path: root/examples/windoze/bcowl25/multimod/swrdabtd.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/windoze/bcowl25/multimod/swrdabtd.cpp')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/windoze/bcowl25/multimod/swrdabtd.cpp b/examples/windoze/bcowl25/multimod/swrdabtd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca43db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/windoze/bcowl25/multimod/swrdabtd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+/* Project sword
+ GNU Copyleft GPL © 1995. Almost No Rights Reserved.
+ SUBSYSTEM: sword.exe Application
+ FILE: swrdabtd.cpp
+ AUTHOR: The Sword Project Team
+ ========
+ Source file for implementation of swordAboutDlg (TDialog).
+#include <owl\owlpch.h>
+#pragma hdrstop
+#if !defined(__FLAT__)
+#include <ver.h>
+#include "swordapp.h"
+#include "swrdabtd.h"
+ProjectRCVersion::ProjectRCVersion (TModule *module)
+ char appFName[255];
+ char subBlockName[255];
+ DWORD fvHandle;
+ UINT vSize;
+ FVData = 0;
+ module->GetModuleFileName(appFName, sizeof(appFName));
+ OemToAnsi(appFName, appFName);
+ DWORD dwSize = ::GetFileVersionInfoSize(appFName, &fvHandle);
+ if (dwSize) {
+ FVData = (void FAR *)new char[(UINT)dwSize];
+ if (::GetFileVersionInfo(appFName, fvHandle, dwSize, FVData)) {
+ // Copy string to buffer so if the -dc compiler switch (Put constant strings in code segments)
+ // is on VerQueryValue will work under Win16. This works around a problem in Microsoft's ver.dll
+ // which writes to the string pointed to by subBlockName.
+ strcpy(subBlockName, "\\VarFileInfo\\Translation");
+ if (!::VerQueryValue(FVData, subBlockName, (void FAR* FAR*)&TransBlock, &vSize)) {
+ delete[] FVData;
+ FVData = 0;
+ } else
+ // Swap the words so wsprintf will print the lang-charset in the correct format.
+ *(DWORD *)TransBlock = MAKELONG(HIWORD(*(DWORD *)TransBlock), LOWORD(*(DWORD *)TransBlock));
+ }
+ }
+ProjectRCVersion::~ProjectRCVersion ()
+ if (FVData)
+ delete[] FVData;
+bool ProjectRCVersion::GetProductName (LPSTR &prodName)
+ UINT vSize;
+ char subBlockName[255];
+ if (FVData) {
+ wsprintf(subBlockName, "\\StringFileInfo\\%08lx\\%s", *(DWORD *)TransBlock, (LPSTR)"ProductName");
+ return FVData ? ::VerQueryValue(FVData, subBlockName, (void FAR* FAR*)&prodName, &vSize) : false;
+ } else
+ return false;
+bool ProjectRCVersion::GetProductVersion (LPSTR &prodVersion)
+ UINT vSize;
+ char subBlockName[255];
+ if (FVData) {
+ wsprintf(subBlockName, "\\StringFileInfo\\%08lx\\%s", *(DWORD *)TransBlock, (LPSTR)"ProductVersion");
+ return FVData ? ::VerQueryValue(FVData, subBlockName, (void FAR* FAR*)&prodVersion, &vSize) : false;
+ } else
+ return false;
+bool ProjectRCVersion::GetCopyright (LPSTR &copyright)
+ UINT vSize;
+ char subBlockName[255];
+ if (FVData) {
+ wsprintf(subBlockName, "\\StringFileInfo\\%08lx\\%s", *(DWORD *)TransBlock, (LPSTR)"LegalCopyright");
+ return FVData ? ::VerQueryValue(FVData, subBlockName, (void FAR* FAR*)&copyright, &vSize) : false;
+ } else
+ return false;
+bool ProjectRCVersion::GetDebug (LPSTR &debug)
+ UINT vSize;
+ char subBlockName[255];
+ if (FVData) {
+ wsprintf(subBlockName, "\\StringFileInfo\\%08lx\\%s", *(DWORD *)TransBlock, (LPSTR)"SpecialBuild");
+ return FVData ? ::VerQueryValue(FVData, subBlockName, (void FAR* FAR*)&debug, &vSize) : false;
+ } else
+ return false;
+//{{swordAboutDlg Implementation}}
+// swordAboutDlg
+// ==========
+// Construction/Destruction handling.
+swordAboutDlg::swordAboutDlg (TWindow *parent, TResId resId, TModule *module)
+ : TDialog(parent, resId, module)
+ // INSERT>> Your constructor code here.
+swordAboutDlg::~swordAboutDlg ()
+ Destroy();
+ // INSERT>> Your destructor code here.
+void swordAboutDlg::SetupWindow ()
+ LPSTR prodName = 0, prodVersion = 0, copyright = 0, debug = 0;
+ // Get the static text for the value based on VERSIONINFO.
+ TStatic *versionCtrl = new TStatic(this, IDC_VERSION, 255);
+ TStatic *copyrightCtrl = new TStatic(this, IDC_COPYRIGHT, 255);
+ TStatic *debugCtrl = new TStatic(this, IDC_DEBUG, 255);
+ TDialog::SetupWindow();
+ // Process the VERSIONINFO.
+ ProjectRCVersion applVersion(GetModule());
+ // Get the product name and product version strings.
+ if (applVersion.GetProductName(prodName) && applVersion.GetProductVersion(prodVersion)) {
+ // IDC_VERSION is the product name and version number, the initial value of IDC_VERSION is
+ // the word Version (in whatever language) product name VERSION product version.
+ char buffer[255];
+ char versionName[128];
+ buffer[0] = '\0';
+ versionName[0] = '\0';
+ versionCtrl->GetText(versionName, sizeof(versionName));
+ wsprintf(buffer, "%s %s %s", prodName, versionName, prodVersion);
+ versionCtrl->SetText(buffer);
+ }
+ //Get the legal copyright string.
+ if (applVersion.GetCopyright(copyright))
+ copyrightCtrl->SetText(copyright);
+ // Only get the SpecialBuild text if the VERSIONINFO resource is there.
+ if (applVersion.GetDebug(debug))
+ debugCtrl->SetText(debug);