path: root/bindings/objc/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bindings/objc/test')
15 files changed, 670 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/SwordBibleTest.swift b/bindings/objc/test/SwordBibleTest.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5af36b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/SwordBibleTest.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// SwordBibleTest.swift
+// ObjCSword
+// Created by Manfred Bergmann on 04.10.14.
+import Foundation
+import XCTest
+class SwordBibleTest: XCTestCase {
+ var mgr: SwordManager?
+ override func setUp() {
+ super.setUp()
+ Configuration.config(withImpl: OSXConfiguration())
+ FilterProviderFactory().initWithImpl(DefaultFilterProvider())
+ mgr = SwordManager(path:Configuration.config().defaultModulePath())
+ }
+ func testGetBible() {
+ let bibleMod = mgr?.module(withName: "GerNeUe")
+ XCTAssertNotNil(bibleMod);
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/SwordInstallSourceManagerTest.m b/bindings/objc/test/SwordInstallSourceManagerTest.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81f0fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/SwordInstallSourceManagerTest.m
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+// SwordInstallSourceManagerTest.m
+// ObjCSword
+// Created by Manfred Bergmann on 12.04.15.
+#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
+#import "SwordInstallSourceManager.h"
+#import "SwordInstallSource.h"
+#import "SwordManager.h"
+#import "TestGlobals.h"
+@interface SwordInstallSourceManagerTest : XCTestCase
+@implementation SwordInstallSourceManagerTest
+NSString *testConfigPath = @"/tmp/testmodinst";
+NSString *testModuleManagerPath = @"/tmp/testmodmgr";
+NSString *localInstallSourcePath = @"/Users/mbergmann/Development/MySources/crosswire/Eloquent_MacOS/trunk/sword_src/sword-trunk/bindings/objc/LocalTestInstallSource";
+- (void)setUp {
+ NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
+ [fm removeItemAtPath:testConfigPath error:NULL];
+ [fm removeItemAtPath:testModuleManagerPath error:NULL];
+ [super setUp];
+- (void)tearDown {
+ [super tearDown];
+- (void)testObjectCreate {
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr = [[SwordInstallSourceManager alloc] initWithPath:@"" createPath:YES];
+ XCTAssertTrue(mgr != nil, @"");
+- (void)testLocalInstallSource {
+ SwordInstallSource *is = [[SwordInstallSource alloc] init];
+ [is setSource:@"localhost"];
+ [is setDirectory:localInstallSourcePath];
+ [is setCaption:@"LocalTest"];
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr = [[SwordInstallSourceManager alloc] initWithPath:testConfigPath createPath:YES];
+ [mgr initManager];
+ [mgr addInstallSource:is reload:YES];
+ NSDictionary *mods = [mgr listModulesForSource:is];
+ XCTAssertTrue([mods count] == 1);
+ XCTAssertTrue([[((SwordModule *) [mods allValues][0]) name] isEqualToString:@"KJV"]);
+- (void)testLocalInstallSourceStatusNew {
+ SwordInstallSource *is = [[SwordInstallSource alloc] init];
+ [is setSource:@"localhost"];
+ [is setDirectory:localInstallSourcePath];
+ [is setCaption:@"LocalTest"];
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr = [[SwordInstallSourceManager alloc] initWithPath:testConfigPath createPath:YES];
+ [mgr initManager];
+ [mgr addInstallSource:is reload:YES];
+ SwordManager *swMgr = [SwordManager managerWithPath:testModuleManagerPath];
+ NSArray *stats = [mgr moduleStatusInInstallSource:is baseManager:swMgr];
+ for(SwordModule *mod in stats) {
+ NSLog(@"", [mod name]);
+ NSLog(@"mod.stat=%i", [mod status]);
+ }
+ XCTAssertTrue([((SwordModule *) stats[0]).name isEqualToString:@"KJV"]);
+ XCTAssertTrue(((SwordModule *) stats[0]).status == ModStatNew);
+- (void)testLocalInstallSourceStatusSame {
+ SwordInstallSource *is = [[SwordInstallSource alloc] init];
+ [is setSource:@"localhost"];
+ [is setDirectory:localInstallSourcePath];
+ [is setCaption:@"LocalTest"];
+ SwordManager *swMgr = [SwordManager managerWithPath:testModuleManagerPath];
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr = [[SwordInstallSourceManager alloc] initWithPath:testConfigPath createPath:YES];
+ [mgr initManager];
+ [mgr addInstallSource:is reload:YES];
+ [mgr installModule:[[mgr listModulesForSource:is] allValues][0] fromSource:is withManager:swMgr];
+ [swMgr reloadManager];
+ NSArray *stats = [mgr moduleStatusInInstallSource:is baseManager:swMgr];
+ for(SwordModule *mod in stats) {
+ NSLog(@"", [mod name]);
+ NSLog(@"mod.stat=%i", [mod status]);
+ }
+ XCTAssertTrue([((SwordModule *) stats[0]).name isEqualToString:@"KJV"]);
+ XCTAssertTrue(((SwordModule *) stats[0]).status == ModStatSameVersion);
+- (void)testInstallModuleFromLocalSource {
+ SwordInstallSource *is = [[SwordInstallSource alloc] init];
+ [is setSource:@"localhost"];
+ [is setDirectory:localInstallSourcePath];
+ [is setCaption:@"LocalTest"];
+ SwordManager *swMgr = [SwordManager managerWithPath:testModuleManagerPath];
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr = [[SwordInstallSourceManager alloc] initWithPath:testConfigPath createPath:YES];
+ [mgr initManager];
+ [mgr addInstallSource:is reload:YES];
+ int stat = [mgr installModule:[[mgr listModulesForSource:is] allValues][0] fromSource:is withManager:swMgr];
+ XCTAssertTrue(stat == 0);
+- (void)testInitManagerCheckConfigPath {
+ // make sure this folder doesn't exist at start
+ NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
+ BOOL isDir;
+ BOOL existsFolder = [fm fileExistsAtPath:testConfigPath isDirectory:&isDir];
+ XCTAssertFalse(existsFolder, @"");
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr = [[SwordInstallSourceManager alloc] initWithPath:testConfigPath createPath:YES];
+ [mgr initManager];
+ // make sure the folder was created
+ existsFolder = [fm fileExistsAtPath:testConfigPath isDirectory:&isDir];
+ BOOL existsInstallMgrConf = [fm fileExistsAtPath:[testConfigPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"InstallMgr.conf"]];
+ XCTAssertTrue(isDir, @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue(existsFolder, @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue(existsInstallMgrConf, @"");
+- (void)testHasOneInitialInstallSource {
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr = [[SwordInstallSourceManager alloc] initWithPath:testConfigPath createPath:YES];
+ [mgr initManager];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[mgr installSources] count] == 1, @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[[[mgr installSources] allValues] firstObject] caption] isEqualToString:@"CrossWire"], @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[[[mgr installSources] allValues] firstObject] source] isEqualToString:@""], @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[[[mgr installSources] allValues] firstObject] directory] isEqualToString:@"/pub/sword/raw"], @"");
+- (void)testDisclaimerNotApproved {
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr = [[SwordInstallSourceManager alloc] initWithPath:testConfigPath createPath:YES];
+ [mgr initManager];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[mgr installSources] count] == 1, @"");
+ NSInteger stat = [mgr refreshInstallSource:[[mgr installSources] allValues][0]];
+ NSLog(@"stat: %li", stat);
+ XCTAssertTrue(stat == -1);
+- (void)testRefreshInstallSource {
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr = [[SwordInstallSourceManager alloc] initWithPath:testConfigPath createPath:YES];
+ [mgr initManager];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[mgr installSources] count] == 1, @"");
+ [mgr setUserDisclaimerConfirmed:YES];
+ NSInteger stat = [mgr refreshInstallSource:[[mgr installSources] allValues][0]];
+ NSLog(@"stat: %li", stat);
+ XCTAssertTrue(stat == 0);
+- (void)testAddInstallSource {
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr = [[SwordInstallSourceManager alloc] initWithPath:testConfigPath createPath:YES];
+ [mgr initManager];
+ SwordInstallSource *is = [[SwordInstallSource alloc] initWithType:INSTALLSOURCE_TYPE_FTP];
+ [is setCaption:@"test"];
+ [is setSource:@""];
+ [is setDirectory:@"/foobar"];
+ [mgr addInstallSource:is reload:YES];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[mgr installSources] count] == 2, @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[mgr installSources][@"test"] caption] isEqualToString:@"test"], @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[mgr installSources][@"test"] source] isEqualToString:@""], @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[mgr installSources][@"test"] directory] isEqualToString:@"/foobar"], @"");
+- (void)testRemoveInstallSource {
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr = [[SwordInstallSourceManager alloc] initWithPath:testConfigPath createPath:YES];
+ [mgr initManager];
+ // first add
+ SwordInstallSource *is = [[SwordInstallSource alloc] initWithType:INSTALLSOURCE_TYPE_FTP];
+ [is setCaption:@"test"];
+ [is setSource:@""];
+ [is setDirectory:@"/foobar"];
+ [mgr addInstallSource:is reload:YES];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[mgr installSources] count] == 2, @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[mgr installSources][@"test"] caption] isEqualToString:@"test"], @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[mgr installSources][@"test"] source] isEqualToString:@""], @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[mgr installSources][@"test"] directory] isEqualToString:@"/foobar"], @"");
+ // then remove
+ [mgr removeInstallSource:is reload:YES];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[mgr installSources] count] == 1, @"");
+ is = [[[mgr installSources] allValues] firstObject];
+ NSLog(@"IS caption: %@", [is caption]);
+ XCTAssertTrue([[is caption] isEqualToString:@"CrossWire"], @"");
+- (void)testUpdateInstallSource {
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr = [[SwordInstallSourceManager alloc] initWithPath:testConfigPath createPath:YES];
+ [mgr initManager];
+ // first add
+ SwordInstallSource *is = [[SwordInstallSource alloc] initWithType:INSTALLSOURCE_TYPE_FTP];
+ [is setCaption:@"test"];
+ [is setSource:@""];
+ [is setDirectory:@"/foobar"];
+ [mgr addInstallSource:is reload:YES];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[mgr installSources] count] == 2, @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[mgr installSources][@"test"] caption] isEqualToString:@"test"], @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[mgr installSources][@"test"] source] isEqualToString:@""], @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[mgr installSources][@"test"] directory] isEqualToString:@"/foobar"], @"");
+ SwordInstallSource *update = [mgr installSources][@"test"];
+ [update setSource:@""];
+ [mgr updateInstallSource:update];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[mgr installSources] count] == 2, @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[mgr installSources][@"test"] caption] isEqualToString:@"test"], @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[mgr installSources][@"test"] source] isEqualToString:@""], @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[mgr installSources][@"test"] directory] isEqualToString:@"/foobar"], @"");
+- (void)testUseAsDefaultManager {
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr = [[SwordInstallSourceManager alloc] initWithPath:testConfigPath createPath:YES];
+ [mgr useAsDefaultManager];
+ SwordInstallSourceManager *mgr2 = [SwordInstallSourceManager defaultManager];
+ XCTAssertEqual(mgr, mgr2);
+- (void)testExample {
+ XCTAssert(YES, @"Pass");
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/SwordListKeyTest.h b/bindings/objc/test/SwordListKeyTest.h
index 4d4ff43..fea4ab6 100644
--- a/bindings/objc/test/SwordListKeyTest.h
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/SwordListKeyTest.h
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
// Copyright 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
-#import <SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h>
+#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
-@interface SwordListKeyTest : SenTestCase {
+@interface SwordListKeyTest : XCTestCase {
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/SwordListKeyTest.m b/bindings/objc/test/SwordListKeyTest.m
index 73d47dc..7b3181c 100644
--- a/bindings/objc/test/SwordListKeyTest.m
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/SwordListKeyTest.m
@@ -12,32 +12,32 @@
@implementation SwordListKeyTest
- (void)testContainsKey {
- SwordListKey *lk = [SwordListKey listKeyWithRef:@"Gen 1:1-5"];
+ SwordListKey *lk = [SwordListKey listKeyWithRef:@"Gen 1:1-5" v11n:@"KJV"];
SwordVerseKey *vk = [SwordVerseKey verseKeyWithRef:@"Gen 1:3"];
- STAssertTrue([lk containsKey:vk], @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([lk containsKey:vk], @"");
- (void)testNumberOfVerses {
- SwordListKey *lk = [SwordListKey listKeyWithRef:@"gen 1:2-20"];
- STAssertNotNil(lk, @"");
- STAssertTrue(([lk numberOfVerses] == 19), @"");
+ SwordListKey *lk = [SwordListKey listKeyWithRef:@"gen 1:2-20" v11n:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(lk, @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue(([lk numberOfVerses] == 19), @"");
- (void)testVerseEnumeratorAllObjects {
- SwordListKey *lk = [SwordListKey listKeyWithRef:@"gen 1:2-20"];
- STAssertNotNil(lk, @"");
+ SwordListKey *lk = [SwordListKey listKeyWithRef:@"gen 1:2-20" v11n:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(lk, @"");
VerseEnumerator *ve = [lk verseEnumerator];
NSArray *verseRefs = [ve allObjects];
- STAssertNotNil(verseRefs, @"");
- STAssertTrue(([verseRefs count] == 19), @"");
+ XCTAssertNotNil(verseRefs, @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue(([verseRefs count] == 19), @"");
- (void)testVerseEnumeratorNextObject {
- SwordListKey *lk = [SwordListKey listKeyWithRef:@"gen 1:2-20"];
- STAssertNotNil(lk, @"");
+ SwordListKey *lk = [SwordListKey listKeyWithRef:@"gen 1:2-20" v11n:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(lk, @"");
VerseEnumerator *ve = [lk verseEnumerator];
int count = 0;
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
while((ref = [ve nextObject])) {
- STAssertTrue((count == 19), @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue((count == 19), @"");
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/SwordLocaleManagerTest.swift b/bindings/objc/test/SwordLocaleManagerTest.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7360af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/SwordLocaleManagerTest.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// SwordLocaleManagerTest.swift
+// ObjCSword
+// Created by Manfred Bergmann on 02.10.16.
+import XCTest
+class SwordLocaleManagerTest: XCTestCase {
+ override func setUp() {
+ super.setUp()
+ }
+ override func tearDown() {
+ super.tearDown()
+ }
+ func testDefaultLocalSetup() {
+ let locMgr = SwordLocaleManager.default()
+ locMgr?.initLocale()
+ let defaultLocName = locMgr?.getDefaultLocaleName()
+ print(defaultLocName)
+ XCTAssert(defaultLocName != nil)
+ XCTAssert(defaultLocName == "de")
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/SwordManagerTest.h b/bindings/objc/test/SwordManagerTest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 167d335..0000000
--- a/bindings/objc/test/SwordManagerTest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-// SwordManagerTest.h
-// ObjCSword
-// Created by Manfred Bergmann on 14.06.10.
-// Copyright 2010 Software by MABE. All rights reserved.
-#import <SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h>
-@interface SwordManagerTest : SenTestCase {
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/SwordManagerTest.m b/bindings/objc/test/SwordManagerTest.m
index d2c93dd..5b48c3e 100644
--- a/bindings/objc/test/SwordManagerTest.m
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/SwordManagerTest.m
@@ -2,25 +2,89 @@
// SwordManagerTest.m
// ObjCSword
-// Created by Manfred Bergmann on 14.06.10.
-// Copyright 2010 Software by MABE. All rights reserved.
+// Created by Manfred Bergmann on 02.03.16.
+#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import <ObjCSword/ObjCSword.h>
-#import "SwordManagerTest.h"
-@implementation SwordManagerTest
+@interface SwordManagerTest : XCTestCase
+@implementation SwordManagerTest {
+ SwordManager *mgr;
- (void)setUp {
- [Configuration configWithImpl:[[[OSXConfiguration alloc] init] autorelease]];
+ [super setUp];
+ [Configuration configWithImpl:[[OSXConfiguration alloc] init]];
+ [[FilterProviderFactory providerFactory] initWithImpl:[[DefaultFilterProvider alloc] init]];
+ NSString *modulePath = [[[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"TestModules"];
+ mgr = [SwordManager managerWithPath:modulePath];
+- (void)testAvailableModules {
+ XCTAssert(mgr != nil);
+ NSInteger count = [[mgr allModules] count];
+ XCTAssert(count > 0);
+ NSLog(@"Modules: %lu", count);
-- (void)testSwordManagerInit {
- NSString *modPath = [[Configuration config] defaultModulePath];
- NSLog(@"%@", modPath);
+- (void)testGetModule {
+ SwordModule *mod = [mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssert(mod != nil);
+ XCTAssert([[mod name] isEqualToString:@"KJV"]);
+- (void)testReloadWithRenderedKey_String {
+ SwordModule *mod = [mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ [mod setKeyString:@"Gen 1:1"];
+ NSString *text = [mod renderedText];
+ XCTAssert(text != nil);
+ XCTAssert(text.length > 0);
+ NSLog(@"text: %@", text);
+ [mgr reloadManager];
+ mod = [mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssert(mod != nil);
+ XCTAssert([[mod name] isEqualToString:@"KJV"]);
+- (void)testReloadWithRenderedKey_SwordKey {
+ SwordModule *mod = [mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ SwordKey *key = [SwordKey swordKeyWithRef:@"Gen 1"];
+ [mod setSwordKey:key];
+ NSString *text = [mod renderedText];
+ XCTAssert(text != nil);
+ XCTAssert(text.length > 0);
+ NSLog(@"text: %@", text);
+ [mgr reloadManager];
+ mod = [mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssert(mod != nil);
+ XCTAssert([[mod name] isEqualToString:@"KJV"]);
+- (void)testReloadWithRenderedKey_CustomRender {
+ SwordModule *mod = [mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ NSArray *textEntries = [(SwordBible *)mod renderedTextEntriesForRef:@"Gen 1" context:0];
+ XCTAssert(textEntries != nil);
+ NSLog(@"Entries: %lu", [textEntries count]);
+ XCTAssert([textEntries count] == 31);
- SwordManager *sm = [SwordManager managerWithPath:modPath];
- STAssertTrue([[sm modules] count] > 0, @"");
+ [mgr reloadManager];
+ mod = [mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssert(mod != nil);
+ XCTAssert([[mod name] isEqualToString:@"KJV"]);
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/SwordManagerTest.swift b/bindings/objc/test/SwordManagerTest.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8500eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/SwordManagerTest.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// SwordManagerTest.swift
+// ObjCSword
+// Created by Manfred Bergmann on 02.03.16.
+import XCTest
+class SwordManagerTest: XCTestCase {
+ var mgr: SwordManager?
+ override func setUp() {
+ super.setUp()
+ let modulesDir = NSBundle(forClass:self.dynamicType).resourcePath!.stringByAppendingString("/TestModules")
+ NSLog("modulesDir: \(modulesDir)")
+ Configuration.configWithImpl(OSXConfiguration())
+ FilterProviderFactory().initWithImpl(DefaultFilterProvider())
+ mgr = SwordManager(path:modulesDir)
+ }
+ func testAvailableModules() {
+ XCTAssert(mgr != nil)
+ XCTAssert(mgr?.modules.count > 0)
+ NSLog("modules: \(mgr?.modules.count)")
+ }
+ func testGetModule() {
+ let mod = mgr?.moduleWithName("kjv")
+ XCTAssert(mod != nil)
+ XCTAssert(mod?.name() == "KJV")
+ }
+ func testReload() {
+ var mod = mgr?.moduleWithName("kjv")
+ mgr?.reloadManager()
+ mod = mgr?.moduleWithName("kjv")
+ XCTAssert(mod != nil)
+ XCTAssert(mod?.name() == "KJV")
+ }
+ func testReloadWithKeyString() {
+ var mod = mgr?.moduleWithName("kjv")
+ let te = mod?.renderedTextEntriesForRef("Gen 1")
+ XCTAssert(te?.count > 0)
+ NSLog(te![0] as! String)
+// mod?.setKeyString("Gen 1")
+// let text = mod?.renderedText()
+// XCTAssert(text != nil)
+// XCTAssert(text?.lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) > 0)
+// NSLog(text!)
+ mgr?.reloadManager()
+ mod = mgr?.moduleWithName("kjv")
+ XCTAssert(mod != nil)
+ XCTAssert(mod?.name() == "KJV")
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/SwordModuleLongRunTest.h b/bindings/objc/test/SwordModuleLongRunTest.h
index d415885..5eda8da 100644
--- a/bindings/objc/test/SwordModuleLongRunTest.h
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/SwordModuleLongRunTest.h
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
// Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
-#import <SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h>
+#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
@class SwordModule;
-@interface SwordModuleTest : SenTestCase {
+@interface SwordModuleLongRunTest : XCTestCase {
SwordModule *mod;
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/ b/bindings/objc/test/
index 699a18c..d63d4f5 100644
--- a/bindings/objc/test/
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/
@@ -6,33 +6,20 @@
// Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
-#import "SwordModuleTest.h"
-#import "SwordManager.h"
-#import "Configuration.h"
-#import "iOSConfiguration.h"
-#import "SwordModule.h"
-#import "SwordBibleTextEntry.h"
-#import "VerseEnumerator.h"
-#import "SwordListKey.h"
#import "ObjCSword/ObjCSword.h"
+#import "SwordModuleLongRunTest.h"
+#import "SwordModule+Index.h"
-@implementation SwordModuleTest
+@implementation SwordModuleLongRunTest
- (void)setUp {
- [[Configuration config] setClass:[iOSConfiguration class]];
- [[Configuration config] setClass:[OSXConfiguration class]];
- mod = [[SwordManager defaultManager] moduleWithName:@"GerNeUe"];
+ [Configuration configWithImpl:[[OSXConfiguration alloc] init]];
+ mod = [[SwordManager defaultManager] moduleWithName:@"GerNeUe"];
- (void)testCreateSearchIndex {
SwordModule *sm = [[SwordManager defaultManager] moduleWithName:@"GerSch"];
- STAssertNotNil(sm, @"Module is nil");
+ XCTAssertNotNil(sm, @"Module is nil");
NSLog(@"creating clucene search index...");
[sm createSearchIndex];
@@ -77,7 +64,7 @@
[com incKeyPosition];
- STAssertTrue((count == 1), @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue((count == 1), @"");
- (void)testCommentarySkipLinksNoPersist {
@@ -97,7 +84,7 @@
[lk increment];
- STAssertTrue((count == 1), @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue((count == 1), @"");
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/SwordModuleTest.h b/bindings/objc/test/SwordModuleTest.h
index 95135fc..0eda60b 100644
--- a/bindings/objc/test/SwordModuleTest.h
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/SwordModuleTest.h
@@ -6,13 +6,4 @@
// Copyright 2010 Software by MABE. All rights reserved.
-#import <SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h>
-@class SwordModule, SwordManager;
-@interface SwordModuleTest : SenTestCase {
- SwordManager *mgr;
- SwordModule *mod;
+#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/SwordModuleTest.m b/bindings/objc/test/SwordModuleTest.m
index a308513..2f1a489 100644
--- a/bindings/objc/test/SwordModuleTest.m
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/SwordModuleTest.m
@@ -6,43 +6,184 @@
// Copyright 2010 Software by MABE. All rights reserved.
-#import <ObjCSword/ObjCSword.h>
#import "SwordModuleTest.h"
+#import <ObjCSword/ObjCSword.h>
+@class SwordModule, SwordManager;
+@interface SwordModuleTest : XCTestCase {
+ SwordManager *mgr;
+ SwordModule *mod;
@implementation SwordModuleTest
- (void)setUp {
- [Configuration configWithImpl:[[[OSXConfiguration alloc] init] autorelease]];
- mgr = [SwordManager managerWithPath:[[Configuration config] defaultModulePath]];
- mod = [mgr moduleWithName:@"GerNeUe"];
+ [Configuration configWithImpl:[[OSXConfiguration alloc] init]];
+ [[FilterProviderFactory providerFactory] initWithImpl:[[DefaultFilterProvider alloc] init]];
+ mgr = [SwordManager managerWithPath:[[[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"TestModules"]];
+ mod = [mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
-- (void)testLoopRenderedVerses {
- SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"GerSch"];
- STAssertNotNil(bible, @"Module is nil");
+- (void)testModuleIntroductionGer {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"GerNeUe"];
- NSArray *verses = [bible renderedTextEntriesForRef:@"Gen"];
- STAssertNotNil(verses, @"");
- STAssertTrue([bible numberOfVerseKeysForReference:@"Gen"] == [verses count], @"");
+ NSString *modIntro = [bible moduleIntroduction];
+ NSLog(@"mod intro: %@", modIntro);
+ XCTAssertNotNil(modIntro);
+ XCTAssertTrue([@"Im Anfang schuf Gott Himmel und Erde." isEqualToString:modIntro]);
-- (void)testRenderedVerseText {
- SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"GerSch"];
- STAssertNotNil(bible, @"Module is nil");
+- (void)testFirstBookATIntro {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
- SwordModuleTextEntry *text = [bible textEntryForKeyString:@"gen1.1" textType:TextTypeRendered];
- STAssertNotNil(text, @"");
- STAssertTrue([[text text] length] > 0, @"");
+ SwordBibleBook *book = [bible bookList][0];
+ NSString *intro = [bible bookIntroductionFor:book];
+ NSLog(@"testament: '%i', book '%@' intro: %@", [book testament], [book name], intro);
+ XCTAssertNotNil(intro);
+ XCTAssertTrue([intro hasPrefix:@" <!P><br />Das erste Buch der Bibel wird auch Genesis"]);
-- (void)testCloneModule {
- SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"GerSch"];
- STAssertNotNil(bible, @"Module is nil");
+- (void)testFirstBookATIntroGer {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"GerNeUe"];
- /*
- SwordBible *cloned = (SwordBible *)[bible clone];
- STAssertNotNil(cloned, @"Module is nil");
- */
+ SwordBibleBook *book = [bible bookList][0];
+ NSString *intro = [bible bookIntroductionFor:book];
+ NSLog(@"testament: '%i', book '%@' intro: %@", [book testament], [book name], intro);
+ XCTAssertNotNil(intro);
+ XCTAssertTrue([intro hasPrefix:@" <!P><br />Das erste Buch der Bibel wird auch Genesis"]);
+- (void)testFirstBookNTIntro {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ SwordBibleBook *book = [bible bookWithNamePrefix:@"Mat"];
+ NSString *intro = [bible bookIntroductionFor:book];
+ NSLog(@"testament: '%i', book '%@' intro: %@", [book testament], [book name], intro);
+ XCTAssertNotNil(intro);
+ XCTAssertTrue([intro hasPrefix:@" <!P><br />Um die Zeit der Apostelversammlung herum"]);
+- (void)testJesusWordsInRed {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(bible, @"Module is nil");
+ [mgr setGlobalOption:SW_OPTION_REDLETTERWORDS value:SW_ON];
+ SwordBibleTextEntry *text = (SwordBibleTextEntry *) [bible renderedTextEntryForRef:@"Mat 4:4"];
+ XCTAssertTrue(text != nil);
+ NSLog(@"Mat 4:4: %@", [text text]);
+ XCTAssertTrue([[text text] containsString:@"But he answered and said, <font color=\"red\"> It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.</font>"]);
+- (void)testStrongsNumberHebrewRetrieval {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(bible, @"Module is nil");
+ [bible setKeyString:@"Gen 1:1"];
+ NSArray *strongsNumbers = [bible entryAttributeValuesLemma];
+ XCTAssertTrue(strongsNumbers != nil);
+ XCTAssertTrue([strongsNumbers count] > 0);
+ NSString *combinedString = [strongsNumbers componentsJoinedByString:@","];
+ NSLog(@"%@", combinedString);
+ XCTAssertTrue([@"H07225,H0430,H0853 H01254,H08064,H0853,H0776" isEqualToString:combinedString]);
+- (void)testStrongsNumberHebrewNormalizedRetrieval {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(bible, @"Module is nil");
+ [bible setKeyString:@"Gen 1:1"];
+ NSArray *strongsNumbers = [bible entryAttributeValuesLemmaNormalized];
+ XCTAssertTrue(strongsNumbers != nil);
+ XCTAssertTrue([strongsNumbers count] > 0);
+ NSString *combinedString = [strongsNumbers componentsJoinedByString:@","];
+ NSLog(@"%@", combinedString);
+ XCTAssertTrue([@"H07225,H00430,H00853,H01254,H08064,H00853,H00776" isEqualToString:combinedString]);
+- (void)testStrongsNumberGreekRetrieval {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(bible, @"Module is nil");
+ [bible setKeyString:@"Mat 1:1"];
+ NSArray *strongsNumbers = [bible entryAttributeValuesLemma];
+ XCTAssertTrue(strongsNumbers != nil);
+ XCTAssertTrue([strongsNumbers count] > 0);
+ NSString *combinedString = [strongsNumbers componentsJoinedByString:@","];
+ NSLog(@"%@", combinedString);
+ XCTAssertTrue([@"G976,G1078,G2424,G5547,G5207,G1138,G5207,G11" isEqualToString:combinedString]);
+- (void)testStrongsNumberGreekNormalizedRetrieval {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(bible, @"Module is nil");
+ [bible setKeyString:@"Mat 1:1"];
+ NSArray *strongsNumbers = [bible entryAttributeValuesLemmaNormalized];
+ XCTAssertTrue(strongsNumbers != nil);
+ XCTAssertTrue([strongsNumbers count] > 0);
+ NSString *combinedString = [strongsNumbers componentsJoinedByString:@","];
+ NSLog(@"%@", combinedString);
+ XCTAssertTrue([@"G00976,G01078,G02424,G05547,G05207,G01138,G05207,G00011" isEqualToString:combinedString]);
+- (void)testFirstBookNTIntroGer {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"GerNeUe"];
+ SwordBibleBook *book = [bible bookWithNamePrefix:@"Mat"];
+ NSString *intro = [bible bookIntroductionFor:book];
+ NSLog(@"testament: '%i', book '%@' intro: %@", [book testament], [book name], intro);
+ XCTAssertNotNil(intro);
+ XCTAssertTrue([intro hasPrefix:@" <!P><br />Um die Zeit der Apostelversammlung herum"]);
+- (void)testPreverseHeading {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ [mgr setGlobalOption:SW_OPTION_HEADINGS value:SW_ON];
+ SwordBibleTextEntry *text = (SwordBibleTextEntry *) [bible renderedTextEntryForRef:@"Numbers 1:47"];
+ NSLog(@"Preverse text: %@", [text preVerseHeading]);
+ XCTAssertTrue([[text preVerseHeading] length] > 0);
+ XCTAssertTrue([[text preVerseHeading] isEqualToString:@"<title>Die Sonderstellung der Leviten</title>"]);
+ [mgr setGlobalOption:SW_OPTION_HEADINGS value:SW_OFF];
+- (void)testPreverseHeading2 {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"GerNeUe"];
+ [mgr setGlobalOption:SW_OPTION_HEADINGS value:SW_ON];
+ SwordBibleTextEntry *text = (SwordBibleTextEntry *) [bible renderedTextEntryForRef:@"Numbers 4:21"];
+ NSLog(@"Preverse text: %@", [text preVerseHeading]);
+ XCTAssertTrue([[text preVerseHeading] length] > 0);
+ XCTAssertTrue([[text preVerseHeading] isEqualToString:@"<title>Die Gerschoniten</title>"]);
+ [mgr setGlobalOption:SW_OPTION_HEADINGS value:SW_OFF];
+- (void)testLoopRenderedVerses {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(bible, @"Module is nil");
+ NSArray *verses = [bible renderedTextEntriesForRef:@"Gen"];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(verses, @"");
+ XCTAssertTrue([bible numberOfVerseKeysForReference:@"Gen"] == [verses count], @"");
+- (void)testRenderedVerseText {
+ SwordBible *bible = (SwordBible *)[mgr moduleWithName:@"KJV"];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(bible, @"Module is nil");
+ SwordModuleTextEntry *text = [bible renderedTextEntryForRef:@"gen1.1"];
+ XCTAssertNotNil(text, @"");
+ NSLog(@"text: %@", [text text]);
+ XCTAssertTrue([[text text] length] > 0, @"");
- (void)testLoopWithModulePos {
@@ -129,7 +270,7 @@
[vk setKeyText:[lk keyText]];
long lowVerse = [vk verse] - context;
long highVerse = lowVerse + (context * 2);
- [vk setVerse:lowVerse];
+ [vk setVerse:(int)lowVerse];
[mod setSwordKey:vk];
for(;lowVerse <= highVerse;lowVerse++) {
ref = [vk keyText];
@@ -149,13 +290,20 @@
-- (void)testStrippedTextForRef {
- SwordVerseKey *vk = [SwordVerseKey verseKeyWithRef:@"1Mo 1:2"];
+- (void)testVersePositioning {
+ SwordVerseKey *vk = [SwordVerseKey verseKeyWithRef:@"gen 1:2"];
NSLog(@"start position: %@", [vk keyText]);
[vk decrement];
NSLog(@"decrement position: %@", [vk keyText]);
+ XCTAssertTrue([vk chapter] == 1);
+ XCTAssertTrue([vk book] == 1);
+ XCTAssertTrue([vk verse] == 1);
[vk setVerse:[vk verse] + 3];
NSLog(@"verse + 3: %@", [vk keyText]);
+ XCTAssertTrue([vk chapter] == 1);
+ XCTAssertTrue([vk book] == 1);
+ XCTAssertTrue([vk verse] == 4);
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/TestGlobals.h b/bindings/objc/test/TestGlobals.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f344c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/TestGlobals.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// TestGlobals.h
+// ObjCSword
+// Created by Manfred Bergmann on 02.03.16.
+#ifndef TestGlobals_h
+#define TestGlobals_h
+#endif /* TestGlobals_h */
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/Tests-Bridging-Header.h b/bindings/objc/test/Tests-Bridging-Header.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4dd0a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/Tests-Bridging-Header.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+// Use this file to import your target's public headers that you would like to expose to Swift.
+#import <ObjCSword/ObjCSword.h>
+#import "TestGlobals.h"
diff --git a/bindings/objc/test/Tests-Info.plist b/bindings/objc/test/Tests-Info.plist
index c285a47..66a5a8a 100644
--- a/bindings/objc/test/Tests-Info.plist
+++ b/bindings/objc/test/Tests-Info.plist
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- <string>com.yourcompany.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}</string>
+ <string>$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)</string>