path: root/passes/fsm/
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Added RTLIL::Cell::has(portname)Clifford Wolf2014-07-26
* Changed users of cell->connections_ to the new API (sed command)Clifford Wolf2014-07-26
| | | | | | | | | git grep -l 'connections_' | xargs sed -i -r -e ' s/(->|\.)connections_\["([^"]*)"\] = (.*);/\1set("\2", \3);/g; s/(->|\.)connections_\["([^"]*)"\]/\1get("\2")/g; s/(->|\.)\("([^"]*)"\)/\1get("\2")/g; s/(->|\.)connections_.push_back/\1connect/g; s/(->|\.)connections_/\1connections()/g;'
* Renamed RTLIL::{Module,Cell}::connections to connections_Clifford Wolf2014-07-26
* SigSpec refactoring: using the accessor functions everywhereClifford Wolf2014-07-22
* SigSpec refactoring: renamed chunks and width to __chunks and __widthClifford Wolf2014-07-22
* Fixes in fsm detect/extract for better detection of non-fsm circuitsClifford Wolf2013-12-06
* Added detection for endless recursion in fsm_detect passClifford Wolf2013-10-30
* fixed typosJohann Glaser2013-03-18
* Added help messages for fsm_* passesClifford Wolf2013-03-01
* initial importClifford Wolf2013-01-05