path: root/Core.h
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authorThomas Preud'homme <>2018-03-01 22:42:01 +0000
committerThomas Preud'homme <>2018-03-01 22:42:01 +0000
commit3958fa914c8a524ed4b6a5b035b794e12708fa1d (patch)
tree417868397f3c2c7386773f55096a9aa5f8856990 /Core.h
Import ultracopier_1.4.0.4.orig.tar.xz
[dgit import orig ultracopier_1.4.0.4.orig.tar.xz]
Diffstat (limited to 'Core.h')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Core.h b/Core.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd8733e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+/** \file Core.h
+\brief Define the class definition for core, the Copy of each copy/move window
+\author alpha_one_x86
+\licence GPL3, see the file COPYING */
+#ifndef CORE_H
+#define CORE_H
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QList>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QTime>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QUrl>
+#include "Environment.h"
+#include "StructEnumDefinition.h"
+#include "CopyEngineManager.h"
+#include "LogThread.h"
+#include "interface/PluginInterface_CopyEngine.h"
+#include "interface/PluginInterface_Themes.h"
+/** \brief Define the class definition for core, the Copy of each copy/move window
+This class provide a core for dispatch the event of signal/slot, it checks too if not other instance is running */
+class Core : public QObject
+ public:
+ /// \brief Initate the core of one copy or move window, dispatch the event specific at this window
+ Core(CopyEngineManager *copyEngineList);
+ ~Core();
+ private:
+ CopyEngineManager *copyEngineList;
+ struct RunningTransfer
+ {
+ Ultracopier::ItemOfCopyList item;
+ bool progression;
+ };
+ struct RemainingTimeLogarithmicColumn
+ {
+ std::vector<int> lastProgressionSpeed;
+ uint64_t totalSize;
+ uint64_t transferedSize;
+ };
+ struct CopyInstance
+ {
+ unsigned int id;
+ PluginInterface_CopyEngine * engine;
+ PluginInterface_Themes * interface;
+ bool ignoreMode;
+ Ultracopier::CopyMode mode;
+ uint64_t numberOfFile;
+ uint64_t numberOfTransferedFile;
+ uint64_t currentProgression,totalProgression;//store the file byte transfered, used into the remaining time
+ Ultracopier::EngineActionInProgress action;
+ uint64_t lastProgression;//store the real byte transfered, used in speed calculation
+ std::vector<RunningTransfer> transferItemList;//full info of started item, to have wich progression to poll
+ std::vector<uint32_t> orderId;//external order send via listener plugin
+ std::string folderListing;
+ std::string collisionAction;
+ std::string errorAction;
+ bool isPaused;
+ bool isRunning;
+ Ultracopier::CopyType type;
+ Ultracopier::TransferListOperation transferListOperation;
+ bool haveError;
+ QTime lastConditionalSync;
+ QTimer *nextConditionalSync;
+ bool copyEngineIsSync;
+ bool canceled;//to not try groun when is in canceling
+ Ultracopier::RemainingTimeAlgo remainingTimeAlgo;
+ /** for RemainingTimeAlgo_Traditional **/
+ //this speed is for instant speed
+ std::vector<uint64_t> lastSpeedDetected;//stored in bytes
+ std::vector<double> lastSpeedTime;//stored in ms
+ //this speed is average speed on more time to calculate the remaining time
+ std::vector<uint64_t> lastAverageSpeedDetected;//stored in bytes
+ std::vector<double> lastAverageSpeedTime;//stored in ms
+ /** for RemainingTimeAlgo_Logarithmic **/
+ std::vector<RemainingTimeLogarithmicColumn> remainingTimeLogarithmicValue;
+ };
+ std::vector<CopyInstance> copyList;
+ /** open with specific source/destination
+ \param move Copy or move
+ \param ignoreMode if need ignore the mode
+ \param protocolsUsedForTheSources protocols used for sources
+ \param protocolsUsedForTheDestination protocols used for destination
+ */
+ int openNewCopyEngineInstance(const Ultracopier::CopyMode &mode,const bool &ignoreMode,const std::vector<std::string> &protocolsUsedForTheSources=std::vector<std::string>(),const std::string &protocolsUsedForTheDestination="");
+ /** open with specific copy engine
+ \param move Copy or move
+ \param ignoreMode if need ignore the mode
+ \param name protocols used for sources
+ */
+ int openNewCopyEngineInstance(const Ultracopier::CopyMode &mode,const bool &ignoreMode,const std::string &name);
+ /// \brief get the right copy instance (copy engine + interface), by signal emited from copy engine
+ int indexCopySenderCopyEngine();
+ /// \brief get the right copy instance (copy engine + interface), by signal emited from interface
+ int indexCopySenderInterface();
+ void connectEngine(const unsigned int &index);
+ void connectInterfaceAndSync(const unsigned int &index);
+ //void disconnectEngine(const int &index);
+ //void disconnectInterface(const int &index);
+ /** \brief update at periodic interval, the synchronization between copy engine and interface, but for specific entry
+ \see forUpateInformation */
+ void periodicSynchronizationWithIndex(const int &index);
+ //for the internal management
+ unsigned int incrementId();
+ unsigned int nextId;
+ std::vector<unsigned int> idList;
+ QTime lastProgressionTime;
+ QTimer forUpateInformation;///< used to call \see periodicSynchronization()
+ void resetSpeedDetected(const unsigned int &bindex);
+ /** Connect the copy engine instance provided previously to the management */
+ int connectCopyEngine(const Ultracopier::CopyMode &mode,bool ignoreMode,const CopyEngineManager::returnCopyEngine &returnInformations);
+ LogThread log;///< To save the log like mkpath, rmpath, error, copy, ...
+ uint64_t realByteTransfered;
+ static uint8_t fileCatNumber(uint64_t size);
+ signals:
+ void copyFinished(const uint32_t & orderId,bool withError) const;
+ void copyCanceled(const uint32_t & orderId) const;
+ public slots:
+ /** \brief do copy with sources, but ask the destination */
+ void newCopyWithoutDestination(const uint32_t &orderId,const std::vector<std::string> &protocolsUsedForTheSources,const std::vector<std::string> &sources);
+ void newTransfer(const Ultracopier::CopyMode &mode,const uint32_t &orderId,const std::vector<std::string> &protocolsUsedForTheSources,const std::vector<std::string> &sources,const std::string &protocolsUsedForTheDestination,const std::string &destination);
+ /** \brief do copy with sources and destination */
+ void newCopy(const uint32_t &orderId,const std::vector<std::string> &protocolsUsedForTheSources,const std::vector<std::string> &sources,const std::string &protocolsUsedForTheDestination,const std::string &destination);
+ /** \brief do move with sources, but ask the destination */
+ void newMoveWithoutDestination(const uint32_t &orderId,const std::vector<std::string> &protocolsUsedForTheSources,const std::vector<std::string> &sources);
+ /** \brief do move with sources and destination */
+ void newMove(const uint32_t &orderId,const std::vector<std::string> &protocolsUsedForTheSources,const std::vector<std::string> &sources,const std::string &protocolsUsedForTheDestination,const std::string &destination);
+ /** \brief open copy/move windows with specific engine */
+ void addWindowCopyMove(const Ultracopier::CopyMode &mode,const std::string &name);
+ /** \brief open transfer (copy+move) windows with specific engine */
+ void addWindowTransfer(const std::string &name);
+ /** new transfer list pased by the CLI */
+ void newTransferList(std::string engine,std::string mode,std::string file);
+ bool startNewTransferOneUniqueCopyEngine();
+ private slots:
+ /// \brief the copy engine have canceled the transfer
+ void copyInstanceCanceledByEngine();
+ /// \brief the interface have canceled the transfer
+ void copyInstanceCanceledByInterface();
+ /// \brief the transfer have been canceled
+ void copyInstanceCanceledByIndex(const unsigned int &index);
+ /// \brief only when the copy engine say it's ready to delete them self, it call this
+ void deleteCopyEngine();
+ // some stat update
+ void actionInProgess(const Ultracopier::EngineActionInProgress &action);
+ void newFolderListing(const std::string &path);
+ void isInPause(const bool&);
+ /** \brief update at periodic interval, the synchronization between copy engine and interface
+ \see forUpateInformation */
+ void periodicSynchronization();
+ //reset some information
+ void resetSpeedDetectedEngine();
+ void resetSpeedDetectedInterface();
+ //load the interface
+ void loadInterface();
+ void unloadInterface();
+ //error occurred
+ void error(const std::string &path,const uint64_t &size,const uint64_t &mtime,const std::string &error);
+ //for the extra logging
+ void rmPath(const std::string &path);
+ void mkPath(const std::string &path);
+ /// \brief used to drag and drop files
+ void urlDropped(const std::vector<std::string> &urls);
+ /// \brief to rsync after a new interface connection
+ void syncReady();
+ void doneTime(const std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t,uint32_t> > &timeList);
+ void getActionOnList(const std::vector<Ultracopier::ReturnActionOnCopyList> & actionList);
+ void pushGeneralProgression(const uint64_t &current,const uint64_t &total);
+#endif // CORE_H