diff options
12 files changed, 630 insertions, 846 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mods/theme/scpt/fireprof.lua b/lib/mods/theme/scpt/fireprof.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c63e6ef5..00000000
--- a/lib/mods/theme/scpt/fireprof.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
--- The Old Mages/Fireproofing quest: Bring back a rune from a fiery cave and get some books/scrolls/staves fireproofed in return
-fireproof_quest = {}
--- change this constant (and the FOO_POINTS ones) to adjust the no of items fire-proofed as a reward
-fireproof_quest.TOTAL_ITEM_POINTS = 24
--- These constants are how many 'points' each type of item will take up. So currently, you can fireproof 3 books, 4 staves or 12 scrolls.
-fireproof_quest.BOOK_POINTS = 4
-fireproof_quest.STAFF_POINTS = 3
-fireproof_quest.SCROLL_POINTS = 1
- ["global"] = "FIREPROOF_QUEST",
- ["name"] = "Old Mages quest",
- ["desc"] = function()
- local num_books, num_staff, num_scroll
- num_books = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining / fireproof_quest.BOOK_POINTS
- num_staff = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining / fireproof_quest.STAFF_POINTS
- num_scroll = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining / fireproof_quest.SCROLL_POINTS
- -- Quest taken
- if (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN) then
- print_hook("#####yAn Old Mages Quest!\n")
- print_hook("Retrieve the strange rune for the old mage in Lothlorien.\n")
- print_hook("\n")
- -- essence retrieved, not taken to mage
- elseif (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED) then
- print_hook("#####yAn Old Mages Quest!\n")
- print_hook("You have retrieved the rune for the old mage in Lothlorien. Perhaps you \n")
- print_hook("should see about a reward.\n")
- print_hook("\n")
- -- essence returned, not all books fireproofed
- elseif (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_FINISHED) and (fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining > 0) then
- print_hook("#####yAn Old Mages Quest!\n")
- print_hook("You have retrieved the rune for the old mage in Lothlorien. He will still \n")
- print_hook("fireproof "..num_books.." book(s) or "..num_staff.." staff/staves or "..num_scroll.." scroll(s) for you.\n")
- print_hook("\n")
- end
- end,
- ["level"] = 20,
- ["data"] = {
- -- store some variables
- ["fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining"] = fireproof_quest.TOTAL_ITEM_POINTS,
- ["fireproof_quest.essence"] = 0,
- },
- ["hooks"] = {
- -- Start the game without the quest, need to request it
- [HOOK_BIRTH_OBJECTS] = function()
- -- reset some variables on birth
- fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining = fireproof_quest.TOTAL_ITEM_POINTS
- fireproof_quest.essence = 0
- end,
- [HOOK_GEN_QUEST] = function()
- local essence, y, x, traps, tries, trap_y, trap_x, grid
- -- Only if player doing this quest
- if (player.inside_quest ~= FIREPROOF_QUEST) then
- return FALSE
- else
- -- load the map
- load_map("", 2, 2)
- -- no teleport
- level_flags2 = DF2_NO_TELEPORT
- -- determine type of item
- fireproof_quest.essence = randint(5)
- -- create essence
- essence = create_object(TV_RUNE2, fireproof_quest.essence)
- -- mark item
- essence.pval2 = fireproof_quest.essence
- essence.note = quark_add("quest")
- -- roll for co-ordinates in top half of map
- y = randint(3) + 2
- x = randint(45) + 2
- -- drop it
- drop_near(essence, -1, y, x)
- -- how many traps to generate
- traps = rand_range(10, 30)
- -- generate the traps
- while (traps > 0) do
- -- initialise tries variable
- tries = 0
- -- make sure it's a safe place
- while (tries == 0) do
- -- get grid coordinates
- trap_y = randint(19) + 2
- trap_x = randint(45) + 2
- grid = cave(trap_y, trap_x)
- -- are the coordinates on a stair, or a wall?
- if (cave_is(grid, FF1_PERMANENT) ~= 0) or (cave_is(grid, FF1_FLOOR) == 0) then
- -- try again
- tries = 0
- else
- -- not a stair, then stop this 'while'
- tries = 1
- end
- end
- -- randomise level of trap
- trap_level = rand_range(20, 40)
- -- put the trap there
- place_trap(trap_y, trap_x, trap_level)
- -- that's one less trap to place
- traps = traps - 1
- end
- return TRUE
- end
- end,
- [HOOK_STAIR] = function()
- local ret
- -- only ask this if player about to go up stairs of quest and hasn't retrieved item
- if (player.inside_quest ~= FIREPROOF_QUEST) or
- return FALSE
- else
- if cave(, player.px).feat ~= FEAT_LESS then return end
- -- flush all pending input
- flush()
- -- confirm
- ret = get_check("Really abandon the quest?")
- -- if yes, then
- if (ret == TRUE) then
- -- fail the quest
- return FALSE
- else
- -- if no, they stay in the quest
- return TRUE
- end
- end
- end,
- [HOOK_GET] = function(o_ptr)
- -- if they're in the quest and haven't picked up the item already, continue
- if (player.inside_quest ~= FIREPROOF_QUEST) or
- return FALSE
- else
- -- check that it's the real item and not another one generated via the random object placing in
- if (o_ptr.pval2 == fireproof_quest.essence) then
- -- ok mark the quest 'completed'
- msg_print(TERM_YELLOW, "Fine! Looks like you've found it.")
- end
- end
- end,
- },
--- add the bit that determines what happens when the request 'q'uest bit is done in the wizard spire
- -- Index is used in ba_info.txt to set the actions
- ["index"] = 56,
- ["action"] = function()
- local i1 = "I need a very special rune for a spell I am working on. I am too old to "
- local p = "Which rune?"
- local pni = "You have no runes to return"
- local tval = TV_RUNE2
- local location = "The rune is in a cave just behind the shop."
- local num_books, num_staff, num_scroll
- num_books = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining / fireproof_quest.BOOK_POINTS
- num_staff = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining / fireproof_quest.STAFF_POINTS
- num_scroll = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining / fireproof_quest.SCROLL_POINTS
- -- the quest hasn;t been requested already, right?
- -- quest has been taken now
- fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining = fireproof_quest.TOTAL_ITEM_POINTS
- -- issue instructions
- msg_print(i1)
- msg_print("fetch it myself. Please bring it back to me. You can find it north of here.")
- msg_print("Be careful with it, it's fragile and might be destroyed easily.")
- return TRUE, FALSE, TRUE
- -- if quest completed (item was retrieved)
- elseif (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED) then
- -- ask for item
- ret, item = get_item(p,
- pni,
- bor(USE_INVEN),
- function (obj)
- -- check it's the 'marked' item
- if (obj.tval == tval) and (obj.sval == fireproof_quest.essence) and (obj.pval2 == fireproof_quest.essence) then
- return TRUE
- end
- return FALSE
- end
- )
- -- didn't get the item?
- if (ret == FALSE) then
- return TRUE
- -- got the item!
- else
- -- take item
- inven_item_increase(item, -1)
- inven_item_optimize(item)
- msg_print("Great! Let me fireproof some of your items in thanks. I can do "..num_books.." books, ")
- msg_print(num_staff.." staves, or "..num_scroll.." scrolls.")
- -- how many items to proof?
- local items = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining
- -- repeat till up to 3 (value defined as TOTAL_ITEM_POINTS constant) books fireproofed
- while items > 0 do
- ret = fireproof()
- -- don't loop the fireproof if there's nothing to fireproof
- if ret == FALSE then
- break
- end
- -- subtract item points
- items = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining
- end
- -- have they all been done?
- if (fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining == 0) then
- -- mark quest to make sure no more quests are given
- else
- -- mark in preparation of anymore books to fireproof
- end
- end
- -- if the player asks for a quest when they already have it, but haven't failed it, give them some extra instructions
- elseif (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN) then
- msg_print(location)
- -- ok not all books have been fireproofed... lets do the rest
- elseif (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_FINISHED) then
- -- how many books still to proof?
- local items = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining
- -- repeat as necessary
- while items > 0 do
- ret = fireproof()
- -- don't loop the fireproof if there's nothing to fireproof
- if ret == FALSE then
- break
- else
- -- have they all been done?
- if (fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining == 0) then quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status = QUEST_STATUS_REWARDED end
- end
- -- subtract item points
- items = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining
- end
- -- quest failed or completed, then give no more quests
- elseif (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_FAILED) or (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_REWARDED) then
- msg_print("I have no more quests for you")
- end
- return TRUE
- end,
--- the routine that checks for a book and actually fireproofs it
-function fireproof()
- local ret, item, obj2, stack, obj3, carry_it
- ret, item = get_item("Which item shall I fireproof?",
- "You have no more items I can fireproof, come back when you have some.",
- bor(USE_INVEN),
- function (obj)
- -- get some flags
- local f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, esp = object_flags(obj)
- -- is it a book/staff/scroll, is it already fireproof?
- if ((obj.tval == TV_BOOK) or (obj.tval == TV_SCROLL) or (obj.tval == TV_STAFF)) and (band(f3, TR3_IGNORE_FIRE) == 0) then
- return TRUE
- end
- return FALSE
- end
- )
- -- get the object type from the number
- obj2 = get_object(item)
- -- check we have enough points (if we 'got' an item)
- if (ret == TRUE) then
- ret2, stack = enough_points(obj2)
- end
- -- did either routine fail?
- if (ret == FALSE) or (ret2 == FALSE) then
- return FALSE
- else
- -- are we part of the items from a stack?
- if (obj2.number ~= stack) then
- -- make a new object to handle
- object_copy(obj_forge, obj2)
- -- give it the right number of items
- obj_forge.number = stack
- -- adjust for number of items in pack not to be fireproofed
- obj2.number = obj2.number - stack
- obj3 = obj_forge
- -- we'll need to add this to the inventory after fireproofing
- carry_it = TRUE
- else
- -- use the whole stack
- obj3 = obj2
- -- we'll be dealing this while it's still in the inventory
- carry_it = FALSE
- end
- -- make it fireproof
- obj3.name2 = 149
- -- apply it, making sure the pvals don't change with apply_magic (it would change the type of book!)
- local oldpval = obj3.pval
- local oldpval2 = obj3.pval2
- local oldpval3 = obj3.pval3
- apply_magic(obj3, -1, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)
- obj3.pval = oldpval
- obj3.pval2 = oldpval2
- obj3.pval3 = oldpval3
- -- put it in the inventory if it's only part of a stack
- if (carry_it == TRUE) then
- inven_carry(obj3, TRUE)
- end
- -- id and notice it
- set_known(obj3)
- set_aware(obj3)
- return TRUE
- end
--- This function makes sure the player has enough 'points' left to fireproof stuff.
-function enough_points(obj)
- local item_value, stack
- -- are the items in a stack?
- if (obj.number > 1) then
- -- how many to fireproof?
- stack = get_quantity("How many would you like fireproofed?", obj.number)
- else
- stack = 1
- end
- -- check for item type and multiply number in the stack by the amount of points per item of that type
- if (obj.tval == TV_BOOK) then
- item_value = fireproof_quest.BOOK_POINTS * stack
- elseif (obj.tval == TV_STAFF) then
- item_value = fireproof_quest.STAFF_POINTS * stack
- elseif (obj.tval == TV_SCROLL) then
- item_value = fireproof_quest.SCROLL_POINTS * stack
- end
- -- do we have enough points?
- if (item_value > fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining) then
- msg_print("I do not have enough fireproofing material for that.")
- return FALSE
- else
- -- if so then subtract those points before we do the fireproofing
- fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining - item_value
- end
- -- Used all the points? the quest is completely rewarded.
- if fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining == 0 then quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status = QUEST_STATUS_REWARDED end
- return TRUE, stack
diff --git a/lib/mods/theme/scpt/init.lua b/lib/mods/theme/scpt/init.lua
index 063ca21b..05954033 100644
--- a/lib/mods/theme/scpt/init.lua
+++ b/lib/mods/theme/scpt/init.lua
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ tome_dofile("spells.lua")
-- Add some quests
-- Add joke stuff
diff --git a/lib/scpt/fireprof.lua b/lib/scpt/fireprof.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0feb348b..00000000
--- a/lib/scpt/fireprof.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
--- The Old Mages/Fireproofing quest: Bring back an essence from a fiery cave and get some books/scrolls/staves fireproofed in return
-fireproof_quest = {}
--- change this constant (and the FOO_POINTS ones) to adjust the no of items fire-proofed as a reward
-fireproof_quest.TOTAL_ITEM_POINTS = 12
--- These constants are how many 'points' each type of item will take up. So currently, you can fireproof 3 books, 4 staves or 12 scrolls.
-fireproof_quest.BOOK_POINTS = 4
-fireproof_quest.STAFF_POINTS = 3
-fireproof_quest.SCROLL_POINTS = 1
- ["global"] = "FIREPROOF_QUEST",
- ["name"] = "Old Mages quest",
- ["desc"] = function()
- local num_books, num_staff, num_scroll
- num_books = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining / fireproof_quest.BOOK_POINTS
- num_staff = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining / fireproof_quest.STAFF_POINTS
- num_scroll = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining / fireproof_quest.SCROLL_POINTS
- -- Quest taken
- if (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN) then
- print_hook("#####yAn Old Mages Quest!\n")
- print_hook("Retrieve the strange essence for the old mage in Lothlorien.\n")
- print_hook("\n")
- -- essence retrieved, not taken to mage
- elseif (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED) then
- print_hook("#####yAn Old Mages Quest!\n")
- print_hook("You have retrieved the essence for the old mage in Lothlorien. Perhaps you \n")
- print_hook("should see about a reward.\n")
- print_hook("\n")
- -- essence returned, not all books fireproofed
- elseif (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_FINISHED) and (fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining > 0) then
- print_hook("#####yAn Old Mages Quest!\n")
- print_hook("You have retrieved the essence for the old mage in Lothlorien. He will still \n")
- print_hook("fireproof "..num_books.." book(s) or "..num_staff.." staff/staves or "..num_scroll.." scroll(s) for you.\n")
- print_hook("\n")
- end
- end,
- ["level"] = 20,
- ["data"] = {
- -- store some variables
- ["fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining"] = fireproof_quest.TOTAL_ITEM_POINTS,
- ["fireproof_quest.essence"] = 0,
- },
- ["hooks"] = {
- -- Start the game without the quest, need to request it
- [HOOK_BIRTH_OBJECTS] = function()
- -- reset some variables on birth
- fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining = fireproof_quest.TOTAL_ITEM_POINTS
- fireproof_quest.essence = 0
- end,
- [HOOK_GEN_QUEST] = function()
- local essence, y, x, traps, tries, trap_y, trap_x, grid
- -- Only if player doing this quest
- if (player.inside_quest ~= FIREPROOF_QUEST) then
- return FALSE
- else
- -- load the map
- load_map("", 2, 2)
- -- no teleport
- level_flags2 = DF2_NO_TELEPORT
- -- determine type of item
- fireproof_quest.essence = randint(18)
- -- create essence
- essence = create_object(TV_BATERIE, fireproof_quest.essence)
- -- mark item
- essence.pval2 = fireproof_quest.essence
- essence.note = quark_add("quest")
- -- roll for co-ordinates in top half of map
- y = randint(3) + 2
- x = randint(45) + 2
- -- drop it
- drop_near(essence, -1, y, x)
- -- how many traps to generate
- traps = rand_range(10, 30)
- -- generate the traps
- while (traps > 0) do
- -- initialise tries variable
- tries = 0
- -- make sure it's a safe place
- while (tries == 0) do
- -- get grid coordinates
- trap_y = randint(19) + 2
- trap_x = randint(45) + 2
- grid = cave(trap_y, trap_x)
- -- are the coordinates on a stair, or a wall?
- if (cave_is(grid, FF1_PERMANENT) ~= 0) or (cave_is(grid, FF1_FLOOR) == 0) then
- -- try again
- tries = 0
- else
- -- not a stair, then stop this 'while'
- tries = 1
- end
- end
- -- randomise level of trap
- trap_level = rand_range(20, 40)
- -- put the trap there
- place_trap(trap_y, trap_x, trap_level)
- -- that's one less trap to place
- traps = traps - 1
- end
- return TRUE
- end
- end,
- [HOOK_STAIR] = function()
- local ret
- -- only ask this if player about to go up stairs of quest and hasn't retrieved item
- if (player.inside_quest ~= FIREPROOF_QUEST) or
- return FALSE
- else
- if cave(, player.px).feat ~= FEAT_LESS then return end
- -- flush all pending input
- flush()
- -- confirm
- ret = get_check("Really abandon the quest?")
- -- if yes, then
- if (ret == TRUE) then
- -- fail the quest
- return FALSE
- else
- -- if no, they stay in the quest
- return TRUE
- end
- end
- end,
- [HOOK_GET] = function(o_ptr)
- -- if they're in the quest and haven't picked up the item already, continue
- if (player.inside_quest ~= FIREPROOF_QUEST) or
- return FALSE
- else
- -- check that it's the real item and not another one generated via the random object placing in
- if (o_ptr.pval2 == fireproof_quest.essence) then
- -- ok mark the quest 'completed'
- msg_print(TERM_YELLOW, "Fine! Looks like you've found it.")
- end
- end
- end,
- },
--- add the bit that determines what happens when the request 'q'uest bit is done in the wizard spire
- -- Index is used in ba_info.txt to set the actions
- ["index"] = 56,
- ["action"] = function()
- local i1 = "I need a very special essence for a spell I am working on. I am too old to "
- local p = "Which essence?"
- local pni = "You have no essences to return"
- local tval = TV_BATERIE
- local location = "The essence is in a cave just behind the shop."
- local num_books, num_staff, num_scroll
- num_books = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining / fireproof_quest.BOOK_POINTS
- num_staff = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining / fireproof_quest.STAFF_POINTS
- num_scroll = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining / fireproof_quest.SCROLL_POINTS
- -- the quest hasn;t been requested already, right?
- -- quest has been taken now
- fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining = fireproof_quest.TOTAL_ITEM_POINTS
- -- issue instructions
- msg_print(i1)
- msg_print("fetch it myself. Please bring it back to me. You can find it north of here.")
- msg_print("Be careful with it, it's fragile and might be destroyed easily.")
- return TRUE, FALSE, TRUE
- -- if quest completed (item was retrieved)
- elseif (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED) then
- -- ask for item
- ret, item = get_item(p,
- pni,
- bor(USE_INVEN),
- function (obj)
- -- check it's the 'marked' item
- if (obj.tval == tval) and (obj.sval == fireproof_quest.essence) and (obj.pval2 == fireproof_quest.essence) then
- return TRUE
- end
- return FALSE
- end
- )
- -- didn't get the item?
- if (ret == FALSE) then
- return TRUE
- -- got the item!
- else
- -- take item
- inven_item_increase(item, -1)
- inven_item_optimize(item)
- msg_print("Great! Let me fireproof some of your items in thanks. I can do "..num_books.." books, ")
- msg_print(num_staff.." staves, or "..num_scroll.." scrolls.")
- -- how many items to proof?
- local items = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining
- -- repeat till up to 3 (value defined as TOTAL_ITEM_POINTS constant) books fireproofed
- while items > 0 do
- ret = fireproof()
- -- don't loop the fireproof if there's nothing to fireproof
- if ret == FALSE then
- break
- end
- -- subtract item points
- items = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining
- end
- -- have they all been done?
- if (fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining == 0) then
- -- mark quest to make sure no more quests are given
- else
- -- mark in preparation of anymore books to fireproof
- end
- end
- -- if the player asks for a quest when they already have it, but haven't failed it, give them some extra instructions
- elseif (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN) then
- msg_print(location)
- -- ok not all books have been fireproofed... lets do the rest
- elseif (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_FINISHED) then
- -- how many books still to proof?
- local items = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining
- -- repeat as necessary
- while items > 0 do
- ret = fireproof()
- -- don't loop the fireproof if there's nothing to fireproof
- if ret == FALSE then
- break
- else
- -- have they all been done?
- if (fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining == 0) then quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status = QUEST_STATUS_REWARDED end
- end
- -- subtract item points
- items = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining
- end
- -- quest failed or completed, then give no more quests
- elseif (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_FAILED) or (quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status == QUEST_STATUS_REWARDED) then
- msg_print("I have no more quests for you")
- end
- return TRUE
- end,
--- the routine that checks for a book and actually fireproofs it
-function fireproof()
- local ret, item, obj2, stack, obj3, carry_it
- ret, item = get_item("Which item shall I fireproof?",
- "You have no more items I can fireproof, come back when you have some.",
- bor(USE_INVEN),
- function (obj)
- -- get some flags
- local f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, esp = object_flags(obj)
- -- is it a book/staff/scroll, is it already fireproof?
- if ((obj.tval == TV_BOOK) or (obj.tval == TV_SCROLL) or (obj.tval == TV_STAFF)) and (band(f3, TR3_IGNORE_FIRE) == 0) then
- return TRUE
- end
- return FALSE
- end
- )
- -- get the object type from the number
- obj2 = get_object(item)
- -- check we have enough points (if we 'got' an item)
- if (ret == TRUE) then
- ret2, stack = enough_points(obj2)
- end
- -- did either routine fail?
- if (ret == FALSE) or (ret2 == FALSE) then
- return FALSE
- else
- -- are we part of the items from a stack?
- if (obj2.number ~= stack) then
- -- make a new object to handle
- object_copy(obj_forge, obj2)
- -- give it the right number of items
- obj_forge.number = stack
- -- adjust for number of items in pack not to be fireproofed
- obj2.number = obj2.number - stack
- obj3 = obj_forge
- -- we'll need to add this to the inventory after fireproofing
- carry_it = TRUE
- else
- -- use the whole stack
- obj3 = obj2
- -- we'll be dealing this while it's still in the inventory
- carry_it = FALSE
- end
- -- make it fireproof
- obj3.name2 = 149
- -- apply it, making sure the pvals don't change with apply_magic (it would change the type of book!)
- local oldpval = obj3.pval
- local oldpval2 = obj3.pval2
- local oldpval3 = obj3.pval3
- apply_magic(obj3, -1, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)
- obj3.pval = oldpval
- obj3.pval2 = oldpval2
- obj3.pval3 = oldpval3
- -- put it in the inventory if it's only part of a stack
- if (carry_it == TRUE) then
- inven_carry(obj3, TRUE)
- end
- -- id and notice it
- set_known(obj3)
- set_aware(obj3)
- return TRUE
- end
--- This function makes sure the player has enough 'points' left to fireproof stuff.
-function enough_points(obj)
- local item_value, stack
- -- are the items in a stack?
- if (obj.number > 1) then
- -- how many to fireproof?
- stack = get_quantity("How many would you like fireproofed?", obj.number)
- else
- stack = 1
- end
- -- check for item type and multiply number in the stack by the amount of points per item of that type
- if (obj.tval == TV_BOOK) then
- item_value = fireproof_quest.BOOK_POINTS * stack
- elseif (obj.tval == TV_STAFF) then
- item_value = fireproof_quest.STAFF_POINTS * stack
- elseif (obj.tval == TV_SCROLL) then
- item_value = fireproof_quest.SCROLL_POINTS * stack
- end
- -- do we have enough points?
- if (item_value > fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining) then
- msg_print("I do not have enough fireproofing material for that.")
- return FALSE
- else
- -- if so then subtract those points before we do the fireproofing
- fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining = fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining - item_value
- end
- -- Used all the points? the quest is completely rewarded.
- if fireproof_quest.item_points_remaining == 0 then quest(FIREPROOF_QUEST).status = QUEST_STATUS_REWARDED end
- return TRUE, stack
diff --git a/lib/scpt/init.lua b/lib/scpt/init.lua
index 3b461d19..48ac15a7 100644
--- a/lib/scpt/init.lua
+++ b/lib/scpt/init.lua
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ tome_dofile("gods.lua")
-- Add some quests
-- Add joke stuff
diff --git a/src/bldg.c b/src/bldg.c
index 66ca9d9d..bf284a7a 100644
--- a/src/bldg.c
+++ b/src/bldg.c
@@ -2048,6 +2048,12 @@ bool_ bldg_process_command(store_type *s_ptr, int i)
+ {
+ quest_fireproof_building(&paid, &recreate);
+ break;
+ }
if (process_hooks_ret(HOOK_BUILDING_ACTION, "dd", "(d)", bact))
diff --git a/src/defines.h b/src/defines.h
index d78ed058..94074690 100644
--- a/src/defines.h
+++ b/src/defines.h
@@ -4046,6 +4046,7 @@
#define BACT_DROP_ITEM 54
#define BACT_GET_ITEM 55
/* If one adds new BACT_ do NOT forget to increase max_bact in variables.c */
@@ -4418,7 +4419,8 @@
#define QUEST_HAUNTED 24
#define QUEST_EVIL 25
#define QUEST_BOUNTY 26
-#define MAX_Q_IDX_INIT 27
+#define MAX_Q_IDX_INIT 28
#define PLOT_MAIN 0
#define PLOT_BREE 1
diff --git a/src/externs.h b/src/externs.h
index fd6802d8..cf56abcc 100644
--- a/src/externs.h
+++ b/src/externs.h
@@ -1213,6 +1213,7 @@ extern void do_cmd_power(void);
extern bool_ player_activate_trap_type(s16b y, s16b x, object_type *i_ptr, s16b item);
extern void player_activate_door_trap(s16b y, s16b x);
extern void place_trap(int y, int x);
+extern void place_trap_leveled(int y, int x, int lev);
extern void place_trap_object(object_type *o_ptr);
extern void wiz_place_trap(int y, int x, int idx);
extern void do_cmd_set_trap(void);
diff --git a/src/plots.c b/src/plots.c
index b26d1e20..08d0ea90 100644
--- a/src/plots.c
+++ b/src/plots.c
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "angband.h"
+#include <assert.h>
#include "lua/lua.h"
#include "tolua.h"
@@ -477,3 +478,6 @@ bool_ quest_null_hook(int q)
/************************** Library Quest *************************/
#include "q_library.c"
+/************************* Fireproofing Quest *********************/
+#include "q_fireprof.c"
diff --git a/src/plots.h b/src/plots.h
index 73e4b8a8..702bb55e 100644
--- a/src/plots.h
+++ b/src/plots.h
@@ -56,3 +56,8 @@ extern bool_ quest_bounty_describe(FILE *fff);
/******* Plot Library Quest *******/
extern void quest_library_gen_hook();
extern void quest_library_building(bool_ *paid, bool_ *recreate);
+/******* Plot Fireproof Quest *********/
+extern void quest_fireproof_building(bool_ *paid, bool_ *recreate);
+extern bool_ quest_fireproof_init_hook(int q);
+extern bool_ quest_fireproof_describe(FILE *fff);
diff --git a/src/q_fireprof.c b/src/q_fireprof.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35ca7d7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/q_fireprof.c
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+#undef cquest
+#define cquest (quest[QUEST_FIREPROOF])
+#define print_hook(fmt,...) do { fprintf(hook_file, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); } while (0)
+ * Per-module "settings"
+ */
+typedef struct fireproof_settings fireproof_settings;
+struct fireproof_settings
+ byte tval; /* tval of object to use. */
+ cptr tval_name; /* descriptive name of tval */
+ cptr tval_name_plural; /* descriptive name of tval (plural) */
+ byte sval_max; /* max sval of object to use; sval will be 1<=X<=sval_max. */
+ s32b total_points; /* total number of points awarded */
+static fireproof_settings const *fireproof_get_settings()
+ static fireproof_settings fireproof_settings_tome =
+ { TV_BATERIE, "essence", "essences", 18, 12 };
+ static fireproof_settings fireproof_settings_theme =
+ { TV_RUNE2, "rune", "runes", 5, 24 };
+ if (game_module_idx == MODULE_TOME)
+ {
+ return &fireproof_settings_tome;
+ }
+ if (game_module_idx == MODULE_THEME)
+ {
+ return &fireproof_settings_theme;
+ }
+ /* If we get here we're in trouble. */
+ assert(FALSE);
+ return NULL;
+/* These constants are how many 'points' each type of item will take
+ * up. So currently, you can fireproof 3 books, 4 staves or 12
+ * scrolls. */
+static s32b get_item_points_remaining()
+ fireproof_settings const *settings = fireproof_get_settings();
+ return settings->total_points -[0];
+static void set_item_points_remaining(s32b v)
+ fireproof_settings const *settings = fireproof_get_settings();
+[0] = settings->total_points - v;
+static void fireproof_set_sval(int sval_max)
+[1] = sval_max;
+static int fireproof_get_sval()
+ return[1];
+static bool_ item_tester_hook_eligible(object_type *o_ptr)
+ /* check it's the 'marked' item */
+ if ((o_ptr->tval == fireproof_get_settings()->tval) &&
+ (o_ptr->sval == fireproof_get_sval()) &&
+ (o_ptr->pval2 == fireproof_get_sval()))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+static bool_ item_tester_hook_proofable(object_type *o_ptr)
+ u32b f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, esp;
+ object_flags(o_ptr, &f1, &f2, &f3, &f4, &f5, &esp);
+ /* is it a book/staff/scroll, is it already fireproof? */
+ if (((o_ptr->tval == TV_BOOK) ||
+ (o_ptr->tval == TV_SCROLL) ||
+ (o_ptr->tval == TV_STAFF))
+ && ((f3 & TR3_IGNORE_FIRE) == 0))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ * This function makes sure the player has enough 'points' left to fireproof stuff.
+ */
+static bool_ fireproof_enough_points(object_type *o_ptr, int *stack)
+ int item_value;
+ /* are the items in a stack? */
+ if (o_ptr->number > 1)
+ {
+ /* how many to fireproof? */
+ *stack = get_quantity("How many would you like fireproofed?", o_ptr->number);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *stack = 1;
+ }
+ /* check for item type and multiply number in the stack by the
+ * amount of points per item of that type */
+ if (o_ptr->tval == TV_BOOK)
+ {
+ item_value = FIREPROOF_BOOK_POINTS * (*stack);
+ }
+ else if (o_ptr->tval == TV_STAFF)
+ {
+ item_value = FIREPROOF_STAFF_POINTS * (*stack);
+ }
+ else if (o_ptr->tval == TV_SCROLL)
+ {
+ item_value = FIREPROOF_SCROLL_POINTS * (*stack);
+ }
+ /* do we have enough points? */
+ if (item_value > get_item_points_remaining())
+ {
+ msg_print("I do not have enough fireproofing material for that.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* if so then subtract those points before we do the fireproofing */
+ set_item_points_remaining(get_item_points_remaining() - item_value);
+ }
+ /* Used all the points? the quest is completely rewarded. */
+ if (get_item_points_remaining() == 0)
+ {
+ cquest.status = QUEST_STATUS_REWARDED;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static bool_ fireproof()
+ int ret, item, stack = 0;
+ object_type *obj2 = NULL;
+ bool_ ret2;
+ item_tester_hook = item_tester_hook_proofable;
+ ret = get_item(&item,
+ "Which item shall I fireproof?",
+ "You have no more items I can fireproof, come back when you have some.",
+ /* get the object type from the number */
+ obj2 = get_object(item);
+ /* check we have enough points (if we 'got' an item) */
+ if (ret == TRUE) {
+ ret2 = fireproof_enough_points(obj2, &stack);
+ }
+ /* did either routine fail? */
+ if ((ret == FALSE) || (ret2 == FALSE))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool_ carry_it;
+ object_type *obj3;
+ object_type obj_forge;
+ s32b oldpval, oldpval2, oldpval3;
+ /* are we part of the items from a stack? */
+ if (obj2->number != stack) {
+ /* make a new object to handle */
+ object_copy(&obj_forge, obj2);
+ /* give it the right number of items */
+ obj_forge.number = stack;
+ /* adjust for number of items in pack not to be fireproofed */
+ obj2->number = obj2->number - stack;
+ obj3 = &obj_forge;
+ /* we'll need to add this to the inventory after fireproofing */
+ carry_it = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* use the whole stack */
+ obj3 = obj2;
+ /* we'll be dealing this while it's still in the inventory */
+ carry_it = FALSE;
+ }
+ /* make it fireproof */
+ obj3->name2 = 149;
+ /* apply it, making sure the pvals don't change with
+ * apply_magic (it would change the type of book!) */
+ oldpval = obj3->pval;
+ oldpval2 = obj3->pval2;
+ oldpval3 = obj3->pval3;
+ apply_magic(obj3, -1, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
+ obj3->pval = oldpval;
+ obj3->pval2 = oldpval2;
+ obj3->pval3 = oldpval3;
+ /* put it in the inventory if it's only part of a stack */
+ if (carry_it == TRUE)
+ {
+ inven_carry(obj3, TRUE);
+ }
+ /* id and notice it */
+ object_known(obj3);
+ object_aware(obj3);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+void quest_fireproof_building(bool_ *paid, bool_ *recreate)
+ fireproof_settings const *settings = fireproof_get_settings();
+ int num_books, num_staff, num_scroll;
+ num_books = get_item_points_remaining() / FIREPROOF_BOOK_POINTS;
+ num_staff = get_item_points_remaining() / FIREPROOF_STAFF_POINTS;
+ num_scroll = get_item_points_remaining() / FIREPROOF_SCROLL_POINTS;
+ /* the quest hasn't been requested already, right? */
+ if (cquest.status == QUEST_STATUS_UNTAKEN)
+ {
+ /* quest has been taken now */
+ cquest.status = QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN;
+ /* issue instructions */
+ msg_format("I need a very special %s for a spell I am"
+ " working on. I am too old to ", settings->tval_name);
+ msg_print("fetch it myself. Please bring it back to me. You can find it north of here.");
+ msg_print("Be careful with it, it's fragile and might be destroyed easily.");
+ *paid = FALSE;
+ *recreate = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* if quest completed (item was retrieved) */
+ else if (cquest.status == QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED)
+ {
+ char p[512];
+ char pni[512];
+ int item_idx;
+ int ret;
+ /* generate prompt strings */
+ snprintf(p , sizeof(p) , "Which %s?", settings->tval_name);
+ snprintf(pni, sizeof(pni), "You have no %s to return", settings->tval_name_plural);
+ /* ask for item */
+ item_tester_hook = item_tester_hook_eligible;
+ ret = get_item(&item_idx, p, pni, USE_INVEN);
+ /* didn't get the item? */
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* got the item! */
+ else
+ {
+ int items;
+ /* take item */
+ inc_stack_size_ex(item_idx, -1, OPTIMIZE, NO_DESCRIBE);
+ msg_print(format("Great! Let me fireproof some of your items in thanks. I can do %d books, ", num_books));
+ msg_print(format("%d staves, or %d scrolls.", num_staff, num_scroll));
+ /* how many items to proof? */
+ items = get_item_points_remaining();
+ /* repeat till up to 3 (value defined as constant) books fireproofed */
+ while (items > 0)
+ {
+ ret = fireproof();
+ /* don't loop the fireproof if there's nothing to fireproof */
+ if (ret == FALSE)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* subtract item points */
+ items = get_item_points_remaining();
+ }
+ /* have they all been done? */
+ if (get_item_points_remaining() == 0)
+ {
+ /* mark quest to make sure no more quests are given */
+ cquest.status = QUEST_STATUS_REWARDED;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* mark in preparation of anymore books to fireproof */
+ cquest.status = QUEST_STATUS_FINISHED;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if the player asks for a quest when they already have it, but haven't failed it, give them some extra instructions */
+ else if (cquest.status == QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN)
+ {
+ msg_format("The %s is in a cave just behind the shop.",
+ settings->tval_name);
+ }
+ /* ok not all books have been fireproofed... lets do the rest */
+ else if (cquest.status == QUEST_STATUS_FINISHED)
+ {
+ /* how many books still to proof? */
+ int items = get_item_points_remaining();
+ /* repeat as necessary */
+ while (items > 0)
+ {
+ int ret = fireproof();
+ /* don't loop the fireproof if there's nothing to fireproof */
+ if (ret == FALSE)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* have they all been done? */
+ if (get_item_points_remaining() == 0)
+ {
+ cquest.status = QUEST_STATUS_REWARDED;
+ }
+ }
+ /* subtract item points */
+ items = get_item_points_remaining();
+ }
+ }
+ /* quest failed or completed, then give no more quests */
+ else if ((cquest.status == QUEST_STATUS_FAILED) ||
+ (cquest.status == QUEST_STATUS_REWARDED))
+ {
+ msg_print("I have no more quests for you");
+ }
+static bool_ fireproof_get_hook(char *fmt)
+ object_type *o_ptr = param_pile[0].o_ptr;
+ assert(o_ptr != NULL);
+ /* check that player is in the quest, haven't picked up the
+ * item already, and check that it's the real item and not another one
+ * generated via random object placement */
+ if ((p_ptr->inside_quest == QUEST_FIREPROOF) &&
+ (cquest.status != QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED) &&
+ (o_ptr->pval2 == fireproof_get_sval()))
+ {
+ /* ok mark the quest 'completed' */
+ cquest.status = QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED;
+ cmsg_print(TERM_YELLOW, "Fine! Looks like you've found it.");
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static bool_ fireproof_stair_hook(char *fmt)
+ /* only ask this if player about to go up stairs of quest and
+ * hasn't retrieved item */
+ if ((p_ptr->inside_quest != QUEST_FIREPROOF) ||
+ (cquest.status == QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool ret;
+ if (cave[p_ptr->py][p_ptr->px].feat != FEAT_LESS)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* flush all pending input */
+ flush();
+ /* confirm */
+ ret = get_check("Really abandon the quest?");
+ /* if yes, then */
+ if (ret == TRUE)
+ {
+ /* fail the quest */
+ cquest.status = QUEST_STATUS_FAILED;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* if no, they stay in the quest */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+bool_ quest_fireproof_describe(FILE *hook_file)
+ fireproof_settings const *settings = fireproof_get_settings();
+ int num_books, num_staff, num_scroll;
+ int status = cquest.status;
+ num_books = get_item_points_remaining() / FIREPROOF_BOOK_POINTS;
+ num_staff = get_item_points_remaining() / FIREPROOF_STAFF_POINTS;
+ num_scroll = get_item_points_remaining() / FIREPROOF_SCROLL_POINTS;
+ if (status == QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN)
+ {
+ /* Quest taken */
+ print_hook("#####yAn Old Mages Quest!\n");
+ print_hook("Retrieve the strange %s for the old mage "
+ "in Lothlorien.\n", settings->tval_name);
+ print_hook("\n");
+ }
+ else if (status == QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED)
+ {
+ /* essence retrieved, not taken to mage */
+ print_hook("#####yAn Old Mages Quest!\n");
+ print_hook("You have retrieved the %s for the old "
+ "mage in Lothlorien. Perhaps you \n", settings->tval_name);
+ print_hook("should see about a reward.\n");
+ print_hook("\n");
+ }
+ else if ((status == QUEST_STATUS_FINISHED) &&
+ (get_item_points_remaining() > 0))
+ {
+ /* essence returned, not all books fireproofed */
+ print_hook("#####yAn Old Mages Quest!\n");
+ print_hook("You have retrieved the %s for the old "
+ "mage in Lothlorien. He will still \n", settings->tval_name);
+ print_hook("fireproof %d book(s) or %d staff/staves "
+ "or %d scroll(s) for you.\n",
+ num_books, num_staff, num_scroll);
+ print_hook("\n");
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static bool_ fireproof_gen_hook(char *fmt)
+ fireproof_settings const *settings = fireproof_get_settings();
+ /* Only if player doing this quest */
+ if (p_ptr->inside_quest != QUEST_FIREPROOF)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Go ahead */
+ {
+ int traps, trap_y, trap_x;
+ /* load the map */
+ {
+ int x0 = 2;
+ int y0 = 2;
+ load_map("", &y0, &x0);
+ }
+ /* no teleport */
+ dungeon_flags2 = DF2_NO_TELEPORT;
+ /* determine type of item */
+ fireproof_set_sval(randint(settings->sval_max));
+ /* create essence */
+ {
+ int x, y;
+ object_type forge;
+ object_prep(&forge, lookup_kind(settings->tval, fireproof_get_sval()));
+ /* mark item */
+ forge.pval2 = fireproof_get_sval();
+ forge.note = quark_add("quest");
+ /* roll for co-ordinates in top half of map */
+ y = randint(3) + 2;
+ x = randint(45) + 2;
+ /* drop it */
+ drop_near(&forge, -1, y, x);
+ }
+ /* how many traps to generate */
+ traps = rand_range(10, 30);
+ /* generate the traps */
+ while (traps > 0)
+ {
+ int tries = 0, trap_level = 0;
+ /* make sure it's a safe place */
+ while (tries == 0)
+ {
+ /* get grid coordinates */
+ trap_y = randint(19) + 2;
+ trap_x = randint(45) + 2;
+ cave_type *c_ptr = &cave[trap_y][trap_x];
+ /* are the coordinates on a stair, or a wall? */
+ if (((f_info[c_ptr->feat].flags1 & FF1_PERMANENT) != 0) ||
+ ((f_info[c_ptr->feat].flags1 & FF1_FLOOR) == 0))
+ {
+ /* try again */
+ tries = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* not a stair, then stop this 'while' */
+ tries = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* randomise level of trap */
+ trap_level = rand_range(20, 40);
+ /* put the trap there */
+ place_trap_leveled(trap_y, trap_x, trap_level);
+ /* that's one less trap to place */
+ traps = traps - 1;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+bool_ quest_fireproof_init_hook(int q)
+ /* Only need hooks if the quest is unfinished. */
+ if ((cquest.status >= QUEST_STATUS_UNTAKEN) &&
+ (cquest.status < QUEST_STATUS_FINISHED))
+ {
+ add_hook(HOOK_GEN_QUEST, fireproof_gen_hook , "fireproof_gen_hook");
+ add_hook(HOOK_GET , fireproof_get_hook , "fireproof_get_hook");
+ add_hook(HOOK_STAIR , fireproof_stair_hook, "fireproof_stair_hook");
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+#undef print_hook
diff --git a/src/tables.c b/src/tables.c
index b736bb85..259fd5ae 100644
--- a/src/tables.c
+++ b/src/tables.c
@@ -4285,7 +4285,22 @@ quest_type quest_init_tome[MAX_Q_IDX_INIT] =
{0, 0, 0, 0},
+ /* Fireproofing */
+ {
+ "Old Mages quest",
+ {
+ "", /* dynamic desc */
+ },
+ 20,
+ quest_fireproof_init_hook,
+ {0, 0, 0, 0},
+ quest_fireproof_describe,
+ },
diff --git a/src/traps.c b/src/traps.c
index 1c8e36c9..0006edc7 100644
--- a/src/traps.c
+++ b/src/traps.c
@@ -2062,6 +2062,17 @@ void place_trap(int y, int x)
+ * Place a leveled trap at given position
+ */
+void place_trap_leveled(int y, int x, int lev)
+ int prev_dun_level = dun_level;
+ dun_level = lev;
+ place_trap(y,x);
+ dun_level = prev_dun_level;
* Places a random trap on the given chest.
* The object must be a valid chest.