path: root/debian/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/')
1 files changed, 477 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/ b/debian/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4e5d13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Sergio Rua <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General
+# Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'.
+use strict;
+use Gtk2;
+use Gnome2;
+use Gtk2::SimpleList;
+use constant TRUE => 1;
+use constant FALSE => 0;
+# Please configure if necessary!
+my $cfgfile = "/etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf";
+my $backup_cfg = 1;
+my $base_cfg_dir = $cfgfile;$base_cfg_dir=~s/\/stunnel\.conf//g;
+# global variables
+my $ekey;
+my $ecert;
+my $verify;
+my $app;
+my $elog;
+my $clientmode;
+my $debuglevel;
+my $capath;
+my $list;
+sub mydie
+ my ($msg)=@_;
+ print "$msg\n";
+ Gtk2->main_quit;
+ exit (-1);
+sub sel_file
+ my ($title,$entry,$isfile)=@_;
+ my $fsel=Gtk2::FileSelection->new($title);
+ $fsel->ok_button->signal_connect("clicked",sub {
+ print "OK: ". $fsel->get_filename."\n";
+ $entry->set_text($fsel->get_filename);
+ $fsel->destroy;
+ });
+ $fsel->cancel_button->signal_connect("clicked",sub { $fsel->destroy; });
+ $fsel->show;
+sub add_connection
+ my $win = new Gtk2::Window("toplevel");
+ $win->set_position("center");
+ my $vbox = new Gtk2::VBox( 0, 2 );
+ $win->add($vbox);
+ $vbox->show;
+ my $druid = new Gnome2::Druid;
+ $druid->signal_connect("cancel", sub { $win->destroy; } );
+ $vbox->pack_start($druid,0,0,0);
+ my $druid_start = new Gnome2::DruidPageEdge("GNOME_EDGE_START");
+ $druid_start->set_title("Connections setup");
+ $druid_start->set_text("Please follow this configuration wizard to ".
+ "configure your connections\n");
+# $druid_start->set_watermark($logo);
+ $druid_start->show;
+ $druid->append_page($druid_start);
+# Second Step: accepting connections
+ my $druid_name = new Gnome2::DruidPageStandard();
+ $druid_name->set_title("Connection name");
+ my $dvbox=new Gtk2::VBox(2,2);
+ my $dtable=new Gtk2::Table(2,2,FALSE);
+ $dvbox->pack_start($dtable,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ my $label=new Gtk2::Label("Enter this connection name");
+ $dtable->attach($label,0,1,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $ename=new Gtk2::Entry();
+ $dtable->attach($ename,1,2,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $druid_name->append_item("",$dvbox,"");
+ $druid_name->show_all;
+ # add page to the druid
+ $druid->append_page($druid_name);
+# Second Step: accepting connections
+ my $druid_accept = new Gnome2::DruidPageStandard();
+ $druid_accept->set_title("Accepting connections");
+ my $dvbox=new Gtk2::VBox(2,2);
+ my $dtable=new Gtk2::Table(2,2,FALSE);
+ $dvbox->pack_start($dtable,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ my $accept_error=new Gtk2::Label("");
+ $dtable->attach($accept_error,0,1,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label=new Gtk2::Label("IP or hostname");
+ $dtable->attach($label,0,1,1,2,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $eip=new Gtk2::Entry();
+ $dtable->attach($eip,1,2,1,2,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label=new Gtk2::Label("Port number");
+ $dtable->attach($label,0,1,2,3,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $eport=new Gtk2::Entry();
+ $dtable->attach($eport,1,2,2,3,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $druid_accept->append_item("",$dvbox,"");
+ $druid_accept->show_all;
+ # add page to the druid
+ $druid->append_page($druid_accept);
+# Third Step: connecting to...
+ my $druid_connect = new Gnome2::DruidPageStandard();
+ $druid_connect->set_title("Connection To...");
+ my $dvbox=new Gtk2::VBox(2,2);
+ my $dtable=new Gtk2::Table(2,2,FALSE);
+ $dvbox->pack_start($dtable,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ my $label=new Gtk2::Label("IP or hostname");
+ $dtable->attach($label,0,1,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $etoip=new Gtk2::Entry();
+ $dtable->attach($etoip,1,2,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label=new Gtk2::Label("Port number");
+ $dtable->attach($label,0,1,1,2,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $etoport=new Gtk2::Entry();
+ $dtable->attach($etoport,1,2,1,2,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $druid_connect->append_item("",$dvbox,"");
+ $druid_connect->show_all;
+ # add page to the druid
+ $druid->append_page($druid_connect);
+# Finishing and adding connection
+ my $druid_finish = new Gnome2::DruidPageEdge("GNOME_EDGE_FINISH");
+ $druid_finish->set_title("Configuration Finished.");
+ $druid_finish->set_text("The configuration has been finished. Click to either save or cancel");
+# $druid_finish->set_logo($logo2);
+ $druid_finish->signal_connect("finish", sub {
+ my $acip=$eip->get_text();
+ my $acport=$eport->get_text();
+ my $coip=$etoip->get_text();
+ my $coport=$etoport->get_text();
+ my $dslist = $list->{data};
+ push @$dslist, [ $ename->get_text(), $acip.":".$acport, $coip.":".$coport ];
+ $win->destroy;
+ });
+ $druid_finish->show;
+ $druid->append_page($druid_finish);
+ $druid->show;
+ $win->show;
+sub load_config_file
+ my $con=$list->{data};
+ my $name="";
+ my $accept="";
+ my $connect="";
+ if (! -s $cfgfile) {
+ print "Config file not found. Starting from scratch!\n";
+ return (0);
+ }
+ open F, "<$cfgfile" or die "$cfgfile: $!\n";
+ while (<F>) {
+ $_=~s/\n//g;
+ if ($_=~/^cert.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ $ecert->set_text($value);
+ } elsif ($_=~/^key.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ $ekey->set_text($value);
+ } elsif ($_=~/^verify.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ if ($value==1) {
+ $verify->entry->set_text("verify peer certificate if present");
+ } elsif ($value==2) {
+ $verify->entry->set_text("verify peer certificate");
+ } elsif ($value==3) {
+ $verify->entry->set_text("verify peer with locally installed certificate");
+ } else {
+ $verify->entry->set_text("no verify");
+ }
+ } elsif ($_=~/^client.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ $clientmode->entry->set_text($value);
+ } elsif ($_=~/^(capath|CApath).*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ $capath->set_text($value);
+ } elsif ($_=~/^debug.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ $debuglevel->entry->set_text($value);
+ } elsif ($_=~/^output.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,my $value) = split "=",$_;
+ $value=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ $elog->set_text($value);
+ } elsif ($_=~/^\[.*/) {
+ $_=~s/\[//g;
+ $_=~s/\]//g;
+ $name=$_;
+ } elsif ($_=~/^accept.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,$accept) = split "=",$_;
+ $accept=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ } elsif ($_=~/^connect.*=.*/) {
+ (undef,$connect) = split "=",$_;
+ $connect=~s/(\ |\t)//g;
+ }
+ # load connection
+ if (($accept) && ($name) && ($connect)) {
+ push @$con, [ $name, $accept, $connect ];
+ $name=$connect=$accept="";
+ }
+ }
+ close F;
+sub save_config_file
+ if ($backup_cfg) {
+ chdir ($base_cfg_dir);
+ rename($cfgfile,$cfgfile.".$$") or
+ print "Error at \n$cfgfile: $!\nNo backup made!\n";
+ }
+ open O, ">$cfgfile" or
+ mydie "Cannot open config file: $!\n";
+ print "Saving $cfgfile\n\n\n";
+ print O "# Configuration file created by \"stunnelconf\" by ".
+ "Sergio Rua <srua\>\n\n";
+ if ($ekey->get_text()) {
+ print O "key = ".$ekey->get_text()."\n";
+ }
+ if ($ecert->get_text()) {
+ print O "cert = ".$ecert->get_text()."\n";
+ }
+ print O "verify = ".$verify->entry->get_text()."\n";
+ print O "output = ".$elog->get_text()."\n";
+ print O "client = ".$clientmode->entry->get_text()."\n";
+ print O "debug = ".$debuglevel->entry->get_text()."\n";
+ print O "CApath = ".$capath->get_text()."\n";
+ print O "\n\n"; # just some spaces
+ my @rowref = @{$list->{data}};
+ my $i=0;
+ for $i (0 .. $#rowref) {
+ print O "[".$rowref[$i][0] . "]\n";
+ # if no hostname, ugly ":" to be removed
+ $rowref[$i][1]=~s/^://g;
+ $rowref[$i][2]=~s/^://g;
+ print O "accept = ".$rowref[$i][1] . "\n";
+ print O "connect = ".$rowref[$i][2] . "\n";
+ print O "\n"; # just some spaces
+ }
+ close O;
+ Gtk2->main_quit;
+ return 0;
+sub create_main_win
+ $app = Gnome2::App->new ("stunnel-conf");
+ $app->set_default_size(470,410);
+ $app->signal_connect( 'destroy' => sub { Gtk2->main_quit; } );
+ $app->set_title("Stunnel Configuration");
+ my $vbox=Gtk2::VBox->new(FALSE,0);
+ my $frame=Gtk2::Frame->new("Common options");
+ $vbox->pack_start($frame,TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ my $table=Gtk2::Table->new(6, 2, FALSE);
+ $frame->add($table);
+ my $label0=Gtk2::Label->new("Private Key");
+ $table->attach($label0,0,1,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label1=Gtk2::Label->new("Certificate");
+ $table->attach($label1,0,1,1,2,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label2=Gtk2::Label->new("Verify level");
+ $table->attach($label2,0,1,2,3,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label3=Gtk2::Label->new("Log output");
+ $table->attach($label3,0,1,3,4,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label4=Gtk2::Label->new("Client mode");
+ $table->attach($label4,0,1,4,5,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label5=Gtk2::Label->new("Debug level");
+ $table->attach($label5,0,1,5,6,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ my $label6=Gtk2::Label->new("Certificates path");
+ $table->attach($label6,0,1,6,7,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ # Private Key
+ my $hbox0=Gtk2::HBox->new(FALSE,0);
+ $table->attach($hbox0,1,2,0,1,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $ekey=Gtk2::Entry->new();
+ $hbox0->pack_start($ekey,TRUE,TRUE,0);
+ my $bkey=Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock("gtk-open");
+ $bkey->signal_connect("clicked",sub {
+ sel_file("Select private key",$ekey);
+ });
+ $hbox0->pack_start($bkey,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ # Certificate
+ my $hbox1=Gtk2::HBox->new(FALSE,0);
+ $table->attach($hbox1,1,2,1,2,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $ecert=Gtk2::Entry->new();
+ $hbox1->pack_start($ecert,TRUE,TRUE,0);
+ my $bcert=Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock("gtk-open");
+ $bcert->signal_connect("clicked",sub {
+ sel_file("Select certificate",$ecert);
+ });
+ $hbox1->pack_start($bcert,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ # Auth level - verify
+ $verify = Gtk2::Combo->new();
+ $verify->entry->set_text("no verify");
+ $verify->set_popdown_strings(("no verify",
+ "verify peer certificate if present",
+ "verify peer certificate",
+ "verify peer with locally installed certificate"));
+ $table->attach($verify,1,2,2,3,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ # Log output
+ my $hbox2=Gtk2::HBox->new(FALSE,0);
+ $table->attach($hbox2,1,2,3,4,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $elog=Gtk2::Entry->new();
+ $hbox2->pack_start($elog,TRUE,TRUE,0);
+ my $blog=Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock("gtk-open");
+ $blog->signal_connect("clicked",sub {
+ sel_file("Select log file",$elog);
+ });
+ $hbox2->pack_start($blog,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ # Client mode
+ $clientmode = Gtk2::Combo->new();
+ $clientmode->entry->set_text("no verify");
+ $clientmode->set_popdown_strings(("yes","no"));
+ $table->attach($clientmode,1,2,4,5,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ # Debug level
+ $debuglevel = Gtk2::Combo->new();
+ $debuglevel->entry->set_text("no verify");
+ $debuglevel->set_popdown_strings(("0","1","5","7"));
+ $table->attach($debuglevel,1,2,5,6,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ # CA path
+ my $hbox3=Gtk2::HBox->new(FALSE,0);
+ $table->attach($hbox3,1,2,6,7,["fill"],["fill"],0,0);
+ $capath=Gtk2::Entry->new();
+ $hbox3->pack_start($capath,TRUE,TRUE,0);
+# my $bcapath=Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock("gtk-open");
+# $bcapath->signal_connect("clicked",sub {
+# sel_file("Select Certificates Path",$capath);
+# });
+# $hbox3->pack_start($bcapath,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ # connections section
+ my $frame2=Gtk2::Frame->new("Connections");
+ $vbox->pack_start($frame2,TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ my $hbox4=Gtk2::HBox->new(FALSE,0);
+ $list=Gtk2::SimpleList->new (
+ 'Name' => 'text',
+ 'Accept' => 'text',
+ 'Connect' => 'text',
+ );
+# $list->get_selection->set_mode ('multiple');
+ my $scwin = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;
+ $scwin->set_policy (qw/automatic automatic/);
+ $scwin->add($list);
+ $hbox4->pack_start($scwin,TRUE,TRUE,0);
+ # list buttons
+ my $vbbox=Gtk2::VButtonBox->new();
+ $vbbox->set_layout('spread');
+ my $badd = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-add');
+ $badd->signal_connect( 'clicked' => sub { add_connection; } );
+ $vbbox->add($badd);
+# my $bedit = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-properties');
+# $bedit->signal_connect( 'clicked' => sub {
+# print "Edit\n";
+# } );
+# $vbbox->add($bedit);
+ my $brem = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-remove');
+ $brem->signal_connect( 'clicked' => sub {
+ my @sel = $list->get_selected_indices;
+ print @sel;
+ foreach my $i (@sel) {
+ delete $list->{data}[$i];
+ }
+ } );
+ $vbbox->add($brem);
+ $hbox4->pack_start($vbbox,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ # main buttons!!!
+ my $bbox=Gtk2::HButtonBox->new();
+ $bbox->set_layout('spread');
+ my $bok = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-ok');
+ $bok->signal_connect( 'clicked' => sub { save_config_file; } );
+ $bbox->add($bok);
+ my $bcancel = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-cancel');
+ $bcancel->signal_connect( 'clicked' => sub { Gtk2->main_quit;} );
+ $bbox->add($bcancel);
+ $vbox->pack_start($bbox,FALSE,FALSE,0);
+ $frame2->add($hbox4);
+# App contents and show them
+ $app->set_contents($vbox);
+ $app->show_all;
+Gnome2::Program->init ("stunnelconf", "0.1");
+exit 0;