path: root/libs/subcircuit/
diff options
authorClifford Wolf <>2013-03-02 13:53:59 +0100
committerClifford Wolf <>2013-03-02 13:53:59 +0100
commit84cdfa55fc81c233a308c82c5fa6d482b8661ca0 (patch)
tree20c4635bdda03b64503a8ea0808f5e18b48ec7b2 /libs/subcircuit/
parenta338d1a082726d84210912318a9ac49977dc380c (diff)
Added frequent subcircuit miner to subcircuit library
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/subcircuit/')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/subcircuit/ b/libs/subcircuit/
index b49fa97c..a55b97ab 100644
--- a/libs/subcircuit/
+++ b/libs/subcircuit/
@@ -46,6 +46,42 @@ static std::string stringf(const char *fmt, ...)
return string;
+SubCircuit::Graph::Graph(const Graph &other, const std::vector<std::string> &otherNodes)
+ allExtern = other.allExtern;
+ std::map<int, int> other2this;
+ for (int i = 0; i < int(otherNodes.size()); i++) {
+ assert(other.nodeMap.count(otherNodes[i]) > 0);
+ other2this[[i])] = i;
+ nodeMap[otherNodes[i]] = i;
+ }
+ std::map<int, int> edges2this;
+ for (auto &i1 : other2this)
+ for (auto &i2 : other.nodes[i1.first].ports)
+ for (auto &i3 : i2.bits)
+ if (edges2this.count(i3.edgeIdx) == 0)
+ edges2this[i3.edgeIdx] = edges2this.size();
+ edges.resize(edges2this.size());
+ for (auto &it : edges2this) {
+ for (auto &bit : other.edges[it.first].portBits)
+ if (other2this.count(bit.nodeIdx) > 0)
+ edges[it.second].portBits.insert(BitRef(other2this[bit.nodeIdx], bit.portIdx, bit.bitIdx));
+ edges[it.second].constValue = other.edges[it.first].constValue;
+ edges[it.second].isExtern = other.edges[it.first].isExtern;
+ }
+ nodes.resize(other2this.size());
+ for (auto &it : other2this) {
+ nodes[it.second] = other.nodes[it.first];
+ for (auto &i2 : nodes[it.second].ports)
+ for (auto &i3 : i2.bits)
+ i3.edgeIdx =;
+ }
bool SubCircuit::Graph::BitRef::operator < (const BitRef &other) const
if (nodeIdx != other.nodeIdx)
@@ -1072,6 +1108,197 @@ class SubCircuit::SolverWorker
+ // additional data structes and functions for mining
+ struct NodeSet {
+ std::string graphId;
+ std::set<int> nodes;
+ NodeSet(std::string graphId, int node1, int node2) {
+ this->graphId = graphId;
+ nodes.insert(node1);
+ nodes.insert(node2);
+ }
+ NodeSet(std::string graphId, const std::vector<int> &nodes) {
+ this->graphId = graphId;
+ for (int node : nodes)
+ this->nodes.insert(node);
+ }
+ void extend(const NodeSet &other) {
+ assert(this->graphId == other.graphId);
+ for (int node : other.nodes)
+ nodes.insert(node);
+ }
+ int extendCandidate(const NodeSet &other) const {
+ if (graphId != other.graphId)
+ return 0;
+ int newNodes = 0;
+ bool intersect = false;
+ for (int node : other.nodes)
+ if (nodes.count(node) > 0)
+ intersect = true;
+ else
+ newNodes++;
+ return intersect ? newNodes : 0;
+ }
+ bool operator <(const NodeSet &other) const {
+ if (graphId != other.graphId)
+ return graphId < other.graphId;
+ return nodes < other.nodes;
+ }
+ };
+ void solveForMining(std::vector<Solver::Result> &results, const GraphData &needle)
+ {
+ bool backupVerbose = verbose;
+ verbose = false;
+ for (auto &it : graphData)
+ {
+ GraphData &haystack = it.second;
+ assert(haystack.graph.allExtern);
+ std::vector<std::set<int>> enumerationMatrix;
+ std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> initialMappings;
+ generateEnumerationMatrix(enumerationMatrix, needle, haystack, initialMappings);
+ haystack.usedNodes.resize(haystack.graph.nodes.size());
+ ullmannRecursion(results, enumerationMatrix, 0, needle, haystack, true, -1);
+ }
+ verbose = backupVerbose;
+ }
+ int testForMining(std::vector<Solver::MineResult> &results, std::set<NodeSet> &usedSets, std::vector<std::set<NodeSet>> &nextPool, NodeSet &testSet,
+ const std::string &graphId, const Graph &graph, int minNodes, int minMatches, int limitMatchesPerGraph)
+ {
+ GraphData needle;
+ std::vector<std::string> needle_nodes;
+ for (int nodeIdx : testSet.nodes)
+ needle_nodes.push_back(graph.nodes[nodeIdx].nodeId);
+ needle.graph = Graph(graph, needle_nodes);
+ diCache.add(needle.graph, needle.adjMatrix, graphId, userSolver);
+ std::vector<Solver::Result> ullmannResults;
+ solveForMining(ullmannResults, needle);
+ int matches = 0;
+ std::map<std::string, int> matchesPerGraph;
+ std::set<NodeSet> thisNodeSetSet;
+ for (auto &it : ullmannResults)
+ {
+ std::vector<int> resultNodes;
+ for (auto &i2 : it.mappings)
+ resultNodes.push_back(graphData[it.haystackGraphId].graph.nodeMap[i2.second.haystackNodeId]);
+ NodeSet resultSet(it.haystackGraphId, resultNodes);
+ if (usedSets.count(resultSet) > 0) {
+ assert(thisNodeSetSet.count(resultSet) > 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ usedSets.insert(resultSet);
+ thisNodeSetSet.insert(resultSet);
+ matchesPerGraph[it.haystackGraphId]++;
+ if (limitMatchesPerGraph < 0 || matchesPerGraph[it.haystackGraphId] < limitMatchesPerGraph)
+ matches++;
+ }
+ if (matches < minMatches)
+ return 0;
+ if (minNodes <= int(testSet.nodes.size()))
+ {
+ Solver::MineResult result;
+ result.graphId = graphId;
+ result.totalMatchesAfterLimits = matches;
+ result.matchesPerGraph = matchesPerGraph;
+ for (int nodeIdx : testSet.nodes) {
+ Solver::MineResultNode resultNode;
+ resultNode.nodeId = graph.nodes[nodeIdx].nodeId;
+ resultNode.userData = graph.nodes[nodeIdx].userData;
+ result.nodes.push_back(resultNode);
+ }
+ results.push_back(result);
+ }
+ nextPool.push_back(thisNodeSetSet);
+ return matches;
+ }
+ void findNodePairs(std::vector<Solver::MineResult> &results, std::vector<std::set<NodeSet>> &nodePairs, int minNodes, int minMatches, int limitMatchesPerGraph)
+ {
+ std::set<NodeSet> usedPairs;
+ if (verbose)
+ printf("\nFind frequent node pairs:\n");
+ for (auto &graph_it : graphData)
+ for (int node1 = 0; node1 < int(graph_it.second.graph.nodes.size()); node1++)
+ for (auto &adj_it :
+ {
+ const std::string &graphId = graph_it.first;
+ const auto &graph = graph_it.second.graph;
+ int node2 = adj_it.first;
+ NodeSet pair(graphId, node1, node2);
+ if (usedPairs.count(pair) > 0)
+ continue;
+ int matches = testForMining(results, usedPairs, nodePairs, pair, graphId, graph, minNodes, minMatches, limitMatchesPerGraph);
+ if (verbose && matches > 0)
+ printf("Pair %s[%s,%s] -> %d\n", graphId.c_str(), graph.nodes[node1].nodeId.c_str(),
+ graph.nodes[node2].nodeId.c_str(), matches);
+ }
+ }
+ void findNextPool(std::vector<Solver::MineResult> &results, std::vector<std::set<NodeSet>> &pool,
+ int oldSetSize, int increment, int minNodes, int minMatches, int limitMatchesPerGraph)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::set<NodeSet>> nextPool;
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<const NodeSet*>> poolPerGraph;
+ for (auto &i1 : pool)
+ for (auto &i2 : i1)
+ poolPerGraph[i2.graphId].push_back(&i2);
+ if (verbose)
+ printf("\nFind frequent subcircuits of size %d using increment %d:\n", oldSetSize+increment, increment);
+ std::set<NodeSet> usedSets;
+ for (auto &it : poolPerGraph)
+ for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < int(it.second.size()); idx1++)
+ for (int idx2 = idx1; idx2 < int(it.second.size()); idx2++)
+ {
+ if (it.second[idx1]->extendCandidate(*it.second[idx2]) != increment)
+ continue;
+ NodeSet mergedSet = *it.second[idx1];
+ mergedSet.extend(*it.second[idx2]);
+ if (usedSets.count(mergedSet) > 0)
+ continue;
+ const std::string &graphId = it.first;
+ const auto &graph = graphData[it.first].graph;
+ int matches = testForMining(results, usedSets, nextPool, mergedSet, graphId, graph, minNodes, minMatches, limitMatchesPerGraph);
+ if (verbose) {
+ printf("Set %s[", graphId.c_str());
+ bool first = true;
+ for (int nodeIdx : mergedSet.nodes) {
+ printf("%s%s", first ? "" : ",", graph.nodes[nodeIdx].nodeId.c_str());
+ first = false;
+ }
+ printf("] -> %d\n", matches);
+ }
+ }
+ pool.swap(nextPool);
+ }
// interface to the public Solver class
@@ -1151,6 +1378,25 @@ protected:
ullmannRecursion(results, enumerationMatrix, 0, needle, haystack, allowOverlap, maxSolutions > 0 ? results.size() + maxSolutions : -1);
+ void mine(std::vector<Solver::MineResult> &results, int minNodes, int maxNodes, int minMatches, int limitMatchesPerGraph)
+ {
+ int nodeSetSize = 2;
+ std::vector<std::set<NodeSet>> pool;
+ findNodePairs(results, pool, minNodes, minMatches, limitMatchesPerGraph);
+ while (nodeSetSize < maxNodes)
+ {
+ int increment = nodeSetSize - 1;
+ if (nodeSetSize + increment >= minNodes)
+ increment = minNodes - nodeSetSize;
+ if (nodeSetSize >= minNodes)
+ increment = 1;
+ findNextPool(results, pool, nodeSetSize, increment, minNodes, minMatches, limitMatchesPerGraph);
+ nodeSetSize += increment;
+ }
+ }
void clearOverlapHistory()
for (auto &it : graphData)
@@ -1252,6 +1498,11 @@ void SubCircuit::Solver::solve(std::vector<Result> &results, std::string needleG
worker->solve(results, needleGraphId, haystackGraphId, initialMappings, allowOverlap, maxSolutions);
+void SubCircuit::Solver::mine(std::vector<MineResult> &results, int minNodes, int maxNodes, int minMatches, int limitMatchesPerGraph)
+ worker->mine(results, minNodes, maxNodes, minMatches, limitMatchesPerGraph);
void SubCircuit::Solver::clearOverlapHistory()