path: root/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C')
8 files changed, 712 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/DArray.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/DArray.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82520ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/DArray.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.DArray
+ (DArray(..)) where
+import Foreign (peekArray)
+import Foreign.C (CSize, CString)
+import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
+#include "hkl.h"
+#let alignment t = "%lu", (unsigned long)offsetof(struct {char x__; t (y__); }, y__)
+data DArray a = DArray CSize [a] deriving Show
+instance Storable (DArray CString) where
+ alignment _ = #{alignment darray_string}
+ sizeOf _ = #{size darray_string}
+ peek ptr = do
+ n <- (#{peek darray_string, size} ptr)
+ items <- #{peek darray_string ,item} ptr
+ ss <- peekArray (fromEnum n) items
+ return $ DArray n ss
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Detector.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Detector.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c6b1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Detector.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.Detector
+ ( HklDetector
+ , newDetector
+ , withDetector
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (min, max)
+import Foreign ( ForeignPtr
+ , FunPtr
+ , Ptr
+ , newForeignPtr
+ , withForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.C (CInt(..))
+import Hkl.Detector
+#include "hkl.h"
+data HklDetector
+-- Detector
+withDetector :: Detector a -> (Ptr HklDetector -> IO b) -> IO b
+withDetector d func = do
+ fptr <- newDetector d
+ withForeignPtr fptr func
+newDetector :: Detector a -> IO (ForeignPtr HklDetector)
+newDetector ZeroD = c_hkl_detector_new 0 >>= newForeignPtr c_hkl_detector_free
+newDetector _ = error "Can not use 2D detector with the hkl library"
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_detector_new"
+ c_hkl_detector_new:: CInt -> IO (Ptr HklDetector)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_detector_free"
+ c_hkl_detector_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklDetector -> IO ())
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Engine.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Engine.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d5eced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Engine.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.Engine
+ ( HklEngine
+ , engineName
+ , peekEngine
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (min, max)
+import Foreign (Ptr, nullPtr)
+import Foreign.C (CString, peekCString)
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Hkl.C.DArray
+import Hkl.Types
+#include "hkl.h"
+-- private types
+data HklEngine
+-- Engine
+engineName :: Engine -> String
+engineName (Engine name _ _) = name
+-- Engine
+peekMode :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO Mode
+peekMode e = do
+ name <- c_hkl_engine_current_mode_get e >>= peekCString
+ (DArray _ ns) <- peek =<< c_hkl_engine_parameters_names_get e
+ parameters <- mapM f ns
+ return (Mode name parameters)
+ where
+ f n = (c_hkl_engine_parameter_get e n nullPtr >>= peek)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_current_mode_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_current_mode_get :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO CString
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_parameters_names_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_parameters_names_get:: Ptr HklEngine -> IO (Ptr (DArray CString))
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_parameter_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_parameter_get:: Ptr HklEngine -> CString -> Ptr () -> IO (Ptr Parameter) -- darray_string
+peekEngine :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO Engine
+peekEngine e = do
+ name <- peekCString =<< c_hkl_engine_name_get e
+ ps <- enginePseudoAxesGet e
+ mode <- peekMode e
+ return (Engine name ps mode)
+-- engineNameGet :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO String
+-- engineNameGet engine = c_hkl_engine_name_get engine >>= peekCString
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_name_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_name_get :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO CString
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_names_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_names_get:: Ptr HklEngine -> IO (Ptr (DArray CString))
+-- enginePseudoAxisNamesGet :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO [String]
+-- enginePseudoAxisNamesGet e = enginePseudoAxisNamesGet' e >>= mapM peekCString
+enginePseudoAxisGet :: Ptr HklEngine -> CString -> IO Parameter
+enginePseudoAxisGet e n = c_hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_get e n nullPtr >>= peek
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_get:: Ptr HklEngine -> CString -> Ptr () -> IO (Ptr Parameter)
+enginePseudoAxesGet :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO [Parameter]
+enginePseudoAxesGet ptr = do
+ (DArray _ ns) <- peek =<< c_hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_names_get ptr
+ mapM (enginePseudoAxisGet ptr) ns
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/EngineList.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/EngineList.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08232f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/EngineList.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.EngineList
+ ( HklEngineList
+ , engineListEnginesGet
+ , newEngineList
+ , withEngineList
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (min, max)
+import Foreign ( ForeignPtr
+ , FunPtr
+ , Ptr
+ , newForeignPtr
+ , withForeignPtr
+ , peekArray)
+import Foreign.C ( CSize(..) )
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Hkl.C.Engine
+import Hkl.C.Geometry
+import Hkl.Types
+#include "hkl.h"
+-- private types
+data HklEngineList
+-- EngineList
+withEngineList :: Factory -> (Ptr HklEngineList -> IO b) -> IO b
+withEngineList f func = do
+ fptr <- newEngineList f
+ withForeignPtr fptr func
+newEngineList :: Factory -> IO (ForeignPtr HklEngineList)
+newEngineList f = newFactory f
+ >>= c_hkl_factory_create_new_engine_list
+ >>= newForeignPtr c_hkl_engine_list_free
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_factory_create_new_engine_list"
+ c_hkl_factory_create_new_engine_list:: Ptr HklFactory -> IO (Ptr HklEngineList)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_engine_list_free"
+ c_hkl_engine_list_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklEngineList -> IO ())
+engineListEnginesGet :: Ptr HklEngineList -> IO [Engine]
+engineListEnginesGet e = do
+ pdarray <- c_hkl_engine_list_engines_get e
+ n <- (#{peek darray_engine, size} pdarray) :: IO CSize
+ engines <- #{peek darray_engine ,item} pdarray :: IO (Ptr (Ptr HklEngine))
+ enginess <- peekArray (fromEnum n) engines
+ mapM peekEngine enginess
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_list_engines_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_list_engines_get:: Ptr HklEngineList -> IO (Ptr ())
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Geometry.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Geometry.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..406c65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Geometry.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.Geometry
+ ( Geometry(..)
+ , Factory(..)
+ , HklFactory
+ , HklMatrix
+ , HklQuaternion
+ , factoryFromString
+ , newFactory
+ , newGeometry
+ , withGeometry
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (min, max)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
+import Foreign ( ForeignPtr
+ , FunPtr
+ , Ptr
+ , nullPtr
+ , newForeignPtr
+ , withForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.C (CInt(..), CDouble(..), CSize(..), CString,
+ peekCString, withCString)
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude ( meter, nano
+ , (*~), (/~))
+import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
+import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as MV
+import Hkl.Types
+import Hkl.C.DArray
+#include "hkl.h"
+-- | Factory
+data Factory = K6c | Uhv | MedH | MedV | SoleilSiriusKappa
+instance Show Factory where
+ show K6c = "K6C"
+ show Uhv = "ZAXIS"
+ show MedH = "todo"
+ show MedV = "todo"
+ show SoleilSiriusKappa = "SOLEIL SIRIUS KAPPA"
+factoryFromString :: String -> Factory
+factoryFromString s
+ | s == "K6C" = K6c
+ | s == "ZAXIS" = Uhv
+ | s == "todo" = MedH
+ | s == "todo" = MedV
+ | s == "SOLEIL SIRIUS KAPPA" = SoleilSiriusKappa
+ | otherwise = error $ "unknown diffractometer type:" ++ s
+-- | Geometry
+data Geometry = Geometry
+ Factory -- ^ the type of diffractometer
+ Source -- ^ source
+ (Vector Double) -- ^ axes position
+ (Maybe [Parameter]) -- ^ axes configuration
+ deriving (Show)
+-- private types
+data HklFactory
+data HklMatrix
+data HklQuaternion
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
+#let alignment t = "%lu", (unsigned long)offsetof(struct {char x__; t (y__); }, y__)
+-- Factory
+newFactory :: Factory -> IO (Ptr HklFactory)
+newFactory f = withCString (show f) $ \cname -> c_hkl_factory_get_by_name cname nullPtr
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_factory_get_by_name"
+ c_hkl_factory_get_by_name :: CString -- ^ name
+ -> Ptr () -- ^ GError (null for now)
+ -> IO (Ptr HklFactory)
+-- Geometry
+peekSource :: Ptr Geometry -> IO (Source)
+peekSource ptr = do
+ (CDouble w) <- c_hkl_geometry_wavelength_get ptr unit
+ return (Source (w *~ nano meter))
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_wavelength_set"
+ c_hkl_geometry_wavelength_set :: Ptr Geometry -- geometry
+ -> CDouble -- wavelength
+ -> CInt -- unit
+ -> Ptr () -- *gerror
+ -> IO () -- IO CInt but for now do not deal with the errors
+pokeSource :: Ptr Geometry -> Source -> IO ()
+pokeSource ptr (Source lw) = do
+ let wavelength = CDouble (lw /~ nano meter)
+ c_hkl_geometry_wavelength_set ptr wavelength unit nullPtr
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_wavelength_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_wavelength_get :: Ptr Geometry -- geometry
+ -> CInt -- unit
+ -> IO CDouble -- wavelength
+peekAxis :: Ptr Geometry -> CString -> IO Parameter
+peekAxis ptr s = c_hkl_geometry_axis_get ptr s nullPtr >>= peek
+instance Storable Geometry where
+ alignment _ = #{alignment int}
+ sizeOf _ = #{size int}
+ peek ptr = do
+ f_name <- c_hkl_geometry_name_get ptr >>= peekCString
+ let factory = factoryFromString f_name
+ source <- peekSource ptr
+ (DArray n axis_names) <- peek =<< c_hkl_geometry_axis_names_get ptr
+ v <- (fromEnum n)
+ MV.unsafeWith v $ \values ->
+ c_hkl_geometry_axis_values_get ptr values n unit
+ vs <- V.freeze v
+ ps <- mapM (peekAxis ptr) axis_names
+ return $ Geometry factory source vs (Just ps)
+ poke ptr (Geometry _ s vs _) = do
+ pokeSource ptr s
+ (DArray n _) <- peek =<< c_hkl_geometry_axis_names_get ptr
+ V.unsafeWith vs $ \values ->
+ c_hkl_geometry_axis_values_set ptr values n unit nullPtr
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_axis_values_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_axis_values_get :: Ptr Geometry -- geometry
+ -> Ptr Double -- axis values
+ -> CSize -- size of axis values
+ -> CInt -- unit
+ -> IO () -- IO CInt but for now do not deal with the errors
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_axis_names_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_axis_names_get :: Ptr Geometry -- goemetry
+ -> IO (Ptr (DArray CString)) -- darray_string
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_axis_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_axis_get :: Ptr Geometry -- geometry
+ -> CString -- axis name
+ -> Ptr () -- gerror
+ -> IO (Ptr Parameter) -- parameter or nullPtr
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_name_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_name_get :: Ptr Geometry -> IO CString
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_axis_values_set"
+ c_hkl_geometry_axis_values_set :: Ptr Geometry -- geometry
+ -> Ptr Double -- axis values
+ -> CSize -- size of axis values
+ -> CInt -- unit
+ -> Ptr () -- gerror
+ -> IO () -- IO CInt but for now do not deal with the errors
+withGeometry :: Geometry -> (Ptr Geometry -> IO b) -> IO b
+withGeometry g fun = do
+ fptr <- newGeometry g
+ withForeignPtr fptr fun
+newGeometry :: Geometry -> IO (ForeignPtr Geometry)
+newGeometry g@(Geometry f _ _ _) = do
+ ptr <- c_hkl_factory_create_new_geometry =<< newFactory f
+ poke ptr g
+ newForeignPtr c_hkl_geometry_free ptr
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_factory_create_new_geometry"
+ c_hkl_factory_create_new_geometry :: Ptr HklFactory -> IO (Ptr Geometry)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_geometry_free"
+ c_hkl_geometry_free :: FunPtr (Ptr Geometry -> IO ())
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/GeometryList.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/GeometryList.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a51067c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/GeometryList.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.GeometryList
+ ( HklGeometryList
+ , geometryDetectorRotationGet
+ , getSolution0
+ , peekHklGeometryList
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (min, max)
+import Control.Monad.Loops (unfoldrM)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
+import Foreign ( ForeignPtr
+ , FunPtr
+ , Ptr
+ , nullPtr
+ , newForeignPtr
+ , withForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.C (CInt(..), CDouble(..))
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Hkl.C.Detector
+import Hkl.C.Geometry
+import Hkl.Detector
+#include "hkl.h"
+-- private types
+data HklGeometryList
+data HklGeometryListItem
+-- | HklGeometryList
+getSolution0 :: ForeignPtr HklGeometryList -> IO Geometry
+getSolution0 gl = withForeignPtr gl $ \solutions ->
+ c_hkl_geometry_list_items_first_get solutions
+ >>= c_hkl_geometry_list_item_geometry_get
+ >>= peek
+buildMatrix' :: Element a => CInt -> CInt -> ((CInt, CInt) -> IO a) -> IO (Matrix a)
+buildMatrix' rc cc f = do
+ let coordinates' = map (\ ri -> map (\ ci -> (ri, ci)) [0 .. (cc - 1)]) [0 .. (rc - 1)]
+ l <- mapM (mapM f) coordinates'
+ return $ fromLists l
+ -- fromLists $ map (map f)
+ -- $ map (\ ri -> map (\ ci -> (ri, ci)) [0 .. (cc - 1)]) [0 .. (rc - 1)]
+geometryDetectorRotationGet :: Geometry -> Detector a -> IO (Matrix Double)
+geometryDetectorRotationGet g d = do
+ f_geometry <- newGeometry g
+ f_detector <- newDetector d
+ withForeignPtr f_detector $ \detector ->
+ withForeignPtr f_geometry $ \geometry -> do
+ f_q <- newForeignPtr c_hkl_quaternion_free =<< c_hkl_geometry_detector_rotation_get_binding geometry detector
+ withForeignPtr f_q $ \quaternion -> do
+ f_m <- newForeignPtr c_hkl_matrix_free =<< c_hkl_quaternion_to_matrix_binding quaternion
+ withForeignPtr f_m $ \matrix' ->
+ buildMatrix' 3 3 (getV matrix')
+ where
+ getV :: Ptr HklMatrix -> (CInt, CInt) -> IO Double
+ getV m (i', j') = do
+ (CDouble v) <- c_hkl_matrix_get m i' j'
+ return v
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_detector_rotation_get_binding"
+ c_hkl_geometry_detector_rotation_get_binding :: Ptr Geometry
+ -> Ptr HklDetector
+ -> IO (Ptr HklQuaternion)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_quaternion_to_matrix_binding"
+ c_hkl_quaternion_to_matrix_binding :: Ptr HklQuaternion
+ -> IO (Ptr HklMatrix)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_quaternion_free"
+ c_hkl_quaternion_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklQuaternion -> IO ())
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_matrix_free"
+ c_hkl_matrix_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklMatrix -> IO ())
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_matrix_get"
+ c_hkl_matrix_get :: Ptr HklMatrix
+ -> CInt
+ -> CInt
+ -> IO CDouble
+peekItems :: Ptr HklGeometryList -> IO [Ptr HklGeometryListItem]
+peekItems l = c_hkl_geometry_list_items_first_get l >>= unfoldrM go
+ where
+ go e
+ | e == nullPtr = return Nothing
+ | otherwise = do
+ next <- c_hkl_geometry_list_items_next_get l e
+ return (Just (e, next))
+peekHklGeometryList :: ForeignPtr HklGeometryList -> IO [Geometry]
+peekHklGeometryList l = withForeignPtr l $ \ls -> do
+ items <- peekItems ls
+ mapM extract items
+ where
+ extract it = c_hkl_geometry_list_item_geometry_get it >>= peek
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_list_items_first_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_list_items_first_get :: Ptr HklGeometryList
+ -> IO (Ptr HklGeometryListItem)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_list_items_next_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_list_items_next_get :: Ptr HklGeometryList
+ -> Ptr HklGeometryListItem
+ -> IO (Ptr HklGeometryListItem)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_list_item_geometry_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_list_item_geometry_get :: Ptr HklGeometryListItem
+ -> IO (Ptr Geometry)
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Lattice.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Lattice.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cb1d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Lattice.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.Lattice
+ ( HklLattice
+ , newLattice
+ , withLattice
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (min, max)
+import Foreign ( ForeignPtr
+ , FunPtr
+ , Ptr
+ , nullPtr
+ , newForeignPtr
+ , withForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.C (CDouble(..))
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude ( meter, degree, radian, nano
+ , (*~), (/~))
+import Hkl.Lattice
+#include "hkl.h"
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
+#let alignment t = "%lu", (unsigned long)offsetof(struct {char x__; t (y__); }, y__)
+-- private types
+data HklLattice
+-- Lattice
+withLattice :: Lattice a -> (Ptr HklLattice -> IO r) -> IO r
+withLattice l func = do
+ fptr <- newLattice l
+ withForeignPtr fptr func
+newLattice' :: CDouble
+ -> CDouble
+ -> CDouble
+ -> CDouble
+ -> CDouble
+ -> CDouble
+ -> IO (ForeignPtr HklLattice)
+newLattice' a b c alpha beta gamma = do
+ lattice <- c_hkl_lattice_new a b c alpha beta gamma nullPtr
+ newForeignPtr c_hkl_lattice_free lattice
+newLattice :: Lattice a -> IO (ForeignPtr HklLattice)
+newLattice (Cubic la) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble ((90 *~ degree) /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a a a alpha alpha alpha
+newLattice (Tetragonal la lc) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let c = CDouble (lc /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble ((90 *~ degree) /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a a c alpha alpha alpha
+newLattice (Orthorhombic la lb lc) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let b = CDouble (lb /~ nano meter)
+ let c = CDouble (lc /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble ((90 *~ degree) /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a b c alpha alpha alpha
+newLattice (Rhombohedral la aalpha) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble (aalpha /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a a a alpha alpha alpha
+newLattice (Hexagonal la lc) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let c = CDouble (lc /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble ((90 *~ degree) /~ radian)
+ let gamma = CDouble ((120 *~ degree) /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a a c alpha alpha gamma
+newLattice (Monoclinic la lb lc abeta) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let b = CDouble (lb /~ nano meter)
+ let c = CDouble (lc /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble ((90 *~ degree) /~ radian)
+ let beta = CDouble (abeta /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a b c alpha beta alpha
+newLattice (Triclinic la lb lc aalpha abeta agamma) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let b = CDouble (lb /~ nano meter)
+ let c = CDouble (lc /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble (aalpha /~ radian)
+ let beta = CDouble (abeta /~ radian)
+ let gamma = CDouble (agamma /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a b c alpha beta gamma
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_lattice_new"
+ c_hkl_lattice_new :: CDouble -- a
+ -> CDouble -- b
+ -> CDouble -- c
+ -> CDouble -- alpha
+ -> CDouble -- beta
+ -> CDouble -- gamma
+ -> Ptr () -- *gerror
+ -> IO (Ptr HklLattice)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_lattice_free"
+ c_hkl_lattice_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklLattice -> IO ())
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Sample.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Sample.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9c106c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Sample.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.Sample
+ ( HklSample
+ , newSample
+ , withSample
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (void)
+import Foreign ( ForeignPtr
+ , FunPtr
+ , Ptr
+ , nullPtr
+ , newForeignPtr
+ , withForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.C (CInt(..), CString, withCString)
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Hkl.C.Lattice
+import Hkl.Types
+#include "hkl.h"
+-- private types
+data HklSample
+-- Sample
+withSample :: Sample a -> (Ptr HklSample -> IO r) -> IO r
+withSample s fun = do
+ fptr <- newSample s
+ withForeignPtr fptr fun
+newSample :: Sample a -> IO (ForeignPtr HklSample)
+newSample (Sample name l ux uy uz) =
+ withCString name $ \cname -> do
+ sample <- c_hkl_sample_new cname
+ withLattice l $ \lattice -> do
+ c_hkl_sample_lattice_set sample lattice
+ go sample ux c_hkl_sample_ux_get c_hkl_sample_ux_set
+ go sample uy c_hkl_sample_uy_get c_hkl_sample_uy_set
+ go sample uz c_hkl_sample_uz_get c_hkl_sample_uz_set
+ newForeignPtr c_hkl_sample_free sample
+ where
+ go s p getter setter = do
+ fptr <- copyParameter =<< (getter s)
+ withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
+ poke ptr p
+ void $ setter s ptr nullPtr
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_new"
+ c_hkl_sample_new:: CString -> IO (Ptr HklSample)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_lattice_set"
+ c_hkl_sample_lattice_set :: Ptr HklSample -> Ptr HklLattice -> IO ()
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_sample_free"
+ c_hkl_sample_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklSample -> IO ())
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_ux_get"
+ c_hkl_sample_ux_get :: Ptr HklSample
+ -> IO (Ptr Parameter)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_uy_get"
+ c_hkl_sample_uy_get :: Ptr HklSample
+ -> IO (Ptr Parameter)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_uz_get"
+ c_hkl_sample_uz_get :: Ptr HklSample
+ -> IO (Ptr Parameter)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_ux_set"
+ c_hkl_sample_ux_set :: Ptr HklSample
+ -> Ptr Parameter
+ -> Ptr ()
+ -> IO CInt
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_uy_set"
+ c_hkl_sample_uy_set :: Ptr HklSample
+ -> Ptr Parameter
+ -> Ptr ()
+ -> IO CInt
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_uz_set"
+ c_hkl_sample_uz_set :: Ptr HklSample
+ -> Ptr Parameter
+ -> Ptr ()
+ -> IO CInt