path: root/subversion/tests/cmdline/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'subversion/tests/cmdline/')
1 files changed, 1012 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/subversion/tests/cmdline/ b/subversion/tests/cmdline/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fe6108a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subversion/tests/cmdline/
@@ -0,0 +1,1012 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# testing shelving
+# Subversion is a tool for revision control.
+# See for more information.
+# ====================================================================
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# General modules
+import shutil, stat, re, os, logging
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+# Our testing module
+import svntest
+from svntest import wc
+from svntest.verify import make_diff_header, make_no_diff_deleted_header, \
+ make_git_diff_header, make_diff_prop_header, \
+ make_diff_prop_val, make_diff_prop_deleted, \
+ make_diff_prop_added, make_diff_prop_modified
+# (abbreviation)
+Skip = svntest.testcase.Skip_deco
+SkipUnless = svntest.testcase.SkipUnless_deco
+XFail = svntest.testcase.XFail_deco
+Issues = svntest.testcase.Issues_deco
+Issue = svntest.testcase.Issue_deco
+Wimp = svntest.testcase.Wimp_deco
+Item = wc.StateItem
+def state_from_status(wc_dir,
+ v=True, u=True, q=True):
+ opts = ()
+ if v:
+ opts += ('-v',)
+ if u:
+ opts += ('-u',)
+ if q:
+ opts += ('-q',)
+ _, output, _ = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'status', wc_dir, *opts)
+ return svntest.wc.State.from_status(output, wc_dir)
+def get_wc_state(wc_dir):
+ """Return a description of the WC state. Include as much info as shelving
+ should be capable of restoring.
+ """
+ return (state_from_status(wc_dir),
+ svntest.wc.State.from_wc(wc_dir, load_props=True),
+ )
+def check_wc_state(wc_dir, expected):
+ """Check a description of the WC state. Include as much info as shelving
+ should be capable of restoring.
+ """
+ expect_st, expect_wc = expected
+ actual_st, actual_wc = get_wc_state(wc_dir)
+ # Verify actual status against expected status.
+ try:
+ expect_st.compare_and_display('status', actual_st)
+ except svntest.tree.SVNTreeError:
+ svntest.actions._log_tree_state("EXPECT STATUS TREE:", expect_st.old_tree(),
+ wc_dir)
+ svntest.actions._log_tree_state("ACTUAL STATUS TREE:", actual_st.old_tree(),
+ wc_dir)
+ raise
+ # Verify actual WC against expected WC.
+ try:
+ expect_wc.compare_and_display('status', actual_wc)
+ except svntest.tree.SVNTreeError:
+ svntest.actions._log_tree_state("EXPECT WC TREE:", expect_wc.old_tree(),
+ wc_dir)
+ svntest.actions._log_tree_state("ACTUAL WC TREE:", actual_wc.old_tree(),
+ wc_dir)
+ raise
+def shelve_unshelve_verify(sbox, modifier, cannot_shelve=False):
+ """Round-trip: shelve; verify all changes are reverted;
+ unshelve; verify all changes are restored.
+ """
+ wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
+ virginal_state = get_wc_state(wc_dir)
+ # Make some changes to the working copy
+ modifier(sbox)
+ # Save the modified state
+ modified_state = get_wc_state(wc_dir)
+ if cannot_shelve:
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, '.* could not be shelved.*',
+ 'x-shelve', 'foo')
+ return
+ # Shelve; check there are no longer any modifications
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-shelve', 'foo')
+ check_wc_state(wc_dir, virginal_state)
+ # List; ensure the shelf is listed
+ expected_output = svntest.verify.RegexListOutput(
+ [r'foo\s*version \d+.*',
+ r' ',
+ ])
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_output, [], 'x-shelves')
+ # Unshelve; check the original modifications are here again
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-unshelve', 'foo')
+ check_wc_state(wc_dir, modified_state)
+def shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier, cannot_shelve=False):
+ """Round-trip: build 'sbox'; apply changes by calling 'modifier(sbox)';
+ shelve and unshelve; verify changes are fully reverted and restored.
+ """
+ if not sbox.is_built():
+ was_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(sbox.wc_dir)
+ sbox.wc_dir = ''
+ shelve_unshelve_verify(sbox, modifier, cannot_shelve)
+ os.chdir(was_cwd)
+# Tests
+# Each test must return on success or raise on failure.
+def shelve_text_mods(sbox):
+ "shelve text mods"
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', 'appended mu text')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_prop_changes(sbox):
+ "shelve prop changes"
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', 'v', 'A')
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', 'v', 'A/mu')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_adds(sbox):
+ "shelve adds"
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_add_text('A new file\n', 'A/new')
+ sbox.simple_add_text('A new file\n', 'A/new2')
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', 'v', 'A/new2')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_deletes(sbox):
+ "shelve deletes"
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_rm('A/mu')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_replace(sbox):
+ "shelve replace"
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_rm('A/mu')
+ sbox.simple_add_text('Replacement\n', 'A/mu')
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', 'v', 'A/mu')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_empty_adds(sbox):
+ "shelve empty adds"
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_add_text('', 'empty')
+ sbox.simple_add_text('', 'empty-with-prop')
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', 'v', 'empty-with-prop')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_empty_deletes(sbox):
+ "shelve empty deletes"
+ sbox.simple_add_text('', 'empty')
+ sbox.simple_add_text('', 'empty-with-prop')
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', 'v', 'empty-with-prop')
+ sbox.simple_commit()
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_rm('empty', 'empty-with-prop')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_from_inner_path(sbox):
+ "shelve from inner path"
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', 'appended mu text')
+ was_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(sbox.ospath('A'))
+ sbox.wc_dir = '..'
+ shelve_unshelve_verify(sbox, modifier)
+ os.chdir(was_cwd)
+def save_revert_restore(sbox, modifier1, modifier2):
+ "Save 2 checkpoints; revert; restore 1st"
+ was_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(sbox.wc_dir)
+ sbox.wc_dir = ''
+ wc_dir = ''
+ initial_state = get_wc_state(wc_dir)
+ # Make some changes to the working copy
+ modifier1(sbox)
+ # Remember the modified state
+ modified_state1 = get_wc_state(wc_dir)
+ # Save a checkpoint; check nothing changed
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-shelf-save', 'foo')
+ check_wc_state(wc_dir, modified_state1)
+ # Modify again; remember the state; save a checkpoint
+ modifier2(sbox)
+ modified_state2 = get_wc_state(wc_dir)
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-shelf-save', 'foo')
+ check_wc_state(wc_dir, modified_state2)
+ # Revert
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'revert', '-R', '.')
+ check_wc_state(wc_dir, initial_state)
+ # Restore; check the original modifications are here again
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-unshelve', 'foo', '1')
+ check_wc_state(wc_dir, modified_state1)
+ os.chdir(was_cwd)
+def checkpoint_basic(sbox):
+ "checkpoint basic"
+ def modifier1(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', 'appended mu text\n')
+ def modifier2(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('iota', 'appended iota text\n')
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', 'appended another line\n')
+ save_revert_restore(sbox, modifier1, modifier2)
+def shelve_mergeinfo(sbox):
+ "shelve mergeinfo"
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_propset('svn:mergeinfo', '/trunk/A:1-3,10', 'A')
+ sbox.simple_propset('svn:mergeinfo', '/trunk/A/mu:1-3,10', 'A/mu')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def unshelve_refuses_if_conflicts(sbox):
+ "unshelve refuses if conflicts"
+ def modifier1(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('alpha', 'A-mod1\nB\nC\nD\n', truncate=True)
+ sbox.simple_append('beta', 'A-mod1\nB\nC\nD\n', truncate=True)
+ def modifier2(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('beta', 'A-mod2\nB\nC\nD\n', truncate=True)
+ was_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(sbox.wc_dir)
+ sbox.wc_dir = ''
+ wc_dir = ''
+ sbox.simple_add_text('A\nB\nC\nD\n', 'alpha')
+ sbox.simple_add_text('A\nB\nC\nD\n', 'beta')
+ sbox.simple_commit()
+ initial_state = get_wc_state(wc_dir)
+ # Make initial mods; remember this modified state
+ modifier1(sbox)
+ modified_state1 = get_wc_state(wc_dir)
+ assert modified_state1 != initial_state
+ # Shelve; check there are no longer any local mods
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-shelve', 'foo')
+ check_wc_state(wc_dir, initial_state)
+ # Make a different local mod that will conflict with the shelf
+ modifier2(sbox)
+ modified_state2 = get_wc_state(wc_dir)
+ # Try to unshelve; check it fails with an error about a conflict
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, '.*[Cc]onflict.*',
+ 'x-unshelve', 'foo')
+ # Check nothing changed in the attempt
+ check_wc_state(wc_dir, modified_state2)
+def shelve_binary_file_mod(sbox):
+ "shelve binary file mod"
+ existing_files = ['A/B/existing']
+ mod_files = ['bin', 'A/B/bin']
+ sbox.simple_mkdir('A', 'A/B')
+ for f in existing_files + mod_files:
+ sbox.simple_add_text('\0\1\2\3\4\5', f)
+ sbox.simple_commit()
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ for f in mod_files:
+ sbox.simple_append(f, '\6\5\4\3\2\1\0', truncate=True)
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_binary_file_add(sbox):
+ "shelve binary file add"
+ existing_files = ['A/B/existing']
+ mod_files = ['bin', 'A/B/bin']
+ sbox.simple_mkdir('A', 'A/B')
+ for f in existing_files:
+ sbox.simple_add_text('\0\1\2\3\4\5', f)
+ sbox.simple_commit()
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ for f in mod_files:
+ sbox.simple_add_text('\0\1\2\3\4\5', f)
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_binary_file_del(sbox):
+ "shelve binary file del"
+ existing_files = ['A/B/existing']
+ mod_files = ['bin', 'A/B/bin']
+ sbox.simple_mkdir('A', 'A/B')
+ for f in existing_files + mod_files:
+ sbox.simple_add_text('\0\1\2\3\4\5', f)
+ sbox.simple_commit()
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ for f in mod_files:
+ sbox.simple_rm(f)
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_binary_file_replace(sbox):
+ "shelve binary file replace"
+ existing_files = ['A/B/existing']
+ mod_files = ['bin', 'A/B/bin']
+ sbox.simple_mkdir('A', 'A/B')
+ for f in existing_files + mod_files:
+ sbox.simple_add_text('\0\1\2\3\4\5', f)
+ sbox.simple_commit()
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ for f in mod_files:
+ sbox.simple_rm(f)
+ sbox.simple_add_text('\6\5\4\3\2\1\0', f)
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_with_log_message(sbox):
+ "shelve with log message"
+ was_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(sbox.wc_dir)
+ sbox.wc_dir = ''
+ sbox.simple_add_text('New file', 'f')
+ log_message = 'Log message for foo'
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-shelve', 'foo', '-m', log_message)
+ expected_output = svntest.verify.RegexListOutput(
+ ['foo .*',
+ ' ' + log_message
+ ])
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_output, [],
+ 'x-shelf-list')
+ os.chdir(was_cwd)
+def run_and_verify_status(wc_dir_name, status_tree, changelists=[]):
+ """Run 'status' on WC_DIR_NAME and compare it with the
+ expected STATUS_TREE.
+ Returns on success, raises on failure."""
+ if not isinstance(status_tree, wc.State):
+ raise TypeError('wc.State tree expected')
+ cl_opts = ('--cl=' + cl for cl in changelists)
+ exit_code, output, errput = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'status', '-q',
+ wc_dir_name, *cl_opts)
+ actual_status = svntest.wc.State.from_status(output, wc_dir=wc_dir_name)
+ # Verify actual output against expected output.
+ try:
+ status_tree.compare_and_display('status', actual_status)
+ except svntest.tree.SVNTreeError:
+ svntest.actions._log_tree_state("ACTUAL STATUS TREE:", actual_status.old_tree(),
+ wc_dir_name)
+ raise
+def run_and_verify_shelf_status(wc_dir, expected_status, shelf):
+ run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, expected_status,
+ changelists=['svn:shelf:' + shelf])
+def shelf_status(sbox):
+ "shelf status"
+ was_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(sbox.wc_dir)
+ sbox.wc_dir = ''
+ sbox.simple_add_text('New file', 'f')
+ sbox.simple_append('iota', 'New text')
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', 'v', 'A/mu')
+ sbox.simple_rm('A/B/lambda')
+ # Not yet supported:
+ #sbox.simple_rm('A/B/E')
+ expected_status = state_from_status(sbox.wc_dir, v=False, u=False, q=False)
+ run_and_verify_status(sbox.wc_dir, expected_status)
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-shelve', 'foo')
+ run_and_verify_shelf_status(sbox.wc_dir, expected_status, shelf='foo')
+ os.chdir(was_cwd)
+def shelve_mkdir(sbox):
+ "shelve mkdir"
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_mkdir('D', 'D/D2')
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', 'v', 'D', 'D/D2')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_rmdir(sbox):
+ "shelve rmdir"
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', 'v', 'A/C')
+ sbox.simple_commit()
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_rm('A/C', 'A/D/G')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_replace_dir(sbox):
+ "shelve replace dir"
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', 'v', 'A/C')
+ sbox.simple_commit()
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_rm('A/C', 'A/D/G')
+ sbox.simple_mkdir('A/C', 'A/C/D2')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_file_copy(sbox):
+ "shelve file copy"
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_copy('iota', 'A/ii')
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', 'v', 'A/ii')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def shelve_dir_copy(sbox):
+ "shelve dir copy"
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_copy('A/B', 'BB')
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', 'v', 'BB')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+def list_shelves(sbox):
+ "list_shelves"
+ was_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(sbox.wc_dir)
+ sbox.wc_dir = ''
+ # an empty list
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn([], [],
+ 'x-shelf-list', '-q')
+ # make two shelves
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', 'appended mu text')
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-shelf-save', 'foo')
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', 'appended more text')
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-shelf-save', 'foo', '-m', 'log msg')
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-shelf-save', 'bar', '-m', 'log msg')
+ # We don't check for time-ordering of the shelves. If we want to do so, we
+ # would need to sleep for timestamps to differ, between creating them.
+ # a quiet list
+ expected_out = svntest.verify.UnorderedRegexListOutput(['foo', 'bar'])
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_out, [],
+ 'x-shelf-list', '-q')
+ # a detailed list
+ expected_out = svntest.verify.UnorderedRegexListOutput(['foo .* 1 path.*',
+ ' log msg',
+ 'bar .* 1 path.*',
+ ' log msg'])
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_out, [],
+ 'x-shelf-list')
+ os.chdir(was_cwd)
+def refuse_to_shelve_conflict(sbox):
+ "refuse to shelve conflict"
+ was_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(sbox.wc_dir)
+ sbox.wc_dir = ''
+ # create a conflict
+ sbox.simple_mkdir('topdir')
+ sbox.simple_commit()
+ sbox.simple_update()
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
+ None, [],
+ 'merge', '-c1', '.', '--ignore-ancestry', '--accept', 'postpone')
+ # check that we did create a conflict
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
+ None, 'svn: E155035:.*conflict.*',
+ 'merge', '-c1', '.', '--ignore-ancestry', '--accept', 'postpone')
+ # attempt to shelve
+ expected_err = "svn: E155015: .* '.*topdir' remains in conflict"
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_err,
+ 'x-shelf-save', 'foo')
+ os.chdir(was_cwd)
+def unshelve_with_merge(sbox, setup, modifier1, modifier2, tweak_expected_state):
+ """Run a test scenario in which 'unshelve' needs to merge some shelved
+ changes made by modifier1() with some committed changes made by
+ modifier2(). tweak_expected_state() must produce the expected WC state.
+ """
+ was_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(sbox.wc_dir)
+ sbox.wc_dir = ''
+ wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
+ setup(sbox)
+ sbox.simple_commit()
+ initial_state = get_wc_state(wc_dir)
+ # Make some changes to the working copy
+ modifier1(sbox)
+ modified_state = get_wc_state(wc_dir)
+ # Shelve; check there are no longer any modifications
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-shelve', 'foo')
+ check_wc_state(wc_dir, initial_state)
+ # Make a different change, with which we shall merge
+ modifier2(sbox)
+ sbox.simple_commit()
+ modified_state[0].tweak('A/mu', wc_rev='3')
+ # Unshelve; check the expected result of the merge
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-unshelve', 'foo')
+ tweak_expected_state(modified_state)
+ check_wc_state(wc_dir, modified_state)
+ os.chdir(was_cwd)
+def unshelve_text_mod_merge(sbox):
+ "unshelve text mod merge"
+ orig_contents='A\nB\nC\nD\nE\n'
+ mod1_contents='A\nBB\nC\nD\nE\n'
+ mod2_contents='A\nB\nC\nDD\nE\n'
+ merged_contents='A\nBB\nC\nDD\nE\n'
+ def setup(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', orig_contents, truncate=True)
+ def modifier1(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', mod1_contents, truncate=True)
+ def modifier2(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', mod2_contents, truncate=True)
+ def tweak_expected_state(modified_state):
+ modified_state[1].tweak('A/mu', contents=merged_contents)
+ unshelve_with_merge(sbox, setup, modifier1, modifier2, tweak_expected_state)
+def unshelve_text_mod_conflict(sbox):
+ "unshelve text mod conflict"
+ orig_contents='A\nB\nC\nD\nE\n'
+ mod1_contents='A\nBB\nC\nD\nE\n'
+ mod2_contents='A\nBCD\nC\nD\nE\n'
+ merged_contents = 'A\n<<<<<<< .working\nBCD\n||||||| .merge-left\nB\n=======\nBB\n>>>>>>> .merge-right\nC\nD\nE\n'
+ def setup(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', orig_contents, truncate=True)
+ def modifier1(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', mod1_contents, truncate=True)
+ def modifier2(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', mod2_contents, truncate=True)
+ def tweak_expected_state(modified_state):
+ modified_state[0].tweak('A/mu', status='C ')
+ modified_state[1].tweak('A/mu', contents=merged_contents)
+ modified_state[1].add({
+ 'A/mu.merge-left': Item(contents=orig_contents),
+ 'A/mu.merge-right': Item(contents=mod1_contents),
+ 'A/mu.working': Item(contents=mod2_contents),
+ })
+ unshelve_with_merge(sbox, setup, modifier1, modifier2, tweak_expected_state)
+def unshelve_undeclared_binary_mod_conflict(sbox):
+ "unshelve undeclared binary mod conflict"
+ orig_contents='\1\2\3\4\5'
+ mod1_contents='\1\2\2\3\4\5'
+ mod2_contents='\1\2\3\4\3\4\5'
+ merged_contents = '<<<<<<< .working\n' + mod2_contents + '||||||| .merge-left\n' + orig_contents + '=======\n' + mod1_contents + '>>>>>>> .merge-right\n'
+ def setup(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', orig_contents, truncate=True)
+ def modifier1(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', mod1_contents, truncate=True)
+ def modifier2(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', mod2_contents, truncate=True)
+ def tweak_expected_state(modified_state):
+ modified_state[0].tweak('A/mu', status='C ')
+ modified_state[1].tweak('A/mu', contents=merged_contents)
+ modified_state[1].add({
+ 'A/mu.merge-left': Item(contents=orig_contents),
+ 'A/mu.merge-right': Item(contents=mod1_contents),
+ 'A/mu.working': Item(contents=mod2_contents),
+ })
+ unshelve_with_merge(sbox, setup, modifier1, modifier2, tweak_expected_state)
+def unshelve_binary_mod_conflict(sbox):
+ "unshelve binary mod conflict"
+ orig_contents='\1\2\3\4\5'
+ mod1_contents='\1\2\2\3\4\5'
+ mod2_contents='\1\2\3\4\3\4\5'
+ def setup(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', orig_contents, truncate=True)
+ sbox.simple_propset('svn:mime-type', 'application/octet-stream', 'A/mu')
+ def modifier1(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', mod1_contents, truncate=True)
+ def modifier2(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', mod2_contents, truncate=True)
+ def tweak_expected_state(modified_state):
+ modified_state[0].tweak('A/mu', status='C ')
+ modified_state[1].tweak('A/mu', contents=mod2_contents)
+ modified_state[1].add({
+ 'A/mu.merge-left': Item(contents=orig_contents),
+ 'A/mu.merge-right': Item(contents=mod1_contents),
+ })
+ unshelve_with_merge(sbox, setup, modifier1, modifier2, tweak_expected_state)
+def unshelve_text_prop_merge(sbox):
+ "unshelve text prop merge"
+ def setup(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_propset('p1', 'v', 'A/mu')
+ sbox.simple_propset('p2', 'v', 'A/mu')
+ def modifier1(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_propset('p1', 'changed', 'A/mu')
+ def modifier2(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_propset('p2', 'changed', 'A/mu')
+ def tweak_expected_state(wc_state):
+ wc_state[1].tweak('A/mu', props={'p1':'changed',
+ 'p2':'changed'})
+ unshelve_with_merge(sbox, setup, modifier1, modifier2, tweak_expected_state)
+def unshelve_text_prop_conflict(sbox):
+ "unshelve text prop conflict"
+ orig_contents='A'
+ mod1_contents='B'
+ mod2_contents='C'
+ merged_contents='C'
+ prej_contents='''Trying to change property 'p'
+but the local property value conflicts with the incoming change.
+<<<<<<< (local property value)
+C||||||| (incoming 'changed from' value)
+B>>>>>>> (incoming 'changed to' value)
+ def setup(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', orig_contents, 'A/mu')
+ def modifier1(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', mod1_contents, 'A/mu')
+ def modifier2(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_propset('p', mod2_contents, 'A/mu')
+ def tweak_expected_state(wc_state):
+ wc_state[0].tweak('A/mu', status=' C')
+ wc_state[1].tweak('A/mu', props={'p':merged_contents})
+ wc_state[1].add({
+ 'A/mu.prej': Item(contents=prej_contents),
+ })
+ unshelve_with_merge(sbox, setup, modifier1, modifier2, tweak_expected_state)
+def run_and_verify_shelf_diff_summarize(output_tree, shelf, *args):
+ """Run 'svn shelf-diff --summarize' with the arguments *ARGS.
+ The subcommand output will be verified against OUTPUT_TREE. Returns
+ on success, raises on failure.
+ """
+ if isinstance(output_tree, wc.State):
+ output_tree = output_tree.old_tree()
+ exit_code, output, errput = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
+ None, [],
+ 'x-shelf-diff', '--summarize', shelf, *args)
+ actual = svntest.tree.build_tree_from_diff_summarize(output)
+ # Verify actual output against expected output.
+ try:
+ svntest.tree.compare_trees("output", actual, output_tree)
+ except svntest.tree.SVNTreeError:
+ svntest.verify.display_trees(None, 'DIFF OUTPUT TREE', output_tree, actual)
+ raise
+# Exercise a very basic case of shelf-diff.
+def shelf_diff_simple(sbox):
+ "shelf diff simple"
+ was_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(sbox.wc_dir)
+ sbox.wc_dir = ''
+ wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
+ def setup(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_propset('p1', 'v', 'A/mu')
+ sbox.simple_propset('p2', 'v', 'A/mu')
+ def modifier1(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('A/mu', 'New line.\n')
+ sbox.simple_propset('p1', 'changed', 'A/mu')
+ setup(sbox)
+ sbox.simple_commit()
+ initial_state = get_wc_state(wc_dir)
+ # Make some changes to the working copy
+ modifier1(sbox)
+ modified_state = get_wc_state(wc_dir)
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
+ 'x-shelf-save', 'foo')
+ # basic svn-style diff
+ expected_output = make_diff_header('A/mu', 'revision 2', 'working copy') + [
+ "@@ -1 +1,2 @@\n",
+ " This is the file 'mu'.\n",
+ "+New line.\n",
+ ] + make_diff_prop_header('A/mu') \
+ + make_diff_prop_modified('p1', 'v', 'changed')
+ svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_output, [],
+ 'x-shelf-diff', 'foo')
+ # basic summary diff
+ expected_diff = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
+ 'A/mu': Item(status='MM'),
+ })
+ run_and_verify_shelf_diff_summarize(expected_diff, 'foo')
+def shelve_with_kw_translation(sbox):
+ "shelve with kw translation"
+ sbox.simple_add_text('$Rev$\n', 'file')
+ sbox.simple_propset('svn:keywords', 'rev', 'file')
+ sbox.simple_commit()
+ sbox.simple_update()
+ def modifier(sbox):
+ sbox.simple_append('file', 'New line\n')
+ shelve_unshelve(sbox, modifier)
+# Run the tests
+# list all tests here, starting with None:
+test_list = [ None,
+ shelve_text_mods,
+ shelve_prop_changes,
+ shelve_adds,
+ shelve_deletes,
+ shelve_replace,
+ shelve_empty_adds,
+ shelve_empty_deletes,
+ shelve_from_inner_path,
+ checkpoint_basic,
+ shelve_mergeinfo,
+ unshelve_refuses_if_conflicts,
+ shelve_binary_file_mod,
+ shelve_binary_file_add,
+ shelve_binary_file_del,
+ shelve_binary_file_replace,
+ shelve_with_log_message,
+ shelf_status,
+ shelve_mkdir,
+ shelve_rmdir,
+ shelve_replace_dir,
+ shelve_file_copy,
+ shelve_dir_copy,
+ list_shelves,
+ refuse_to_shelve_conflict,
+ unshelve_text_mod_merge,
+ unshelve_text_mod_conflict,
+ unshelve_undeclared_binary_mod_conflict,
+ unshelve_binary_mod_conflict,
+ unshelve_text_prop_merge,
+ unshelve_text_prop_conflict,
+ shelf_diff_simple,
+ shelve_with_kw_translation,
+ ]
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ svntest.main.run_tests(test_list)
+### End of file.