path: root/interface/PluginInterface_CopyEngine.h
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1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/interface/PluginInterface_CopyEngine.h b/interface/PluginInterface_CopyEngine.h
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index 0000000..eb5b6bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/PluginInterface_CopyEngine.h
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+/** \file PluginInterface_CopyEngine.h
+\brief Define the interface of the plugin of type: copy engine
+\author alpha_one_x86
+\licence GPL3, see the file COPYING */
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QWidget>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "OptionInterface.h"
+#include "FacilityInterface.h"
+#include "../StructEnumDefinition.h"
+/** \brief To define the interface between Ultracopier and the copy engine
+ * This interface support:
+ * - Multiple transfer and multiple transfer progression
+ * - Only the copy mode (source as read only)
+ * - Only manipulation of folder, file, file + folder
+ * - Change on live file size
+ * - Speed is calculated by ultracopier in using the size \see getGeneralProgression()
+ * - Support speed limitation if the engine provide it, else inform Ultracopier
+ * - File/Folder can be added interactively or not
+ * - The collision and error is managed by the plug-in to have useful information (like preview, size, date, ...)
+ * **/
+class PluginInterface_CopyEngine : public QObject
+ public:
+ /** \brief to send the options panel
+ * \return return false if have not the options
+ * \param tempWidget the widget to generate on it the options */
+ virtual bool getOptionsEngine(QWidget * tempWidget) = 0;
+ /** \brief to have interface widget to do modal dialog
+ * \param interface to have the widget of the interface, useful for modal dialog */
+ virtual void setInterfacePointer(QWidget * interface) = 0;
+ /** \brief compare the current sources of the copy, with the passed arguments
+ * \param sources the sources list to compares with the current sources list
+ * \return true if have same sources, else false (or empty) */
+ virtual bool haveSameSource(const std::vector<std::string> &sources) = 0;
+ /** \brief compare the current destination of the copy, with the passed arguments
+ * \param destination the destination to compares with the current destination
+ * \return true if have same destination, else false (or empty) */
+ virtual bool haveSameDestination(const std::string &destination) = 0;
+ //external soft like file browser have send copy/move list to do
+ /** \brief send copy without destination, ask the destination
+ * \param sources the sources list to copy
+ * \return true if the copy have been accepted */
+ virtual bool newCopy(const std::vector<std::string> &sources) = 0;
+ /** \brief send copy with destination
+ * \param sources the sources list to copy
+ * \param destination the destination to copy
+ * \return true if the copy have been accepted */
+ virtual bool newCopy(const std::vector<std::string> &sources,const std::string &destination) = 0;
+ /** \brief send move without destination, ask the destination
+ * \param sources the sources list to move
+ * \return true if the move have been accepted */
+ virtual bool newMove(const std::vector<std::string> &sources) = 0;
+ /** \brief send move without destination, ask the destination
+ * \param sources the sources list to move
+ * \param destination the destination to move
+ * \return true if the move have been accepted */
+ virtual bool newMove(const std::vector<std::string> &sources,const std::string &destination) = 0;
+ /** \brief send the new transfer list
+ * \param file the transfer list */
+ virtual void newTransferList(const std::string &file) = 0;
+ /** \brief to get byte read, use by Ultracopier for the speed calculation
+ * real size transfered to right speed calculation */
+ virtual uint64_t realByteTransfered() = 0;
+ /** \brief support speed limitation */
+ virtual bool supportSpeedLimitation() const = 0;
+ //transfer list
+ /** \brief to sync the transfer list
+ * Used when the interface is changed, useful to minimize the memory size */
+ virtual void syncTransferList() = 0;
+ public slots:
+ //user ask ask to add folder (add it with interface ask source/destination)
+ /** \brief add folder called on the interface
+ * Used by manual adding */
+ virtual bool userAddFolder(const Ultracopier::CopyMode &mode) = 0;
+ /** \brief add file called on the interface
+ * Used by manual adding */
+ virtual bool userAddFile(const Ultracopier::CopyMode &mode) = 0;
+ //action on the transfer
+ /// \brief put the transfer in pause
+ virtual void pause() = 0;
+ /// \brief resume the transfer
+ virtual void resume() = 0;
+ /** \brief skip one transfer entry
+ * \param id id of the file to remove */
+ virtual void skip(const uint64_t &id) = 0;
+ /// \brief cancel all the transfer
+ virtual void cancel() = 0;
+ //edit the transfer list
+ /** \brief remove the selected item
+ * \param ids ids is the id list of the selected items */
+ virtual void removeItems(const std::vector<uint64_t> &ids) = 0;
+ /** \brief move on top of the list the selected item
+ * \param ids ids is the id list of the selected items */
+ virtual void moveItemsOnTop(const std::vector<uint64_t> &ids) = 0;
+ /** \brief move up the list the selected item
+ * \param ids ids is the id list of the selected items */
+ virtual void moveItemsUp(const std::vector<uint64_t> &ids) = 0;
+ /** \brief move down the list the selected item
+ * \param ids ids is the id list of the selected items */
+ virtual void moveItemsDown(const std::vector<uint64_t> &ids) = 0;
+ /** \brief move on bottom of the list the selected item
+ * \param ids ids is the id list of the selected items */
+ virtual void moveItemsOnBottom(const std::vector<uint64_t> &ids) = 0;
+ /** \brief give the forced mode, to export/import transfer list */
+ virtual void forceMode(const Ultracopier::CopyMode &mode) = 0;
+ /// \brief export the transfer list into a file
+ virtual void exportTransferList() = 0;
+ /// \brief export the transfer list into a file
+ virtual void exportErrorIntoTransferList() = 0;
+ /// \brief import the transfer list into a file
+ virtual void importTransferList() = 0;
+ /** \brief to set the speed limitation
+ * -1 if not able, 0 if disabled */
+ virtual bool setSpeedLimitation(const int64_t &speedLimitation) = 0;
+ // signal to implement
+ signals:
+ //send information about the copy
+ void actionInProgess(const Ultracopier::EngineActionInProgress &engineActionInProgress) const; //should update interface information on this event
+ void newFolderListing(const std::string &path) const;
+ void isInPause(const bool &isInPause) const;
+ void newActionOnList(const std::vector<Ultracopier::ReturnActionOnCopyList>&) const;///very important, need be temporized to group the modification to do and not flood the interface
+ void doneTime(const std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t,uint32_t> >&) const;
+ void syncReady() const;
+ /** \brief to get the progression for a specific file
+ * \param id the id of the transfer, id send during population the transfer list
+ * first = current transfered byte, second = byte to transfer */
+ void pushFileProgression(const std::vector<Ultracopier::ProgressionItem> &progressionList) const;
+ //get information about the copy
+ /** \brief to get the general progression
+ * first = current transfered byte, second = byte to transfer */
+ void pushGeneralProgression(const uint64_t &,const uint64_t &) const;
+ //when the cancel is clicked on copy engine dialog
+ void cancelAll() const;
+ //when can be deleted
+ void canBeDeleted() const;
+ //send error occurred
+ void error(const std::string &path,const uint64_t &size,const uint64_t &mtime,const std::string &error) const;
+ void errorToRetry(const std::string &source,const std::string &destination,const std::string &error) const;
+ //for the extra logging
+ void rmPath(const std::string &path) const;
+ void mkPath(const std::string &path) const;
+/// \brief To define the interface for the factory to do copy engine instance
+class PluginInterface_CopyEngineFactory : public QObject
+ public:
+ /// \brief to get one instance
+ virtual PluginInterface_CopyEngine * getInstance() = 0;
+ /// \brief to set resources, writePath can be empty if read only mode
+ virtual void setResources(OptionInterface * options,const std::string &writePath,const std::string &pluginPath,FacilityInterface * facilityInterface,const bool &portableVersion) = 0;
+ //get mode allowed
+ /// \brief define if can copy file, folder or both
+ virtual Ultracopier::CopyType getCopyType() = 0;
+ /// \brief define if can import/export or nothing
+ virtual Ultracopier::TransferListOperation getTransferListOperation() = 0;
+ /// \brief define if can only copy, or copy and move
+ virtual bool canDoOnlyCopy() const = 0;
+ /// \brief to get the supported protocols for the source
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> supportedProtocolsForTheSource() const = 0;
+ /// \brief to get the supported protocols for the destination
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> supportedProtocolsForTheDestination() const = 0;
+ /// \brief to get the options of the copy engine
+ virtual QWidget * options() = 0;
+ public slots:
+ /// \brief to reset the options
+ virtual void resetOptions() = 0;
+ /// \brief to reload the translation, because the new language have been loaded
+ virtual void newLanguageLoaded() = 0;
+ signals:
+ /// \brief To debug source
+ void debugInformation(const Ultracopier::DebugLevel &level,const std::string &fonction,const std::string &text,const std::string &file,const int &ligne) const;