path: root/tcosmonitor/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tcosmonitor/')
1 files changed, 445 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcosmonitor/ b/tcosmonitor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..866f9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcosmonitor/
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# """An FTP/TLS server built on Medusa's ftp_server.
+# Source taken from python-M2Crypto demo/medusa
+# Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved."""
+# Python
+import socket, string, sys, time
+# Medusa
+import asynchat, asyncore
+from tcosmonitor.counter import counter
+from medusa import ftp_server, logger
+# M2Crypto
+from M2Crypto import SSL
+class ftp_tls_channel(ftp_server.ftp_channel):
+ """FTP/TLS server channel for Medusa."""
+ def __init__(self, server, ssl_ctx, conn, addr):
+ """Initialise the channel."""
+ self.ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx
+ self.server = server
+ self.current_mode = 'a'
+ self.addr = addr
+ asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, conn)
+ self.set_terminator('\r\n')
+ self.client_addr = (addr[0], 21)
+ self.client_dc = None
+ self.in_buffer = ''
+ self.closing = 0
+ self.passive_acceptor = None
+ self.passive_connection = None
+ self.filesystem = None
+ self.authorized = 0
+ self._ssl_accepting = 0
+ self._ssl_accepted = 0
+ self._pbsz = None
+ self._prot = None
+ resp = '220 %s M2Crypto (Medusa) FTP/TLS server v%s ready.'
+ self.respond(resp % (self.server.hostname, VERSION_STRING))
+ def writable(self):
+ return self._ssl_accepting or self._ssl_accepted
+ def handle_read(self):
+ """Handle a read event."""
+ if self._ssl_accepting:
+ self._ssl_accepted = self.socket.accept_ssl()
+ if self._ssl_accepted:
+ self._ssl_accepting = 0
+ else:
+ try:
+ ftp_server.ftp_channel.handle_read(self)
+ except SSL.SSLError, what:
+ if str(what) == 'unexpected eof':
+ self.close()
+ else:
+ raise
+ def handle_write(self):
+ """Handle a write event."""
+ if self._ssl_accepting:
+ self._ssl_accepted = self.socket.accept_ssl()
+ if self._ssl_accepted:
+ self._ssl_accepting = 0
+ else:
+ try:
+ ftp_server.ftp_channel.handle_write(self)
+ except SSL.SSLError, what:
+ if str(what) == 'unexpected eof':
+ self.close()
+ else:
+ raise
+ def send(self, data):
+ """Send data over SSL."""
+ try:
+ result = self.socket.send(data)
+ if result <= 0:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return result
+ except SSL.SSLError, what:
+ self.close()
+ self.log_info('send: closing channel %s %s' % (repr(self), what))
+ return 0
+ def recv(self, buffer_size):
+ """Receive data over SSL."""
+ try:
+ result = self.socket.recv(buffer_size)
+ if not result:
+ return ''
+ else:
+ return result
+ except SSL.SSLError, what:
+ self.close()
+ self.log_info('recv: closing channel %s %s' % (repr(self), what))
+ return ''
+ def found_terminator(self):
+ """Dispatch the FTP command."""
+ line = self.in_buffer
+ if not len(line):
+ return
+ sp = string.find(line, ' ')
+ if sp != -1:
+ line = [line[:sp], line[sp+1:]]
+ else:
+ line = [line]
+ command = string.lower(line[0])
+ if string.find(command, 'stor') != -1:
+ while command and command[0] not in string.letters:
+ command = command[1:]
+ func_name = 'cmd_%s' % command
+ if command != 'pass':
+ self.log('<== %s' % repr(self.in_buffer)[1:-1])
+ else:
+ self.log('<== %s' % line[0]+' <password>')
+ self.in_buffer = ''
+ if not hasattr(self, func_name):
+ self.command_not_understood(line[0])
+ return
+ func = getattr(self, func_name)
+ if not self.check_command_authorization(command):
+ self.command_not_authorized(command)
+ else:
+ try:
+ result = apply(func, (line,))
+ except:
+ self.server.total_exceptions.increment()
+ (file, func, line), t, v, tbinfo = asyncore.compact_traceback()
+ if self.client_dc:
+ try:
+ self.client_dc_close()
+ except:
+ pass
+ resp = '451 Server error: %s, %s: file %s line: %s'
+ self.respond(resp % (t, v, file, line))
+ def make_xmit_channel(self):
+ """Create a connection for sending data."""
+ pa = self.passive_acceptor
+ if pa:
+ if pa.ready:
+ conn, addr = pa.ready
+ if self._prot:
+ cdc = tls_xmit_channel(self, conn, self.ssl_ctx, addr)
+ else:
+ cdc = ftp_server.xmit_channel(self, addr)
+ cdc.set_socket(conn)
+ cdc.connected = 1
+ self.passive_acceptor.close()
+ self.passive_acceptor = None
+ else:
+ if self._prot:
+ cdc = tls_xmit_channel(self, None, self.ssl_ctx, None)
+ else:
+ cdc = ftp_server.xmit_channel(self)
+ else:
+ if self._prot:
+ cdc = tls_xmit_channel(self, None, self.ssl_ctx, self.client_addr)
+ else:
+ cdc = ftp_server.xmit_channel(self, self.client_addr)
+ cdc.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ if self.bind_local_minus_one:
+ cdc.bind(('', self.server.port - 1))
+ try:
+ cdc.connect(self.client_addr)
+ except socket.error, what:
+ self.respond('425 Cannot build data connection')
+ self.client_dc = cdc
+ def make_recv_channel(self, fd):
+ """Create a connection for receiving data."""
+ pa = self.passive_acceptor
+ if pa:
+ if pa.ready:
+ conn, addr = pa.ready
+ if self._prot:
+ cdc = tls_recv_channel(self, conn, self.ssl_ctx, addr, fd)
+ else:
+ cdc = ftp_server.recv_channel(self, addr, fd)
+ cdc.set_socket(conn)
+ cdc.connected = 1
+ self.passive_acceptor.close()
+ self.passive_acceptor = None
+ else:
+ if self._prot:
+ cdc = tls_recv_channel(self, None, self.ssl_ctx, None, fd)
+ else:
+ cdc = ftp_server.recv_channel(self, None, fd)
+ else:
+ if self._prot:
+ cdc = tls_recv_channel(self, None, self.ssl_ctx, self._prot, self.client_addr, fd)
+ else:
+ cdc = ftp_server.recv_channel(self, self.client_addr, fd)
+ cdc.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ try:
+ cdc.connect(self.client_addr)
+ except socket.error, what:
+ self.respond('425 Cannot build data connection')
+ self.client_dc = cdc
+ def cmd_auth(self, line):
+ """Prepare for TLS operation."""
+ # XXX Handle variations.
+ if line[1] != 'TLS':
+ self.command_not_understood (string.join(line))
+ else:
+ self.respond('234 AUTH TLS successful')
+ self._ssl_accepting = 1
+ self.socket = SSL.Connection(self.ssl_ctx, self.socket)
+ self.socket.setup_addr(self.addr)
+ self.socket.setup_ssl()
+ self.socket.set_accept_state()
+ self._ssl_accepted = self.socket.accept_ssl()
+ if self._ssl_accepted:
+ self._ssl_accepting = 0
+ def cmd_pbsz(self, line):
+ """Negotiate size of buffer for secure data transfer. For
+ FTP/TLS the only valid value for the parameter is '0'; any
+ other value is accepted but ignored."""
+ if not (self._ssl_accepting or self._ssl_accepted):
+ return self.respond('503 AUTH TLS must be issued prior to PBSZ')
+ self._pbsz = 1
+ self.respond('200 PBSZ=0 successful.')
+ def cmd_prot(self, line):
+ """Negotiate the security level of the data connection."""
+ if self._pbsz is None:
+ return self.respond('503 PBSZ must be issued prior to PROT')
+ if line[1] == 'C':
+ self.respond('200 Protection set to Clear')
+ self._pbsz = None
+ self._prot = None
+ elif line[1] == 'P':
+ self.respond('200 Protection set to Private')
+ self._prot = 1
+ elif line[1] in ('S', 'E'):
+ self.respond('536 PROT %s unsupported' % line[1])
+ else:
+ self.respond('504 PROT %s unsupported' % line[1])
+class ftp_tls_server(ftp_server.ftp_server):
+ """FTP/TLS server for Medusa."""
+ ftp_channel_class = ftp_tls_channel
+ def __init__(self, authz, ssl_ctx, host=None, ip='', port=21, resolver=None, log_obj=None):
+ """Initialise the server."""
+ self.ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx
+ self.ip = ip
+ self.port = port
+ self.authorizer = authz
+ if host is None:
+ self.hostname = socket.gethostname()
+ else:
+ self.hostname = host
+ self.total_sessions = counter()
+ self.closed_sessions = counter()
+ self.total_files_out = counter()
+ self.total_files_in = counter()
+ self.total_bytes_out = counter()
+ self.total_bytes_in = counter()
+ self.total_exceptions = counter()
+ asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self)
+ self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.set_reuse_addr()
+ self.bind((self.ip, self.port))
+ self.listen(5)
+ if log_obj is None:
+ log_obj = sys.stdout
+ if resolver:
+ self.logger = logger.resolving_logger(resolver, log_obj)
+ else:
+ self.logger = logger.unresolving_logger(logger.file_logger(sys.stdout))
+ l = 'M2Crypto (Medusa) FTP/TLS server started at %s\n\tAuthz: %s\n\tHostname: %s\n\tPort: %d'
+ self.log_info(l % (time.ctime(time.time()), repr(self.authorizer), self.hostname, self.port))
+ def handle_accept(self):
+ """Accept a socket and dispatch a channel to handle it."""
+ conn, addr = self.accept()
+ self.total_sessions.increment()
+ self.log_info('Connection from %s:%d' % addr)
+ self.ftp_channel_class(self, self.ssl_ctx, conn, addr)
+class nbio_ftp_tls_actor:
+ """TLS protocol negotiation mixin for FTP/TLS."""
+ def tls_init(self, sock, ssl_ctx, client_addr):
+ """Perform TLS protocol negotiation."""
+ self.ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx
+ self.client_addr = client_addr
+ self._ssl_handshaking = 1
+ self._ssl_handshake_ok = 0
+ if sock:
+ self.socket = SSL.Connection(self.ssl_ctx, sock)
+ self.socket.setup_addr(self.client_addr)
+ self.socket.setup_ssl()
+ self._ssl_handshake_ok = self.socket.accept_ssl()
+ if self._ssl_handshake_ok:
+ self._ssl_handshaking = 0
+ self.add_channel()
+ # else the client hasn't connected yet; when that happens,
+ # handle_connect() will be triggered.
+ def tls_neg_ok(self):
+ """Return status of TLS protocol negotiation."""
+ if self._ssl_handshaking:
+ self._ssl_handshake_ok = self.socket.accept_ssl()
+ if self._ssl_handshake_ok:
+ self._ssl_handshaking = 0
+ return self._ssl_handshake_ok
+ def handle_connect(self):
+ """Handle a data connection that occurs after this instance came
+ into being. When this handler is triggered, self.socket has been
+ created and refers to the underlying connected socket."""
+ self.socket = SSL.Connection(self.ssl_ctx, self.socket)
+ self.socket.setup_addr(self.client_addr)
+ self.socket.setup_ssl()
+ self._ssl_handshake_ok = self.socket.accept_ssl()
+ if self._ssl_handshake_ok:
+ self._ssl_handshaking = 0
+ self.add_channel()
+ def send(self, data):
+ """Send data over SSL."""
+ try:
+ result = self.socket.send(data)
+ if result <= 0:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return result
+ except SSL.SSLError, what:
+ self.close()
+ self.log_info('send: closing channel %s %s' % (repr(self), what))
+ return 0
+ def recv(self, buffer_size):
+ """Receive data over SSL."""
+ try:
+ result = self.socket.recv(buffer_size)
+ if not result:
+ return ''
+ else:
+ return result
+ except SSL.SSLError, what:
+ self.close()
+ self.log_info('recv: closing channel %s %s' % (repr(self), what))
+ return ''
+class tls_xmit_channel(nbio_ftp_tls_actor, ftp_server.xmit_channel):
+ """TLS driver for a send-only data connection."""
+ def __init__(self, channel, conn, ssl_ctx, client_addr=None):
+ """Initialise the driver."""
+ ftp_server.xmit_channel.__init__(self, channel, client_addr)
+ self.tls_init(conn, ssl_ctx, client_addr)
+ def readable(self):
+ """This channel is readable iff TLS negotiation is in progress.
+ (Which implies a connected channel, of course.)"""
+ if not self.connected:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return self._ssl_handshaking
+ def writable(self):
+ """This channel is writable iff TLS negotiation is in progress
+ or the application has data to send."""
+ if self._ssl_handshaking:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return ftp_server.xmit_channel.writable(self)
+ def handle_read(self):
+ """Handle a read event: either continue with TLS negotiation
+ or let the application handle this event."""
+ if self.tls_neg_ok():
+ ftp_server.xmit_channel.handle_read(self)
+ def handle_write(self):
+ """Handle a write event: either continue with TLS negotiation
+ or let the application handle this event."""
+ if self.tls_neg_ok():
+ ftp_server.xmit_channel.handle_write(self)
+class tls_recv_channel(nbio_ftp_tls_actor, ftp_server.recv_channel):
+ """TLS driver for a receive-only data connection."""
+ def __init__(self, channel, conn, ssl_ctx, client_addr, fd):
+ """Initialise the driver."""
+ ftp_server.recv_channel.__init__(self, channel, client_addr, fd)
+ self.tls_init(conn, ssl_ctx, client_addr)
+ def writable(self):
+ """This channel is writable iff TLS negotiation is in progress."""
+ return self._ssl_handshaking
+ def handle_read(self):
+ """Handle a read event: either continue with TLS negotiation
+ or let the application handle this event."""
+ if self.tls_neg_ok():
+ ftp_server.recv_channel.handle_read(self)
+ def handle_write(self):
+ """Handle a write event: either continue with TLS negotiation
+ or let the application handle this event."""
+ if self.tls_neg_ok():
+ ftp_server.recv_channel.handle_write(self)