path: root/examples/windoze/delphi20/multimo1/LogoMain.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/windoze/delphi20/multimo1/LogoMain.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 213 deletions
diff --git a/examples/windoze/delphi20/multimo1/LogoMain.pas b/examples/windoze/delphi20/multimo1/LogoMain.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 4365c83..0000000
--- a/examples/windoze/delphi20/multimo1/LogoMain.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-unit LogoMain;
-uses Windows, Classes, Graphics, Forms, Controls, Menus,
- Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Grids, DBGrids;
- paramt = record
- path, name, disc: pchar;
- end;
- pparamt = ^paramt;
- TSwordAppForm = class(TForm)
- MainMenu: TMainMenu;
- FileMenu: TMenuItem;
- FileExitItem: TMenuItem;
- Help1: TMenuItem;
- AboutItem: TMenuItem;
- SpeedPanel: TPanel;
- ExitBtn: TSpeedButton;
- StatusBar: TStatusBar;
- TextBox: TRichEdit;
- CommentBox: TRichEdit;
- BookCB: TComboBox;
- CHBox: TEdit;
- VSBox: TEdit;
- Label1: TLabel;
- LookupBtn: TSpeedButton;
- TextKeyText: TLabel;
- LDBox: TRichEdit;
- LDTitle: TLabel;
- Label2: TLabel;
- LDKeyText: TLabel;
- TextTitle: TLabel;
- CommentTitle: TLabel;
- PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu;
- EastonsBibleDictionary1: TMenuItem;
- VinesBibleDictionary1: TMenuItem;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FileExit(Sender: TObject);
- procedure Lookup(Sender: TObject);
- procedure About(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ShowHint(Sender: TObject);
- procedure EastonsBibleDictionary1Click(Sender: TObject);
- procedure TextBoxEnter(Sender: TObject);
- procedure VinesBibleDictionary1Click(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- private
- curedit: TRichEdit;
- commonkey: integer;
- webster: integer;
- mhc: longint;
- eastons: longint;
- vines: longint;
- FFileName: String;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- SwordAppForm: TSwordAppForm;
-uses SwordAPI, SysUtils, Mapi, About;
-{$R *.DFM}
-procedure TSwordAppForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- params: paramt;
- s1, s2, s3, s4: AnsiString;
- buf:PChar;
- book: integer;
- Application.OnHint := ShowHint;
- commonkey := NewKey('VerseKey');
- GetMem(buf, 255);
- KeySetText(commonkey, 'Genesis 1:1');
- while (KeyError(commonkey) = 0) do
- begin
- KeyGetText(commonkey, buf, 254);
- s4 := strpas(buf);
- SetLength(s4, Length(s4) - 4);
- BookCB.Items.Add(s4);
- book := VerseKeyGetBook(commonkey);
- book := book + 1;
- VerseKeySetBook(commonkey, book);
- end;
- FreeMem(buf, 255);
- s1 := 'Webster';
- s2 := '../../../../modules/texts/rawtext/webster/';
- s3 := 'Webster Text';
- := PChar(s1);
- params.path := PChar(s2);
- params.disc := PChar(s3);
- webster := NewModule('RawText', @params);
- := 'MHC';
- params.path := '../../../../modules/comments/rawcom/mhc/';
- params.disc := 'Matthew Henry''''s Commentary';
- mhc := NewModule('RawCom', @params);
- KeySetPersist(commonkey, 1);
- ModSetKeyKey(mhc, commonkey);
- ModSetKeyKey(webster, commonkey);
- := 'Eastons';
- params.path := '../../../../modules/lexdict/rawld/eastons/eastons';
- params.disc := 'Easton''''s Bible Dictionary';
- eastons := NewModule('RawLD', @params);
- params.path := '../../../../modules/lexdict/rawld/vines/vines';
- := 'Vines';
- params.disc := 'Vine''''s Bible Dictionary';
- vines := NewModule('RawLD', @params);
-procedure TSwordAppForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject;
- var Action: TCloseAction);
- DeleteModule(webster);
- DeleteModule(mhc);
- DeleteModule(eastons);
- DeleteModule(vines);
- DeleteKey(commonkey);
-procedure TSwordAppForm.FileExit(Sender: TObject);
- Close;
-procedure TSwordAppForm.Lookup(Sender: TObject);
- Buffer: PChar;
- s1: AnsiString;
- hkey: integer;
- s1 := BookCB.Text + ' ' + CHBox.Text + ':' + VSBox.Text;
- if ((StrToInt(CHBox.Text) = 0) or (StrToInt(VSBox.Text) = 0)) then
- VerseKeySetAutoNormalize(commonkey, 0);
- KeySetText(commonkey, PChar(s1));
- GetMem(Buffer, 4096); {Creates Buffer dynamic variable}
- KeyGetText(commonkey, Buffer, 4095);
- TextKeyText.Caption := StrPas(Buffer); {Converts Buffer to a Pascal-style string}
- ModGetText(webster, Buffer, 4095);
- TextBox.Text := StrPas(Buffer); {Converts Buffer to a Pascal-style string}
- ModGetText(mhc, Buffer, 4095);
- CommentBox.Text := StrPas(Buffer); {Converts Buffer to a Pascal-style string}
- FreeMem(Buffer, 4096); {Frees memory allocated to Buffer}
- VerseKeySetAutoNormalize(commonkey, 1);
-procedure TSwordAppForm.About(Sender: TObject);
- AboutBox.ShowModal;
-procedure TSwordAppForm.ShowHint(Sender: TObject);
- StatusBar.SimpleText := Application.Hint;
-procedure TSwordAppForm.EastonsBibleDictionary1Click(Sender: TObject);
- s1 : AnsiString;
- Buffer: PChar;
- s1 := Trim(curedit.SelText);
- ModSetKeyText(eastons, PChar(s1));
- GetMem(Buffer, 4096); {Creates Buffer dynamic variable}
- ModGetText(eastons, Buffer, 4095);
- LDBox.Text := StrPas(Buffer); {Converts Buffer to a Pascal-style string}
- ModGetKeyText(eastons, Buffer, 4095);
- LDKeyText.Caption := StrPas(Buffer); {Converts Buffer to a Pascal-style string}
- LDTitle.Caption := 'Easton''s Bible Dictionary';
- FreeMem(Buffer, 4096);
-procedure TSwordAppForm.TextBoxEnter(Sender: TObject);
- curedit := TRichEdit(Sender);
-procedure TSwordAppForm.VinesBibleDictionary1Click(Sender: TObject);
- s1 : AnsiString;
- Buffer: PChar;
- s1 := Trim(curedit.SelText);
- ModSetKeyText(vines, PChar(s1));
- GetMem(Buffer, 4096); {Creates Buffer dynamic variable}
- ModGetText(vines, Buffer, 4095);
- LDBox.Text := StrPas(Buffer); {Converts Buffer to a Pascal-style string}
- ModGetKeyText(vines, Buffer, 4095);
- LDKeyText.Caption := StrPas(Buffer); {Converts Buffer to a Pascal-style string}
- LDTitle.Caption := 'Vines''s Bible Dictionary';
- FreeMem(Buffer, 4096);