path: root/backends/smt2
diff options
authorRuben Undheim <>2019-03-28 23:35:03 +0100
committerRuben Undheim <>2019-03-28 23:35:03 +0100
commitff5734b20220e6fb4a3913cf5279ed94bb5156ea (patch)
tree4c438282926d7bac304ad3ad6ad89523c4c1d784 /backends/smt2
parentdb3c67fd6e140893450a44870ee9a75dd1f48b27 (diff)
Imported GIT HEAD: 0.8+20190328git32bd0f2
Diffstat (limited to 'backends/smt2')
4 files changed, 176 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/backends/smt2/ b/backends/smt2/
index dce82f01..92941d4c 100644
--- a/backends/smt2/
+++ b/backends/smt2/
@@ -3,14 +3,30 @@ OBJS += backends/smt2/smt2.o
ifneq ($(CONFIG),mxe)
ifneq ($(CONFIG),emcc)
+# MSYS targets support yosys-smtbmc, but require a launcher script
+ifeq ($(CONFIG),$(filter $(CONFIG),msys2 msys2-64))
+TARGETS += yosys-smtbmc.exe
+# Needed to find the Python interpreter for yosys-smtbmc scripts.
+# Override if necessary, it is only used for msys2 targets.
+PYTHON := $(shell cygpath -w -m $(PREFIX)/bin/python3)
+ backends/smt2/
+ $(P) sed -e 's|##yosys-sys-path##|sys.path += [os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + p for p in ["/share/python3", "/../share/yosys/python3"]]|;' \
+ -e "s|#!/usr/bin/env python3|#!$(PYTHON)|" < $< > $@
+yosys-smtbmc.exe: misc/launcher.c
+ $(P) gcc -DGUI=0 -O -s -o $@ $<
+# Other targets
TARGETS += yosys-smtbmc
yosys-smtbmc: backends/smt2/
$(P) sed 's|##yosys-sys-path##|sys.path += [os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + p for p in ["/share/python3", "/../share/yosys/python3"]]|;' < $< > $
$(Q) chmod +x $
$(Q) mv $ $@
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/python3,backends/smt2/
diff --git a/backends/smt2/ b/backends/smt2/
index e2777ae0..688535f3 100644
--- a/backends/smt2/
+++ b/backends/smt2/
@@ -416,6 +416,7 @@ struct Smt2Worker
for (char ch : expr) {
if (ch == 'A') processed_expr += get_bv(sig_a);
else if (ch == 'B') processed_expr += get_bv(sig_b);
+ else if (ch == 'P') processed_expr += get_bv(cell->getPort("\\B"));
else if (ch == 'L') processed_expr += is_signed ? "a" : "l";
else if (ch == 'U') processed_expr += is_signed ? "s" : "u";
else processed_expr += ch;
@@ -554,7 +555,9 @@ struct Smt2Worker
if (cell->"$shift", "$shiftx")) {
if (cell->getParam("\\B_SIGNED").as_bool()) {
- /* FIXME */
+ return export_bvop(cell, stringf("(ite (bvsge P #b%0*d) "
+ "(bvlshr A B) (bvlshr A (bvneg B)))",
+ GetSize(cell->getPort("\\B")), 0), 's');
} else {
return export_bvop(cell, "(bvlshr A B)", 's');
@@ -885,8 +888,8 @@ struct Smt2Worker
string name_a = get_bool(cell->getPort("\\A"));
string name_en = get_bool(cell->getPort("\\EN"));
- decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-%s %d %s\n", cell->type.c_str() + 1, id,
- cell->attributes.count("\\src") ? cell->"\\src").decode_string().c_str() : get_id(cell)));
+ string infostr = (cell->name[0] == '$' && cell->attributes.count("\\src")) ? cell->"\\src").decode_string() : get_id(cell);
+ decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-%s %d %s\n", cell->type.c_str() + 1, id, infostr.c_str()));
if (cell->type == "$cover")
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_%c %d| ((state |%s_s|)) Bool (and %s %s)) ; %s\n",
@@ -1101,20 +1104,27 @@ struct Smt2Worker
Const initword = init_data.extract(i*width, width, State::Sx);
+ Const initmask = initword;
bool gen_init_constr = false;
- for (auto bit : initword.bits)
- if (bit == State::S0 || bit == State::S1)
+ for (int k = 0; k < GetSize(initword); k++) {
+ if (initword[k] == State::S0 || initword[k] == State::S1) {
gen_init_constr = true;
+ initmask[k] = State::S1;
+ } else {
+ initmask[k] = State::S0;
+ initword[k] = State::S0;
+ }
+ }
if (gen_init_constr)
if (statebv)
/* FIXME */;
- init_list.push_back(stringf("(= (select (|%s#%d#0| state) #b%s) #b%s) ; %s[%d]",
+ init_list.push_back(stringf("(= (bvand (select (|%s#%d#0| state) #b%s) #b%s) #b%s) ; %s[%d]",
get_id(module), arrayid, Const(i, abits).as_string().c_str(),
- initword.as_string().c_str(), get_id(cell), i));
+ initmask.as_string().c_str(), initword.as_string().c_str(), get_id(cell), i));
diff --git a/backends/smt2/ b/backends/smt2/
index 6af2a5ac..445a42e0 100644
--- a/backends/smt2/
+++ b/backends/smt2/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ cexfile = None
aimfile = None
aiwfile = None
aigheader = True
+btorwitfile = None
vlogtbfile = None
vlogtbtop = None
inconstr = list()
@@ -86,12 +87,15 @@ yosys-smtbmc [options] <yosys_smt2_output>
--aig <aim_filename>:<aiw_filename>
like above, but for map files and witness files that do not
- share a filename prefix (or use differen file extensions).
+ share a filename prefix (or use different file extensions).
the AIGER witness file does not include the status and
properties lines.
+ --btorwit <btor_witness_filename>
+ read a BTOR witness.
only run the core proof, do not collect and print any
additional information (e.g. which assert failed)
@@ -99,8 +103,8 @@ yosys-smtbmc [options] <yosys_smt2_output>
check if the design with assumptions but without assertions
is SAT before checking if assertions are UNSAT. This will
- detect if there are contradicting assumtions. In some cases
- this will also help to "warmup" the solver, potentially
+ detect if there are contradicting assumptions. In some cases
+ this will also help to "warm up" the solver, potentially
yielding a speedup.
@@ -145,14 +149,14 @@ yosys-smtbmc [options] <yosys_smt2_output>
--append <num_steps>
add <num_steps> time steps at the end of the trace
when creating a counter example (this additional time
- steps will still be constrained by assumtions)
+ steps will still be constrained by assumptions)
""" + so.helpmsg())
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], so.shortopts + "t:igcm:", so.longopts +
- ["final-only", "assume-skipped=", "smtc=", "cex=", "aig=", "aig-noheader", "presat",
+ ["final-only", "assume-skipped=", "smtc=", "cex=", "aig=", "aig-noheader", "btorwit=", "presat",
"dump-vcd=", "dump-vlogtb=", "vlogtb-top=", "dump-smtc=", "dump-all", "noinfo", "append=",
"smtc-init", "smtc-top=", "noinit"])
@@ -189,6 +193,8 @@ for o, a in opts:
aiwfile = a + ".aiw"
elif o == "--aig-noheader":
aigheader = False
+ elif o == "--btorwit":
+ btorwitfile = a
elif o == "--dump-vcd":
vcdfile = a
elif o == "--dump-vlogtb":
@@ -575,6 +581,103 @@ if aimfile is not None:
num_steps = max(num_steps, step+1)
step += 1
+if btorwitfile is not None:
+ with open(btorwitfile, "r") as f:
+ step = None
+ suffix = None
+ altsuffix = None
+ header_okay = False
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line == "sat":
+ header_okay = True
+ continue
+ if not header_okay:
+ continue
+ if line == "" or line[0] == "b" or line[0] == "j":
+ continue
+ if line == ".":
+ break
+ if line[0] == '#' or line[0] == '@':
+ step = int(line[1:])
+ suffix = line
+ altsuffix = suffix
+ if suffix[0] == "@":
+ altsuffix = "#" + suffix[1:]
+ else:
+ altsuffix = "@" + suffix[1:]
+ continue
+ line = line.split()
+ if len(line) == 0:
+ continue
+ if line[-1].endswith(suffix):
+ line[-1] = line[-1][0:len(line[-1]) - len(suffix)]
+ if line[-1].endswith(altsuffix):
+ line[-1] = line[-1][0:len(line[-1]) - len(altsuffix)]
+ if line[-1][0] == "$":
+ continue
+ # BV assignments
+ if len(line) == 3 and line[1][0] != "[":
+ value = line[1]
+ name = line[2]
+ path = smt.get_path(topmod, name)
+ if not smt.net_exists(topmod, path):
+ continue
+ width = smt.net_width(topmod, path)
+ if width == 1:
+ assert value in ["0", "1"]
+ value = "true" if value == "1" else "false"
+ else:
+ value = "#b" + value
+ smtexpr = "(= [%s] %s)" % (name, value)
+ constr_assumes[step].append((btorwitfile, smtexpr))
+ # Array assignments
+ if len(line) == 4 and line[1][0] == "[":
+ index = line[1]
+ value = line[2]
+ name = line[3]
+ path = smt.get_path(topmod, name)
+ if not smt.mem_exists(topmod, path):
+ continue
+ meminfo = smt.mem_info(topmod, path)
+ if meminfo[1] == 1:
+ assert value in ["0", "1"]
+ value = "true" if value == "1" else "false"
+ else:
+ value = "#b" + value
+ assert index[0] == "["
+ assert index[-1] == "]"
+ index = "#b" + index[1:-1]
+ smtexpr = "(= (select [%s] %s) %s)" % (name, index, value)
+ constr_assumes[step].append((btorwitfile, smtexpr))
+ skip_steps = step
+ num_steps = step+1
def write_vcd_trace(steps_start, steps_stop, index):
filename = vcdfile.replace("%", index)
print_msg("Writing trace to VCD file: %s" % (filename))
@@ -1259,7 +1362,11 @@ elif covermode:
smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, i-1, i))
smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, i))
print_msg("Re-solving with appended steps..")
- assert smt_check_sat() == "sat"
+ if smt_check_sat() == "unsat":
+ print("%s Cannot appended steps without violating assumptions!" % smt.timestamp())
+ found_failed_assert = True
+ retstatus = False
+ break
reached_covers = smt.bv2bin(smt.get("(covers_%d s%d)" % (coveridx, step)))
assert len(reached_covers) == len(cover_desc)
@@ -1377,7 +1484,11 @@ else: # not tempind, covermode
smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_h| s%d)" % (topmod, i))
smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, i-1, i))
smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, i))
- assert smt_check_sat() == "sat"
+ print_msg("Re-solving with appended steps..")
+ if smt_check_sat() == "unsat":
+ print("%s Cannot appended steps without violating assumptions!" % smt.timestamp())
+ retstatus = False
+ break
for i in range(step, last_check_step+1):
diff --git a/backends/smt2/ b/backends/smt2/
index 3fc823e3..ab20a4af 100644
--- a/backends/smt2/
+++ b/backends/smt2/
@@ -31,11 +31,19 @@ from threading import Thread
# does not run out of stack frames when parsing large expressions
if == "posix":
smtio_reclimit = 64 * 1024
- smtio_stacksize = 128 * 1024 * 1024
if sys.getrecursionlimit() < smtio_reclimit:
- if resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK)[0] < smtio_stacksize:
- resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (smtio_stacksize, -1))
+ current_rlimit_stack = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK)
+ if current_rlimit_stack[0] != resource.RLIM_INFINITY:
+ smtio_stacksize = 128 * 1024 * 1024
+ if os.uname().sysname == "Darwin":
+ # MacOS has rather conservative stack limits
+ smtio_stacksize = 16 * 1024 * 1024
+ if current_rlimit_stack[1] != resource.RLIM_INFINITY:
+ smtio_stacksize = min(smtio_stacksize, current_rlimit_stack[1])
+ if current_rlimit_stack[0] < smtio_stacksize:
+ resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (smtio_stacksize, current_rlimit_stack[1]))
# currently running solvers (so we can kill them)
@@ -158,19 +166,28 @@ class SmtIo:
self.unroll = False
if self.solver == "yices":
- self.popen_vargs = ['yices-smt2', '--incremental'] + self.solver_opts
+ if self.noincr:
+ self.popen_vargs = ['yices-smt2'] + self.solver_opts
+ else:
+ self.popen_vargs = ['yices-smt2', '--incremental'] + self.solver_opts
if self.solver == "z3":
self.popen_vargs = ['z3', '-smt2', '-in'] + self.solver_opts
if self.solver == "cvc4":
- self.popen_vargs = ['cvc4', '--incremental', '--lang', 'smt2.6' if self.logic_dt else 'smt2'] + self.solver_opts
+ if self.noincr:
+ self.popen_vargs = ['cvc4', '--lang', 'smt2.6' if self.logic_dt else 'smt2'] + self.solver_opts
+ else:
+ self.popen_vargs = ['cvc4', '--incremental', '--lang', 'smt2.6' if self.logic_dt else 'smt2'] + self.solver_opts
if self.solver == "mathsat":
self.popen_vargs = ['mathsat'] + self.solver_opts
if self.solver == "boolector":
- self.popen_vargs = ['boolector', '--smt2', '-i'] + self.solver_opts
+ if self.noincr:
+ self.popen_vargs = ['boolector', '--smt2'] + self.solver_opts
+ else:
+ self.popen_vargs = ['boolector', '--smt2', '-i'] + self.solver_opts
self.unroll = True
if self.solver == "abc":
@@ -767,7 +784,7 @@ class SmtIo:
def get_path(self, mod, path):
assert mod in self.modinfo
- path = path.split(".")
+ path = path.replace("\\", "/").split(".")
for i in range(len(path)-1):
first = ".".join(path[0:i+1])