support for
+ zlib compression since version 1.0.1e-5.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Tue, 08 Apr 2014 22:48:48 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:4.53-1.1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Non-maintainer upload.
+ * Add CVE-2013-1762.patch patch.
+ CVE-2013-1762: Fix buffer overflow in NTLM authentication of the CONNECT
+ protocol negotiation. (Closes: #702267)
+ -- Salvatore Bonaccorso <> Mon, 22 Apr 2013 19:47:34 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:4.53-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version 4.53.
+ - Added client-mode "sni" option to directly control the value of
+ TLS Server Name Indication (RFC 3546) extension (Closes: #668041).
+ - Added support for IP_FREEBIND socket option with a pached Linux kernel.
+ - Glibc-specific dynamic allocation tuning was applied to help unused memory
+ deallocation.
+ - Non-blocking OCSP implementation.
+ - Various other bugfixes, see upstream changelog for details.
+ * Enabled hardening compile flags. There were NO compile time warning messages
+ or errors triggered because of this.
+ * Updated to Standards-Version 3.9.3. No changes required.
+ - Migrating to /run from /var/run will be a hard problem, because we expect
+ user written config files to refer to the directory. We'll punt on making
+ this change for now.
+ * Updated copyright years to 2012.
+ * Added Description: LSB header to init script.
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Sun, 03 Jun 2012 11:34:36 -0700
+stunnel4 (3:4.52-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version 4.52.
+ * Do not enable chroot in sample config file. It is misleading to users, it
+ suggests it can be used with no further changes. Closes: #652812
+ * Remove log files on purge. Closes: #657135
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Sun, 12 Feb 2012 12:06:37 -0800
+stunnel4 (3:4.51~b5-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version
+ - Fixed exec+connect sections (Closes: #653882).
+ - New "compression = deflate" global option to enable RFC 2246 compression.
+ For compatibility with previous versions "compression = zlib" and
+ "compression = rle" also enable the deflate (RFC 2246) compression.
+ - Separate default ciphers and sslVersion for "fips = yes" and "fips = no".
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Wed, 04 Jan 2012 11:24:58 -0800
+stunnel4 (3:4.50-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Releases. Highlights:
+ + 4.46:
+ - Added Unix socket support (e.g. "connect = /var/run/stunnel/socket").
+ - Added "verify = 4" mode to ignore CA chain and only verify peer
+ certificate.
+ - Removed the limit of 16 IP addresses for a single 'connect' option.
+ - Removed the limit of 256 stunnel.conf sections in PTHREAD threading
+ model.
+ + 4.45:
+ - "protocol = proxy" support to send original client IP address to haproxy
+ This requires accept-proxy bind option of haproxy 1.5-dev3 or later.
+ - Libwrap helper processes are no longer started if libwrap is disabled
+ in all sections of the configuration file.
+ - Fixed -l option handling in stunnel3 script (thx to Kai Gülzau).
+ - Script to build default stunnel.pem was fixed (thx to Sebastian Kayser).
+ + 4.44:
+ - Heap buffer overflow protection with canaries.
+ - Stack buffer overflow protection with -fstack-protector.
+ - Fixed garbled error messages on errors with setuid/setgid options.
+ + 4.43:
+ - Major optimization of the logging subsystem.
+ Benchmarks indicate up to 15% stunnel performance improvement.
+ * Remove config.guess and config.sub in clean target, otherwise build fails
+ because of changes in source outside of a patch. Found and fixed by
+ Peter Eisentraut <> (Closes: #647176).
+ * Updated watchfile to new upstream's directory structure for archived
+ releases.
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Thu, 29 Dec 2011 06:39:09 -0800
+stunnel4 (3:4.42-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Release.
+ - Fixed a heap corruption vulnerability in versions 4.40 and 4.41. It may
+ possibly be leveraged to perform DoS or remote code execution attacks.
+ (Closes: #638758)
+ - New verify level 0 to request and ignore peer certificate.
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Sat, 27 Aug 2011 08:34:43 -0700
+stunnel4 (3:4.40-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Release:
+ - Hardcoded 2048-bit DH parameters are used as a fallback if DH parameters
+ are not provided in stunnel.pem.
+ - Default "ciphers" value updated to prefer ECDH:
+ - Default ECDH curve updated to "prime256v1".
+ - Removed support for temporary RSA keys (used in obsolete export ciphers).
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Sun, 24 Jul 2011 11:06:57 -0700
+stunnel4 (3:4.39-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Releases. Highlights:
+ + 4.38:
+ - Server-side SNI implemented (RFC 3546 section 3.1) with a new
+ service-level option "nsi".
+ - "socket" option also accepts "yes" and "no" for flags.
+ - Nagle's algorithm is now disabled by default for improved interactivity.
+ - Bugfix: Signal pipe set to non-blocking mode. This bug caused
+ hangs of stunnel features based on signals, e.g. local mode, FORK
+ threading, or configuration file reload on Unix. Win32 platform was
+ not affected.
+ + 4.37:
+ - Client-side SNI implemented (RFC 3546 section 3.1).
+ - Default "ciphers" changed from the OpenSSL default to a more secure
+ and faster "RC4-MD5:HIGH:!aNULL:!SSLv2".
+ A paranoid (and usually slower) setting would be "HIGH:!aNULL:!SSLv2".
+ - Recommended "options = NO_SSLv2" added to the sample stunnel.conf file.
+ - Default client method upgraded from SSLv3 to TLSv1.
+ To connect servers without TLS support use "sslVersion = SSLv3" option.
+ - Bugfix: Non-blocking socket handling in local mode fixed
+ (Closes: #626856).
+ + 4.36:
+ - Dynamic memory management for strings manipulation:
+ no more static STRLEN limit, lower stack footprint. (Closes: #594876).
+ - Strict public key comparison added for "verify = 3" certificate
+ checking mode (thx to Philipp Hartwig).
+ For more details see upstream ChangeLog.
+ * Removed /usr/lib/stunnel/ file.
+ * Support restarting selected stunnel instances. Thanks Peter Palfrader.
+ (Closes: #627765).
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Thu, 21 Jul 2011 15:46:25 -0700
+stunnel4 (3:4.35-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix variable substitution in init script (Closes: #623221).
+ Thanks Tomas Kapralek <> for report and diagnosis.
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Mon, 18 Apr 2011 20:46:01 -0700
+stunnel4 (3:4.35-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Releases (Closes: #621987).
+ * Upstream incorporated our init script, so this package no longer carries
+ its own copy of it.
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2. No changes needed.
+ * Remove /etc/stunnel/stunnel4.conf file as it is useless, except as a sample.
+ A README file for /etc/stunnel was provided (Closes: #549384).
+ * Minor cleanup of debian/rules, no longer runs configure twice.
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Sun, 17 Apr 2011 22:04:53 -0700
+stunnel4 (3:4.33-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Releases
+ - 4.31
+ + A SIGHUP to the server will cause it to reload the configuration file.
+ + A SIGUSR1 to the server causes it to reopen its log files.
+ - 4.32
+ + New service-level "libwrap" option for run-time control whether
+ /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny are used for access control.
+ Disabling libwrap significantly increases performance of stunnel.
+ - 4.33
+ + Fixes to inetd mode
+ For more details please see upstream's ChangeLog.
+ * Init script now provides reload and reopen-log options (Closes: #323171).
+ * The logrotate config file now takes advantage of reopen-log option.
+ * Update config.{build,sub} on build. Closes: #535719.
+ * Add missing ${misc:Depends} entry to debian/control.
+ * Update copyright years.
+ * Update to Standards-Version: 3.9.1
+ - stunnel4 no longer Conflicts: stunnel, but merely Breaks: stunnel.
+ * Update packaging to source format 3.0 (quilt).
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Fri, 27 Aug 2010 16:58:44 -0700
+stunnel4 (3:4.29-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version (Closes: #559270).
+ - sessiond, a high performance SSL session cache was built for stunnel.
+ A new service-level "sessiond" option was added. sessiond is
+ available for download on .
+ stunnel clusters will be a lot faster, now!
+ - Transparent proxy support on Linux kernels >=2.6.28.
+ See the manual for details.
+ The old transproxy.txt file is no longer provided.
+ - New socket options to control TCP keepalive on Linux:
+ - SSL options updated for the recent version of OpenSSL library.
+ - Bugfixes
+ + Missing "fips" option was added to the manual.
+ + A serious bug in asynchronous shutdown code fixed.
+ + Data alignment updated in libwrap.c.
+ + Polish manual encoding fixed. Debian's patch for this removed.
+ + Notes on compression implementation in OpenSSL added to the manual.
+ * Use correct owner:group for logs after rotation. (Closes: #529481).
+ Thanks Brian 'morlenxus' Miculcy <>
+ * Use copytruncate in logrotate file, instead of restarting the
+ daemon (Closes: #535915).
+ Thanks Andrew Buckeridge <>
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3. No changes required.
+ * Do not specify path to true in postinst script.
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Tue, 08 Dec 2009 19:34:21 -0800
+stunnel4 (3:4.27-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ - Remove debian/patches/security-check_certificate, now included upstream.
+ Fixes: CVE-2008-2420
+ - Libwrap helper processes fixed to close standard
+ input/output/error file descriptors. (Closes: #482379)
+ * Rebase quilt patches to not require -p0. (Closes: #484966)
+ * Fix sample configuration file to use ssl cert from /etc/ssl/certs
+ (Closes: #460953).
+ * Warn if automatic startup is disabled in /etc/default/stunnel4
+ (Closes: #475599).
+ * Use invoke-rc.d in ppp start/stop scripts.
+ * Standards-Version: 3.8.1.
+ - Add README.source documenting use of quilt.
+ * Bump to debhelper 7
+ - Remove unused old option from dh_mkshlibs call
+ * Declare the polish pod's encoding and use unicode when converting it
+ to a manpage.
+ * Dummy upgrade package is priority: extra
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Fri, 24 Apr 2009 19:56:05 -0700
+stunnel4 (3:4.22-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Check if a daemon is already running before trying to start it with the
+ same configuration file. Thanks Peter Palfrader <> for
+ the report (Closes: #506091).
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Tue, 18 Nov 2008 13:52:42 +0100
+stunnel4 (3:4.22-1.1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Non-maintainer upload by the security team
+ * Fix security bug in the OCSP functionality that allowed revoked
+ certificates to authenticate (Closes: #482644)
+ Fixes: CVE-2008-2420
+ -- Steffen Joeris <> Tue, 27 May 2008 18:28:56 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:4.22-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ - Build system now uses standard automake dirs.
+ - Reworked logging system avoids outputting before log file is configured
+ (Closes: #460019).
+ - Simultaneous logging to a file and the syslog is now possible.
+ - A new service level option to control stack size:
+ stack = <number of bytes>
+ - Bugfixes in libwrap support code.
+ * debian/patches/setuid.patch: Removed, it's included upstream.
+ * debian/patches/fix-paths: Reworked to use automake's standard dirs.
+ * Rebase the rest of the patches.
+ * Update standards-version to 3.7.3. No changes needed.
+ * Fix build-dependencies on -1 revisions of libssl-dev, openssl and quilt.
+ * Register documentation in the System/Security section.
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Tue, 01 Apr 2008 11:07:56 -0600
+stunnel4 (3:4.21-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ - Binaries moved from /usr/sbin to /usr/bin. Thus, Debian no longer
+ diverges in that from upstream.
+ - migrated inside /usr/lib/stunnel.
+ - Preliminary FIPS 140-2 support, but this package does not include it,
+ as it requires static compilation.
+ - Miscellaneous bugfixing.
+ * debian/patches/no_zlib_link:
+ - Rebased. Only line numbering changed.
+ * debian/patches/libstunnel_is_private_lib:
+ - Removed. Included upstream.
+ * debian/patches/fix-paths:
+ - Remove hunks related to moving binaries to /usr/bin. Refresh line numbers
+ in the rest.
+ * debian/patches/rename-binary:
+ - Rebased. Minor changes due to changed dates in the manpage and the use of
+ @prefix@ in src/
+ * debian/patches/setuid.patch:
+ - Patch from upstream to allow using setuid/setgid with /etc/passwd and
+ /etc/group not within chrooted directory.
+ * debian/README.Debian:
+ - Add explanation about not turning FIPS mode on.
+ - Reword warning about binaries changing place.
+ * debian/rules, debian/stunnel4.manpages:
+ - No longer need to move the binaries.
+ - Upstream location for manpages changed. We still install them by hand,
+ anyways.
+ - Ship fr and pl manpages.
+ - Do not pass --host to configure if not cross compiling.
+ - Reorder target dependencies. This should avoid problems when doing
+ parallel builds.
+ * debian/control:
+ - Remove XS- prefix from Vcs-* fields.
+ - Add Homepage: field.
+ - Correct minor typo in dummy package's description.
+ - Version build dependency on quilt, since we require
+ /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make (Closes: #447751).
+ - Change my maintainer address.
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Wed, 05 Dec 2007 08:09:44 -0600
+stunnel4 (3:4.20-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/stunnel3.8:
+ - Remove references to unsupported -S and -V options in manpage, and
+ include an explicit list of tunable parameters for -O and their
+ default values (Closes: #440718).
+ - Rewrite -P argument description. It must be a file to be created, or
+ empty (Closes: #398012).
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Thu, 27 Sep 2007 11:54:53 -0500
+stunnel4 (3:4.20-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add missing names and dates of copyright attributions to
+ debian/copyright. Update licencing blurb to mention the new FSF's
+ postal address.
+ * Restructure README.Debian into sections.
+ * Remove /usr/share/lintian/overrides and /usr/sbin from
+ debian/dirs. Explicitly create the first if needed to install an
+ override file, and explicitly remove the later after moving the
+ binaries, in debian/rules.
+ * Move into /usr/share/doc/stunnel4/contrib. Remove
+ it from debian/docs and explicitely install it in dh_install call.
+ * Patch configure (debian/patches/no_zlib_link) to avoid linking to
+ zlib. This library is a dependency of openssl, but not of ours.
+ * Rewrite changelog entries from previous version, adding mention of
+ modified files.
+ * Use make -C dir instead of cd dir; make constructs in debian/rules.
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Mon, 27 Aug 2007 18:11:40 -0500
+stunnel4 (3:4.20-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New Maintainer (Closes: #416955).
+ * Manage patches to upstream source with quilt.
+ - fix-paths changes references to /usr/sbin.
+ We install binaries in /usr/bin. It also removes bogus @PREFIX@ uses
+ from several paths.
+ - rename-binary changes the name of the executable to stunnel4.
+ - runas-user sets the default config to run as the stunnel4 user and group.
+ - connect-proxy-dunbar *unapplied* patch from upstream's
+ site. (It does not apply to 4.07 onwards)
+ - openssl0.9.8-initialization *unapplied* patch. Originally meant to
+ close #334180, was disabled by previous maintainer without
+ explanation.
+ * Add stunnel dummy upgrade package.
+ - debian/control: Add package stanza.
+ - debian/rules: Modify to build the arch-indep package.
+ - debian/stunnel.NEWS: Add upgrade notice for stunnel 3 users.
+ * Shorten dh_* invocations in debian/rules.
+ - new files: stunnel4.examples, stunnel4.links, stunnel4.manpages.
+ * Ship upstream Changelog (Closes: #419842).
+ - Add ChangeLog to dh_installchangelogs call in debian/rules.
+ * Do not compress (Closes: #432304).
+ - Add exclude entry to dh_compress call in debian/rules.
+ * Add watch file.
+ * Suggests: logcheck-database (Closes: #382099).
+ * Move into /usr/lib/stunnel, as it is a private DSO.
+ - Remove lintian overrides.
+ - Added debian/patches/libstunnel_is_private_lib
+ - Remove ldconfig calls from post{inst,rm}
+ - Remove /usr/lib/ link
+ * Use debhelper compat mode 5.
+ - Bump debhelper build-depends to >= 5. No other changes.
+ * Remove /var/lib/stunnel4 when purged, if empty (in debian/postinst).
+ * Remove manual call to invoke-rc.d from postinst. debhelper inserts it
+ automatically.
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Mon, 20 Aug 2007 23:18:31 -0500
+stunnel4 (3:4.20-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Orphan package
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sat, 31 Mar 2007 20:07:55 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:4.20-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sat, 27 Jan 2007 21:43:19 +0100
+stunnel4 (3:4.18-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Updated chroot default path in configuration file
+ * Added LSB section in init script
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Tue, 7 Nov 2006 20:22:04 +0100
+stunnel4 (3:4.18-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Wed, 27 Sep 2006 20:33:07 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:4.17-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Check if pids are valid before trying to use kill
+ (Closes: #388379)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Wed, 20 Sep 2006 22:04:41 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:4.17-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Mon, 11 Sep 2006 22:48:09 +0200
+stunnel4 (3:4.16-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Fri, 1 Sep 2006 22:11:10 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.150-7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed a bug when pid is not given in configuration file :
+ init.d script was looking for /var/run/stunnel4/ but
+ stunnel was creating /var/run/
+ (Closes: #384275)
+ * Added check during start to encourage users to fill the pid= section
+ of configuration file when start failed (for example if you use two
+ configuration files without pid= option)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Thu, 24 Aug 2006 17:19:57 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.150-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Updated to debian policy 3.7.2
+ * Fixed lintian warnings
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Tue, 22 Aug 2006 14:03:19 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.150-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed typo in postinst :
+ /var/lib/stunnel4/stunnel.log instead of /var/log/stunnel4/
+ (Closes: #381127)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Wed, 2 Aug 2006 21:19:49 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.150-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Create /var/lib/stunnel4 if it does not exist in postinst
+ (Closes: #377074)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sun, 16 Jul 2006 16:12:05 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.150-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed another problem with stunnel3 compatibility script
+ (call to /usr/sbin/stunnel4 instead of /usr/bin/stunnel4) and added
+ a check in debian/rules (Closes: #340113)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Mon, 1 May 2006 17:58:39 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.150-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed stunnel3 compatibility script problem (infinite loop)
+ Thanks to "Martin Schwenke" <> for bug report.
+ * Added a check in debian/rules to ensure that stunnel3 compatibility script
+ does not contains infinite loop
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Mon, 27 Mar 2006 09:26:06 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.150-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sun, 12 Mar 2006 21:30:08 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.140-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added check/creation of /var/run/stunnel4 directory in init.d script instead of
+ postinst in order to be FHS compliant when /var/run is cleared at startup
+ (note that /var/run/stunnel4 cleanup does not allow a chroot in /var/run/stunnel4)
+ Thanks to Jim Helm :;msg=25
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sun, 5 Mar 2006 18:18:58 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.140-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Move stunnel and stunnel-dsa from /usr/sbin to /usr/bin in order to be
+ compliant with FHS standard. The stunnel program is interesting for
+ "normal" users as well as administrator.
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sun, 19 Feb 2006 17:47:55 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.140-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed problem with default directory (/etc/stunnel for configuration
+ directory and /var/run/ for pid file) (Closes: #343882)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Thu, 22 Dec 2005 16:32:20 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.140-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Default configuration file is now filled with values for usage
+ in a chroot environment
+ (if you do not want chroot or want to use vserver, you need to edit it)
+ (Closes: #342507)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sat, 17 Dec 2005 10:00:40 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.140-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed stunnel3 compatibility script
+ (wrong binary : stunnel instead of stunnel4)
+ (Closes: #340113)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Mon, 21 Nov 2005 07:57:02 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.140-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Wed, 2 Nov 2005 22:01:52 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.120-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Applied patch from Kurt Roeckx <> to fix initialization
+ problem with openssl 0.9.8 (Closes: #334180)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Wed, 26 Oct 2005 17:53:55 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.110-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Rebuild with openssl 0.9.8
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Mon, 10 Oct 2005 19:41:33 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.110-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Updated to Standards-Version 3.6.2
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sun, 24 Jul 2005 11:21:14 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.090-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * include better stunnel3 compatibility script from upstream, options
+ like -cd can now be use instead of -c -d ...
+ (closes: #305259)
+ * Added depends on perl-modules to allow use of stunnel3 compatibility script
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Wed, 20 Apr 2005 21:07:50 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.070-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Renamed stunnel3 compatibility script (/usr/sbin/stunnel) to be compatible
+ with stunnel package
+ * Added conflict with stunnel package (compatible, does not break user
+ configuration) since stunnel 4.x is more actively maintained
+ than stunnel 3.x
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Tue, 29 Mar 2005 22:16:43 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.070-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add an option (PPP_RESTART) in /etc/default/stunnel4 to enable/disable
+ restart scripts (closes: #298352)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Mon, 7 Mar 2005 22:47:27 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.070-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Do not remove user and group if there already exist in postinst
+ script (Closes: #290374)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Mon, 17 Jan 2005 23:33:56 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.070-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed directory problem :
+ - confdir was /usr/etc/stunnel instead of /etc/stunnel (Closes: #289832)
+ - zlib compression was unable to start since /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf
+ was not read (Closes: #289872)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Tue, 11 Jan 2005 19:56:59 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.070-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release : Add IPV6 support
+ * Disable proxy-connect patch (does not apply on 4.07 sources)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Thu, 6 Jan 2005 07:23:48 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.050-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Restart connection instead of stop when ppp is down. It is possible to
+ use stunnel for eth interfaces. (Closes: 271006)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sun, 26 Sep 2004 18:12:36 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.050-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added proxy-connect patch (Closes: #267533)
+ * Create directory /var/log/stunnel in postinst (Closes: #267093)
+ * Create user and group stunnel4 (Closes: #266339)
+ * Uncomment some line in default configuration file :
+ o Use /var/log/stunnel4/stunnel.log as default log file
+ o Use stunnel4 user and group as default
+ o Use /var/run/stunnel4/ as default pid file
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Wed, 1 Sep 2004 22:19:28 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.050-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed stopping problem in init.d script (Closes: #265449)
+ Thanks to Wilfried Goesgens <>
+ * Added stunnel4 in logrotate (Closes: #265437)
+ Thanks to Wilfried Goesgens <>
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Fri, 13 Aug 2004 21:42:23 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.050-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * By default, store pidfile in /var/run/stunnel4/ with
+ /var/run/stunnel4 owned by nobody:nogroup
+ * Oops, stunnel4 was a debian native package
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Mon, 7 Jun 2004 21:23:37 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.05-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Wed, 7 Apr 2004 22:08:42 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.04.0-10) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Shut down stunnel4 in postinst (Closes: #234498)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Tue, 24 Feb 2004 21:50:03 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.04.0-9) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added configuration script from "Sergio Rua" <>
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sun, 22 Feb 2004 23:26:38 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.04.0-8) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added ppp ip-up and ip-down scripts
+ (Closes: #227678)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sun, 22 Feb 2004 22:52:31 +0100
+stunnel4 (2:4.04.0-7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix problem in init.d script (was not sh compatible)
+ (Closes: #214818, #214823)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Fri, 10 Oct 2003 00:47:57 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.04.0-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Rewrite of /etc/init.d/stunnel4 :
+ o does not use kill -9, thus giving a chance to stunnel4 to clean up
+ puts common code in functions
+ o avoids calling ps twice
+ o uses fgrep
+ o does not print the conf file name if no processes exist for it
+ o corrects the `stoped' typo
+ Thanks to Francesco Potorti` <> (Closes: #214562)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Tue, 7 Oct 2003 16:37:12 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.04.0-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * /etc/init.d/stunnel4 can load more than one configuration file.
+ It loads /etc/stunnel/*.conf. You can have a configuration file for
+ server mode and one for client mode. (Closes: #211870)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Thu, 25 Sep 2003 18:05:01 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.04.0-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Put stunnel.html in /usr/share/doc/stunnel4/ instead of
+ /usr/share/doc/stunnel
+ * Updated to Standards-Version 3.6.1
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Thu, 4 Sep 2003 13:39:51 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.04.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed wrong path search for stunnel.conf
+ (Closes: Bug#202931)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sat, 26 Jul 2003 11:00:46 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.04.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed stunnel.conf problems, file must be commented by default.
+ (Closes: #202693)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Fri, 25 Jul 2003 11:38:47 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.04.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Oops, stunnel4 is not a native package -> reupload it with a diff.gz
+ * Does not install since it is not used
+ * Updated clean rules to have a clean diff
+ * Updated to Standards-Version 3.6.0
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sat, 19 Jul 2003 20:12:51 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.04-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed compilation errors (removed binary in clean rule)
+ * removed since it is not used
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:45:05 +0200
+stunnel4 (2:4.04-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Stunnel versions 4.x are now in stunnel4 package and stunnel versions 3.x
+ are in stunnel package to keep backward compatibility.
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Fri, 4 Jul 2003 18:24:21 +0200
+stunnel (4.04-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * The "I need to sleep more to avoid making typos" release.
+ * Fixed typos in default/init file (ENABLED instead of ENABLE)
+ (Closes: #197958)
+ * Commented all stunnel.conf file, client=no is the default value
+ (Closes: #197961)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Thu, 19 Jun 2003 00:40:28 +0200
+stunnel (4.04-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added /etc/default/stunnel with a variable ENABLE.
+ ENABLE=0 by default since stunnel segv on some computer when all lines
+ are commented (Closes: #197663, #197615)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Mon, 16 Jun 2003 22:04:17 +0200
+stunnel (4.04-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * comment ldap sample (Closes: #197566)
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Mon, 9 Jun 2003 15:03:41 +0200
+stunnel (4.04-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed typo in init.d script (Closes: #197499)
+ * Added a commented example in stunnel.conf from Craig Sanders
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sun, 15 Jun 2003 18:06:07 +0200
+stunnel (4.04-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release (Closes: #177532, Closes: 188137)
+ * New maintainer
+ * Stunnel has no more -L option (Closes: #120265)
+ * Stunnel has no more -l option (Closes: #175844)
+ * Shutdown(1) problem was fixed (Closes: #111125)
+ * Problem with large data resolved (tested with a 5Mo file)
+ (Closes: #112287)
+ * Licence is now GPL version 2 with agreement to link with openssl
+ (Closes: #147665)
+ * stunnel can execute command (Closes: #147537)
+ * added a lintian overwrite for since it is compiled with
+ -avoid-version
+ * Fixed problem with path (/etc/ instead of $(prefix)/etc, ...)
+ * Include default configuration file in /etc
+ * Upgraded to debian policy 3.5.10
+ * Added init.d file
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sat, 24 May 2003 02:30:20 +0200
+stunnel (3.22-1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * New upstream release (closes: bug#126627).
+ * Typo fix in postinst (closes: bug#120199, bug#121904)
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Sun, 30 Dec 2001 10:31:46 +0100
+stunnel (3.21.c-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release (Closes: bug#111139, bug#102834, bug#61427).
+ * Avoid generating automatically the initial stunnel.pem, openssl cannot be
+ reliably used in a non-interactive way (Closes: bug#60776, bug#98445). Info
+ on how to generate the certificate is now included in README.Debian.
+ * There is support for (re)setting OOB data handling in the new upstream
+ version (Closes: bug#107503).
+ * Include the sample /etc/iniy.d/stunnel file as an example in the package
+ (Closes: bug#114669).
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Sat, 17 Nov 2001 12:31:04 +0100
+stunnel (3.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Actually compile it against the new libssl (Closes: #86916).
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Fri, 23 Feb 2001 18:57:18 +0100
+stunnel (3.13-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ * Recompile with and depend on libssl096 (Closes: #85000, #86385, #83857, #82500).
+ * Already fixed in previous aborted upload (Closes: #82105, #77227, #80079, #76576).
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Sun, 18 Feb 2001 21:30:50 +0100
+stunnel (3.10-1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * New upstream release.
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Wed, 20 Dec 2000 15:14:08 +0100
+stunnel (3.10-0potato1) stable; urgency=high
+ * New upstream release.
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Wed, 20 Dec 2000 13:07:35 +0100
+stunnel (3.9-0potato1) stable; urgency=high
+ * New upstream release: security fix (Closes: #80079, #76576).
+ * Use correct dir for pid (Closes: #77227).
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Wed, 20 Dec 2000 11:24:18 +0100
+stunnel (3.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version (Closes: #75117, #67010).
+ * Read 1k of random data in a temp file (Closes: #69808).
+ * Added a note in postrm about the stunnel.pem file that
+ is left in /etc/ssl/certs: it is safer if the user deals with
+ it since it may have been create by him and not stunnel (Closes: #57648).
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Wed, 5 Jul 2000 16:43:07 +0000
+stunnel (3.4a-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Depends on openssl 0.9.4 (closes: bug#53947).
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Tue, 4 Jan 2000 12:37:24 +0100
+stunnel (3.4a-5) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Include upstream download info in copyright (closes: bug#53301).
+ * Include example from Steve Haslam to make stunnel run from a
+ init script (closes: bug#53300).
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Thu, 23 Dec 1999 16:49:38 +0100
+stunnel (3.4a-4) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Depends on openssl instead of Suggests (Closes: bug#49238).
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Sat, 13 Nov 1999 12:44:35 +0100
+stunnel (3.4a-3) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Fixes security problem with the certificate.
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Thu, 4 Nov 1999 17:33:52 +0100
+stunnel (3.4a-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Suggest openssl instead of ssleay. (Closes: bug#47712)
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:24:27 +0200
+stunnel (3.4a-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ * Put cert in /etc/ssl/certs (closes:#41099). I think this is
+ neither an openssl nor stunnel bug, but a dpkg one (other
+ similar bugs are already filed against dpkg).
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Thu, 22 Jul 1999 16:50:32 +0200
+stunnel (3.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:43:05 +0200
+stunnel (3.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed stupid coding error.
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Sat, 29 May 1999 13:01:17 +0200
+stunnel (3.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Recompilation with new ssl lib.
+ * New upstream release.
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Mon, 24 May 1999 12:09:58 +0200
+stunnel (2.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added libwrap support (/etc/hosts.{allow,deny}).
+ * Recompilation with newer libc6.
+ * Better stunnel-config script.
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Fri, 11 Dec 1998 11:57:52 +0100
+stunnel (2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release.
+ -- Paolo Molaro <> Mon, 30 Nov 1998 11:41:29 +0100
diff --git a/debian/clean b/debian/clean
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b973b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/clean
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b05ecba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Source: stunnel4
+Section: net
+Priority: optional
+ debhelper-compat (= 12),
+ autoconf-archive,
+ libanyevent-perl,
+ libnet-ssleay-perl,
+ libpath-tiny-perl,
+ libssl-dev,
+ libsystemd-dev [linux-any],
+ libunicode-utf8-perl,
+ libwrap0-dev,
+ netcat-traditional,
+ net-tools,
+ openssl,
+ procps
+Maintainer: Peter Pentchev <>
+Uploaders: Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) <>
+Standards-Version: 4.3.0
+Rules-Requires-Root: no
+Package: stunnel4
+Architecture: any
+Provides: stunnel
+ ${shlibs:Depends},
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${perl:Depends},
+ lsb-base,
+ netbase,
+ openssl
+Pre-Depends: adduser
+Suggests: logcheck-database
+Description: Universal SSL tunnel for network daemons
+ The stunnel program is designed to work as SSL encryption
+ wrapper between remote client and local (inetd-startable) or
+ remote server. The concept is that having non-SSL aware daemons
+ running on your system you can easily setup them to
+ communicate with clients over secure SSL channel.
+ .
+ stunnel can be used to add SSL functionality to commonly
+ used inetd daemons like POP-2, POP-3 and IMAP servers
+ without any changes in the programs' code.
+ .
+ This package contains a wrapper script for compatibility with stunnel 3.x
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e100e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Upstream-Name: stunnel
+Upstream-Contact: Michal Trojnara <>
+License: GPL-2+-openssl
+Files: *
+ (C) 1998-2018 Michal Trojnara <>
+ (c) 2014 Mark Theunissen
+License: GPL-2+-openssl
+Files: src/
+Copyright: (C) 1998-2018 Michal Trojnara <>
+License: GPL-2+
+Files: debian/*
+ (C) 1998-2001 Paolo Molaro <>
+ (C) 2003-2007 Julien Lemoine <>
+ (C) 2007-2012 Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <>
+ (C) 2013 Salvatore Bonaccorso <>
+ (C) 2014-2019 Peter Pentchev <>
+License: GPL-2+-openssl
+License: GPL-2+-openssl
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ .
+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+ can be found in file "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2".
+ .
+ Linking stunnel statically or dynamically with other modules is making
+ a combined work based on stunnel. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
+ GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
+ .
+ In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holder of stunnel gives you
+ permission to combine stunnel with free software programs or libraries that
+ are released under the GNU LGPL and with code included in the standard release
+ of OpenSSL under the OpenSSL License (or modified versions of such code, with
+ unchanged license). You may copy and distribute such a system following the
+ terms of the GNU GPL for stunnel and the licenses of the other code concerned.
+ .
+ Note that people who make modified versions of stunnel are not obligated to
+ grant this special exception for their modified versions; it is their choice
+ whether to do so. The GNU General Public License gives permission to release
+ a modified version without this exception; this exception also makes it
+ possible to release a modified version which carries forward this exception.
+License: GPL-2+
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ .
+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+ can be found in file "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2".
diff --git a/debian/dirs b/debian/dirs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8812d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/dirs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/doc-base b/debian/doc-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..016cb25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/doc-base
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Document: stunnel4
+Title: Stunnel documentation
+Author: Michal Trojnara
+Abstract: This manual documents stunnel, a SSL-enhanced client and
+ server wrapper.
+Section: System/Security
+Format: HTML
+Index: /usr/share/doc/stunnel4/stunnel.html
+Files: /usr/share/doc/stunnel4/stunnel*.html
diff --git a/debian/docs b/debian/docs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c7362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/docs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/debian/gbp.conf b/debian/gbp.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebd0446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/gbp.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+pristine-tar = True
+sign-tags = True
+debian-branch = master
+upstream-branch = upstream
diff --git a/debian/patches/01-fix-paths.patch b/debian/patches/01-fix-paths.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b26356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/01-fix-paths.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Description: Update the installation directories.
+ Change @prefix@/... to @localstatedir@ or @sysconfdir@ as appropriate
+ to comply with the FHS
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Author: Paolo Molaro <>
+Author: Julien Lemoine <>
+Author: Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <>
+Last-Update: 2016-07-06
+--- a/tools/
++++ b/tools/
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
+ accept =
+ connect =
+ verifyChain = yes
+-CApath = /etc/ssl/certs
++CApath = @sysconfdir/ssl/certs
+ checkHost =
+ OCSPaia = yes
+@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
+ accept =
+ connect =
+ verifyChain = yes
+-CApath = /etc/ssl/certs
++CApath = @sysconfdir/ssl/certs
+ checkHost =
+ OCSPaia = yes
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
+ accept =
+ connect =
+ verifyChain = yes
+-CApath = /etc/ssl/certs
++CApath = @sysconfdir/ssl/certs
+ checkHost =
+ OCSPaia = yes
diff --git a/debian/patches/02-rename-binary.patch b/debian/patches/02-rename-binary.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad0a853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/02-rename-binary.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Description: Change references to the binary from stunnel to stunnel4
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Author: Julien Lemoine <>
+Author: Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <>
+Last-Update: 2018-12-06
+--- a/src/
++++ b/src/
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
+ use Getopt::Std;
+ # Configuration - path to stunnel (version >=4.05)
+ # stunnel3 script body begins here
+ ($read_fd, $write_fd)=POSIX::pipe();
+--- a/tools/
++++ b/tools/
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ #! /bin/sh -e
+-# Provides: stunnel
++# Provides: stunnel4
+ # Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs
+ # Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs
+ # Should-Start: $syslog
+@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
+ . /lib/lsb/init-functions
+ NAME=stunnel
+ DESC="TLS tunnels"
+@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
+ startdaemons() {
+ local res file args pidfile warn status
+- if ! [ -d /var/run/stunnel ]; then
+- rm -rf /var/run/stunnel
+- install -d -o stunnel -g stunnel /var/run/stunnel
++ if ! [ -d /var/run/stunnel4 ]; then
++ rm -rf /var/run/stunnel4
++ install -d -o stunnel4 -g stunnel4 /var/run/stunnel4
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$RLIMITS" ]; then
+ ulimit $RLIMITS
+@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
+ fi
+-[ -f @sysconfdir@/default/stunnel ] && . @sysconfdir@/default/stunnel
++[ -f @sysconfdir@/default/stunnel4 ] && . @sysconfdir@/default/stunnel4
+ # If the user want to manage a single tunnel, the conf file's name
+ # is in $2. Otherwise, respect @sysconfdir@/default/stunnel4 setting.
+--- a/tools/
++++ b/tools/
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ echo "client script connecting $REMOTE_HOST"
+-/usr/local/bin/stunnel -fd 10 \
++/usr/bin/stunnel4 -fd 10 \
+ 11<&0 <<EOT 10<&0 0<&11 11<&-
+ client=yes
+ connect=$REMOTE_HOST
+--- a/doc/
++++ b/doc/
+@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
+ pod2man -u -n stunnel -s 8 -r $(VERSION) \
+- -c "stunnel TLS Proxy" -d `date +%Y.%m.%d` $< $@
++ -c "stunnel4 TLS Proxy" -d `date +%Y.%m.%d` $< $@
+ pod2html --index --backlink --header \
+- --title "stunnel TLS Proxy" --infile=$< --outfile=$@
++ --title "stunnel4 TLS Proxy" --infile=$< --outfile=$@
+ rm -f pod2htmd.tmp pod2htmi.tmp
+ edit = sed \
+--- a/doc/
++++ b/doc/
+@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
+ .\}
+ .\" ========================================================================
+ .\"
+-.IX Title "stunnel 8"
+-.TH stunnel 8 "2019.04.04" "5.51" "stunnel TLS Proxy"
++.IX Title "stunnel4 8"
++.TH stunnel 8 "2019.04.04" "5.51" "stunnel4 TLS Proxy"
+ .\" For nroff, turn off justification. Always turn off hyphenation; it makes
+ .\" way too many mistakes in technical documents.
+ .if n .ad l
diff --git a/debian/patches/03-runas-user.patch b/debian/patches/03-runas-user.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e493fc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/03-runas-user.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Description: Change the default user the binary will run as to stunnel4
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Author: Julien Lemoine <>
+Author: Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <>
+Last-Update: 2015-06-13
+--- a/tools/
++++ b/tools/
+@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
+ ; **************************************************************************
+ ; It is recommended to drop root privileges if stunnel is started by root
+-;setuid = nobody
+-;setgid = @DEFAULT_GROUP@
++;setuid = stunnel4
++;setgid = stunnel4
+ ; PID file is created inside the chroot jail (if enabled)
+ ;pid = @localstatedir@/run/
diff --git a/debian/patches/04-restore-pidfile-default.patch b/debian/patches/04-restore-pidfile-default.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09bfe97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/04-restore-pidfile-default.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Description: Temporarily restore the pid file creation by default.
+ The init script will not be able to monitor the automatically-started
+ instances of stunnel if there is no pid file. For the present for the
+ upgrade from 4.53 the "create the pid file by default" behavior is
+ restored and the init script warns about configuration files that have
+ no "pid" setting. The intention is that in a future version the init
+ script will refuse to start stunnel for these configurations.
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Author: Peter Pentchev <>
+Last-Update: 2018-12-06
+--- a/src/
++++ b/src/
+@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+ stunnel_CPPFLAGS += -I$(SSLDIR)/include
+ stunnel_CPPFLAGS += -DLIBDIR='"$(pkglibdir)"'
+ stunnel_CPPFLAGS += -DCONFDIR='"$(sysconfdir)/stunnel"'
++stunnel_CPPFLAGS += -DPIDFILE='"$(localstatedir)/run/"'
+ # TLS library
+ stunnel_LDFLAGS = -L$(SSLDIR)/lib64 -L$(SSLDIR)/lib -lssl -lcrypto
+--- a/src/options.c
++++ b/src/options.c
+@@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@
+ #ifndef USE_WIN32
+ switch(cmd) {
+- new_global_options.pidfile=NULL; /* do not create a pid file */
++ new_global_options.pidfile=PIDFILE;
+ break;
+ case CMD_SET_COPY: /* not used for global options */
+ break;
+@@ -1062,9 +1062,10 @@
+ return "Pid file must include full path name";
+ break;
++ s_log(LOG_NOTICE, "%-22s = %s", "pid", PIDFILE);
+ break;
+- s_log(LOG_NOTICE, "%-22s = pid file", "pid");
++ s_log(LOG_NOTICE, "%-22s = pid file (empty to disable creating)", "pid");
+ break;
+ }
+ #endif
diff --git a/debian/patches/05-typos.patch b/debian/patches/05-typos.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb911e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/05-typos.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Description: Correct a typographical error.
+Forwarded: no
+Author: Peter Pentchev <>
+Last-Update: 2019-04-30
+--- a/doc/
++++ b/doc/
+@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
+ .IX Item "ciphersuites = CIPHERSUITES_LIST"
+ select permitted TLSv1.3 ciphersuites
+ .Sp
+-A colon-delimited list of TLSv1.3 ciphersuites names in order of perference.
++A colon-delimited list of TLSv1.3 ciphersuites names in order of preference.
+ .Sp
+ This option requires OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later.
+ .Sp
+--- a/doc/
++++ b/doc/
+@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
+ <p>select permitted TLSv1.3 ciphersuites</p>
+-<p>A colon-delimited list of TLSv1.3 ciphersuites names in order of perference.</p>
++<p>A colon-delimited list of TLSv1.3 ciphersuites names in order of preference.</p>
+ <p>This option requires OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later.</p>
+--- a/doc/
++++ b/doc/
+@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
+ select permitted TLSv1.3 ciphersuites
+-A colon-delimited list of TLSv1.3 ciphersuites names in order of perference.
++A colon-delimited list of TLSv1.3 ciphersuites names in order of preference.
+ This option requires OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later.
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9308a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/debian/postinst b/debian/postinst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e052fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/postinst
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+set -e
+# 1. get current stunnel uid and gid if user exists.
+set -e
+if $ID $USER > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ IUID=`$ID --user $USER`
+ IGID=`$ID --group $USER`
+# 2. Ensure that no standard account or group will remain before adding the
+# new user
+#if [ "$IUID" != "NONE" ]; then # remove existing user
+#if $GROUPMOD $USER > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+if [ "$IUID" = "NONE" ]; then
+ $ADDUSER --system --disabled-password --disabled-login \
+ --home /var/run/stunnel4 \
+ --no-create-home --group $USER
+# /var/run/stunnel4 is not a directory, create it...
+if ! test -d /var/run/stunnel4; then
+ rm -rf /var/run/stunnel4;
+ mkdir /var/run/stunnel4
+$CHOWN $USER:$USER /var/run/stunnel4 || true
+# /var/log/stunnel4 is not a directory, create it...
+if ! test -d /var/log/stunnel4; then
+ rm -rf /var/log/stunnel4;
+ mkdir /var/log/stunnel4
+$CHOWN -R $USER:$USER /var/log/stunnel4
+# /var/lib/stunnel4 is not a directory, create it...
+if ! test -d /var/lib/stunnel4; then
+ rm -rf /var/lib/stunnel4;
+ mkdir /var/lib/stunnel4
+$CHOWN -R $USER:$USER /var/lib/stunnel4
+if ! test -f /var/log/stunnel4/stunnel.log; then
+ touch /var/log/stunnel4/stunnel.log
+ $CHOWN -R $USER:$USER /var/log/stunnel4/stunnel.log
diff --git a/debian/postrm b/debian/postrm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a81c946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/postrm
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+set -e
+if [ x$1 = "xpurge" ]; then
+ echo You may want to delete the generated stunnel.pem file
+ echo in /etc/ssl/certs.
+ # Remove chroot dir if present. It may contain logfiles
+ rm -rf /var/lib/stunnel4 || true
+ # Log files must be removed on purge (Policy 10.8)
+ rm -f /var/log/stunnel4/stunnel.log* || true
+ rmdir /var/log/stunnel4 || true
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..72da349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# -*- makefile -*-
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+# debian/rules file for the Debian GNU/Linux stunnel package
+# Copyright 2003 by Julien LEMOINE <>
+# Copyright 2014 by Peter Pentchev <>
+ifeq (,$(filter nodoc,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS) $(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES)))
+export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all
+multiarch_path= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)
+ dh_auto_configure -- \
+ --enable-ipv6 --with-threads=pthread
+ # Do not allow this file to be regenerated
+ [ -f src/dhparam.c ]
+ sleep 1
+ touch src/dhparam.c
+ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+ env TEST_STUNNEL=$(CURDIR)/src/stunnel debian/tests/runtime
+ dh_auto_test
+ dh_auto_install -- -C src
+ifeq ($(DEB_NODOC),0)
+ dh_auto_install -- -C doc
+ # .la file is useless
+ rm $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4/usr/lib/$(multiarch_path)/stunnel/
+ # Rename binary
+ mv $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4/usr/bin/stunnel \
+ $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4/usr/bin/stunnel4
+ # Copy sample init script into place for dh_installinit
+ cp $(CURDIR)/tools/stunnel.init $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4.init
+ifeq ($(DEB_NODOC),0)
+ ln doc/stunnel.8 doc/stunnel4.8
+ ln doc/ doc/
+ # Manpages will be installed by dh_installman
+ rm -rf $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4/usr/share/man
+ # Move docs into proper dir
+ mv $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4/usr/share/doc/stunnel \
+ $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4/usr/share/doc/stunnel4
+ # Basic docs for the user on how to create an initial configuration
+ install -p -m 0644 $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4.conf.README \
+ $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4/etc/stunnel/README
+ifeq ($(DEB_NODOC),1)
+ mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4/usr/share/doc/stunnel4
+ install -p -m 644 $(CURDIR)/debian/copyright $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4/usr/share/doc/stunnel4/
+ dh_link
+ rm $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4/usr/share/man/man8/stunnel.8.gz
+ rmdir $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4/usr/share/man/man8
+ rmdir $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4/usr/share/man
+ dh_installchangelogs -X ChangeLog
+ install -m 644 ChangeLog $(CURDIR)/debian/stunnel4/usr/share/doc/stunnel4/NEWS
+ dh_installinit --no-start
+ dh_installppp --name=0stunnel4
+ dh_compress
+ dh $@
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..163aaf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/source/format
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/debian/stunnel3.8 b/debian/stunnel3.8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8273a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/stunnel3.8
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+.\" Automatically generated by Pod::Man v1.34, Pod::Parser v1.13
+.\" Standard preamble:
+.\" ======================================================================== Sh \" Subsection heading
+.if t .Sp 5
+.. Sp \" Vertical space (when we can't use .PP)
+.if t .sp .5v
+.if n .sp
+.. Vb \" Begin verbatim text
+.ft CW \\$1
+.. Ve \" End verbatim text
+.ft R
+.\" Set up some character translations and predefined strings. \*(-- will
+.\" give an unbreakable dash, \*(PI will give pi, \*(L" will give a left
+.\" double quote, and \*(R" will give a right double quote. | will give a
+.\" real vertical bar. \*(C+ will give a nicer C++. Capital omega is used to
+.\" do unbreakable dashes and therefore won't be available. \*(C` and \*(C'
+.\" expand to `' in nroff, nothing in troff, for use with C<>. \(*W-|\(bv\*(Tr
+.ds C+ C\v'-.1v'\h'-1p'\s-2+\h'-1p'+\s0\v'.1v'\h'-1p' n \{\
+. ds -- \(*W-
+. ds PI pi
+. if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=24u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-12u'-\" diablo 10 pitch
+. if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=20u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-8u'-\" diablo 12 pitch
+. ds L" ""
+. ds R" ""
+. ds C` ""
+. ds C' ""
+. ds -- \|\(em\|
+. ds PI \(*p
+. ds L" ``
+. ds R" ''
+.\" If the F register is turned on, we'll generate index entries on stderr for
+.\" titles (.TH), headers (.SH), subsections (.Sh), items (.Ip), and index
+.\" entries marked with X<> in POD. Of course, you'll have to process the
+.\" output yourself in some meaningful fashion.
+.if \nF \{\
+. de IX
+. tm Index:\\$1\t\\n%\t"\\$2"
+. nr % 0
+. rr F
+.\" For nroff, turn off justification. Always turn off hyphenation; it makes
+.\" way too many mistakes in technical documents.
+.hy 0
+.if n .na
+.\" Accent mark definitions (@(#)ms.acc 1.5 88/02/08 SMI; from UCB 4.2).
+.\" Fear. Run. Save yourself. No user-serviceable parts.
+. \" fudge factors for nroff and troff
+.if n \{\
+. ds #H 0
+. ds #V .8m
+. ds #F .3m
+. ds #[ \f1
+. ds #] \fP
+.if t \{\
+. ds #H ((1u-(\\\\n(.fu%2u))*.13m)
+. ds #V .6m
+. ds #F 0
+. ds #[ \&
+. ds #] \&
+. \" simple accents for nroff and troff
+.if n \{\
+. ds ' \&
+. ds ` \&
+. ds ^ \&
+. ds , \&
+. ds ~ ~
+. ds /
+.if t \{\
+. ds ' \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\'\h"|\\n:u"
+. ds ` \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\`\h'|\\n:u'
+. ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'^\h'|\\n:u'
+. ds , \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10)',\h'|\\n:u'
+. ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu-\*(#H-.1m)'~\h'|\\n:u'
+. ds / \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\z\(sl\h'|\\n:u'
+. \" troff and (daisy-wheel) nroff accents
+.ds : \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H+.1m+\*(#F)'\v'-\*(#V'\z.\h'.2m+\*(#F'.\h'|\\n:u'\v'\*(#V'
+.ds 8 \h'\*(#H'\(*b\h'-\*(#H'
+.ds o \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu+\w'\(de'u-\*(#H)/2u'\v'-.3n'\*(#[\z\(de\v'.3n'\h'|\\n:u'\*(#]
+.ds d- \h'\*(#H'\(pd\h'-\w'~'u'\v'-.25m'\f2\(hy\fP\v'.25m'\h'-\*(#H'
+.ds D- D\\k:\h'-\w'D'u'\v'-.11m'\z\(hy\v'.11m'\h'|\\n:u'
+.ds th \*(#[\v'.3m'\s+1I\s-1\v'-.3m'\h'-(\w'I'u*2/3)'\s-1o\s+1\*(#]
+.ds Th \*(#[\s+2I\s-2\h'-\w'I'u*3/5'\v'-.3m'o\v'.3m'\*(#]
+.ds ae a\h'-(\w'a'u*4/10)'e
+.ds Ae A\h'-(\w'A'u*4/10)'E
+. \" corrections for vroff
+.if v .ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*9/10-\*(#H)'\s-2\u~\d\s+2\h'|\\n:u'
+.if v .ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'\v'-.4m'^\v'.4m'\h'|\\n:u'
+. \" for low resolution devices (crt and lpr)
+.if \n(.H>23 .if \n(.V>19 \
+. ds : e
+. ds 8 ss
+. ds o a
+. ds d- d\h'-1'\(ga
+. ds D- D\h'-1'\(hy
+. ds th \o'bp'
+. ds Th \o'LP'
+. ds ae ae
+. ds Ae AE
+.rm #[ #] #H #V #F C
+.\" ========================================================================
+.IX Title "STUNNEL 1"
+.TH STUNNEL 8 "2003-08-01" " " " "
+stunnel \- universal SSL tunnel
+.IX Header "SYNOPSIS"
+\&\fBstunnel\fR [\-c\ |\ \-T] [\-D\ [facility.]level] [\-O\ a|l|r:option=value[:value]] [\-o\ file] [\-C\ cipherlist] [\-p\ pemfile] [\-v\ level] [\-A\ certfile] [\-S\ sources] [\-a\ directory] [\-t\ timeout] [\-u\ ident_username] [\-s\ setuid_user]
+[\-g\ setgid_group] [\-n\ protocol] [\-P\ {\ filename\ |\ ''\ }\ ] [\-B\ bytes] [\-R\ randfile] [\-W] [\-E\ socket] [\-I\ host]
+[\-d\ [host:]port\ [\-f]\ ] [\ \-r\ [host:]port\ |\ {\ \-l\ |\ \-L\ }\ program\ [\-\-\ progname\ args]\ ]
+The \fBstunnel\fR program is designed to work as \fI\s-1SSL\s0\fR encryption
+wrapper between remote clients and local (\fIinetd\fR\-startable) or
+remote servers. The concept is that having non-SSL aware daemons
+running on your system you can easily set them up to communicate with
+clients over secure \s-1SSL\s0 channels.
+\&\fBstunnel\fR can be used to add \s-1SSL\s0 functionality to commonly used
+\&\fIinetd\fR daemons like \s-1POP\-2\s0, \s-1POP\-3\s0, and \s-1IMAP\s0 servers, to standalone
+daemons like \s-1NNTP\s0, \s-1SMTP\s0 and \s-1HTTP\s0, and in tunneling \s-1PPP\s0 over network
+sockets without changes to the source code.
+This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
+.IX Header "OPTIONS"
+.IP "\fB\-h\fR" 4
+.IX Item "-h"
+Print stunnel help menu
+.IP "\fB\-D\fR level" 4
+.IX Item "-D level"
+Debugging level
+Level is a one of the syslog level names or numbers emerg (0), alert
+(1), crit (2), err (3), warning (4), notice (5), info (6), or debug
+(7). All logs for the specified level and all levels numerically less
+than it will be shown. Use \-D debug or \-D 7 for greatest debugging
+output. The default is notice (5).
+The syslog facility 'daemon' will be used unless a facility name is
+supplied. (Facilities are not supported on windows.)
+Case is ignored for both facilities and levels.
+.IP "\fB\-O\fR a|l|r:option=value[:value]" 4
+.IX Item "-O a|l|r:option=value[:value]"
+Set an option on accept/local/remote socket
+The values for linger option are l_onof:l_linger. The values for time
+are tv_sec:tv_usec.
+\&\fB\-O l:SO_LINGER=1:60\fR \- set one minute timeout for closing local
+\&\fB\-O r:TCP_NODELAY=1\fR \- turn off the Nagle algorithm for remote
+\&\fB\-O r:SO_OOBINLINE=1\fR \- place out-of-band data directly into the
+receive data stream for remote sockets
+\&\fB\-O a:SO_REUSEADDR=0\fR \- disable address reuse (enabled by default)
+\&\fB\-O a:SO_BINDTODEVICE=lo\fR \- only accept connections on loopback
+The available options and their defaults are:
+ Option Accept Local Remote OS default
+ SO_DEBUG -- -- -- 0
+ SO_DONTROUTE -- -- -- 0
+ SO_KEEPALIVE -- -- -- 0
+ SO_LINGER -- -- -- 0:0
+ SO_OOBINLINE -- -- -- 0
+ SO_RCVBUF -- -- -- 87380
+ SO_SNDBUF -- -- -- 16384
+ SO_RCVLOWAT -- -- -- 1
+ SO_SNDLOWAT -- -- -- 1
+ SO_RCVTIMEO -- -- -- 0:0
+ SO_SNDTIMEO -- -- -- 0:0
+ SO_REUSEADDR 1 -- -- 0
+ SO_BINDTODEVICE -- -- -- --
+ IP_TOS -- -- -- 0
+ IP_TTL -- -- -- 64
+ TCP_NODELAY -- -- -- 0
+.IP "\fB\-o\fR file" 4
+.IX Item "-o file"
+Append log messages to a file.
+.IP "\fB\-C\fR cipherlist" 4
+.IX Item "-C cipherlist"
+Select permitted \s-1SSL\s0 ciphers
+A colon delimited list of the ciphers to allow in the \s-1SSL\s0 connection.
+For example \s-1DES\-CBC3\-SHA:IDEA\-CBC\-MD5\s0
+.IP "\fB\-c\fR" 4
+.IX Item "-c"
+client mode (remote service uses \s-1SSL\s0)
+default: server mode
+.IP "\fB\-T\fR" 4
+.IX Item "-T"
+transparent proxy mode
+Re-write address to appear as if wrapped daemon is connecting from the
+\&\s-1SSL\s0 client machine instead of the machine running stunnel. Available
+only on some operating systems (Linux only, we believe) and then only
+in server mode. Note that this option will not combine with proxy mode
+(\-r) unless the client's default route to the target machine lies
+through the host running stunnel, which cannot be localhost.
+.IP "\fB\-p\fR pemfile" 4
+.IX Item "-p pemfile"
+private key and certificate chain \s-1PEM\s0 file name
+A \s-1PEM\s0 is always needed in server mode (by default located in
+\fI/etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem\fR). Specifying this flag in client mode
+will use this key and certificate chain as a client side certificate
+chain. Using client side certs is optional. The certificates must be
+in \s-1PEM\s0 format and must be sorted starting with the certificate
+to the highest level (root \s-1CA\s0).
+.IP "\fB\-v\fR level" 4
+.IX Item "-v level"
+verify peer certificate
+.RS 4
+.IP "\(bu" 8
+level 1 \- verify peer certificate if present
+.IP "\(bu" 8
+level 2 \- verify peer certificate
+.IP "\(bu" 8
+level 3 \- verify peer with locally installed certificate
+.IP "\(bu" 8
+default \- no verify
+.RS 4
+.IP "\fB\-a\fR directory" 4
+.IX Item "-a directory"
+client certificate directory
+This is the directory in which stunnel will look for certificates when
+using the \fI\-v\fR options. Note that the certificates in this directory
+should be named \s-1XXXXXXXX\s0.0 where \s-1XXXXXXXX\s0 is the hash value of the
+.IP "\fB\-A\fR certfile" 4
+.IX Item "-A certfile"
+Certificate Authority file
+This file contains multiple \s-1CA\s0 certificates, used with the \fI\-v\fR
+.IP "\fB\-t\fR timeout" 4
+.IX Item "-t timeout"
+session cache timeout
+default: 300 seconds.
+.IP "\fB\-N\fR servicename" 4
+.IX Item "-N servicename"
+Service name to use for tcpwrappers. If not specified then a
+tcpwrapper service name will be generated automatically for you. This
+will also be used when auto-generating pid filenames.
+.IP "\fB\-u\fR ident_username" 4
+.IX Item "-u ident_username"
+Use \s-1IDENT\s0 (\s-1RFC\s0 1413) username checking
+.IP "\fB\-n\fR proto" 4
+.IX Item "-n proto"
+Negotiate \s-1SSL\s0 with specified protocol
+currently supported: smtp, pop3, nntp
+.IP "\fB\-E\fR socket" 4
+.IX Item "-E socket"
+Entropy Gathering Daemon socket to use to feed OpenSSL random number
+generator. (Available only if compiled with OpenSSL 0.9.5a or higher)
+.IP "\fB\-R\fR filename" 4
+.IX Item "-R filename"
+File containing random input. The \s-1SSL\s0 library will use data from this
+file first to seed the random number generator.
+.IP "\fB\-W\fR" 4
+.IX Item "-W"
+Do not overwrite the random seed files with new random data.
+.IP "\fB\-B\fR bytes" 4
+.IX Item "-B bytes"
+Number of bytes of data read from random seed files. With \s-1SSL\s0
+versions less than 0.9.5a, also determines how many bytes of data are
+considered sufficient to seed the \s-1PRNG\s0. More recent OpenSSL versions
+have a builtin function to determine when sufficient randomness is
+.IP "\fB\-I\fR host" 4
+.IX Item "-I host"
+\&\s-1IP\s0 of the outgoing interface is used as source for remote connections.
+Use this option to bind a static local \s-1IP\s0 address, instead.
+.IP "\fB\-d\fR [host:]port" 4
+.IX Item "-d [host:]port"
+daemon mode
+Listen for connections on [host:]port. If no host specified, defaults
+to all \s-1IP\s0 addresses for the local host.
+default: inetd mode
+.IP "\fB\-f\fR" 4
+.IX Item "-f"
+foreground mode
+Stay in foreground (don't fork) and log to stderr instead of via
+syslog (unless \-o is specified).
+default: background in daemon mode
+.IP "\fB\-l\fR program [\-\- programname [arg1 arg2 arg3...] ]" 4
+.IX Item "-l program [-- programname [arg1 arg2 arg3...] ]"
+execute local inetd-type program.
+.IP "\fB\-L\fR program [\-\- programname [arg1 arg2 arg3...] ]" 4
+.IX Item "-L program [-- programname [arg1 arg2 arg3...] ]"
+open local pty and execute program.
+.IP "\fB\-s\fR username" 4
+.IX Item "-s username"
+\&\fIsetuid()\fR to username in daemon mode
+.IP "\fB\-g\fR groupname" 4
+.IX Item "-g groupname"
+\&\fIsetgid()\fR to groupname in daemon mode. Clears all other groups.
+.IP "\fB\-P\fR { file | '' }" 4
+.IX Item "-P { file | '' }"
+Pid file location
+If the argument is a filename, then that filename will be used for the
+pid. If the argument is empty ('', not missing), then no pid file will
+be created.
+.IP "\fB\-r\fR [host:]port" 4
+.IX Item "-r [host:]port"
+connect to remote service
+If no host specified, defaults to localhost.
+.IX Header "EXAMPLES"
+In order to provide \s-1SSL\s0 encapsulation to your local \fIimapd\fR service,
+.Vb 1
+\& stunnel \-d 993 \-l /usr/sbin/imapd \-\- imapd
+In order to let your local e-mail client connect to a \s-1SSL\s0-enabled
+\fIimapd\fR service on another server, configure the e-mail client to connect to
+localhost on port 119 and use:
+.Vb 1
+\& stunnel \-c \-d 143 \-r servername:993
+If you want to provide tunneling to your \fIpppd\fR daemon on port 2020,
+use something like
+.Vb 1
+\& stunnel \-d 2020 \-L /usr/sbin/pppd \-\- pppd local
+If Stunnel is used to create local processes using the \fB\-l\fR or \fB\-L\fR
+options, it will set the following environment variables
+.IP "\s-1REMOTE_HOST\s0" 4
+The \s-1IP\s0 address of the remote end of the connection.
+.IP "\s-1SSL_CLIENT_DN\s0" 4
+The \s-1DN\s0 (Distinguished Name, aka subject name) of the peer certificate,
+if a certificate was present and verified.
+.IP "\s-1SSL_CLIENT_I_DN\s0" 4
+The Issuer's \s-1DN\s0 of the peer's certificate, if a certificate was
+present and verified.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+Each \s-1SSL\s0 enabled daemon needs to present a valid X.509 certificate to
+the peer. It also needs a private key to decrypt the incoming data.
+The easiest way to obtain a certificate and a key is to generate them
+with the free \fIopenssl\fR package. You can find more information on
+certificates generation on pages listed below.
+Two things are important when generating certificate-key pairs for
+\&\fBstunnel\fR. The private key cannot be encrypted, because the server
+has no way to obtain the password from the user. To produce an
+unencrypted key add the \fI\-nodes\fR option when running the \fBreq\fR
+command from the \fIopenssl\fR kit.
+The order of contents of the \fI.pem\fR file is also important. It should
+contain the unencrypted private key first, then a signed certificate
+(not certificate request). There should be also empty lines after
+certificate and private key. Plaintext certificate information
+appended on the top of generated certificate should be discarded. So
+the file should look like this:
+.Vb 8
+\& \-\-\-\-\-BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY\-\-\-\-\-
+\& [encoded key]
+\& \-\-\-\-\-END RSA PRIVATE KEY\-\-\-\-\-
+\& [empty line]
+\& \-\-\-\-\-BEGIN CERTIFICATE\-\-\-\-\-
+\& [encoded certificate]
+\& \-\-\-\-\-END CERTIFICATE\-\-\-\-\-
+\& [empty line]
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+\&\fIstunnel\fR needs to seed the \s-1PRNG\s0 (pseudo random number generator) in
+order for \s-1SSL\s0 to use good randomness. The following sources are
+loaded in order until sufficient random data has been gathered:
+.RS 4
+.IP "\(bu" 8
+The file specified with the \fI\-R\fR flag.
+.IP "\(bu" 8
+The file specified by the \s-1RANDFILE\s0 environment variable, if set.
+.IP "\(bu" 8
+The file .rnd in your home directory, if \s-1RANDFILE\s0 not set.
+.IP "\(bu" 8
+The file specified with '\-\-with\-random' at compile time.
+.IP "\(bu" 8
+The contents of the screen if running on Windows.
+.IP "\(bu" 8
+The egd socket specified with the \fI\-E\fR flag.
+.IP "\(bu" 8
+The egd socket specified with '\-\-with\-egd\-sock' at compile time.
+.IP "\(bu" 8
+The /dev/urandom device.
+.RS 4
+With recent (>=OpenSSL 0.9.5a) version of \s-1SSL\s0 it will stop loading
+random data automatically when sufficient entropy has been gathered.
+With previous versions it will continue to gather from all the above
+sources since no \s-1SSL\s0 function exists to tell when enough data is
+Note that on Windows machines that do not have console user
+interaction (mouse movements, creating windows, etc) the screen
+contents are not variable enough to be sufficient, and you should
+provide a random file for use with the \fI\-R\fR flag.
+Note that the file specified with the \fI\-R\fR flag should contain random
+data \*(-- that means it should contain different information each time
+\&\fIstunnel\fR is run. This is handled automatically unless the \fI\-W\fR
+flag is used. If you wish to update this file manually, the \fIopenssl
+rand\fR command in recent versions of OpenSSL, would be useful.
+One important note \*(-- if /dev/urandom is available, OpenSSL has a
+habit of seeding the \s-1PRNG\s0 with it even when checking the random state,
+so on systems with /dev/urandom you're likely to use it even though
+it's listed at the very bottom of the list above. This isn't
+stunnel's behaviour, it's OpenSSLs.
+.IP "\(bu" 4
+\&\fIstunnel\fR cannot be used for the \s-1FTP\s0 daemon because of the nature of
+the \s-1FTP\s0 protocol which utilizes multiple ports for data transfers.
+There are available \s-1SSL\s0 enabled versions of \s-1FTP\s0 and telnet daemons,
+.IX Header "SEE ALSO"
+.RS 4
+.IP "\fItcpd\fR\|(8)" 8
+.IX Item "tcpd"
+access control facility for internet services
+.IP "\fIinetd\fR\|(8)" 8
+.IX Item "inetd"
+internet ``super\-server''
+.IP "\fI\fR" 8
+.IX Item ""
+Stunnel homepage
+.IP "\fI\fR" 8
+.IX Item ""
+OpenSSL project website
+.RS 4
+.IX Header "AUTHOR"
+.RS 4
+.IP "Michal Trojnara" 8
+.IX Item "Michal Trojnara"
+.RS 4
diff --git a/debian/stunnel4.0stunnel4.ppp.ip-down b/debian/stunnel4.0stunnel4.ppp.ip-down
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd093d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/stunnel4.0stunnel4.ppp.ip-down
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# if this script gets called, we assume that the machine has lost
+# IPv4 connectivity -> restart stunnel (do not stop it, it is possible
+# to have a eth connection)
+test -f /etc/default/stunnel4 && . /etc/default/stunnel4
+test "$PPP_RESTART" != "0" || exit 0
+invoke-rc.d stunnel4 restart
diff --git a/debian/stunnel4.0stunnel4.ppp.ip-up b/debian/stunnel4.0stunnel4.ppp.ip-up
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b81198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/stunnel4.0stunnel4.ppp.ip-up
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+test -f /etc/default/stunnel4 && . /etc/default/stunnel4
+test "$PPP_RESTART" != "0" || exit 0
+invoke-rc.d stunnel4 restart
diff --git a/debian/stunnel4.NEWS b/debian/stunnel4.NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d59650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/stunnel4.NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+stunnel4 (3:5.44-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ The ENABLED option has been removed from the /etc/default/stunnel4
+ file and the stunnel4 init script no longer checks for it. Instead,
+ new installations of the stunnel4 package will not attempt to start
+ the service immediately after installation, because there are no
+ valid configuration files yet.
+ For existing installations where ENABLED=0 was specified and stunnel
+ was e.g. only started on demand for certain tunnels, the service will
+ now need to be explicitly disabled by the following command:
+ update-rc.d stunnel4 defaults-disabled
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Mon, 21 May 2018 18:23:00 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.06-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ There are two major changes in this version of stunnel.
+ First, the /usr/bin/stunnel symlink has been switched from stunnel3
+ to stunnel4. This should not affect any tools that invoke stunnel
+ using the stunnel4 name, and it should not affect any Debian packages
+ that use stunnel. However, any local tools that invoke stunnel with
+ 3.x-style command-line options instead of a 4.x-style configuration
+ file should make sure that they use the stunnel3 executable name and
+ not simply stunnel any more, or they should be converted to use
+ a 4.x-style configuration file (there is no need to create an actual
+ file on the filesystem, the configuration may be passed to stunnel
+ on its standard input using the "-fd 0" command-line option).
+ Second, this version DISABLES support for the SSLv2 and SSLv3 protocols!
+ If needed, it may be re-enabled by editing the stunnel configuration
+ file and adding "-NO_SSLv2" or "-NO_SSLv3" respectively to
+ the "options" setting; see /etc/stunnel/README for an example.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Thu, 16 Oct 2014 13:56:35 +0300
+stunnel4 (3:5.01-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ This version temporarily brings back the creation of a default pid
+ file, /var/run/, if there is no "pid" setting in
+ the configuration file. The reason for this is that the init script
+ cannot monitor the started stunnel processes if there is no pid file
+ at all.
+ The init script now warns about configuration files that have no
+ "pid" setting and will thus use the default pid file location.
+ In the future it will refuse to start with such configurations, so
+ it would be best to add the "pid" setting to all the *.conf files in
+ the /etc/stunnel/ directory.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Fri, 18 Apr 2014 14:37:42 +0300
+stunnel (3:5.01-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ This version DISABLES the RLE compression method, too. This means
+ that stunnel currently has no compression methods available at all,
+ since the underlying OpenSSL library does not have any, either.
+ Tunnel configurations that explicitly set "compression" will NEED
+ to be modified.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Mon, 14 Apr 2014 15:04:56 +0300
+stunnel (3:5.01-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ This version DISABLES the creation of the process ID file and
+ the use of TCP wrappers for access control by default!
+ Tunnel configurations that use PID files (e.g. for monitoring) or
+ TCP wrappers (/etc/hosts.allow, /etc/hosts.deny) will NEED to be
+ modified to explicitly specify the 'pidfile' global option or
+ the 'libwrap' service-level option respectively.
+ This version also DISABLES the "zlib" and "deflate" compression
+ algorithms because they are not supported in the Debian OpenSSL
+ package since version 1.0.1e-5. The only supported compression
+ algorithm is "rle". Tunnel configurations that explicitly set
+ "compression" to something other than "rle" will NEED to be modified.
+ -- Peter Pentchev <> Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:05:11 +0200
+stunnel (3:4.33-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ This version introduces support for reloading the configuration file
+ and for closing/reopening log files. The init script has been
+ updated to provide these options, and the default logrotate
+ configuration has been updated to take advantage of them.
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Thu, 04 Feb 2010 19:52:23 -0800
+stunnel (3:4.28-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ The default behaviour of the logrotate configuration for stunnel4
+ has been changed. Instead of restarting stunnel after rotating the
+ log files we now use the 'copytruncate' keyword. This avoids the
+ problems associated with the restart, but introduces the possibility
+ of loosing small amounts of log data. Please see Debian bugs
+ #535915, #535924 and #323171 for more info.
+ -- Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <> Wed, 25 Nov 2009 17:12:42 -0800
+stunnel (2:4.140-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ stunnel/stunnel4 binaries are located in /usr/bin instead of
+ /usr/sbin in order to be FHS compliant (they can be used by normal
+ user). You need to update your scripts to refer to this new location
+ -- Julien Lemoine <> Sun, 19 Feb 2006 17:31:24 +0100
diff --git a/debian/stunnel4.conf.README b/debian/stunnel4.conf.README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb56ac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/stunnel4.conf.README
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Stunnel 4 configuration files.
+Files found under the /etc/stunnel directory that end with .conf are
+used by the stunnel4 service as configuration files, and each will be
+used to start a daemon process setting up a tunnel with the given
+configuration. Note that this directory is initially empty, as the
+settings you may want for your tunnels are completely system dependent.
+A sample configuration file with defaults may be found at
+ /usr/share/doc/stunnel4/examples/stunnel.conf-sample
diff --git a/debian/stunnel4.default b/debian/stunnel4.default
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41e9177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/stunnel4.default
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# /etc/default/stunnel
+# Julien LEMOINE <>
+# September 2003
+# Change to one to enable ppp restart scripts
+# Change to enable the setting of limits on the stunnel instances
+# For example, to set a large limit on file descriptors (to enable
+# more simultaneous client connections), set RLIMITS="-n 4096"
+# More than one resource limit may be modified at the same time,
+# e.g. RLIMITS="-n 4096 -d unlimited"
diff --git a/debian/stunnel4.examples b/debian/stunnel4.examples
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47d44fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/stunnel4.examples
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/debian/stunnel4.install b/debian/stunnel4.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5a577a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/stunnel4.install
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+debian/ usr/share/doc/stunnel4/contrib
diff --git a/debian/stunnel4.links b/debian/stunnel4.links
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82b6c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/stunnel4.links
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/usr/bin/stunnel4 /usr/bin/stunnel
+/usr/share/man/man8/stunnel4.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/stunnel.8.gz
diff --git a/debian/stunnel4.lintian-overrides b/debian/stunnel4.lintian-overrides
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06cfbb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/stunnel4.lintian-overrides
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# No character arrays anywhere in this .so
+stunnel4: hardening-no-stackprotector usr/lib/stunnel/
diff --git a/debian/stunnel4.logrotate b/debian/stunnel4.logrotate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e85d61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/stunnel4.logrotate
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+/var/log/stunnel4/*.log {
+ daily
+ missingok
+ rotate 365
+ compress
+ delaycompress
+ notifempty
+ create 640 stunnel4 stunnel4
+ sharedscripts
+ postrotate
+ /etc/init.d/stunnel4 reopen-logs > /dev/null
+ endscript
diff --git a/debian/stunnel4.manpages b/debian/stunnel4.manpages
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..807dc48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/stunnel4.manpages
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/debian/tests/certs/certificate.pem b/debian/tests/certs/certificate.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfd8cd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tests/certs/certificate.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/debian/tests/certs/key.pem b/debian/tests/certs/key.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d65c321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tests/certs/key.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+-----END PRIVATE KEY-----
diff --git a/debian/tests/control b/debian/tests/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca7328f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tests/control
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Test-Command: env TEST_STUNNEL=/usr/bin/stunnel4 debian/tests/runtime
+Depends: @, perl, libanyevent-perl, libnet-ssleay-perl, libpath-tiny-perl, libunicode-utf8-perl
+Restrictions: allow-stderr
+Features: test-name=debian-perl
+Test-Command: debian/tests/upstream
+Depends: @, netcat-traditional, net-tools
+Features: test-name=upstream
+Test-Command: adequate stunnel4
+Depends: @, adequate
+Features: test-name=adequate
diff --git a/debian/tests/runtime b/debian/tests/runtime
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5e856df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tests/runtime
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+use v5.14;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use AnyEvent;
+use AnyEvent::Handle;
+use AnyEvent::Socket qw(tcp_connect tcp_server);
+use AnyEvent::Util qw(portable_socketpair);
+use IO::Handle;
+use Path::Tiny 0.097;
+use Socket;
+# AnyEvent's TLS support seems to require this...
+use threads;
+my %children;
+my $child_reaper_w;
+my $greeting = 'Well hello there!';
+sub reap_leftover_children();
+sub child_reaper();
+sub register_child_reaper()
+ $child_reaper_w = AnyEvent->signal(
+ signal => 'CHLD',
+ cb => \&child_reaper,
+ );
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
+ my ($msg) = @_;
+ warn "__DIE__ handler invoked: ".($msg =~ s/[\r\n]*$//sr)."\n";
+ reap_leftover_children;
+ };
+sub unregister_child_reaper()
+ undef $child_reaper_w;
+sub child_reaper()
+ while (1) {
+ my $pid = waitpid -1, WNOHANG;
+ my $status = $?;
+ if (!defined $pid) {
+ die "Could not waitpid() in a SIGCHLD handler: $!\n";
+ } elsif ($pid == 0 || $pid == -1) {
+ last;
+ } else {
+ $children{$pid}{cv} //= AnyEvent->condvar;
+ $children{$pid}{cv}->send($status);
+ }
+ }
+sub register_child($ $)
+ my ($pid, $desc) = @_;
+ # Weird, but we want it to be at least reasonably atomic-like
+ $children{$pid}{cv} //= AnyEvent->condvar;
+ my $ch = $children{$pid};
+ $ch->{pid} = $pid;
+ $ch->{desc} = $desc;
+sub dump_children()
+ join '', map {
+ my $ch = $children{$_};
+ "\t$ch->{pid}\t".
+ ($ch->{cv}->ready
+ ? $ch->{cv}->recv
+ : '(none)'
+ ).
+ "\t$ch->{desc}\n"
+ } sort { $a <=> $b } keys %children
+sub wait_for_child($)
+ my ($pid) = @_;
+ if (!defined $children{$pid}) {
+ die "Internal error: wait_for_child() invoked for ".
+ "unregistered pid $pid\n".dump_children;
+ }
+ my $status = $children{$pid}{cv}->recv;
+ delete $children{$pid};
+ return $status;
+sub reap_leftover_children()
+ say 'Oof, let us see if there are any children left';
+ if (!%children) {
+ say 'Everyone has been accounted for; great!';
+ return;
+ }
+ for my $pid (keys %children) {
+ my $ch = $children{$pid};
+ if ($ch->{cv}->ready) {
+ my $status = wait_for_child $pid;
+ say "Hm, child $pid seems to have finished already, status $status";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!%children) {
+ say 'Everyone has actually been accounted for; great!';
+ return;
+ }
+ for my $pid (keys %children) {
+ say "Pffth, sending a SIGKILL to $pid";
+ kill 'KILL', $pid;
+ }
+ for my $pid (keys %children) {
+ my $ch = $children{$pid};
+ if ($ch->{cv}->ready) {
+ wait_for_child $pid;
+ say "OK, $pid done";
+ }
+ }
+ # Bah, figure out some way to let the loop run even if we're within the loop...
+ if (%children) {
+ say 'Some children remaining, laying low for a second...';
+ sleep 1;
+ for my $pid (keys %children) {
+ say "- waiting for $pid ($children{$pid}{desc})";
+ wait_for_child $pid;
+ say "- OK, $pid done";
+ }
+ }
+ if (%children) {
+ say 'Something really weird happened, why are there still children around?';
+ say dump_children;
+ }
+sub close_on_exec($ $)
+ my ($fh, $close) = @_;
+ my $flags = fcntl $fh, F_GETFD, 0 or
+ die "Could not obtain a file descriptor's flags: $!\n";
+ my $nflags = $close
+ ? ($flags | FD_CLOEXEC)
+ : ($flags & ~FD_CLOEXEC);
+ fcntl $fh, F_SETFD, $nflags or
+ die "Could not set a file descriptor's flags: $!\n";
+sub anyevent_socketpair($)
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my ($fh1, $fh2) = portable_socketpair;
+ if (!defined $fh1) {
+ die "Could not create the $name socketpair: $!\n";
+ }
+ $fh1->autoflush(1);
+ $fh2->autoflush(1);
+ return (AnyEvent::Handle->new(fh => $fh1), AnyEvent::Handle->new(fh => $fh2));
+sub find_listening_port($ $ $ $ $)
+ my ($address, $port_start, $step, $count, $cb) = @_;
+ my $res;
+ my $port = $port_start;
+ for (1..$count) {
+ eval {
+ $res = tcp_server $address, $port, $cb;
+ };
+ last if $res;
+ say "Could not listen on $address:$port: $@";
+ $port += $step;
+ }
+ if (!defined $res) {
+ die "Could not find a listening port on $address\n";
+ }
+ return ($port, $res);
+my %conns;
+sub register_client_connection($)
+ my ($fh) = @_;
+ my $sockaddr = getsockname $fh;
+ if (!defined $sockaddr) {
+ die "Could not obtain the local address of the just-connected socket: $!\n";
+ }
+ my ($port, $addr_num) = sockaddr_in $sockaddr;
+ if (!defined $port || !defined $addr_num) {
+ die "Could not decode the address and port from a sockaddr_in structure: $!\n";
+ }
+ my $addr = inet_ntoa $addr_num;
+ if (!defined $addr) {
+ die "Could not decode a numeric address: $!\n";
+ }
+ my $id = "$addr:$port";
+ $conns{$id}{cv} //= AnyEvent->condvar;
+ $conns{$id}{fh} //= $fh;
+ return $id;
+sub await_client_connection($ $; $)
+ my ($lis_main, $cv, $skip_register) = @_;
+ my $die = sub {
+ warn "@_";
+ $cv->send(undef);
+ };
+ $lis_main->rtimeout(10);
+ $lis_main->on_rtimeout(sub { $die->("The listener's accept message timed out\n") });
+ $lis_main->push_read(line => sub {
+ my ($handle, $line) = @_;
+ if ($line !~ m{^ accept \s+ (?<id> \S+ ) $}x) {
+ return $die->("The accept server did not send an 'accept' message: $line\n");
+ }
+ my ($id) = $+{id};
+ $conns{$id}{cv} //= AnyEvent->condvar unless $skip_register;
+ $lis_main->rtimeout(10);
+ $lis_main->on_rtimeout(sub { $die->("The listener's close message timed out\n") });
+ $lis_main->push_read(line => sub {
+ my ($handle, $line) = @_;
+ if ($line !~ m{^ close \s+ (?<id> \S+ ) $}x) {
+ return $die->("The accept server did not send an 'close' message: $line\n");
+ }
+ my ($cid) = $+{id};
+ if ($cid ne $id) {
+ return $die->("The accept server's 'close' message had id '$cid' instead of the accepted one '$id'\n");
+ }
+ $lis_main->rtimeout(0);
+ $cv->send($id);
+ });
+ });
+sub adopt_client_connection($ $)
+ my ($id, $opts) = @_;
+ my $w;
+ my $do_close = sub {
+ my ($err) = @_;
+ $w->push_shutdown;
+ $w->destroy;
+ undef $w;
+ undef $conns{$id}{handle};
+ #close $conns{$id}{fh};
+ if (defined $err) {
+ warn "$err\n";
+ $conns{$id}{cv}->send(undef);
+ } else {
+ $conns{$id}{cv}->send(1);
+ }
+ };
+ $w = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
+ fh => $conns{$id}{fh},
+ %{$opts}, # TLS or something?
+ on_error => sub {
+ my ($handle, $fatal, $message) = @_;
+ if (!$fatal) {
+ warn "A non-fatal error occurred reading from the $id connection: $message\n";
+ } else {
+ $do_close->("A fatal error occurred reading from the $id connection: $message");
+ }
+ },
+ rtimeout => 10,
+ on_rtimeout => sub {
+ $do_close->("Reading from the $id connection timed out");
+ },
+ );
+ $w->push_read(line => sub {
+ my ($handle, $line) = @_;
+ $w->rtimeout(0);
+ if ($line ne $greeting) {
+ $do_close->("The $id connection sent us a line that was not the greeting: expected '$greeting', got '$line'");
+ } else {
+ $do_close->(undef);
+ }
+ });
+ $conns{$id}{handle} = $w;
+sub client_connect($ $ $)
+ my ($address, $port, $cv) = @_;
+ return tcp_connect $address, $port, sub {
+ my ($fh) = @_;
+ if (!defined $fh) {
+ die "Could not connect to the cleartext listening socket on $address:$port: $!\n";
+ }
+ my $id = register_client_connection $fh;
+ say "Connected to $address:$port, local $id";
+ $cv->send($id);
+ adopt_client_connection($id, { tls_ctx => { dh => 'schmorp2048', }, });
+ };
+ my $stunnel = $ENV{TEST_STUNNEL} // 'stunnel4';
+ my $test_done = AnyEvent->condvar;
+ my ($certsdir, $certfile, $keyfile);
+ for my $name (qw(certs debian/tests/certs)) {
+ my $dir = path($name);
+ if (-d $dir) {
+ $certfile = $dir->child('certificate.pem');
+ $keyfile = $dir->child('key.pem');
+ if (-f $certfile && -f $keyfile) {
+ $certsdir = path($dir);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ die "Could not locate the test certificates directory\n" unless defined $certsdir;
+ say "Found the certificate at $certfile and the private key at $keyfile";
+ my $tempdir = Path::Tiny->tempdir;
+ say "Using the $tempdir temporary directory";
+ register_child_reaper;
+ {
+ say 'About to get the stunnel version information';
+ pipe my $s_in, my $s_out or die "Could not create an fd pair: $!\n";
+ close_on_exec $s_in, 0;
+ close_on_exec $s_out, 0;
+ my $pid = fork;
+ if (!defined $pid) {
+ die "Could not fork for stunnel: $!\n";
+ } elsif ($pid == 0) {
+ open STDERR, '>&', $s_out or
+ die "Could not reopen stderr in the child process: $!\n";
+ close STDIN or
+ die "Could not close stdin in the child process: $!\n";
+ close STDOUT or
+ die "Could not close stdout in the child process: $!\n";
+ close $s_in or
+ die "Could not close the reader fd in the child process: $!\n";
+ exec $stunnel, '-version';
+ die "Could not execute '$stunnel': $!\n";
+ }
+ register_child $pid, "$stunnel -version";
+ close $s_out or
+ die "Could not close the writer fd in the parent process: $!\n";
+ my ($got_version, $before_version) = (undef, '');
+ my $eof = AnyEvent->condvar;
+ my $f_out = AnyEvent->io(
+ fh => $s_in,
+ poll => 'r',
+ cb => sub {
+ my $line = <$s_in>;
+ if (!defined $line) {
+ $eof->send($got_version);
+ } elsif (!$got_version) {
+ if ($line =~ m{^
+ stunnel \s+
+ (?<version> \d+ \. \S+)
+ \s+ on \s+
+ }x) {
+ $got_version = $+{version};
+ } else {
+ $before_version .= $line;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $eof->recv;
+ if ($before_version ne '') {
+ warn "stunnel produced output before the version number:\n$before_version\n";
+ }
+ if (!defined $got_version) {
+ die "Could not get the stunnel version number\n";
+ }
+ say "Got stunnel version $got_version";
+ my $status = wait_for_child $pid;
+ if ($status != 0) {
+ die "stunnel -version did not exit successfully, status $status\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my ($lis_listener, $lis_main) = anyevent_socketpair 'listener';
+ my $listen_address = '';
+ my %listen_clear_conns;
+ my ($listen_clear_port, $listen_clear) = find_listening_port $listen_address, 6502, 200, 100, sub {
+ my ($fh, $host, $port) = @_;
+ my $id = "$host:$port";
+ say "Accepted a connection from $id";
+ $lis_listener->push_write("accept $id\n");
+ my $w;
+ my $do_close = sub {
+ $w->destroy;
+ delete $listen_clear_conns{$id};
+ };
+ $w = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
+ fh => $fh,
+ on_error => sub {
+ my ($handle, $fatal, $message) = @_;
+ warn "A ".($fatal ? 'fatal' : 'non-fatal').
+ "error occurred writing to the $id connection: $message\n";
+ $do_close->();
+ },
+ timeout => 10,
+ on_timeout => sub {
+ my ($handle) = @_;
+ warn "Writing to the $id connection timed out\n";
+ $do_close->();
+ },
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ($handle) = @_;
+ warn "The $id connection sent data to the server?!\n";
+ $do_close->();
+ },
+ on_eof => sub {
+ my ($handle) = @_;
+ say "Got an eof from $id, all seems well";
+ $do_close->();
+ $lis_listener->push_write("close $id\n");
+ },
+ );
+ $w->push_write("$greeting\n");
+ $w->push_shutdown;
+ $listen_clear_conns{$id} = $w;
+ };
+ say "Listening for cleartext connections on $listen_address:$listen_clear_port";
+ {
+ my $listener_test_id_cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
+ my $check_listen_clear = client_connect $listen_address, $listen_clear_port, $listener_test_id_cv;
+ my $id = $listener_test_id_cv->recv;
+ if (!defined $id) {
+ die "Could not connect to the cleartext server\n";
+ }
+ say "Got a local connection id $id";
+ my $listener_test_done = AnyEvent->condvar;
+ await_client_connection $lis_main, $listener_test_done;
+ say 'Waiting for the server to acknowledge a completed client connection';
+ my $sid = $listener_test_done->recv;
+ if (!defined $sid) {
+ die "The listener did not acknowledge the connection\n";
+ } elsif ($sid ne $id) {
+ die "The listener did not acknowledge the same connection: expected '$id', got '$sid'\n";
+ }
+ say 'Waiting for the client connection itself to report completion';
+ my $res = $conns{$id}{cv}->recv;
+ if (!defined $res) {
+ die "The client connection did not complete the chat with the cleartext server\n";
+ }
+ say 'Looks like we are done with the test cleartext connection!';
+ }
+ my $st_server_port;
+ {
+ my $dummy;
+ ($st_server_port, $dummy) = find_listening_port $listen_address, 8086, 200, 100, sub {
+ my ($fh) = @_;
+ say "Eh, we really didn't expect a connection here, did we now...";
+ $fh->close;
+ };
+ say "Got listening port $st_server_port for the stunnel server";
+ undef $dummy;
+ say 'Let us hope this was enough to get stunnel to listen there...';
+ }
+ my ($st_pid, $st_logfile);
+ {
+ my $st_config = $tempdir->child('stunnel.conf');
+ $st_logfile = $tempdir->child('stunnel.log');
+ my $st_pidfile = $tempdir->child('');
+ $st_config->spew_utf8(<<"EOCONF") or die "Could not create the $st_config stunnel config file: $!\n";
+pid = $st_pidfile
+foreground = yes
+output = $st_logfile
+cert = $certfile
+key = $keyfile
+accept = $listen_address:$st_server_port
+connect = $listen_address:$listen_clear_port
+ say "Created the stunnel config file $st_config:\n======\n".$st_config->slurp_utf8.'======';
+ $st_pid = fork;
+ if (!defined $st_pid) {
+ die "Could not fork for the stunnel server: $!\n";
+ } elsif ($st_pid == 0) {
+ my @cmd = ($stunnel, $st_config);
+ exec { $cmd[0] } @cmd;
+ die "Could not execute '@cmd': $!\n";
+ }
+ say "Started the stunnel server, pid $st_pid";
+ register_child $st_pid, "stunnel server ($listen_address:$st_server_port)";
+ }
+ {
+ for my $iter (1..10) {
+ say "Trying a connection through stunnel, iteration $iter";
+ my $st_conn_cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
+ my $st_conn;
+ {
+ my $st_conn_attempts = 10;
+ my $st_conn_timer;
+ $st_conn_timer = AnyEvent->timer(after => 0.1, interval => 1, cb => sub {
+ say "Trying to connect to the stunnel server at $listen_address:$st_server_port";
+ $st_conn = tcp_connect $listen_address, $st_server_port, sub {
+ my ($fh) = @_;
+ if (!defined $fh) {
+ # FIXME: Eh, well, reschedule, right?
+ say "Could not connect to $listen_address:$st_server_port: $!";
+ if ($children{$st_pid}{cv}->ready) {
+ say 'Err, the stunnel process seems to have terminated';
+ undef $st_conn_timer;
+ $st_conn_cv->send(undef);
+ return;
+ }
+ $st_conn_attempts--;
+ if ($st_conn_attempts == 0) {
+ say 'Time after time...';
+ undef $st_conn_timer;
+ $st_conn_cv->send(undef);
+ return;
+ }
+ say 'Will retry in a little while';
+ return;
+ }
+ say '...connected!';
+ $st_conn_timer = undef;
+ $st_conn_cv->send($fh);
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ my $st_conn_fh = $st_conn_cv->recv;
+ if (!defined $st_conn_fh) {
+ my $log_text = (-f $st_logfile)
+ ? "$st_logfile contents:\n".$st_logfile->slurp_utf8
+ : "(no log information)";
+ $log_text .= "\n" unless $log_text =~ /\n\Z/ms;
+ die "Could not connect to the stunnel service:\n$log_text";
+ }
+ my $id = register_client_connection $st_conn_fh;
+ say "Registered a client connection as $id";
+ adopt_client_connection $id, {
+ tls => 'connect',
+ tls_ctx => { dh => 'schmorp2048', },
+ };
+ say 'Waiting for the cleartext listener to receive this connection';
+ my $stunnel_test_done = AnyEvent->condvar;
+ await_client_connection $lis_main, $stunnel_test_done, 1;
+ my $sid = $stunnel_test_done->recv;
+ if (!defined $sid) {
+ die "The listener did not acknowledge the connection\n";
+ } elsif ($sid eq $id) {
+ die "The listener reported the same connection ID '$id'?!\n";
+ }
+ say "The server reported a completed connection: $sid";
+ my $res = $conns{$id}{cv}->recv;
+ if (!defined $res) {
+ die "The connection to stunnel did not report a successful chat\n";
+ }
+ say "The stunnel connection seems to have gone through for iteration $iter";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ say "Trying to stop stunnel at pid $st_pid";
+ kill 'TERM', $st_pid or
+ die "Could not send a terminate signal to the stunnel at pid $st_pid: $!\n";
+ my $status = wait_for_child $st_pid;
+ if ($status != 0) {
+ die "The stunnel process terminated with exit status $status\n";
+ } else {
+ say 'The stunnel process terminated successfully';
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ say 'Checking for leftover children';
+ if (%children) {
+ # Our 'die' handler will kill and reap them.
+ die "Child processes left over:\n".
+ dump_children;
+ } else {
+ say 'No child processes left over';
+ }
+ unregister_child_reaper;
+ };
+ {
+ say 'Making sure the AnyEvent loop is still sane';
+ if ($test_done->ready) {
+ die "The AnyEvent loop raised the flag prematurely\n";
+ }
+ $test_done->send(42);
+ my $res = $test_done->recv;
+ if ($res != 42) {
+ die "The AnyEvent loop does not seem to be quite alive and sane, got a result of '$res' instead of 42\n";
+ }
+ say 'Fine!';
+ };
diff --git a/debian/tests/upstream b/debian/tests/upstream
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..638b820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/tests/upstream
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+set -e
+ln -s /usr/bin/stunnel4 src/stunnel
+cd tests
+if ! ./make_test; then
+ printf '\n\n=== Some tests failed; here are all the logs...\n\n' 1>&2
+ for fname in logs/*.log; do
+ printf -- '\n\n=== %s\n\n' "$fname" 1>&2
+ cat -- "$fname" 1>&2
+ done
+ false
diff --git a/debian/upstream/metadata b/debian/upstream/metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d746dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream/metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Name: stunnel
+Security-Contact: Michal Trojnara <>
diff --git a/debian/upstream/signing-key.asc b/debian/upstream/signing-key.asc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50bf0cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream/signing-key.asc
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Version: GnuPG v1
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..139aa28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Latest version is directly at /stunnel
+opts=pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.asc/ \
+ downloads/stunnel-([\d.]+)@ARCHIVE_EXT@ debian
+opts=pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.asc/,pasv \