path: root/lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/table/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/table/')
1 files changed, 328 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/table/ b/lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/table/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ccf3c86e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/table/
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+## This file is part of Taurus
+## Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
+## Taurus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## Taurus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+## along with Taurus. If not, see <>.
+"""This module provides basic python dictionary/list editor widgets"""
+__all__ = ["QDictionaryEditor","QListEditor"]
+__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
+import sys
+import taurus
+import numpy
+from taurus.core.util.containers import SortedDict
+from taurus.external.qt import Qt
+from taurus.qt.qtgui.container import TaurusBaseContainer,TaurusWidget
+from import join,djoin
+# Methods borrowed from fandango modules
+def isString(seq):
+ if isinstance(seq,basestring): return True # It matches most python str-like classes
+ if any(s in str(type(seq)).lower() for s in ('vector','array','list',)): return False
+ if 'qstring' == str(type(seq)).lower(): return True # It matches QString
+ return False
+def isSequence(seq,INCLUDE_GENERATORS = True):
+ """ It excludes Strings, dictionaries but includes generators"""
+ if any(isinstance(seq,t) for t in (list,set,tuple)):
+ return True
+ if isString(seq):
+ return False
+ if hasattr(seq,'items'):
+ return False
+ if hasattr(seq,'__iter__'):
+ return True
+ elif hasattr(seq,'__len__'):
+ return True
+ return False
+def isDictionary(seq):
+ """ It includes dicts and also nested lists """
+ if isinstance(seq,dict): return True
+ if hasattr(seq,'items') or hasattr(seq,'iteritems'): return True
+ if seq and isSequence(seq) and isSequence(seq[0]):
+ if seq[0] and not isSequence(seq[0][0]): return True #First element of tuple must be hashable
+ return False
+def dict2array(dct):
+ """ Converts a dictionary in a table of data, lists are unnested columns """
+ data,table = {},[]
+ data['nrows'],data['ncols'] = 0,2 if isDictionary(dct) else 1
+ def expand(d,level):#,nrows=nrows,ncols=ncols):
+ #self.debug('\texpand(%s(%s),%s)'%(type(d),d,level))
+ items = d.items() if isinstance(d,SortedDict) else sorted(d.items() if hasattr(d,'items') else d)
+ for k,v in items:
+ zero = data['nrows']
+ data[(data['nrows'],level)] = k
+ if isDictionary(v):
+ data['ncols']+=1
+ expand(v,level+1)
+ else:
+ if not isSequence(v): v = [v]
+ for t in v:
+ data[(data['nrows'],level+1)] = t
+ data['nrows']+=1
+ #for i in range(zero+1,nrows): data[(i,level)] = None
+ expand(dct,0)
+ [table.append([]) for r in range(data.pop('nrows'))]
+ [table[r].append(None) for c in range(data.pop('ncols')) for r in range(len(table))]
+ for coord,value in data.items(): table[coord[0]][coord[1]] = value
+ return table
+def array2dict(table):
+ """ Converts a table in a dictionary of left-to-right nested date, unnested columns are lists"""
+ nrows,ncols = len(table),len(table[0])
+ r,c = 0,0
+ def expand(r,c,end):
+ print('expand(%s,%s,%s)'%(r,c,end))
+ i0,t0 = r,table[r][c]
+ if not t0: return t0
+ if c+1<ncols and (table[r][c+1] or not c):
+ d = {}
+ keys = []
+ new_end = r+1
+ for i in range(r+1,end+1):
+ t = table[i][c] if i<end else None
+ if t or i>=end:
+ keys.append((i0,t0,new_end)) #start,name,stop for each key
+ t0,i0 = t,i
+ new_end = i+1
+ for i,key,new_end in keys:
+ nd = expand(i,c+1,new_end)
+ d[key] = nd if key not in d else djoin(d.get(key),nd)
+ print('expand(%s to %s,%s): %s'%(r,end,c,d))
+ return d
+ else:
+ d = [table[i][c] for i in range(r,end)]
+ print('expand(%s to %s,%s): %s'%(r,end,c,d))
+ return d
+ data = expand(0,0,nrows)
+ return data
+class QBaseDictionaryEditor(Qt.QDialog,TaurusBaseContainer):
+ def __init__(self, parent = None, designMode = None, title = None):
+ = {} #An {(x,y):value} array
+ self.title = title
+ self.dctmodel = SortedDict()
+ self.callback = None
+ self.call__init__wo_kw(Qt.QDialog, parent)
+ self.call__init__(TaurusBaseContainer, type(self).__name__, designMode=designMode)#defineStyle called from here
+ @classmethod
+ def main(klass, args=None,title='',modal=False,callback=None):
+ dialog = klass()
+ dialog.setModal(modal)
+ dialog.setCallback(callback)
+ dialog.setModifiableByUser(True)
+ dialog.setWindowTitle(title or self.title or klass.__name__)
+ if args: dialog.setModel(args) #[0] if isSequence(args) else args)
+ return dialog
+ def defineStyle(self):
+ #self.setWindowTitle('DictionaryEditor')
+ self.label = Qt.QLabel('Dictionary as a nested tree: {key1:[val1,val2],key2:[val3]')
+ #self.value = Qt.QLabel()
+ self.table = Qt.QTableWidget()#TaurusBaseTable()
+ self.table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True)
+ #self.table.verticalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True)
+ self.baccept = Qt.QPushButton('Apply')
+ self.bcancel = Qt.QPushButton('Cancel')
+ self.baddColumn = Qt.QPushButton()
+ self.baddRow = Qt.QPushButton()
+ [(b.setFixedSize(Qt.QSize(20,20)),b.setIcon(taurus.qt.qtgui.resource.getIcon(':/designer/plus.png'))) for b in (self.baddColumn,self.baddRow)]
+ self.setLayout(Qt.QGridLayout())
+ self.layout().addWidget(self.label,0,0,1,5)
+ #self.layout().addWidget(self.value,1,0,1,3)
+ self.layout().addWidget(self.baddColumn,2,5,1,1)
+ self.layout().addWidget(self.table,2,0,5,5)
+ self.layout().addWidget(self.baddRow,7,0,1,1)
+ self.layout().addWidget(self.baccept,8,3,1,1)
+ self.layout().addWidget(self.bcancel,8,4,1,1)
+ self.connect(self.baccept,Qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"),
+ self.connect(self.bcancel,Qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.close)
+ self.connect(self.baddRow,Qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.addRow)
+ self.connect(self.baddColumn,Qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.addColumn)
+ self.connect(self,Qt.SIGNAL("reject()"),self.close)
+ def addRow(self):
+ self.table.setRowCount(self.table.rowCount()+1)
+ self.table.resizeRowsToContents()
+ self.table.update()
+ def addColumn(self):
+ self.table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(False)
+ self.table.setColumnCount(self.table.columnCount()+1)
+ self.table.resizeColumnsToContents()
+ self.table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True)
+ self.table.update()
+ def setCallback(self,callback):
+ self.callback = callback
+ def getCellText(self,row,column):
+ if row>=self.table.rowCount() or column>=self.table.columnCount():
+ v = None
+ else:
+ i = self.table.item(row,column)
+ if i is None: v = i
+ else: v = str(i.text()).strip()
+ self.debug('getCellText(%s,%s): %s'%(row,column,v))
+ return v
+ def setCellText(self,row,column,value,bold=False,italic=False):
+ i = self.table.item(row,column) or Qt.QTableWidgetItem()
+ i.setText(str(value if value is not None else ''))
+ if bold or italic:
+ f = i.font()
+ if bold: f.setBold(True)
+ if italic: f.setItalic(True)
+ i.setFont(f)
+ self.table.setItem(row,column,i)
+ def setModel(self,model): raise Exception('setModel(self,model)!')
+ def updateStyle(self): raise Exception('updateStyle(self)!')
+ def getValues(self): raise Exception('getValues(self)!')
+ def save(self): raise Exception('save(self)!')
+class QDictionaryEditor(QBaseDictionaryEditor):
+ def setModel(self,model):
+ self.dctmodel = eval(model) if isString(model) else model
+ TaurusBaseContainer.setModel(self,model) #self.updateStyle() called from the property setter
+ def getModelClass(self):
+ return dict
+ def updateStyle(self):
+ #self.value.setText(str(self.dctmodel))
+ data = dict2array(self.dctmodel)
+ self.nrows,self.ncols = len(data),len(data[0])
+ self.table.setRowCount(self.nrows)
+ self.table.setColumnCount(self.ncols)
+ for r in range(self.nrows):
+ for c in range(self.ncols):
+ self.setCellText(r,c,data[r][c],bold=(not c),italic=(c==1))
+ self.table.resizeRowsToContents()
+ self.table.resizeColumnsToContents()
+ self.update()
+ def getValues(self):
+ nrows,ncols = self.table.rowCount(),self.table.columnCount()
+ table = [[self.getCellText(r,c) for c in range(ncols)] for r in range(nrows)]
+ = array2dict(table) #It returns a SortedDict
+'getValues(): %s'%str(
+ return
+ def save(self):
+ self.getValues()
+' %s'
+ if self.callback:
+ self.callback(
+ elif self.dctmodel is None:
+ self.dctmodel =
+ else: #Overwriting dctmodel
+ self.dctmodel.clear()
+ self.dctmodel.update(
+ if self.callback:
+ self.callback( #A SortedDict is passed here
+ self.updateStyle()
+class QListEditor(QBaseDictionaryEditor):
+ def defineStyle(self):
+ QBaseDictionaryEditor.defineStyle(self)
+ self.table.setColumnCount(1)
+ self.baddColumn.hide()
+ def setModel(self,model):
+ if isString(model):
+ try: self.dctmodel = list(eval(model)) if any(c in model for c in ('{','[','(')) else [model]
+ except: self.dctmodel = [model]
+ else: self.dctmodel = model
+ TaurusBaseContainer.setModel(self,model) #self.updateStyle() called from the property setter
+ def getModelClass(self):
+ return list
+ def updateStyle(self):
+ #self.value.setText(str(self.dctmodel))
+ data = list(self.dctmodel)
+ self.nrows,self.ncols = len(data),1
+ self.table.setRowCount(self.nrows)
+ self.table.setColumnCount(self.ncols)
+ for r in range(self.nrows): self.setCellText(r,0,data[r])
+ self.table.resizeRowsToContents()
+ self.table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True)
+ self.update()
+ def getValues(self):
+ nrows = self.table.rowCount()
+ = [self.getCellText(r,0)for r in range(nrows)]
+ return
+ def save(self):
+ self.getValues()
+' %s'%(type(,,self.callback))
+ if self.callback:
+ self.callback(
+ elif self.dctmodel is None:
+ self.dctmodel =
+ else: #Overwriting dctmodel
+ if isSequence(self.dctmodel):
+ while len(self.dctmodel):self.dctmodel.pop(0)
+ self.dctmodel.extend(
+ elif isDictionary(self.dctmodel):
+ self.dctmodel.clear()
+ self.dctmodel = djoin(self.dctmodel,
+ return
+def prepare():
+ from taurus.qt.qtgui.application import TaurusApplication
+ app = TaurusApplication(app_name='DictionaryEditor')
+ args = app.get_command_line_args()
+ return app,args
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ app,args = prepare()
+ dialog = QDictionaryEditor.main(args)
+ sys.exit(app.exec_())
+ \ No newline at end of file