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3 files changed, 22 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/docs/howto/fi/docbook/howto-importance.docbook b/docs/howto/fi/docbook/howto-importance.docbook
index 933caca..dc11d13 100644
--- a/docs/howto/fi/docbook/howto-importance.docbook
+++ b/docs/howto/fi/docbook/howto-importance.docbook
@@ -242,11 +242,11 @@ spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to
<para>Jos olet rikas jossain asiassa, kuinka paljon sitä omistat?</para>
<para>Ei pieni!</para>
- <para>Eccl.12:11-12 " <emphasis>The words of wise men are like goads, and masters
-of these collections are like well-driven nails; they are given by one
-Shepherd. But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is
-endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the
+ <para>Saarn 12:11-12 " <emphasis>Viisaiden sanat ovat teräviä kuin häränajajan
+piikki, mietelauselmat kuin lujia nauloja. Nämä sanat ovat kaikki saman
+paimenen antamia. Ja vielä: Poikani, paina varoitus mieleesi. Paljolla
+kirjojen tekemisellä ei ole loppua, ja alituinen tutkistelu väsyttää
<sect1 id="h2-importance-once">
<title>Liite: "Kerran kaikille"</title>
@@ -276,9 +276,10 @@ gratia</foreignphrase>for our salvation.</para>
<sect1 id="h2-importance-supplement">
<title>Liite: Raamatunlukuohjelmat</title>
- <para>Here are some easy programs to systematically read your Bible. You can do
-more than one at a time if you like, for instance #1 with #4, or #2 with
-#5. Vary the program from year to year to keep it fresh!</para>
+ <para>Tässä on muutamia helppoja ohjelmia Raamatun lukemiseen
+systemaattisesti. Voit käyttää useampaa niistä jos haluat. Esimerkiksi #1
+#4:n kanssa, tai #2 yhdessä #5:n kanssa. Vaihtele ohjelmia vuosittain
+pitääksesi opiskelusi tuoreena!</para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
<para>Uusi Testamentti vuodessa: lue yksi luku joka päivä, 5 päivää viikossa.</para>
diff --git a/docs/howto/fi/docbook/howto-interpretation.docbook b/docs/howto/fi/docbook/howto-interpretation.docbook
index 7adc89e..81ed7ce 100644
--- a/docs/howto/fi/docbook/howto-interpretation.docbook
+++ b/docs/howto/fi/docbook/howto-interpretation.docbook
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ your attention has been drawn to a particular verse whose meaning is not
clear to you. How do you study it out? Keep these rules in mind:</para>
<section id="h2-rules-exact">
<title>Sääntö 1 - Tulkitse sanojen täsmällisten merkitysten mukaan.</title>
- <para>The more precise we can be with the exact, original meaning of the words the
-better our interpretation will be. Try to find the exact meaning of the key
-words by following these steps:</para>
+ <para>Mitä tarkempia voimme olla tarkojen alkuperäisten sanojen merkityksessä,
+sitä parempi on tulkintamme. Kokeile etsiä täsmällinen merkitys
+avainsanoille seuraavilla askelilla:</para>
@@ -63,14 +63,13 @@ or repeated action or, when it is negated, a command to stop doing
something. " This is a negative command, so it is to stop doing something
that is already occurring. So, what have we found?</para>
- <emphasis>Mary is already clinging to Jesus, and he is saying to stop
-holding him!</emphasis>
+ <emphasis>Maria on jo kiinni Jeesuksessa ja Hän sanoo lopeta!</emphasis>
<section id="h2-rules-exact-crossref-ex1b">
<title>Esimerkki 1B</title>
- <para>In James 5:14, <emphasis>Elders are told to pray and anoint someone who is
-sick</emphasis>. What is this anointing?</para>
+ <para>Jaak 5:14, <emphasis>Vanhempia käsketään rukoilemaan ja voitelemaan
+sairas</emphasis>. Mitä on tämä voitelu?</para>
<para>Definition of aleipho (218) - "to oil" (Strong's); but we also have another
Greek word translated "anoint", chrio (5548) - "to smear or rub with oil,
i.e. to consecrate to an office or religious service" (Strong's). Since it's
@@ -146,8 +145,8 @@ confusion remains as to the meaning after we have interpreted the text
within its context, we have to look further.</para>
<section id="h2-rules-context-ex2a">
<title>Esimerkki 2A</title>
- <para>In a previous lesson we considered Jn.3:5 <emphasis>"born of water and the
-Spirit."</emphasis>In context, what is the water under discussion here?</para>
+ <para>Aiemmassa luennossa me käsittelimme Joh 3:5 <emphasis>"synny vedestä ja
+Hengestä."</emphasis> Mitä on vesi tämän keskustelun yhteydessä?</para>
<para>Water baptism is not under discussion here, which would be a big switch from
the subject being discussed by Jesus and Nicodemus. Watch out for a sudden
change of topic, it may be a clue that your interpretation has been
@@ -212,7 +211,7 @@ watch out for idioms, which have special meanings.</para>
<section id="h2-rules-normal-ex4a">
<title>Esimerkki 4A</title>
- <quote>evil eye</quote>in Mt.6:23.</para>
+ <quote>huono silmä</quote> Matt 6:23 (Biblia "paha silmä").</para>
<para>Rule 1, definition of "evil" and "eye" - no help here. Rule 2, context:
seems to confuse us even more. It doesn't seem to fit with what goes before
and after! This should tip us off that we aren't understanding it rightly!!</para>
@@ -264,8 +263,8 @@ puolustamaan leskiä, rukoilijat "kiusaavat" Häntä, jne.</para>
<section id="h2-rules-parables-ex5b">
<title>Esimerkki 5B</title>
- <para>The parable of the unrighteous steward in Lk.16:1-9. What is the point of
-the parable? Is it an allegory?</para>
+ <para>Epärehellisen taloudenhoitajan vertauksessa Luuk 16:1-9. Mikä on vertauksen
+ydin? Onko se allegoria?</para>
<para>The steward is commended for only one thing, his shrewdness in using what he
had to prepare for a time when he wouldn't have it. But he is not commended
for his unethical behavior in cheating his master.</para>
diff --git a/docs/howto/fi/docbook/index.docbook b/docs/howto/fi/docbook/index.docbook
index 9e2bd95..edf492a 100644
--- a/docs/howto/fi/docbook/index.docbook
+++ b/docs/howto/fi/docbook/index.docbook
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- <surname>The BibleTime Team</surname>
+ <surname>BibleTime tiimi</surname>
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ to understand what they say. If you start with the attitude that you want to
have the Lord sow his word in your heart He will not disappoint you.</para>
- <keyword>Bible</keyword>
+ <keyword>Raamattu</keyword>