path: root/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr')
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InfoFrm.dfmbin1124 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.resbin1796 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/MainFrm.dfmbin32703 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/RemoteMntFrm.dfmbin3327 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/StatusFrm.dfmbin1065 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/arrow2r.bmpbin376 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/arrow3u.bmpbin376 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/back.bmpbin798 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/bookshut.bmpbin376 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/bulblk.bmpbin374 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/bulbon.bmpbin376 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/check.bmpbin374 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/cipherfrm.dfmbin1172 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/delete.bmpbin374 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/filenew.bmpbin374 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/floppy.bmpbin376 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/globe.bmpbin376 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/insert.bmpbin374 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/query.bmpbin374 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/sword.bmpbin8950 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/trash.bmpbin376 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/undo.bmpbin374 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/upgdlk.bmpbin374 -> 0 bytes
39 files changed, 0 insertions, 2066 deletions
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/FTPDownload.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/FTPDownload.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index eb74177..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/FTPDownload.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "FTPDownload.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-// Important: Methods and properties of objects in VCL can only be
-// used in a method called using Synchronize, for example:
-// Synchronize(UpdateCaption);
-// where UpdateCaption could look like:
-// void __fastcall FTPDownload::UpdateCaption()
-// {
-// Form1->Caption = "Updated in a thread";
-// }
-__fastcall FTPDownload::FTPDownload(bool CreateSuspended)
- : TThread(CreateSuspended)
-void __fastcall FTPDownload::Execute()
- //---- Place thread code here ----
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/FTPDownload.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/FTPDownload.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ad9e01..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/FTPDownload.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef FTPDownloadH
-#define FTPDownloadH
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-class FTPDownload : public TThread
- void __fastcall Execute();
- __fastcall FTPDownload(bool CreateSuspended);
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InfoFrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InfoFrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a75b7b2..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InfoFrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "InfoFrm.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TInfoForm *InfoForm;
-__fastcall TInfoForm::TInfoForm(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
-void __fastcall TInfoForm::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
- AnsiString abouttext = "";
- TMemoryStream *RTFStream = new TMemoryStream();
- abouttext = abouttext + "{\\fs20\\cf0 " + info.c_str() + " }";
- RTFStream->Clear();
- RTFStream->WriteBuffer(abouttext.c_str(), abouttext.Length());
- RTFStream->Position = 0;
- InfoText->Lines->LoadFromStream(RTFStream);
- delete RTFStream;
-void __fastcall TInfoForm::SpeedButton1Click(TObject *Sender)
- ModalResult = mrOk;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InfoFrm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InfoFrm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 065b0c2..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InfoFrm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InfoFrm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InfoFrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bbeef6..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InfoFrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef InfoFrmH
-#define InfoFrmH
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <Buttons.hpp>
-#include <ComCtrls.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include <string>
-class TInfoForm : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TPanel *Panel1;
- TPanel *Panel2;
- TRichEdit *InfoText;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton1;
- void __fastcall FormShow(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SpeedButton1Click(TObject *Sender);
-private: // User declarations
-public: // User declarations
- std::string info;
- __fastcall TInfoForm(TComponent* Owner);
-extern PACKAGE TInfoForm *InfoForm;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.bpg b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.bpg
deleted file mode 100644
index bad1593..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.bpg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-!ifndef ROOT
-MAKE = $(ROOT)\bin\make.exe -$(MAKEFLAGS) -f$**
-DCC = $(ROOT)\bin\dcc32.exe $**
-BRCC = $(ROOT)\bin\brcc32.exe $**
-PROJECTS = swordlib.lib InstallMgr.exe
-default: $(PROJECTS)
-InstallMgr.exe: InstallMgr.bpr
- $(MAKE)
-swordlib.lib: ..\BibleCS\swordlib.bpr
- $(MAKE)
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.bpr b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.bpr
deleted file mode 100644
index 93e3047..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.bpr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-!if !$d(BCB)
-BCB = $(MAKEDIR)\..
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The following section of the project makefile is managed by the BCB IDE.
-# It is recommended to use the IDE to change any of the values in this
-# section.
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-VERSION = BCB.04.04
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-PROJECT = InstallMgr.exe
-OBJFILES = InstallMgr.obj MainFrm.obj StatusFrm.obj RemoteMntFrm.obj InfoFrm.obj \
- cipherfrm.obj UninstallFrm.obj
-RESFILES = InstallMgr.res
-RESDEPEN = $(RESFILES) MainFrm.dfm StatusFrm.dfm RemoteMntFrm.dfm InfoFrm.dfm \
- cipherfrm.dfm UninstallFrm.dfm
-LIBFILES = ..\BibleCS\swordlib.lib
-LIBRARIES = nmfast40.lib Vclx40.lib Vcl40.lib
-SPARELIBS = Vcl40.lib Vclx40.lib nmfast40.lib
-PACKAGES = Vcl40.bpi Vclx40.bpi vcljpg40.bpi bcbsmp40.bpi Qrpt40.bpi Vcldb40.bpi \
- ibsmp40.bpi vcldbx40.bpi TeeUI40.bpi teedb40.bpi tee40.bpi nmfast40.bpi \
- dclocx40.bpi
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-PATHRC = .;
-DEBUGLIBPATH = $(BCB)\lib\debug
-RELEASELIBPATH = $(BCB)\lib\release
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CFLAG1 = -I..\BibleCS;..\..\..\..\usr\src\sword\apps\windoze\CBuilder4\InstallMgr;$(BCB)\include;$(BCB)\include\vcl;..\..\..\..\include \
- -O2 -Hc -H=$(BCB)\lib\vcl40.csm -w -Ve -a8 -k- -vi -c -b- -w-par -w-inl -Vx -tW \
-PFLAGS = -U..\BibleCS;..\..\..\..\usr\src\sword\apps\windoze\CBuilder4\InstallMgr;$(BCB)\lib\obj;$(BCB)\lib;$(RELEASELIBPATH) \
- -I..\BibleCS;..\..\..\..\usr\src\sword\apps\windoze\CBuilder4\InstallMgr;$(BCB)\include;$(BCB)\include\vcl;..\..\..\..\include \
- -$Y- -$L- -$D- -v -JPHNE -M
-RFLAGS = -i..\BibleCS;..\..\..\..\usr\src\sword\apps\windoze\CBuilder4\InstallMgr;$(BCB)\include;$(BCB)\include\vcl;..\..\..\..\include
-AFLAGS = /i..\BibleCS /i..\..\..\..\usr\src\sword\apps\windoze\CBuilder4\InstallMgr \
- /i$(BCB)\include /i$(BCB)\include\vcl /i..\..\..\..\include /mx /w2 /zn
-LFLAGS = -L..\BibleCS;..\..\..\..\usr\src\sword\apps\windoze\CBuilder4\InstallMgr;$(BCB)\lib\obj;$(BCB)\lib;$(RELEASELIBPATH) \
- -aa -Tpe -x -Gn
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ALLOBJ = c0w32.obj sysinit.obj $(OBJFILES)
-ALLLIB = $(LIBFILES) $(LIBRARIES) import32.lib cp32mt.lib
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-[Version Info]
-[Version Info Keys]
-CompanyName=CrossWire Bible Society
-FileDescription=SWORD Installation Manager
-LegalCopyright=GNU GPL 1999
-ProductName=The SWORD Project
-Comments=Seek Jesus who exchanges temporary for eternal
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This section of the project file is not used by the BCB IDE. It is for
-# the benefit of building from the command-line using the MAKE utility.
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-!if !$d(BCC32)
-BCC32 = bcc32
-!if !$d(CPP32)
-CPP32 = cpp32
-!if !$d(DCC32)
-DCC32 = dcc32
-!if !$d(TASM32)
-TASM32 = tasm32
-!if !$d(LINKER)
-LINKER = ilink32
-!if !$d(BRCC32)
-BRCC32 = brcc32
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-!if $d(PATHCPP)
-!if $d(PATHPAS)
-!if $d(PATHASM)
-!if $d(PATHRC)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $(BCB)\BIN\$(LINKER) @&&!
- $(LFLAGS) +
- $(ALLOBJ), +
- $(PROJECT),, +
- $(ALLLIB), +
- $(DEFFILE), +
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- $(BCB)\BIN\$(DCC32) $(PFLAGS) {$< }
- $(BCB)\BIN\$(DCC32) $(PFLAGS) {$< }
- $(BCB)\BIN\$(BCC32) $(CFLAG1) -n$(@D) {$< }
- $(BCB)\BIN\$(BCC32) $(CFLAG1) -n$(@D) {$< }
- $(BCB)\BIN\$(CPP32) $(CFLAG1) -n. {$< }
- $(BCB)\BIN\$(CPP32) $(CFLAG1) -n. {$< }
- $(BCB)\BIN\$(TASM32) $(AFLAGS) $<, $@
- $(BCB)\BIN\$(BRCC32) $(RFLAGS) -fo$@ $<
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.conf b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index f217e61..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-FTPSource=CrossWire Bible Society||/pub/sword/raw/
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d6907e..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-USEFORM("MainFrm.cpp", MainForm);
-USEFORM("StatusFrm.cpp", StatusForm);
-USEFORM("RemoteMntFrm.cpp", RemoteMntForm);
-USEFORM("InfoFrm.cpp", InfoForm);
-USEFORM("cipherfrm.cpp", CipherForm);
-USEFORM("UninstallFrm.cpp", UninstallForm);
- try
- {
- Application->Initialize();
- Application->Title = "Install Manager";
- Application->CreateForm(__classid(TMainForm), &MainForm);
- Application->CreateForm(__classid(TStatusForm), &StatusForm);
- Application->CreateForm(__classid(TRemoteMntForm), &RemoteMntForm);
- Application->CreateForm(__classid(TInfoForm), &InfoForm);
- Application->CreateForm(__classid(TCipherForm), &CipherForm);
- Application->CreateForm(__classid(TUninstallForm), &UninstallForm);
- Application->Run();
- }
- catch (Exception &exception)
- {
- Application->ShowException(&exception);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.res b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.res
deleted file mode 100644
index f65507c..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/InstallMgr.res
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/MainFrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/MainFrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 55eb8fb..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/MainFrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1021 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "MainFrm.h"
-#include "StatusFrm.h"
-#include "RemoteMntFrm.h"
-#include "InfoFrm.h"
-#include "cipherfrm.h"
-#include "UninstallFrm.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-#include <swwinlog.h>
-#include <shellapi.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <io.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <dir.h>
-TMainForm *MainForm;
-VersionInfo::VersionInfo(const char *version) {
- char *buf = new char[ strlen(version) + 1 ];
- char *tok;
- major = minor = minor2 = minor3 = 0;
- strcpy(buf, version);
- tok = strtok(buf, ".");
- if (tok)
- major = atoi(tok);
- tok = strtok(0, ".");
- if (tok)
- minor = atoi(tok);
- tok = strtok(0, ".");
- if (tok)
- minor2 = atoi(tok);
- tok = strtok(0, ".");
- if (tok)
- minor3 = atoi(tok);
- delete [] buf;
-int VersionInfo::compare(const VersionInfo &vi) const {
- if (major == vi.major)
- if (minor == vi.minor)
- if (minor2 == vi.minor2)
- if (minor3 == vi.minor3)
- return 0;
- else return minor3 - vi.minor3;
- else return minor2 - vi.minor2;
- else return minor - vi.minor;
- else return major - vi.major;
-__fastcall InstallSourceTab::InstallSourceTab(TComponent *Owner, const char *confEnt, const char *type) : TControl(Owner) {
- char *buf = new char [ strlen(confEnt) + 1 ];
- strcpy(buf, confEnt);
- Caption = strtok(buf, "|");
- Source = strtok(0, "|");
- Directory = strtok(0, "|");
- delete [] buf;
- Type = type;
- mgr = 0;
-__fastcall InstallSourceTab::~InstallSourceTab() {
- if (mgr)
- delete mgr;
-__fastcall TMainForm::TMainForm(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
- manager = new SWMgr();
- installConf = new SWConfig("./InstallMgr.conf");
- localMgr = 0;
-__fastcall TMainForm::~TMainForm()
- delete manager;
- delete installConf;
- if (localMgr)
- delete localMgr;
-void __fastcall TMainForm::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) {
- refreshPageControl();
- if (SWLog::systemlog)
- delete SWLog::systemlog;
- SWLog::systemlog = new SWWinLog(this->Handle); // set the system logger to our MSWindows specific SWLog class
- fillInstallTree();
- fillSourceTree(getLocalDir(), localTree);
-void TMainForm::refreshPageControl()
- SectionMap::iterator sources;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator sourceBegin;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator sourceEnd;
- while (PageControl1->PageCount > 1) {
- delete PageControl1->Pages[1];
- }
- sources = installConf->Sections.find("Sources");
- if (sources != installConf->Sections.end()) {
- sourceBegin = sources->second.lower_bound("FTPSource");
- sourceEnd = sources->second.upper_bound("FTPSource");
- if (sourceBegin != sourceEnd) {
- while (sourceBegin != sourceEnd) {
- addSource(new InstallSourceTab(this, sourceBegin->second.c_str(), "FTP"));
- sourceBegin++;
- }
- }
- }
-void TMainForm::addSource(InstallSourceTab *ist)
- TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this);
- TTreeView *newtree = new TTreeView(this);
- TSpeedButton *newbutton = new TSpeedButton(this);
- TPanel *newpanel = new TPanel(this);
- char buf[512];
- SectionMap::iterator sit;
- newtab->Caption = ist->Caption.c_str();
- newtab->Hint = ist->Source.c_str();
- newtab->ShowHint = true;
- newtab->PageControl = PageControl1;
- ist->Parent = newtab;
- ist->tree = newtree;
- newpanel->Parent = newtab;
- newpanel->Align = alTop;
- newpanel->BevelOuter = bvNone;
- newpanel->BevelInner = bvNone;
- newpanel->Height = 25;
- newbutton->Parent = newpanel;
- newbutton->Caption = "Refresh from Remote Source";
- newbutton->Width = 175;
- newbutton->OnClick = RefreshRemoteSource;
- newbutton->Flat = true;
- newbutton->Glyph = SpeedButton2->Glyph;
- newtree->Parent = newtab;
- newtree->Align = alClient;
- newtree->ReadOnly = true;
- newtree->OnDblClick = localTreeDblClick;
- newtree->Images = ImageList1;
- newtree->StateImages = ImageList2;
- string parent = "./sources/" + ist->Source + "/file";
- createParent(parent.c_str());
- parent = "./sources/" + ist->Source;
- fillSourceTree(parent.c_str(), newtree);
-const char *TMainForm::getLocalDir()
- ConfigEntMap::iterator entry;
- entry = installConf->Sections["Sources"].find("LocalPath");
- if (entry == installConf->Sections["Sources"].end()) {
- installConf->Sections["Sources"].insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("LocalPath", "d:/sword"));
- entry = installConf->Sections["Sources"].find("LocalPath");
- }
- return entry->second.c_str();
-void TMainForm::setLocalDir(const char *idir)
- installConf->Sections["Sources"].erase("LocalPath"); installConf->Sections["Sources"].insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("LocalPath", idir));
-void __fastcall TMainForm::LocalPath1Click(TObject *Sender)
- localPathDlg->Title = "Select a file in the directory to choose";
- localPathDlg->InitialDir = getLocalDir();
- if (localPathDlg->Execute()) {
- char *buf = new char [ strlen(localPathDlg->FileName.c_str()) + 1 ];
- strcpy(buf, localPathDlg->FileName.c_str());
- int end = strlen(buf) - 1;
- while (end) {
- if ((buf[end] == '/') || (buf[end] == '\\'))
- break;
- end--;
- }
- buf[end+1] = 0;
- setLocalDir(buf);
- delete [] buf;
- }
- installConf->Save();
- fillSourceTree(getLocalDir(), localTree);
-void TMainForm::fillInstallTree()
- ModMap::iterator mods;
- TTreeNode *node;
- string nodeName;
- installTree->Items->Clear();
- if (!manager->configPath)
- return;
- for (mods = manager->Modules.begin(); mods != manager->Modules.end(); mods++) {
- for (node = installTree->Items->GetFirstNode(); node; node = node->getNextSibling()) {
- if (!strcmp(node->Text.c_str(), mods->second->Type())) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!node) { // Add Section
- if (!strncmp(mods->second->Type(), "Bibl", 4)) // If Bibles, put first in list
- node = installTree->Items->AddChildFirst(0, mods->second->Type());
- else node = installTree->Items->AddChild(0, mods->second->Type());
- }
- nodeName = "[";
- nodeName += mods->second->Name();
- nodeName += "] ";
- nodeName += mods->second->Description();
- node = installTree->Items->AddChildObject(node, nodeName.c_str(), mods->second->Name());
- }
-void TMainForm::fillSourceTree(const char *sourceConf, TTreeView *tree)
- ModMap::iterator mods;
- TTreeNode *node;
- SectionMap::iterator sections, targetSection;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator entry;
- string secName;
- const char * modDesc;
- string nodeName;
- string targetVersion;
- string sourceVersion;
- bool cipher;
- SWMgr *mgr;
- if (tree == localTree) {
- if (localMgr)
- delete localMgr;
- mgr = localMgr = new SWMgr(sourceConf);
- }
- else {
- InstallSourceTab *ist = (InstallSourceTab *) MainForm->PageControl1->ActivePage->Controls[0];
- if (ist->mgr)
- delete ist->mgr;
- mgr = ist->mgr = new SWMgr(sourceConf);
- }
- tree->Items->Clear();
- if (!mgr->configPath)
- return;
- for (sections = mgr->config->Sections.begin(); sections != mgr->config->Sections.end(); sections++) {
- cipher = false;
- if (!strcmp(sections->first.c_str(), "Globals")) // skip [Globals]
- continue;
- mods = mgr->Modules.find(sections->first.c_str());
- if (mods != mgr->Modules.end())
- secName = mods->second->Type();
- else {
- secName = "Other";
- }
- entry = sections->second.find("Description");
- if (entry != sections->second.end())
- modDesc = entry->second.c_str();
- else modDesc = "";
- targetVersion = "0.0";
- sourceVersion = "1.0";
- entry = sections->second.find("CipherKey");
- if (entry != sections->second.end())
- cipher = true;
- entry = sections->second.find("Version");
- if (entry != sections->second.end())
- sourceVersion = entry->second.c_str();
- targetSection = manager->config->Sections.find(sections->first);
- if (targetSection != manager->config->Sections.end()) {
- targetVersion = "1.0";
- entry = targetSection->second.find("Version");
- if (entry != targetSection->second.end())
- targetVersion = entry->second;
- }
- if (VersionInfo(sourceVersion.c_str()) > VersionInfo(targetVersion.c_str())) {
- for (node = tree->Items->GetFirstNode(); node; node = node->getNextSibling()) {
- if (!strcmp(node->Text.c_str(), secName.c_str())) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!node) { // Add Section
- if (!strncmp(secName.c_str(), "Bibl", 4)) // If Bibles, put first in list
- node = tree->Items->AddChildFirst(0, secName.c_str());
- else node = tree->Items->AddChild(0, secName.c_str());
- node->ImageIndex = 0;
- }
- nodeName = "[" + sections->first + "] " + modDesc;
- node = tree->Items->AddChildObject(node, nodeName.c_str(), (void *) sections->first.c_str());
- if (VersionInfo(targetVersion.c_str()) < VersionInfo("1.0")) {
- node->ImageIndex = 1;
- node->SelectedIndex = 1;
- }
- else {
- node->ImageIndex = 2;
- node->SelectedIndex = 2;
- }
- if (cipher) {
- node->ImageIndex += 2;
- node->SelectedIndex += 2;
- }
- node->StateIndex = 0;
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TMainForm::Button5Click(TObject *Sender)
- TTreeView *tree;
- for (int i = 0; i < PageControl1->ActivePage->ControlCount; i++) {
- if (PageControl1->ActivePage->Controls[i]->ClassNameIs("TTreeView")) {
- tree = (TTreeView*)(PageControl1->ActivePage->Controls[i]);
- break;
- }
- }
- TTreeNode *node = tree->Selected;
- if (node) {
- if (node->Parent) {
- if (node->StateIndex == 1)
- node->StateIndex = 0; //node->StateIndex;
- else node->StateIndex = 1;
- tree->Repaint();
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TMainForm::localTreeDblClick(TObject *Sender)
- Button5Click(Sender);
-int TMainForm::selectAll(TTreeView *tree, bool sel)
- TTreeNode *node;
- TTreeNode *node2;
- int retCount = 0;
- for (node = tree->Items->GetFirstNode(); node; node = node->getNextSibling()) {
- for (node2 = node->getFirstChild(); node2; node2 = node2->getNextSibling()) {
- if (node2->StateIndex == 1) {
- if (!sel) {
- node2->StateIndex = 0; //node2->StateIndex;
- retCount++;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (sel) {
- node2->StateIndex = 1;
- retCount++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return retCount;
-void __fastcall TMainForm::Button6Click(TObject *Sender) // SELECT ALL
- TTreeView *tree;
- for (int i = 0; i < PageControl1->ActivePage->ControlCount; i++) {
- if (PageControl1->ActivePage->Controls[i]->ClassNameIs("TTreeView")) {
- tree = (TTreeView*)(PageControl1->ActivePage->Controls[i]);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!selectAll(tree, true))
- selectAll(tree, false);
- tree->Repaint();
-void __fastcall TMainForm::Image1Click(TObject *Sender)
- ShellExecute(this->Handle, "open", "", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
-int TMainForm::removeModule(const char *modName)
- SectionMap::iterator module;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator fileBegin;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator fileEnd, entry;
- module = manager->config->Sections.find(modName);
- if (module != manager->config->Sections.end()) {
- entry = module->second.find("CipherKey");
- if (entry != module->second.end())
- CipherForm->cipherEdit->Text = entry->second.c_str();
- fileBegin = module->second.lower_bound("File");
- fileEnd = module->second.upper_bound("File");
- if (fileBegin != fileEnd) { // remove each file
- while (fileBegin != fileEnd) {
- //remove file
- remove(fileBegin->second.c_str());
- fileBegin++;
- }
- }
- else { //remove all files in DataPath directory
- DIR *dir;
- struct dirent *ent;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator entry;
- string modDir;
- string modFile;
- entry = module->second.find("DataPath");
- if (entry != module->second.end()) {
- modDir = entry->second.c_str();
- entry = module->second.find("ModDrv");
- if (entry != module->second.end()) {
- if (!strcmp(entry->second.c_str(), "RawLD")) {
- char *buf = new char [ strlen(modDir.c_str()) + 1 ];
- strcpy(buf, modDir.c_str());
- int end = strlen(buf) - 1;
- while (end) {
- if (buf[end] == '/')
- break;
- end--;
- }
- buf[end] = 0;
- modDir = buf;
- delete [] buf;
- }
- }
- if (dir = opendir(modDir.c_str())) {
- rewinddir(dir);
- while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
- if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, ".")) && (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))) {
- modFile = modDir;
- modFile += "/";
- modFile += ent->d_name;
- remove(modFile.c_str());
- }
- }
- closedir(dir);
- }
- if (dir = opendir(manager->configPath)) { // find and remove .conf file
- rewinddir(dir);
- while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
- if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, ".")) && (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))) {
- modFile = manager->configPath;
- modFile += "/";
- modFile += ent->d_name;
- SWConfig *config = new SWConfig(modFile.c_str());
- if (config->Sections.find(modName) != config->Sections.end()) {
- delete config;
- remove(modFile.c_str());
- }
- else delete config;
- }
- }
- closedir(dir);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-int TMainForm::createParent(const char *pName)
- char *buf = new char [ strlen(pName) + 1 ];
- int retCode;
- strcpy(buf, pName);
- int end = strlen(buf) - 1;
- while (end) {
- if (buf[end] == '/')
- break;
- end--;
- }
- buf[end] = 0;
- if (!strlen(buf))
- return -1;
- if ((retCode = mkdir(buf))) {
- createParent(buf);
- retCode = mkdir(buf);
- }
- delete [] buf;
- return retCode;
-int TMainForm::createPathAndFile(const char *fName)
- int fd;
- if (fd < 1) {
- createParent(fName);
- }
- return fd;
-int TMainForm::copyFileToCWD(const char *sourceDir, const char *fName)
- string sourcePath = sourceDir;
- sourcePath += fName;
- return copyFile(sourcePath.c_str(), fName);
-int TMainForm::copyFile(const char *sourceFile, const char *targetFile)
- int sfd, dfd, len;
- char buf[4096];
- if ((sfd = open(sourceFile, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY)) < 1)
- return -1;
- if ((dfd = createPathAndFile(targetFile)) < 1)
- return -1;
- do {
- len = read(sfd, buf, 4096);
- write(dfd, buf, len);
- }
- while(len == 4096);
- close(dfd);
- close(sfd);
- return 0;
-int TMainForm::installModule(const char *modName, InstallSourceTab *ist)
- SectionMap::iterator module, section;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator fileBegin;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator fileEnd;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator entry;
- string sourceDir;
- string buffer;
- bool aborted = false;
- bool cipher = false;
- if (ist)
- sourceDir = "./sources/" + ist->Source;
- else sourceDir = getLocalDir();
- SWMgr mgr(sourceDir.c_str());
- module = mgr.config->Sections.find(modName);
- if (module != mgr.config->Sections.end()) {
- entry = module->second.find("CipherKey");
- if (entry != module->second.end())
- cipher = true;
- fileEnd = module->second.upper_bound("File");
- fileBegin = module->second.lower_bound("File");
- if (fileBegin != fileEnd) { // copy each file
- if (ist) {
- while (fileBegin != fileEnd) { // ftp each file first
- buffer = sourceDir + "/" + fileBegin->second;
- if (FTPCopy(ist, fileBegin->second.c_str(), buffer.c_str())) {
- aborted = true;
- break; // user aborted
- }
- fileBegin++;
- }
- fileBegin = module->second.lower_bound("File");
- }
- if (!aborted) {
- while (fileBegin != fileEnd) {
- copyFileToCWD(sourceDir.c_str(), fileBegin->second.c_str());
- fileBegin++;
- }
- }
- //---------------
- if (ist) {
- fileBegin = module->second.lower_bound("File");
- while (fileBegin != fileEnd) { // delete each tmp ftp file
- buffer = sourceDir + "/" + fileBegin->second;
- remove(buffer.c_str());
- fileBegin++;
- }
- }
- }
- else { //copy all files in DataPath directory
- DIR *dir;
- struct dirent *ent;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator entry;
- string modDir;
- string modFile;
- string sourceOrig = sourceDir;
- entry = module->second.find("DataPath");
- if (entry != module->second.end()) {
- modDir = entry->second.c_str();
- entry = module->second.find("ModDrv");
- if (entry != module->second.end()) {
- if (!strcmp(entry->second.c_str(), "RawLD")) {
- char *buf = new char [ strlen(modDir.c_str()) + 1 ];
- strcpy(buf, modDir.c_str());
- int end = strlen(buf) - 1;
- while (end) {
- if (buf[end] == '/')
- break;
- end--;
- }
- buf[end] = 0;
- modDir = buf;
- delete [] buf;
- }
- }
- if (ist) {
- buffer = sourceDir + "/" + modDir;
- if (FTPCopy(ist, modDir.c_str(), buffer.c_str(), true)) {
- aborted = true; // user aborted
- }
- }
- sourceDir += "/";
- sourceDir += modDir;
- if (!aborted) {
- if (dir = opendir(sourceDir.c_str())) {
- rewinddir(dir);
- while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
- if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, ".")) && (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))) {
- modFile = modDir;
- modFile += "/";
- modFile += ent->d_name;
- copyFileToCWD(sourceOrig.c_str(), modFile.c_str());
- }
- }
- closedir(dir);
- }
- }
- if (ist) { // delete tmp ftp files
- if (dir = opendir(sourceDir.c_str())) {
- rewinddir(dir);
- while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
- if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, ".")) && (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))) {
- modFile = sourceOrig + "/" + modDir;
- modFile += "/";
- modFile += ent->d_name;
- remove(modFile.c_str());
- }
- }
- closedir(dir);
- }
- }
- sourceDir = sourceOrig;
- sourceDir += "/mods.d/";
- if (!aborted) {
- if (dir = opendir(sourceDir.c_str())) { // find and copy .conf file
- rewinddir(dir);
- while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
- if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, ".")) && (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))) {
- modFile = sourceDir;
- modFile += ent->d_name;
- SWConfig *config = new SWConfig(modFile.c_str());
- if (config->Sections.find(modName) != config->Sections.end()) {
- delete config;
- string targetFile = "./mods.d/";
- targetFile += ent->d_name;
- copyFile(modFile.c_str(), targetFile.c_str());
- if (cipher) {
- CipherForm->modName = modName;
- CipherForm->confFile = targetFile;
- CipherForm->ShowModal();
- }
- }
- else delete config;
- }
- }
- closedir(dir);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return (aborted) ? -1 : 0;
- }
- return 1;
-void TMainForm::fillAllSourceTrees()
- fillSourceTree(getLocalDir(), localTree);
- for (int i = 1; i < PageControl1->PageCount; i++) {
- InstallSourceTab *ist = (InstallSourceTab *) MainForm->PageControl1->Pages[i]->Controls[0];
- string parent = "./sources/" + ist->Source;
- fillSourceTree(parent.c_str(), ist->tree);
- }
-void __fastcall TMainForm::Button4Click(TObject *Sender) // REMOVE MODULE
- TTreeNode *node = installTree->Selected;
- if (node) {
- if (node->Parent) {
- removeModule((const char *)node->Data);
- delete manager;
- manager = new SWMgr();
- fillInstallTree();
- fillAllSourceTrees();
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TMainForm::Button2Click(TObject *Sender) // INSTALL
- TTreeNode *node;
- int count = 0;
- int abort = 0;
- class TWaitCursor {
- public:
- TWaitCursor() : oldc(Screen->Cursor) { Screen->Cursor = crHourGlass; }
- ~TWaitCursor() { Screen->Cursor = oldc; }
- private:
- TCursor oldc;
- } wait; // show hourglass
- TTreeView *tree;
- for (int i = 0; i < PageControl1->ActivePage->ControlCount; i++) {
- if (PageControl1->ActivePage->Controls[i]->ClassNameIs("TTreeView")) {
- tree = (TTreeView*)(PageControl1->ActivePage->Controls[i]);
- break;
- }
- }
- for (node = tree->Items->GetFirstNode(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
- if (node->StateIndex == 1)
- count++;
- } // do true progress bar
- if (!count) return; // if nothing is selected, do nothing
- progressBar->Max = count;
- progressBar->Position = 0;
- for (node = tree->Items->GetFirstNode(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
- if (node->StateIndex == 1) { // if selected for install
- CipherForm->cipherEdit->Text = "";
- if ((node->ImageIndex == 2) || (node->ImageIndex == 4)) { // if this is an upgrade
- removeModule((const char *)node->Data);
- }
- // install module
- statusBar->Caption = "Installing: " + node->Text + "...";
- statusBar->Repaint();
- if (tree == localTree)
- abort = installModule((const char *)node->Data);
- else abort = installModule((const char *)node->Data, (InstallSourceTab *) PageControl1->ActivePage->Controls[0]);
- if (abort)
- break;
- progressBar->Position++;
- }
- }
- delete manager;
- manager = new SWMgr();
- fillInstallTree();
- fillAllSourceTrees();
- statusBar->Caption = "";
- progressBar->Position = 0;
-int TMainForm::FTPCopy(InstallSourceTab *ist, const char *src, const char *dest, bool dirTransfer)
- StatusForm->ist = ist;
- StatusForm->src = src;
- StatusForm->dest = dest;
- StatusForm->dirTransfer = dirTransfer;
- Application->ProcessMessages();
- if (StatusForm->ShowModal() == mrCancel)
- return -1;
- else return 0;
-void __fastcall TMainForm::RefreshRemoteSource(TObject *Sender)
- InstallSourceTab *ist = (InstallSourceTab *) MainForm->PageControl1->ActivePage->Controls[0];
- DIR *dir;
- struct dirent *ent;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator entry;
- string modDir;
- string modFile;
- string target = "./sources/";
- target += ist->Source.c_str();
- target += "/mods.d";
- if (dir = opendir(target.c_str())) {
- rewinddir(dir);
- while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
- if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, ".")) && (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))) {
- modFile = target;
- modFile += "/";
- modFile += ent->d_name;
- remove(modFile.c_str());
- }
- }
- closedir(dir);
- }
- FTPCopy(ist, "mods.d", target.c_str(), true);
- target = "./sources/";
- target += ist->Source.c_str();
- fillSourceTree(target.c_str(), ist->tree);
-void __fastcall TMainForm::SpeedButton1Click(TObject *Sender)
- InfoForm->Caption = "W A R N I N G";
- InfoForm->info = "\\qc {\\b \\fs20 -=+* WARNING *+=- -=+* WARNING *+=-}\\par\\par\\pard ";
- InfoForm->info += "Although Install Manager provides a convenient way for installing and upgrading SWORD components, it also uses a systematic method for accessing sites which gives packet sniffers a target to lock into for singling out users. \\par\\par ";
- InfoForm->ShowModal();
- if (RemoteMntForm->ShowModal() == mrOk) {
- delete installConf;
- installConf = new SWConfig("./InstallMgr.conf");
- refreshPageControl();
- }
-void __fastcall TMainForm::SpeedButton5Click(TObject *Sender)
- TTreeView *tree;
- InstallSourceTab *ist = 0;
- SectionMap::iterator module;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator entry, entryEnd;
- string sourceDir;
- if (PageControl1->ActivePage != PageControl1->Pages[0]) {
- ist = (InstallSourceTab *) PageControl1->ActivePage->Controls[0];
- tree = ist->tree;
- }
- else tree = localTree;
- TTreeNode *node = tree->Selected;
- if (node) {
- if (node->Parent) {
- if (ist)
- sourceDir = "./sources/" + ist->Source;
- else sourceDir = getLocalDir();
- SWMgr *mgr = new SWMgr(sourceDir.c_str());
- module = mgr->config->Sections.find((const char *)node->Data);
- if (module != mgr->config->Sections.end()) {
- string targetVersion = "0.0";
- string sourceVersion = "1.0";
- SectionMap::iterator targetSection;
- entry = module->second.find("Version");
- if (entry != module->second.end())
- sourceVersion = entry->second.c_str();
- targetSection = manager->config->Sections.find(module->first);
- if (targetSection != manager->config->Sections.end()) {
- targetVersion = "1.0";
- entry = targetSection->second.find("Version");
- if (entry != targetSection->second.end())
- targetVersion = entry->second;
- }
- if (VersionInfo(targetVersion.c_str()) < VersionInfo("1.0")) {
- InfoForm->info = "\\pard{\\b * Additional Module Available for Install. } \\par ";
- }
- else {
- InfoForm->info = "\\pard{\\b + Upgraded Module Available for Install.}\\par\\tab Current Version: \\tab " + targetVersion + " \\par\\tab Upgrade Version:\\tab " + sourceVersion + " \\par ";
- bool changes = false;
- for (entry = module->second.begin(); entry != module->second.end(); entry++) {
- if (!strncmp(entry->first.c_str(), "History_", 8)) {
- if (VersionInfo(&entry->first.c_str()[8]) > VersionInfo(targetVersion.c_str())) {
- if (!changes) {
- changes = true;
- InfoForm->info += "\\par{\\b Changes: }\\par ";
- }
- InfoForm->info += "\\tab ";
- InfoForm->info += entry->second.c_str();
- InfoForm->info += "\\par ";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- entry = module->second.find("About");
- if (entry != module->second.end()) {
- InfoForm->info += "\\par{\\b About: } \\par\\par ";
- InfoForm->info += entry->second.c_str();
- }
- InfoForm->Caption = "Module Information";
- InfoForm->ShowModal();
- }
- delete mgr;
- }
- }
-void __fastcall TMainForm::Exit1Click(TObject *Sender)
- Close();
-void TMainForm::deleteAllModules() {
- SWMgr *mgr = new SWMgr();
- int count = mgr->Modules.size();
- if (!count)
- return;
- UninstallForm->Show();
- UninstallForm->ProgressBar1->Max = count;
- UninstallForm->ProgressBar1->Position = 0;
- ModMap::iterator it;
- for (it = mgr->Modules.begin(); it != mgr->Modules.end(); it++) {
- string label = "Uninstalling: [";
- label += it->second->Name();
- label += "] ";
- label += it->second->Description();
- UninstallForm->Label1->Caption = label.c_str();
- UninstallForm->Label1->Repaint();
- removeModule(it->second->Name());
- UninstallForm->ProgressBar1->Position = UninstallForm->ProgressBar1->Position + 1;
- UninstallForm->ProgressBar1->Repaint();
- }
- delete mgr;
- UninstallForm->Hide();
- return;
-void __fastcall TMainForm::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
- for (int i=0;i<=ParamCount();i++) {
- if (LowerCase(ParamStr(i)) == "-uninstall") {
- deleteAllModules();
- Application->Terminate();
- }
- }
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/MainFrm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/MainFrm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dd6502..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/MainFrm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/MainFrm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/MainFrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a6f7cd8..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/MainFrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef MainFrmH
-#define MainFrmH
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <Dialogs.hpp>
-#include <Menus.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include <MPlayer.hpp>
-#include <Graphics.hpp>
-#include <ComCtrls.hpp>
-#include <swmgr.h>
-#include <ImgList.hpp>
-#include <Buttons.hpp>
-#include <NMFtp.hpp>
-#include <NMHttp.hpp>
-#include <Psock.hpp>
-class VersionInfo {
- public:
- int major, minor, minor2, minor3;
- VersionInfo(const char *version);
- int compare(const VersionInfo &vi) const;
- bool operator>(const VersionInfo &vi) const {return (compare(vi) > 0);}
- bool operator<(const VersionInfo &vi) const {return (compare(vi) < 0);}
- bool operator==(const VersionInfo &vi) const {return (compare(vi) == 0);}
-class InstallSourceTab : public TControl {
- __fastcall InstallSourceTab(TComponent *Owner, const char *confEnt, const char *type);
- __fastcall ~InstallSourceTab();
- string Type;
- string Source;
- string Directory;
- string Caption;
- TTreeView *tree;
- SWMgr *mgr;
-class TMainForm : public TForm
- class TWebThread;
- friend class TWebThread;
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TMainMenu *MainMenu1;
- TMenuItem *File1;
- TMenuItem *Exit1;
- TMenuItem *Option1;
- TMenuItem *LocalPath1;
- TOpenDialog *localPathDlg;
- TPanel *Panel1;
- TMediaPlayer *MediaPlayer1;
- TImage *Image1;
- TPanel *pnlAvailable;
- TPanel *pnlInstalled;
- TSplitter *Splitter1;
- TPanel *Panel2;
- TPanel *Panel5;
- TPageControl *PageControl1;
- TTabSheet *TabSheet1;
- TTreeView *localTree;
- TPanel *Panel8;
- TPanel *Panel7;
- TPanel *Panel6;
- TTreeView *installTree;
- TTimer *Timer1;
- TLabel *Label1;
- TImageList *ImageList1;
- TPanel *Panel3;
- TImageList *ImageList2;
- TPanel *statusBar;
- TPanel *Panel4;
- TProgressBar *progressBar;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton2;
- TImage *Image2;
- TLabel *Label2;
- TMenuItem *ManageRemoteSources1;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton1;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton3;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton4;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton5;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton6;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton7;
- void __fastcall LocalPath1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormCreate(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Button5Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall localTreeDblClick(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Button6Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Image1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Button4Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Button2Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SpeedButton1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SpeedButton5Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Exit1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormShow(TObject *Sender);
-private: // User declarations
- SWMgr *manager;
- SWConfig *installConf;
- const char *getLocalDir();
- void setLocalDir(const char *idir);
- void refreshPageControl();
- void addSource(InstallSourceTab *ist);
- void fillAllSourceTrees();
- void deleteAllModules();
-public: // User declarations
- __fastcall TMainForm(TComponent* Owner);
- __fastcall ~TMainForm();
- void __fastcall RefreshRemoteSource(TObject *Sender);
- int selectAll(TTreeView *tree, bool sel);
- int removeModule(const char *modName);
- int installModule(const char *modName, InstallSourceTab *ist = 0);
- static int createParent(const char *pName);
- int createPathAndFile(const char *fName);
- int copyFile(const char *sourceFile, const char *targetFile);
- int copyFileToCWD(const char *sourceDir, const char *fName);
- int FTPCopy(InstallSourceTab *ist, const char *src, const char *dest, bool dirTransfer = false);
- SWMgr *localMgr;
- virtual void fillInstallTree();
- virtual void fillSourceTree(const char *sourceConf, TTreeView *tree);
-extern PACKAGE TMainForm *MainForm;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/RemoteMntFrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/RemoteMntFrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a6b04b3..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/RemoteMntFrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "RemoteMntFrm.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TRemoteMntForm *RemoteMntForm;
-class TRemoteSource : public TObject {
- string name;
- string machine;
- string dir;
- TRemoteSource(const char *confEnt) {
- char *buf = new char [ strlen(confEnt) + 1 ];
- strcpy(buf, confEnt);
- name = strtok(buf, "|");
- machine = strtok(0, "|");
- dir = strtok(0, "|");
- delete [] buf;
- }
- string getConfEnt() {
- return name +"|" + machine + "|" + dir;
- }
-__fastcall TRemoteMntForm::TRemoteMntForm(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
-void __fastcall TRemoteMntForm::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
- ConfigEntMap::iterator loop, end;
- config = new SWConfig("./InstallMgr.conf");
- ListBox1->Clear();
- loop = config->Sections["Sources"].lower_bound("FTPSource");
- end = config->Sections["Sources"].upper_bound("FTPSource");
- while (loop != end) {
- TRemoteSource *rs = new TRemoteSource(loop->second.c_str());
- ListBox1->Items->AddObject(rs->name.c_str(), rs);
- loop++;
- }
- ListBox1->ItemIndex = 0;
- ListBox1Click(0);
-void __fastcall TRemoteMntForm::FormClose(TObject *Sender,
- TCloseAction &Action)
- delete config;
-void __fastcall TRemoteMntForm::SpeedButton4Click(TObject *Sender)
- ModalResult = mrCancel;
-void __fastcall TRemoteMntForm::ListBox1Click(TObject *Sender)
- if (ListBox1->ItemIndex >= 0) {
- TRemoteSource *rs = (TRemoteSource *)ListBox1->Items->Objects[ListBox1->ItemIndex];
- NameEdit->Text = rs->name.c_str();
- MachineEdit->Text = rs->machine.c_str();
- DirEdit->Text = rs->dir.c_str();
- }
- else {
- NameEdit->Text = "";
- MachineEdit->Text = "";
- DirEdit->Text = "";
- }
-void __fastcall TRemoteMntForm::NameEditChange(TObject *Sender)
- if (ListBox1->ItemIndex < 0)
- return;
- TRemoteSource *rs = (TRemoteSource *)ListBox1->Items->Objects[ListBox1->ItemIndex];
- rs->name = NameEdit->Text.c_str();
- ListBox1->Items->Strings[ListBox1->ItemIndex] = rs->name.c_str();
-void __fastcall TRemoteMntForm::MachineEditChange(TObject *Sender)
- if (ListBox1->ItemIndex < 0)
- return;
- TRemoteSource *rs = (TRemoteSource *)ListBox1->Items->Objects[ListBox1->ItemIndex];
- rs->machine = MachineEdit->Text.c_str();
-void __fastcall TRemoteMntForm::DirEditChange(TObject *Sender)
- if (ListBox1->ItemIndex < 0)
- return;
- TRemoteSource *rs = (TRemoteSource *)ListBox1->Items->Objects[ListBox1->ItemIndex];
- rs->dir = DirEdit->Text.c_str();
-void __fastcall TRemoteMntForm::SpeedButton2Click(TObject *Sender)
- if (ListBox1->ItemIndex < 0)
- return;
- int delItem = ListBox1->ItemIndex;
- ListBox1->Items->Delete(delItem);
- ListBox1->ItemIndex = (delItem < ListBox1->Items->Count) ? delItem : delItem - 1;
- ListBox1Click(0);
-void __fastcall TRemoteMntForm::SpeedButton1Click(TObject *Sender)
- TRemoteSource *rs = new TRemoteSource("[New Remote Site]||/pub/sword/");
- ListBox1->ItemIndex = ListBox1->Items->AddObject(rs->name.c_str(), rs);
- ListBox1Click(0);
-void __fastcall TRemoteMntForm::SpeedButton3Click(TObject *Sender)
- TRemoteSource *rs;
- config->Sections["Sources"].erase("FTPSource");
- for (int i = 0; i < ListBox1->Items->Count; i++) {
- rs = (TRemoteSource *)ListBox1->Items->Objects[i];
- config->Sections["Sources"].insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("FTPSource", rs->getConfEnt().c_str()));
- }
- config->Save();
- ModalResult = mrOk;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/RemoteMntFrm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/RemoteMntFrm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 965036c..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/RemoteMntFrm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/RemoteMntFrm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/RemoteMntFrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 81060e1..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/RemoteMntFrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef RemoteMntFrmH
-#define RemoteMntFrmH
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <Buttons.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include <swconfig.h>
-class TRemoteMntForm : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TPanel *Panel1;
- TPanel *Panel2;
- TPanel *Panel3;
- TListBox *ListBox1;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton1;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton2;
- TEdit *NameEdit;
- TEdit *MachineEdit;
- TEdit *DirEdit;
- TPanel *Panel4;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton3;
- TSpeedButton *SpeedButton4;
- TLabel *Label1;
- TLabel *Label2;
- TLabel *Label3;
- void __fastcall FormShow(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action);
- void __fastcall NameEditChange(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SpeedButton4Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall ListBox1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall MachineEditChange(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall DirEditChange(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SpeedButton2Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SpeedButton1Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall SpeedButton3Click(TObject *Sender);
-private: // User declarations
- SWConfig *config;
-public: // User declarations
- __fastcall TRemoteMntForm(TComponent* Owner);
-extern PACKAGE TRemoteMntForm *RemoteMntForm;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/StatusFrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/StatusFrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 36911d2..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/StatusFrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "StatusFrm.h"
-#include "MainFrm.h"
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TStatusForm *StatusForm;
-__fastcall TStatusForm::TStatusForm(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
-void __fastcall TStatusForm::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
- abort = false;
- ftpThread = new TFTPThread(ist, src.c_str(), dest.c_str(), dirTransfer, true);
- ftpThread->OnTerminate = Cleanup;
- ftpThread->Resume();
-__fastcall TStatusForm::TFTPThread::TFTPThread(InstallSourceTab *iist, const char *isrc, const char *idest, bool idirTransfer, bool CreateSuspended)
- : TThread(CreateSuspended)
- ist = iist;
- src = isrc;
- dest = idest;
- dirTransfer = idirTransfer;
- Priority = tpNormal;
- FreeOnTerminate = true;
- Synchronize((TThreadMethod)&CreateFTPObject);
-__fastcall TStatusForm::TFTPThread::~TFTPThread()
- delete FTPLink;
-void __fastcall TStatusForm::TFTPThread::Execute()
- Synchronize((TThreadMethod)&PreConnect);
- FTPLink->OnPacketRecvd = FTPLinkPacketRecvd;
- FTPLink->ParseList = true;
- FTPLink->Host = ist->Source.c_str();
- FTPLink->Port = 21;
- FTPLink->UserID = "ftp";
- FTPLink->Password = "";
- try {
- FTPLink->Connect();
- FTPLink->Mode(MODE_IMAGE);
- FTPLink->ChangeDir(ist->Directory.c_str());
- }
- catch(...) {
- StatusForm->Button1Click(0); // abort thread
- }
- if (!Terminated) {
- if (dirTransfer) {
- FTPLink->ChangeDir(src.c_str());
- fileList.clear();
- FTPLink->List();
- int fileCount = FTPLink->FTPDirectoryList->name->Count;
- for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) {
- if (FTPLink->FTPDirectoryList->Attribute->Strings[i].c_str()[0] != 'd') {
- buffer = dest + "/" + FTPLink->FTPDirectoryList->name->Strings[i].c_str();
- buffer2 = "Downloading (";
- buffer2 += IntToStr(i+1).c_str();
- buffer2 += " of ";
- buffer2 += IntToStr(fileCount).c_str();
- buffer2 += "): ";
- buffer2 += FTPLink->FTPDirectoryList->name->Strings[i].c_str();
- // SWLog::systemlog->LogInformation("%s", buffer.c_str());
- TMainForm::createParent(buffer.c_str()); // make sure parent directory exists
- Synchronize((TThreadMethod)&PreDownload1);
- try {
- FTPLink->Download(FTPLink->FTPDirectoryList->name->Strings[i].c_str(), buffer.c_str());
- }
- catch(...) {}
- if (Terminated)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- Synchronize((TThreadMethod)&PreDownload2);
- FTPLink->Download(src.c_str(), dest.c_str());
- }
- try {
- FTPLink->Disconnect();
- }
- catch(...){}
- }
-void __fastcall TStatusForm::TFTPThread::FTPLinkPacketRecvd(TObject *Sender)
- Synchronize((TThreadMethod)&UpdateBytes);
-void __fastcall TStatusForm::TFTPThread::UpdateBytes(void)
- StatusForm->statusBar->Caption = IntToStr(FTPLink->BytesRecvd) + " bytes out of " + IntToStr(FTPLink->BytesTotal) + " transferred (" + IntToStr((int)((float)(FTPLink->BytesRecvd + 1) / (float)(FTPLink->BytesTotal + 1) * 100)) + "%)";
- StatusForm->statusBar->Repaint();
-void __fastcall TStatusForm::TFTPThread::CreateFTPObject(void)
- FTPLink = new TNMFTP(0);
-void __fastcall TStatusForm::TFTPThread::PreConnect(void)
- buffer = "Connecting to server at ";
- buffer += ist->Source.c_str();
- buffer += "...";
- StatusForm->actionBar->Caption = buffer.c_str();
- StatusForm->statusBar->Caption = "";
- StatusForm->Repaint();
-void __fastcall TStatusForm::TFTPThread::PreDownload1(void)
-// SWLog::systemlog->LogInformation("Creating parent dir: %s", buffer.c_str());
-// SWLog::systemlog->LogInformation("Return: %d", ret);
- StatusForm->actionBar->Caption = buffer2.c_str();
- StatusForm->statusBar->Caption = "";
- StatusForm->Repaint();
-void __fastcall TStatusForm::TFTPThread::PreDownload2(void)
- buffer = "Downloading: ";
- buffer += src.c_str();
- StatusForm->actionBar->Caption = buffer.c_str();
- StatusForm->statusBar->Caption = "";
- StatusForm->Repaint();
- MainForm->createParent(dest.c_str()); // make sure parent directory exists
-void __fastcall TStatusForm::Cleanup(TObject *Sender)
-//void __fastcall TStatusForm::TFTPThread::Cleanup()
- if (abort)
- StatusForm->ModalResult = mrCancel;
- else StatusForm->ModalResult = mrOk;
-// StatusForm->Close();
-void __fastcall TStatusForm::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action)
- MainForm->SetFocus();
-void __fastcall TStatusForm::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
- abort = true;
- ftpThread->Terminate();
- ftpThread->FTPLink->Abort();
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/StatusFrm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/StatusFrm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 2075523..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/StatusFrm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/StatusFrm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/StatusFrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fdf7800..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/StatusFrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef StatusFrmH
-#define StatusFrmH
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include <NMFtp.hpp>
-#include "MainFrm.h"
-class TStatusForm : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TPanel *Panel1;
- TPanel *Panel2;
- TButton *Button1;
- TPanel *statusBar;
- TPanel *Panel3;
- TPanel *actionBar;
- void __fastcall FormShow(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall Cleanup(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action);
- void __fastcall Button1Click(TObject *Sender);
-private: // User declarations
- class TFTPThread : public TThread {
- bool abort;
- InstallSourceTab *ist;
- string src;
- string dest;
- string buffer;
- string buffer2;
- bool dirTransfer;
- protected:
- void __fastcall Execute();
- public:
- list<string> fileList;
- __fastcall TFTPThread(InstallSourceTab *iist, const char *isrc, const char *idest, bool idirTransfer = false, bool CreateSuspended = false);
- __fastcall TFTPThread::~TFTPThread();
- void __fastcall FTPLinkPacketRecvd(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall CreateFTPObject(void);
- void __fastcall UpdateBytes(void);
- void __fastcall PreConnect(void);
- void __fastcall PreDownload1(void);
- void __fastcall PreDownload2(void);
-// void __fastcall Cleanup(void);
- } *ftpThread;
-public: // User declarations
- InstallSourceTab *ist;
- string src;
- string dest;
- bool dirTransfer;
- bool abort;
- __fastcall TStatusForm(TComponent* Owner);
-extern PACKAGE TStatusForm *StatusForm;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/arrow2r.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/arrow2r.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d5713f..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/arrow2r.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/arrow3u.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/arrow3u.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index a1c4068..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/arrow3u.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/back.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/back.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 966e157..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/back.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/bookshut.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/bookshut.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5389910..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/bookshut.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/bulblk.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/bulblk.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0da70ab..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/bulblk.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/bulbon.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/bulbon.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 61c7e5b..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/bulbon.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/check.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/check.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 09307a9..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/check.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/cipherfrm.cpp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/cipherfrm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b77797..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/cipherfrm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#include <vcl.h>
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "cipherfrm.h"
-#include <swmgr.h>
-#include <swconfig.h>
-#pragma package(smart_init)
-#pragma resource "*.dfm"
-TCipherForm *CipherForm;
-__fastcall TCipherForm::TCipherForm(TComponent* Owner)
- : TForm(Owner)
-void __fastcall TCipherForm::Button2Click(TObject *Sender)
- SectionMap::iterator section;
- ConfigEntMap::iterator entry;
- SWConfig *modconf = new SWConfig(confFile.c_str());
- string tmpBuf;
- section = modconf->Sections.find(modName);
- if (section != modconf->Sections.end()) {
- entry = section->second.find("CipherKey");
- if (entry != section->second.end()) {
- entry->second = CipherForm->cipherEdit->Text.c_str();
- modconf->Save();
- delete modconf; // close file
- modconf = 0;
- SWMgr *mgr = new SWMgr();
- SWModule *mod = mgr->Modules[modName];
- mod->SetKey("Ipet 2:12");
- tmpBuf = mod->StripText();
- mod->SetKey("gen 1:10");
- tmpBuf += "\r\n\r\n";
- tmpBuf += mod->StripText();
- Memo1->Text = tmpBuf.c_str();
- delete mgr;
- }
- }
- if (modconf)
- delete modconf;
-void __fastcall TCipherForm::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
- string tmpCaption;
- tmpCaption = "Cipher Key: [";
- tmpCaption += modName;
- tmpCaption += "]";
- Caption = tmpCaption.c_str();
-void __fastcall TCipherForm::FormClose(TObject *Sender,
- TCloseAction &Action)
- Memo1->Text = "";
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/cipherfrm.dfm b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/cipherfrm.dfm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8758bdb..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/cipherfrm.dfm
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/cipherfrm.h b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/cipherfrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fcd722..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/cipherfrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef cipherfrmH
-#define cipherfrmH
-#include <Classes.hpp>
-#include <Controls.hpp>
-#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
-#include <Forms.hpp>
-#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
-#include <string>
-class TCipherForm : public TForm
-__published: // IDE-managed Components
- TPanel *Panel1;
- TPanel *Panel2;
- TPanel *Panel3;
- TLabel *Label1;
- TLabel *Label2;
- TEdit *cipherEdit;
- TMemo *Memo1;
- TButton *Button1;
- TButton *Button2;
- void __fastcall Button2Click(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormShow(TObject *Sender);
- void __fastcall FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action);
-private: // User declarations
-public: // User declarations
- std::string confFile;
- std::string modName;
- __fastcall TCipherForm(TComponent* Owner);
-extern PACKAGE TCipherForm *CipherForm;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/delete.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/delete.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index d20cbf9..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/delete.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/filenew.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/filenew.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 59fb3db..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/filenew.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/floppy.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/floppy.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fbef0a..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/floppy.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/globe.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/globe.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index e4b661d..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/globe.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/insert.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/insert.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cc35c5..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/insert.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/query.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/query.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 36cd506..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/query.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/sword.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/sword.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 32c5606..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/sword.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/trash.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/trash.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index effbab9..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/trash.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/undo.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/undo.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index fc4fff6..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/undo.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/upgdlk.bmp b/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/upgdlk.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4158452..0000000
--- a/apps/windoze/CBuilder4/InstallMgr/upgdlk.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ