path: root/alternative_wmiircs/python/pygmi/
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Diffstat (limited to 'alternative_wmiircs/python/pygmi/')
1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/alternative_wmiircs/python/pygmi/ b/alternative_wmiircs/python/pygmi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c56460a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alternative_wmiircs/python/pygmi/
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import traceback
+import pygmi
+from pygmi.util import prop
+from pygmi import monitor, client, curry, call, program_list, _
+__all__ = ('keys', 'events', 'Match')
+class Match(object):
+ """
+ A class used for matching events based on simple patterns.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ """
+ Creates a new Match object based on arbitrary arguments
+ which constitute a match pattern. Each argument matches an
+ element of the original event. Arguments are matched based
+ on their type:
+ _: Matches anything
+ set: Matches any string equal to any of its elements
+ list: Matches any string equal to any of its elements
+ tuple: Matches any string equal to any of its elements
+ Additionally, any type with a 'search' attribute matches if
+ that callable attribute returns True given element in
+ question as its first argument.
+ Any other object matches if it compares equal to the
+ element.
+ """
+ self.args = args
+ self.matchers = []
+ for a in args:
+ if a is _:
+ a = lambda k: True
+ elif isinstance(a, basestring):
+ a = a.__eq__
+ elif isinstance(a, (list, tuple, set)):
+ a = curry(lambda ary, k: k in ary, a)
+ elif hasattr(a, 'search'):
+ a =
+ else:
+ a = str(a).__eq__
+ self.matchers.append(a)
+ def match(self, string):
+ """
+ Returns true if this object matches an arbitrary string when
+ split on ascii spaces.
+ """
+ ary = string.split(' ', len(self.matchers))
+ if all(m(a) for m, a in zip(self.matchers, ary)):
+ return ary
+def flatten(items):
+ """
+ Given an iterator which returns (key, value) pairs, returns a
+ new iterator of (k, value) pairs such that every list- or
+ tuple-valued key in the original sequence yields an individual
+ pair.
+ Example: flatten({(1, 2, 3): 'foo', 4: 'bar'}.items()) ->
+ (1, 'foo'), (2: 'foo'), (3: 'foo'), (4: 'bar')
+ """
+ for k, v in items:
+ if not isinstance(k, (list, tuple)):
+ k = k,
+ for key in k:
+ yield key, v
+class Events():
+ """
+ A class to handle events read from wmii's '/event' file.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Initializes the event handler
+ """
+ = {}
+ self.eventmatchers = {}
+ self.alive = True
+ def dispatch(self, event, args=''):
+ """
+ Distatches an event to any matching event handlers.
+ The handler which specifically matches the event name will
+ be called first, followed by any handlers with a 'match'
+ method which matches the event name concatenated to the args
+ string.
+ Param event: The name of the event to dispatch.
+ Param args: The single arguments string for the event.
+ """
+ try:
+ if event in
+ for matcher, action in self.eventmatchers.iteritems():
+ ary = matcher.match(' '.join((event, args)))
+ if ary is not None:
+ action(*ary)
+ except Exception, e:
+ traceback.print_exc(sys.stderr)
+ def loop(self):
+ """
+ Enters the event loop, reading lines from wmii's '/event'
+ and dispatching them, via #dispatch, to event handlers.
+ Continues so long as #alive is True.
+ """
+ keys.mode = 'main'
+ for line in client.readlines('/event'):
+ if not self.alive:
+ break
+ self.dispatch(*line.split(' ', 1))
+ self.alive = False
+ def bind(self, items={}, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Binds a number of event handlers for wmii events. Keyword
+ arguments other than 'items' are added to the 'items' dict.
+ Handlers are called by #loop when a matching line is read
+ from '/event'. Each handler is called with, as its sole
+ argument, the string read from /event with its first token
+ stripped.
+ Param items: A dict of action-handler pairs to bind. Passed
+ through pygmi.event.flatten. Keys with a 'match' method,
+ such as pygmi.event.Match objects or regular expressions,
+ are matched against the entire event string. Any other
+ object matches if it compares equal to the first token of
+ the event.
+ """
+ kwargs.update(items)
+ for k, v in flatten(kwargs.iteritems()):
+ if hasattr(k, 'match'):
+ self.eventmatchers[k] = v
+ else:
+[k] = v
+ def event(self, fn):
+ """
+ A decorator which binds its wrapped function, as via #bind,
+ for the event which matches its name.
+ """
+ self.bind({fn.__name__: fn})
+events = Events()
+class Keys(object):
+ """
+ A class to manage wmii key bindings.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Initializes the class and binds an event handler for the Key
+ event, as via
+ Takes no arguments.
+ """
+ self.modes = {}
+ self.modelist = []
+ self._set_mode('main', False)
+ self.defs = {}
+ events.bind(Key=self.dispatch)
+ def _add_mode(self, mode):
+ if mode not in self.modes:
+ self.modes[mode] = {
+ 'name': mode,
+ 'desc': {},
+ 'groups': [],
+ 'keys': {},
+ 'import': {},
+ }
+ self.modelist.append(mode)
+ def _set_mode(self, mode, execute=True):
+ self._add_mode(mode)
+ self._mode = mode
+ self._keys = dict((k % self.defs, v) for k, v in
+ self.modes[mode]['keys'].items() +
+ self.modes[mode]['import'].items());
+ if execute:
+ client.write('/keys', '\n'.join(self._keys.keys()) + '\n')
+ mode = property(lambda self: self._mode, _set_mode,
+ doc="The current mode for which to dispatch keys")
+ @prop(doc="Returns a short help text describing the bound keys in all modes")
+ def help(self):
+ return '\n\n'.join(
+ ('Mode %s\n' % mode['name']) +
+ '\n\n'.join((' %s\n' % str(group or '')) +
+ '\n'.join(' %- 20s %s' % (key % self.defs,
+ mode['keys'][key].__doc__)
+ for key in mode['desc'][group])
+ for group in mode['groups'])
+ for mode in (self.modes[name]
+ for name in self.modelist))
+ def bind(self, mode='main', keys=(), import_={}):
+ """
+ Binds a series of keys for the given 'mode'. Keys may be
+ specified as a dict or as a sequence of tuple values and
+ strings.
+ In the latter case, documentation may be interspersed with
+ key bindings. Any value in the sequence which is not a tuple
+ begins a new key group, with that value as a description.
+ A tuple with two values is considered a key-value pair,
+ where the value is the handler for the named key. A
+ three valued tuple is considered a key-description-value
+ tuple, with the same semantics as above.
+ Each key binding is interpolated with the values of
+ #defs, as if processed by (key % self.defs)
+ Param mode: The name of the mode for which to bind the keys.
+ Param keys: A sequence of keys to bind.
+ Param import_: A dict specifying keys which should be
+ imported from other modes, of the form
+ { 'mode': ['key1', 'key2', ...] }
+ """
+ self._add_mode(mode)
+ mode = self.modes[mode]
+ group = None
+ def add_desc(key, desc):
+ if group not in mode['desc']:
+ mode['desc'][group] = []
+ mode['groups'].append(group)
+ if key not in mode['desc'][group]:
+ mode['desc'][group].append(key);
+ if isinstance(keys, dict):
+ keys = keys.iteritems()
+ for obj in keys:
+ if isinstance(obj, tuple) and len(obj) in (2, 3):
+ if len(obj) == 2:
+ key, val = obj
+ desc = ''
+ elif len(obj) == 3:
+ key, desc, val = obj
+ mode['keys'][key] = val
+ add_desc(key, desc)
+ val.__doc__ = str(desc)
+ else:
+ group = obj
+ def wrap_import(mode, key):
+ return lambda k: self.modes[mode]['keys'][key](k)
+ for k, v in flatten((v, k) for k, v in import_.iteritems()):
+ mode['import'][k % self.defs] = wrap_import(v, k)
+ def dispatch(self, key):
+ """
+ Dispatches a key event for the current mode.
+ Param key: The key spec for which to dispatch.
+ """
+ mode = self.modes[self.mode]
+ if key in self._keys:
+ return self._keys[key](key)
+keys = Keys()
+class Actions(object):
+ """
+ A class to represent user-callable actions. All methods without
+ leading underscores in their names are treated as callable actions.
+ """
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name.startswith('_') or name.endswith('_'):
+ raise AttributeError()
+ if hasattr(self, name + '_'):
+ return getattr(self, name + '_')
+ def action(args=''):
+ cmd = pygmi.find_script(name)
+ if cmd:
+ call(, '-c', '$* %s' % args, '--', cmd,
+ background=True)
+ return action
+ def _call(self, args):
+ """
+ Calls a method named for the first token of 'args', with the
+ rest of the string as its first argument. If the method
+ doesn't exist, a trailing underscore is appended.
+ """
+ a = args.split(' ', 1)
+ if a:
+ getattr(self, a[0])(*a[1:])
+ @prop(doc="Returns the names of the public methods callable as actions, with trailing underscores stripped.")
+ def _choices(self):
+ return sorted(
+ program_list(pygmi.confpath) +
+ [re.sub('_$', '', k) for k in dir(self)
+ if not re.match('^_', k) and callable(getattr(self, k))])
+# vim:se sts=4 sw=4 et: