path: root/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Poni.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Poni.hs')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Poni.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Poni.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ec7eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/PyFAI/Poni.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.PyFAI.Poni
+ ( Pose(..)
+ -- Poni
+ , Poni
+ , PoniPath
+ , poniP
+ , poniToText
+ -- PoniEntry
+ , PoniEntry
+ , poniEntryFlip
+ , poniEntryFromList
+ , poniEntryRotation
+ , poniEntryTranslation
+ , poniEntryToList
+ , poniEntrySet
+ , poniEntryMove
+ -- other
+ , fromAxisAndAngle
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>), (<*>), (*>), (<*), many, optional, pure)
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser, (<?>), endOfLine, isEndOfLine, many1, double, string, takeTill)
+import Data.Text (Text, append, intercalate, pack)
+import Data.Vector.Storable (Vector, fromList)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (Matrix, (<>), atIndex, fromLists, ident, scalar)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (Angle, Length, (+), (*~), (/~), (/~~), one, meter, radian, degree)
+import Hkl.Detector
+import Hkl.MyMatrix
+import Hkl.PyFAI.Detector
+import Hkl.Types
+#if !MIN_VERSION_hmatrix(0, 17, 0)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (trans)
+tr:: Matrix t -> Matrix t
+tr = trans
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (tr)
+type PoniPath = FilePath
+-- | Pose
+data Pose = Pose (MyMatrix Double) deriving (Show)
+-- | ADetector
+data ADetector = forall a. ADetector (Detector a)
+instance Show ADetector where
+ show (ADetector v) = show v
+instance ToPyFAI ADetector where
+ toPyFAI (ADetector v) = toPyFAI v
+-- | Poni
+data PoniEntry = PoniEntry { poniEntryHeader :: [Text]
+ , poniEntryDetector :: (Maybe ADetector) -- ^ Detector Name
+ , poniEntryPixelSize1 :: (Length Double) -- ^ pixels size 1
+ , poniEntryPixelSize2 :: (Length Double) -- ^ pixels size 1
+ , poniEntryDistance :: (Length Double) -- ^ pixels size 2
+ , poniEntryPoni1 :: (Length Double) -- ^ poni1
+ , poniEntryPoni2 :: (Length Double) -- ^ poni2
+ , poniEntryRot1 :: (Angle Double) -- ^ rot1
+ , poniEntryRot2 :: (Angle Double) -- ^ rot2
+ , poniEntryRot3 :: (Angle Double) -- ^ rot3
+ , poniEntrySpline :: (Maybe Text) -- ^ spline file
+ , poniEntryWavelength :: WaveLength -- ^ wavelength
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+type Poni = [PoniEntry]
+class ToPoni a where
+ toPoni ∷ a → Text
+instance ToPoni ADetector where
+ toPoni (ADetector v) = toPyFAI v
+instance ToPoni Double where
+ toPoni v = pack $ show v
+instance ToPoni Text where
+ toPoni = id
+commentP :: Parser Text
+commentP = "#" *> takeTill isEndOfLine <* endOfLine <?> "commentP"
+headerP :: Parser [Text]
+headerP = many1 commentP <?> "headerP"
+doubleP :: Text -> Parser Double
+doubleP key = string key *> double <* endOfLine <?> "doubleP"
+lengthP :: Text -> Parser (Length Double)
+lengthP key = do
+ value <-doubleP key
+ pure $ value *~ meter
+angleP :: Text -> Parser (Angle Double)
+angleP key = do
+ value <-doubleP key
+ pure $ value *~ radian
+detectorP ∷ ToPyFAI a ⇒ a → Parser a
+detectorP d = do
+ _ ← "Detector: " *> string (toPyFAI d) <* endOfLine
+ pure d
+aDetectorP ∷ Parser ADetector
+aDetectorP = (ADetector <$> detectorP Xpad32) <|> (ADetector <$> detectorP ImXpadS140)
+poniEntryP :: Parser PoniEntry
+poniEntryP = PoniEntry
+ <$> headerP
+ <*> optional aDetectorP
+ <*> lengthP "PixelSize1: "
+ <*> lengthP "PixelSize2: "
+ <*> lengthP "Distance: "
+ <*> lengthP "Poni1: "
+ <*> lengthP "Poni2: "
+ <*> angleP "Rot1: "
+ <*> angleP "Rot2: "
+ <*> angleP "Rot3: "
+ <*> optional ("SplineFile: " *> takeTill isEndOfLine <* endOfLine)
+ <*> lengthP "Wavelength: "
+ <?> "poniEntryP"
+poniP :: Parser Poni
+poniP = many poniEntryP
+poniToText :: Poni -> Text
+poniToText p = Data.Text.intercalate (Data.Text.pack "\n") (map poniEntryToText p)
+poniEntryToText :: PoniEntry -> Text
+poniEntryToText p = intercalate (Data.Text.pack "\n") $
+ map (Data.Text.append "#") (poniEntryHeader p)
+ ++ maybe [] (poniLine "Detector: ") (poniEntryDetector p)
+ ++ poniLine "PixelSize1: " (poniEntryPixelSize1 p /~ meter)
+ ++ poniLine "PixelSize2: " (poniEntryPixelSize2 p /~ meter)
+ ++ poniLine "Distance: " (poniEntryDistance p /~ meter)
+ ++ poniLine "Poni1: " (poniEntryPoni1 p /~ meter)
+ ++ poniLine "Poni2: " (poniEntryPoni2 p /~ meter)
+ ++ poniLine "Rot1: " (poniEntryRot1 p /~ radian)
+ ++ poniLine "Rot2: " (poniEntryRot2 p /~ radian)
+ ++ poniLine "Rot3: " (poniEntryRot3 p /~ radian)
+ ++ maybe [] (poniLine "SplineFile: ") (poniEntrySpline p)
+ ++ poniLine "Wavelength: " (poniEntryWavelength p /~ meter)
+ where
+ poniLine :: ToPoni a ⇒ String → a → [Text]
+ poniLine key v = [Data.Text.append (Data.Text.pack key) (toPoni v)]
+crossprod :: Vector Double -> Matrix Double
+crossprod axis = fromLists [[ 0, -z, y],
+ [ z, 0, -x],
+ [-y, x, 0]]
+ where
+ x = axis `atIndex` 0
+ y = axis `atIndex` 1
+ z = axis `atIndex` 2
+fromAxisAndAngle :: Vector Double -> Angle Double -> Matrix Double
+fromAxisAndAngle axis angle = ident 3 Prelude.+ s * q Prelude.+ c * (q <> q)
+ where
+ c = scalar (1 - cos (angle /~ one))
+ s = scalar (sin (angle /~ one))
+ q = crossprod axis
+poniEntryFlip :: PoniEntry -> PoniEntry
+poniEntryFlip p = p { poniEntryRot3 = new_rot3 }
+ where
+ rot3 = poniEntryRot3 p
+ new_rot3 = rot3 Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude.+ 180 *~ degree
+poniEntryRotation :: PoniEntry -> Matrix Double -- TODO MyMatrix PyFAIB
+poniEntryRotation e = Prelude.foldl (<>) (ident 3) rotations
+ where
+ rot1 = poniEntryRot1 e
+ rot2 = poniEntryRot2 e
+ rot3 = poniEntryRot3 e
+ rotations = (uncurry fromAxisAndAngle)
+ [ (fromList [0, 0, 1], rot3)
+ , (fromList [0, 1, 0], rot2)
+ , (fromList [1, 0, 0], rot1)]
+poniEntryTranslation :: PoniEntry -> Vector Double
+poniEntryTranslation e = fromList ( [ poniEntryPoni1 e
+ , poniEntryPoni2 e
+ , poniEntryDistance e
+ ] /~~ meter )
+poniEntryMove :: MyMatrix Double -> MyMatrix Double -> PoniEntry -> PoniEntry
+poniEntryMove mym1 mym2 e = e { poniEntryRot1 = new_rot1
+ , poniEntryRot2 = new_rot2
+ , poniEntryRot3 = new_rot3
+ }
+ where
+ rot1 = poniEntryRot1 e
+ rot2 = poniEntryRot2 e
+ rot3 = poniEntryRot3 e
+ rotations = (uncurry fromAxisAndAngle)
+ [ (Data.Vector.Storable.fromList [0, 0, 1], rot3)
+ , (Data.Vector.Storable.fromList [0, 1, 0], rot2)
+ , (Data.Vector.Storable.fromList [1, 0, 0], rot1)]
+ -- M1 . R0 = R1
+ r1 = Prelude.foldl (<>) (ident 3) rotations -- pyFAIB
+ -- M2 . R0 = R2
+ -- R2 = M2 . M1.T . R1
+ r2 = Prelude.foldl (<>) m2 [tr m1, r1]
+ (new_rot1, new_rot2, new_rot3) = toEulerians r2
+ (MyMatrix _ m1) = changeBase mym1 PyFAIB
+ (MyMatrix _ m2) = changeBase mym2 PyFAIB
+poniEntrySet ∷ (Length Double) -- ^ distance
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ poni1
+ → (Length Double) -- ^ poni2
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ rot1
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ rot2
+ → (Angle Double) -- ^ rot3
+ → PoniEntry
+ → PoniEntry
+poniEntrySet d p1 p2 r1 r2 r3 p =
+ p { poniEntryDistance = d
+ , poniEntryPoni1 = p1
+ , poniEntryPoni2 = p2
+ , poniEntryRot1 = r1
+ , poniEntryRot2 = r2
+ , poniEntryRot3 = r3
+ }
+poniEntryFromList :: PoniEntry -> [Double] -> PoniEntry
+poniEntryFromList p [rot1, rot2, rot3, poni1, poni2, d] =
+ p { poniEntryDistance = d *~ meter
+ , poniEntryPoni1 = poni1 *~ meter
+ , poniEntryPoni2 = poni2 *~ meter
+ , poniEntryRot1 = rot1 *~ radian
+ , poniEntryRot2 = rot2 *~ radian
+ , poniEntryRot3 = rot3 *~ radian
+ }
+poniEntryFromList _ _ = error "Can not convert to a PoniEntry"
+poniEntryToList :: PoniEntry -> [Double]
+poniEntryToList p = [ poniEntryRot1 p /~ radian
+ , poniEntryRot2 p /~ radian
+ , poniEntryRot3 p /~ radian
+ , poniEntryPoni1 p /~ meter
+ , poniEntryPoni2 p /~ meter
+ , poniEntryDistance p /~ meter
+ ]