path: root/manual
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3 files changed, 104 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/manual/PRESENTATION_ExSyn.tex b/manual/PRESENTATION_ExSyn.tex
index a889069b..4c19c48b 100644
--- a/manual/PRESENTATION_ExSyn.tex
+++ b/manual/PRESENTATION_ExSyn.tex
@@ -423,7 +423,70 @@ more advanced ABC features. It is also possible to write the design with
\subsection{Other special-purpose mapping commands}
+\begin{block}{\tt dfflibmap}
+This command maps the internal register cell types to the register types
+described in a liberty file.
+\begin{block}{\tt hilomap}
+Some architectures require special driver cells for driving a constant hi or lo
+value. This command replaces simple constants with instances of such driver cells.
+\begin{block}{\tt iopadmap}
+Top-level input/outputs must usually be implemented using special I/O-pad cells.
+This command inserts this cells to the design.
+\subsection{Example Synthesis Script}
+# read and elaborate design
+read_verilog cpu_top.v cpu_ctrl.v cpu_regs.v
+read_verilog -D WITH_MULT cpu_alu.v
+hierarchy -check -top cpu_top
+# high-level synthesis
+proc; opt; memory -nomap;; fsm; opt
+# substitute block rams
+techmap -map map_rams.v
+# map remaining memories
+# low-level synthesis
+techmap; opt; flatten;; abc -lut6
+techmap -map map_xl_cells.v
+# add clock buffers
+select -set xl_clocks t:FDRE %x:+FDRE[C] t:FDRE %d
+iopadmap -inpad BUFGP O:I @xl_clocks
+# add io buffers
+select -set xl_nonclocks w:* t:BUFGP %x:+BUFGP[I] %d
+iopadmap -outpad OBUF I:O -inpad IBUF O:I @xl_nonclocks
+# write synthesis results
+write_edif synth.edif
+\begin{block}{Teaser / Outlook}
+This script contains some constructs that have not been explained
+so far, such as the weird {\tt select} expressions at the end of
+the script. They are only one of the topics covered in Section 3
+``Advanced Synthesis'' of this presentation.}
diff --git a/manual/PRESENTATION_Intro.tex b/manual/PRESENTATION_Intro.tex
index 30565405..1d0a6061 100644
--- a/manual/PRESENTATION_Intro.tex
+++ b/manual/PRESENTATION_Intro.tex
@@ -247,6 +247,23 @@ as Qflow\footnote[frame]{\url{}} for ASIC des
+\subsection{Example Problem}
+\begin{frame}[fragile]{\subsecname{} -- Verilog Source: \tt counter.v}
+\lstinputlisting[xleftmargin=1cm, language=Verilog]{PRESENTATION_Intro/counter.v}
+\begin{frame}[fragile]{\subsecname{} -- Cell Library: \tt mycells.lib}
+\lstinputlisting[basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont, language=liberty, lastline=20]{PRESENTATION_Intro/mycells.lib}
+\lstinputlisting[basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont, language=liberty, firstline=21]{PRESENTATION_Intro/mycells.lib}
\subsection{Example Synthesis Script}
@@ -256,8 +273,8 @@ as Qflow\footnote[frame]{\url{}} for ASIC des
\# read design\\
-\boxalert<1>{read\_verilog mydesign.v}\\
-\boxalert<2>{hierarchy -check -top mytop}
+\boxalert<1>{read\_verilog counter.v}\\
+\boxalert<2>{hierarchy -check -top counter}
\# the high-level stuff\\
@@ -291,8 +308,8 @@ as Qflow\footnote[frame]{\url{}} for ASIC des
\begin{block}{Command: \tt
-\only<1>{read\_verilog mydesign.v}%
-\only<2>{hierarchy -check -top mytop}%
+\only<1>{read\_verilog counter.v}%
+\only<2>{hierarchy -check -top counter}%
@@ -306,46 +323,49 @@ as Qflow\footnote[frame]{\url{}} for ASIC des
\only<14>{write\_verilog synth.v}}
+ Read Verilog source file and convert to internal representation.
+ Elaborate the design hierarchy. Should alsways be the first
+ command after reading the design.
+ Convert ``processes'' (the internal representation of behavioral
+ Verilog code) into multiplexers and registers.
+ Perform some basic optimizations and cleanups.
+ Analyze memories and create circuits to implement them.
+ Perform some basic optimizations and cleanups.
+ Analyze and optimize finite state machines.
+ Perform some basic optimizations and cleanups.
+ Map coarse-grain RTL cells (adders, etc.) to fine-grain
+ logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, etc.).
+ Perform some basic optimizations and cleanups.
+ Map registers to available hardware flip-flops.
+ Map logix to available hardware gates.
+ Clean up the design (just the last step of {\tt opt}).
+ Write final synthesis result to output file.
@@ -355,19 +375,6 @@ as Qflow\footnote[frame]{\url{}} for ASIC des
\subsection{Running the Synthesis Script}
-\begin{frame}[fragile]{\subsecname{} -- Verilog Source: \tt counter.v}
-\lstinputlisting[xleftmargin=1cm, language=Verilog]{PRESENTATION_Intro/counter.v}
-\begin{frame}[fragile]{\subsecname{} -- Cell Library: \tt mycells.lib}
-\lstinputlisting[basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont, language=liberty, lastline=20]{PRESENTATION_Intro/mycells.lib}
-\lstinputlisting[basicstyle=\ttfamily\fontsize{8pt}{10pt}\selectfont, language=liberty, firstline=21]{PRESENTATION_Intro/mycells.lib}
\begin{frame}[t, fragile]{\subsecname{} -- Step 1/4}
read_verilog counter.v
@@ -409,7 +416,7 @@ clean
-\subsection{More Yosys Commands}
+\subsection{Yosys Commands}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{\subsecname{} 1/3}
Command reference:
diff --git a/manual/PRESENTATION_Prog.tex b/manual/PRESENTATION_Prog.tex
index 5b74a5e7..250d2c37 100644
--- a/manual/PRESENTATION_Prog.tex
+++ b/manual/PRESENTATION_Prog.tex
@@ -93,6 +93,6 @@ if (module->processes.size() != 0 || module->memories.size() != 0)
-So we only discuss this version of RTLIL in this presentation.
+For simplicity we only discuss this version of RTLIL in this presentation.