path: root/doc/website/assets/card.svg
diff options
authorSimon McVittie <>2023-10-26 17:16:28 +0100
committerSimon McVittie <>2023-10-26 17:16:28 +0100
commit59f0aa5ea5b692e80c6854885cff625349a7a571 (patch)
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parent67c8f59349195030e5a77167e8572ba10d595dc2 (diff)
parent44aabb66ffdaef8991af1e42367e43e68b1c72da (diff)
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.18.1'
Update to upstream version '1.18.1' with Debian dir c3bddd9d0e9179b217cbb1b2bb3324c7fcc0ea09
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/website/assets/card.svg')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
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