path: root/lib/utilities/asciichart.tcl
diff options
authorAndrej Shadura <>2018-05-08 15:59:29 +0200
committerAndrej Shadura <>2018-05-08 15:59:29 +0200
commit5b8466f7fae0e071c0f4eda13051c93313910028 (patch)
tree7061957f770e5e245ba00666dad912a2d44e7fdc /lib/utilities/asciichart.tcl
Import Upstream version 1.3.7
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/utilities/asciichart.tcl')
1 files changed, 752 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/utilities/asciichart.tcl b/lib/utilities/asciichart.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..01ac86e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/utilities/asciichart.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,752 @@
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Interactive ASCII chart
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class AsciiChart {
+ common count 0 ;# Int: Counter of object instances
+ common ASCII_TABLE ;# Array of List: ASCII table
+ array set ASCII_TABLE {
+ 0 {NUL ^@ \\0 {Null character}}
+ 1 {SOH ^A {} {Start of Header}}
+ 2 {STX ^B {} {Start of Text}}
+ 3 {ETX ^C {} {End of Text}}
+ 4 {EOT ^D {} {End of Transmission}}
+ 5 {ENQ ^E {} {Enquiry}}
+ 6 {ACK ^F {} {Acknowledgment}}
+ 7 {BEL ^G \\a {Bell}}
+ 8 {BS ^H \\b {Backspace}}
+ 9 {HT ^I \\t {Horizontal Tab}}
+ 10 {LF ^J \\n {Line feed}}
+ 11 {VT ^K \\v {Vertical Tab}}
+ 12 {FF ^L \\f {Form feed}}
+ 13 {CR ^M \\r {Carriage return}}
+ 14 {SO ^N {} {Shift Out}}
+ 15 {SI ^O {} {Shift In}}
+ 16 {DLE ^P {} {Data Link Escape}}
+ 17 {DC1 ^Q {} {Device Control 1 (oft. XON)}}
+ 18 {DC2 ^R {} {Device Control 2}}
+ 19 {DC3 ^S {} {Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF)}}
+ 20 {DC4 ^T {} {Device Control 4}}
+ 21 {NAK ^U {} {Negative Acknowledgement}}
+ 22 {SYN ^V {} {Synchronous Idle}}
+ 23 {ETB ^W {} {End of Trans. Block}}
+ 24 {CAN ^X {} {Cancel}}
+ 25 {EM ^Y {} {End of Medium}}
+ 26 {SUB ^Z {} {Substitute}}
+ 27 {ESC ^[ \\e {Escape}}
+ 28 {FS ^\\ {} {File Separator}}
+ 29 {GS ^] {} {Group Separator}}
+ 30 {RS ^^ {} {Record Separator}}
+ 31 {US ^_ {} {Unit Separator}}
+ 127 {DEL ^? {} {Delete}}
+ 32 {{ }} 33 ! 34 \\\" 35 #
+ 36 $ 37 % 38 & 39 '
+ 40 ( 41 ) 42 * 43 +
+ 44 , 45 - 46 . 47 /
+ 48 0 49 1 50 2 51 3
+ 52 4 53 5 54 6 55 7
+ 56 8 57 9 58 : 59 ;
+ 60 < 61 = 62 > 63 ?
+ 64 @ 65 A 66 B 67 C
+ 68 D 69 E 70 F 71 G
+ 72 H 73 I 74 J 75 K
+ 76 L 77 M 78 N 79 O
+ 80 P 81 Q 82 R 83 S
+ 84 T 85 U 86 V 87 W
+ 88 X 89 Y 90 Z 91 [
+ 92 \\ 93 ] 94 ^ 95 _
+ 96 ` 97 a 98 b 99 c
+ 100 d 101 e 102 f 103 g
+ 104 h 105 i 106 j 107 k
+ 108 l 109 m 110 n 111 o
+ 112 p 113 q 114 r 115 s
+ 116 t 117 u 118 v 119 w
+ 120 x 121 y 122 z 123 \\\{
+ 124 | 125 \\\} 126 ~
+ }
+ private variable obj_idx ;# Int: Object index (for entrybox textvariables)
+ private variable selected_cell -1 ;# Int: Currently selected cell
+ private variable validation_ena 1 ;# Bool: EntryBox validation enabled
+ private variable win ;# Widget: Dialog window
+ private variable window_visible 0 ;# Bool: Visibility flag
+ private variable cells ;# Array of Widget: Chart cell frames
+ private variable vh_cells ;# Array of Widget: Vertical headers
+ private variable hh_cells ;# Array of Widget: Horizontal headers
+ private variable status_bar_lbl ;# Widget: Status bar
+ private variable char_ent ;# Widget: Entrybox "Character:"
+ private variable hex_addr_ent ;# Widget: Entrybox "Hexadecimal address:"
+ private variable dec_addr_ent ;# Widget: Entrybox "Decimal address:"
+ private variable oct_addr_ent ;# Widget: Entrybox "Octal address:"
+ private variable bin_addr_ent ;# Widget: Entrybox "Binary address:"
+ private variable caret_not_ent ;# Widget: Entrybox "Caret notation:"
+ private variable escape_seq_ent ;# Widget: Entrybox "C escape sequence:"
+ constructor {} {
+ # Configure local ttk styles
+ ttk::style configure AsciiChart_BlueFg.TEntry -foreground {#0000DD}
+ ttk::style configure AsciiChart_RedFg.TEntry -foreground {#DD0000}
+ # Create dialog window
+ set window_visible 1
+ set win [toplevel .asciichart$count -class {ASCII chart} -bg {#EEEEEE}]
+ set obj_idx $count
+ incr count
+ # Create dialog GUI
+ create_gui
+ # Set window event bindings
+ bind $win <Control-Key-q> "::itcl::delete object $this; break"
+ bindtags $win [list $win Toplevel all .]
+ # Set window parameters
+ wm iconphoto $win ::ICONS::16::math_matrix
+ wm title $win "ASCII chart - MCU 8051 IDE"
+ wm resizable $win 0 0
+ wm protocol $win WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$this close_window"
+ }
+ destructor {
+ destroy $win
+ }
+ ## Determinate wheather the window is visble or not
+ # @return Bool - Visibility flag
+ public method is_visible {} {
+ return $window_visible
+ }
+ ## Close dialog window, but keep object
+ # @return void
+ public method close_window {} {
+ set window_visible 0
+ wm withdraw $win
+ }
+ ## Restore dialog window
+ # @return void
+ public method restore_window {} {
+ set window_visible 1
+ wm deiconify $win
+ raise $win .
+ }
+ ## Raise dialog window (insure than it is visible)
+ # @return void
+ public method raise_window {} {
+ if {!$window_visible} {return}
+ raise $win .
+ }
+ ## Create window GUI
+ # @return void
+ private method create_gui {} {
+ # Create bottom frame
+ set bottom_frame [frame $win.bottom_frame]
+ set status_bar_lbl [label $bottom_frame.status_bar_lbl -justify left -anchor w]
+ pack $status_bar_lbl -side left -fill x -in $bottom_frame
+ pack [ttk::button $bottom_frame.close_but \
+ -text "Exit" \
+ -command "$this close_window" \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::exit \
+ ] -side right -padx 5 -pady 5
+ ## Create main frame
+ set main_frame [frame $win.main_frame -bg {#DDDDDD}]
+ # Create vertical header
+ grid [frame $main_frame.top_right_lbl -bg {#EEEEEE}] -sticky wens -row 0 -column 0
+ set header [list {} \
+ {0x0_} {0x1_} {0x2_} {0x3_} \
+ {0x4_} {0x5_} {0x6_} {0x7_} \
+ ]
+ for {set y 1} {$y < 9} {incr y} {
+ grid [label $main_frame.vh_lbl$y -text [lindex $header $y] -bg {#FFFFFF}] \
+ -row $y -column 0 -pady [expr {$y % 2}] -sticky ns
+ set vh_cells([expr {$y - 1}]) $main_frame.vh_lbl$y
+ }
+ # Create horizontal header
+ set header [list {} \
+ {0x_0} {0x_1} {0x_2} {0x_3} \
+ {0x_4} {0x_5} {0x_6} {0x_7} \
+ {0x_8} {0x_9} {0x_A} {0x_B} \
+ {0x_C} {0x_D} {0x_E} {0x_F} \
+ ]
+ for {set x 1} {$x < 17} {incr x} {
+ grid [label $main_frame.hh_lbl$x -text [lindex $header $x] -bg {#FFFFFF}] \
+ -row 0 -column $x -padx [expr {$x % 2}] -sticky we
+ set hh_cells([expr {$x - 1}]) $main_frame.hh_lbl$x
+ }
+ # Create ASCII chart matrix
+ set hex_addr 0
+ set address 0
+ for {set y 1} {$y < 9} {incr y} {
+ for {set x 1} {$x < 17} {incr x} {
+ # Create cell frame
+ set frame [frame $main_frame.cell_$address \
+ -bg white -bd 0 \
+ ]
+ # Determinate hexadecimal address
+ set hex_addr [format %X $address]
+ if {$address < 16} {
+ set hex_addr "0$hex_addr"
+ }
+ set hex_addr "0x$hex_addr"
+ # Determinate character in the chart and color for it
+ set val [lindex $ASCII_TABLE($address) 0]
+ if {[string length $val] > 1} {
+ set foreground {#DD0000}
+ } {
+ set foreground {#0000DD}
+ }
+ # Create label containing character name
+ pack [label $frame.char_lbl -pady 0 \
+ -fg $foreground -bg white -text $val \
+ ]
+ # Create label containing character address
+ pack [label $frame.val_lbl \
+ -fg {#00DD00} -text $hex_addr \
+ -bg white -pady 0 \
+ ]
+ grid $frame -row $y -column $x -padx [expr {$x % 2}] -pady [expr {$y % 2}] -sticky we
+ set cells($address) $frame
+ foreach wdg [list $frame $frame.val_lbl $frame.char_lbl] {
+ bind $wdg <Enter> "$this cell_enter $address"
+ bind $wdg <Leave> "$this cell_leave $address"
+ bind $wdg <Button-1> "$this cell_click $address"
+ }
+ incr address
+ }
+ }
+ # Show ASCII chart
+ pack $main_frame -pady 5 -side top
+ ## Create details frame (character details)
+ # Create labelframe
+ set details_frame_header_frm [frame $win.details_frame_header_frm]
+ pack [label $details_frame_header_frm.lbl -text "Character: "] -side left
+ set char_ent [ttk::entry $details_frame_header_frm.ent \
+ -validatecommand "$this char_ent_validator %P" \
+ -width 4 \
+ -validate key \
+ ]
+ pack $char_ent -side left
+ set details_frame [ttk::labelframe $win.details_frame \
+ -labelwidget $details_frame_header_frm \
+ -padding 10 \
+ ]
+ # Entryboxes: HEX and DEC
+ grid [label $details_frame.hex_addr_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Hex address"] \
+ ] -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w
+ grid [label $details_frame.dec_addr_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Dec address"] \
+ ] -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w
+ set hex_addr_ent [ttk::entry $details_frame.hex_addr_ent \
+ -validatecommand "$this addr_ent_validator H %P" \
+ -validate key \
+ -width 3 \
+ ]
+ set dec_addr_ent [ttk::entry $details_frame.dec_addr_ent \
+ -validatecommand "$this addr_ent_validator D %P" \
+ -validate key \
+ -width 3 \
+ ]
+ grid $hex_addr_ent -row 0 -column 2 -sticky w
+ grid $dec_addr_ent -row 1 -column 2 -sticky w
+ # Entryboxes: OCT and BIN
+ grid [label $details_frame.oct_addr_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Oct address"] \
+ ] -row 0 -column 4 -sticky w
+ grid [label $details_frame.bin_addr_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Bin address"] \
+ ] -row 1 -column 4 -sticky w
+ set oct_addr_ent [ttk::entry $details_frame.oct_addr_ent \
+ -validate key \
+ -width 3 \
+ -validatecommand "$this addr_ent_validator O %P" \
+ ]
+ set bin_addr_ent [ttk::entry $details_frame.bin_addr_ent \
+ -validate key \
+ -width 8 \
+ -validatecommand "$this addr_ent_validator B %P" \
+ ]
+ grid $oct_addr_ent -row 0 -column 6 -sticky w
+ grid $bin_addr_ent -row 1 -column 6 -sticky w
+ # Entryboxes: "Caret notation" and "C Escape Code"
+ grid [label $details_frame.caret_not_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Caret notation"] \
+ ] -row 0 -column 8 -sticky w
+ grid [label $details_frame.escape_seq_lbl \
+ -text [mc "C Escape Code"] \
+ ] -row 1 -column 8 -sticky w
+ set caret_not_ent [ttk::entry $details_frame.caret_not_ent \
+ -validate key \
+ -width 3 \
+ -validatecommand "$this more_detail_ent_validator C %P" \
+ ]
+ set escape_seq_ent [ttk::entry $details_frame.escape_seq_ent \
+ -validate key \
+ -width 3 \
+ -validatecommand "$this more_detail_ent_validator E %P" \
+ ]
+ grid $caret_not_ent -row 0 -column 10 -sticky w
+ grid $escape_seq_ent -row 1 -column 10 -sticky w
+ # Create copy buttons (copy entrybox contents to clipboard)
+ foreach type {H D O B C E} \
+ row {0 1 0 1 0 1} \
+ col {1 1 5 5 9 9} \
+ {
+ grid [ttk::button $details_frame.copy_${type}_but \
+ -command "$this copy_contents ${type}" \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::editcopy \
+ -style Flat.TButton \
+ ] -row $row -column $col -sticky w -padx 3
+ DynamicHelp::add $details_frame.copy_${type}_but \
+ -text [mc "%s - Copy contents of entrybox to clipboard" $type]
+ bind $details_frame.copy_${type}_but <Enter> \
+ "$status_bar_lbl configure -text {[mc {Copy to clipboard}]}"
+ bind $details_frame.copy_${type}_but <Leave> \
+ "$status_bar_lbl configure -text {}"
+ }
+ # Configure event bindings for entryboxes
+ foreach widget [list \
+ $char_ent $hex_addr_ent $dec_addr_ent $oct_addr_ent \
+ $bin_addr_ent $caret_not_ent $escape_seq_ent \
+ ] {
+ bindtags $widget [list $widget TEntry $win all .]
+ }
+ # Configure details frame
+ grid columnconfigure $details_frame 3 -minsize 20
+ grid columnconfigure $details_frame 7 -minsize 20
+ grid columnconfigure $details_frame 11 -weight 1
+ # Finalize ...
+ pack $details_frame -padx 5 -anchor w -fill x
+ pack $bottom_frame -fill x
+ focus -force $char_ent
+ }
+ ## Set background color for certain cell in ASCII chart matrix
+ # @parm Int address - Cell address
+ # @parm Color color - New background color
+ # @return void
+ private method sel_bg_color {address color} {
+ $cells($address) configure -bg $color
+ $cells($address).char_lbl configure -bg $color
+ $cells($address).val_lbl configure -bg $color
+ $hh_cells([expr {$address & 0x0F}]) configure -bg $color
+ $vh_cells([expr {($address & 0xF0) >> 4}]) configure -bg $color
+ }
+ ## Handles event when mouse pointer enters certain cell in the ASCII chart
+ # @parm Int address - Cell address
+ # @return void
+ public method cell_enter {address} {
+ $status_bar_lbl configure -text [lindex $ASCII_TABLE($address) 3]
+ if {$selected_cell == $address} {
+ return
+ }
+ sel_bg_color $address {#DDFFDD}
+ }
+ ## Handles event when mouse pointer leaves certain cell in the ASCII chart
+ # @parm Int address - Cell address
+ # @return void
+ public method cell_leave {address} {
+ if {$selected_cell == $address} {
+ return
+ }
+ sel_bg_color $address {#FFFFFF}
+ $status_bar_lbl configure -text {}
+ if {$selected_cell != -1} {
+ $hh_cells([expr {$selected_cell & 0x0F}]) configure -bg {#BBBBFF}
+ $vh_cells([expr {($selected_cell & 0xF0) >> 4}]) configure -bg {#BBBBFF}
+ }
+ }
+ ## Handles event when clicks on certain cell in the ASCII chart
+ # @parm Int address - Cell address
+ # @return void
+ public method cell_click {address} {
+ if {$selected_cell == $address} {
+ unselect_current_cell 1 1
+ set selected_cell -1
+ return
+ }
+ select_cell $address
+ if {$selected_cell != -1} {
+ fill_entryboxes $address {}
+ }
+ }
+ ## Copy contents of certain entrybox to clipboard
+ # @parm Char type - Entrybox ID
+ # H - Hexadecimal address
+ # D - Decimal address
+ # O - Octal address
+ # B - Binary address
+ # C - Caret notation
+ # E - C escape sequence
+ # @return void
+ public method copy_contents {type} {
+ switch -- $type {
+ {H} {set widget $hex_addr_ent}
+ {D} {set widget $dec_addr_ent}
+ {O} {set widget $oct_addr_ent}
+ {B} {set widget $bin_addr_ent}
+ {C} {set widget $caret_not_ent}
+ {E} {set widget $escape_seq_ent}
+ }
+ clipboard clear
+ clipboard append [$widget get]
+ }
+ ## Select specified cell in ASCII chart (mark as selected and adjust details frame)
+ # @parm Int address - Cell address
+ # @return void
+ private method select_cell {address} {
+ if {$selected_cell != -1} {
+ unselect_current_cell 0 0
+ }
+ set selected_cell $address
+ sel_bg_color $address {#BBBBFF}
+ }
+ ## Unselect specified cell in ASCII chart (mark as normal and clear details frame)
+ # @parm Bool keep_current - Mark cell as a cell under mouse pointer (light green bg. color)
+ # @parm Bool affect_entryboxes - Clear entryboxes in details frame
+ # @return void
+ private method unselect_current_cell {keep_current affect_entryboxes} {
+ if {$selected_cell == -1} {
+ return
+ }
+ # Set new background color
+ if {$keep_current} {
+ sel_bg_color $selected_cell {#DDFFDD}
+ } {
+ sel_bg_color $selected_cell {#FFFFFF}
+ }
+ # Clear entryboxes in details frame
+ if {$affect_entryboxes} {
+ set validation_ena 0
+ foreach widget [list \
+ $char_ent $hex_addr_ent $dec_addr_ent $oct_addr_ent \
+ $bin_addr_ent $caret_not_ent $escape_seq_ent \
+ ] {
+ $widget delete 0 end
+ $widget configure -style TEntry
+ }
+ $char_ent configure -style TEntry
+ set validation_ena 1
+ }
+ }
+ ## Clear entryboxes in details frame
+ # @parm Char type - Entrybox to exclude
+ # M - Character
+ # H - Hexadecimal address
+ # D - Decimal address
+ # O - Octal address
+ # B - Binary address
+ # C - Caret notation
+ # E - C escape sequence
+ # @return void
+ private method clear_entryboxes {type} {
+ set validation_ena 0
+ foreach entry_type {M H D O B C E} \
+ entry_widget [list \
+ $char_ent $hex_addr_ent $dec_addr_ent $oct_addr_ent \
+ $bin_addr_ent $caret_not_ent $escape_seq_ent \
+ ] \
+ {
+ if {$type == $entry_type} {
+ continue
+ }
+ $entry_widget delete 0 end
+ $entry_widget configure -style TEntry
+ }
+ set validation_ena 1
+ }
+ ## Show details for character in specified address
+ # @parm Int address - Cell address
+ # @parm Char type - Entrybox to exclude
+ # M - Character
+ # H - Hexadecimal address
+ # D - Decimal address
+ # O - Octal address
+ # B - Binary address
+ # C - Caret notation
+ # E - C escape sequence
+ # @return void
+ private method fill_entryboxes {address type} {
+ clear_entryboxes $type
+ set validation_ena 0
+ # Character
+ if {$type != {M}} {
+ set value [lindex $ASCII_TABLE($address) 0]
+ $char_ent insert insert $value
+ if {[string length $value] > 1} {
+ $char_ent configure -style AsciiChart_RedFg.TEntry
+ } {
+ $char_ent configure -style AsciiChart_BlueFg.TEntry
+ }
+ }
+ # Hexadecimal address
+ if {$type != {H}} {
+ set value [format %X $address]
+ if {$address < 16} {
+ set value "0$value"
+ }
+ $hex_addr_ent insert insert $value
+ }
+ # Decimal address
+ if {$type != {D}} {
+ $dec_addr_ent insert insert $address
+ }
+ # Octal address
+ if {$type != {O}} {
+ $oct_addr_ent insert insert [::NumSystem::dec2oct $address]
+ }
+ # Binary address
+ if {$type != {B}} {
+ set value [::NumSystem::dec2bin $address]
+ set len [string length $value]
+ if {$len < 8} {
+ set value "[string repeat 0 [expr {8 - $len}]]$value"
+ }
+ $bin_addr_ent insert insert $value
+ }
+ # Caret notation
+ if {$type != {C}} {
+ $caret_not_ent insert insert [lindex $ASCII_TABLE($address) 1]
+ }
+ # C escape sequence
+ if {$type != {E}} {
+ $escape_seq_ent insert insert [lindex $ASCII_TABLE($address) 2]
+ }
+ set validation_ena 1
+ }
+ ## Validator for entrybox "Character"
+ # @parm String string - New entrybox contents
+ # @return Bool - Allways 1
+ public method char_ent_validator {string} {
+ if {!$validation_ena} {return 1}
+ set validation_ena 0
+ ## Validate input string
+ set length [string length $string]
+ if {!$length} {
+ $char_ent configure -style TEntry
+ clear_entryboxes M
+ unselect_current_cell 0 0
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 1
+ }
+ if {$length > 3} {
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 0
+ }
+ # Search for the given character in the ASCII chart
+ if {$length > 1} {
+ set string [string toupper $string]
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 128} {incr i} {
+ if {![string compare [lindex $ASCII_TABLE($i) 0] $string]} {
+ select_cell $i
+ fill_entryboxes $i M
+ if {$length > 1} {
+ $char_ent configure -style AsciiChart_RedFg.TEntry
+ } {
+ $char_ent configure -style AsciiChart_BlueFg.TEntry
+ }
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ # Character not found
+ clear_entryboxes M
+ unselect_current_cell 0 0
+ $char_ent configure -style StringNotFound.TEntry
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Validator for entryboxes "Hex","Dec","Oct" and "Bin"
+ # @parm Char type - Source entry box
+ # H - Hexadecimal address
+ # D - Decimal address
+ # O - Octal address
+ # B - Binary address
+ # @parm String string - New entrybox contents
+ # @return Bool - Allways 1
+ public method addr_ent_validator {type string} {
+ if {!$validation_ena} {return 1}
+ set validation_ena 0
+ switch -- $type {
+ H {set widget $hex_addr_ent}
+ D {set widget $dec_addr_ent}
+ O {set widget $oct_addr_ent}
+ B {set widget $bin_addr_ent}
+ }
+ # Empty input string
+ set length [string length $string]
+ if {!$length} {
+ $widget configure -bg {#FFFFFF}
+ clear_entryboxes $type
+ unselect_current_cell 0 0
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 1
+ }
+ # Validate input string and convert it into integer
+ switch -- $type {
+ H { ;# Hexadecimal
+ if {$length > 2 || ![string is xdigit -strict $string]} {
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 0
+ }
+ set string [expr "0x$string"]
+ }
+ D { ;# Decimal
+ if {$length > 3 || ![string is digit -strict $string]} {
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ O { ;# Octal
+ if {$length > 3 || ![regexp {^[0-7]+$} $string]} {
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 0
+ }
+ set string [expr "0$string"]
+ }
+ B { ;# Binary
+ if {$length > 8 || ![regexp {^[01]+$} $string]} {
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 0
+ }
+ set string [::NumSystem::bin2dec $string]
+ }
+ }
+ set string [string trimleft $string 0]
+ if {$string == {}} {
+ set string 0
+ }
+ # Check value range
+ if {$string > 127 || $string < 0} {
+ clear_entryboxes $type
+ unselect_current_cell 0 0
+ $widget configure -bg {#FFDDDD}
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 1
+ }
+ # Adjust GUI (ACII chart and details frame)
+ select_cell $string
+ fill_entryboxes $string $type
+ $widget configure -bg {#DDFFDD}
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Validator for entryboxes "Caret notation" and "C escape sequence"
+ # @parm Char type - Source entry box
+ # C - Caret notation
+ # E - C escape sequence
+ # @parm String string - New entrybox contents
+ # @return Bool - Allways 1
+ public method more_detail_ent_validator {type string} {
+ if {!$validation_ena} {return 1}
+ set validation_ena 0
+ # Dterminate widget object and index in ASCII chart array
+ if {$type == {C}} {
+ set widget $caret_not_ent
+ set index 1
+ } {
+ set widget $escape_seq_ent
+ set index 2
+ }
+ # Empty input string
+ if {![string length $string]} {
+ $widget configure -bg {#FFFFFF}
+ clear_entryboxes $type
+ unselect_current_cell 0 0
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 1
+ }
+ # Inputs string must not be longer than 2 characters
+ if {[string length $string] > 2} {
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 0
+ }
+ # Search for the given string in the ASCII chart array
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 128} {incr i} {
+ if {![string compare [lindex $ASCII_TABLE($i) $index] $string]} {
+ select_cell $i
+ fill_entryboxes $i $type
+ $widget configure -bg {#DDFFDD}
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ # String not found
+ clear_entryboxes $type
+ unselect_current_cell 0 0
+ $widget configure -bg {#FFDDDD}
+ set validation_ena 1
+ return 1
+ }