path: root/contrib/haskell/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/haskell/src')
58 files changed, 6196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52a69a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+module Hkl (module X) where
+import Hkl.C as X
+import Hkl.DataSource as X
+import Hkl.Detector as X
+import Hkl.Engine as X
+import Hkl.Flat as X
+import Hkl.H5 as X
+import Hkl.Lattice as X
+import Hkl.MyMatrix as X
+import Hkl.Nxs as X
+import Hkl.PyFAI as X
+import Hkl.Script as X
+import Hkl.Tiff as X
+import Hkl.Types as X
+import Hkl.Xrd as X
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6066d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C
+ ( compute
+ , computePipe
+ , solve
+ , solveTraj
+ , solveTrajPipe
+ , module X
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (min, max)
+import Control.Monad (forever)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
+import Foreign ( ForeignPtr
+ , FunPtr
+ , Ptr
+ , nullPtr
+ , newForeignPtr
+ , withForeignPtr
+ , withArray)
+import Foreign.C ( CInt(..), CSize(..), CString
+ , withCString)
+import Pipes (Pipe, await, lift, yield)
+import Hkl.C.Detector
+import Hkl.C.Engine
+import Hkl.C.EngineList
+import Hkl.C.Geometry as X
+import Hkl.C.GeometryList as X
+import Hkl.C.Sample
+import Hkl.Detector
+import Hkl.Types
+#include "hkl.h"
+-- Engine
+solve' :: Ptr HklEngine -> Engine -> IO (ForeignPtr HklGeometryList)
+solve' engine (Engine _ ps _) = do
+ let positions = [v | (Parameter _ v _) <- ps]
+ let n = toEnum (length positions)
+ withArray positions $ \values ->
+ c_hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_values_set engine values n unit nullPtr
+ >>= newForeignPtr c_hkl_geometry_list_free
+solve :: Geometry -> Detector a -> Sample b -> Engine -> IO [Geometry]
+solve g@(Geometry f _ _ _) d s e@(Engine name _ _) = do
+ withSample s $ \sample ->
+ withDetector d $ \detector ->
+ withGeometry g $ \geometry ->
+ withEngineList f $ \engines ->
+ withCString name $ \cname -> do
+ c_hkl_engine_list_init engines geometry detector sample
+ engine <- c_hkl_engine_list_engine_get_by_name engines cname nullPtr
+ solve' engine e >>= peekHklGeometryList
+solveTraj :: Geometry -> Detector a -> Sample b -> [Engine] -> IO [Geometry]
+solveTraj g@(Geometry f _ _ _) d s es = do
+ let name = engineName (head es)
+ withSample s $ \sample ->
+ withDetector d $ \detector ->
+ withGeometry g $ \geometry ->
+ withEngineList f $ \engines ->
+ withCString name $ \cname -> do
+ c_hkl_engine_list_init engines geometry detector sample
+ engine <- c_hkl_engine_list_engine_get_by_name engines cname nullPtr
+ mapM (\e -> solve' engine e >>= getSolution0) es
+-- Pipe
+data Diffractometer = Diffractometer { difEngineList :: (ForeignPtr HklEngineList)
+ , difGeometry :: (ForeignPtr Geometry)
+ , difDetector :: (ForeignPtr HklDetector)
+ , difSample :: (ForeignPtr HklSample)
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+withDiffractometer :: Diffractometer -> (Ptr HklEngineList -> IO b) -> IO b
+withDiffractometer d fun = do
+ let f_engines = difEngineList d
+ withForeignPtr f_engines fun
+newDiffractometer :: Geometry -> Detector a -> Sample b -> IO Diffractometer
+newDiffractometer g@(Geometry f _ _ _) d s = do
+ f_engines <- newEngineList f
+ f_geometry <- newGeometry g
+ f_detector <- newDetector d
+ f_sample <- newSample s
+ withForeignPtr f_sample $ \sample ->
+ withForeignPtr f_detector $ \detector ->
+ withForeignPtr f_geometry $ \geometry ->
+ withForeignPtr f_engines $ \engines -> do
+ c_hkl_engine_list_init engines geometry detector sample
+ return $ Diffractometer { difEngineList = f_engines
+ , difGeometry = f_geometry
+ , difDetector = f_detector
+ , difSample = f_sample
+ }
+computePipe :: Detector a -> Sample b -> Pipe Geometry [Engine] IO ()
+computePipe d s = forever $ do
+ g <- await
+ e <- lift $ compute g d s
+ yield e
+solveTrajPipe :: Geometry -> Detector a -> Sample b -> Pipe Engine Geometry IO ()
+solveTrajPipe g d s = do
+ dif <- lift $ newDiffractometer g d s
+ solveTrajPipe' dif
+solveTrajPipe' :: Diffractometer -> Pipe Engine Geometry IO ()
+solveTrajPipe' dif = flip evalStateT dif $ forever $ do
+ -- Inside here we are using `StateT Diffractometer (Pipe Engine Geometry IO ()) r`
+ e <- lift await
+ dif_ <- get
+ let name = engineName e
+ solutions <- lift . lift $ withDiffractometer dif_ $ \engines ->
+ withCString name $ \cname -> do
+ engine <- c_hkl_engine_list_engine_get_by_name engines cname nullPtr
+ solve' engine e >>= getSolution0
+ put dif_
+ lift $ yield solutions
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_list_engine_get_by_name"
+ c_hkl_engine_list_engine_get_by_name :: Ptr HklEngineList --engine list
+ -> CString -- engine name
+ -> Ptr () -- gerror need to deal about this
+ -> IO (Ptr HklEngine) -- the returned HklEngine
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_values_set"
+ c_hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_values_set :: Ptr HklEngine
+ -> Ptr Double --values
+ -> CSize -- n_values
+ -> CInt -- unit_type
+ -> Ptr () -- GError **error
+ -> IO (Ptr HklGeometryList)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_geometry_list_free"
+ c_hkl_geometry_list_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklGeometryList -> IO ())
+compute :: Geometry -> Detector a -> Sample b -> IO [Engine]
+compute g@(Geometry f _ _ _) d s = do
+ withSample s $ \sample ->
+ withDetector d $ \detector ->
+ withGeometry g $ \geometry ->
+ withEngineList f $ \engines -> do
+ c_hkl_engine_list_init engines geometry detector sample
+ c_hkl_engine_list_get engines
+ engineListEnginesGet engines
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_list_init"
+ c_hkl_engine_list_init:: Ptr HklEngineList -> Ptr Geometry -> Ptr HklDetector -> Ptr HklSample -> IO ()
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_list_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_list_get:: Ptr HklEngineList -> IO ()
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/DArray.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/DArray.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82520ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/DArray.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.DArray
+ (DArray(..)) where
+import Foreign (peekArray)
+import Foreign.C (CSize, CString)
+import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
+#include "hkl.h"
+#let alignment t = "%lu", (unsigned long)offsetof(struct {char x__; t (y__); }, y__)
+data DArray a = DArray CSize [a] deriving Show
+instance Storable (DArray CString) where
+ alignment _ = #{alignment darray_string}
+ sizeOf _ = #{size darray_string}
+ peek ptr = do
+ n <- (#{peek darray_string, size} ptr)
+ items <- #{peek darray_string ,item} ptr
+ ss <- peekArray (fromEnum n) items
+ return $ DArray n ss
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Detector.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Detector.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c6b1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Detector.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.Detector
+ ( HklDetector
+ , newDetector
+ , withDetector
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (min, max)
+import Foreign ( ForeignPtr
+ , FunPtr
+ , Ptr
+ , newForeignPtr
+ , withForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.C (CInt(..))
+import Hkl.Detector
+#include "hkl.h"
+data HklDetector
+-- Detector
+withDetector :: Detector a -> (Ptr HklDetector -> IO b) -> IO b
+withDetector d func = do
+ fptr <- newDetector d
+ withForeignPtr fptr func
+newDetector :: Detector a -> IO (ForeignPtr HklDetector)
+newDetector ZeroD = c_hkl_detector_new 0 >>= newForeignPtr c_hkl_detector_free
+newDetector _ = error "Can not use 2D detector with the hkl library"
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_detector_new"
+ c_hkl_detector_new:: CInt -> IO (Ptr HklDetector)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_detector_free"
+ c_hkl_detector_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklDetector -> IO ())
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Engine.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Engine.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d5eced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Engine.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.Engine
+ ( HklEngine
+ , engineName
+ , peekEngine
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (min, max)
+import Foreign (Ptr, nullPtr)
+import Foreign.C (CString, peekCString)
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Hkl.C.DArray
+import Hkl.Types
+#include "hkl.h"
+-- private types
+data HklEngine
+-- Engine
+engineName :: Engine -> String
+engineName (Engine name _ _) = name
+-- Engine
+peekMode :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO Mode
+peekMode e = do
+ name <- c_hkl_engine_current_mode_get e >>= peekCString
+ (DArray _ ns) <- peek =<< c_hkl_engine_parameters_names_get e
+ parameters <- mapM f ns
+ return (Mode name parameters)
+ where
+ f n = (c_hkl_engine_parameter_get e n nullPtr >>= peek)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_current_mode_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_current_mode_get :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO CString
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_parameters_names_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_parameters_names_get:: Ptr HklEngine -> IO (Ptr (DArray CString))
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_parameter_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_parameter_get:: Ptr HklEngine -> CString -> Ptr () -> IO (Ptr Parameter) -- darray_string
+peekEngine :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO Engine
+peekEngine e = do
+ name <- peekCString =<< c_hkl_engine_name_get e
+ ps <- enginePseudoAxesGet e
+ mode <- peekMode e
+ return (Engine name ps mode)
+-- engineNameGet :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO String
+-- engineNameGet engine = c_hkl_engine_name_get engine >>= peekCString
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_name_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_name_get :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO CString
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_names_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_names_get:: Ptr HklEngine -> IO (Ptr (DArray CString))
+-- enginePseudoAxisNamesGet :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO [String]
+-- enginePseudoAxisNamesGet e = enginePseudoAxisNamesGet' e >>= mapM peekCString
+enginePseudoAxisGet :: Ptr HklEngine -> CString -> IO Parameter
+enginePseudoAxisGet e n = c_hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_get e n nullPtr >>= peek
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_get:: Ptr HklEngine -> CString -> Ptr () -> IO (Ptr Parameter)
+enginePseudoAxesGet :: Ptr HklEngine -> IO [Parameter]
+enginePseudoAxesGet ptr = do
+ (DArray _ ns) <- peek =<< c_hkl_engine_pseudo_axis_names_get ptr
+ mapM (enginePseudoAxisGet ptr) ns
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/EngineList.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/EngineList.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08232f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/EngineList.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.EngineList
+ ( HklEngineList
+ , engineListEnginesGet
+ , newEngineList
+ , withEngineList
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (min, max)
+import Foreign ( ForeignPtr
+ , FunPtr
+ , Ptr
+ , newForeignPtr
+ , withForeignPtr
+ , peekArray)
+import Foreign.C ( CSize(..) )
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Hkl.C.Engine
+import Hkl.C.Geometry
+import Hkl.Types
+#include "hkl.h"
+-- private types
+data HklEngineList
+-- EngineList
+withEngineList :: Factory -> (Ptr HklEngineList -> IO b) -> IO b
+withEngineList f func = do
+ fptr <- newEngineList f
+ withForeignPtr fptr func
+newEngineList :: Factory -> IO (ForeignPtr HklEngineList)
+newEngineList f = newFactory f
+ >>= c_hkl_factory_create_new_engine_list
+ >>= newForeignPtr c_hkl_engine_list_free
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_factory_create_new_engine_list"
+ c_hkl_factory_create_new_engine_list:: Ptr HklFactory -> IO (Ptr HklEngineList)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_engine_list_free"
+ c_hkl_engine_list_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklEngineList -> IO ())
+engineListEnginesGet :: Ptr HklEngineList -> IO [Engine]
+engineListEnginesGet e = do
+ pdarray <- c_hkl_engine_list_engines_get e
+ n <- (#{peek darray_engine, size} pdarray) :: IO CSize
+ engines <- #{peek darray_engine ,item} pdarray :: IO (Ptr (Ptr HklEngine))
+ enginess <- peekArray (fromEnum n) engines
+ mapM peekEngine enginess
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_engine_list_engines_get"
+ c_hkl_engine_list_engines_get:: Ptr HklEngineList -> IO (Ptr ())
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Geometry.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Geometry.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..406c65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Geometry.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.Geometry
+ ( Geometry(..)
+ , Factory(..)
+ , HklFactory
+ , HklMatrix
+ , HklQuaternion
+ , factoryFromString
+ , newFactory
+ , newGeometry
+ , withGeometry
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (min, max)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
+import Foreign ( ForeignPtr
+ , FunPtr
+ , Ptr
+ , nullPtr
+ , newForeignPtr
+ , withForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.C (CInt(..), CDouble(..), CSize(..), CString,
+ peekCString, withCString)
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude ( meter, nano
+ , (*~), (/~))
+import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
+import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as MV
+import Hkl.Types
+import Hkl.C.DArray
+#include "hkl.h"
+-- | Factory
+data Factory = K6c | Uhv | MedH | MedV | SoleilSiriusKappa
+instance Show Factory where
+ show K6c = "K6C"
+ show Uhv = "ZAXIS"
+ show MedH = "todo"
+ show MedV = "todo"
+ show SoleilSiriusKappa = "SOLEIL SIRIUS KAPPA"
+factoryFromString :: String -> Factory
+factoryFromString s
+ | s == "K6C" = K6c
+ | s == "ZAXIS" = Uhv
+ | s == "todo" = MedH
+ | s == "todo" = MedV
+ | s == "SOLEIL SIRIUS KAPPA" = SoleilSiriusKappa
+ | otherwise = error $ "unknown diffractometer type:" ++ s
+-- | Geometry
+data Geometry = Geometry
+ Factory -- ^ the type of diffractometer
+ Source -- ^ source
+ (Vector Double) -- ^ axes position
+ (Maybe [Parameter]) -- ^ axes configuration
+ deriving (Show)
+-- private types
+data HklFactory
+data HklMatrix
+data HklQuaternion
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
+#let alignment t = "%lu", (unsigned long)offsetof(struct {char x__; t (y__); }, y__)
+-- Factory
+newFactory :: Factory -> IO (Ptr HklFactory)
+newFactory f = withCString (show f) $ \cname -> c_hkl_factory_get_by_name cname nullPtr
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_factory_get_by_name"
+ c_hkl_factory_get_by_name :: CString -- ^ name
+ -> Ptr () -- ^ GError (null for now)
+ -> IO (Ptr HklFactory)
+-- Geometry
+peekSource :: Ptr Geometry -> IO (Source)
+peekSource ptr = do
+ (CDouble w) <- c_hkl_geometry_wavelength_get ptr unit
+ return (Source (w *~ nano meter))
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_wavelength_set"
+ c_hkl_geometry_wavelength_set :: Ptr Geometry -- geometry
+ -> CDouble -- wavelength
+ -> CInt -- unit
+ -> Ptr () -- *gerror
+ -> IO () -- IO CInt but for now do not deal with the errors
+pokeSource :: Ptr Geometry -> Source -> IO ()
+pokeSource ptr (Source lw) = do
+ let wavelength = CDouble (lw /~ nano meter)
+ c_hkl_geometry_wavelength_set ptr wavelength unit nullPtr
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_wavelength_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_wavelength_get :: Ptr Geometry -- geometry
+ -> CInt -- unit
+ -> IO CDouble -- wavelength
+peekAxis :: Ptr Geometry -> CString -> IO Parameter
+peekAxis ptr s = c_hkl_geometry_axis_get ptr s nullPtr >>= peek
+instance Storable Geometry where
+ alignment _ = #{alignment int}
+ sizeOf _ = #{size int}
+ peek ptr = do
+ f_name <- c_hkl_geometry_name_get ptr >>= peekCString
+ let factory = factoryFromString f_name
+ source <- peekSource ptr
+ (DArray n axis_names) <- peek =<< c_hkl_geometry_axis_names_get ptr
+ v <- (fromEnum n)
+ MV.unsafeWith v $ \values ->
+ c_hkl_geometry_axis_values_get ptr values n unit
+ vs <- V.freeze v
+ ps <- mapM (peekAxis ptr) axis_names
+ return $ Geometry factory source vs (Just ps)
+ poke ptr (Geometry _ s vs _) = do
+ pokeSource ptr s
+ (DArray n _) <- peek =<< c_hkl_geometry_axis_names_get ptr
+ V.unsafeWith vs $ \values ->
+ c_hkl_geometry_axis_values_set ptr values n unit nullPtr
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_axis_values_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_axis_values_get :: Ptr Geometry -- geometry
+ -> Ptr Double -- axis values
+ -> CSize -- size of axis values
+ -> CInt -- unit
+ -> IO () -- IO CInt but for now do not deal with the errors
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_axis_names_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_axis_names_get :: Ptr Geometry -- goemetry
+ -> IO (Ptr (DArray CString)) -- darray_string
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_axis_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_axis_get :: Ptr Geometry -- geometry
+ -> CString -- axis name
+ -> Ptr () -- gerror
+ -> IO (Ptr Parameter) -- parameter or nullPtr
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_name_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_name_get :: Ptr Geometry -> IO CString
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_axis_values_set"
+ c_hkl_geometry_axis_values_set :: Ptr Geometry -- geometry
+ -> Ptr Double -- axis values
+ -> CSize -- size of axis values
+ -> CInt -- unit
+ -> Ptr () -- gerror
+ -> IO () -- IO CInt but for now do not deal with the errors
+withGeometry :: Geometry -> (Ptr Geometry -> IO b) -> IO b
+withGeometry g fun = do
+ fptr <- newGeometry g
+ withForeignPtr fptr fun
+newGeometry :: Geometry -> IO (ForeignPtr Geometry)
+newGeometry g@(Geometry f _ _ _) = do
+ ptr <- c_hkl_factory_create_new_geometry =<< newFactory f
+ poke ptr g
+ newForeignPtr c_hkl_geometry_free ptr
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_factory_create_new_geometry"
+ c_hkl_factory_create_new_geometry :: Ptr HklFactory -> IO (Ptr Geometry)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_geometry_free"
+ c_hkl_geometry_free :: FunPtr (Ptr Geometry -> IO ())
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/GeometryList.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/GeometryList.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a51067c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/GeometryList.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.GeometryList
+ ( HklGeometryList
+ , geometryDetectorRotationGet
+ , getSolution0
+ , peekHklGeometryList
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (min, max)
+import Control.Monad.Loops (unfoldrM)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
+import Foreign ( ForeignPtr
+ , FunPtr
+ , Ptr
+ , nullPtr
+ , newForeignPtr
+ , withForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.C (CInt(..), CDouble(..))
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Hkl.C.Detector
+import Hkl.C.Geometry
+import Hkl.Detector
+#include "hkl.h"
+-- private types
+data HklGeometryList
+data HklGeometryListItem
+-- | HklGeometryList
+getSolution0 :: ForeignPtr HklGeometryList -> IO Geometry
+getSolution0 gl = withForeignPtr gl $ \solutions ->
+ c_hkl_geometry_list_items_first_get solutions
+ >>= c_hkl_geometry_list_item_geometry_get
+ >>= peek
+buildMatrix' :: Element a => CInt -> CInt -> ((CInt, CInt) -> IO a) -> IO (Matrix a)
+buildMatrix' rc cc f = do
+ let coordinates' = map (\ ri -> map (\ ci -> (ri, ci)) [0 .. (cc - 1)]) [0 .. (rc - 1)]
+ l <- mapM (mapM f) coordinates'
+ return $ fromLists l
+ -- fromLists $ map (map f)
+ -- $ map (\ ri -> map (\ ci -> (ri, ci)) [0 .. (cc - 1)]) [0 .. (rc - 1)]
+geometryDetectorRotationGet :: Geometry -> Detector a -> IO (Matrix Double)
+geometryDetectorRotationGet g d = do
+ f_geometry <- newGeometry g
+ f_detector <- newDetector d
+ withForeignPtr f_detector $ \detector ->
+ withForeignPtr f_geometry $ \geometry -> do
+ f_q <- newForeignPtr c_hkl_quaternion_free =<< c_hkl_geometry_detector_rotation_get_binding geometry detector
+ withForeignPtr f_q $ \quaternion -> do
+ f_m <- newForeignPtr c_hkl_matrix_free =<< c_hkl_quaternion_to_matrix_binding quaternion
+ withForeignPtr f_m $ \matrix' ->
+ buildMatrix' 3 3 (getV matrix')
+ where
+ getV :: Ptr HklMatrix -> (CInt, CInt) -> IO Double
+ getV m (i', j') = do
+ (CDouble v) <- c_hkl_matrix_get m i' j'
+ return v
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_detector_rotation_get_binding"
+ c_hkl_geometry_detector_rotation_get_binding :: Ptr Geometry
+ -> Ptr HklDetector
+ -> IO (Ptr HklQuaternion)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_quaternion_to_matrix_binding"
+ c_hkl_quaternion_to_matrix_binding :: Ptr HklQuaternion
+ -> IO (Ptr HklMatrix)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_quaternion_free"
+ c_hkl_quaternion_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklQuaternion -> IO ())
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_matrix_free"
+ c_hkl_matrix_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklMatrix -> IO ())
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_matrix_get"
+ c_hkl_matrix_get :: Ptr HklMatrix
+ -> CInt
+ -> CInt
+ -> IO CDouble
+peekItems :: Ptr HklGeometryList -> IO [Ptr HklGeometryListItem]
+peekItems l = c_hkl_geometry_list_items_first_get l >>= unfoldrM go
+ where
+ go e
+ | e == nullPtr = return Nothing
+ | otherwise = do
+ next <- c_hkl_geometry_list_items_next_get l e
+ return (Just (e, next))
+peekHklGeometryList :: ForeignPtr HklGeometryList -> IO [Geometry]
+peekHklGeometryList l = withForeignPtr l $ \ls -> do
+ items <- peekItems ls
+ mapM extract items
+ where
+ extract it = c_hkl_geometry_list_item_geometry_get it >>= peek
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_list_items_first_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_list_items_first_get :: Ptr HklGeometryList
+ -> IO (Ptr HklGeometryListItem)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_list_items_next_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_list_items_next_get :: Ptr HklGeometryList
+ -> Ptr HklGeometryListItem
+ -> IO (Ptr HklGeometryListItem)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_geometry_list_item_geometry_get"
+ c_hkl_geometry_list_item_geometry_get :: Ptr HklGeometryListItem
+ -> IO (Ptr Geometry)
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Lattice.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Lattice.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cb1d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Lattice.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.Lattice
+ ( HklLattice
+ , newLattice
+ , withLattice
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (min, max)
+import Foreign ( ForeignPtr
+ , FunPtr
+ , Ptr
+ , nullPtr
+ , newForeignPtr
+ , withForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.C (CDouble(..))
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude ( meter, degree, radian, nano
+ , (*~), (/~))
+import Hkl.Lattice
+#include "hkl.h"
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 710
+#let alignment t = "%lu", (unsigned long)offsetof(struct {char x__; t (y__); }, y__)
+-- private types
+data HklLattice
+-- Lattice
+withLattice :: Lattice a -> (Ptr HklLattice -> IO r) -> IO r
+withLattice l func = do
+ fptr <- newLattice l
+ withForeignPtr fptr func
+newLattice' :: CDouble
+ -> CDouble
+ -> CDouble
+ -> CDouble
+ -> CDouble
+ -> CDouble
+ -> IO (ForeignPtr HklLattice)
+newLattice' a b c alpha beta gamma = do
+ lattice <- c_hkl_lattice_new a b c alpha beta gamma nullPtr
+ newForeignPtr c_hkl_lattice_free lattice
+newLattice :: Lattice a -> IO (ForeignPtr HklLattice)
+newLattice (Cubic la) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble ((90 *~ degree) /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a a a alpha alpha alpha
+newLattice (Tetragonal la lc) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let c = CDouble (lc /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble ((90 *~ degree) /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a a c alpha alpha alpha
+newLattice (Orthorhombic la lb lc) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let b = CDouble (lb /~ nano meter)
+ let c = CDouble (lc /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble ((90 *~ degree) /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a b c alpha alpha alpha
+newLattice (Rhombohedral la aalpha) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble (aalpha /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a a a alpha alpha alpha
+newLattice (Hexagonal la lc) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let c = CDouble (lc /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble ((90 *~ degree) /~ radian)
+ let gamma = CDouble ((120 *~ degree) /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a a c alpha alpha gamma
+newLattice (Monoclinic la lb lc abeta) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let b = CDouble (lb /~ nano meter)
+ let c = CDouble (lc /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble ((90 *~ degree) /~ radian)
+ let beta = CDouble (abeta /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a b c alpha beta alpha
+newLattice (Triclinic la lb lc aalpha abeta agamma) = do
+ let a = CDouble (la /~ nano meter)
+ let b = CDouble (lb /~ nano meter)
+ let c = CDouble (lc /~ nano meter)
+ let alpha = CDouble (aalpha /~ radian)
+ let beta = CDouble (abeta /~ radian)
+ let gamma = CDouble (agamma /~ radian)
+ newLattice' a b c alpha beta gamma
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_lattice_new"
+ c_hkl_lattice_new :: CDouble -- a
+ -> CDouble -- b
+ -> CDouble -- c
+ -> CDouble -- alpha
+ -> CDouble -- beta
+ -> CDouble -- gamma
+ -> Ptr () -- *gerror
+ -> IO (Ptr HklLattice)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_lattice_free"
+ c_hkl_lattice_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklLattice -> IO ())
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Sample.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Sample.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9c106c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/C/Sample.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.C.Sample
+ ( HklSample
+ , newSample
+ , withSample
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (void)
+import Foreign ( ForeignPtr
+ , FunPtr
+ , Ptr
+ , nullPtr
+ , newForeignPtr
+ , withForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.C (CInt(..), CString, withCString)
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Hkl.C.Lattice
+import Hkl.Types
+#include "hkl.h"
+-- private types
+data HklSample
+-- Sample
+withSample :: Sample a -> (Ptr HklSample -> IO r) -> IO r
+withSample s fun = do
+ fptr <- newSample s
+ withForeignPtr fptr fun
+newSample :: Sample a -> IO (ForeignPtr HklSample)
+newSample (Sample name l ux uy uz) =
+ withCString name $ \cname -> do
+ sample <- c_hkl_sample_new cname
+ withLattice l $ \lattice -> do
+ c_hkl_sample_lattice_set sample lattice
+ go sample ux c_hkl_sample_ux_get c_hkl_sample_ux_set
+ go sample uy c_hkl_sample_uy_get c_hkl_sample_uy_set
+ go sample uz c_hkl_sample_uz_get c_hkl_sample_uz_set
+ newForeignPtr c_hkl_sample_free sample
+ where
+ go s p getter setter = do
+ fptr <- copyParameter =<< (getter s)
+ withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
+ poke ptr p
+ void $ setter s ptr nullPtr
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_new"
+ c_hkl_sample_new:: CString -> IO (Ptr HklSample)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_lattice_set"
+ c_hkl_sample_lattice_set :: Ptr HklSample -> Ptr HklLattice -> IO ()
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_sample_free"
+ c_hkl_sample_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklSample -> IO ())
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_ux_get"
+ c_hkl_sample_ux_get :: Ptr HklSample
+ -> IO (Ptr Parameter)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_uy_get"
+ c_hkl_sample_uy_get :: Ptr HklSample
+ -> IO (Ptr Parameter)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_uz_get"
+ c_hkl_sample_uz_get :: Ptr HklSample
+ -> IO (Ptr Parameter)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_ux_set"
+ c_hkl_sample_ux_set :: Ptr HklSample
+ -> Ptr Parameter
+ -> Ptr ()
+ -> IO CInt
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_uy_set"
+ c_hkl_sample_uy_set :: Ptr HklSample
+ -> Ptr Parameter
+ -> Ptr ()
+ -> IO CInt
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_sample_uz_set"
+ c_hkl_sample_uz_set :: Ptr HklSample
+ -> Ptr Parameter
+ -> Ptr ()
+ -> IO CInt
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/DataSource.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/DataSource.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87a4b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/DataSource.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+module Hkl.DataSource ( ExtendDims(..)
+ , DataItem(..)
+ , DataSource(..)
+ , atIndex'
+ , openDataSource
+ , closeDataSource
+ ) where
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT)
+import Data.Array.Repa (Shape)
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
+import Data.Vector.Storable (Vector, any, singleton)
+import Pipes (lift)
+import Prelude hiding ( any )
+import Hkl.H5
+data ExtendDims = ExtendDims | StrictDims deriving (Show)
+data DataItem a where
+ DataItemH5 :: H5Path -> ExtendDims -> DataItem H5
+ DataItemConst :: Double -> DataItem Double
+deriving instance Show (DataItem a)
+data DataSource a where
+ DataSourceH5 :: DataItem H5 -> Dataset -> DataSource H5
+ DataSourceConst :: Double -> DataSource Double
+openDataSource :: File -> DataItem a -> IO (DataSource a)
+openDataSource hid di@(DataItemH5 name _) = DataSourceH5
+ <$> return di
+ <*> openDataset hid (pack name) Nothing
+openDataSource _ (DataItemConst v) = return $ DataSourceConst v
+closeDataSource :: DataSource a -> IO ()
+closeDataSource (DataSourceH5 _ d) = closeDataset d
+closeDataSource (DataSourceConst _) = return ()
+atIndex' :: Shape sh => DataSource a -> sh -> MaybeT IO (Vector Double)
+atIndex' (DataSourceH5 _ a ) b = lift $ do
+ v <- get_position_new a b
+ if any isNaN v then fail "File contains Nan" else return v
+atIndex' (DataSourceConst v) _ = lift $ return $ singleton v
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Detector.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Detector.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5ffaf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Detector.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+module Hkl.Detector
+ ( Detector(..)
+ , ImXpadS140
+ , Xpad32
+ , ZeroD
+ , coordinates
+ ) where
+import Data.Vector.Storable ( Vector
+ , fromList
+ )
+import Hkl.PyFAI.Npt ( NptPoint ( NptPoint ) )
+data ImXpadS140
+data Xpad32
+data ZeroD
+data Detector a where
+ ImXpadS140 :: Detector ImXpadS140
+ Xpad32 :: Detector Xpad32
+ ZeroD :: Detector ZeroD
+deriving instance Show (Detector a)
+-- | Xpad Family
+type Gap = Double
+type Width = Int
+type Index = Int
+-- an xpad line is like this (pixel size, index)
+-- | s 0 | s 1 | s 2 | ... | 5/2 s (w - 1) || 5/2 s w | s (w + 1) | ...
+xpadLine :: Width -> Index -> Double
+xpadLine w i'
+ | i' == 0 = s / 2
+ | i' == 1 = s * 3 / 2
+ | idx == 0 = s * (fromIntegral i' + 3 * fromIntegral c - 1 / 4)
+ | idx <= (w - 2) = s * (fromIntegral i' + 3 * fromIntegral c + 1 / 2)
+ | idx == (w - 1) = s * (fromIntegral i' + 3 * fromIntegral c + 5 / 4)
+ | otherwise = error $ "wront coordinates" ++ show i'
+ where
+ s = 130e-6
+ (c, idx) = divMod i' w
+xpadLineWithGap :: Width -> Gap -> Index -> Double
+xpadLineWithGap w g i' = s / 2 + (s * fromIntegral i') + g * fromIntegral (div i' w)
+ where
+ s = 130e-6
+interp :: (Int -> Double) -> Double -> Double
+interp f p
+ | p0 == p1 = f p0
+ | otherwise = (p - fromIntegral p0) * (f p1 - f p0) + f p0
+ where
+ p0 :: Int
+ p0 = floor p
+ p1 :: Int
+ p1 = ceiling p
+-- compute the coordinated at a given point
+coordinates :: Detector a -> NptPoint -> Vector Double
+coordinates ZeroD (NptPoint 0 0) = fromList [0, 0, 0]
+coordinates ZeroD _ = error "No coordinates in a ZeroD detecteor"
+coordinates ImXpadS140 (NptPoint x y) =
+ fromList [ interp (xpadLine 120) y
+ , interp (xpadLine 80) x
+ , 0
+ ]
+coordinates Xpad32 (NptPoint x y) =
+ fromList [ interp (xpadLineWithGap 120 3.57e-3) y
+ , interp (xpadLine 80) x
+ , 0]
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Edf.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Edf.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c33739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Edf.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Edf
+ ( Edf(..)
+ , ExtractEdf(..)
+ , edfP
+ , edfFromFile
+ ) where
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text ( Parser
+ , (<?>)
+ , anyChar
+ , double
+ , many1
+ , manyTill
+ , parseOnly
+ , skipSpace
+ , string
+ , takeTill
+ , try
+ )
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 (readFile, split)
+import Data.Text (Text, words)
+import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (Length, (*~), nano, meter)
+data Edf = Edf { edf'Lambda :: Length Double
+ , edf'Motors :: [(Text, Double)]
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+class ExtractEdf a where
+ extractEdf ∷ a → IO ()
+edf'LambdaP :: Parser (Length Double)
+edf'LambdaP = do
+ _ <- manyTill anyChar (try $ string "Lambda = ")
+ value <- double
+ pure $ value *~ nano meter
+edf'MotorsP :: Parser [(Text, Double)]
+edf'MotorsP = do
+ _ <- manyTill anyChar (try $ string "motor_pos = ")
+ vs <- many1 (skipSpace *> double)
+ _ <- manyTill anyChar (try $ string "motor_mne = ")
+ ns <- takeTill (\c -> c == ';')
+ return $ zip (Data.Text.words ns) vs
+edfP :: Parser Edf
+edfP = Edf
+ <$> edf'LambdaP
+ <*> edf'MotorsP
+ <?> "edfP"
+edfFromFile :: FilePath -> IO Edf
+edfFromFile filename = do
+ content <- Data.ByteString.Char8.readFile filename
+ let header = head (split '}' content)
+ return $ case parseOnly edfP (decodeUtf8 header) of
+ Left _ -> error $ "Can not parse the " ++ filename ++ " edf file"
+ Right a -> a
+-- main :: IO ()
+-- main = do
+-- edf <- edfFromFile "/home/picca/test.edf"
+-- print edf
+-- return ()
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Engine.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Engine.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56cb3c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Engine.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+module Hkl.Engine
+ ( enginesTrajectoryPipe
+ , fromToPipe
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad ( forever, forM_ )
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra ( Vector, toList )
+import Pipes ( Pipe, Producer, await, yield )
+import Hkl.Types ( Engine ( Engine )
+ , Parameter ( Parameter )
+ )
+engineSetValues :: Engine -> Vector Double -> Engine
+engineSetValues (Engine name ps mode) vs = Engine name nps mode
+ where
+ nps = zipWith set ps (toList vs)
+ set (Parameter n _ range) newValue = Parameter n newValue range
+fromToPipe :: Int -> Vector Double -> Vector Double -> Producer (Vector Double) IO ()
+fromToPipe n from to = forM_ [0..n-1] $ \i -> yield $ vs i
+ where
+ vs i = from + step * fromIntegral i
+ step = (to - from) / (fromIntegral n - 1)
+enginesTrajectoryPipe :: Engine -> Pipe (Vector Double) Engine IO ()
+enginesTrajectoryPipe e = forever $ await >>= yield . engineSetValues e
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Flat.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Flat.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62746e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Flat.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Flat
+ ( Flat(..)
+ , Npy
+ , computeFlat
+ )
+ where
+import Data.Text ( unlines, pack )
+import System.Exit ( ExitCode( ExitSuccess ) )
+import System.FilePath.Posix ( replaceExtension )
+import Hkl.DataSource ( DataItem ( DataItemH5 ) )
+import Hkl.Nxs ( Nxs ( Nxs )
+ , XrdFlat
+ , DataFrameH5Path ( XrdFlatH5Path )
+ )
+import Hkl.Python ( PyVal
+ , toPyVal
+ )
+import Hkl.Script ( Py2
+ , Script ( Py2Script )
+ , run
+ )
+data Npy
+data Flat a where
+ FlatNpy ∷ FilePath → Flat Npy
+deriving instance (Show) (Flat a)
+scriptPy2Flat ∷ [Nxs XrdFlat] → FilePath → Script Py2
+scriptPy2Flat ns output = Py2Script (script, scriptName)
+ where
+ script = Data.Text.unlines $
+ map pack ["#!/bin/env python"
+ , ""
+ , "import numpy"
+ , "from h5py import File"
+ , ""
+ , "NEXUSFILES = " ++ toPyVal nxs'
+ , "IMAGEPATHS = " ++ toPyVal hpaths
+ , "OUTPUT = " ++ toPyVal output
+ , ""
+ , "flat = None"
+ , "n = None"
+ , "with File(NEXUSFILES[0], mode='r') as f:"
+ , " imgs = f[IMAGEPATHS[0]]"
+ , " flat = numpy.sum(imgs[:], axis=0)"
+ , " n = imgs.shape[0]"
+ , "for idx, (nxs, h5path) in enumerate(zip(NEXUSFILES[1:], IMAGEPATHS[1:])):"
+ , " with File(nxs, mode='r') as f:"
+ , " imgs = f[h5path]"
+ , " flat += numpy.sum(imgs[:], axis=0)"
+ , " n += imgs.shape[0]"
+ , ", flat.astype('f') / n)"
+ ]
+ nxs' ∷ [String]
+ nxs' = [f | (Nxs f _) ← ns]
+ hpaths ∷ [String]
+ hpaths = [h | (Nxs _ (XrdFlatH5Path (DataItemH5 h _))) ← ns]
+ scriptName ∷ FilePath
+ scriptName = output `replaceExtension` "py"
+computeFlat ∷ [Nxs XrdFlat] → FilePath → IO (Flat Npy)
+computeFlat ns o = do
+ -- create the python script.
+ let script = scriptPy2Flat ns o
+ -- execute this script.
+ ExitSuccess ← run script False
+ -- return the filepath of the generated file.
+ return (FlatNpy o)
+instance PyVal (Flat a) where
+ toPyVal (FlatNpy v) = "numpy.load(" ++ show v ++ ")"
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/H5.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/H5.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5858bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/H5.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.H5
+ ( Dataset
+ , File
+ , H5
+ , H5Path
+ , check_ndims
+ , closeDataset
+ , closeFile
+ , get_position
+ , get_position_new
+ , get_ub
+ , lenH5Dataspace
+ , nxEntries
+ , openDataset
+ , openH5
+ , withH5File
+ )
+ where
+import Bindings.HDF5.Core ( HSize(HSize)
+ , IndexType(ByName)
+ , IterOrder(Native)
+ , hid
+ , hSize
+ , indexTypeCode
+ , iterOrderCode
+ )
+import Bindings.HDF5.File ( File
+ , AccFlags(ReadOnly)
+ , openFile
+ , closeFile
+ )
+import Bindings.HDF5.Dataset ( Dataset
+ , openDataset
+ , closeDataset
+ , getDatasetSpace
+ , readDataset
+ , readDatasetInto
+ )
+import Bindings.HDF5.Dataspace ( Dataspace
+ , SelectionOperator(Set)
+ , closeDataspace
+ , createSimpleDataspace
+ , getSimpleDataspaceExtentNDims
+ , getSimpleDataspaceExtentNPoints
+ , selectHyperslab
+ )
+import Bindings.HDF5.Raw ( HErr_t(HErr_t)
+ , HId_t(HId_t)
+ , H5L_info_t
+ , h5l_iterate
+ )
+import Control.Exception (bracket)
+import Data.Array.Repa (Shape, listOfShape)
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 ( pack )
+import Data.IORef ( newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
+import Data.Vector.Storable (Vector, freeze)
+import Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable (replicate)
+import Foreign.StablePtr ( castPtrToStablePtr
+ , castStablePtrToPtr
+ , deRefStablePtr
+ , freeStablePtr
+ , newStablePtr
+ )
+import Foreign.Ptr ( FunPtr, freeHaskellFunPtr )
+import Foreign.Ptr.Conventions ( In(In)
+ , InOut(InOut)
+ , castWrappedPtr
+ , withInOut_
+ )
+import Foreign.C.String ( CString, peekCString )
+import Foreign.C.Types (CInt(CInt))
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (Matrix, reshape)
+{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
+data H5
+type H5Path = String
+check_ndims :: Dataset -> Int -> IO Bool
+check_ndims d expected = do
+ space_id <- getDatasetSpace d
+ (CInt ndims) <- getSimpleDataspaceExtentNDims space_id
+ return $ expected == fromEnum ndims
+toHyperslab :: Shape sh => sh -> [(HSize, Maybe HSize, HSize, Maybe HSize)]
+toHyperslab s = [(HSize (fromIntegral n), Just (HSize 1), HSize 1, Just (HSize 1)) | n <- listOfShape s]
+get_position_new :: Shape sh => Dataset -> sh -> IO (Vector Double)
+get_position_new dataset s =
+ withDataspace dataset $ \dataspace -> do
+ selectHyperslab dataspace Set (toHyperslab s)
+ withDataspace' $ \memspace -> do
+ data_out <- Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable.replicate 1 (0.0 :: Double)
+ readDatasetInto dataset (Just memspace) (Just dataspace) Nothing data_out
+ freeze data_out
+get_position :: Dataset -> Int -> IO (Vector Double)
+get_position dataset n =
+ withDataspace dataset $ \dataspace -> do
+ let start = HSize (fromIntegral n)
+ let stride = Just (HSize 1)
+ let count = HSize 1
+ let block = Just (HSize 1)
+ selectHyperslab dataspace Set [(start, stride, count, block)]
+ withDataspace' $ \memspace -> do
+ data_out <- Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable.replicate 1 (0.0 :: Double)
+ readDatasetInto dataset (Just memspace) (Just dataspace) Nothing data_out
+ freeze data_out
+get_ub :: Dataset -> IO (Matrix Double)
+get_ub dataset = do
+ v <- readDataset dataset Nothing Nothing
+ return $ reshape 3 v
+-- | File
+withH5File :: FilePath -> (File -> IO r) -> IO r
+withH5File fp = bracket acquire release
+ where
+ acquire = openFile (pack fp) [ReadOnly] Nothing
+ release = closeFile
+openH5 ∷ FilePath → IO File
+openH5 f = openFile (pack f) [ReadOnly] Nothing
+-- | Dataspace
+-- check how to merge both methods
+withDataspace' :: (Dataspace -> IO r) -> IO r
+withDataspace' = bracket acquire release
+ where
+ acquire = createSimpleDataspace [HSize 1]
+ release = closeDataspace
+withDataspace :: Dataset -> (Dataspace -> IO r) -> IO r
+withDataspace d = bracket acquire release
+ where
+ acquire = getDatasetSpace d
+ release = closeDataspace
+lenH5Dataspace :: Dataset -> IO (Maybe Int)
+lenH5Dataspace = withDataspace'' len
+ where
+ withDataspace'' f d = withDataspace d f
+ len space_id = do
+ (HSize n) <- getSimpleDataspaceExtentNPoints space_id
+ return $ if n < 0 then Nothing else Just (fromIntegral n)
+-- | WIP until I have decided what is the right way to go
+type H5Iterate a = HId_t -> CString -> In H5L_info_t -> InOut a -> IO HErr_t
+foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkOp :: H5Iterate a -> IO (FunPtr (H5Iterate a))
+nxEntries ∷ FilePath → IO [String]
+nxEntries f = withH5File f $ \h → do
+ state <- newIORef []
+ statePtr <- newStablePtr state
+ let opData = InOut $ castStablePtrToPtr statePtr
+ let startIndex = Nothing
+ let indexType = ByName
+ let order = Native
+ iop <- mkOp callback
+ _ <- withInOut_ (maybe 0 hSize startIndex) $ \ioStartIndex ->
+ h5l_iterate (hid h) (indexTypeCode indexType) (iterOrderCode order) ioStartIndex iop opData
+ freeHaskellFunPtr iop
+ freeStablePtr statePtr
+ -- retrieve the final state
+ readIORef state
+ where
+ callback ∷ H5Iterate a
+ callback _g n _i (InOut dataptr) =
+ do
+ let opData = castWrappedPtr dataptr
+ -- get the state
+ stRef <- deRefStablePtr (castPtrToStablePtr opData)
+ st <- readIORef stRef
+ -- compute the new state
+ name <- peekCString n
+ let newSt = st ++ [name]
+ -- store the new state
+ writeIORef stRef newSt
+ return $ HErr_t 0
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Lattice.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Lattice.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9578402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Lattice.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Lattice ( Lattice(..)
+ , Cubic
+ , Tetragonal
+ , Orthorhombic
+ , Rhombohedral
+ , Hexagonal
+ , Monoclinic
+ , Triclinic
+ ) where
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (Length, Angle)
+-- | Lattice
+data Cubic
+data Tetragonal
+data Orthorhombic
+data Rhombohedral
+data Hexagonal
+data Monoclinic
+data Triclinic
+data Lattice a where
+ -- ^ a = b = c, alpha = beta = gamma = 90
+ Cubic ∷ Length Double
+ → Lattice Cubic -- ^ a = b = c, alpha = beta = gamma = 90
+ -- a = b != c, alpha = beta = gamma = 90
+ Tetragonal ∷ (Length Double) -- ^ a, b
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ c
+ → Lattice Tetragonal
+ -- ^ a != b != c, alpha = beta = gamma = 90
+ Orthorhombic ∷ (Length Double) -- ^ a
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ b
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ c
+ → Lattice Orthorhombic
+ -- ^ a = b = c, alpha = beta = gamma != 90
+ Rhombohedral ∷ (Length Double) -- ^ a, b, c
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ alpha, beta, gamma
+ → Lattice Rhombohedral
+ -- ^ a = b != c, alpha = beta = 90, gamma = 120
+ Hexagonal ∷ (Length Double) -- ^ a, b
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ c
+ → Lattice Hexagonal
+ -- a != b != c, alpha = gamma = 90, beta != 90
+ Monoclinic ∷ (Length Double) -- ^ a
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ b
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ c
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ beta
+ → Lattice Monoclinic
+ -- a != b != c, alpha != beta != gamma != 90
+ Triclinic ∷ (Length Double)
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ b
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ c
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ alpha
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ beta
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ gamma
+ → Lattice Triclinic
+deriving instance Show (Lattice a)
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/MyMatrix.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/MyMatrix.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57877d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/MyMatrix.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+module Hkl.MyMatrix
+ ( Basis(..)
+ , MyMatrix(..)
+ , changeBase
+ , toEulerians
+ ) where
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (Matrix, atIndex, fromLists, inv, (<>))
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (Angle, (*~), radian)
+data Basis = PyFAIB -- the pyFAI (1, 2, 3) detector coordinates
+ | HklB -- the hkl coordinates
+ deriving (Show)
+data MyMatrix a = MyMatrix Basis (Matrix a) deriving (Show)
+changeBase :: MyMatrix Double -> Basis -> MyMatrix Double
+changeBase (MyMatrix PyFAIB m) HklB = MyMatrix HklB (passage m p2)
+changeBase (MyMatrix HklB m) PyFAIB = MyMatrix PyFAIB (passage m p1)
+changeBase m@(MyMatrix PyFAIB _) PyFAIB = m
+changeBase m@(MyMatrix HklB _) HklB = m
+passage :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
+passage r p = inv p <> r <> p
+p1 :: Matrix Double -- hkl -> pyFAI
+p1 = fromLists [ [0, 0, 1]
+ , [0, -1, 0]
+ , [1, 0, 0]]
+p2 :: Matrix Double -- pyFAI -> hkl:
+p2 = fromLists [ [ 0, 0, 1]
+ , [ 0, -1, 0]
+ , [ 1, 0, 0]]
+toEulerians :: Matrix Double -> (Angle Double, Angle Double, Angle Double)
+toEulerians m
+ | abs c > epsilon = ( atan2 ((m `atIndex` (2, 1)) / c) ((m `atIndex` (2, 2)) / c) *~ radian
+ , rot2 *~ radian
+ , atan2 ((m `atIndex` (1, 0)) / c) ((m `atIndex` (0, 0)) / c) *~ radian
+ )
+ | otherwise = ( 0 *~ radian
+ , rot2 *~ radian
+ , atan2 (-(m `atIndex` (0, 1))) (m `atIndex` (1, 1)) *~ radian
+ )
+ where
+ epsilon = 1e-10
+ rot2 = asin (-(m `atIndex` (2, 0)))
+ c = cos rot2
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Nxs.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Nxs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7934cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Nxs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Nxs
+ ( DataFrameH5(..)
+ , DataFrameH5Path(..)
+ , NxEntry
+ , Nxs(..)
+ , PoniGenerator
+ , XrdFlat
+ , XrdOneD
+ , XrdMesh
+ , XrdZeroD
+ , mkNxs
+ , withDataFrameH5
+ , withDataSource
+ ) where
+import Bindings.HDF5.Dataset ( readDataset
+ , getDatasetSpace )
+import Bindings.HDF5.Dataspace ( getSimpleDataspaceExtent )
+import Codec.Picture ( DynamicImage( ImageY16 )
+ , Image ( Image )
+ )
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
+import Control.Exception.Base (bracket)
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
+import Pipes.Safe ( MonadSafe, bracket )
+import Hkl.DataSource ( DataItem
+ , DataSource ( DataSourceH5 )
+ , closeDataSource
+ , openDataSource
+ )
+import Hkl.H5 ( File, H5
+ , closeFile
+ , openH5
+ )
+import Hkl.PyFAI ( Pose, PoniExt )
+import Hkl.Tiff ( ToTiff
+ , toTiff
+ )
+type NxEntry = String
+-- to remove an put directly into OneD
+type PoniGenerator = Pose -> Int -> IO PoniExt
+data XrdFlat
+data XrdOneD
+data XrdMesh
+data XrdZeroD
+data DataFrameH5Path a where
+ XrdFlatH5Path ∷ (DataItem H5) -- ^ image
+ → DataFrameH5Path XrdFlat
+ XrdOneDH5Path ∷ (DataItem H5) -- ^ image
+ → (DataItem H5) -- ^ gamma
+ → (DataItem H5) -- ^ delta
+ → (DataItem H5) -- ^ wavelength
+ → DataFrameH5Path XrdOneD
+ XrdMeshH5Path ∷ (DataItem H5) -- ^ Image
+ → (DataItem H5) -- ^ meshx
+ → (DataItem H5) -- ^ meshy
+ → (DataItem H5) -- ^ gamma
+ → (DataItem H5) -- ^ delta
+ → (DataItem H5) -- ^ wavelength
+ → DataFrameH5Path XrdMesh
+ XrdMeshFlyH5Path ∷ (DataItem H5) -- ^ Image
+ → (DataItem H5) -- ^ meshx
+ → (DataItem H5) -- ^ meshy
+ → (DataItem Double) -- ^ gamma
+ → (DataItem Double) -- ^ delta
+ → (DataItem Double) -- ^ wavelength
+ → DataFrameH5Path XrdMesh
+ XrdZeroDH5Path ∷ (DataItem H5) -- ^ image
+ → (DataItem Double) -- ^ wavelength
+ → DataFrameH5Path XrdZeroD -- used to integrate one static image
+deriving instance Show (DataFrameH5Path a)
+data Nxs a where
+ Nxs ∷ FilePath → DataFrameH5Path a → Nxs a
+deriving instance Show (Nxs a)
+data DataFrameH5 a where
+ XrdFlatH5 ∷ (Nxs XrdFlat) -- Nexus Source file
+ → File -- h5file handler
+ → (DataSource H5) --images
+ → DataFrameH5 XrdFlat
+ DataFrameH5 ∷ (Nxs XrdOneD) -- Nexus file
+ → File -- h5file handler
+ → (DataSource H5) -- gamma
+ → (DataSource H5) -- delta
+ → (DataSource H5) -- wavelength
+ → PoniGenerator -- ponie generator
+ → DataFrameH5 XrdOneD
+ XrdMeshH5 ∷ (Nxs XrdMesh) -- NexusFile Source File
+ → File -- h5file handler
+ → (DataSource H5) -- image
+ → (DataSource H5) -- meshx
+ → (DataSource H5) -- meshy
+ → (DataSource H5) -- gamma
+ → (DataSource H5) -- delta
+ → (DataSource H5) -- wavelength
+ → DataFrameH5 XrdMesh
+ XrdMeshFlyH5 ∷ (Nxs XrdMesh) -- NexusFile Source File
+ → File -- h5file handler
+ → (DataSource H5) -- image
+ → (DataSource H5) -- meshx
+ → (DataSource H5) -- meshy
+ → (DataSource Double) -- gamma
+ → (DataSource Double) -- delta
+ → (DataSource Double) -- wavelength
+ → DataFrameH5 XrdMesh
+ XrdZeroDH5 ∷ (Nxs XrdZeroD) -- NexusFile Source File
+ → File -- h5file handler
+ → (DataSource H5) -- image
+ → (DataSource Double) -- wavelength
+ → DataFrameH5 XrdZeroD
+mkNxs ∷ FilePath → NxEntry → (NxEntry → DataFrameH5Path a) → Nxs a
+mkNxs f e h = Nxs f (h e)
+-- | Instanciate a DataFrameH5 from a DataFrameH5Path
+-- acquire and release the resources
+after ∷ DataFrameH5 a → IO ()
+after (XrdFlatH5 _ f i) = do
+ closeDataSource i
+ closeFile f
+after (DataFrameH5 _ f g d w _) = do
+ closeDataSource g
+ closeDataSource d
+ closeDataSource w
+ closeFile f
+after (XrdMeshH5 _ f i x y g d w) = do
+ closeDataSource i
+ closeDataSource x
+ closeDataSource y
+ closeDataSource g
+ closeDataSource d
+ closeDataSource w
+ closeFile f
+after (XrdMeshFlyH5 _ f i x y g d w) = do
+ closeDataSource i
+ closeDataSource x
+ closeDataSource y
+ closeDataSource g
+ closeDataSource d
+ closeDataSource w
+ closeFile f
+after (XrdZeroDH5 _ f i w) = do
+ closeDataSource i
+ closeDataSource w
+ closeFile f
+before :: Nxs a → IO (DataFrameH5 a)
+before nxs'@(Nxs f (XrdFlatH5Path i)) = do
+ h ← openH5 f
+ XrdFlatH5
+ <$> return nxs'
+ <*> return h
+ <*> openDataSource h i
+-- before nxs'@(Nxs f (XrdOneDH5Path i g d w)) = do
+-- h ← openH5 f
+-- DataFrameH5
+-- <$> return nxs'
+-- <*> return h
+-- <*> openDataSource h g
+-- <*> openDataSource h d
+-- <*> openDataSource h w
+-- <*> return gen
+before nxs'@(Nxs f (XrdMeshH5Path i x y g d w)) = do
+ h ← openH5 f
+ XrdMeshH5
+ <$> return nxs'
+ <*> return h
+ <*> openDataSource h i
+ <*> openDataSource h x
+ <*> openDataSource h y
+ <*> openDataSource h g
+ <*> openDataSource h d
+ <*> openDataSource h w
+before nxs'@(Nxs f (XrdMeshFlyH5Path i x y g d w))= do
+ h ← openH5 f
+ XrdMeshFlyH5
+ <$> return nxs'
+ <*> return h
+ <*> openDataSource h i
+ <*> openDataSource h x
+ <*> openDataSource h y
+ <*> openDataSource h g
+ <*> openDataSource h d
+ <*> openDataSource h w
+before nxs'@(Nxs f (XrdZeroDH5Path i w)) = do
+ h ← openH5 f
+ XrdZeroDH5
+ <$> return nxs'
+ <*> return h
+ <*> openDataSource h i
+ <*> openDataSource h w
+withDataSource :: Nxs a -> (DataFrameH5 a -> IO r) -> IO r
+withDataSource s = Control.Exception.Base.bracket (before s) after
+-- | Pipe
+withDataFrameH5 :: (MonadSafe m) => Nxs XrdOneD -> PoniGenerator -> (DataFrameH5 XrdOneD -> m r) -> m r
+withDataFrameH5 nxs'@(Nxs f (XrdOneDH5Path _ g d w)) gen = Pipes.Safe.bracket (liftIO before') (liftIO . after)
+ where
+ -- before :: File -> DataFrameH5Path -> m DataFrameH5
+ before' :: IO (DataFrameH5 XrdOneD)
+ before' = do
+ h ← openH5 f
+ DataFrameH5
+ <$> return nxs'
+ <*> return h
+ <*> openDataSource h g
+ <*> openDataSource h d
+ <*> openDataSource h w
+ <*> return gen
+instance ToTiff (Nxs XrdFlat) where
+ toTiff n = withDataSource n $
+ \(XrdFlatH5 _ _ (DataSourceH5 _ i)) → do
+ ([w, h], _) ← getSimpleDataspaceExtent =<< (getDatasetSpace i)
+ ImageY16 <$> ( Image
+ <$> pure (fromIntegral w)
+ <*> pure (fromIntegral h)
+ <*> readDataset i Nothing Nothing )
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a69776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module Hkl.Projects ( module X ) where
+import Hkl.Projects.D2AM as X
+import Hkl.Projects.Diffabs as X
+import Hkl.Projects.Mars as X
+import Hkl.Projects.Sixs as X
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/D2AM.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/D2AM.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a71b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/D2AM.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module Hkl.Projects.D2AM (module X) where
+import Hkl.Projects.D2AM.XRD as X
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/D2AM/XRD.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/D2AM/XRD.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b431af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/D2AM/XRD.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hkl.Projects.D2AM.XRD
+ ( d2am ) where
+import Data.Array.Repa (DIM1, ix1)
+-- import Data.Char (toUpper)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (ident)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Prelude hiding (concat, lookup, readFile, writeFile)
+import Hkl.MyMatrix
+import Hkl.PyFAI
+import Hkl.Xrd
+import Hkl.Detector
+-- | Samples
+project :: FilePath
+project = "/home/experiences/instrumentation/picca/data/d2am"
+-- project = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-soleil/com-diffabs/"
+published :: FilePath
+published = project </> "published-data"
+sampleRef :: XRDRef
+sampleRef = XRDRef "reference"
+ (published </> "calibration")
+ (XrdRefEdf
+ (project </> "16Dec08D5_0268-rsz.edf")
+ (project </> "16Dec08D5_0268-rsz.poni")
+ )
+sampleCalibration :: XRDCalibration Xpad32
+sampleCalibration = XRDCalibration { xrdCalibrationName = "calibration"
+ , xrdCalibrationOutputDir = published </> "calibration" -- TODO pourquoi ce output
+ , xrdCalibrationDetector = Xpad32
+ , xrdCalibrationCalibrant = CeO2
+ , xrdCalibrationEntries = entries
+ }
+ where
+ idxs :: [Int]
+ idxs = [268, 271, 285, 295]
+ entry :: Int -> XRDCalibrationEntry
+ entry idx = XRDCalibrationEntryEdf
+ { xrdCalibrationEntryEdf'Edf = project </> printf "16Dec08D5_%04d-rsz.edf" idx
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryEdf'NptPath = project </> printf "16Dec08D5_%04d-rsz.npt" idx
+ }
+ entries :: [XRDCalibrationEntry]
+ entries = [ entry idx | idx <- idxs]
+bins :: DIM1
+bins = ix1 1000
+multibins :: DIM1
+multibins = ix1 10000
+threshold :: Maybe Threshold
+threshold = Just (Threshold 5000)
+skipedFrames :: [Int]
+skipedFrames = []
+lab6 :: XRDSample
+lab6 = XRDSample "test"
+ (published </> "test")
+ [XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames entries]
+ where
+ idxs :: [Int]
+ idxs = [268, 271, 285, 295]
+ entry :: Int -> FilePath
+ entry idx = project </> printf "16Dec08D5_%04d-rsz.edf" idx
+ entries :: XrdSource
+ entries = XrdSourceEdf [entry idx | idx <- idxs]
+-- | Main
+d2am :: IO ()
+d2am = do
+ let samples = [lab6]
+ p <- getPoniExtRef sampleRef
+ -- let poniextref = setPose (Hkl.PyFAI.PoniExt.flip p) (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3))
+ let poniextref = move p (Pose (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3)))
+ -- full calibration
+ poniextref' <- calibrate sampleCalibration poniextref
+ print poniextref
+ print poniextref'
+ -- integrate each step of the scan
+ let params = XrdOneDParams poniextref' Nothing Csr -- waiting for PyFAI to manage method in multi geometry
+ integrateMulti params samples
+ return ()
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a7b753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Hkl.Projects.Diffabs (module X) where
+import Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.Charlier as X
+import Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.Hamon as X
+import Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.Hercules as X
+import Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.IRDRx as X
+import Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.Laure as X
+import Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.Martinetto as X
+import Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.Melle as X
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Charlier.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Charlier.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49d28a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Charlier.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.Charlier
+ ( charlier ) where
+import Data.Array.Repa (DIM1, ix1)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (ident)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Prelude hiding (concat, lookup, readFile, writeFile)
+import Hkl
+-- | TODO
+-- ⋅ gerer le dummy correctement en focntion du type de données des images uint32, int16
+-- ∘ couper la fin du spectre qui nous embète.
+-- | Samples
+project :: FilePath
+project = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-users/20151386/"
+published :: FilePath
+published = project </> "published-data" </> "xrd"
+-- | Calibration part
+project' :: FilePath
+project' = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-users/99160066/"
+published':: FilePath
+published' = project' </> "published-data"
+h5path' :: NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path XrdOneD
+h5path' nxentry =
+ XrdOneDH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> gamma) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> delta) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> wavelength) StrictDims)
+ where
+ beamline :: String
+ beamline = beamlineUpper Diffabs
+ image = "scan_data/data_53"
+ gamma = "d13-1-cx1__EX__DIF.1-GAMMA__#1/raw_value"
+ delta = "scan_data/actuator_1_1"
+ wavelength = "D13-1-C03__OP__MONO__#1/wavelength"
+sampleCalibration :: XRDCalibration Xpad32
+sampleCalibration = XRDCalibration { xrdCalibrationName = "calibration"
+ , xrdCalibrationOutputDir = published' </> "calibration"
+ , xrdCalibrationDetector = Xpad32
+ , xrdCalibrationCalibrant = CeO2
+ , xrdCalibrationEntries = entries
+ }
+ where
+ idxs :: [Int]
+ idxs = [3, 6, 9, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 43]
+ entry :: Int -> XRDCalibrationEntry
+ entry idx = XRDCalibrationEntryNxs
+ { xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Nxs = mkNxs (published' </> "calibration" </> "XRD18keV_26.nxs") "scan_26" h5path'
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Idx = idx
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'NptPath = published' </> "calibration" </> printf "XRD18keV_26.nxs_%02d.npt" idx
+ }
+ entries :: [XRDCalibrationEntry]
+ entries = [ entry idx | idx <- idxs]
+sampleRef :: XRDRef
+sampleRef = XRDRef "reference"
+ (published' </> "calibration")
+ (XrdRefNxs
+ (mkNxs (published' </> "calibration" </> "XRD18keV_26.nxs") "scan_26" h5path')
+ 6 -- BEWARE only the 6th poni was generated with the right Xpad_flat geometry.
+ )
+bins :: DIM1
+bins = ix1 8000
+multibins :: DIM1
+multibins = ix1 25000
+threshold :: Maybe Threshold
+threshold = Just (Threshold 1200)
+h5path :: NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path XrdMesh
+h5path nxentry = XrdMeshH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> meshx) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> meshy) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> gamma) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> delta) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> wavelength) StrictDims)
+ where
+ beamline :: String
+ beamline = beamlineUpper Diffabs
+ image = "scan_data/data_53"
+ meshx = "scan_data/actuator_1_1"
+ meshy = "scan_data/actuator_2_1"
+ gamma = "d13-1-cx1__EX__DIF.1-GAMMA__#1/raw_value"
+ delta = "d13-1-cx1__EX__DIF.1-DELTA__#1/raw_value"
+ wavelength = "D13-1-C03__OP__MONO__#1/wavelength"
+charlemagne :: XrdMeshSample
+charlemagne = XrdMeshSample "Charlemagne"
+ (published </> "Charlemagne")
+ [ XrdMesh bins multibins threshold (XrdMeshSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-23" </> "XRD18keV_31.nxs") "scan_31" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-23" </> "XRD18keV_32.nxs") "scan_32" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-23" </> "XRD18keV_33.nxs") "scan_33" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+charlesLeChauve :: XrdMeshSample
+charlesLeChauve = XrdMeshSample "Charles le Chauve"
+ (published </> "Charles le Chauve")
+ [ XrdMesh bins multibins threshold (XrdMeshSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-24" </> "XRD18keV_34.nxs") "scan_34" h5path ]
+ ]
+louisLePieux :: XrdMeshSample
+louisLePieux = XrdMeshSample "Louis le Pieux"
+ (published </> "Louis Le Pieux")
+ [ XrdMesh bins multibins threshold (XrdMeshSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-24" </> "XRD18keV_35.nxs") "scan_35" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-24" </> "XRD18keV_36.nxs") "scan_36" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-24" </> "XRD18keV_37.nxs") "scan_37" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+-- | Main
+charlier :: IO ()
+charlier = do
+ let samples = [ charlemagne, charlesLeChauve, louisLePieux]
+ -- let samples = [ louisLePieux ]
+ -- # need to run f30 by itself because of a segfault in the hkl library
+ -- for now f30 whcih is an incomplet scan stop the script so put it at the end.
+ -- let samples = [f30, ceo2]
+ -- let samples = [ceo2]
+ let mflat = Nothing
+ let method = CsrOcl
+ p <- getPoniExtRef sampleRef
+ -- flip the ref poni in order to fit the reality
+ -- let poniextref = p
+ let poniextref = move p (Pose (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3)))
+ -- let poniextref = setPose (Hkl.PyFAI.PoniExt.flip p) (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3))
+ -- full calibration
+ poniextref' <- calibrate sampleCalibration poniextref
+ -- print p
+ print poniextref
+ print poniextref'
+ -- integrate each step of the scan
+ integrateMesh (XrdMeshParams poniextref' mflat method) samples
+ return ()
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Hamon.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Hamon.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8923efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Hamon.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.Hamon
+ ( hamon ) where
+import Data.Array.Repa (DIM1, ix1)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (ident)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Prelude hiding (concat, lookup, readFile, writeFile)
+import Hkl
+-- | TODO
+-- * take into account a non-centered sample.
+-- * find a way to use integrateMulti with a small amount of memory.
+-- * better mask for each detector.
+-- | Samples
+project :: FilePath
+project = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-soleil/com-diffabs/"
+published :: FilePath
+published = project </> "2016" </> "Run4B" </> "OutilsMetallo_CarolineHamon"
+sampleRef :: XRDRef
+sampleRef = XRDRef "reference"
+ (published </> "xrd" </> "calibration")
+ (XrdRefNxs
+ (mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_30.nxs") "scan_30" h5path')
+ 33
+ )
+h5path' :: NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path XrdOneD
+h5path' nxentry =
+ XrdOneDH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> gamma) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> delta) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> wavelength) StrictDims)
+ where
+ beamline :: String
+ beamline = beamlineUpper Diffabs
+ image = "scan_data/data_02"
+ gamma = "D13-1-CX1__EX__DIF.1-GAMMA__#1/raw_value"
+ delta = "scan_data/actuator_1_1"
+ wavelength = "D13-1-C03__OP__MONO__#1/wavelength"
+sampleCalibration :: XRDCalibration Xpad32
+sampleCalibration = XRDCalibration { xrdCalibrationName = "calibration"
+ , xrdCalibrationOutputDir = published </> "xrd" </> "calibration" -- TODO pourquoi ce output
+ , xrdCalibrationDetector = Xpad32
+ , xrdCalibrationCalibrant = CeO2
+ , xrdCalibrationEntries = entries
+ }
+ where
+ idxs :: [Int]
+ idxs = [5, 33, 100, 246, 300, 436]
+ entry :: Int -> XRDCalibrationEntry
+ entry idx = XRDCalibrationEntryNxs
+ { xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Nxs = mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_30.nxs") "scan_30" h5path'
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Idx = idx
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'NptPath = published </> "xrd" </> "calibration" </> printf "IHR_30.nxs_%02d.npt" idx
+ }
+ entries :: [XRDCalibrationEntry]
+ entries = [ entry idx | idx <- idxs]
+bins :: DIM1
+bins = ix1 1000
+multibins :: DIM1
+multibins = ix1 10000
+threshold :: Maybe Threshold
+threshold = Just (Threshold 5000)
+skipedFrames :: [Int]
+skipedFrames = []
+ceo2 :: XRDSample
+ceo2 = XRDSample "CeO2"
+ (published </> "xrd" </> "CeO2")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_29.nxs") "scan_29" h5path'
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_30.nxs") "scan_30" h5path'
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_56.nxs") "scan_56" h5path'
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_58.nxs") "scan_58" h5path'
+ ]
+ ]
+-- | Main
+hamon :: IO ()
+hamon = do
+ -- | pre-calibrate (extract from nexus to edf in order to do the
+ -- calibration)
+ extractEdf sampleCalibration
+ p <- getPoniExtRef sampleRef
+ let poniextref = move p (Pose (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3)))
+ -- full calibration
+ poniextref' <- calibrate sampleCalibration poniextref
+ print poniextref
+ print poniextref'
+ -- Integrate the flyscan mesh
+ -- 4.680504680504681e-3 per images (2*60+18) / 29484 this contain
+ -- read/write and computation
+ -- integrateMesh (XrdMeshParams poniextref' mflat method) [fly]
+ -- | set the integration parameters
+ let mflat = Nothing
+ let aiMethod = Csr
+ let params = XrdOneDParams poniextref' mflat aiMethod
+ -- integrate each step of the scan
+ integrate params [ceo2]
+ -- this code doesn not work because there is not enought memory on
+ -- the computer.
+ -- integrateMulti params [ceo2]
+ return ()
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Hercules.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Hercules.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c43650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Hercules.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.Hercules
+ ( hercules ) where
+import Data.Array.Repa (DIM1, ix1)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude ((*~), centi, degree, meter)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Prelude hiding (lookup, readFile, writeFile)
+import Hkl
+-- | Samples
+project ∷ FilePath
+project = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-soleil/com-diffabs/"
+published ∷ FilePath
+published = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-soleil/com-diffabs/2017/Run2B/TPHercules"
+-- | Calibration part
+mkNxs' ∷ FilePath → Int → (NxEntry → DataFrameH5Path a ) → Nxs a
+mkNxs' d idx h = mkNxs f' e h
+ where
+ f ∷ FilePath → Int → (FilePath, NxEntry)
+ f d' i' = (d' </> printf "scan_%d.nxs" i', printf "scan_%d" i')
+ (f', e) = f d idx
+h5path ∷ NxEntry → DataFrameH5Path XrdOneD
+h5path nxentry =
+ XrdOneDH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> gamma) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> delta) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> wavelength) StrictDims)
+ where
+ beamline :: String
+ beamline = beamlineUpper Diffabs
+ image = "scan_data/data_03"
+ gamma = "D13-1-CX1__EX__DIF.1-GAMMA__#1/raw_value"
+ delta = "scan_data/actuator_1_1"
+ wavelength = "D13-1-C03__OP__MONO__#1/wavelength"
+sampleRef ∷ XRDRef
+sampleRef = XRDRef "reference"
+ (published </> "calibration")
+ (XrdRefNxs
+ (mkNxs' (project </> "2017" </> "Run2" </> "2017-03-21") 91 h5path)
+ 15 -- BEWARE only the 6th poni was generated with the right Xpad_flat geometry.
+ )
+sampleCalibration ∷ XRDCalibration ImXpadS140
+sampleCalibration = XRDCalibration { xrdCalibrationName = "calibration"
+ , xrdCalibrationOutputDir = published </> "calibration"
+ , xrdCalibrationDetector = ImXpadS140
+ , xrdCalibrationCalibrant = CeO2
+ , xrdCalibrationEntries = entries
+ }
+ where
+ idxs ∷ [Int]
+ idxs = [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
+ entry ∷ Int -> XRDCalibrationEntry
+ entry idx = XRDCalibrationEntryNxs
+ { xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Nxs = mkNxs' (project </> "2017" </> "Run2" </> "2017-03-21") 91 h5path
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Idx = idx
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'NptPath = published </> "calibration" </> printf "scan_91.nxs_%02d.npt" idx
+ }
+ entries ∷ [XRDCalibrationEntry]
+ entries = map entry idxs
+-- | Data treatment
+bins ∷ DIM1
+bins = ix1 3000
+multibins ∷ DIM1
+multibins = ix1 25000
+threshold ∷ Maybe Threshold
+threshold = Just (Threshold 800)
+skipedFrames ∷ [Int]
+skipedFrames = []
+-- Flat
+-- flat ∷ [Nxs XrdFlat]
+-- flat = [mkNxs' (project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-15") idx h5path | idx ← [57, 60 ∷ Int]] -- skip 58 59 for now (problème de droits d'accès)
+-- where
+-- h5path :: NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path XrdFlat
+-- h5path nxentry = XrdFlatH5Path (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> "scan_data/data_02") StrictDims)
+-- Scan en delta
+mkXRDSample ∷ String → [(FilePath, [Int])] -> XRDSample
+mkXRDSample n ps = XRDSample n
+ (published </> "xrd" </> n)
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames n' | n' ← concatMap nxs''' ps ]
+ where
+ nxs''' ∷ (FilePath, [Int]) → [XrdSource]
+ nxs''' (p, idxs) = [XrdSourceNxs (mkNxs' p idx h5path) | idx ← idxs]
+samples :: [XRDSample]
+samples = map (uncurry mkXRDSample)
+ [ ("CeO2", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run2" </> "2017-03-21"), [91 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("zgso4_room", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run2" </> "2017-03-21"), [96 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("zgso4_450C", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run2" </> "2017-03-21"), [192 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("zgso4_heating", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run2" </> "2017-03-21"), [100..190 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("zgso4_cooling", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run2" </> "2017-03-21"), [199..214 :: Int]) ])
+ ]
+-- | Main
+hercules ∷ IO ()
+hercules = do
+ -- | pre-calibrate (extract from nexus to edf in order to do the
+ -- calibration)
+ extractEdf sampleCalibration
+ -- | compute the flat
+ -- flat' ← computeFlat flat (published </> "flat" </> "flat.npy")
+ -- | get a first ref poniExt
+ p ← getPoniExtRef sampleRef
+ -- set the initial position of the poni (pyFAI calibration is not
+ -- accurate with only one ring)
+ let poniextref = set p
+ (63 *~ centi meter) -- distance
+ (0 *~ meter) -- poni1
+ (0 *~ meter) -- poni2
+ (0 *~ degree) -- rot1
+ (0 *~ degree) -- rot2
+ (0 *~ degree) -- rot3
+ print poniextref
+ -- | full calibration
+ poniextref' ← calibrate sampleCalibration poniextref
+ print poniextref'
+ -- | set the integration parameters
+ let mflat = Nothing
+ let aiMethod = Csr
+ let params = XrdOneDParams poniextref' mflat aiMethod
+ -- -- integrate scan with multi geometry
+ -- -- splitPixel (the only available now) → 17m47.825s
+ integrateMulti params samples
+ -- -- Integrate each image of the scans
+ -- -- Lut → 21.52 minutes
+ -- -- Csr → 21.9 minutes
+ -- integrate params samples
+ -- -- substrack the air from all samples
+ -- substract params air samples
+ -- substractMulti params air samples
+ return ()
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/IRDRx.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/IRDRx.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86b7a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/IRDRx.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.IRDRx
+ ( irdrx ) where
+import Data.Array.Repa (DIM1, ix1)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (ident)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Prelude hiding (concat, lookup, readFile, writeFile)
+import Hkl
+-- | Samples
+project :: FilePath
+project = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-soleil/com-diffabs/"
+published :: FilePath
+published = project </> "2016" </> "Run5B" </> "irdrx"
+sampleRef :: XRDRef
+sampleRef = XRDRef "reference"
+ (published </> "calibration")
+ (XrdRefNxs
+ (mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run5" </> "2016-11-09" </> "scan_39.nxs") "scan_39" h5path')
+ 10
+ )
+h5path' :: NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path XrdOneD
+h5path' nxentry =
+ XrdOneDH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> gamma) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> delta) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> wavelength) StrictDims)
+ where
+ beamline :: String
+ beamline = beamlineUpper Diffabs
+ image = "scan_data/data_05"
+ gamma = "D13-1-CX1__EX__DIF.1-GAMMA__#1/raw_value"
+ delta = "scan_data/data_03"
+ wavelength = "D13-1-C03__OP__MONO__#1/wavelength"
+sampleCalibration :: XRDCalibration ImXpadS140
+sampleCalibration = XRDCalibration { xrdCalibrationName = "calibration"
+ , xrdCalibrationOutputDir = published </> "calibration" -- TODO pourquoi ce output
+ , xrdCalibrationDetector = ImXpadS140
+ , xrdCalibrationCalibrant = CeO2
+ , xrdCalibrationEntries = entries
+ }
+ where
+ idxs :: [Int]
+ idxs = [0, 1, 10, 30]
+ entry :: Int -> XRDCalibrationEntry
+ entry idx = XRDCalibrationEntryNxs
+ { xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Nxs = mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run5" </> "2016-11-09" </> "scan_39.nxs") "scan_39" h5path'
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Idx = idx
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'NptPath = published </> "calibration" </> printf "scan_39.nxs_%02d.npt" idx
+ }
+ entries :: [XRDCalibrationEntry]
+ entries = [ entry idx | idx <- idxs]
+bins :: DIM1
+bins = ix1 1000
+multibins :: DIM1
+multibins = ix1 10000
+threshold :: Maybe Threshold
+threshold = Just (Threshold 5000)
+skipedFrames :: [Int]
+skipedFrames = []
+lab6 :: XRDSample
+lab6 = XRDSample "LaB6"
+ (published </> "LaB6")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run5" </> "2016-11-09" </> "scan_39.nxs") "scan_39" h5path'
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run5" </> "2016-11-09" </> "scan_40.nxs") "scan_40" h5path'
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run5" </> "2016-11-09" </> "scan_41.nxs") "scan_41" h5path'
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run5" </> "2016-11-09" </> "scan_42.nxs") "scan_42" h5path'
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run5" </> "2016-11-09" </> "scan_43.nxs") "scan_43" h5path'
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run5" </> "2016-11-09" </> "scan_44.nxs") "scan_44" h5path'
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run5" </> "2016-11-09" </> "scan_45.nxs") "scan_45" h5path'
+ ]
+ ]
+-- meshSample :: String
+-- meshSample :: project </> "2016" </> Run5 </> "2016-11-fly" </> "scan5 </> "*"
+-- h5path nxentry = exptest_01368
+-- scan_data, sxpos szpos xpad_image 12x273 x 10 (fichiers)
+-- delta = -6.2
+-- gamma = 0.0
+-- nrj 18.2 keV
+fly :: XrdMeshSample
+fly = XrdMeshSample "scan5"
+ (published </> "scan5")
+ [ XrdMesh bins multibins threshold
+ ( XrdMeshSourceNxsFly [mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run5" </> "2016-11-fly" </> "scan5" </> printf "flyscan_%05d.nxs" n) "exptest_01368" h5path |
+ n <- [7087, 7088, 7089, 7090, 7091, 7092, 7093, 7094, 7095] :: [Int]
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ where
+ h5path :: NxEntry -> (DataFrameH5Path XrdMesh)
+ h5path nxentry = XrdMeshFlyH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> meshx) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> meshy) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemConst gamma)
+ (DataItemConst delta)
+ (DataItemConst wavelength)
+ beamline :: String
+ beamline = beamlineUpper Diffabs
+ image = "scan_data/xpad_image"
+ meshx = "scan_data/sxpos"
+ meshy = "scan_data/szpos"
+ gamma = 0.0 / 180.0 * 3.14159
+ delta = -6.2 / 180.0 * 3.14159
+ wavelength = 1.54 -- TODO vérifier
+-- | Main
+irdrx :: IO ()
+irdrx = do
+ let mflat = Nothing
+ let method = CsrOcl
+ p <- getPoniExtRef sampleRef
+ let poniextref = move (Hkl.flip p) (Pose (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3)))
+ -- full calibration
+ poniextref' <- calibrate sampleCalibration poniextref
+ print poniextref'
+ -- Integrate the flyscan mesh
+ -- 4.680504680504681e-3 per images (2*60+18) / 29484 this contain
+ -- read/write and computation
+ integrateMesh (XrdMeshParams poniextref' mflat method) [fly]
+ -- integrate each step of the scan
+ -- _ <- mapConcurrently (integrate poniextref') [lab6]
+ return ()
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Laure.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Laure.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05706c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Laure.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.Laure
+ ( laure ) where
+import Data.Array.Repa (DIM1, ix1)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (ident)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Prelude hiding (lookup, readFile, writeFile)
+import Hkl
+-- | TODO
+-- * Livre 45 p159
+-- * simplify with the list of nxs using list comprehension.
+-- * add the flyscan mesh
+-- * add possibility to sum a bunch of pixel coordinates from a mesh. on a mask
+-- | Samples
+project ∷ FilePath
+project = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-users/20160370/"
+published ∷ FilePath
+published = project </> "published-data"
+h5path ∷ NxEntry → DataFrameH5Path XrdOneD
+h5path nxentry =
+ XrdOneDH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> gamma) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> delta) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> wavelength) StrictDims)
+ where
+ beamline :: String
+ beamline = beamlineUpper Diffabs
+ image = "scan_data/data_02"
+ gamma = "D13-1-CX1__EX__DIF.1-GAMMA__#1/raw_value"
+ delta = "scan_data/actuator_1_1"
+ wavelength = "D13-1-C03__OP__MONO__#1/wavelength"
+mkNxs' ∷ FilePath → Int → (NxEntry → DataFrameH5Path a ) → Nxs a
+mkNxs' d idx h = mkNxs f' e h
+ where
+ f ∷ FilePath → Int → (FilePath, NxEntry)
+ f d' i' = (d' </> printf "scan_%d.nxs" i', printf "scan_%d" (i' - 1))
+ (f', e) = f d idx
+-- | Calibration part
+sampleRef ∷ XRDRef
+sampleRef = XRDRef "reference"
+ (published </> "calibration")
+ (XrdRefNxs
+ (mkNxs' (published </> "calibration") 45 h5path)
+ 10 -- BEWARE only the 6th poni was generated with the right Xpad_flat geometry.
+ )
+sampleCalibration ∷ XRDCalibration ImXpadS140
+sampleCalibration = XRDCalibration { xrdCalibrationName = "calibration"
+ , xrdCalibrationOutputDir = published </> "calibration"
+ , xrdCalibrationDetector = ImXpadS140
+ , xrdCalibrationCalibrant = CeO2
+ , xrdCalibrationEntries = entries
+ }
+ where
+ idxs ∷ [Int]
+ idxs = [00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 29, 33, 38, 42, 49, 53]
+ entry ∷ Int -> XRDCalibrationEntry
+ entry idx = XRDCalibrationEntryNxs
+ { xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Nxs = mkNxs' (published </> "calibration") 45 h5path
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Idx = idx
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'NptPath = published </> "calibration" </> printf "scan_45.nxs_%02d.npt" idx
+ }
+ entries ∷ [XRDCalibrationEntry]
+ entries = map entry idxs
+-- | Data treatment
+bins ∷ DIM1
+bins = ix1 3000
+multibins ∷ DIM1
+multibins = ix1 25000
+threshold ∷ Maybe Threshold
+threshold = Just (Threshold 800)
+skipedFrames ∷ [Int]
+skipedFrames = [4]
+-- Flat
+flat ∷ [Nxs XrdFlat]
+flat = [mkNxs' (project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-15") idx h5path' | idx ← [57, 60 ∷ Int]] -- skip 58 59 for now (problème de droits d'accès)
+ where
+ h5path' :: NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path XrdFlat
+ h5path' nxentry = XrdFlatH5Path (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> "scan_data/data_02") StrictDims)
+-- Scan en delta
+mkXRDSample ∷ String → [(FilePath, [Int])] -> XRDSample
+mkXRDSample n ps = XRDSample n
+ (published </> "xrd" </> n)
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames n' | n' ← concatMap nxs''' ps ]
+ where
+ nxs''' ∷ (FilePath, [Int]) → [XrdSource]
+ nxs''' (p, idxs) = [XrdSourceNxs (mkNxs' p idx h5path) | idx ← idxs]
+air ∷ XRDSample
+air = mkXRDSample "air" [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-17"), [198 :: Int]) ]
+samples :: [XRDSample]
+samples = air : map (uncurry mkXRDSample)
+ [ ("CeO2", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-15"), [45 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("kapton", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-17"), [197 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("chlorite", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-15"), [53 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("dMnO2", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-16"), [135 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("bulk_L2", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Shutdown1-2" </> "2017-02-19"), [315..316 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("L1-H_3", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-15"), concat [ [62..63 :: Int]
+ , [65..70 :: Int]
+ , [74, 75 :: Int]
+ ])
+ , ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-16"), [76..89 :: Int])
+ ])
+ , ("L1-H_4", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-15"), [71..73 :: Int])
+ , ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-16"), concat [ [90..94 :: Int]
+ , [96..103 :: Int]
+ , [119..127 :: Int]
+ ])
+ ])
+ , ("L1-H_5", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-16"), [104..118 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("L1-Patine_1", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-16"), [136..151 :: Int])
+ , ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-17"), concat [ [152..184 :: Int]
+ , [186 :: Int]
+ ])
+ ])
+ , ("L1-Patine_2", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-17"), [187..196 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("L2-H_1", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-17"), [199..213 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("L2-H_2", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-17"), [214..220 :: Int])
+ , ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-18"), concat [ [221..228 :: Int]
+ , [259..262 :: Int]
+ ])
+ ])
+ , ("L2-H_3", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-18"), [229..248 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("L2-PatineFoncee", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-18"), [249..258 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("L2-PatineFonceeNew", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-18"), concat [ [263, 264, 266, 267 :: Int]
+ , [269..273 :: Int]])
+ ])
+ , ("L2-patineLabo_1", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Shutdown1-2" </> "2017-02-19"),[295..313 :: Int]) ])
+ , ("L2-PatineClaire_1", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Shutdown1-2" </> "2017-02-19"), [317..324 :: Int])
+ , ((project </> "2017" </> "Shutdown1-2" </> "2017-02-20"), [325..356 :: Int])
+ ])
+ , ("L3-patine_1", [ ((project </> "2017" </> "Run1" </> "2017-02-19"), [274..293 :: Int])
+ , ((project </> "2017" </> "Shutdown1-2" </> "2017-02-19"), [294, 295 :: Int])
+ ])
+ ]
+-- | Main
+laure ∷ IO ()
+laure = do
+ -- | compute the flat
+ flat' ← computeFlat flat (published </> "flat" </> "flat.npy")
+ -- | get a first ref poniExt
+ p ← getPoniExtRef sampleRef
+ -- flip the ref poni in order to fit the reality
+ -- let poniextref = p
+ let poniextref = move p (Pose (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3)))
+ -- let poniextref = setPose (Hkl.PyFAI.PoniExt.flip p) (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3))
+ print poniextref
+ -- | full calibration
+ poniextref' ← calibrate sampleCalibration poniextref
+ print poniextref'
+ -- | set the integration parameters
+ let mflat = Just flat'
+ let aiMethod = Csr
+ let params = XrdOneDParams poniextref' mflat aiMethod
+ -- integrate scan with multi geometry
+ -- splitPixel (the only available now) → 17m47.825s
+ integrateMulti params samples
+ -- Integrate each image of the scans
+ -- Lut → 21.52 minutes
+ -- Csr → 21.9 minutes
+ integrate params samples
+ -- substrack the air from all samples
+ substract params air samples
+ substractMulti params air samples
+ return ()
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Martinetto.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Martinetto.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..977d9b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Martinetto.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.Martinetto
+ ( martinetto
+ , martinetto'
+ ) where
+import Data.Array.Repa (DIM1, ix1)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (ident)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Prelude hiding (concat, lookup, readFile, writeFile)
+import Hkl
+-- | Samples
+project :: FilePath
+project = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-users/99160066/"
+published :: FilePath
+published = project </> "published-data"
+h5path' :: NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path XrdOneD
+h5path' nxentry =
+ XrdOneDH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> gamma) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> delta) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> wavelength) StrictDims)
+ where
+ beamline :: String
+ beamline = beamlineUpper Diffabs
+ image = "scan_data/data_53"
+ gamma = "d13-1-cx1__EX__DIF.1-GAMMA__#1/raw_value"
+ delta = "scan_data/actuator_1_1"
+ wavelength = "D13-1-C03__OP__MONO__#1/wavelength"
+sampleCalibration :: XRDCalibration Xpad32
+sampleCalibration = XRDCalibration { xrdCalibrationName = "calibration"
+ , xrdCalibrationOutputDir = published </> "calibration"
+ , xrdCalibrationDetector = Xpad32
+ , xrdCalibrationCalibrant = CeO2
+ , xrdCalibrationEntries = entries
+ }
+ where
+ idxs :: [Int]
+ idxs = [3, 6, 9, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 43]
+ entry :: Int -> XRDCalibrationEntry
+ entry idx = XRDCalibrationEntryNxs
+ { xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Nxs = mkNxs (published </> "calibration" </> "XRD18keV_26.nxs") "scan_26" h5path'
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Idx = idx
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'NptPath = published </> "calibration" </> printf "XRD18keV_26.nxs_%02d.npt" idx
+ }
+ entries :: [XRDCalibrationEntry]
+ entries = [ entry idx | idx <- idxs]
+sampleRef :: XRDRef
+sampleRef = XRDRef "reference"
+ (published </> "calibration")
+ (XrdRefNxs
+ (mkNxs (published </> "calibration" </> "XRD18keV_26.nxs") "scan_26" h5path')
+ 6 -- BEWARE only the 6th poni was generated with the right Xpad_flat geometry.
+ )
+h5path :: NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path XrdOneD
+h5path nxentry =
+ XrdOneDH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> gamma) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> delta) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> wavelength) StrictDims)
+ where
+ beamline :: String
+ beamline = beamlineUpper Diffabs
+ image = "scan_data/data_58"
+ gamma = "D13-1-CX1__EX__DIF.1-GAMMA__#1/raw_value"
+ delta = "scan_data/actuator_1_1"
+ wavelength = "D13-1-C03__OP__MONO__#1/wavelength"
+bins :: DIM1
+bins = ix1 8000
+multibins :: DIM1
+multibins = ix1 25000
+threshold :: Maybe Threshold
+threshold = Just (Threshold 800)
+skipedFrames :: [Int]
+skipedFrames = []
+ceo2 :: XRDSample
+ceo2 = XRDSample "CeO2"
+ (published </> "CeO2")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (published </> "calibration" </> "XRD18keV_26.nxs") "scan_26" h5path' ]
+ ]
+n27t2 :: XRDSample
+n27t2 = XRDSample "N27T2"
+ (published </> "N27T2")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "N27T2_14.nxs") "scan_14" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "N27T2_17.nxs") "scan_17" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+r23 :: XRDSample
+r23 = XRDSample "R23"
+ (published </> "R23")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "R23_6.nxs") "scan_6" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "R23_12.nxs") "scan_12" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+r18 :: XRDSample
+r18 = XRDSample "R18"
+ (published </> "R18")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "R18_20.nxs") "scan_20" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "R18_24.nxs") "scan_24" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+a3 :: XRDSample
+a3 = XRDSample "A3"
+ (published </> "A3")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "A3_13.nxs") "scan_13" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "A3_14.nxs") "scan_14" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "A3_15.nxs") "scan_15" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+a2 :: XRDSample
+a2 = XRDSample "A2"
+ (published </> "A2")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "A2_14.nxs") "scan_14" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "A2_17.nxs") "scan_17" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+a26 :: XRDSample
+a26 = XRDSample "A26"
+ (published </> "A26")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "A26_50.nxs") "scan_50" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "A26_51.nxs") "scan_51" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "A26_52.nxs") "scan_52" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "A26_53.nxs") "scan_53" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "A26_54.nxs") "scan_54" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "A26_55.nxs") "scan_55" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "A26_56.nxs") "scan_56" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "A26_57.nxs") "scan_57" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "A26_58.nxs") "scan_58" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "A26_59.nxs") "scan_59" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+d2 :: XRDSample
+d2 = XRDSample "D2"
+ (published </> "D2")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "D2_16.nxs") "scan_16" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "D2_17.nxs") "scan_17" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+d3 :: XRDSample
+d3 = XRDSample "D3"
+ (published </> "D3")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "D3_14.nxs") "scan_14" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "D3_15.nxs") "scan_15" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+f30 :: XRDSample
+f30 = XRDSample "F30"
+ (published </> "F30")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "F30_11.nxs") "scan_11" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "F30_12.nxs") "scan_12" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "F30_13.nxs") "scan_13" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+r11 :: XRDSample
+r11 = XRDSample "R11"
+ (published </> "R11")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "R11_5.nxs") "scan_5" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "R11_6.nxs") "scan_6" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "R11_7.nxs") "scan_7" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+d16 :: XRDSample
+d16 = XRDSample "D16"
+ (published </> "D16")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "D16_12.nxs") "scan_12" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "D16_15.nxs") "scan_15" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "D16_17.nxs") "scan_17" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+k9a2 :: XRDSample
+k9a2 = XRDSample "K9A2"
+ (published </> "K9A2")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "K9A2_1_31.nxs") "scan_31" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "K9A2_1_32.nxs") "scan_32" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+r34n1 :: XRDSample
+r34n1 = XRDSample "R34N1"
+ (published </> "R34N1")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "R34N1_28.nxs") "scan_28" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-27" </> "R34N1_37.nxs") "scan_37" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+r35n1 :: XRDSample
+r35n1 = XRDSample "R35N1"
+ (published </> "R35N1")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "R35N1_25.nxs") "scan_19" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "R35N1_26.nxs") "scan_20" h5path
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-26" </> "R35N1_27.nxs") "scan_21" h5path
+ ]
+ ]
+-- meshSample :: String
+-- meshSample = project </> "2016" "Run2" "2016-03-28" "MELLE_29.nxs"
+-- scan_29 scan_data actuator_1_1 actuator_2_1 data_58 (images)
+-- | Main
+martinetto :: IO ()
+martinetto = do
+ -- lire le ou les ponis de référence ainsi que leur géométrie
+ -- associée.
+ -- let samples = [ceo2, a2, a3, a26, d2, d3, d16, f30, k9a2, n27t2, r11, r18, r23, r34n1, r35n1]
+ let samples = [ceo2]
+ p <- getPoniExtRef sampleRef
+ -- flip the ref poni in order to fit the reality
+ -- let poniextref = Hkl.PyFAI.PoniExt.flip p
+ let poniextref = p
+ -- integrate each step of the scan
+ let params = XrdOneDParams poniextref Nothing Lut
+ integrate params samples
+ -- plot de la figure. (script python ou autre ?)
+ return ()
+martinetto' :: IO ()
+martinetto' = do
+ let samples = [ceo2, a2, a3, a26, d2, d3, d16, f30, k9a2, n27t2, r11, r18, r23, r34n1, r35n1]
+ let mflat = Nothing
+ p <- getPoniExtRef sampleRef
+ -- flip the ref poni in order to fit the reality
+ -- let poniextref = p
+ let poniextref = move p (Pose (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3)))
+ -- let poniextref = setPose (Hkl.PyFAI.PoniExt.flip p) (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3))
+ -- full calibration
+ poniextref' <- calibrate sampleCalibration poniextref
+ -- print p
+ print poniextref
+ print poniextref'
+ -- integrate each step of the scan
+ integrateMulti (XrdOneDParams poniextref' mflat Csr) samples
+ return ()
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Melle.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Melle.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de837f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Diffabs/Melle.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Projects.Diffabs.Melle
+ ( melle ) where
+-- import Control.Concurrent (setNumCapabilities)
+-- import Control.Concurrent.Async (mapConcurrently)
+import Data.Array.Repa (DIM1, ix1)
+-- import Data.Char (toUpper)
+-- import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (ident)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+-- import Prelude hiding (concat, lookup, readFile, writeFile)
+import Hkl
+published ∷ FilePath
+published = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-soleil/com-diffabs/Reguer/USERSexperiences/melle"
+-- | TODO
+-- Session 1 MACRO - 16-17 février 2016 (Logbook n° 42 p 169)
+-- Session 2 MICRO KB --28 mars 2016 (Logbook 42 + Logbook 43 p3)
+-- Session 3 MICRO pinhole - 22-24 juillet 2016 (Logbook 44 p33)
+-- Session 4 MACRO - septembre 2016 (Logbook 44 p63)
+-- | Session 1
+-- macrofaisceau
+-- 16keV
+-- Λ = 0,775
+-- detection : XPAD S140 / image = data 54
+-- sample : ω = 5 et χ = 70
+-- calibration = beam direct
+-- - 3 MESH pour 3 positions du détecteur de diffraction (delta = -4, 3, 10),
+-- macro python:
+-- for i in range (10):
+-- myx = -12+i*0,5
+-- mv(samplex, myx)
+-- ascan(sampley, -8, 12, 100, 10)
+-- scan_26 à 55.nxs
+-- diffabs-soleil/com-diffabs/2016/Run1/2016-02-16 ou 02-17
+-- scan_56 = ascan(delta, -4, 70, 18, 3)
+-- scan_58 = ascan(delta, -4, 70, 18, 3)
+-- | Session 2
+-- microbeam
+-- 18keV, ?= 0,6888Å
+-- detection : XPAD 3.2 / image = data 58
+-- sample : ? = 5° et ? = 80°.
+-- calibration CeO2
+-- data dans le dossier du proposal de Philippe Charlier 2015 1386
+-- voir aussi script Martinetto proposal IHR 99160066
+-- scan_25 = ascan(delta, -14.5, 60.5, 75, 0.5)
+-- scan_26 = ascan(delta, -14, 60, 75, 1)
+-- scan_27 = ascan(delta, -14, 60, 46, 1)
+-- MESH : MELLE_29.nxs
+-- dossier: diffabs-soleil/com-diffabs/2016/Run2/2016-03-28
+-- calibration
+project2 :: FilePath
+project2 = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-users/99160066/"
+published2:: FilePath
+published2 = project2 </> "published-data"
+h5path2 :: NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path XrdOneD
+h5path2 nxentry =
+ XrdOneDH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> gamma) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> delta) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> wavelength) StrictDims)
+ where
+ beamline :: String
+ beamline = beamlineUpper Diffabs
+ image = "scan_data/data_53"
+ gamma = "d13-1-cx1__EX__DIF.1-GAMMA__#1/raw_value"
+ delta = "scan_data/actuator_1_1"
+ wavelength = "D13-1-C03__OP__MONO__#1/wavelength"
+sampleCalibration2 :: XRDCalibration Xpad32
+sampleCalibration2 = XRDCalibration { xrdCalibrationName = "calibration2"
+ , xrdCalibrationOutputDir = published </> "calibration2"
+ , xrdCalibrationDetector = Xpad32
+ , xrdCalibrationCalibrant = CeO2
+ , xrdCalibrationEntries = entries
+ }
+ where
+ idxs :: [Int]
+ idxs = [3, 6, 9, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 43]
+ entry :: Int -> XRDCalibrationEntry
+ entry idx = XRDCalibrationEntryNxs
+ { xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Nxs = mkNxs (published2 </> "calibration" </> "XRD18keV_26.nxs") "scan_26" h5path2
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Idx = idx
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'NptPath = published2 </> "calibration" </> printf "XRD18keV_26.nxs_%02d.npt" idx
+ }
+ entries :: [XRDCalibrationEntry]
+ entries = [ entry idx | idx <- idxs]
+sampleRef2 :: XRDRef
+sampleRef2 = XRDRef "reference"
+ (published2 </> "calibration")
+ (XrdRefNxs
+ (mkNxs (published2 </> "calibration" </> "XRD18keV_26.nxs") "scan_26" h5path2)
+ 6 -- BEWARE only the 6th poni was generated with the right Xpad_flat geometry.
+ )
+bins :: DIM1
+bins = ix1 8000
+multibins :: DIM1
+multibins = ix1 25000
+threshold :: Maybe Threshold
+threshold = Just (Threshold 800)
+skipedFrames :: [Int]
+skipedFrames = []
+melleScan :: XRDSample
+melleScan = XRDSample "CeO2"
+ (published </> "xrd" </> "session2" </> "oned")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-23" </> "XRD18keV_25.nxs") "scan_25" h5path2
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-23" </> "XRD18keV_26.nxs") "scan_26" h5path2
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-23" </> "XRD18keV_27.nxs") "scan_27" h5path2
+ ]
+ ]
+ where
+ project ∷ FilePath
+ project = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-users/20151386/"
+melleMesh :: XrdMeshSample
+melleMesh = XrdMeshSample "MELLE_29"
+ (published </> "xrd" </> "session2" </> "mesh")
+ [ XrdMesh bins multibins threshold (XrdMeshSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project2' </> "2016" </> "Run2" </> "2016-03-28" </> "MELLE_29.nxs") "scan_29" h5path2'
+ ]
+ ]
+ where
+ project2' :: FilePath
+ project2' = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-users/99160066/"
+ h5path2' :: NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path XrdMesh
+ h5path2' nxentry =
+ XrdMeshH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> meshX) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> meshY) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> gamma) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> delta) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> wavelength) StrictDims)
+ where
+ beamline :: String
+ beamline = beamlineUpper Diffabs
+ image = "scan_data/data_58"
+ meshX = "scan_data/actuator_1_1"
+ meshY = "scan_data/actuator_2_1"
+ gamma = "D13-1-CX1__EX__DIF.1-GAMMA__#1/raw_value"
+ delta = "D13-1-CX1__EX__DIF.1-DELTA__#1/raw_value"
+ wavelength = "D13-1-C03__OP__MONO__#1/wavelength"
+session2 :: IO ()
+session2 = do
+ -- compute the ref poni
+ p ← getPoniExtRef sampleRef2
+ poniextref <- calibrate sampleCalibration2 p
+ -- integrate the mesh
+ let mflat = Nothing
+ integrateMesh (XrdMeshParams poniextref mflat CsrOcl) [melleMesh]
+ -- integrate the scan parts
+ let params = XrdOneDParams poniextref mflat Csr
+ integrate params [melleScan]
+ integrateMulti params [melleScan]
+ return ()
+-- | session 4
+-- macro
+-- 18keV, ?= 0,6888Å
+-- detection : XPAD 3.2
+session4 ∷ IO ()
+session4 = do
+ -- calibration
+ p ← getPoniExtRef sampleRef
+ poniextref <- calibrate sampleCalibration p
+-- calibration : CeO2
+-- On peut utiliser la calib de IHR_30, mais il faut prendre en compte le décentrage.
+-- IHR_56
+-- IHR_58
+-- sont deux autres possibilité de calibration.
+-- diffabs-soleil\com-diffabs\2016\Run4\2016-09-07
+ -- | set the integration parameters
+ let mflat = Nothing
+ let params = XrdOneDParams poniextref mflat Csr
+ -- integrate each step of the scan
+ integrate params [ceo2]
+-- 1 seul "MESH"(20, 49) à partir d'une serie 2THETA
+-- IHR_63 à 95
+-- diffabs-soleil\com-diffabs\2016\Run4\2016-09-07
+-- IHR_96 à 190
+-- diffabs-soleil\com-diffabs\2016\Run4\2016-09-08
+-- obtenu via la macro suivante.
+-- for i in range(20):
+-- myx = -11 + i
+-- mv(txs, myx) # exhantillon à 45 degree donc ce double déplacement correspond au vrai x
+-- mv(tys, myx)
+-- for j in range(29):
+-- myy = 12 + j
+-- mv(tabV, myy)
+-- ascan(δ, -13.6, 30, 109, 5)
+ return ()
+ where
+ project :: FilePath
+ project = "/nfs/ruche-diffabs/diffabs-soleil/com-diffabs/"
+ published' :: FilePath
+ published' = project </> "2016" </> "Run4B" </> "OutilsMetallo_CarolineHamon"
+ sampleRef :: XRDRef
+ sampleRef = XRDRef "reference"
+ (published' </> "xrd" </> "calibration")
+ (XrdRefNxs
+ (mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_30.nxs") "scan_30" h5path')
+ 33
+ )
+ h5path' :: NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path XrdOneD
+ h5path' nxentry =
+ XrdOneDH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> gamma) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> delta) ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> beamline </> wavelength) StrictDims)
+ where
+ beamline :: String
+ beamline = beamlineUpper Diffabs
+ image = "scan_data/data_02"
+ gamma = "D13-1-CX1__EX__DIF.1-GAMMA__#1/raw_value"
+ delta = "scan_data/actuator_1_1"
+ wavelength = "D13-1-C03__OP__MONO__#1/wavelength"
+ sampleCalibration :: XRDCalibration Xpad32
+ sampleCalibration = XRDCalibration { xrdCalibrationName = "calibration"
+ , xrdCalibrationOutputDir = published' </> "xrd" </> "calibration" -- TODO pourquoi ce output
+ , xrdCalibrationDetector = Xpad32
+ , xrdCalibrationCalibrant = CeO2
+ , xrdCalibrationEntries = entries
+ }
+ where
+ idxs :: [Int]
+ idxs = [5, 33, 100, 246, 300, 436]
+ entry :: Int -> XRDCalibrationEntry
+ entry idx = XRDCalibrationEntryNxs
+ { xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Nxs = mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_30.nxs") "scan_30" h5path'
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Idx = idx
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'NptPath = published' </> "xrd" </> "calibration" </> printf "IHR_30.nxs_%02d.npt" idx
+ }
+ entries :: [XRDCalibrationEntry]
+ entries = [ entry idx | idx <- idxs]
+ bins :: DIM1
+ bins = ix1 1000
+ multibins :: DIM1
+ multibins = ix1 10000
+ threshold :: Maybe Threshold
+ threshold = Just (Threshold 5000)
+ skipedFrames :: [Int]
+ skipedFrames = []
+ ceo2 :: XRDSample
+ ceo2 = XRDSample "CeO2"
+ (published </> "session4" </> "xrd" </> "CeO2")
+ [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+ [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_29.nxs") "scan_29" h5path'
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_30.nxs") "scan_30" h5path'
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_56.nxs") "scan_56" h5path'
+ , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_58.nxs") "scan_58" h5path'
+ ]
+ ]
+-- ** session 5
+-- micro
+-- 18.05keV
+-- detection XPAD S140
+-- calibration CeO2
+-- gam = 9 phi = 170
+-- 18p1kev_71
+-- gam = 9 phi = 175
+-- 18p1kev_73
+-- gam = 0 phi = 205
+-- 18p1kev_74
+-- gam = 0.3 phi = 205
+-- 18p1kev_75
+-- ruche-diffabs\diffabs-users\99170085\2017\Run3\2017-05-14
+-- FLAT (à verifier si suffisant) (faire la somme des trois fichiers)
+-- 18p1kev_82
+-- 18p1kev_83
+-- 18p1kev_84
+-- ruche-diffabs\diffabs-users\99170085\2017\Run3\2017-05-14
+-- FLY -- ????
+-- flyscan_16602
+-- diffabs-soleil\com-diffabs\2017\Run3\fly_IHRSol
+-- 18p1kev_85
+-- 18p1kev_86
+-- ruche-diffabs\diffabs-users\99170085\2017\Run3\2017-05-14
+-- | Samples
+-- published :: FilePath
+-- published = project </> "published-data"
+-- beamlineUpper :: Beamline -> String
+-- beamlineUpper b = [Data.Char.toUpper x | x <- show b]
+-- nxs :: FilePath -> NxEntry -> (NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path) -> Nxs
+-- nxs f e h = Nxs f e (h e)
+-- nxs' :: FilePath -> NxEntry -> (NxEntry -> a) -> Nxs' a
+-- nxs' f e h = Nxs' f e (h e)
+-- h5path :: NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path
+-- h5path nxentry =
+-- DataFrameH5Path { h5pImage = DataItem (nxentry </> image) StrictDims
+-- , h5pGamma = DataItem (nxentry </> beamline </> gamma) ExtendDims
+-- , h5pDelta = DataItem (nxentry </> delta) ExtendDims
+-- , h5pWavelength = DataItem (nxentry </> beamline </> wavelength) StrictDims
+-- }
+-- where
+-- beamline :: String
+-- beamline = beamlineUpper Diffabs
+-- image = "scan_data/data_53"
+-- gamma = "d13-1-cx1__EX__DIF.1-GAMMA__#1/raw_value"
+-- delta = "scan_data/actuator_1_1"
+-- wavelength = "D13-1-C03__OP__MONO__#1/wavelength"
+-- sampleCalibration :: XRDCalibration
+-- sampleCalibration = XRDCalibration { xrdCalibrationName = "calibration"
+-- , xrdCalibrationOutputDir = published </> "calibration"
+-- , xrdCalibrationEntries = entries
+-- }
+-- where
+-- idxs :: [Int]
+-- idxs = [3, 6, 9, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 43]
+-- entry :: Int -> XRDCalibrationEntry
+-- entry idx = XRDCalibrationEntryNxs
+-- { xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Nxs = nxs (published </> "calibration" </> "XRD18keV_26.nxs") "scan_26" h5path
+-- , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Idx = idx
+-- , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'NptPath = published </> "calibration" </> printf "XRD18keV_26.nxs_%02d.npt" idx
+-- }
+-- entries :: [XRDCalibrationEntry]
+-- entries = [ entry idx | idx <- idxs]
+-- sampleRef :: XRDRef
+-- sampleRef = XRDRef "reference"
+-- (published </> "calibration")
+-- (nxs (published </> "calibration" </> "XRD18keV_26.nxs") "scan_26" h5path)
+-- 6 -- BEWARE only the 6th poni was generated with the right Xpad_flat geometry.
+-- bins :: DIM1
+-- bins = ix1 8000
+-- multibins :: DIM1
+-- multibins = ix1 25000
+-- threshold :: Threshold
+-- threshold = Threshold 800
+-- p <- getPoniExtRef sampleRef
+-- -- flip the ref poni in order to fit the reality
+-- -- let poniextref = p
+-- let poniextref = setPose p (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3))
+-- -- let poniextref = setPose (Hkl.PyFAI.PoniExt.flip p) (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3))
+-- -- full calibration
+-- poniextref' <- calibrate sampleCalibration poniextref Xpad32
+-- -- print p
+-- print poniextref
+-- print poniextref'
+-- -- integrate each step of the scan
+-- _ <- mapM_ (integrateMesh poniextref') samples
+-- return ()
+melle ∷ IO ()
+melle = do
+ session2
+ session4
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Mars.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Mars.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75b46d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Mars.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+module Hkl.Projects.Mars (module X) where
+import Hkl.Projects.Mars.Schlegel as X
+import Hkl.Projects.Mars.Romeden as X
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Mars/Romeden.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Mars/Romeden.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f89589d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Mars/Romeden.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Projects.Mars.Romeden
+ ( romeden ) where
+import Codec.Picture ( saveTiffImage )
+import Control.Arrow ( (&&&) )
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.FilePath.Glob ( compile, globDir1 )
+import Prelude hiding (concat, lookup, readFile, writeFile)
+import Hkl
+-- | TODO
+-- ne pas planter lorsque l'image est manquante dans une nx entry.
+project ∷ FilePath
+-- project = "/nfs/ruche-mars/mars-soleil/com-mars/2017_Run2/comisioning_microfaisceau"
+-- project = "/home/experiences/instrumentation/picca"
+project = "/media/picca/Transcend/ROMEDENNE"
+h5path ∷ NxEntry → DataFrameH5Path XrdFlat
+h5path nxentry =
+ XrdFlatH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ where
+ image ∷ H5Path
+ image = "image#0/data"
+saveAsTiff' ∷ (Nxs XrdFlat, FilePath) → IO ()
+saveAsTiff' (n, o) = saveTiffImage o =<< toTiff n
+saveAsTiff ∷ (NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path XrdFlat) → FilePath → IO ()
+saveAsTiff h5path' n = mapM_ (saveAsTiff' . (nxs &&& out)) =<< nxEntries n
+ where
+ nxs ∷ FilePath → Nxs XrdFlat
+ nxs nx = mkNxs (project </> n) nx h5path'
+ out ∷ FilePath → FilePath
+ out nx = (project </> n) ++ nx ++ ".tiff"
+-- | Main
+romeden ∷ IO ()
+romeden = mapM_ (saveAsTiff h5path) =<< globDir1 (compile "*.nxs") project
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Mars/Schlegel.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Mars/Schlegel.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ada48a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Mars/Schlegel.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Projects.Mars.Schlegel
+ ( schlegel ) where
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (ident)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Prelude hiding (concat, lookup, readFile, writeFile)
+import Hkl
+-- | TODO
+-- * check if the
+-- * find a way to use integrateMulti with a small amount of memory.
+-- * better mask for each detector.
+-- | Samples
+project :: FilePath
+project = "/nfs/share-temp/picca/20160800"
+published :: FilePath
+published = project </> "published-data"
+h5path :: NxEntry -> DataFrameH5Path XrdZeroD
+h5path nxentry =
+ XrdZeroDH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 (nxentry </> image) StrictDims)
+ (DataItemConst 0.0485945)
+ where
+ image ∷ H5Path
+ image = "scan_data/data_01"
+sampleCalibration ∷ XrdZeroDCalibration Xpad32
+sampleCalibration = XrdZeroDCalibration (XrdZeroDSample name outputdir entries) Xpad32 LaB6
+ where
+ name ∷ String
+ name = "lab6"
+ outputdir ∷ AbsDirPath
+ outputdir = published </> "xrd" </> "calibration"
+ entries :: [XrdZeroDSource]
+ entries = [ XrdZeroDSourceNxs $
+ mkNxs (project </> "2017" </> "Run3" </> "scan_5_01.nxs") "_5" h5path
+ ]
+-- bins :: DIM1
+-- bins = ix1 1000
+-- multibins :: DIM1
+-- multibins = ix1 10000
+-- threshold :: Maybe Threshold
+-- threshold = Just (Threshold 5000)
+-- skipedFrames :: [Int]
+-- skipedFrames = []
+-- ceo2 :: XRDSample
+-- ceo2 = XRDSample "CeO2"
+-- (published </> "xrd" </> "CeO2")
+-- [ XrdNxs bins multibins threshold skipedFrames (XrdSourceNxs n) | n <-
+-- [ mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_29.nxs") "scan_29" h5path'
+-- , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_30.nxs") "scan_30" h5path'
+-- , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_56.nxs") "scan_56" h5path'
+-- , mkNxs (project </> "2016" </> "Run4" </> "2016-09-07" </> "IHR_58.nxs") "scan_58" h5path'
+-- ]
+-- ]
+-- | Main
+schlegel :: IO ()
+schlegel = do
+ -- | pre-calibrate (extract from nexus to edf in order to do the
+ -- calibration)
+ extractEdf sampleCalibration
+ -- p <- getPoniExtRef sampleRef
+ -- let poniextref = move p (Pose (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3)))
+ -- -- full calibration
+ -- poniextref' <- calibrate sampleCalibration poniextref
+ -- print poniextref
+ -- print poniextref'
+ -- -- Integrate the flyscan mesh
+ -- -- 4.680504680504681e-3 per images (2*60+18) / 29484 this contain
+ -- -- read/write and computation
+ -- -- integrateMesh (XrdMeshParams poniextref' mflat method) [fly]
+ -- -- | set the integration parameters
+ -- let mflat = Nothing
+ -- let aiMethod = Csr
+ -- let params = XrdOneDParams poniextref' mflat aiMethod
+ -- -- integrate each step of the scan
+ -- integrate params [ceo2]
+ -- -- this code doesn not work because there is not enought memory on
+ -- -- the computer.
+ -- -- integrateMulti params [ceo2]
+ return ()
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Sixs.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Sixs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c6cdb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Projects/Sixs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+module Hkl.Projects.Sixs
+ ( main_sixs )
+ where
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
+import Data.Vector.Storable (concat, head)
+import Control.Exception (bracket)
+import Control.Monad (forM_)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (Matrix)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (meter, nano, (*~))
+import Pipes (Producer, runEffect, (>->), lift, yield)
+import Pipes.Prelude (print)
+import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>))
+import Hkl ( DataItem ( DataItemH5 )
+ , Dataset
+ , ExtendDims ( ExtendDims, StrictDims )
+ , Factory(Uhv)
+ , File
+ , Geometry(Geometry)
+ , H5
+ , Source(Source)
+ , check_ndims
+ , closeDataset
+ , get_position
+ , get_ub
+ , lenH5Dataspace
+ , openDataset
+ , withH5File
+ )
+{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
+data DataFrameHklH5Path
+ = DataFrameHklH5Path
+ (DataItem H5) -- Image
+ (DataItem H5) -- Mu
+ (DataItem H5) -- Omega
+ (DataItem H5) -- delta
+ (DataItem H5) -- gamma
+ (DataItem H5) -- UB
+ (DataItem H5) -- Wavelength
+ (DataItem H5) -- DiffractometerType
+ deriving (Show)
+data DataFrameHklH5
+ = DataFrameHklH5
+ Dataset -- image
+ Dataset -- mu
+ Dataset -- omega
+ Dataset -- delta
+ Dataset -- gamma
+ Dataset -- ub
+ Dataset -- wavelength
+ Dataset -- dtype
+data DataFrame
+ = DataFrame
+ Int -- n
+ Geometry -- geometry
+ (Matrix Double) -- ub
+ deriving (Show)
+withDataframeH5 :: File -> DataFrameHklH5Path -> (DataFrameHklH5 -> IO r) -> IO r
+withDataframeH5 h5file dfp = bracket (hkl_h5_open h5file dfp) hkl_h5_close
+hkl_h5_open :: File -> DataFrameHklH5Path -> IO DataFrameHklH5
+hkl_h5_open h5file (DataFrameHklH5Path i m o d g u w t) = DataFrameHklH5
+ <$> openDataset' h5file i
+ <*> openDataset' h5file m
+ <*> openDataset' h5file o
+ <*> openDataset' h5file d
+ <*> openDataset' h5file g
+ <*> openDataset' h5file u
+ <*> openDataset' h5file w
+ <*> openDataset' h5file t
+ where
+ openDataset' :: File -> DataItem H5 -> IO Dataset
+ openDataset' hid (DataItemH5 name _) = openDataset hid (pack name) Nothing
+hkl_h5_is_valid :: DataFrameHklH5 -> IO Bool
+hkl_h5_is_valid (DataFrameHklH5 _ m o d g _ _ _) = do
+ True <- check_ndims m 1
+ True <- check_ndims o 1
+ True <- check_ndims d 1
+ True <- check_ndims g 1
+ return True
+hkl_h5_close :: DataFrameHklH5 -> IO ()
+hkl_h5_close (DataFrameHklH5 i m o d g u w t) = do
+ closeDataset i
+ closeDataset m
+ closeDataset o
+ closeDataset d
+ closeDataset g
+ closeDataset u
+ closeDataset w
+ closeDataset t
+getDataFrame' :: DataFrameHklH5 -> Int -> IO DataFrame
+getDataFrame' (DataFrameHklH5 _ m o d g u w _) i = do
+ mu <- get_position m i
+ omega <- get_position o i
+ delta <- get_position d i
+ gamma <- get_position g i
+ wavelength <- get_position w 0
+ ub <- get_ub u
+ let positions = Data.Vector.Storable.concat [mu, omega, delta, gamma]
+ let source = Source (Data.Vector.Storable.head wavelength *~ nano meter)
+ return $ DataFrame i (Geometry Uhv source positions Nothing) ub
+getDataFrame :: DataFrameHklH5 -> Producer DataFrame IO ()
+getDataFrame d@(DataFrameHklH5 _ m _ _ _ _ _ _) = do
+ (Just n) <- lift $ lenH5Dataspace m
+ forM_ [0..n-1] (\i -> lift (getDataFrame' d i) >>= yield)
+main_sixs :: IO ()
+main_sixs = do
+ let root = "/nfs/ruche-sixs/sixs-soleil/com-sixs/2015/Shutdown4-5/XpadAu111/"
+ let filename = "align_FLY2_omega_00045.nxs"
+ let dataframe_h5p = DataFrameHklH5Path
+ (DataItemH5 "com_113934/scan_data/xpad_image" StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 "com_113934/scan_data/UHV_MU" ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 "com_113934/scan_data/UHV_OMEGA" ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 "com_113934/scan_data/UHV_DELTA" ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 "com_113934/scan_data/UHV_GAMMA" ExtendDims)
+ (DataItemH5 "com_113934/SIXS/I14-C-CX2__EX__DIFF-UHV__#1/UB" StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 "com_113934/SIXS/Monochromator/wavelength" StrictDims)
+ (DataItemH5 "com_113934/SIXS/I14-C-CX2__EX__DIFF-UHV__#1/type" StrictDims)
+ withH5File (root </> filename) $ \h5file ->
+ withDataframeH5 h5file dataframe_h5p $ \dataframe_h5 -> do
+ True <- hkl_h5_is_valid dataframe_h5
+ runEffect $ getDataFrame dataframe_h5
+ >-> Pipes.Prelude.print
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeed0e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Hkl.PyFAI (module X) where
+import Hkl.PyFAI.AzimuthalIntegrator as X
+import Hkl.PyFAI.Calib as X
+import Hkl.PyFAI.Calibrant as X
+import Hkl.PyFAI.Detector as X
+import Hkl.PyFAI.Poni as X
+import Hkl.PyFAI.PoniExt as X
+import Hkl.PyFAI.Npt as X
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/AzimuthalIntegrator.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/AzimuthalIntegrator.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e29df7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/AzimuthalIntegrator.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.PyFAI.AzimuthalIntegrator
+ ( AIMethod(..)
+ ) where
+data AIMethod = Numpy | Cython | SplitPixel | Lut | Csr | NoSplitCsr | FullCsr | LutOcl | CsrOcl
+instance Show AIMethod where
+ show Numpy = "numpy"
+ show Cython = "cython"
+ show SplitPixel = "splitpixel"
+ show Lut = "lut"
+ show Csr = "csr"
+ show NoSplitCsr = "nosplit_csr"
+ show FullCsr = "full_csr"
+ show LutOcl = "lut_ocl"
+ show CsrOcl = "csr_ocl"
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Calib.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Calib.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c41a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Calib.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.PyFAI.Calib
+ ( ToPyFAICalibArg(..) ) where
+import Data.Text (unpack)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude ((/~), nano, meter)
+import Hkl.Types ( WaveLength )
+import Hkl.Detector ( Detector )
+import Hkl.PyFAI.Calibrant ( Calibrant )
+import Hkl.PyFAI.Detector ( toPyFAI )
+class ToPyFAICalibArg a where
+ toPyFAICalibArg ∷ a → String
+instance ToPyFAICalibArg FilePath where
+ toPyFAICalibArg f = f
+instance ToPyFAICalibArg (Detector a) where
+ toPyFAICalibArg d = "-D" ++ unpack (toPyFAI d)
+instance ToPyFAICalibArg Calibrant where
+ toPyFAICalibArg c = "-c " ++ show c
+instance ToPyFAICalibArg WaveLength where
+ toPyFAICalibArg w = "-w " ++ show ((w /~ nano meter) * 10)
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Calibrant.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Calibrant.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6bd110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Calibrant.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.PyFAI.Calibrant
+ ( Calibrant(..) ) where
+data Calibrant = CeO2 | LaB6
+instance Show Calibrant where
+ show CeO2 = "CeO2"
+ show LaB6 = "LaB6"
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Detector.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Detector.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c7e172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Detector.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.PyFAI.Detector
+ ( ToPyFAI(..)
+ ) where
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Hkl.Detector ( Detector ( Xpad32, ImXpadS140, ZeroD ) )
+class ToPyFAI a where
+ toPyFAI ∷ a → Text
+instance ToPyFAI (Detector a) where
+ toPyFAI Xpad32 = "Xpad_flat"
+ toPyFAI ImXpadS140 = "imxpad_s140"
+ toPyFAI ZeroD = error "Unsupported Detector"
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Npt.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Npt.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7567cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Npt.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hkl.PyFAI.Npt
+ ( Npt(..)
+ , NptEntry(..)
+ , NptPoint(..)
+ , nptP
+ , nptFromFile
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text
+import Data.Text
+import Data.Text.IO (readFile)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (Angle, Length, (*~), meter, radian)
+type Calibrant = Text
+data NptPoint = NptPoint { nptPointX :: Double
+ , nptPointY :: Double
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+data NptEntry = NptEntry { nptEntryId :: Int
+ , nptEntryTth :: Angle Double
+ , nptEntryRing :: Int
+ , nptPoints :: [NptPoint]
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+data Npt = Npt { nptComment :: [Text]
+ , nptCalibrant :: Calibrant
+ , nptWavelength :: Length Double
+ , npdDSpacing :: [Length Double]
+ , nptEntries :: [NptEntry]
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+commentP :: Parser Text
+commentP = "#" *> takeTill isEndOfLine <* endOfLine <?> "commentP"
+headerP :: Parser [Text]
+headerP = many1 commentP <?> "headerP"
+calibrantP :: Parser Text
+calibrantP = "calibrant: " *> takeTill isEndOfLine <* endOfLine <?> "calibrantP"
+dspacingP :: Parser [Length Double]
+dspacingP = "dspacing:" *> many1 lengthP' <* endOfLine <?> "dspasingP"
+doubleP :: Text -> Parser Double
+doubleP key = string key *> double <* endOfLine <?> "doubleP"
+lengthP' :: Parser (Length Double)
+lengthP' = do
+ skipSpace
+ value <- double
+ pure $ value *~ meter
+lengthP :: Text -> Parser (Length Double)
+lengthP key = do
+ value <- doubleP key
+ pure $ value *~ meter
+angleP :: Text -> Parser (Angle Double)
+angleP key = do
+ value <-doubleP key
+ pure $ value *~ radian
+intP :: Text -> Parser Int
+intP key = string key *> decimal <* endOfLine <?> "intP"
+nptPointP :: Parser NptPoint
+nptPointP = NptPoint
+ <$> ("point: x=" *> double)
+ <*> (" y=" *> double <* endOfLine)
+nptEntryP :: Parser NptEntry
+nptEntryP = NptEntry
+ <$> (skipSpace *> intP "New group of points: ")
+ <*> angleP "2theta: "
+ <*> intP "ring: "
+ <*> many nptPointP
+nptP :: Parser Npt
+nptP = Npt
+ <$> headerP
+ <*> calibrantP
+ <*> lengthP "wavelength: "
+ <*> dspacingP
+ <*> many1 nptEntryP
+ <?> "nptP"
+nptFromFile :: FilePath -> IO Npt
+nptFromFile filename = do
+ content <- Data.Text.IO.readFile filename
+ return $ case parseOnly nptP content of
+ Left _ -> error $ "Can not parse the " ++ filename ++ " npt file"
+ Right a -> a
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Poni.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Poni.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ec7eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Poni.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.PyFAI.Poni
+ ( Pose(..)
+ -- Poni
+ , Poni
+ , PoniPath
+ , poniP
+ , poniToText
+ -- PoniEntry
+ , PoniEntry
+ , poniEntryFlip
+ , poniEntryFromList
+ , poniEntryRotation
+ , poniEntryTranslation
+ , poniEntryToList
+ , poniEntrySet
+ , poniEntryMove
+ -- other
+ , fromAxisAndAngle
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>), (<*>), (*>), (<*), many, optional, pure)
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser, (<?>), endOfLine, isEndOfLine, many1, double, string, takeTill)
+import Data.Text (Text, append, intercalate, pack)
+import Data.Vector.Storable (Vector, fromList)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (Matrix, (<>), atIndex, fromLists, ident, scalar)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (Angle, Length, (+), (*~), (/~), (/~~), one, meter, radian, degree)
+import Hkl.Detector
+import Hkl.MyMatrix
+import Hkl.PyFAI.Detector
+import Hkl.Types
+#if !MIN_VERSION_hmatrix(0, 17, 0)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (trans)
+tr:: Matrix t -> Matrix t
+tr = trans
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (tr)
+type PoniPath = FilePath
+-- | Pose
+data Pose = Pose (MyMatrix Double) deriving (Show)
+-- | ADetector
+data ADetector = forall a. ADetector (Detector a)
+instance Show ADetector where
+ show (ADetector v) = show v
+instance ToPyFAI ADetector where
+ toPyFAI (ADetector v) = toPyFAI v
+-- | Poni
+data PoniEntry = PoniEntry { poniEntryHeader :: [Text]
+ , poniEntryDetector :: (Maybe ADetector) -- ^ Detector Name
+ , poniEntryPixelSize1 :: (Length Double) -- ^ pixels size 1
+ , poniEntryPixelSize2 :: (Length Double) -- ^ pixels size 1
+ , poniEntryDistance :: (Length Double) -- ^ pixels size 2
+ , poniEntryPoni1 :: (Length Double) -- ^ poni1
+ , poniEntryPoni2 :: (Length Double) -- ^ poni2
+ , poniEntryRot1 :: (Angle Double) -- ^ rot1
+ , poniEntryRot2 :: (Angle Double) -- ^ rot2
+ , poniEntryRot3 :: (Angle Double) -- ^ rot3
+ , poniEntrySpline :: (Maybe Text) -- ^ spline file
+ , poniEntryWavelength :: WaveLength -- ^ wavelength
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+type Poni = [PoniEntry]
+class ToPoni a where
+ toPoni ∷ a → Text
+instance ToPoni ADetector where
+ toPoni (ADetector v) = toPyFAI v
+instance ToPoni Double where
+ toPoni v = pack $ show v
+instance ToPoni Text where
+ toPoni = id
+commentP :: Parser Text
+commentP = "#" *> takeTill isEndOfLine <* endOfLine <?> "commentP"
+headerP :: Parser [Text]
+headerP = many1 commentP <?> "headerP"
+doubleP :: Text -> Parser Double
+doubleP key = string key *> double <* endOfLine <?> "doubleP"
+lengthP :: Text -> Parser (Length Double)
+lengthP key = do
+ value <-doubleP key
+ pure $ value *~ meter
+angleP :: Text -> Parser (Angle Double)
+angleP key = do
+ value <-doubleP key
+ pure $ value *~ radian
+detectorP ∷ ToPyFAI a ⇒ a → Parser a
+detectorP d = do
+ _ ← "Detector: " *> string (toPyFAI d) <* endOfLine
+ pure d
+aDetectorP ∷ Parser ADetector
+aDetectorP = (ADetector <$> detectorP Xpad32) <|> (ADetector <$> detectorP ImXpadS140)
+poniEntryP :: Parser PoniEntry
+poniEntryP = PoniEntry
+ <$> headerP
+ <*> optional aDetectorP
+ <*> lengthP "PixelSize1: "
+ <*> lengthP "PixelSize2: "
+ <*> lengthP "Distance: "
+ <*> lengthP "Poni1: "
+ <*> lengthP "Poni2: "
+ <*> angleP "Rot1: "
+ <*> angleP "Rot2: "
+ <*> angleP "Rot3: "
+ <*> optional ("SplineFile: " *> takeTill isEndOfLine <* endOfLine)
+ <*> lengthP "Wavelength: "
+ <?> "poniEntryP"
+poniP :: Parser Poni
+poniP = many poniEntryP
+poniToText :: Poni -> Text
+poniToText p = Data.Text.intercalate (Data.Text.pack "\n") (map poniEntryToText p)
+poniEntryToText :: PoniEntry -> Text
+poniEntryToText p = intercalate (Data.Text.pack "\n") $
+ map (Data.Text.append "#") (poniEntryHeader p)
+ ++ maybe [] (poniLine "Detector: ") (poniEntryDetector p)
+ ++ poniLine "PixelSize1: " (poniEntryPixelSize1 p /~ meter)
+ ++ poniLine "PixelSize2: " (poniEntryPixelSize2 p /~ meter)
+ ++ poniLine "Distance: " (poniEntryDistance p /~ meter)
+ ++ poniLine "Poni1: " (poniEntryPoni1 p /~ meter)
+ ++ poniLine "Poni2: " (poniEntryPoni2 p /~ meter)
+ ++ poniLine "Rot1: " (poniEntryRot1 p /~ radian)
+ ++ poniLine "Rot2: " (poniEntryRot2 p /~ radian)
+ ++ poniLine "Rot3: " (poniEntryRot3 p /~ radian)
+ ++ maybe [] (poniLine "SplineFile: ") (poniEntrySpline p)
+ ++ poniLine "Wavelength: " (poniEntryWavelength p /~ meter)
+ where
+ poniLine :: ToPoni a ⇒ String → a → [Text]
+ poniLine key v = [Data.Text.append (Data.Text.pack key) (toPoni v)]
+crossprod :: Vector Double -> Matrix Double
+crossprod axis = fromLists [[ 0, -z, y],
+ [ z, 0, -x],
+ [-y, x, 0]]
+ where
+ x = axis `atIndex` 0
+ y = axis `atIndex` 1
+ z = axis `atIndex` 2
+fromAxisAndAngle :: Vector Double -> Angle Double -> Matrix Double
+fromAxisAndAngle axis angle = ident 3 Prelude.+ s * q Prelude.+ c * (q <> q)
+ where
+ c = scalar (1 - cos (angle /~ one))
+ s = scalar (sin (angle /~ one))
+ q = crossprod axis
+poniEntryFlip :: PoniEntry -> PoniEntry
+poniEntryFlip p = p { poniEntryRot3 = new_rot3 }
+ where
+ rot3 = poniEntryRot3 p
+ new_rot3 = rot3 Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude.+ 180 *~ degree
+poniEntryRotation :: PoniEntry -> Matrix Double -- TODO MyMatrix PyFAIB
+poniEntryRotation e = Prelude.foldl (<>) (ident 3) rotations
+ where
+ rot1 = poniEntryRot1 e
+ rot2 = poniEntryRot2 e
+ rot3 = poniEntryRot3 e
+ rotations = (uncurry fromAxisAndAngle)
+ [ (fromList [0, 0, 1], rot3)
+ , (fromList [0, 1, 0], rot2)
+ , (fromList [1, 0, 0], rot1)]
+poniEntryTranslation :: PoniEntry -> Vector Double
+poniEntryTranslation e = fromList ( [ poniEntryPoni1 e
+ , poniEntryPoni2 e
+ , poniEntryDistance e
+ ] /~~ meter )
+poniEntryMove :: MyMatrix Double -> MyMatrix Double -> PoniEntry -> PoniEntry
+poniEntryMove mym1 mym2 e = e { poniEntryRot1 = new_rot1
+ , poniEntryRot2 = new_rot2
+ , poniEntryRot3 = new_rot3
+ }
+ where
+ rot1 = poniEntryRot1 e
+ rot2 = poniEntryRot2 e
+ rot3 = poniEntryRot3 e
+ rotations = (uncurry fromAxisAndAngle)
+ [ (Data.Vector.Storable.fromList [0, 0, 1], rot3)
+ , (Data.Vector.Storable.fromList [0, 1, 0], rot2)
+ , (Data.Vector.Storable.fromList [1, 0, 0], rot1)]
+ -- M1 . R0 = R1
+ r1 = Prelude.foldl (<>) (ident 3) rotations -- pyFAIB
+ -- M2 . R0 = R2
+ -- R2 = M2 . M1.T . R1
+ r2 = Prelude.foldl (<>) m2 [tr m1, r1]
+ (new_rot1, new_rot2, new_rot3) = toEulerians r2
+ (MyMatrix _ m1) = changeBase mym1 PyFAIB
+ (MyMatrix _ m2) = changeBase mym2 PyFAIB
+poniEntrySet ∷ (Length Double) -- ^ distance
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ poni1
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ poni2
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ rot1
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ rot2
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ rot3
+ → PoniEntry
+ → PoniEntry
+poniEntrySet d p1 p2 r1 r2 r3 p =
+ p { poniEntryDistance = d
+ , poniEntryPoni1 = p1
+ , poniEntryPoni2 = p2
+ , poniEntryRot1 = r1
+ , poniEntryRot2 = r2
+ , poniEntryRot3 = r3
+ }
+poniEntryFromList :: PoniEntry -> [Double] -> PoniEntry
+poniEntryFromList p [rot1, rot2, rot3, poni1, poni2, d] =
+ p { poniEntryDistance = d *~ meter
+ , poniEntryPoni1 = poni1 *~ meter
+ , poniEntryPoni2 = poni2 *~ meter
+ , poniEntryRot1 = rot1 *~ radian
+ , poniEntryRot2 = rot2 *~ radian
+ , poniEntryRot3 = rot3 *~ radian
+ }
+poniEntryFromList _ _ = error "Can not convert to a PoniEntry"
+poniEntryToList :: PoniEntry -> [Double]
+poniEntryToList p = [ poniEntryRot1 p /~ radian
+ , poniEntryRot2 p /~ radian
+ , poniEntryRot3 p /~ radian
+ , poniEntryPoni1 p /~ meter
+ , poniEntryPoni2 p /~ meter
+ , poniEntryDistance p /~ meter
+ ]
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/PoniExt.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/PoniExt.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63234f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/PoniExt.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.PyFAI.PoniExt
+ ( PoniExt(..)
+ , flip
+ , move
+ , set
+ ) where
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (ident)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (Angle, Length)
+import Hkl.MyMatrix
+import Hkl.PyFAI.Poni
+import Prelude hiding (flip)
+data PoniExt = PoniExt Poni Pose deriving (Show)
+flip :: PoniExt -> PoniExt
+flip (PoniExt ps mym1) = PoniExt p mym1
+ where
+ p = map poniEntryFlip ps
+set ∷ PoniExt
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ distance
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ poni1
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ poni2
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ rot1
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ rot2
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ rot3
+ → PoniExt
+set (PoniExt ps _) d p1 p2 r1 r2 r3 = PoniExt p pose
+ where
+ p = map (poniEntrySet d p1 p2 r1 r2 r3) ps
+ pose = Pose (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3))
+move :: PoniExt -> Pose -> PoniExt
+move (PoniExt p1 (Pose mym1)) (Pose mym2) = PoniExt p (Pose mym2)
+ where
+ p = map (poniEntryMove mym1 mym2) p1
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Python.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Python.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ede8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Python.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Python
+ ( PyVal(..) )
+ where
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+class PyVal a where
+ toPyVal ∷ a → String
+instance PyVal a ⇒ PyVal (Maybe a) where
+ toPyVal (Just v) = toPyVal v
+ toPyVal Nothing = "None"
+instance PyVal String where
+ toPyVal s = show s
+instance PyVal [String] where
+ toPyVal vs = "[" ++ intercalate ",\n" (map toPyVal vs) ++ "]"
+instance PyVal Int where
+ toPyVal i = show i
+instance PyVal [Int] where
+ toPyVal is = "[" ++ intercalate ",\n" (map toPyVal is) ++ "]"
+instance PyVal Double where
+ toPyVal d = show d
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Script.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Script.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bffc3ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Script.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Script
+ ( Gnuplot
+ , Py2
+ , Sh
+ , Script(..)
+ , run
+ , scriptRun
+ , scriptSave )
+ where
+import Control.Monad (when)
+import Data.Bits ((.|.))
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Text.IO (writeFile)
+import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
+import System.Exit ( ExitCode ( ExitSuccess ) )
+import System.FilePath ( (<.>), takeDirectory)
+import System.Posix.Files (accessModes, groupModes, ownerModes, setFileMode)
+import System.Posix.Types (FileMode)
+import System.Process ( rawSystem ) -- callProcess for futur
+import Paths_hkl (getDataFileName)
+#if MIN_VERSION_directory(1, 3, 0)
+import System.Directory (withCurrentDirectory)
+import Control.Exception.Base (bracket)
+import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory)
+withCurrentDirectory :: FilePath -- ^ Directory to execute in
+ -> IO a -- ^ Action to be executed
+ -> IO a
+withCurrentDirectory dir action =
+ bracket getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory $ \ _ -> do
+ setCurrentDirectory dir
+ action
+type Profile = Bool
+data Gnuplot
+data Py2
+data Sh
+data Script a where
+ Py2Script ∷ (Text, FilePath) → Script Py2
+ ScriptGnuplot ∷ (Text, FilePath) → Script Gnuplot
+ ScriptSh ∷ (Text, FilePath) → Script Sh
+scriptSave' ∷ Text → FilePath → FileMode → IO ()
+scriptSave' c f m = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory f)
+ Data.Text.IO.writeFile f c
+ setFileMode f m
+ print $ "--> created : " ++ f
+scriptSave ∷ Script a → IO ()
+scriptSave (Py2Script (c, f)) = scriptSave' c f (ownerModes .|. groupModes)
+scriptSave (ScriptGnuplot (c, f)) = scriptSave' c f accessModes
+scriptSave (ScriptSh (c, f)) = scriptSave' c f (ownerModes .|. groupModes)
+scriptRun' ∷ FilePath → String → [String] → Bool → IO ExitCode
+scriptRun' f prog args d
+ | d == True = withCurrentDirectory directory go
+ | otherwise = go
+ where
+ go :: IO ExitCode
+ go = rawSystem prog args
+ directory :: FilePath
+ directory = takeDirectory f
+scriptRun ∷ Script a → Bool → IO ExitCode
+scriptRun (Py2Script (_, p)) d = do
+ ExitSuccess ← scriptRun' p "python" args d
+ when p' ( do
+ gprof2dot ← getDataFileName "data/"
+ ExitSuccess ← rawSystem gprof2dot ["-f", "pstats", stats, "-o", stats <.> "dot"]
+ ExitSuccess ← rawSystem dot ["-Tsvg", "-o", stats <.> "svg", stats <.> "dot"]
+ return ()
+ )
+ return ExitSuccess
+ where
+ -- BEWARE once actived the profiling multiply by two the computing time.
+ p' ∷ Profile
+ p' = True
+ dot ∷ String
+ dot = "dot"
+ stats ∷ String
+ stats = p <.> "pstats"
+ args :: [String]
+ args
+ | p' == True = ["-m" , "cProfile", "-o", stats, p]
+ | otherwise = [p]
+scriptRun (ScriptGnuplot (_, p)) d = scriptRun' p "gnuplot" [p] d
+scriptRun (ScriptSh (_, p)) d = scriptRun' p p [] d
+run ∷ Script a → Bool → IO ExitCode
+run s b = do
+ scriptSave s
+ scriptRun s b
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Tiff.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Tiff.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a604395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Tiff.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Tiff
+ ( ToTiff(..) ) where
+import Codec.Picture ( DynamicImage )
+class ToTiff a where
+ toTiff ∷ a → IO DynamicImage
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Types.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adc56d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Types ( AbsDirPath
+ , Beamline(..)
+ , beamlineUpper
+ , Mode(..)
+ , Engine(..)
+ , SampleName
+ , Sample(..)
+ , Source(..)
+ , Trajectory
+ , WaveLength
+ -- hdf5
+ , H5Path
+ , module X
+ ) where
+import Data.Char (toUpper)
+import Hkl.Types.Parameter as X
+import Hkl.H5
+import Hkl.Lattice
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (Length)
+-- Common
+type AbsDirPath = FilePath
+type SampleName = String
+-- | Beamline
+data Beamline = Diffabs | Sixs
+instance Show Beamline where
+ show Diffabs = "diffabs"
+ show Sixs = "sixs"
+beamlineUpper ∷ Beamline → String
+beamlineUpper b = [toUpper x | x ← show b]
+-- | Engine
+data Mode
+ = Mode
+ String -- ^ name
+ [Parameter] -- ^ parameters of the @Mode@
+ deriving (Show)
+data Engine
+ = Engine
+ String -- ^ name
+ [Parameter] -- ^ pseudo axes values of the @Engine@
+ Mode -- ^ current Mode
+ deriving (Show)
+-- | Sample
+data Sample a
+ = Sample
+ String -- ^ name of the sample
+ (Lattice a) -- ^ the lattice of the sample
+ Parameter -- ^ ux
+ Parameter -- ^ uy
+ Parameter -- ^ uz
+ deriving (Show)
+-- | Source
+type WaveLength = Length Double
+data Source = Source WaveLength deriving (Show)
+-- | Trajectory
+type Trajectory = [[Double]]
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Types/Parameter.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Types/Parameter.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e29ecde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Types/Parameter.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+module Hkl.Types.Parameter
+ ( Parameter(..)
+ , Range(..)
+ , copyParameter
+ , unit
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (void)
+import Foreign (nullPtr, Ptr, ForeignPtr, newForeignPtr, FunPtr)
+import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
+import Foreign.C ( CInt ( CInt )
+ , CDouble ( CDouble )
+ )
+import Foreign.C.String ( CString, peekCString )
+import Foreign.Storable ( Storable
+ , alignment
+ , sizeOf
+ , peek
+ , poke
+ )
+#let alignment t = "%lu", (unsigned long)offsetof(struct {char x__; t (y__); }, y__)
+unit :: CInt
+unit = 1
+-- | Range
+data Range
+ = Range
+ Double -- ^ minimum value
+ Double -- ^ maximum value
+ deriving (Show)
+-- | Parameter
+data Parameter
+ = Parameter
+ String -- ^ name
+ Double -- ^ value
+ Range -- ^ range
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Storable Parameter where
+ alignment _ = #{alignment int}
+ sizeOf _ = #{size int}
+ peek ptr = alloca $ \pmin ->
+ alloca $ \pmax -> do
+ cname <- c_hkl_parameter_name_get ptr
+ name <- peekCString cname
+ value <- c_hkl_parameter_value_get ptr unit
+ c_hkl_parameter_min_max_get ptr pmin pmax unit
+ min_ <- peek pmin
+ max_ <- peek pmax
+ return (Parameter name value (Range min_ max_))
+ poke ptr (Parameter _name value (Range min_ max_)) = do
+ void $ c_hkl_parameter_value_set ptr (CDouble value) unit nullPtr
+ void $ c_hkl_parameter_min_max_set ptr (CDouble min_) (CDouble max_) unit nullPtr
+copyParameter :: Ptr Parameter -> IO (ForeignPtr Parameter)
+copyParameter p = newForeignPtr c_hkl_parameter_free =<< c_hkl_parameter_new_copy p
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_parameter_name_get"
+ c_hkl_parameter_name_get:: Ptr Parameter -> IO CString
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_parameter_value_get"
+ c_hkl_parameter_value_get:: Ptr Parameter -> CInt -> IO Double
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_parameter_min_max_get"
+ c_hkl_parameter_min_max_get :: Ptr Parameter -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> CInt -> IO ()
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_parameter_free"
+ c_hkl_parameter_free :: FunPtr (Ptr Parameter -> IO ())
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_parameter_new_copy"
+ c_hkl_parameter_new_copy:: Ptr Parameter -> IO (Ptr Parameter)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_parameter_value_set"
+ c_hkl_parameter_value_set:: Ptr Parameter -> CDouble -> CInt -> Ptr () -> IO (CInt)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_parameter_min_max_set"
+ c_hkl_parameter_min_max_set :: Ptr Parameter -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CInt -> Ptr () -> IO (CInt)
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Utils.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Utils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..130db10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Utils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Utils
+ ( hasContent )
+ where
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Text.IO (writeFile)
+import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
+import System.FilePath (takeDirectory)
+hasContent ∷ FilePath → Text → IO ()
+hasContent f c = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory f)
+ Data.Text.IO.writeFile f c
+ print $ "--> created : " ++ f
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efc682c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module Hkl.Xrd ( module X ) where
+import Hkl.Xrd.Calibration as X
+import Hkl.Xrd.OneD as X
+import Hkl.Xrd.Mesh as X
+import Hkl.Xrd.ZeroD as X
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/Calibration.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/Calibration.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30797cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/Calibration.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Xrd.Calibration
+ ( NptExt(..)
+ , XRDCalibrationEntry(..)
+ , XRDCalibration(..)
+ , calibrate
+ , extractEdf
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
+import Data.List (foldl', intercalate)
+import Data.Text (unlines, pack)
+import Data.Vector.Storable
+ ( Vector
+ , head
+ , concat
+ , fromList
+ , slice
+ , toList
+ )
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
+ ( Matrix
+ , (<>)
+ , atIndex
+ , ident
+ )
+import Numeric.GSL.Minimization
+ ( MinimizeMethod ( NMSimplex2 )
+ , minimizeV
+ )
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (meter, radian, nano, (/~), (*~))
+import Pipes.Safe ( MonadSafe
+ , runSafeT, bracket
+ )
+import System.Exit ( ExitCode( ExitSuccess ) )
+import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>), takeFileName)
+import Text.Printf ( printf )
+-- import Hkl.C ( Geometry ( Geometry )
+-- , Factory ( K6c )
+-- , geometryDetectorRotationGet
+-- )
+-- import Hkl.DataSource ( DataItem ( DataItemH5 ) )
+-- import Hkl.Detector ( Detector ( ZeroD )
+-- , coordinates
+-- )
+-- import Hkl.Edf ( ExtractEdf()
+-- , extractEdf
+-- )
+-- import Hkl.H5 ( Dataset, File, H5
+-- , closeDataset
+-- , get_position
+-- , openDataset
+-- , withH5File
+-- )
+-- import Hkl.PyFAI ( Calibrant, Npt
+-- , NptEntry ( NptEntry )
+-- , Poni
+-- , PoniExt ( PoniExt )
+-- , Pose ( Pose )
+-- , fromAxisAndAngle
+-- , nptEntries
+-- , nptFromFile
+-- , nptWavelength
+-- , poniEntryFromList
+-- , poniEntryToList
+-- , toPyFAICalibArg
+-- )
+-- import Hkl.Python ( toPyVal )
+-- import Hkl.MyMatrix ( Basis ( HklB, PyFAIB )
+-- , MyMatrix ( MyMatrix )
+-- , changeBase
+-- )
+-- import Hkl.Nxs ( DataFrameH5Path ( XrdOneDH5Path )
+-- , Nxs ( Nxs )
+-- )
+-- import Hkl.Script ( Py2, Sh
+-- , Script ( Py2Script, ScriptSh )
+-- , run
+-- , scriptSave
+-- )
+-- import Hkl.Types ( AbsDirPath, SampleName
+-- , Source ( Source )
+-- , WaveLength )
+-- import Hkl.Xrd.OneD ( XrdOneD
+-- , getPoseEdf
+-- )
+import Hkl.C
+import Hkl.DataSource
+import Hkl.Detector
+import Hkl.Edf
+import Hkl.H5
+import Hkl.PyFAI
+import Hkl.Python
+import Hkl.MyMatrix
+import Hkl.Nxs
+import Hkl.Script
+import Hkl.Types
+import Hkl.Xrd.OneD
+#if !MIN_VERSION_hmatrix(0, 17, 0)
+(#>) :: Matrix Double -> Vector Double -> Vector Double
+(#>) = (<>)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra ((#>))
+-- | Calibration
+data NptExt a = NptExt { nptExtNpt :: Npt
+ , nptExtPose :: Pose
+ , nptExtDetector :: Detector a
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+data XRDCalibrationEntry = XRDCalibrationEntryNxs { xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Nxs :: Nxs XrdOneD
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Idx :: Int
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'NptPath :: FilePath
+ }
+ | XRDCalibrationEntryEdf { xrdCalibrationEntryEdf'Edf :: FilePath
+ , xrdCalibrationEntryEdf'NptPath :: FilePath
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+data XRDCalibration a = XRDCalibration { xrdCalibrationName :: SampleName
+ , xrdCalibrationOutputDir :: AbsDirPath
+ , xrdCalibrationDetector ∷ Detector a
+ , xrdCalibrationCalibrant ∷ Calibrant
+ , xrdCalibrationEntries :: [XRDCalibrationEntry]
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+withDataItem :: MonadSafe m => File -> DataItem H5 -> (Dataset -> m r) -> m r
+withDataItem hid (DataItemH5 name _) = bracket (liftIO acquire') (liftIO . release')
+ where
+ acquire' :: IO Dataset
+ acquire' = openDataset hid (Data.ByteString.Char8.pack name) Nothing
+ release' :: Dataset -> IO ()
+ release' = closeDataset
+getPoseNxs :: File -> DataFrameH5Path XrdOneD -> Int -> IO Pose -- TODO move to XRD
+getPoseNxs f (XrdOneDH5Path _ g d w) i' = runSafeT $
+ withDataItem f g $ \g' ->
+ withDataItem f d $ \d' ->
+ withDataItem f w $ \w' -> liftIO $ do
+ let mu = 0.0
+ let komega = 0.0
+ let kappa = 0.0
+ let kphi = 0.0
+ gamma <- get_position g' 0
+ delta <- get_position d' i'
+ wavelength <- get_position w' 0
+ let source = Source (Data.Vector.Storable.head wavelength *~ nano meter)
+ let positions = Data.Vector.Storable.concat [mu, komega, kappa, kphi, gamma, delta]
+ let geometry = Geometry K6c source positions Nothing
+ let detector = ZeroD
+ m <- geometryDetectorRotationGet geometry detector
+ return $ Pose (MyMatrix HklB m)
+getWavelength ∷ File → DataFrameH5Path XrdOneD → IO WaveLength
+getWavelength f (XrdOneDH5Path _ _ _ w) = runSafeT $
+ withDataItem f w $ \w' -> liftIO $ do
+ wavelength <- get_position w' 0
+ return $ Data.Vector.Storable.head wavelength *~ nano meter
+readWavelength :: XRDCalibrationEntry -> IO WaveLength
+readWavelength e =
+ withH5File f $ \h5file -> getWavelength h5file p
+ where
+ (Nxs f p) = xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Nxs e
+readXRDCalibrationEntry :: Detector a -> XRDCalibrationEntry -> IO (NptExt a)
+readXRDCalibrationEntry d e@(XRDCalibrationEntryNxs _ _ _) =
+ withH5File f $ \h5file -> NptExt
+ <$> nptFromFile (xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'NptPath e)
+ <*> getPoseNxs h5file p idx
+ <*> pure d
+ where
+ idx = xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Idx e
+ (Nxs f p) = xrdCalibrationEntryNxs'Nxs e
+readXRDCalibrationEntry d e@(XRDCalibrationEntryEdf _ _) =
+ NptExt
+ <$> nptFromFile (xrdCalibrationEntryEdf'NptPath e)
+ <*> getPoseEdf (xrdCalibrationEntryEdf'Edf e)
+ <*> pure d
+-- | Poni Calibration
+-- The minimized function is the quadratic difference of the
+-- theoretical tth angle and for each pixel, the computed tth angle.
+-- synonyme types use in order to improve the calibration performance
+type NptEntry' = (Double, [Vector Double]) -- tth, detector pixels coordinates
+type Npt' = (Double, [NptEntry']) -- wavelength, [NptEntry']
+type NptExt' a = (Npt', Matrix Double, Detector a)
+class ToGsl a where
+ toGsl ∷ a → Vector Double
+class FromGsl a where
+ fromGsl ∷ a → Vector Double → a
+class ToGslFunc a where
+ toGslFunc ∷ a → [NptExt b] → (Vector Double → Double)
+instance ToGsl PoniExt where
+ toGsl (PoniExt p _) = fromList $ poniEntryToList (last p)
+instance FromGsl PoniExt where
+ fromGsl (PoniExt p pose) v = PoniExt poni pose
+ where
+ poni ∷ Poni
+ poni = [poniEntryFromList (last p) (toList v)]
+instance ToGslFunc PoniExt where
+ toGslFunc _ npts = f (preCalibrate npts)
+ where
+ preCalibrate''' ∷ Detector a → NptEntry → NptEntry'
+ preCalibrate''' detector (NptEntry _ tth _ points) = (tth /~ radian, map (coordinates detector) points)
+ preCalibrate'' ∷ Npt → Detector a → Npt'
+ preCalibrate'' n detector = (nptWavelength n /~ meter, map (preCalibrate''' detector) (nptEntries n))
+ preCalibrate' ∷ NptExt a → NptExt' a
+ preCalibrate' (NptExt n (Pose m) detector) = (preCalibrate'' n detector, m', detector)
+ where
+ (MyMatrix _ m') = changeBase m PyFAIB
+ preCalibrate ∷ [NptExt a] → [NptExt' a]
+ preCalibrate = map preCalibrate'
+ f :: [NptExt' a] → Vector Double → Double
+ f ns params = foldl' (f' rotation translation) 0 ns
+ where
+ rot1 = params `atIndex` 0
+ rot2 = params `atIndex` 1
+ rot3 = params `atIndex` 2
+ rotations = map (uncurry fromAxisAndAngle)
+ [ (fromList [0, 0, 1], rot3 *~ radian)
+ , (fromList [0, 1, 0], rot2 *~ radian)
+ , (fromList [1, 0, 0], rot1 *~ radian)]
+ rotation = foldl' (<>) (ident 3) rotations
+ translation :: Vector Double
+ translation = slice 3 3 params
+ f' ∷ Matrix Double → Vector Double → Double → NptExt' a → Double
+ f' rotation translation x ((_wavelength, entries), m, _detector) =
+ foldl' (f'' translation r) x entries
+ where
+ r :: Matrix Double
+ r = m <> rotation
+ f'' ∷ Vector Double → Matrix Double → Double → NptEntry' → Double
+ {-# INLINE f'' #-}
+ f'' translation r x (tth, pixels) = foldl' (f''' translation r tth) x pixels
+ f''' ∷ Vector Double → Matrix Double → Double → Double → Vector Double → Double
+ {-# INLINE f''' #-}
+ f''' translation r tth x pixel = x + dtth * dtth
+ where
+ kf = r #> (pixel - translation)
+ x' = kf `atIndex` 0
+ y' = kf `atIndex` 1
+ z' = kf `atIndex` 2
+ dtth = tth - atan2 (sqrt (x'*x' + y'*y')) (-z')
+calibrate ∷ XRDCalibration a → PoniExt → IO PoniExt
+calibrate (XRDCalibration _ _ d _ es) p = do
+ npts ← mapM (readXRDCalibrationEntry d) es
+ let guess = toGsl p
+ let f = toGslFunc p npts
+ let box = fromList [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
+ let (solution, _p) = minimizeV NMSimplex2 1E-16 3000 box f guess
+ print _p
+ return $ fromGsl p solution
+-- | Edf extraction before calibration
+edf ∷ AbsDirPath → FilePath → Int → FilePath
+edf o n i = o </> f
+ where
+ f = (takeFileName n) ++ printf "_%02d.edf" i
+scriptExtractEdf ∷ AbsDirPath → [XRDCalibrationEntry] → Script Py2
+scriptExtractEdf o es = Py2Script (content, scriptPath)
+ where
+ content = Data.Text.unlines $
+ map Data.Text.pack [ "#!/bin/env python"
+ , ""
+ , "from fabio.edfimage import edfimage"
+ , "from h5py import File"
+ , ""
+ , "NEXUSFILES = " ++ toPyVal nxss
+ , "IDXS = " ++ toPyVal idxs
+ , "IMAGEPATHS = " ++ toPyVal (imgs ∷ [String])
+ , "OUTPUTS = " ++ toPyVal outputs
+ , ""
+ , "for filename, i, p, o in zip(NEXUSFILES, IDXS, IMAGEPATHS, OUTPUTS):"
+ , " with File(filename, mode='r') as f:"
+ , " edfimage(f[p][i]).write(o)"
+ ]
+ (nxss, idxs, imgs) = unzip3 [(f, i, img) | (XRDCalibrationEntryNxs (Nxs f (XrdOneDH5Path (DataItemH5 img _) _ _ _)) i _) ← es]
+ outputs ∷ [FilePath]
+ outputs = zipWith (edf o) nxss idxs
+ scriptPath ∷ FilePath
+ scriptPath = o </> ""
+scriptPyFAICalib ∷ AbsDirPath → XRDCalibrationEntry → Detector a → Calibrant → WaveLength → Script Sh
+scriptPyFAICalib o e d c w = ScriptSh (content, scriptPath)
+ where
+ content = Data.Text.unlines $
+ map Data.Text.pack [ "#!/usr/bin/env sh"
+ , ""
+ , "pyFAI-calib " ++ intercalate " " args
+ ]
+ args = [ toPyFAICalibArg w
+ , toPyFAICalibArg c
+ , toPyFAICalibArg d
+ , toPyFAICalibArg (edf o n i) ]
+ (XRDCalibrationEntryNxs (Nxs n _) i _) = e
+ scriptPath ∷ FilePath
+ scriptPath = o </> (takeFileName n) ++ printf "" i
+instance ExtractEdf (XRDCalibration a) where
+ extractEdf (XRDCalibration _ o d c es) = do
+ let script = scriptExtractEdf o es
+ ExitSuccess ← run script False
+ mapM_ go es
+ return ()
+ where
+ go e = do
+ w ← readWavelength e
+ scriptSave $ scriptPyFAICalib o e d c w
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/Mesh.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/Mesh.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b99387a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/Mesh.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Xrd.Mesh
+ ( XrdMeshSample(..)
+ , XrdMesh'(..)
+ , XrdMeshParams(..)
+ , XrdMeshSource(..)
+ , integrateMesh
+ ) where
+import Control.Concurrent.Async (mapConcurrently)
+import Control.Monad (void)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
+import Data.Array.Repa (Shape, DIM1, ix1, size)
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
+import Data.Vector.Storable (Vector, any, concat, head, singleton)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (meter, nano, (/~), (*~))
+import System.Exit ( ExitCode( ExitSuccess ) )
+import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>), dropExtension, splitDirectories, takeFileName)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text (unlines, pack)
+import Prelude hiding
+ ( any
+ , concat
+ , head
+ , lookup
+ , readFile
+ , unlines
+ )
+import Pipes ( lift )
+import Hkl.C
+import Hkl.DataSource
+import Hkl.Detector
+import Hkl.Flat
+import Hkl.H5
+import Hkl.PyFAI
+import Hkl.Python
+import Hkl.MyMatrix
+import Hkl.Nxs
+import Hkl.Script
+import Hkl.Types
+import Hkl.Utils
+import Hkl.Xrd.OneD
+-- | Types
+data XrdMeshSource = XrdMeshSourceNxs (Nxs XrdMesh)
+ | XrdMeshSourceNxsFly [Nxs XrdMesh]
+ deriving (Show)
+data XrdMesh' = XrdMesh DIM1 DIM1 (Maybe Threshold) XrdMeshSource deriving (Show)
+data XrdMeshSample = XrdMeshSample SampleName AbsDirPath [XrdMesh'] deriving (Show) -- ^ nxss
+data XrdMeshParams a = XrdMeshParams PoniExt (Maybe (Flat a)) AIMethod
+data XrdMeshFrame = XrdMeshFrame
+ WaveLength
+ Pose
+ deriving (Show)
+class FrameND t where
+ rowND :: t -> MaybeT IO XrdMeshFrame
+instance FrameND (DataFrameH5 XrdMesh) where
+ rowND (XrdMeshH5 _ _ _ _ _ g d w) = do
+ let mu = 0.0
+ let komega = 0.0
+ let kappa = 0.0
+ let kphi = 0.0
+ gamma <- get_position' g (ix1 0)
+ delta <- get_position' d (ix1 0)
+ wavelength <- get_position' w (ix1 0)
+ let source@(Source w') = Source (head wavelength *~ nano meter)
+ let positions = concat [mu, komega, kappa, kphi, gamma, delta]
+ let geometry = Geometry K6c source positions Nothing
+ let detector = ZeroD
+ m <- lift $ geometryDetectorRotationGet geometry detector
+ let pose = Pose (MyMatrix HklB m)
+ return $ XrdMeshFrame w' pose
+ where
+ get_position' :: Shape sh => DataSource a -> sh -> MaybeT IO (Vector Double)
+ get_position' (DataSourceH5 _ a ) b = lift $ do
+ v <- get_position_new a b
+ if any isNaN v then fail "File contains Nan" else return v
+ get_position' (DataSourceConst v) _ = lift $ return $ singleton v
+ rowND (XrdMeshFlyH5 _ _ _ _ _ g d w) = do
+ let mu = 0.0
+ let komega = 0.0
+ let kappa = 0.0
+ let kphi = 0.0
+ gamma <- get_position' g (ix1 0)
+ delta <- get_position' d (ix1 0)
+ wavelength <- get_position' w (ix1 0)
+ let source@(Source w') = Source (head wavelength *~ nano meter)
+ let positions = concat [mu, komega, kappa, kphi, gamma, delta]
+ let geometry = Geometry K6c source positions Nothing
+ let detector = ZeroD
+ m <- lift $ geometryDetectorRotationGet geometry detector
+ let pose = Pose (MyMatrix HklB m)
+ return $ XrdMeshFrame w' pose
+ where
+ get_position' :: Shape sh => DataSource a -> sh -> MaybeT IO (Vector Double)
+ get_position' (DataSourceH5 _ a ) b = lift $ do
+ v <- get_position_new a b
+ if any isNaN v then fail "File contains Nan" else return v
+ get_position' (DataSourceConst v) _ = lift $ return $ singleton v
+integrateMesh ∷ XrdMeshParams a → [XrdMeshSample] → IO ()
+integrateMesh p ss = void $ mapConcurrently (integrateMesh' p) ss
+integrateMesh' ∷ XrdMeshParams a → XrdMeshSample → IO ()
+integrateMesh' p (XrdMeshSample _ output nxss) = mapM_ (integrateMesh'' p output) nxss
+getWaveLengthAndPoniExt' ∷ XrdMeshParams a → Nxs XrdMesh → IO (WaveLength, PoniExt)
+getWaveLengthAndPoniExt' (XrdMeshParams ref _ _) nxs =
+ withDataSource nxs $ \h -> do
+ -- read the first frame and get the poni used for all the integration.
+ d <- runMaybeT $ rowND h
+ let (XrdMeshFrame w p) = fromJust d
+ let poniext = move ref p
+ return (w, poniext)
+getWaveLengthAndPoniExt ∷ XrdMeshParams a → XrdMeshSource → IO (WaveLength, PoniExt)
+getWaveLengthAndPoniExt p (XrdMeshSourceNxs nxs) = getWaveLengthAndPoniExt' p nxs
+getWaveLengthAndPoniExt p (XrdMeshSourceNxsFly (nxs:_)) = getWaveLengthAndPoniExt' p nxs
+getWaveLengthAndPoniExt _ (XrdMeshSourceNxsFly []) = error "getWaveLengthAndPoniExt"
+getOutputPath' ∷ AbsDirPath → FilePath → (FilePath, FilePath, FilePath)
+getOutputPath' o d = (poni, h5, py)
+ where
+ poni = o </> d </> d <.> "poni"
+ h5 = o </> d </> d <.> "h5"
+ py = o </> d </> d <.> "py"
+getOutputPath ∷ AbsDirPath → XrdMeshSource → (FilePath, FilePath, FilePath)
+getOutputPath o (XrdMeshSourceNxs (Nxs f _)) = getOutputPath' o dir
+ where
+ dir ∷ FilePath
+ dir = (dropExtension . takeFileName) f
+getOutputPath o (XrdMeshSourceNxsFly (Nxs _ h:_)) = getOutputPath' o dir
+ where
+ (XrdMeshFlyH5Path (DataItemH5 i _) _ _ _ _ _) = h
+ dir:_ = splitDirectories i
+getOutputPath _ (XrdMeshSourceNxsFly []) = error "getOutputPath"
+xrdMeshPy'' ∷ Maybe (Flat a)
+ → AIMethod -- pyFAI azimuthal integration method
+ → [FilePath] -- nexus files
+ → H5Path -- image path
+ → H5Path -- meshx path
+ → H5Path -- meshy path
+ → FilePath -- ponipath
+ → DIM1 -- bins
+ → (Maybe Threshold) -- threshold
+ → WaveLength -- wavelength
+ → FilePath -- output h5
+ → FilePath -- script name
+ → Script Py2
+xrdMeshPy'' mflat m fs i x y p b mt w o scriptPath = Py2Script (content, scriptPath)
+ where
+ content = Text.unlines $
+ map Text.pack ["#!/bin/env python"
+ , ""
+ , "import itertools"
+ , "import numpy"
+ , "from h5py import File"
+ , "from pyFAI import load"
+ , ""
+ , "PONIFILE = " ++ toPyVal p
+ , "NEXUSFILES = " ++ toPyVal fs
+ , "MESHX = " ++ toPyVal x
+ , "MESHY = " ++ toPyVal y
+ , "IMAGEPATH = " ++ toPyVal i
+ , "N = " ++ toPyVal (size b)
+ , "OUTPUT = " ++ toPyVal o
+ , "WAVELENGTH = " ++ toPyVal (w /~ meter)
+ , ""
+ , "# Load the flat"
+ , "flat = " ++ toPyVal mflat
+ , ""
+ , "# Load and prepare the common Azimuthal Integrator"
+ , "ai = load(PONIFILE)"
+ , "ai.wavelength = WAVELENGTH"
+ , "ai._empty = numpy.nan"
+ , ""
+ , "# Compute the fix part of the mask"
+ , "mask = numpy.zeros_like(ai.detector.mask, dtype=bool)"
+ , "mask[0:50, :] = True"
+ , "mask[910:960, :] = True"
+ , "mask[:,0:50] = True"
+ , "mask[:,510:560] = True"
+ , "if flat is None:"
+ , " mask = numpy.logical_or(mask, ai.detector.mask)"
+ , ""
+ , dummiesForPy mt
+ , ""
+ , "# Compute the size of the output"
+ , "FS = [File(n, mode='r') for n in NEXUSFILES]"
+ , "NX = 0"
+ , "NY = 0"
+ , "for f in FS:"
+ , " NX = f[MESHX].shape[1]"
+ , " NY += f[MESHY].shape[0]"
+ , ""
+ , "def gen(fs):"
+ , " for f in fs:"
+ , " for i in f[IMAGEPATH]:"
+ , " yield i"
+ , ""
+ , "# Create and fill the ouput file"
+ , "with File(OUTPUT, mode='w') as o:"
+ , " dataset = o.create_dataset('map', shape=(NY, NX, N), dtype='float')"
+ , " lines = gen(FS)"
+ , " for j, line in enumerate(lines):"
+ , " for i, img in enumerate(line):"
+ , " tth, I, sigma = ai.integrate1d(img, N, unit=\"2th_deg\","
+ , " error_model=\"poisson\", correctSolidAngle=False,"
+ , " method=\"" ++ show m ++ "\","
+ , " mask=mask,"
+ , " dummy=DUMMY, delta_dummy=DELTA_DUMMY,"
+ , " safe=False, flat=flat)"
+ , " dataset[j, i] = I"
+ ]
+xrdMeshPy' ∷ XrdMeshParams a
+ → XrdMeshSource -- data source
+ → FilePath -- ponipath
+ → DIM1 -- bins
+ → (Maybe Threshold) -- threshold
+ → WaveLength -- wavelength
+ → FilePath -- output h5
+ → FilePath -- script name
+ → Script Py2
+xrdMeshPy' (XrdMeshParams _ mflat m) (XrdMeshSourceNxs (Nxs f h5path)) p b mt w o scriptPath =
+ xrdMeshPy'' mflat m [f] i x y p b mt w o scriptPath
+ where
+ (XrdMeshH5Path (DataItemH5 i _) (DataItemH5 x _) (DataItemH5 y _) _ _ _) = h5path
+xrdMeshPy' (XrdMeshParams _ mflat m) (XrdMeshSourceNxsFly nxss) p b mt w o scriptPath =
+ xrdMeshPy'' mflat m fs i x y p b mt w o scriptPath
+ where
+ fs ∷ [FilePath]
+ fs = [f | (Nxs f _) ← nxss]
+ (Nxs _ h5path):_ = nxss
+ (XrdMeshFlyH5Path (DataItemH5 i _) (DataItemH5 x _) (DataItemH5 y _) _ _ _) = h5path
+integrateMesh'' ∷ XrdMeshParams a → AbsDirPath → XrdMesh' → IO ()
+integrateMesh'' p' output (XrdMesh b _ mt s) = do
+ -- get the poniext for all the scan
+ (w, PoniExt p _) <- getWaveLengthAndPoniExt p' s
+ -- save this poni at the right place
+ let (ponipath, h5, py) = getOutputPath output s
+ ponipath `hasContent` poniToText p
+ -- create the python script to do the integration
+ let script = xrdMeshPy' p' s ponipath b mt w h5 py
+ ExitSuccess ← run script False
+ return ()
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/OneD.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/OneD.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3a2ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/OneD.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Xrd.OneD
+ ( XrdOneD
+ , XRDRef(..)
+ , XrdRefSource(..)
+ , XRDSample(..)
+ , Threshold(..)
+ , XrdNxs(..)
+ , XrdOneDParams(..)
+ , XrdSource(..)
+ , PoniExt(..)
+ -- reference
+ , getPoseEdf
+ , getPoniExtRef
+ -- integration
+ , integrate
+ , substract
+ -- integrateMulti
+ , integrateMulti
+ , substractMulti
+ -- tools
+ , dummiesForPy
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
+import Control.Concurrent.Async (mapConcurrently)
+import Control.Monad (forM_, forever, void, when, zipWithM_)
+import Control.Monad.Morph (hoist)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT, get, put)
+import Data.Array.Repa (DIM1, ix1, size)
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text (parseOnly)
+import qualified Data.List as List (lookup)
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text (unlines, pack, intercalate)
+import Data.Text.IO (readFile)
+import Data.Vector.Storable (concat, head)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (fromList)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (meter, nano, (/~), (*~))
+import System.Exit ( ExitCode( ExitSuccess ) )
+import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>), dropExtension, replaceExtension, takeFileName, takeDirectory)
+import Text.Printf ( printf )
+import Pipes
+ ( Consumer
+ , Pipe
+ , lift
+ , (>->)
+ , runEffect
+ , await
+ , yield
+ )
+import Pipes.Lift ( evalStateP )
+import Pipes.Prelude ( drain, filter, toListM )
+import Pipes.Safe ( runSafeT )
+import Hkl.C ( Factory ( K6c )
+ , Geometry ( Geometry )
+ , geometryDetectorRotationGet
+ )
+import Hkl.DataSource ( DataItem ( DataItemH5 )
+ , DataSource( DataSourceH5 )
+ , atIndex'
+ )
+import Hkl.Detector ( Detector ( ZeroD ) )
+import Hkl.Edf ( Edf ( Edf )
+ , edfFromFile
+ )
+import Hkl.Flat ( Flat )
+import Hkl.H5 ( lenH5Dataspace )
+import Hkl.PyFAI ( AIMethod, Poni
+ , PoniExt ( PoniExt )
+ , PoniPath
+ , Pose ( Pose )
+ , move
+ , poniP
+ , poniToText
+ )
+import Hkl.Python ( PyVal
+ , toPyVal
+ )
+import Hkl.MyMatrix ( Basis ( HklB )
+ , MyMatrix ( MyMatrix )
+ )
+import Hkl.Nxs ( DataFrameH5 ( DataFrameH5 )
+ , Nxs ( Nxs )
+ , XrdOneD
+ , DataFrameH5Path ( XrdOneDH5Path )
+ , withDataFrameH5
+ )
+import Hkl.Script ( Gnuplot, Py2
+ , Script ( ScriptGnuplot, Py2Script )
+ , run
+ , scriptSave
+ )
+import Hkl.Types ( AbsDirPath, SampleName
+ , Source ( Source )
+ )
+import Hkl.Utils ( hasContent )
+-- | TODO
+-- * When we skip the last frame there is problem.
+-- * Let's add a method in order to customize the movement of the poni.
+-- | Types
+data Threshold = Threshold Int deriving (Show)
+instance PyVal Threshold where
+ toPyVal (Threshold i) = toPyVal i
+data XrdRefSource = XrdRefNxs (Nxs XrdOneD) Int
+ | XrdRefEdf FilePath PoniPath
+ deriving (Show)
+data XRDRef = XRDRef SampleName AbsDirPath XrdRefSource
+ deriving (Show)
+data XrdSource = XrdSourceNxs (Nxs XrdOneD)
+ | XrdSourceEdf [FilePath]
+ deriving (Show)
+data XrdNxs
+ = XrdNxs
+ DIM1 -- bins
+ DIM1 -- bins for the multibins
+ (Maybe Threshold) -- threshold use to remove image Intensity
+ [Int] -- Index of the frames to skip
+ XrdSource -- data source
+ deriving (Show)
+data XRDSample = XRDSample SampleName AbsDirPath [XrdNxs] -- ^ nxss
+ deriving (Show)
+data XrdOneDParams a = XrdOneDParams PoniExt (Maybe (Flat a)) AIMethod
+data DifTomoFrame sh =
+ DifTomoFrame { difTomoFrameNxs :: Nxs XrdOneD-- ^ nexus of the current frame
+ , difTomoFrameIdx :: Int -- ^ index of the current frame
+ , difTomoFrameEOF :: Bool -- ^ is it the eof of the stream
+ , difTomoFrameGeometry :: Geometry -- ^ diffractometer geometry
+ , difTomoFramePoniExt :: PoniExt -- ^ the ref poniext
+ } deriving (Show)
+class Frame t where
+ len :: t -> IO (Maybe Int)
+ row :: t -> Int -> MaybeT IO (DifTomoFrame DIM1)
+instance Frame (DataFrameH5 XrdOneD) where
+ len (DataFrameH5 _ _ _ (DataSourceH5 _ d) _ _) = lenH5Dataspace d
+ row d@(DataFrameH5 nxs' _ g d' w ponigen) idx = do
+ n <- lift $ len d
+ let eof = fromJust n - 1 == idx
+ let mu = 0.0
+ let komega = 0.0
+ let kappa = 0.0
+ let kphi = 0.0
+ gamma <- g `atIndex'` (ix1 0)
+ delta <- d' `atIndex'` (ix1 idx)
+ wavelength <- w `atIndex'` (ix1 0)
+ let source = Source (Data.Vector.Storable.head wavelength *~ nano meter)
+ let positions = Data.Vector.Storable.concat [mu, komega, kappa, kphi, gamma, delta]
+ -- print positions
+ let geometry = Geometry K6c source positions Nothing
+ let detector = ZeroD
+ m <- lift $ geometryDetectorRotationGet geometry detector
+ let pose = Pose (MyMatrix HklB m)
+ poniext <- lift $ ponigen pose idx
+ return $ DifTomoFrame { difTomoFrameNxs = nxs'
+ , difTomoFrameIdx = idx
+ , difTomoFrameEOF = eof
+ , difTomoFrameGeometry = geometry
+ , difTomoFramePoniExt = poniext
+ }
+-- type PipeE e a b m r = EitherT e (Pipe a b m) r
+frames :: (Frame a) => Pipe a (DifTomoFrame DIM1) IO ()
+frames = do
+ d <- await
+ (Just n) <- lift $ len d
+ forM_ [0..n-1] (\i' -> do
+ f <- lift $ runMaybeT $ row d i'
+ when (isJust f) (yield (fromJust f)))
+frames' :: (Frame a) => [Int] -> Pipe a (DifTomoFrame DIM1) IO ()
+frames' is = do
+ d <- await
+ forM_ is (\i' -> do
+ f <- lift $ runMaybeT $ row d i'
+ when (isJust f) (yield (fromJust f)))
+skip :: [Int] -> DifTomoFrame sh -> Bool
+skip is' (DifTomoFrame _ i _ _ _) = notElem i is'
+-- {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
+-- import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy
+-- import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Diagrams
+-- plotPonies :: FilePath -> [PoniEntry] -> IO ()
+-- plotPonies f entries = toFile def f $ do
+-- layout_title .= "Ponies"
+-- setColors [opaque blue]
+-- let values = map extract entries
+-- plot (line "am" [values [0,(0.5)..400]])
+-- -- plot (points "am points" (signal [0,7..400]))
+-- where
+-- extract (PoniEntry _ _ (Length poni1) _ _ _ _ _ _) = poni1
+-- | Usual methods
+dummiesForPy ∷ Maybe Threshold → String
+dummiesForPy mt = unlines [ "# Compute the dummy values for the dynamic mask"
+ , "DUMMY=" ++ dummy
+ , "DELTA_DUMMY=" ++ delta_dummy
+ ]
+ where
+ dummy = maybe "None" (\_ → "4294967296") mt -- TODO the default value depends on the number od bits per pixels.
+ delta_dummy = maybe "None" (\(Threshold t) → show (4294967296 - t)) mt
+getScanDir ∷ AbsDirPath → FilePath → FilePath
+getScanDir o f = o </> (dropExtension . takeFileName) f
+pgen :: AbsDirPath -> FilePath -> Int -> FilePath
+pgen o f i = o </> scandir </> scandir ++ printf "_%02d.poni" i
+ where
+ scandir = (dropExtension . takeFileName) f
+getPoseEdf :: FilePath -> IO Pose
+getPoseEdf f = do
+ edf@(Edf lambda _) <- edfFromFile f
+ let mnes = map Text.pack ["_mu", "_keta", "_kap", "_kphi", "nu", "del"]
+ let source = Source lambda
+ let positions = fromList $ map (extract edf) mnes
+ let geometry = Geometry K6c source positions Nothing
+ let detector = ZeroD
+ m <- geometryDetectorRotationGet geometry detector
+ return $ Pose (MyMatrix HklB m)
+ where
+ extract :: Edf -> Text -> Double
+ extract (Edf _ ms) key = fromMaybe 0.0 (List.lookup key ms)
+poniFromFile :: FilePath -> IO Poni
+poniFromFile filename = do
+ content <- Data.Text.IO.readFile filename
+ return $ case parseOnly poniP content of
+ Left _ -> error $ "Can not parse the " ++ filename ++ " poni file"
+ Right poni -> poni
+getPoniExtRef :: XRDRef -> IO PoniExt
+getPoniExtRef (XRDRef _ output (XrdRefNxs nxs'@(Nxs f _) idx)) = do
+ poniExtRefs <- runSafeT $
+ toListM ( withDataFrameH5 nxs' (gen output f) yield
+ >-> hoist lift ( frames' [idx]))
+ return $ difTomoFramePoniExt (Prelude.last poniExtRefs)
+ where
+ gen :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Pose -> Int -> IO PoniExt
+ gen root nxs'' p idx' = PoniExt
+ <$> poniFromFile (root </> scandir ++ printf "_%02d.poni" idx')
+ <*> pure p
+ where
+ scandir = takeFileName nxs''
+getPoniExtRef (XRDRef _ _ (XrdRefEdf e p)) = PoniExt
+ <$> poniFromFile p
+ <*> getPoseEdf e
+integrate ∷ XrdOneDParams a → [XRDSample] → IO ()
+integrate p ss = void $ mapConcurrently (integrate' p) ss
+integrate' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → IO ()
+integrate' p (XRDSample _ output nxss) = void $ mapConcurrently (integrate'' p output) nxss
+integrate'' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → AbsDirPath → XrdNxs → IO ()
+integrate'' p output (XrdNxs b _ mt is (XrdSourceNxs nxs'@(Nxs f _))) = do
+ print f
+ runSafeT $ runEffect $
+ withDataFrameH5 nxs' (gen p) yield
+ >-> hoist lift (frames
+ >-> Pipes.Prelude.filter (skip is)
+ >-> savePonies (pgen output f)
+ >-> savePy p b mt
+ >-> saveGnuplot
+ >-> drain)
+ where
+ gen :: XrdOneDParams a -> Pose -> Int -> IO PoniExt
+ gen (XrdOneDParams ref' _ _) m _idx = return $ move ref' m
+createPy ∷ XrdOneDParams a → DIM1 → Maybe Threshold → FilePath → DifTomoFrame' sh → (Script Py2, FilePath)
+createPy (XrdOneDParams _ mflat m) b mt scriptPath (DifTomoFrame' f poniPath) = (Py2Script (script, scriptPath), output)
+ where
+ script = Text.unlines $
+ map Text.pack ["#!/bin/env python"
+ , ""
+ , "import numpy"
+ , "from h5py import File"
+ , "from pyFAI import load"
+ , ""
+ , "PONIFILE = " ++ toPyVal poniPath
+ , "NEXUSFILE = " ++ toPyVal nxs'
+ , "IMAGEPATH = " ++ toPyVal i'
+ , "IDX = " ++ toPyVal idx
+ , "N = " ++ toPyVal (size b)
+ , "OUTPUT = " ++ toPyVal output
+ , "WAVELENGTH = " ++ toPyVal (w /~ meter)
+ , ""
+ , "# load the flat"
+ , "flat = " ++ toPyVal mflat
+ , ""
+ , dummiesForPy mt
+ , ""
+ , "ai = load(PONIFILE)"
+ , "ai.wavelength = WAVELENGTH"
+ , "ai._empty = numpy.nan"
+ , ""
+ , "with File(NEXUSFILE, mode='r') as f:"
+ , " img = f[IMAGEPATH][IDX]"
+ , ""
+ , " # Compute the mask"
+ , " mask = numpy.zeros_like(img, dtype=bool)"
+ , " mask[:,550:] = True"
+ , " #mask_module[0:50, :] = True"
+ , " #mask_module[910:960, :] = True"
+ , " #mask_module[:,0:10] = True"
+ , " if flat is not None: # this should be removed for pyFAI >= 0.13.1 it is now done by PyFAI"
+ , " mask = numpy.logical_or(mask, flat == 0.0)"
+ , ""
+ , " ai.integrate1d(img, N, filename=OUTPUT, unit=\"2th_deg\", error_model=\"poisson\", correctSolidAngle=False, method=\"" ++ show m ++ "\", mask=mask, flat=flat, dummy=DUMMY, delta_dummy=DELTA_DUMMY)"
+ ]
+ (Nxs nxs' (XrdOneDH5Path (DataItemH5 i' _) _ _ _)) = difTomoFrameNxs f
+ idx = difTomoFrameIdx f
+ output = poniPath `replaceExtension` "dat"
+ (Geometry _ (Source w) _ _) = difTomoFrameGeometry f
+-- | Pipes
+data DifTomoFrame' sh = DifTomoFrame' { difTomoFrame'DifTomoFrame :: DifTomoFrame sh
+ , difTomoFrame'PoniPath :: FilePath
+ }
+savePonies :: (Int -> FilePath) -> Pipe (DifTomoFrame sh) (DifTomoFrame' sh) IO ()
+savePonies g = forever $ do
+ f <- await
+ let filename = g (difTomoFrameIdx f)
+ let (PoniExt p _) = difTomoFramePoniExt f
+ lift $ filename `hasContent` (poniToText p)
+ yield $ DifTomoFrame' { difTomoFrame'DifTomoFrame = f
+ , difTomoFrame'PoniPath = filename
+ }
+data DifTomoFrame'' sh = DifTomoFrame'' { difTomoFrame''DifTomoFrame' :: DifTomoFrame' sh
+ , difTomoFrame''PySCript :: Script Py2
+ , difTomoFrame''DataPath :: FilePath
+ }
+savePy ∷ XrdOneDParams a → DIM1 → Maybe Threshold → Pipe (DifTomoFrame' sh) (DifTomoFrame'' sh) IO ()
+savePy p b mt = forever $ do
+ f@(DifTomoFrame' _difTomoFrame poniPath) <- await
+ let scriptPath = poniPath `replaceExtension`"py"
+ let (script, dataPath) = createPy p b mt scriptPath f
+ ExitSuccess <- lift $ run script True
+ yield $ DifTomoFrame'' { difTomoFrame''DifTomoFrame' = f
+ , difTomoFrame''PySCript = script
+ , difTomoFrame''DataPath = dataPath
+ }
+data DifTomoFrame''' sh = DifTomoFrame''' { difTomoFrame'''DifTomoFrame'' ∷ DifTomoFrame'' sh
+ , difTomoFrame'''GnuplotScript ∷ Script Gnuplot
+ , difTomoFrame'''Curves ∷ [FilePath]
+ }
+mkGnuplot ∷ [FilePath] → FilePath → Script Gnuplot
+mkGnuplot fs o = ScriptGnuplot (content, o)
+ where
+ content = Text.unlines $
+ ["plot \\"]
+ ++ [Text.intercalate ",\\\n" [ Text.pack (show f ++ " u 1:2 w l") | f <- fs ]]
+ ++ ["pause -1"]
+saveGnuplot' :: Pipe (DifTomoFrame'' sh) (DifTomoFrame''' sh) (StateT [FilePath] IO) r
+saveGnuplot' = forever $ do
+ curves <- lift get
+ f@(DifTomoFrame'' (DifTomoFrame' _ poniPath) _ dataPath) <- await
+ let curves' = curves ++ [dataPath]
+ let script = mkGnuplot curves' (takeDirectory poniPath </> "plot.gnuplot")
+ lift . lift $ scriptSave script
+ lift $ put $! curves'
+ yield $ DifTomoFrame''' { difTomoFrame'''DifTomoFrame'' = f
+ , difTomoFrame'''GnuplotScript = script
+ , difTomoFrame'''Curves = curves'
+ }
+saveGnuplot :: Pipe (DifTomoFrame'' sh) (DifTomoFrame''' sh) IO r
+saveGnuplot = evalStateP [] saveGnuplot'
+-- substract a sample from another one
+substractPy ∷ [FilePath] → [FilePath] → [FilePath] → FilePath → Script Py2
+substractPy fs1 fs2 os scriptPath = Py2Script (content, scriptPath)
+ where
+ content ∷ Text
+ content = Text.unlines $
+ map Text.pack ["#!/bin/env python"
+ , ""
+ , "import numpy"
+ , ""
+ , "S1 = " ++ toPyVal fs1
+ , "S2 = " ++ toPyVal fs2
+ , "OUTPUTS = " ++ toPyVal os
+ , ""
+ , "def substract(f1, f2, o):"
+ , " a1 = numpy.genfromtxt(f1)"
+ , " a2 = numpy.genfromtxt(f2)"
+ , " res = numpy.copy(a2)"
+ , " res[:,1] -= a1[:,1]"
+ , " # TODO deal with the error propagation"
+ , " numpy.savetxt(output, res)"
+ , ""
+ , "for (s1, s2, output) in zip(S1, S2, OUTPUTS):"
+ , " substract(s1, s2, output)"
+ ]
+targetP ∷ (Int → FilePath) → Pipe (DifTomoFrame sh) FilePath IO ()
+targetP g = forever $ do
+ f ← await
+ let poniPath = g (difTomoFrameIdx f)
+ let dataPath = poniPath `replaceExtension` "dat"
+ yield dataPath
+target' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → AbsDirPath → XrdNxs → IO (FilePath, [FilePath])
+target' p output (XrdNxs _ _ _ is (XrdSourceNxs nxs'@(Nxs f _))) = do
+ fs ← runSafeT $ toListM $
+ withDataFrameH5 nxs' (gen p) yield
+ >-> hoist lift (frames
+ >-> Pipes.Prelude.filter (skip is)
+ >-> targetP (pgen output f)
+ )
+ return (getScanDir output f, fs)
+ where
+ gen :: XrdOneDParams a -> Pose -> Int -> IO PoniExt
+ gen (XrdOneDParams ref' _ _) m _idx = return $ move ref' m
+targets ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → IO [(FilePath, [FilePath])]
+targets p (XRDSample _ output nxss) = mapConcurrently (target' p output) nxss
+substract' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → XRDSample → IO ()
+substract' p s1@(XRDSample name _ _) s2 = do
+ -- compute the output of the s1 sample
+ -- we take only the first list of the sample
+ f1s:_ ← targets p s1
+ -- compute the output of the s2 sample
+ f2s ← targets p s2
+ -- do the substraction via a python script and add the gnuplot file
+ _ ← mapConcurrently (go f1s) f2s
+ return ()
+ where
+ go ∷ (FilePath, [FilePath]) → (FilePath, [FilePath]) → IO ()
+ go (_, f1) (d, f2) = do
+ -- compute the substracted output file names take into account
+ -- that f1 and f2 could have different length
+ let outputs = [dropExtension f ++ "-" ++ name <.> "dat" | (_, f) ← zip f1 f2]
+ -- compute the script name
+ let scriptPath = d </> ""
+ let script = substractPy f1 f2 outputs scriptPath
+ ExitSuccess ← run script False
+ -- gnuplot
+ let gnuplotPath = d </> "substract.gnuplot"
+ scriptSave $ mkGnuplot outputs gnuplotPath
+ return ()
+substract ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → [XRDSample] → IO ()
+substract p s ss = mapM_ (substract' p s) ss
+-- | PyFAI MultiGeometry
+integrateMulti ∷ XrdOneDParams a → [XRDSample] → IO ()
+integrateMulti p samples = mapM_ (integrateMulti' p) samples
+integrateMulti' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → IO ()
+integrateMulti' p (XRDSample _ output nxss) = mapM_ (integrateMulti'' p output) nxss
+integrateMulti'' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → AbsDirPath → XrdNxs → IO ()
+integrateMulti'' p output (XrdNxs _ mb mt is (XrdSourceNxs nxs'@(Nxs f _))) = do
+ print f
+ runSafeT $ runEffect $
+ withDataFrameH5 nxs' (gen p) yield
+ >-> hoist lift (frames
+ >-> Pipes.Prelude.filter (skip is)
+ >-> savePonies (pgen output f)
+ >-> saveMultiGeometry p mb mt)
+ where
+ gen :: XrdOneDParams a -> Pose -> Int -> IO PoniExt
+ gen (XrdOneDParams ref' _ _) m _idx = return $ move ref' m
+integrateMulti'' p output (XrdNxs b _ mt _ (XrdSourceEdf fs)) = do
+ -- generate all the ponies
+ zipWithM_ (go p) fs ponies
+ -- generate the python script
+ let scriptPath = output </> ""
+ let (script, _) = createMultiPyEdf p b mt fs ponies scriptPath (output </> "multi.dat")
+ scriptSave script
+ where
+ ponies = [output </> (dropExtension . takeFileName) f ++ ".poni" | f <- fs]
+ go ∷ XrdOneDParams a → FilePath → FilePath → IO ()
+ go (XrdOneDParams ref _ _) f o = do
+ m <- getPoseEdf f
+ let (PoniExt p' _) = move ref m
+ o `hasContent` (poniToText p')
+createMultiPy ∷ XrdOneDParams a → DIM1 → Maybe Threshold → FilePath → DifTomoFrame' sh → [(Int, FilePath)] → (Script Py2, FilePath)
+createMultiPy (XrdOneDParams _ mflat _) b mt scriptPath (DifTomoFrame' f _) idxPonies = (Py2Script (content, scriptPath), output)
+ where
+ content = Text.unlines $
+ map Text.pack ["#!/bin/env python"
+ , ""
+ , "import numpy"
+ , "from h5py import File"
+ , "from pyFAI.multi_geometry import MultiGeometry"
+ , ""
+ , "NEXUSFILE = " ++ toPyVal nxs'
+ , "IMAGEPATH = " ++ toPyVal i'
+ , "BINS = " ++ toPyVal (size b)
+ , "OUTPUT = " ++ toPyVal output
+ , "WAVELENGTH = " ++ toPyVal (w /~ meter)
+ , "THRESHOLD = " ++ toPyVal mt
+ , ""
+ , "# load the flat"
+ , "flat = " ++ toPyVal mflat
+ , ""
+ , "# Load all images"
+ , "PONIES = " ++ toPyVal ponies
+ , "IDXS = " ++ toPyVal idxs
+ , ""
+ , "# Read all the images"
+ , "imgs = []"
+ , "with File(NEXUSFILE, mode='r') as f:"
+ , " for idx in IDXS:"
+ , " imgs.append(f[IMAGEPATH][idx])"
+ , ""
+ , "# Compute the mask"
+ , "mask = numpy.zeros_like(imgs[0], dtype=bool)"
+ , "mask[:,550:] = True"
+ , "if flat is not None: # this should be removed for pyFAI >= 0.13.1 it is now done by PyFAI"
+ , " mask = numpy.logical_or(mask, flat == 0.0)"
+ , "lst_mask = []"
+ , "for img in imgs: # remove all pixels above the threshold"
+ , " if THRESHOLD is not None:"
+ , " mask_t = numpy.where(img > THRESHOLD, True, False)"
+ , " lst_mask.append(numpy.logical_or(mask, mask_t))"
+ , " else:"
+ , " lst_mask.append(mask)"
+ , ""
+ , "# Integration multi-geometry 1D"
+ , "mg = MultiGeometry(PONIES, unit=\"2th_deg\", radial_range=(0,80))"
+ , "p = mg.integrate1d(imgs, BINS, lst_mask=lst_mask, lst_flat=flat)"
+ , ""
+ , "# Save the datas"
+ , "numpy.savetxt(OUTPUT, numpy.array(p).T)"
+ ]
+ (Nxs nxs' (XrdOneDH5Path (DataItemH5 i' _) _ _ _)) = difTomoFrameNxs f
+ output = "multi.dat"
+ (Geometry _ (Source w) _ _) = difTomoFrameGeometry f
+ (idxs, ponies) = unzip idxPonies
+createMultiPyEdf ∷ XrdOneDParams a → DIM1 → Maybe Threshold → [FilePath] → [FilePath] → FilePath → FilePath → (Script Py2, FilePath)
+createMultiPyEdf (XrdOneDParams _ mflat _) b mt edfs ponies scriptPath output = (Py2Script (content, scriptPath), output)
+ where
+ content = Text.unlines $
+ map Text.pack ["#!/bin/env python"
+ , ""
+ , "import numpy"
+ , "from fabio import open"
+ , "from pyFAI.multi_geometry import MultiGeometry"
+ , ""
+ , "EDFS = " ++ toPyVal edfs
+ , "PONIES = " ++ toPyVal ponies
+ , "BINS = " ++ toPyVal (size b)
+ , "OUTPUT = " ++ toPyVal output
+ , "THRESHOLD = " ++ toPyVal mt
+ , ""
+ , "# load the flat"
+ , "flat = " ++ toPyVal mflat
+ , ""
+ , "# Read all the images"
+ , "imgs = [open(edf).data for edf in EDFS]"
+ , ""
+ , "# Compute the mask"
+ , "mask = numpy.zeros_like(imgs[0], dtype=bool)"
+ , "if THRESHOLD is not None:"
+ , " for img in imgs:"
+ , " mask_t = numpy.where(img > THRESHOLD, True, False)"
+ , " mask = numpy.logical_or(mask, mask_t)"
+ , ""
+ , "# Integration multi-geometry 1D"
+ , "mg = MultiGeometry(PONIES, unit=\"2th_deg\", radial_range=(0,80))"
+ , "p = mg.integrate1d(imgs, BINS, lst_mask=mask)"
+ , ""
+ , "# Save the datas"
+ , "numpy.savetxt(OUTPUT, numpy.array(p).T)"
+ ]
+saveMulti' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → DIM1 → Maybe Threshold → Consumer (DifTomoFrame' sh) (StateT [(Int, FilePath)] IO) r
+saveMulti' p b mt = forever $ do
+ idxPonies <- lift get
+ f'@(DifTomoFrame' f@(DifTomoFrame _ idx _ _ _) poniPath) <- await
+ let directory = takeDirectory poniPath
+ let filename = directory </> ""
+ let (script, _) = createMultiPy p b mt filename f' idxPonies
+ ExitSuccess ← lift . lift $ if (difTomoFrameEOF f) then (run script True) else return ExitSuccess
+ lift $ put $! (idxPonies ++ [(idx, poniPath)])
+saveMultiGeometry ∷ XrdOneDParams a → DIM1 → Maybe Threshold → Consumer (DifTomoFrame' sh) IO r
+saveMultiGeometry p b mt = evalStateP [] (saveMulti' p b mt)
+-- substract a sample from another one
+targetMulti' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → AbsDirPath → XrdNxs → (FilePath, FilePath)
+targetMulti' _ output (XrdNxs _ _ _ _ (XrdSourceNxs (Nxs f _))) = (d, o)
+ where
+ d = getScanDir output f
+ o = d </> "multi.dat"
+targetMulti ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → [(FilePath, FilePath)]
+targetMulti p (XRDSample _ output nxss) = map (targetMulti' p output) nxss
+substractMulti' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → XRDSample → IO ()
+substractMulti' p s1@(XRDSample name _ _) s2 = do
+ -- compute the output of the s1 sample
+ -- we take only the first list of the sample
+ let f1s:_ = targetMulti p s1
+ -- compute the output of the s2 sample
+ let f2s = targetMulti p s2
+ -- do the substraction via a python script and add the gnuplot file
+ _ ← mapConcurrently (go f1s) f2s
+ return ()
+ where
+ go ∷ (FilePath, FilePath) → (FilePath, FilePath) → IO ()
+ go (_, f1) (d, f2) = do
+ -- compute the substracted output file names
+ let outputs = dropExtension f2 ++ "-" ++ name <.> "dat"
+ -- compute the script name
+ let scriptPath = d </> ""
+ let script = substractPy [f1] [f2] [outputs] scriptPath
+ ExitSuccess ← run script False
+ -- gnuplot
+ let gnuplotPath = d </> "multi-substract.gnuplot"
+ scriptSave $ mkGnuplot [outputs] gnuplotPath
+ return ()
+substractMulti ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → [XRDSample] → IO ()
+substractMulti p s ss = mapM_ (substractMulti' p s) ss
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/ZeroD.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/ZeroD.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5de2a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/ZeroD.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Xrd.ZeroD
+ ( XrdZeroDCalibration(..)
+ , XrdZeroDSample(..)
+ , XrdZeroDSource(..)
+ , XrdZeroDParams(..)
+ ) where
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Text (unlines, pack)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (meter, nano, (*~))
+import System.Exit ( ExitCode( ExitSuccess ) )
+import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>), takeFileName)
+import Text.Printf ( printf )
+import Hkl.DataSource ( DataItem ( DataItemH5, DataItemConst ) )
+import Hkl.Detector ( Detector )
+import Hkl.Edf ( ExtractEdf, extractEdf )
+import Hkl.Flat ( Flat )
+import Hkl.PyFAI ( AIMethod,Calibrant, PoniExt, Pose
+ , toPyFAICalibArg )
+import Hkl.Python ( toPyVal )
+import Hkl.Nxs ( DataFrameH5Path( XrdZeroDH5Path )
+ , Nxs ( Nxs )
+ , XrdZeroD
+ )
+import Hkl.Script ( Script ( Py2Script, ScriptSh )
+ , Py2, Sh
+ , run
+ , scriptSave
+ )
+import Hkl.Types ( AbsDirPath, SampleName, WaveLength )
+-- | Types
+data XrdZeroDSource = XrdZeroDSourceNxs (Nxs XrdZeroD) deriving (Show)
+data XrdZeroDSample = XrdZeroDSample SampleName AbsDirPath [XrdZeroDSource] deriving (Show)
+data XrdZeroDCalibration a = XrdZeroDCalibration XrdZeroDSample (Detector a) Calibrant deriving (Show)
+data XrdZeroDParams a = XrdZeroDParams PoniExt (Maybe (Flat a)) AIMethod deriving (Show)
+data XrdZeroDFrame = XrdMeshFrame WaveLength Pose deriving (Show)
+edf ∷ AbsDirPath → FilePath → Int → FilePath
+edf o n i = o </> f
+ where
+ f = (takeFileName n) ++ printf "_%02d.edf" i
+scriptExtractEdf ∷ AbsDirPath → [XrdZeroDSource] → Script Py2
+scriptExtractEdf o es = Py2Script (content, scriptPath)
+ where
+ content = Data.Text.unlines $
+ map Data.Text.pack [ "#!/usr/bin/env python"
+ , ""
+ , "from fabio.edfimage import edfimage"
+ , "from h5py import File"
+ , ""
+ , "NEXUSFILES = " ++ toPyVal nxss
+ , "IDXS = " ++ toPyVal idxs
+ , "IMAGEPATHS = " ++ toPyVal (imgs ∷ [String])
+ , "OUTPUTS = " ++ toPyVal outputs
+ , ""
+ , "for filename, i, p, o in zip(NEXUSFILES, IDXS, IMAGEPATHS, OUTPUTS):"
+ , " with File(filename, mode='r') as f:"
+ , " edfimage(f[p][i]).write(o)"
+ ]
+ idx ∷ Int
+ idx = 0
+ (nxss, idxs, imgs) = unzip3 [(f, idx, img)
+ | (XrdZeroDSourceNxs (Nxs f (XrdZeroDH5Path (DataItemH5 img _) _))) ← es]
+ outputs ∷ [FilePath]
+ outputs = zipWith (edf o) nxss idxs
+ scriptPath ∷ FilePath
+ scriptPath = o </> ""
+scriptPyFAICalib ∷ AbsDirPath → XrdZeroDSource → Detector a → Calibrant → Script Sh
+scriptPyFAICalib o e@(XrdZeroDSourceNxs (Nxs n _)) d c = ScriptSh (content, scriptPath)
+ where
+ content = Data.Text.unlines $
+ map Data.Text.pack [ "#!/usr/bin/env sh"
+ , ""
+ , "pyFAI-calib " ++ intercalate " " args
+ ]
+ args = [ toPyFAICalibArg (readWavelength e)
+ , toPyFAICalibArg c
+ , toPyFAICalibArg d
+ , toPyFAICalibArg (edf o n i) ]
+ scriptPath ∷ FilePath
+ scriptPath = o </> (takeFileName n) ++ printf "" i
+ i ∷ Int
+ i = 0
+readWavelength :: XrdZeroDSource -> WaveLength
+readWavelength (XrdZeroDSourceNxs (Nxs _ (XrdZeroDH5Path _ (DataItemConst w)))) = w *~ nano meter
+instance ExtractEdf (XrdZeroDCalibration a) where
+ extractEdf (XrdZeroDCalibration s d c) = do
+ let script = scriptExtractEdf o es
+ ExitSuccess ← run script False
+ mapM_ go es
+ return ()
+ where
+ go e = scriptSave $ scriptPyFAICalib o e d c
+ (XrdZeroDSample _ o es) = s
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Tango/DeviceProxy.hsc b/contrib/haskell/src/Tango/DeviceProxy.hsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..923ccf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Tango/DeviceProxy.hsc
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Tango.DeviceProxy (
+ deviceproxy
+ , DeviceProxy ) where
+import Control.Exception
+import Foreign.C
+import Foreign.Ptr
+import Foreign.Storable
+import Foreign.Marshal.Array
+import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
+#let alignment t = "%lu", (unsigned long)offsetof(struct {char x__; t (y__); }, y__)
+#include "tango.h"
+data DeviceProxy = DeviceProxy
+foreign import ccall "_ZN5Tango11DeviceProxyC1EPKcPN5CORBA3ORBE" deviceproxy_DeviceProxy :: (Ptr DeviceProxy) -> CString -> Ptr a -> IO ()
+class New a where
+ new :: IO (Ptr a)
+instance Storable DeviceProxy where
+ sizeOf _ = #{size Tango::DeviceProxy}
+deviceproxy :: String -> IO (Ptr DeviceProxy)
+deviceproxy d = do
+ device <- newCString d
+ dev <- malloc :: IO (Ptr DeviceProxy)
+ deviceproxy_DeviceProxy dev device nullPtr
+ return dev
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ diffractometer <- catch (deviceproxy "toto")
+ (\e -> do let err = show (e :: IOException)
+ hPutStr stderr ("Warning: Couldn't open " ++ f ++ ": " ++ err)
+ return "")
+ return ()
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/ghkl.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/ghkl.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ae7f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/ghkl.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Main where
+import Data.Vector.Storable (Vector, fromList)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (nano, meter, (*~))
+import Pipes
+import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
+import Hkl
+testSirius :: IO ()
+testSirius = runEffect $ fromToPipe 6 from to
+ >-> enginesTrajectoryPipe engine
+ >-> solveTrajPipe geometry detector gaAs
+ >-> P.tee P.print
+ >-> P.drain
+ -- >-> computePipe detector gaAs
+ -- >-> P.print
+ where
+ gaAs :: Sample Cubic
+ gaAs = Sample "GaAs" (Cubic (0.56533 *~ nano meter))
+ (Parameter "ux" (-90.003382) (Range (-180) 180))
+ (Parameter "uy" 0.12907 (Range (-180) 180))
+ (Parameter "uz" (-159.91372) (Range (-180) 180))
+ geometry ∷ Geometry
+ geometry = Geometry SoleilSiriusKappa (Source (0.1458637 *~ nano meter))
+ (fromList [-0.5193202, 64.7853160, 133.5621380, -80.9690000, -0.0223369, 30.0000299])
+ (Just [ Parameter "mu" (-0.5193202) (Range (-180) 180)
+ , Parameter "komega" 64.7853160 (Range (-180) 180)
+ , Parameter "kappa" 133.5621380 (Range (-180) 180)
+ , Parameter "kphi" (-80.9690000) (Range (-180) 180)
+ , Parameter "delta" (-0.0223369) (Range (-180) 180)
+ , Parameter "gamma" 30.0000299 (Range (-180) 180)])
+ detector ∷ Detector ZeroD
+ detector = ZeroD
+ engine ∷ Engine
+ engine = Engine "hkl" [ Parameter "h" 0.0 (Range (-1.0) 1.0)
+ , Parameter "k" 0.0 (Range (-1.0) 1.0)
+ , Parameter "l" 2.0 (Range (-1.0) 1.0)
+ ]
+ (Mode "bissector_vertical" [])
+ from ∷ Vector Double
+ from = fromList [0, 0, 1]
+ to ∷ Vector Double
+ to = fromList [0, 0, 6]
+test :: IO ()
+test = do
+ let sample = Sample "test" (Orthorhombic
+ (1.05394 *~ nano meter)
+ (0.25560 *~ nano meter)
+ (1.49050 *~ nano meter))
+ (Parameter "ux" (-89.8821) (Range (-180) 180))
+ (Parameter "uy" 0.1733 (Range (-180) 180))
+ (Parameter "uz" (-84.0081) (Range (-180) 180))
+ let geometry = Geometry Uhv (Source (0.0672929 *~ nano meter))
+ (fromList [0.1794, -160.0013, 21.1381, 0.5194])
+ (Just [ Parameter "mu" 0.1794 (Range (-180) 180)
+ , Parameter "omega" (-160.0013) (Range (-180) 180)
+ , Parameter "delta" 21.1381 (Range (-180) 180)
+ , Parameter "gamma" 0.5194 (Range (-180) 180)])
+ let detector = ZeroD
+ -- compute the pseudo axes values
+ pseudoAxes <- compute geometry detector sample
+ print pseudoAxes
+ -- solve a pseudo axis problem for the given engine
+ let engine = Engine "hkl" [ Parameter "h" 4.0 (Range (-1.0) 1.0)
+ , Parameter "k" 1.0 (Range (-1.0) 1.0)
+ , Parameter "l" 0.3 (Range (-1.0) 1.0)
+ ]
+ (Mode "zaxis" [])
+ print =<< solve geometry detector sample engine
+ -- let from = fromList [0, 0, 1 :: Double]
+ -- let to = fromList [0, 1, 1 :: Double]
+ -- runEffect $ fromToPipe 20 from to
+ -- >-> P.print
+ -- -- solve a trajectory with Pipes
+ -- runEffect $ fromToPipe 10000 from to
+ -- >-> enginesTrajectoryPipe engine
+ -- >-> solveTrajPipe factory geometry detector sample
+ -- >-> P.print
+ -- -- >-> P.drain
+ return ()
+main :: IO ()
+main = testSirius
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/hkl.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/hkl.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e46a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/hkl.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+ Copyright : Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Synchrotron Soleil
+ License : GPL3+
+ Maintainer :
+ Stability : Experimental
+ Portability: GHC only?
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (Vector, Matrix,
+ vecdisp, disps,
+ dispf)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (nano, meter, degree,
+ (*~),
+ (*~~), (/~~))
+import Options.Applicative hiding ((<>))
+import Hkl.Lattice
+import Hkl.Diffractometer
+dispv :: Vector Double -> IO ()
+dispv = putStr . vecdisp (disps 2)
+disp :: Matrix Double -> IO ()
+disp = putStr . dispf 3
+-- command parsing
+data Command
+ = Ca Double Double Double -- ca command
+data Options
+ = Options Command
+withInfo :: Parser a -> String -> ParserInfo a
+withInfo opts desc = info (helper <*> opts) $ progDesc desc
+parseCa :: Parser Command
+parseCa = Ca
+ <$> argument auto (metavar "H")
+ <*> argument auto (metavar "K")
+ <*> argument auto (metavar "L")
+parseCommand :: Parser Command
+parseCommand = subparser $
+ command "ca" (parseCa `withInfo` "compute angles for the given hkl")
+parseOptions :: Parser Options
+parseOptions = Options <$> parseCommand
+-- Actual program logic
+run :: Options -> IO ()
+run (Options cmd) =
+ case cmd of
+ Ca h k l-> do
+ print (solution /~~ degree)
+ dispv (computeHkl e4c solution lattice)
+ disp path
+ where
+ (sol, path) = computeAngles e4c angles lattice mode [h, k, l]
+ s = [30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0]
+ d = [60.0]
+ angles = (s ++ d) *~~ degree
+ solution = fromMode mode sol angles
+ lattice = Cubic (1.54 *~ nano meter)
+ mode = ModeHklE4CConstantPhi
+main :: IO ()
+main = run =<< execParser
+ (parseOptions `withInfo` "Interact with hkl API")
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/hkl3d.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/hkl3d.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..751a617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/hkl3d.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import Hkl.Projects
+{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
+main :: IO ()
+-- main = main_calibration
+-- main = main_diffabs
+main = main_sixs
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/xrd.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/xrd.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ced23c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/xrd.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+module Main where
+import Hkl.Projects
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ -- irdrx
+ -- martinetto'
+ -- melle
+ -- d2am
+ charlier
+ -- laure
+ -- hercules
+ -- hamon
+ -- schlegel
+ -- romeden