path: root/tcosmonitor/extensions/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tcosmonitor/extensions/')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcosmonitor/extensions/ b/tcosmonitor/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfbc511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcosmonitor/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# TcosMonitor version __VERSION__
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Mario Izquierdo <>
+# This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+from gettext import gettext as _
+import gtk
+import sys
+# needed for get_screenshot
+from time import sleep
+from tcosmonitor import shared
+from tcosmonitor.TcosExtensions import TcosExtension
+from import PingPort
+import gtkvnc
+from random import Random
+import string
+def print_debug(txt):
+ if shared.debug:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "%s::%s" % (__name__, txt)
+ #print("%s::%s" % (__name__, txt), file=sys.stderr)
+class LiveVNC(TcosExtension):
+ def register(self):
+ self.main.menus.register_all( _("Live view screens with VNC") , "menu_remote.png", 1, self.live_all, "livevnc")
+ self.main.livevnc={}
+ self.vncpasswd=""
+ self.vncxres={}
+ self.main.triggers['clean.datatxt']=self.__cleandatatxt
+ self.main.stop_liveview_button=None
+ ########### MULTIPLE HOSTS ###############
+ def live_all(self, widget):
+ if not self.get_all_clients():
+ return
+ self.vncpasswd=''.join( Random().sample(string.letters+string.digits, 12) )
+ self.main.worker=shared.Workers(self.main, None, None)
+ self.main.worker.set_for_all_action(self.action_for_clients, self.allclients, 'livevnc' )
+ def start_action(self, *args):
+ print_debug("START_ACTION")
+ self.main.datatxt.clean()
+ self.main.stop_liveview_button=gtk.Button(_("Stop") )
+ self.main.stop_liveview_button.connect("clicked", self.__cleandatatxt, 'force')
+ self.main.datatxt.insert_block( _("Live view of all hosts") )
+ #"""<span> </span><input type='button' name="self.main.stop_liveview_button" />""" )
+ self.main.datatxt.insert_html("<br/>")
+ def real_action(self, ip, action):
+ #print_debug("real_action() ip=%s self.main.livevnc=%s" %(ip, self.main.livevnc) )
+ max_wait=10
+ # generate pass on client
+ #self.main.xmlrpc.newhost(ip)
+ self.main.xmlrpc.vnc("genpass", ip, self.vncpasswd)
+ # start x11vnc
+ result=self.main.xmlrpc.vnc("startscale", ip)
+ print_debug("real_action() start remote x11vnc result=%s"%result)
+ if result.find("error") != -1:
+ return
+ # wait for start
+ status = "CLOSED"
+ wait=0
+ while status != "OPEN":
+ status=PingPort(ip, 5900).get_status()
+ if status == "CLOSED":
+ sleep(1)
+ wait+=1
+ if wait > max_wait:
+ break
+ # start vnc and save in self.main.vnc dict
+ self.main.livevnc[ip]=gtkvnc.Display()
+ self.main.livevnc[ip].set_credential(gtkvnc.CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, self.vncpasswd)
+ self.main.livevnc[ip].set_credential(gtkvnc.CREDENTIAL_CLIENTNAME,
+ self.main.livevnc[ip].connect("vnc-auth-credential", self._vnc_auth_cred, ip)
+ #self.main.livevnc[ip].connect("size-request", self._force_resize, ip)
+ self.main.livevnc[ip].connect("vnc-connected", self._vnc_connected, ip)
+ #self.main.livevnc[ip].connect("clicked", self._vnc_clicked, ip)
+ self.main.livevnc[ip].connect("button-press-event", self.on_iconview_click, ip)
+ # this freeze GUI
+ #self.main.livevnc[ip].set_tooltip_text("%s"%ip)
+ #print dir(self.main.livevnc[ip])
+ print_debug("real_action() vnc started!!! ")
+ def _vnc_clicked(self, vnc, ip):
+ print_debug("_vnc_clicked() vnc=%s ip=%s"%(vnc, ip))
+ def on_iconview_click(self, widget, event, ip):
+ if event.button == 3:
+ self.main.force_selected_ip=ip
+ # right click show menu
+ self.main.menus.RightClickMenuOne( None , None, ip)
+ None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
+ return True
+ def _vnc_auth_cred(self, *args):
+ #print_debug("vnc_auth_cred() args=%s"%args)
+ return
+ def _force_resize(self, src, size, ip):
+ #print_debug("_force_resize() src=%s size=%s ip=%s"%(src, size, ip))
+ w, h = src.get_size_request()
+ #print "_force_resize() w=%s h=%s"%(w, h)
+ if w == -1 or h == -1:
+ print_debug("_force_resize() returning w=%s h=%s ip=%s"%(w, h, ip))
+ return
+ width=300
+ height=200
+ if self.vncxres.has_key(ip):
+ # cached data
+ width=self.vncxres[ip][0]
+ height=self.vncxres[ip][1]
+ else:
+ self.vncxres[ip]=[width, height]
+ try:
+ screensize=self.main.xmlrpc.ReadInfo("screensize")
+ if screensize != '':
+ width=int(screensize.split('x')[0]) * 100 / int(self.main.config.GetVar("miniscrot_size"))
+ height=int(screensize.split('x')[1]) * 100 / int(self.main.config.GetVar("miniscrot_size"))
+ self.vncxres[ip]=[width, height]
+ print_debug("_force_resize() RESIZE w=%s h=%s"%(width, height))
+ except Exception, err:
+ print_debug("_force_resize() Exception err=%s"%err)
+ width=300
+ height=200
+ self.vncxres[ip]=[width, height]
+ self.main.livevnc[ip].set_size_request(self.vncxres[ip][0], self.vncxres[ip][1])
+ def _vnc_connected(self, vnc, ip):
+ print_debug("_vnc_connected() vnc=%s livevnc[ip]=%s ip=%s"%(vnc, self.main.livevnc[ip], ip))
+ self.main.livevnc[ip].show()
+ self.main.livevnc[ip].realize()
+ def finish_action(self, *args):
+ for ip in self.main.livevnc:
+ #self.main.livevnc[ip]
+ hostname=self.main.localdata.GetUsername(ip)
+ if hostname == shared.NO_LOGIN_MSG:
+ hostname=self.main.localdata.GetHostname(ip)
+ self.main.datatxt.insert_html(
+ "<span style='background-color:#f3d160'>" +
+ "\n\t<livevnc ip='%s' objdict='livevnc' title='%s' title_rotate='90'/> " %(ip, hostname) +
+ "<span style='background-color:#f3d160; color:#f3d160'>__</span>\n</span>"+
+ "")
+ self.main.livevnc[ip].open_host(ip, '5900')
+ #self.main.livevnc[ip].set_scaling(True)
+ self.main.livevnc[ip].set_read_only(True)
+ self.main.livevnc[ip].show()
+ # draw widgets
+ self.main.datatxt.display()
+ stopargs={"target": "livevnc"}
+ self.add_progressbox( stopargs, _("Running in LiveView mode") )
+ def on_progressbox_click(self, widget, args, box):
+ try:
+ box.destroy()
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.__cleandatatxt(None, 'force')
+ def __cleandatatxt(self, *args):
+ # stop all livevnc connections
+ for ip in self.main.livevnc:
+ print_debug("__cleandatatxt() STOPPING ip=%s"%ip)
+ self.main.livevnc[ip].close()
+ # stop server (don't wait)
+ self.main.xmlrpc.vnc("stopserver", ip )
+ self.main.livevnc={}
+ if len(args) == 2 and args[1] == 'force':
+ self.main.datatxt.clean()
+ self.main.stop_liveview_button=None