path: root/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/OneD.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/OneD.hs')
1 files changed, 667 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/OneD.hs b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/OneD.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3a2ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/haskell/src/Hkl/Xrd/OneD.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+module Hkl.Xrd.OneD
+ ( XrdOneD
+ , XRDRef(..)
+ , XrdRefSource(..)
+ , XRDSample(..)
+ , Threshold(..)
+ , XrdNxs(..)
+ , XrdOneDParams(..)
+ , XrdSource(..)
+ , PoniExt(..)
+ -- reference
+ , getPoseEdf
+ , getPoniExtRef
+ -- integration
+ , integrate
+ , substract
+ -- integrateMulti
+ , integrateMulti
+ , substractMulti
+ -- tools
+ , dummiesForPy
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
+import Control.Concurrent.Async (mapConcurrently)
+import Control.Monad (forM_, forever, void, when, zipWithM_)
+import Control.Monad.Morph (hoist)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT, get, put)
+import Data.Array.Repa (DIM1, ix1, size)
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text (parseOnly)
+import qualified Data.List as List (lookup)
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text (unlines, pack, intercalate)
+import Data.Text.IO (readFile)
+import Data.Vector.Storable (concat, head)
+import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (fromList)
+import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (meter, nano, (/~), (*~))
+import System.Exit ( ExitCode( ExitSuccess ) )
+import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>), dropExtension, replaceExtension, takeFileName, takeDirectory)
+import Text.Printf ( printf )
+import Pipes
+ ( Consumer
+ , Pipe
+ , lift
+ , (>->)
+ , runEffect
+ , await
+ , yield
+ )
+import Pipes.Lift ( evalStateP )
+import Pipes.Prelude ( drain, filter, toListM )
+import Pipes.Safe ( runSafeT )
+import Hkl.C ( Factory ( K6c )
+ , Geometry ( Geometry )
+ , geometryDetectorRotationGet
+ )
+import Hkl.DataSource ( DataItem ( DataItemH5 )
+ , DataSource( DataSourceH5 )
+ , atIndex'
+ )
+import Hkl.Detector ( Detector ( ZeroD ) )
+import Hkl.Edf ( Edf ( Edf )
+ , edfFromFile
+ )
+import Hkl.Flat ( Flat )
+import Hkl.H5 ( lenH5Dataspace )
+import Hkl.PyFAI ( AIMethod, Poni
+ , PoniExt ( PoniExt )
+ , PoniPath
+ , Pose ( Pose )
+ , move
+ , poniP
+ , poniToText
+ )
+import Hkl.Python ( PyVal
+ , toPyVal
+ )
+import Hkl.MyMatrix ( Basis ( HklB )
+ , MyMatrix ( MyMatrix )
+ )
+import Hkl.Nxs ( DataFrameH5 ( DataFrameH5 )
+ , Nxs ( Nxs )
+ , XrdOneD
+ , DataFrameH5Path ( XrdOneDH5Path )
+ , withDataFrameH5
+ )
+import Hkl.Script ( Gnuplot, Py2
+ , Script ( ScriptGnuplot, Py2Script )
+ , run
+ , scriptSave
+ )
+import Hkl.Types ( AbsDirPath, SampleName
+ , Source ( Source )
+ )
+import Hkl.Utils ( hasContent )
+-- | TODO
+-- * When we skip the last frame there is problem.
+-- * Let's add a method in order to customize the movement of the poni.
+-- | Types
+data Threshold = Threshold Int deriving (Show)
+instance PyVal Threshold where
+ toPyVal (Threshold i) = toPyVal i
+data XrdRefSource = XrdRefNxs (Nxs XrdOneD) Int
+ | XrdRefEdf FilePath PoniPath
+ deriving (Show)
+data XRDRef = XRDRef SampleName AbsDirPath XrdRefSource
+ deriving (Show)
+data XrdSource = XrdSourceNxs (Nxs XrdOneD)
+ | XrdSourceEdf [FilePath]
+ deriving (Show)
+data XrdNxs
+ = XrdNxs
+ DIM1 -- bins
+ DIM1 -- bins for the multibins
+ (Maybe Threshold) -- threshold use to remove image Intensity
+ [Int] -- Index of the frames to skip
+ XrdSource -- data source
+ deriving (Show)
+data XRDSample = XRDSample SampleName AbsDirPath [XrdNxs] -- ^ nxss
+ deriving (Show)
+data XrdOneDParams a = XrdOneDParams PoniExt (Maybe (Flat a)) AIMethod
+data DifTomoFrame sh =
+ DifTomoFrame { difTomoFrameNxs :: Nxs XrdOneD-- ^ nexus of the current frame
+ , difTomoFrameIdx :: Int -- ^ index of the current frame
+ , difTomoFrameEOF :: Bool -- ^ is it the eof of the stream
+ , difTomoFrameGeometry :: Geometry -- ^ diffractometer geometry
+ , difTomoFramePoniExt :: PoniExt -- ^ the ref poniext
+ } deriving (Show)
+class Frame t where
+ len :: t -> IO (Maybe Int)
+ row :: t -> Int -> MaybeT IO (DifTomoFrame DIM1)
+instance Frame (DataFrameH5 XrdOneD) where
+ len (DataFrameH5 _ _ _ (DataSourceH5 _ d) _ _) = lenH5Dataspace d
+ row d@(DataFrameH5 nxs' _ g d' w ponigen) idx = do
+ n <- lift $ len d
+ let eof = fromJust n - 1 == idx
+ let mu = 0.0
+ let komega = 0.0
+ let kappa = 0.0
+ let kphi = 0.0
+ gamma <- g `atIndex'` (ix1 0)
+ delta <- d' `atIndex'` (ix1 idx)
+ wavelength <- w `atIndex'` (ix1 0)
+ let source = Source (Data.Vector.Storable.head wavelength *~ nano meter)
+ let positions = Data.Vector.Storable.concat [mu, komega, kappa, kphi, gamma, delta]
+ -- print positions
+ let geometry = Geometry K6c source positions Nothing
+ let detector = ZeroD
+ m <- lift $ geometryDetectorRotationGet geometry detector
+ let pose = Pose (MyMatrix HklB m)
+ poniext <- lift $ ponigen pose idx
+ return $ DifTomoFrame { difTomoFrameNxs = nxs'
+ , difTomoFrameIdx = idx
+ , difTomoFrameEOF = eof
+ , difTomoFrameGeometry = geometry
+ , difTomoFramePoniExt = poniext
+ }
+-- type PipeE e a b m r = EitherT e (Pipe a b m) r
+frames :: (Frame a) => Pipe a (DifTomoFrame DIM1) IO ()
+frames = do
+ d <- await
+ (Just n) <- lift $ len d
+ forM_ [0..n-1] (\i' -> do
+ f <- lift $ runMaybeT $ row d i'
+ when (isJust f) (yield (fromJust f)))
+frames' :: (Frame a) => [Int] -> Pipe a (DifTomoFrame DIM1) IO ()
+frames' is = do
+ d <- await
+ forM_ is (\i' -> do
+ f <- lift $ runMaybeT $ row d i'
+ when (isJust f) (yield (fromJust f)))
+skip :: [Int] -> DifTomoFrame sh -> Bool
+skip is' (DifTomoFrame _ i _ _ _) = notElem i is'
+-- {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
+-- import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy
+-- import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Diagrams
+-- plotPonies :: FilePath -> [PoniEntry] -> IO ()
+-- plotPonies f entries = toFile def f $ do
+-- layout_title .= "Ponies"
+-- setColors [opaque blue]
+-- let values = map extract entries
+-- plot (line "am" [values [0,(0.5)..400]])
+-- -- plot (points "am points" (signal [0,7..400]))
+-- where
+-- extract (PoniEntry _ _ (Length poni1) _ _ _ _ _ _) = poni1
+-- | Usual methods
+dummiesForPy ∷ Maybe Threshold → String
+dummiesForPy mt = unlines [ "# Compute the dummy values for the dynamic mask"
+ , "DUMMY=" ++ dummy
+ , "DELTA_DUMMY=" ++ delta_dummy
+ ]
+ where
+ dummy = maybe "None" (\_ → "4294967296") mt -- TODO the default value depends on the number od bits per pixels.
+ delta_dummy = maybe "None" (\(Threshold t) → show (4294967296 - t)) mt
+getScanDir ∷ AbsDirPath → FilePath → FilePath
+getScanDir o f = o </> (dropExtension . takeFileName) f
+pgen :: AbsDirPath -> FilePath -> Int -> FilePath
+pgen o f i = o </> scandir </> scandir ++ printf "_%02d.poni" i
+ where
+ scandir = (dropExtension . takeFileName) f
+getPoseEdf :: FilePath -> IO Pose
+getPoseEdf f = do
+ edf@(Edf lambda _) <- edfFromFile f
+ let mnes = map Text.pack ["_mu", "_keta", "_kap", "_kphi", "nu", "del"]
+ let source = Source lambda
+ let positions = fromList $ map (extract edf) mnes
+ let geometry = Geometry K6c source positions Nothing
+ let detector = ZeroD
+ m <- geometryDetectorRotationGet geometry detector
+ return $ Pose (MyMatrix HklB m)
+ where
+ extract :: Edf -> Text -> Double
+ extract (Edf _ ms) key = fromMaybe 0.0 (List.lookup key ms)
+poniFromFile :: FilePath -> IO Poni
+poniFromFile filename = do
+ content <- Data.Text.IO.readFile filename
+ return $ case parseOnly poniP content of
+ Left _ -> error $ "Can not parse the " ++ filename ++ " poni file"
+ Right poni -> poni
+getPoniExtRef :: XRDRef -> IO PoniExt
+getPoniExtRef (XRDRef _ output (XrdRefNxs nxs'@(Nxs f _) idx)) = do
+ poniExtRefs <- runSafeT $
+ toListM ( withDataFrameH5 nxs' (gen output f) yield
+ >-> hoist lift ( frames' [idx]))
+ return $ difTomoFramePoniExt (Prelude.last poniExtRefs)
+ where
+ gen :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Pose -> Int -> IO PoniExt
+ gen root nxs'' p idx' = PoniExt
+ <$> poniFromFile (root </> scandir ++ printf "_%02d.poni" idx')
+ <*> pure p
+ where
+ scandir = takeFileName nxs''
+getPoniExtRef (XRDRef _ _ (XrdRefEdf e p)) = PoniExt
+ <$> poniFromFile p
+ <*> getPoseEdf e
+integrate ∷ XrdOneDParams a → [XRDSample] → IO ()
+integrate p ss = void $ mapConcurrently (integrate' p) ss
+integrate' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → IO ()
+integrate' p (XRDSample _ output nxss) = void $ mapConcurrently (integrate'' p output) nxss
+integrate'' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → AbsDirPath → XrdNxs → IO ()
+integrate'' p output (XrdNxs b _ mt is (XrdSourceNxs nxs'@(Nxs f _))) = do
+ print f
+ runSafeT $ runEffect $
+ withDataFrameH5 nxs' (gen p) yield
+ >-> hoist lift (frames
+ >-> Pipes.Prelude.filter (skip is)
+ >-> savePonies (pgen output f)
+ >-> savePy p b mt
+ >-> saveGnuplot
+ >-> drain)
+ where
+ gen :: XrdOneDParams a -> Pose -> Int -> IO PoniExt
+ gen (XrdOneDParams ref' _ _) m _idx = return $ move ref' m
+createPy ∷ XrdOneDParams a → DIM1 → Maybe Threshold → FilePath → DifTomoFrame' sh → (Script Py2, FilePath)
+createPy (XrdOneDParams _ mflat m) b mt scriptPath (DifTomoFrame' f poniPath) = (Py2Script (script, scriptPath), output)
+ where
+ script = Text.unlines $
+ map Text.pack ["#!/bin/env python"
+ , ""
+ , "import numpy"
+ , "from h5py import File"
+ , "from pyFAI import load"
+ , ""
+ , "PONIFILE = " ++ toPyVal poniPath
+ , "NEXUSFILE = " ++ toPyVal nxs'
+ , "IMAGEPATH = " ++ toPyVal i'
+ , "IDX = " ++ toPyVal idx
+ , "N = " ++ toPyVal (size b)
+ , "OUTPUT = " ++ toPyVal output
+ , "WAVELENGTH = " ++ toPyVal (w /~ meter)
+ , ""
+ , "# load the flat"
+ , "flat = " ++ toPyVal mflat
+ , ""
+ , dummiesForPy mt
+ , ""
+ , "ai = load(PONIFILE)"
+ , "ai.wavelength = WAVELENGTH"
+ , "ai._empty = numpy.nan"
+ , ""
+ , "with File(NEXUSFILE, mode='r') as f:"
+ , " img = f[IMAGEPATH][IDX]"
+ , ""
+ , " # Compute the mask"
+ , " mask = numpy.zeros_like(img, dtype=bool)"
+ , " mask[:,550:] = True"
+ , " #mask_module[0:50, :] = True"
+ , " #mask_module[910:960, :] = True"
+ , " #mask_module[:,0:10] = True"
+ , " if flat is not None: # this should be removed for pyFAI >= 0.13.1 it is now done by PyFAI"
+ , " mask = numpy.logical_or(mask, flat == 0.0)"
+ , ""
+ , " ai.integrate1d(img, N, filename=OUTPUT, unit=\"2th_deg\", error_model=\"poisson\", correctSolidAngle=False, method=\"" ++ show m ++ "\", mask=mask, flat=flat, dummy=DUMMY, delta_dummy=DELTA_DUMMY)"
+ ]
+ (Nxs nxs' (XrdOneDH5Path (DataItemH5 i' _) _ _ _)) = difTomoFrameNxs f
+ idx = difTomoFrameIdx f
+ output = poniPath `replaceExtension` "dat"
+ (Geometry _ (Source w) _ _) = difTomoFrameGeometry f
+-- | Pipes
+data DifTomoFrame' sh = DifTomoFrame' { difTomoFrame'DifTomoFrame :: DifTomoFrame sh
+ , difTomoFrame'PoniPath :: FilePath
+ }
+savePonies :: (Int -> FilePath) -> Pipe (DifTomoFrame sh) (DifTomoFrame' sh) IO ()
+savePonies g = forever $ do
+ f <- await
+ let filename = g (difTomoFrameIdx f)
+ let (PoniExt p _) = difTomoFramePoniExt f
+ lift $ filename `hasContent` (poniToText p)
+ yield $ DifTomoFrame' { difTomoFrame'DifTomoFrame = f
+ , difTomoFrame'PoniPath = filename
+ }
+data DifTomoFrame'' sh = DifTomoFrame'' { difTomoFrame''DifTomoFrame' :: DifTomoFrame' sh
+ , difTomoFrame''PySCript :: Script Py2
+ , difTomoFrame''DataPath :: FilePath
+ }
+savePy ∷ XrdOneDParams a → DIM1 → Maybe Threshold → Pipe (DifTomoFrame' sh) (DifTomoFrame'' sh) IO ()
+savePy p b mt = forever $ do
+ f@(DifTomoFrame' _difTomoFrame poniPath) <- await
+ let scriptPath = poniPath `replaceExtension`"py"
+ let (script, dataPath) = createPy p b mt scriptPath f
+ ExitSuccess <- lift $ run script True
+ yield $ DifTomoFrame'' { difTomoFrame''DifTomoFrame' = f
+ , difTomoFrame''PySCript = script
+ , difTomoFrame''DataPath = dataPath
+ }
+data DifTomoFrame''' sh = DifTomoFrame''' { difTomoFrame'''DifTomoFrame'' ∷ DifTomoFrame'' sh
+ , difTomoFrame'''GnuplotScript ∷ Script Gnuplot
+ , difTomoFrame'''Curves ∷ [FilePath]
+ }
+mkGnuplot ∷ [FilePath] → FilePath → Script Gnuplot
+mkGnuplot fs o = ScriptGnuplot (content, o)
+ where
+ content = Text.unlines $
+ ["plot \\"]
+ ++ [Text.intercalate ",\\\n" [ Text.pack (show f ++ " u 1:2 w l") | f <- fs ]]
+ ++ ["pause -1"]
+saveGnuplot' :: Pipe (DifTomoFrame'' sh) (DifTomoFrame''' sh) (StateT [FilePath] IO) r
+saveGnuplot' = forever $ do
+ curves <- lift get
+ f@(DifTomoFrame'' (DifTomoFrame' _ poniPath) _ dataPath) <- await
+ let curves' = curves ++ [dataPath]
+ let script = mkGnuplot curves' (takeDirectory poniPath </> "plot.gnuplot")
+ lift . lift $ scriptSave script
+ lift $ put $! curves'
+ yield $ DifTomoFrame''' { difTomoFrame'''DifTomoFrame'' = f
+ , difTomoFrame'''GnuplotScript = script
+ , difTomoFrame'''Curves = curves'
+ }
+saveGnuplot :: Pipe (DifTomoFrame'' sh) (DifTomoFrame''' sh) IO r
+saveGnuplot = evalStateP [] saveGnuplot'
+-- substract a sample from another one
+substractPy ∷ [FilePath] → [FilePath] → [FilePath] → FilePath → Script Py2
+substractPy fs1 fs2 os scriptPath = Py2Script (content, scriptPath)
+ where
+ content ∷ Text
+ content = Text.unlines $
+ map Text.pack ["#!/bin/env python"
+ , ""
+ , "import numpy"
+ , ""
+ , "S1 = " ++ toPyVal fs1
+ , "S2 = " ++ toPyVal fs2
+ , "OUTPUTS = " ++ toPyVal os
+ , ""
+ , "def substract(f1, f2, o):"
+ , " a1 = numpy.genfromtxt(f1)"
+ , " a2 = numpy.genfromtxt(f2)"
+ , " res = numpy.copy(a2)"
+ , " res[:,1] -= a1[:,1]"
+ , " # TODO deal with the error propagation"
+ , " numpy.savetxt(output, res)"
+ , ""
+ , "for (s1, s2, output) in zip(S1, S2, OUTPUTS):"
+ , " substract(s1, s2, output)"
+ ]
+targetP ∷ (Int → FilePath) → Pipe (DifTomoFrame sh) FilePath IO ()
+targetP g = forever $ do
+ f ← await
+ let poniPath = g (difTomoFrameIdx f)
+ let dataPath = poniPath `replaceExtension` "dat"
+ yield dataPath
+target' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → AbsDirPath → XrdNxs → IO (FilePath, [FilePath])
+target' p output (XrdNxs _ _ _ is (XrdSourceNxs nxs'@(Nxs f _))) = do
+ fs ← runSafeT $ toListM $
+ withDataFrameH5 nxs' (gen p) yield
+ >-> hoist lift (frames
+ >-> Pipes.Prelude.filter (skip is)
+ >-> targetP (pgen output f)
+ )
+ return (getScanDir output f, fs)
+ where
+ gen :: XrdOneDParams a -> Pose -> Int -> IO PoniExt
+ gen (XrdOneDParams ref' _ _) m _idx = return $ move ref' m
+targets ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → IO [(FilePath, [FilePath])]
+targets p (XRDSample _ output nxss) = mapConcurrently (target' p output) nxss
+substract' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → XRDSample → IO ()
+substract' p s1@(XRDSample name _ _) s2 = do
+ -- compute the output of the s1 sample
+ -- we take only the first list of the sample
+ f1s:_ ← targets p s1
+ -- compute the output of the s2 sample
+ f2s ← targets p s2
+ -- do the substraction via a python script and add the gnuplot file
+ _ ← mapConcurrently (go f1s) f2s
+ return ()
+ where
+ go ∷ (FilePath, [FilePath]) → (FilePath, [FilePath]) → IO ()
+ go (_, f1) (d, f2) = do
+ -- compute the substracted output file names take into account
+ -- that f1 and f2 could have different length
+ let outputs = [dropExtension f ++ "-" ++ name <.> "dat" | (_, f) ← zip f1 f2]
+ -- compute the script name
+ let scriptPath = d </> ""
+ let script = substractPy f1 f2 outputs scriptPath
+ ExitSuccess ← run script False
+ -- gnuplot
+ let gnuplotPath = d </> "substract.gnuplot"
+ scriptSave $ mkGnuplot outputs gnuplotPath
+ return ()
+substract ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → [XRDSample] → IO ()
+substract p s ss = mapM_ (substract' p s) ss
+-- | PyFAI MultiGeometry
+integrateMulti ∷ XrdOneDParams a → [XRDSample] → IO ()
+integrateMulti p samples = mapM_ (integrateMulti' p) samples
+integrateMulti' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → IO ()
+integrateMulti' p (XRDSample _ output nxss) = mapM_ (integrateMulti'' p output) nxss
+integrateMulti'' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → AbsDirPath → XrdNxs → IO ()
+integrateMulti'' p output (XrdNxs _ mb mt is (XrdSourceNxs nxs'@(Nxs f _))) = do
+ print f
+ runSafeT $ runEffect $
+ withDataFrameH5 nxs' (gen p) yield
+ >-> hoist lift (frames
+ >-> Pipes.Prelude.filter (skip is)
+ >-> savePonies (pgen output f)
+ >-> saveMultiGeometry p mb mt)
+ where
+ gen :: XrdOneDParams a -> Pose -> Int -> IO PoniExt
+ gen (XrdOneDParams ref' _ _) m _idx = return $ move ref' m
+integrateMulti'' p output (XrdNxs b _ mt _ (XrdSourceEdf fs)) = do
+ -- generate all the ponies
+ zipWithM_ (go p) fs ponies
+ -- generate the python script
+ let scriptPath = output </> ""
+ let (script, _) = createMultiPyEdf p b mt fs ponies scriptPath (output </> "multi.dat")
+ scriptSave script
+ where
+ ponies = [output </> (dropExtension . takeFileName) f ++ ".poni" | f <- fs]
+ go ∷ XrdOneDParams a → FilePath → FilePath → IO ()
+ go (XrdOneDParams ref _ _) f o = do
+ m <- getPoseEdf f
+ let (PoniExt p' _) = move ref m
+ o `hasContent` (poniToText p')
+createMultiPy ∷ XrdOneDParams a → DIM1 → Maybe Threshold → FilePath → DifTomoFrame' sh → [(Int, FilePath)] → (Script Py2, FilePath)
+createMultiPy (XrdOneDParams _ mflat _) b mt scriptPath (DifTomoFrame' f _) idxPonies = (Py2Script (content, scriptPath), output)
+ where
+ content = Text.unlines $
+ map Text.pack ["#!/bin/env python"
+ , ""
+ , "import numpy"
+ , "from h5py import File"
+ , "from pyFAI.multi_geometry import MultiGeometry"
+ , ""
+ , "NEXUSFILE = " ++ toPyVal nxs'
+ , "IMAGEPATH = " ++ toPyVal i'
+ , "BINS = " ++ toPyVal (size b)
+ , "OUTPUT = " ++ toPyVal output
+ , "WAVELENGTH = " ++ toPyVal (w /~ meter)
+ , "THRESHOLD = " ++ toPyVal mt
+ , ""
+ , "# load the flat"
+ , "flat = " ++ toPyVal mflat
+ , ""
+ , "# Load all images"
+ , "PONIES = " ++ toPyVal ponies
+ , "IDXS = " ++ toPyVal idxs
+ , ""
+ , "# Read all the images"
+ , "imgs = []"
+ , "with File(NEXUSFILE, mode='r') as f:"
+ , " for idx in IDXS:"
+ , " imgs.append(f[IMAGEPATH][idx])"
+ , ""
+ , "# Compute the mask"
+ , "mask = numpy.zeros_like(imgs[0], dtype=bool)"
+ , "mask[:,550:] = True"
+ , "if flat is not None: # this should be removed for pyFAI >= 0.13.1 it is now done by PyFAI"
+ , " mask = numpy.logical_or(mask, flat == 0.0)"
+ , "lst_mask = []"
+ , "for img in imgs: # remove all pixels above the threshold"
+ , " if THRESHOLD is not None:"
+ , " mask_t = numpy.where(img > THRESHOLD, True, False)"
+ , " lst_mask.append(numpy.logical_or(mask, mask_t))"
+ , " else:"
+ , " lst_mask.append(mask)"
+ , ""
+ , "# Integration multi-geometry 1D"
+ , "mg = MultiGeometry(PONIES, unit=\"2th_deg\", radial_range=(0,80))"
+ , "p = mg.integrate1d(imgs, BINS, lst_mask=lst_mask, lst_flat=flat)"
+ , ""
+ , "# Save the datas"
+ , "numpy.savetxt(OUTPUT, numpy.array(p).T)"
+ ]
+ (Nxs nxs' (XrdOneDH5Path (DataItemH5 i' _) _ _ _)) = difTomoFrameNxs f
+ output = "multi.dat"
+ (Geometry _ (Source w) _ _) = difTomoFrameGeometry f
+ (idxs, ponies) = unzip idxPonies
+createMultiPyEdf ∷ XrdOneDParams a → DIM1 → Maybe Threshold → [FilePath] → [FilePath] → FilePath → FilePath → (Script Py2, FilePath)
+createMultiPyEdf (XrdOneDParams _ mflat _) b mt edfs ponies scriptPath output = (Py2Script (content, scriptPath), output)
+ where
+ content = Text.unlines $
+ map Text.pack ["#!/bin/env python"
+ , ""
+ , "import numpy"
+ , "from fabio import open"
+ , "from pyFAI.multi_geometry import MultiGeometry"
+ , ""
+ , "EDFS = " ++ toPyVal edfs
+ , "PONIES = " ++ toPyVal ponies
+ , "BINS = " ++ toPyVal (size b)
+ , "OUTPUT = " ++ toPyVal output
+ , "THRESHOLD = " ++ toPyVal mt
+ , ""
+ , "# load the flat"
+ , "flat = " ++ toPyVal mflat
+ , ""
+ , "# Read all the images"
+ , "imgs = [open(edf).data for edf in EDFS]"
+ , ""
+ , "# Compute the mask"
+ , "mask = numpy.zeros_like(imgs[0], dtype=bool)"
+ , "if THRESHOLD is not None:"
+ , " for img in imgs:"
+ , " mask_t = numpy.where(img > THRESHOLD, True, False)"
+ , " mask = numpy.logical_or(mask, mask_t)"
+ , ""
+ , "# Integration multi-geometry 1D"
+ , "mg = MultiGeometry(PONIES, unit=\"2th_deg\", radial_range=(0,80))"
+ , "p = mg.integrate1d(imgs, BINS, lst_mask=mask)"
+ , ""
+ , "# Save the datas"
+ , "numpy.savetxt(OUTPUT, numpy.array(p).T)"
+ ]
+saveMulti' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → DIM1 → Maybe Threshold → Consumer (DifTomoFrame' sh) (StateT [(Int, FilePath)] IO) r
+saveMulti' p b mt = forever $ do
+ idxPonies <- lift get
+ f'@(DifTomoFrame' f@(DifTomoFrame _ idx _ _ _) poniPath) <- await
+ let directory = takeDirectory poniPath
+ let filename = directory </> ""
+ let (script, _) = createMultiPy p b mt filename f' idxPonies
+ ExitSuccess ← lift . lift $ if (difTomoFrameEOF f) then (run script True) else return ExitSuccess
+ lift $ put $! (idxPonies ++ [(idx, poniPath)])
+saveMultiGeometry ∷ XrdOneDParams a → DIM1 → Maybe Threshold → Consumer (DifTomoFrame' sh) IO r
+saveMultiGeometry p b mt = evalStateP [] (saveMulti' p b mt)
+-- substract a sample from another one
+targetMulti' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → AbsDirPath → XrdNxs → (FilePath, FilePath)
+targetMulti' _ output (XrdNxs _ _ _ _ (XrdSourceNxs (Nxs f _))) = (d, o)
+ where
+ d = getScanDir output f
+ o = d </> "multi.dat"
+targetMulti ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → [(FilePath, FilePath)]
+targetMulti p (XRDSample _ output nxss) = map (targetMulti' p output) nxss
+substractMulti' ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → XRDSample → IO ()
+substractMulti' p s1@(XRDSample name _ _) s2 = do
+ -- compute the output of the s1 sample
+ -- we take only the first list of the sample
+ let f1s:_ = targetMulti p s1
+ -- compute the output of the s2 sample
+ let f2s = targetMulti p s2
+ -- do the substraction via a python script and add the gnuplot file
+ _ ← mapConcurrently (go f1s) f2s
+ return ()
+ where
+ go ∷ (FilePath, FilePath) → (FilePath, FilePath) → IO ()
+ go (_, f1) (d, f2) = do
+ -- compute the substracted output file names
+ let outputs = dropExtension f2 ++ "-" ++ name <.> "dat"
+ -- compute the script name
+ let scriptPath = d </> ""
+ let script = substractPy [f1] [f2] [outputs] scriptPath
+ ExitSuccess ← run script False
+ -- gnuplot
+ let gnuplotPath = d </> "multi-substract.gnuplot"
+ scriptSave $ mkGnuplot [outputs] gnuplotPath
+ return ()
+substractMulti ∷ XrdOneDParams a → XRDSample → [XRDSample] → IO ()
+substractMulti p s ss = mapM_ (substractMulti' p s) ss