path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/att11025.pcmbin0 -> 10372 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/att16000.pcmbin0 -> 15052 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/att22050.pcmbin0 -> 20744 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/att32000.pcmbin0 -> 30108 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/att44100.pcmbin0 -> 41486 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/att48000.pcmbin0 -> 45156 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/att8000.pcmbin0 -> 7526 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/demo.midbin0 -> 1601 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/demo.mp3bin0 -> 769462 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/dur.tabbin0 -> 65552 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/gmax.tabbin0 -> 259088 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn00.codbin0 -> 13724 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn01.codbin0 -> 12968 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn02.codbin0 -> 12740 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn03.codbin0 -> 12528 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn04.codbin0 -> 12700 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn05.codbin0 -> 13008 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn06.codbin0 -> 13344 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn07.codbin0 -> 13864 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn08.codbin0 -> 14436 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn09.codbin0 -> 15128 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn10.codbin0 -> 15916 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn11.codbin0 -> 16776 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn12.codbin0 -> 17608 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn13.codbin0 -> 18240 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn14.codbin0 -> 19808 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn15.codbin0 -> 20216 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn16.codbin0 -> 21144 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn17.codbin0 -> 22272 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn18.codbin0 -> 22724 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn19.codbin0 -> 18104 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn20.codbin0 -> 13256 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn21.codbin0 -> 18224 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/pn22.codbin0 -> 7984 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/rls11025.pcmbin0 -> 13982 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/rls16000.pcmbin0 -> 20292 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/rls22050.pcmbin0 -> 27964 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/rls32000.pcmbin0 -> 40586 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/rls44100.pcmbin0 -> 55928 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/rls48000.pcmbin0 -> 60876 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/rls8000.pcmbin0 -> 10146 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/piano/rlsrate.tabbin0 -> 45584 bytes
66 files changed, 5359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bandfx.lsp b/lib/bandfx.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5b724c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bandfx.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+;; bandfx -- audio effects based on separate frequency bands
+;; by Michael Mishkin and Roger B. Dannenberg
+;; SEPARATE-INTO-BANDS -- separate sound s into frequency bands with
+;; exponential spacing from p to p + inc * n. Filteres have a bandwidth
+;; of inc and there are n bands.
+;; The last band is not filtered.
+(defun separate-into-bands (s p inc n)
+ (let (bands width low-freq high-freq)
+ (setf bands (make-array n))
+ (setf high-freq (step-to-hz p))
+ (dotimes (i (1- n))
+ (setf low-freq high-freq)
+ (setf p (+ p inc))
+ (setf high-freq (step-to-hz p))
+ (setf width (- high-freq low-freq))
+ (setf (aref bands i) (reson s (+ low-freq (* 0.5 width)) width 1))
+ (setf s (areson s (+ low-freq (* 0.5 width)) width 1)))
+ (setf (aref bands (1- n)) s)
+ bands))
+;; SEPARATE-INTO-BANDS-RANGE -- separate signal s into num-bands bands
+;; from the low to high step
+(defun separate-into-bands-range (s low high num-bands)
+ (let ((inc (/ (- high low) num-bands)))
+ (separate-into-bands s low inc num-bands)))
+;; RECONSTRUCT-FROM-BANDS -- reconstruct a signal from bands
+(defun reconstruct-from-bands (bands)
+ (let ((result (aref bands 0)))
+ (dotimes (i (1- (length bands)))
+ (setf result (sum result (aref bands (1+ i)))))
+ result))
+;; BANDED-DELAY -- apply different delay to each band (channel) of bands.
+;; del is the delay for the first band, and inc is the difference in
+;; delay for each successive band. fb is the feedback for all delays.
+(defun banded-delay (bands del inc fb wet)
+ (let ((result (make-array (length bands))))
+ (dotimes (i (length bands))
+ (setf (aref result i)
+ (sum (mult (- 1 wet) (aref bands i))
+ (mult wet (feedback-delay (aref bands i) del fb))))
+ (setf del (+ del inc)))
+ result))
+;; APPLY-BANDED-DELAY -- apply banded delay effect to a sound
+;; s is the sound to be processed
+;; lowp, highp is the pitch range for the bands
+;; num-bands is the number of bands
+;; lowd, highd is the range of delays
+;; fb is the feedback (same for all bands)
+;; (note that if lowd > highd, delay decreases with increasing frequency)
+(defun apply-banded-delay (s lowp highp num-bands lowd highd fb wet)
+ (let (bands inc)
+ (reconstruct-from-bands
+ (banded-delay (separate-into-bands-range s lowp highp num-bands)
+ lowd (/ (- highd lowd) num-bands) fb wet))))
+(defun banded-bass-boost (bands num-boost gain)
+ (let ((result (make-array (length bands))))
+ (dotimes (i (length bands))
+ (setf (aref result i)
+ (scale (if (< i num-boost) gain 1.0)
+ (aref bands i))))
+ result))
+(defun apply-banded-bass-boost (s lowp highp num-bands num-boost gain)
+ (reconstruct-from-bands
+ (banded-bass-boost
+ (separate-into-bands-range s lowp highp num-bands)
+ num-boost gain)))
+(defun banded-treble-boost (bands num-boost gain)
+ (let ((result (make-array (length bands)))
+ (num-unity (- (length bands) num-boost)))
+ (dotimes (i (length bands))
+ (setf (aref result i)
+ (scale (if (< i num-unity) 1.0 gain)
+ (aref bands i))))
+ result))
+(defun apply-banded-treble-boost (s lowp highp num-bands num-boost gain)
+ (reconstruct-from-bands
+ (banded-treble-boost
+ (separate-into-bands-range s lowp highp num-bands)
+ num-boost gain)))
+;; First, a few helper functions
+;; CHECK-PIANO -- make sure pianosyn.lsp is loaded
+(defun check-piano ()
+ (cond ((not (boundp '*pianosyn-path*))
+ (load "pianosyn"))))
+;; PN-RIFF -- make a sound to which we can add effects
+(defun pn-riff ()
+ (seq
+ (seqrep (i 20)
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (piano-note 0.1 (+ (rem (* i 5) 48) c2) 100)
+ 0.2))
+ (s-rest)))
+;; Examples start with band-2. You can run examples in the IDE after
+;; loading this file using the F2, F3, ... buttons in the IDE.
+(defun band-2 ()
+ (check-piano)
+ (play (apply-banded-delay (pn-riff) c2 120 28 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.2)))
+(setfn f2 band-2)
+(defun band-3 ()
+ (check-piano)
+ (play (apply-banded-delay (pn-riff) c2 120 28 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.2)))
+(setfn f3 band-3)
+(defun band-4 ()
+ (check-piano)
+ (play (scale 0.4 (apply-banded-bass-boost (pn-riff) c2 120 28 5 10))))
+(setfn f4 band-4)
+(defun band-5 ()
+ (check-piano)
+ (play (scale 0.4 (apply-banded-treble-boost (pn-riff) c2 120 28 5 10))))
+(setfn f5 band-5)
+(print "bandfx.lsp has been loaded. Try (f2) through (f5) for examples.")
diff --git a/lib/compress.lsp b/lib/compress.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1f0c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compress.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+; This code implements a compressor for noisy speech audio.
+; There are actually two compressors that can be used in
+; series. The first is
+; a fairly standard one: it detects signal level with an RMS
+; detector and used table-lookup to determine how much gain
+; to place on the original signal at that point. One bit of
+; cleverness here is that the RMS envelope is "followed" or
+; enveloped using SND-FOLLOW, which does look-ahead to anticipate
+; peaks before they happen.
+; The other piece of high-tech is COMPRESS-MAP, which builds
+; a map in terms of compression and expansion. What I recommend
+; is figure out the noise floor on the signal you are compressing.
+; Use a compression map that leaves the noise alone and boosts
+; signals that are well above the noise floor. Alas, the COMPRESS-MAP
+; function is not written in these terms, so some head-scratching is
+; involved. Maybe I'll write another map generator if someone has a
+; good application to test with.
+; COMPRESS-MAP -- constructs a map for the compress function
+; The map consists of two parts: a compression part and an expansion part.
+; The intended use is to compress everything above compress-threshold by
+; compress-ratio, and to downward expand everything below expand-ratio
+; by expand-ratio. Thresholds are in dB and ratios are dB-per-dB.
+; 0dB corresponds to a peak amplitude of 1.0 or rms amplitude of 0.7
+; If the input goes above 0dB, the output can optionally be limited
+; by setting :limit (a keyword parameter) to T. This effectively changes
+; the compression ratio to infinity at 0dB. If :limit is NIL
+; (the default), then the compression-ratio continues to apply above 0dB.
+; Another keyword parameter, :transition, sets the amount below the
+; thresholds (in dB) that a smooth transition starts. The default is 0,
+; meaning that there is no smooth transition.
+; It is assumed that expand-threshold <= compress-threshold <= 0
+; The gain is unity at 0dB so if compression-ratio > 1, then gain
+; will be greater than unity below 0dB
+; RETURNS: a sound for use in the SHAPE function. The sound maps input
+; dB to gain. Time 1.0 corresponds to 0dB, and Time 0.0 corresponds to
+; -100 dB, and Time 2.0 corresponds to +100dB, so this is a
+; 100hz "sample rate" sound. The sound gives gain in dB.
+; Smooth transition equations: this is a parabola that makes a
+; transition between two intersecting straight lines. The parabola
+; matches the slope of the lines where it intersects them, and
+; it intersects the first (left) line at location (u, v). The equation
+; is:
+; y = v + m(x-u) + d(s-m)((x-u)/d - (x-u)^2/(2d^2))
+; = v + m(x-u) + (s-m)((x-u) - (x-u)^2/(2d))
+; = v + m(x-u) + (s-m)((x-u) - (x-u)^2(s-m)/(4(b-v)))
+; where s is the slope of the left line, the right line is expressed by
+; y = mx+b, and
+; d is the duration of the transition = 2(b-v)/(s-m)
+; To show this is correct, show that (1) at the left intersection, the left
+; line and the transition both pass through u,v and (2) have the same slope s,
+; and show that (3) at the right intersection, the right line and the
+; transition both meet at u+d and (4) have the same slope m.
+; transition runs from u,v on left line to u+d on right line
+; d = 2(v - mu - f)/(m - s),
+; where right line is described by y = mx + f and left line slope = s
+; c = (m - s)/2d
+; b = s - 2cu
+; a = v - bu - cu^2
+; transition is y = a + bx + cx^2
+; Now, show that curve meets left line at x = u
+; (1) a + bx + cx^2 = v at x = u
+; a + bu + cuu = v - bu - cuu + bu + cuu = v
+; (2) slope at x = u is s:
+; b + 2cu = s - 2cu + 2cu = s
+; (3) curve meets right line at x = u + d
+; a + b(u + d) + c(uu + 2ud + dd) =
+; v - bu - cuu + bu + bd + cuu + 2cud + cdd =
+; v + bd +2cud + cdd =
+; v + (s - 2cu)d + 2cud + cdd =
+; v + sd + cdd =
+; v + sd + dd(m-s)/2d =
+; v + sd + d(m-s)/2 =
+; v + s(2(v - mu - f)/(m - s)) + (2(v - mu - f)/(m - s))(m-s)/2 =
+; v + 2sv/(m-s) -2smu/(m-s) -2sf/(m-s) + v - mu - f =
+; 2v + (2sv - 2smu - 2sf)/(m-s) - mu - f =
+; 2v + 2s(v - mu - f)/(m-s) - mu - f =
+; 2v + sd - mu - f
+; try subtracting mx + b':
+; 2v + sd - mu - f - m(u + d) - f =
+; 2v + sd - 2mu - 2f - md =
+; 2v + (s - m)d - 2mu - 2f =
+; 2v + (s - m)2(v - mu - f) / (m - s) - 2mu - 2f =
+; 0
+(defun compress-map (compress-ratio compress-threshold expand-ratio
+ expand-threshold &key (limit nil) (transition 0.0))
+ (display "compress-map" compress-ratio compress-threshold expand-ratio
+ expand-threshold limit transition)
+ (let (m s ; see equations above
+ eupd ; eu + d
+ cupd ; ct1 + d
+ lim ; 0dB or infinity, depends on limit
+ b2 ; y-intercept of the 1:1 part
+ ea eb ec ca cb cc ; polynomial coefficients
+ eu ev cu cv ; intersection points (u,v)
+ ed cd ; d values
+ lower-db upper-db ; function to compute
+ map ; samples for map
+ x ; loop value
+ den ; denominator
+ )
+ ; check input for good values:
+ (cond ((> expand-threshold compress-threshold)
+ (error "expand-threshold must be lower than compress threshold"))
+ ((> compress-threshold 0)
+ (error "compress-threshold must be at or below 0dB"))
+ ((<= compress-ratio 0.0)
+ (error "negative compress-ratio"))
+ ((< expand-ratio 0.0)
+ (error "negative expand-ratio"))
+ )
+ ; set some constants
+ (setf eu (- expand-threshold transition))
+ (setf cu (- compress-threshold transition))
+ (setf m (/ 1.0 compress-ratio))
+ (setf s expand-ratio) ; rename to match equations
+ ; point where compression line intersects non-compression
+ ; line is (* m compress-threshold), and cv is this point
+ ; minus transition (since slope is one)
+ (setf cv (- (* m compress-threshold) transition))
+ ; slope is 1 from compress-threshold to expand-threshold
+ (setf ev (+ (* m compress-threshold)
+ (- expand-threshold compress-threshold)
+ (* s (- transition))))
+ ; the 1:1 part passes through cu,cv with slope of 1, so the y-intercept
+ ; is cv-cu
+ (setf b2 (- cv cu))
+ ; d = 2(v - mu - f)/(m - s) --note m = s, s = 1, f = 0
+ (setf den (- m 1.0))
+ (cond ((< (abs den) .001)
+ (setf cd 0.0))
+ (t
+ (setf cd (* 2 (- cv (* cu m)) (/ den)))))
+ (setf cupd (+ cu cd))
+ (setf den (- 1.0 s))
+ (cond ((< (abs den) .001)
+ (setf ed 0.0))
+ (t
+ (setf ed (* 2 (- ev eu b2) (/ den)))))
+ (setf eupd (+ eu ed))
+ ; ec = (1.0 - s)/(2*ed)
+ (cond ((< (abs ed) 0.001)
+ (setf ec 0.0))
+ (t
+ (setf ec (/ (- 1.0 s) (* 2.0 ed)))))
+ ; eb = s - 2*ec*eu
+ (setf eb (- s (* 2.0 ec eu)))
+ ; ea = ev - eb*eu - ec*eu*eu
+ (setf ea (- ev (* eb eu) (* ec eu eu)))
+ ; cc = (m - 1.0)/(2*cd)
+ (cond ((< (abs cd) 0.001)
+ (setf cc 0.0))
+ (t
+ (setf cc (/ (- m 1.0) (* 2.0 cd)))))
+ ; cb = s - 2*cc*cu
+ (setf cb (- 1.0 (* 2.0 cc cu)))
+ ; ca = cv - cb*cu - cc*cu*cu
+ (setf ca (- cv (* cb cu) (* cc cu cu)))
+ (cond (limit ; hard limit to 0dB
+ (setf lim 0.0))
+ (t ; no hard limit, set limit to effectively infinity
+ (setf lim 10000.0)))
+ (display "compress-map"
+ m s ; see equations above
+ eupd ; et1 + d
+ cupd ; ct1 + d
+ lim ; 0dB or infinity, depends on limit
+ b2 ; y-intercept of the 1:1 part
+ ea eb ec ca cb cc ; polynomial coefficients
+ eu ev cu cv ; intersection points (u,v)
+ ed cd) ; d values
+ ; now create function that goes 100dB below expansion threshold
+ ; and up to 100dB
+ (setf lower-db -100.0)
+ (setf upper-db 100.0)
+ (setf map (make-array 201))
+ (setf x lower-db) ; this should be an even integer
+ (dotimes (i (length map))
+ (setf (aref map i)
+ (cond ((< x eu) (+ ev (* s (- x eu))))
+ ((< x eupd) (+ ea (* eb x) (* ec x x)))
+ ((< x cu) (+ cv (- x cu)))
+ ((< x cupd) (+ ca (* cb x) (* cc x x)))
+ ((< x lim) (* m x))
+ (t 0)))
+ ; map[i] has the desired output dB, so subtract input dB to
+ ; get gain:
+ (setf (aref map i) (- (aref map i) x))
+ (cond ((and (> x (- eu 3)) (< x 0))
+ (format t "~A -> ~A~%" x (aref map i))))
+ (setf x (+ x 1)))
+ ; return a sound
+ (snd-from-array 0.0 100.0 map)))
+(defun db-average (input)
+ (let (y)
+ (setf y (mult input input)) ; first square input
+ (setf y (snd-avg y 1000 500 op-average)) ; then time average
+ (setf y (snd-log (scale 2.0 y))) ; peak normalization, then take log
+ (setf y (scale (/ 10.0 (log 10.0)) y)) ; see below for scaling explanation
+ y))
+(defun compress (input map rise-time fall-time &optional (lookahead 0.0))
+ ; take the square of the input to get power
+ (let ((in-squared (mult input input))
+ window avg env gain)
+ (cond ((zerop lookahead) (setf lookahead rise-time)))
+ ; compute the time-average (sort of a low-pass) of the square
+ ; parameters give 50ms window and a 25ms step
+ (setf window (round (* (snd-srate input) 0.05)))
+ (setf avg (snd-avg in-squared window (/ window 2) op-average))
+ ; use follower to anticipate rise and trail off smoothly
+ ; N.B.: the floor (2nd argument to snd-follow) should be the
+ ; square of the noise floor, e.g. for a noise floor of 1/2^16,
+ ; use 1/2^32 = about 4E-9. If the number is too small, you will
+ ; not get expansion below the square root of the floor parameter.
+ ; set lookahead to be number of samples in rise time:
+ (setf lookahead (round (* lookahead (snd-srate avg))))
+ (setf env (snd-follow avg 0.000001 rise-time fall-time lookahead))
+ ; take logarithm to get dB instead of linear, also adjust for
+ ; peak vs. average as follows: a sinusoid with peak of 1.0 has
+ ; an average amplitude of 1/sqrt(2), we squared the signal, so
+ ; the average amplitude should be 1/2, so multiply by 2 so
+ ; that a sine with peak amplitude of 1 will get an average of 1
+ ; which will convert to 0dB
+ (setf logenv (snd-log (scale 2.0 env)))
+ ; tricky part: map converts dB of input to desired gain in dB
+ ; this defines the character of the compressor
+ ; map is scaled so that (0,2) corresponds to (-100dB, 100dB)
+ ; so you need to scale input by .01. But first, we need to get dB:
+ ; we have log(avg(x^2)), and we want dB = 20log10(sqrt(avg(x^2)))
+ ; simplify dB to 10log10(avg(x^2)) = 10log(avg(x^2))/log(10),
+ ; so scale by 10/log(10) * 0.01 = 0.1/log(10)
+ (setf shaped-env (shape (setf gle (scale (/ 0.1 (log 10.0)) logenv)) map 1.0))
+ ; Go back to linear. To get from dB to linear, use:
+ ; 20log(linear) = dB
+ ; linear = exp(dB/20),
+ ; so scale the result by 1/20 = 0.05
+ (setf gain (snd-exp (scale 0.05 shaped-env)))
+ ; return the scaled input sound,
+ ; another trick: avg signal will be delayed. Also, snd-follow
+ ; has a delayed response because it's looking ahead in sound
+ ; 20 = the number of samples of lookahead from snd-follow
+ ; 88.2 = 44,100 (sample rate) / 500 (the step-size in avg)
+ ; in other words, 44100/500 is the sample rate of the control
+ ; signal looked at by follow
+ ; "44100" should be replaced by the signal's sample rate
+ ; = (snd-srate input)
+ ; (setf gg gain)
+ (sound-srate-abs (snd-srate input) ; set default sample rate for s-rest
+ (mult (seq (s-rest (/ 20.0 (/ (snd-srate input) 500.0))) (cue input)) gain))))
+ ; this is an automatic gain control using peak detection for
+ ; gain control -- the range parameter gives the maximum gain in dB
+ ; the agc will attenuate peaks to 1.0.
+ ;
+ (defun agc (input range rise-time fall-time &optional (lookahead 0.0))
+ ; take the square of the input to get power
+ (let (window avg env gain lookahead-samples)
+ (cond ((zerop lookahead) (setf lookahead rise-time)))
+ ; compute the time-average (sort of a low-pass) of the square
+ ; parameters give 50ms window and a 25ms step
+ (setf window (round (* (snd-srate input) 0.05)))
+ (setf avg (snd-avg input window (/ window 2) op-peak))
+ ; use follower to anticipate rise and trail off smoothly
+ ; set lookahead to be number of samples in rise time:
+ (setf lookahead-samples (round (* lookahead (snd-srate avg))))
+ (setf env (snd-follow avg (db-to-linear (- range))
+ rise-time fall-time lookahead-samples))
+ (setf gain (snd-recip env))
+ ; return the scaled input sound,
+ ; another trick: avg signal will be delayed. Also, snd-follow
+ ; has a delayed response because it's looking ahead in sound
+ ; 20 = the number of samples of lookahead from snd-follow
+ ; 88.2 = 44,100 (sample rate) / 500 (the step-size in avg)
+ ; in other words, 44100/500 is the sample rate of the control
+ ; signal looked at by follow
+ (sound-srate-abs (snd-srate input) ; set default sample rate for s-rest
+ (mult (seq (s-rest lookahead) (cue input)) gain))
+ ;(vector ; (seq (s-rest lookahead) (cue input))
+ ; (mult (seq (s-rest lookahead) (cue input)) gain)
+ ; (force-srate (snd-srate input) (scale 0.3 gain))))
+ ))
diff --git a/lib/dist-test.lsp b/lib/dist-test.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8a0c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dist-test.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+;; Examples of how to use distributions.lsp
+;;1. Altered granulate methods based on distribution
+(load "gran")
+;;The deviatons in pitch and grainlength of the standard granular synthesis
+;;functions in are based on the uniform random distribution. With simple
+;;modifications, these can be made to take in a distribution generator
+;;function as a variable.
+;; filename -- name of the file
+;; grain-dur -- the duration of a grain
+;; grain-dev -- grain dur is actually grain-dur + random(0, grain-dev)
+;; ioi -- the basic inter-onset-interval for grains
+;; ioi-dev -- ioi is actually: ioi + random(0, ioi-dev)
+;; pitch-dist -- the distribution of the alteration in pitch to the grains
+;; the distribution values should be > 1.
+;; file-start -- when to start reading the file (an offset from start)
+;; file-end -- when to stop reading the file (an offset from end)
+(defun pitch-dist-granulate (filename grain-dur grain-dev ioi ioi-dev
+ pitch-dist &optional (file-start 0) (file-end 0))
+(let (orig n env actual-grain-dur step-size
+ (avg-ioi (+ ioi (/ ioi-dev 2.0)))
+ (file-dur (sf-dur filename))
+ (dur (get-duration 1)))
+ (setf n (truncate (/ dur avg-ioi)))
+ (cond ((< file-dur file-start)
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-start is after end of file!"))
+ ((< file-dur file-end)
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-end (offset) exceeds file duration!"))
+ ((< file-dur (+ file-start file-end))
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-start + file-end > file duration!")))
+ (setf file-dur (- file-dur file-start file-end))
+ (setf step-size (/ file-dur n))
+ (stretch-abs 1.0 (let ()
+ (seqrep (i n) (let ()
+ (setf actual-grain-dur (real-random grain-dur (+ grain-dur grain-dev)))
+ (setf env (stretch actual-grain-dur (one-minus-cosine)))
+ (force-srate *sound-srate*
+ (stretch (funcall pitch-dist)
+ (sound2
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (mult (cue env)
+ (s-read filename
+ :time-offset (+ file-start (* step-size i))
+ :dur actual-grain-dur))
+ (real-random ioi (+ ioi ioi-dev))))))))))))
+;; filename -- name of the file
+;; dist -- the distribution function that the grain sizes should follow
+;; ioi -- the basic inter-onset-interval for grains
+;; ioi-dev -- ioi is actually: ioi + random(0, ioi-dev)
+;; pitch-dev -- grains are resampled at rate between 1 and pitch-dev
+;; file-start -- when to start reading the file (an offset from start)
+;; file-end -- when to stop reading the file (an offset from end)
+(defun len-dist-granulate (filename dist ioi ioi-dev pitch-dev
+ &optional (file-start 0) (file-end 0))
+ (let (orig n env actual-grain-dur step-size
+ (avg-ioi (+ ioi (/ ioi-dev 2.0)))
+ (file-dur (sf-dur filename))
+ (dur (get-duration 1)))
+ (setf n (truncate (/ dur avg-ioi)))
+ (cond ((< file-dur file-start)
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-start is after end of file!"))
+ ((< file-dur file-end)
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-end (offset) exceeds file duration!"))
+ ((< file-dur (+ file-start file-end))
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-start + file-end > file duration!")))
+ (setf file-dur (- file-dur file-start file-end))
+ (setf step-size (/ file-dur n))
+ (stretch-abs 1.0 (let ()
+ (seqrep (i n) (let ()
+ (setf actual-grain-dur (funcall dist))
+ (setf env (stretch actual-grain-dur (one-minus-cosine)))
+ (force-srate *sound-srate*
+ (stretch (real-random 1.0 pitch-dev)
+ (sound2
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (mult (cue env)
+ (s-read filename
+ :time-offset (+ file-start (* step-size i))
+ :dur actual-grain-dur))
+ (real-random ioi (+ ioi ioi-dev))))))))))))
+;; How to use these granular-synthesis functions
+;; First, make a continuation out of the distribution functions
+(defun make-gauss (xmu sigma low high)
+ (lambda () (gauss-dist xmu sigma low high)))
+;; Second, Plug in that continuation as a variable to the granular-synthesis function
+(defun try-len-dist ()
+ (play (stretch 4
+ (simrep (i 2)
+ (len-dist-granulate "samples.wav"
+ (make-gauss 0.0 1.0 0.1 .5) 0.02 0.001 2.0 0 0)))))
+;; Here's an example of changing the pitch distribution
+(defun make-gamma (nu high)
+ (lambda () (gamma-dist nu high)))
+(defun try-pitch-dist ()
+ (play (stretch 4
+ (simrep (i 4)
+ (pitch-dist-granulate "samples.wav" 0.04 0.0 0.02 0.001
+ (make-gamma 2.0 5.0) 0 0)))))
+;; 2. Simple methods of usuing probability distribution generators
+;; In general, a probability distribution generator can substitue for a
+;; uniform ranom generator which is (real-random min max)
+;; Use a continuous distribution generator to alter the time between sounds
+(defun try-exponential ()
+ (play (seqrep (i 20)
+ (pluck c4 (* 0.5 (exponential-dist .25 2.0))))))
+;; Use a discrete generator to alter the pitch by a whole number.
+(defun try-binomial ()
+ (play (seqrep (i 20)
+ (pluck (+ (binomial-dist 6 .5) c4) 0.1))))
+(defun dist-hist (fn n nbins low high &rest params)
+ (let ((bins (make-array nbins))
+ (step (/ (- high low) (float (- nbins 2)))))
+ (dotimes (i nbins)
+ (setf (aref bins i) 0.0))
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (let ((x (apply fn params)) i)
+ (cond ((< x low) (incf (aref bins 0)))
+ ((>= x high) (incf (aref bins (1- nbins))))
+ (t
+ (setf i (truncate (1+ (/ (- x low) step))))
+ (if (or (< i 1) (>= i (1- nbins)))
+ (error "unexpected bin number"))
+ (incf (aref bins i))))))
+ bins))
+;(setf hist (dist-hist #'linear-dist 10000 100 0 4 4))
+;(s-plot (scale 0.001 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'exponential-dist 10000 100 0 3 1 3))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; test GAMMA-DIST
+;(setf hist (dist-hist #'gamma-dist 10000 100 0 10 3 4))
+;(s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'bilateral-exponential-dist 10000 100 0 10 4.0 1.1 0 10))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'cauchy-dist 100000 100 -10 10 1.0 -9 6))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'hyperbolic-cosine-dist 1000000 500 -10 10))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'logistic-dist 10000 100 -10 10 0.5 2 -5 1))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'gaussian-dist 100000 100 0 10 5 1 2 8))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; test BETA-DIST
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'beta-dist 100000 100 -0.1 1.1 0.5 0.25))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'bernoulli-dist 10000 100 -0.1 1.1 0.75 0.1 0.9))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'geometric-dist 100000 100 0 10 0.7))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
+; (setf hist (dist-hist #'poisson-dist 10000 100 0 20 4))
+; (s-plot (scale 1.0 (snd-from-array 0.0 100 hist)))
diff --git a/lib/distributions.lsp b/lib/distributions.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2821c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/distributions.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+;; Andreas Pfenning, 26 Apr 05
+;; modified by Roger B. Dannenberg, 25 Jun 05
+;; Probability distribution functions and demo
+This is a library of various probability distribution generators.
+The functions output values based on the probability distributions
+and the input parameters that scale the distributions. Plots
+of the various distributions are shown in the documentation.
+The user has option of adding bounds to the output values,
+especially in the cases where high or low outliers are expected.
+When a distribution returns a value outside of the given bounds,
+the value is rejected and another value is generated. Both
+discrete (whole number) and continuous distributions are
+available. For continous distributions, the probability of
+outputing a value between any two points on the x axis is equal
+to the area under the curve between those two points. Essentially,
+the higher the curve is for a an area of the x axis, the more
+likely it is that the generator will output a value in that area.
+Discrete generators output values based on how high the "bar" is
+at that location. The documentation shows the behavior generated
+by 100 trials of discrete probability distributioin generators.
+;;Library of Continuous Probability Distribution Generators
+(defun linear-dist (g)
+ (* g (- 1.0 (sqrt (rrandom)))))
+(defun exponential-dist (delta &optional high)
+ (cond ((and high (<= high 0))
+ (error "exponential-dist: high value must be positive")))
+ (loop
+ (let ((expv (* (/ -1.0 delta) (log (rrandom)))))
+ (cond ((or (null high)
+ (<= expv high))
+ (return expv))))))
+(defun gamma-dist (nu &optional high)
+ (cond ((and high (<= high 0)
+ (error "gamma-dist: high value must be positive"))))
+ (loop
+ (let* ((summ 1)
+ (summ2 (dotimes (count nu summ)
+ (setf summ (* summ (rrandom)))))
+ (gamv (* -1.0 (log summ2))))
+ (cond ((or (null high)
+ (<= gamv high))
+ (return gamv))))))
+(defun bilateral-exponential-dist (xmu tau &optional low high)
+ (cond ((and high low (<= high low))
+ (error "bilateral-exponential-dist: high must be greater than low")))
+ (loop
+ (let* ((u (* (rrandom) 2.0))
+ (bev (if (> u 1.0)
+ (+ (* -1.0 tau (log (- u 1.0))) xmu)
+ (+ (* tau (log u)) xmu))))
+ (cond ((and (or (null high) (< bev high))
+ (or (null low) (> bev low)))
+ (return bev))))))
+(defun cauchy-dist (tau &optional low high)
+ (cond ((and high low (<= high low))
+ (error "cauchy-dist: high must be greater than low")))
+ (loop
+ (let* ((u (* PI (rrandom)))
+ (cauv (* tau (/ (sin u) (cos u)))))
+ (cond ((and (or (null high) (< cauv high))
+ (or (null low) (> cauv low)))
+ (return cauv))))))
+(defun hyperbolic-cosine-dist (&optional low high)
+ (cond ((and high low (<= high low))
+ (error "hyperbolic-cosine-dist: high must be greater than low")))
+ (loop
+ (let* ((hcv (log (tan (/ (* PI (rrandom)) 2.0)))))
+ (cond ((and (or (null high) (< hcv high))
+ (or (null low) (> hcv low)))
+ (return hcv))))))
+(defun logistic-dist (alpha beta &optional low high)
+ (cond ((and high low (<= high low))
+ (error "logistic-dist: high must be greater than low")))
+ (loop
+ (let (rand lgv)
+ (setf rand (rrandom))
+ (cond ((zerop rand)) ; try again -- do not use zero
+ (t
+ (setf rand (- (/ rand) 1.0))
+ (cond ((zerop rand)) ; try again -- do not use zero
+ (t
+ (setf lgv (/ (- (+ beta (log rand)))
+ alpha))
+ (cond ((and (or (null high) (< lgv high))
+ (or (null low) (> lgv low)))
+ (return lgv))))))))))
+(defun gaussian-dist (xmu sigma &optional low high)
+ (cond ((and high low (<= high low))
+ (error "gauss-dist: high must be greater than low")))
+ (loop
+ (let* ((s 0.0)
+ (s2 (dotimes (i 12 s)
+ (setq s (+ s (rrandom)))))
+ (gsv (+ (* sigma (- s2 6.0)) xmu)))
+ (cond ((and (or (null high) (< gsv high))
+ (or (null low) (> gsv low)))
+ (return gsv))))))
+(defun beta-help (ea eb)
+ (loop
+ (let ((y1 (power (rrandom) ea))
+ (y2 (power (rrandom) eb)))
+ (if (<= (+ y1 y2) 1.0)
+ (return (/ y1 (+ y1 y2)))))))
+(defun beta-dist (a b)
+ (let ((ea (/ 1.0 a)) (eb (/ 1.0 b)))
+ (beta-help ea eb)))
+;;Library of Discrete Probability Distribution Generators
+(defun bernoulli-dist (px1 &optional (x1 1) (x2 0))
+ (let ((u (rrandom)))
+ (if (< u px1) x1 x2)))
+(defun binomial-dist (n p)
+ (let ((suc 0))
+ (dotimes (count n suc)
+ (setf suc (+ suc (bernoulli-dist p))))))
+(defun geometric-dist (p &optional (count 0))
+ (loop
+ (cond ((= (bernoulli-dist p) 1)
+ (return count)))
+ (setf count (1+ count))))
+(defun poisson-dist (delta)
+ (let ((x 0) (t 0.0))
+ (loop
+ (setf t (- t (/ (log (rrandom)) delta)))
+ (cond ((> t 1) (return x)))
+ (setf x (1+ x)))))
diff --git a/lib/dtmf.lsp b/lib/dtmf.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e9615d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dtmf.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+;; dtmf.lsp -- DTMF encoding functions
+;; Rob Rost and Roger B. Dannenberg
+;; This library takes a list of DTMF (touch-tone) digits and
+;; synthesizes the correct audio. Example:
+;; (speed-dial '(1 2 3 pound 5 6 star 7))
+;; Note how pound and star keys are entered.
+(setf dtmf-freqs
+ '((star 941 1209) (0 941 1336) (pound 941 1477)
+ (1 697 1209) (2 697 1336) (3 697 1477)
+ (4 770 1209) (5 770 1336) (6 770 1477)
+ (7 852 1209) (8 852 1336) (9 852 1477)))
+(defun dtmf-freq1 (key)
+ (cadr (assoc key dtmf-freqs)))
+(defun dtmf-freq2 (key)
+ (caddr (assoc key dtmf-freqs)))
+(defun dtmf-tone (key len space)
+ (scale 0.5
+ (seq
+ (stretch len
+ (sim (hzosc (dtmf-freq1 key))
+ (hzosc (dtmf-freq2 key))))
+ (s-rest space))))
+; send it a list of digits and it returns the
+; Sound object to dial that number
+(defun speed-dial (thelist)
+ (cond ((null thelist) (s-rest 0))
+ (t
+ (seq (dtmf-tone (car thelist) 0.2 0.1)
+ (speed-dial (cdr thelist))))))
+(defun dtmf-example ()
+ (play (speed-dial (list 4 1 2 5 5 5 1 2 1 2))))
+(print "DTMF library loaded. Run (dtmf-example) for a sample output.")
diff --git a/lib/gran.lsp b/lib/gran.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e41d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gran.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+;; GRAN.LSP -- granular synthesis example by Roger B. Dannenberg
+;; This is not the ultimate granular synthesis package, so do not
+;; consider this to be a stable, permanent addition to the Nyquist
+;; library. You can use it as is, or use it as the basis for your
+;; own custom variations.
+;; ==================================================================
+;; Grains are windowed with "raised cosine pulse functions." These
+;; are smooth envelopes based on the function (1-cos(2*pi*t))/2.
+;; To speed up computation, I save three functions with 20, 200, and
+;; 2205 samples. The function one-minus-cosine selects an appropriate
+;; envelope based on the duration (stretch) currently in effect.
+(defun cos-pulse () (scale 0.5 (sum 1 (lfo 1 1 *sine-table* 270.0))))
+;; this will be a 2205 point smooth 1-cos(x) curve:
+(setf *cos-pulse-2205* (cos-pulse))
+;; this will be a 200 point smooth 1-cos(x) curve:
+(setf *cos-pulse-200* (control-srate-abs 200 (cos-pulse)))
+(setf *cos-pulse-20* (control-srate-abs 20 (cos-pulse)))
+;; one-minus-cosine -- an envelope based on (1-cos(2pi*t))/2
+(defun one-minus-cosine ()
+ (let ((max-samps (* *sound-srate* (get-duration 1))))
+ (cond ((> max-samps 2205) (sound *cos-pulse-2205*))
+ ((> max-samps 200) (sound *cos-pulse-200*))
+ (t (sound *cos-pulse-20*)))))
+' (let ((duration (get-duration 1)))
+ (scale 0.5 (sum 1 (lfo (/ duration) 1 *sine-table* 270.0))))
+;; ==================================================================
+;; The granulation is applied to a sound file rather than a sound.
+;; This gives us the ability to access the sound file at any point
+;; in time, although is is a bit less efficient because we have to
+;; reopen the file hundreds or thousands of times. (On the other hand
+;; the file data is likely to be cached by the OS, so it goes pretty
+;; fast.)
+;; Here, we define some functions for getting file information.
+(defun sf-srate (filename)
+ (s-read filename) ; s-read returns list of info in *rslt*
+ (s-read-srate *rslt*))
+(defun sf-dur (filename)
+ (s-read filename)
+ (s-read-dur *rslt*))
+;; ============================================================
+;; Define some other handy support functions
+;; real-random -- pick a random real from a range
+(defun real-random (from to)
+ (cond ((= from to) from)
+ (t
+ (+ from
+ (* (random 10000)
+ 0.0001
+ (- to from))))))
+;; sound2 -- like SOUND but operates on stereo signal
+(defun sound2 (a)
+ (cond ((eq (type-of a) 'array)
+ (vector (sound (aref a 0)) (sound (aref a 1))))
+ (t
+ (sound a))))
+(defun monoize (v)
+ (cond ((eq (type-of v) 'array) (aref v 0))
+ (t v)))
+;; ==================================================================
+;; sf-granulate -- granular synthesis applied to file
+;; filename -- name of the file
+;; grain-dur -- the duration of a grain
+;; grain-dev -- grain dur is actually grain-dur + random(0, grain-dev)
+;; ioi -- the basic inter-onset-interval for grains
+;; ioi-dev -- ioi is actually: ioi + random(0, ioi-dev)
+;; pitch-dev -- grains are resampled at rate between 1 and pitch-dev
+;; file-start -- when to start reading the file (an offset from start)
+;; file-end -- when to stop reading the file (an offset from end)
+;; NOTES: the number of grains is based on an average grain spacing
+;; of (ioi + ioi-dev/2). The step through the file is computed
+;; by dividing the duration (file-start - file-end) by number of
+;; grains.
+(defun sf-granulate (filename grain-dur grain-dev ioi ioi-dev pitch-dev
+ &optional (file-start 0) (file-end 0))
+ (let (orig n step-size
+ (avg-ioi (+ ioi (/ ioi-dev 2.0)))
+ (file-dur (sf-dur filename))
+ (dur (get-duration 1)))
+ (setf n (truncate (/ dur avg-ioi)))
+ (cond ((< file-dur file-start)
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-start is after end of file!"))
+ ((< file-dur file-end)
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-end (offset) exceeds file duration!"))
+ ((< file-dur (+ file-start file-end))
+ (error "sf-granulate: file-start + file-end > file duration!")))
+ (setf file-dur (- file-dur file-start file-end))
+ (setf step-size (/ file-dur n))
+ ;(display "sf-granulate" step-size file-dur n)
+ (stretch-abs 1.0
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (seqrep (i n)
+ (let* ((actual-grain-dur
+ (real-random grain-dur (+ grain-dur grain-dev)))
+ (env (stretch actual-grain-dur (one-minus-cosine)))
+ (pitch-ratio (real-random 1.0 pitch-dev)))
+ ;(display "gran" (local-to-global 0) i pitch-ratio)
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (force-srate *sound-srate*
+ (stretch pitch-ratio
+ (sound2
+ (mult (cue env)
+ (s-read filename
+ :time-offset (+ file-start (* step-size i))
+ :dur actual-grain-dur)))))
+ (real-random ioi (+ ioi ioi-dev)))))
+ dur))))
+;; Here is a sample application of sf-granulate.
+;; Notice that I am using simrep to mix four copies of sf-granulate output.
+;; Since there are random timings involved, the layers are not identical.
+(setf *granfile* "../demos/demo-snd.aiff")
+(defun gran-test ()
+ (play (stretch 4
+ (simrep (i 4)
+ (sf-granulate *granfile* 0.04 0.0 0.02 0.001 2.0 0 0)))))
+(print "Set *granfile* and then call gran-test for an example")
diff --git a/lib/grapheq.lsp b/lib/grapheq.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..413056b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/grapheq.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+; basic 4 band equalizer with cuts at 4k, 2k, 1k, and 630 hertz.
+; designed as a test
+;(defun 4band (s f630 f1k f2k f4k)
+; (eq-band
+; (eq-band
+; (eq-band
+; (eq-band s
+; 630 f630 0.33)
+; 1000 f1k 0.33)
+; 2000 f2k 0.33)
+; 4000 f4k 0.33))
+(setf *grapheq-loaded* t)
+;; inf-const -- stretch a number into an "infinite" signal
+;; Nyquist does not have infinite signals, so just make it very long
+;; ny:all is a large number of samples, so use it as the length in samples
+(defun inf-const (x)
+ (stretch-abs (/ ny:all *default-sound-srate*)
+ (const x)))
+; n-band graphic eq with variable range.
+; sig - input signal
+; gains - vector of gain changes in dB
+; lowf - lower eq band limit
+; highf - upper eq band limit
+(defun nband-range (sig gains lowf highf)
+ (let ((bandsep ;; bandwidth of each channel in steps
+ (/ (- (hz-to-step highf) (hz-to-step lowf)) (length gains)))
+ lowstep ;; low frequency in steps
+ (newsnd sig)
+ (chans (length gains)))
+ (setf lowstep (+ (hz-to-step lowf) (* 0.5 bandsep)))
+ (cond ((< bandsep 0)
+ (error "band width must be greater than 0"))
+ (t
+ (dotimes (i chans newsnd)
+ ;; gains[i] can be either a number or a signal
+ (cond ((numberp (aref gains i))
+ (cond ((not (zerop (aref gains i)))
+ (setf newsnd
+ ;; note: gain in dB
+ (eq-band newsnd
+ (step-to-hz (+
+ (* i bandsep)
+ lowstep))
+ (aref gains i)
+ (/ bandsep 12))))))
+ (t
+ (setf newsnd
+ (eq-band newsnd
+ (inf-const (step-to-hz (+
+ (* i bandsep)
+ lowstep)))
+ (aref gains i)
+ (inf-const (/ bandsep 12)))))))))))
+; nband eq without variable range
+; wraps around nband-vl with standard limits
+(defun nband (sig gains)
+ (nband-range sig gains 20 20000)
+; simple test demo
+;(play (nband-vl (noise 1) '(-6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 20 20000))
+; variable gain demo
+;(play (nband-vl (noise 1) '(0 0 0 0 0 0 (pwl 0 0 .9 10 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (pwl 0 -10 .9 10 1) (pwl 0 -10 .9 10 1) (pwl 0 -10 .9 10 1) (pwl 0 -10 .9 10 1) 0 0 0 0) 20 20000))
+; test of adjacent band cuts
+;(play (nband-vl (noise 1) '(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 -6 -6 0 0 0 0) 20 20000))
diff --git a/lib/instruments.txt b/lib/instruments.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0f5d09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/instruments.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+Tones:shiver(float dur = 1.0 (0.1:9.9),
+ int pitch = 72 (48:96),
+ int noise-percent = 50 (0:100),
+ float noise-freq = 100 (20:480))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/a4.lsp"
+Tones:cheap(float frq-randi = 100 (0.0:1000.0),
+ int pitch = 69 (48:96),
+ float dur = 2.0 (0.1:9.9),
+ float rate = 3.0 (0.1:9.9),
+ float amount = 1000.0 (100.0:9900.0))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/a6.lsp"
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b1.lsp"
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b1.lsp"
+Percussion:gong-3(int freq = 440 (200:800),
+ float dur = 5.0 (2.0:10.0))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b1.lsp"
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b1.lsp"
+(if (not (boundp ' *plight-drum-path*))
+ (cond ((not (load "../demos/plight/drum.lsp"))
+ nil)))
+if ! boundp(quote(*plight-drum-path*)) then
+ if ! #load("../demos/plight/drum.lsp") then
+Tones:st-sac(int pitch = 67 (48:96),
+ float dur = 4.0 (0.1:9.9),
+ float offset-entry = 1.25 (0.1:3.9),
+ int num-harmonics = 8 (1:16))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b2.lsp"
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b2.lsp"
+Percussion:risset-bell(float amp = 1.0 (0.0:1.0),
+ float dur = 4.0 (0.1:9.9),
+ float frq = 440.0 (50.0:1950.0))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b3.lsp"
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b3.lsp"
+Tones:starship(float freq = 200.0 (100.0:900.0),
+ float scale = 1000.0 (0.0:4000.0))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b5.lsp"
+Tones:tibetan(float freq = 110 (25.0:575.0),
+ float offset = 0.03 (0.0:0.1),
+ float dur = 10.0 (1.0:29.0),
+ float rise = 1.0 (0.02:4.98),
+ float dec = 4.0 (0.01:19.99))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b7.lsp"
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b7.lsp"
+Percussion:risset-drum(float amp = 1.0 (0.0:1.0),
+ float dur = 1.0 (0.1:9.9),
+ float freq = 100 (25.0:775.0))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b8.lsp"
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b8.lsp"
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/b9.lsp"
+Vocal:buzz-ah[ah](int pitch = 36 (24:72),
+ float dur = 1 (0.1:9.9))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/buzz.lsp"
+Vocal:buzz-ah[ah](int pitch = 36 (24:72),
+ float dur = 1 (0.1:9.9))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/buzz.lsp"
+Vocal:buzz-eh[eh](int pitch = 36 (24:72),
+ float dur = 1 (0.1:9.9))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/buzz.lsp"
+Vocal:buzz-eeh[eeh](int pitch = 36 (24:72),
+ float dur = 1 (0.1:9.9))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/buzz.lsp"
+Vocal:buzz-ooh[ooh](int pitch = 36 (24:72),
+ float dur = 1 (0.1:9.9))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/buzz.lsp"
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/buzz.lsp"
+Tones:tenney(float frandi = 400 (100.0:1900.0),
+ float freq = 440 (100.0:1900.0),
+ float dur = 1 (0.1:9.9))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/c1.lsp"
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/c1.lsp"
+Tones:pluck(int pitch = 36 (24:72),
+ float dur = 1 (0.1:9.9))
+FM:fm-bell(float freq = 150.0 (50.0:350.0),
+ float cm-ratio = 0.714286 (0.1:1.9),
+ float imax = 10.0 (3.0:37.0),
+ float dur = 5.0 (0.1:9.9),
+ float amp = 1.0 (0.0:1.0))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/e2.lsp"
+FM:fm-wood-drum[fm-w-d](int pitch = 62 (48:72))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/e2.lsp"
+FM:fm-brass[fm-br](int pitch = 62 (48:84))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/e2.lsp"
+FM:fm-clarinet[fm-c](int pitch = 67 (48:84))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/e2.lsp"
+FM:double-carrier(float dur = 1.0 (0.1:9.9),
+ float freq = 440.0 (60.0:1940.0),
+ float cm-ratio = 1.0 (0.1:3.9),
+ float amp = 1.0 (0.0:10.0),
+ float amp-ratio = 0.5 (0.0:10.0),
+ float imax = 3.0 (0.1:3.9),
+ float imin = 1.0 (0.1:3.9),
+ float modulator = 2.0 (0.0:10.0))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/e2.lsp"
+FM:v-fm(int pitch = 67 (48:84),
+ float break = 0.3 (0.0:1.0),
+ float dur = 3.0 (1.0:10.0),
+ float rev = 0.5 (0.0:1.0))
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/e2.lsp"
+REQUIRE "../demos/pmorales/partial.lsp"
+Keyboard:dmhm-organ(int pitch = 70 (48:96))
+REQUIRE "../demos/mateos/organ.lsp"
+REQUIRE "../demos/mateos/organ.lsp"
+Percussion:dmhm-gong[dmhm-gong](int pitch = 57 (40:80))
+REQUIRE "../demos/mateos/gong.lsp"
+Brass:dmhm-tuba(float freq = 70 (30:170))
+REQUIRE "../demos/mateos/tuba.lsp"
+Percussion:dmhm-bell(int bell = 31 (24:60))
+REQUIRE "../demos/mateos/bell.lsp"
+Keyboard:piano[piano-note](float duration = 2 (0.1:9.9),
+ int pitch = 70 (60:100),
+ int dynamic = 50 (0:100))
+REQUIRE "pianosyn.lsp"
+REQUIRE "../demos/allewis/cell_aut.lsp"
diff --git a/lib/lpc.lsp b/lib/lpc.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5edecf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lpc.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+; LPANAL. Performs LPC analysis
+; snd sound for analysis
+; an-dur duration of analysis (= duration of sound)
+; skiptime step frame to frame
+; npoles number of poles
+; RESULT: analysis data in list format.
+; Every element of the list is a list of the form
+; RMS1 Energy (not rms value) of input signal
+; RMS2 Energy (not rms value) of residual signal
+; ERR = sqrt(RMS2/RMS1) If it is small then VOICED sound,
+; else UNVOICED
+; FILTER-COEFS Array of filter coefs.
+; The z transform of filter is H(z) = 1/A(z)
+; where A(z) is a polynome of the form:
+; A(z) = 1 + a1 z + a2 z^2 + a3 z^3 + ... + aP z^P
+; FILTER-COEFS is the array
+; #(-aP -aP-1 -aP-2 ... a3 a2 a1)
+; (this format is suited for the filter ALLPOLES)
+(setfn lpc-frame-rms1 car)
+(setfn lpc-frame-rms2 cadr)
+(setfn lpc-frame-err caddr)
+(setfn lpc-frame-filter-coefs cadddr)
+;; LPANAL-CLASS -- does lpc analysis. Frames are returned
+;; from an iterator object
+(setf lpanal-class (send class :new '(sound framesize skipsize npoles)))
+(send lpanal-class :answer :isnew '(snd framedur skiptime np) '(
+ (let ((sr (snd-srate snd)))
+ (setf sound snd)
+ (setf framesize (round (* sr framedur)))
+ (setf skipsize (round (* sr skiptime)))
+ (setf npoles np))))
+(send lpanal-class :answer :next '() '(
+ (let ((samps (snd-fetch-array sound framesize skipsize)))
+ (cond ((null samps) nil)
+ (t
+ (snd-lpanal samps npoles))))))
+(defun make-lpanal-iterator (sound framedur skiptime npoles)
+ (send lpanal-class :new (snd-copy sound) framedur skiptime npoles))
+;; LPC-FILE-CLASS -- iterator returns frames from file
+(setf lpc-file-class (send class :new '(file)))
+(send lpc-file-class :answer :isnew '(filename) '(
+ (setf file (open filename))))
+(send lpc-file-class :answer :next '() '(
+ (read file)))
+(defun make-lpc-file-iterator (filename)
+ (send lpc-file-class :new filename))
+;; SAVE-LPC-FILE -- create a file from an iterator. This file can
+;; be turned back into an iterator using make-lpc-file-iterator.
+(defun save-lpc-file (lpc-iterator filename)
+ (let ((fp (open filename :direction :output))
+ (frame t))
+ (while frame
+ (setf frame (send lpc-iterator :next))
+ (if frame (format fp "~A~%" frame)))
+ (close fp)))
+;; SHOW-LPC-DATA. Show values of LPC analysis frames from interator.
+(defun show-lpc-data (lpc-iterator iniframe endframe &optional (poles? NIL))
+ (dotimes (i iniframe) (send lpc-iterator :next))
+ (dotimes (i (- endframe iniframe))
+ (let ((frame (send lpc-iterator :next)))
+ (cond ((null frame) (return))
+ (poles?
+ (format t "FRM ~A : ~A\n" (+ i iniframe) frame))
+ (t
+ (format t "FRM ~A : ~A\n" (+ i iniframe)
+ (reverse (cdr (reverse frame)))))))))
+; LPC-FREQ. Show frequency response of ALLPOLES filter.
+; HELPER FUNS : GET-FILTER-COEFS from a LPC analysis data
+; lpc-data: data generated by LPCANAL
+; numframe: index of frame data
+; LPC-COEFS-TO-MATLAB : transforms LPC coefs format to Matlab format
+; varname : the name of variable that holds coef array in MATLAB
+; lpc-data : as above
+; numframe : as above
+;(defun get-filter-coefs (lpc-data numframe)
+; (nth 3 (aref lpc-data numframe)))
+;(defun lpc-coefs-to-matlab (lpc-data numframe)
+; (let* ((lpc-coefs (get-filter-coefs lpc-data numframe))
+; (lencoefs (length lpc-coefs))
+; (result (make-array (1+ lencoefs))))
+; (setf (aref result 0) 1.0)
+; (dotimes (i lencoefs)
+; (setf (aref result (1+ i))
+; (- (aref lpc-coefs (- lencoefs i 1)))))
+; result))
+;(defun lpc-freq (varname lpc-data numframe)
+; (octave (list (list (lpc-coefs-to-matlab lpc-data numframe) varname 'ARR))))
+;(defun get-allpoles-gain (lpc-data numframe)
+; (nth 2 (aref lpc-data numframe))) ; se toma ERR para que la amplitud de
+; ; la salida se aproxime a 1
+;(defun allpoles-from-lpc (snd lpc-data numframe)
+; (snd-allpoles snd (get-filter-coefs lpc-data numframe) (get-allpoles-gain lpc-data numframe)))
+; We introduce two functions:
+; NTH-FRAME runs the interator to get the nth frame;
+; ALLPOLES-FROM-LPC filters a sound given a frame from an iterator
+;; NTH-FRAME - get the nth frame from lpc iterator,
+;; first frame is numbered zero
+(defun nth-frame (lpc-iterator numframe)
+ (dotimes (i numframe) (send lpc-iterator :next))
+ (send lpc-iterator :next))
+;; ALLPOLES-FROM-LPC -- filter a sound using an LPC frame
+(defun allpoles-from-lpc (snd lpc-frame)
+ (snd-allpoles snd (lpc-frame-filter-coefs lpc-frame)
+ (lpc-frame-err lpc-frame))) ;; use ERR for gain
+(setfn lpreson snd-lpreson)
diff --git a/lib/midishow.lsp b/lib/midishow.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d33d004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/midishow.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+(defun midi-show-file (score-name &optional (out-file t))
+ (let ((infile (open-binary score-name :direction :input)))
+ (setf my-seq (seq-create))
+ (seq-read-smf my-seq infile)
+ (close infile)
+ (midi-show my-seq out-file)))
+;iterate over midi sequence and prints events
+(defun midi-show (the-seq &optional (out-file t))
+ (prog (event)
+ (seq-reset the-seq)
+ (setf event (seq-get the-seq))
+ (if (eq (car event) seq-done-tag)
+ (go exit))
+ (midi-show-event event out-file)
+ (seq-next the-seq)
+ (go loop)
+ ))
+; midi-show-event -- ascii format an event
+(defun midi-show-event (ev file)
+ (let ((tag (seq-tag ev)))
+ (cond ((= tag seq-note-tag)
+ (format file "Note@~A ch:~A pitch:~A vel:~A line:~A dur:~A~%"
+ (seq-time ev) (seq-channel ev) (seq-pitch ev) (seq-velocity ev)
+ (seq-line ev) (seq-duration ev)))
+ ((= tag seq-ctrl-tag)
+ (format file "Ctrl@~A ch:~A num:~A val:~A line:~A~%"
+ (seq-time ev) (seq-channel ev) (seq-control ev)
+ (seq-value ev) (seq-line ev)))
+ ((= tag seq-touch-tag)
+ (format file "Aftr@~A ch:~A val:~A line:~A~%"
+ (seq-time ev) (seq-channel ev) (seq-touch ev) (seq-line ev)))
+ ((= tag seq-bend-tag)
+ (format file "Bend@~A ch:~A val:~A line:~A~%"
+ (seq-time ev) (seq-channel ev) (seq-bend ev) (seq-line ev)))
+ ((= tag seq-prgm-tag)
+ (format file "Prgm@~A ch:~A num:~A line:~A~%"
+ (seq-time ev) (seq-channel ev) (seq-program ev) (seq-line ev)))
+ ((= tag seq-other-tag)
+ (format file "Othr~%"))
+ (t
+ (format file "????: ~A~%" ev)))))
diff --git a/lib/moog.lsp b/lib/moog.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d4f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/moog.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+;Stephen Mangiat
+;15-392 Final Project
+;Moog Instrument
+;Moog Instrument: Main Function
+(defun moog (s &key
+ (range-osc1 2)
+ (range-osc2 1)
+ (range-osc3 3)
+ (detun2 -.035861)
+ (detun3 .0768)
+ (noiselevel .05)
+ (filter-cutoff 768)
+ (Q 2)
+ (contour .65)
+ (filter-attack .0001)
+ (filter-decay .5)
+ (filter-sustain .8)
+ (shape-osc1 *saw-table*)
+ (shape-osc2 *saw-table*)
+ (shape-osc3 *saw-table*)
+ (volume-osc1 1)
+ (volume-osc2 1)
+ (volume-osc3 1)
+ (amp-attack .01)
+ (amp-decay 1)
+ (amp-sustain 1)
+ (amp-release 0)
+ (glide 0))
+ (cond ((eq glide 0) (setf cv (score-to-cv s)))
+ (t (setf cv (lp (score-to-cv s) (+ .1 (recip glide))))))
+ (cond ((< range-osc1 2) (setf freq1 cv))
+ (t (setf freq1 (mult cv (mult (- range-osc1 1) 2)))))
+ (cond ((< range-osc2 2) (setf freq2temp cv))
+ (t (setf freq2temp (mult cv (mult (- range-osc2 1) 2)))))
+ (cond ((< range-osc3 2) (setf freq3temp cv))
+ (t (setf freq3temp (mult cv (mult (- range-osc3 1) 2)))))
+ (setf freq2 (mult freq2temp (1+ (mult detun2 .0596))))
+ (setf freq3 (mult freq3temp (1+ (mult detun3 .0596))))
+ (setf osc1 (hzosc freq1 shape-osc1))
+ (setf osc2 (hzosc freq2 shape-osc2))
+ (setf osc3 (hzosc freq3 shape-osc3))
+ (setf mix1 (sum (scale volume-osc1 osc1)
+ (scale volume-osc2 osc2) (scale volume-osc3 osc3)))
+ (setf ampenv (score-to-env-trig s 0 0 0 amp-attack amp-decay amp-sustain amp-release))
+ ; noise should be infinite. I hope 10000s is close enough.
+ (setf mix2 (sum mix1 (scale noiselevel (noise 10000))))
+ (setf durSum 0)
+ (setf cutoffenv (score-to-filter-trig s 0 0 0
+ filter-cutoff Q contour filter-attack filter-decay filter-sustain))
+ (setf bandwidth (mult (recip Q) cutoffenv))
+ (setf mix3 (reson mix2 cutoffenv bandwidth 2))
+ (setf mix4 (mult mix3 ampenv))
+; Convert input list into Control Voltages
+(defun score-to-cv (s)
+ (cond ((cdr s)
+ (seq (const (step-to-hz (caar s)) (cadar s)) (score-to-cv (cdr s))))
+ (t (const (step-to-hz (caar s)) (cadar s))))
+; Helper functions used to maintain continuity in envelopes
+(defun last-value (env1 info)
+ (sref env1 (- (cadr info) (recip 2205))))
+(defun last-value-2 (env1 info)
+ (sref env1 (- info (recip 2205))))
+; Create filter cutoff frequencies for Control Voltages
+(defun score-to-filter-trig (s start dur-prev art-prev filter-cutoff Q contour attack decay sust)
+ (let (env1 finish)
+ (cond ((cdr s) (setf env1
+ (make-filter start (car s) dur-prev art-prev filter-cutoff Q contour attack decay sust))
+ (setf finish (last-value env1 (car s)))
+ (seq (mult env1 (const 1 (cadar s)))
+ (score-to-filter-trig (cdr s) finish (cadar s) (caddr (car s)) filter-cutoff Q contour attack decay sust)))
+ (t (make-filter start (car s) dur-prev art-prev filter-cutoff Q contour attack decay sust)))))
+(defun make-filter (start info dur-prev art-prev filter-cutoff Q contour attack decay sust)
+ (let ((dur (cadr info)) (art (caddr info)))
+ (setf highF (sum (mult 10000 contour) filter-cutoff))
+ (setf sust1 (mult sust filter-cutoff))
+ (cond ((eq art-prev 1)
+ (setf durSum (+ durSum dur-prev))
+ (cond ((> attack durSum)
+ (mult (const 1 dur) (pwl 0 start (- attack durSum) highF (+ (- attack dur-prev) decay) sust1 dur sust1)))
+ ((> (+ attack decay) durSum)
+ (mult (const 1 dur) (pwl 0 start (- (+ attack decay) durSum) sust1 dur sust1)))
+ (t (const sust1 dur))))
+ (t (setf durSum 0) (mult (const 1 dur) (pwl 0 0 attack highF (+ decay attack) sust1 dur sust1))))))
+; Create amplitude envelope for Control Voltages
+(defun score-to-env-trig (s start dur-prev art-prev attack decay sust release)
+ (let (env1 finish)
+ (cond ((cdr s) (setf env1
+ (make-env-trig start (car s) dur-prev art-prev attack decay sust release))
+ (setf finish (last-value env1 (car s)))
+ (seq (mult env1 (const 1 (cadar s)))
+ (score-to-env-trig (cdr s) finish (cadar s) (caddr (car s)) attack decay sust release)))
+ (t (make-env-trig start (car s) dur-prev art-prev attack decay sust release)))))
+; Make individual amplitude envelopes. Case checking needed if attack/decay are longer than notes.
+(defun make-env-trig (start info dur-prev art-prev attack decay sust release)
+ (let ((dur (cadr info)) (art (caddr info)))
+ (cond ((eq art-prev 1)
+ (cond ((> (+ attack decay) dur-prev)
+ (cond ((> (- (+ attack decay) dur-prev) (* dur art))
+ (setf art-cutoff (seq (const 1 (* dur art)) (const 0 (- dur (* dur art)))))
+ (setf env1 (mult (const 1 dur) (pwl 0 start (- (+ attack decay)
+ dur-prev) sust (* dur art) sust (+ (* dur art) release) 0 dur 0)))
+ (setf env2 (mult art-cutoff env1))
+ (mult (const 1 dur)
+ (sum env2 (pwl 0 0 (* dur art) 0 (+ (* dur art) .00001)
+ (last-value-2 env2 (* dur art)) (+ (* dur art) release) 0 dur 0))))
+ (t (mult (const 1 dur)
+ (pwl 0 start (- (+ attack decay) dur-prev)
+ sust (* dur art) sust (+ (* dur art) release) 0 dur 0)))))
+ (t (mult (const 1 dur) (pwl 0 start (* dur art) sust (+(* dur art) release) 0 dur 0)))))
+ (t (cond ((> (+ attack decay) (* dur art))
+ (setf art-cutoff (seq (const 1 (* dur art)) (const 0 (- dur (* dur art)))))
+ (setf env1 (pwl 0 start attack 1 (+ attack decay) sust (* dur art) sust
+ (+(* dur art) release) 0 dur 0))
+ (setf env2 (mult art-cutoff env1))
+ (mult (const 1 dur)
+ (sum env2 (pwl 0 0 (* dur art) 0 (+ (* dur art) .00001)
+ (last-value-2 env2 (* dur art)) (+ (* dur art) release) 0 dur 0))))
+ (t (mult (const 1 dur)
+ (pwl 0 start attack 1 (+ attack decay) sust (* dur art)
+ sust (+(* dur art) release) 0 dur 0)))))))) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/piano/att11025.pcm b/lib/piano/att11025.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..683834f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/att11025.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/att16000.pcm b/lib/piano/att16000.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60d8e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/att16000.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/att22050.pcm b/lib/piano/att22050.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e0e037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/att22050.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/att32000.pcm b/lib/piano/att32000.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f9818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/att32000.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/att44100.pcm b/lib/piano/att44100.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17030ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/att44100.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/att48000.pcm b/lib/piano/att48000.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3482270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/att48000.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/att8000.pcm b/lib/piano/att8000.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4956f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/att8000.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/demo.mid b/lib/piano/demo.mid
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..472dc6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/demo.mid
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/demo.mp3 b/lib/piano/demo.mp3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4a84d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/demo.mp3
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/ b/lib/piano/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fff61a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/ b/lib/piano/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c586ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn00.cod b/lib/piano/pn00.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f3d840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn00.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn01.cod b/lib/piano/pn01.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f099282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn01.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn02.cod b/lib/piano/pn02.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..139c77d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn02.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn03.cod b/lib/piano/pn03.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ed165d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn03.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn04.cod b/lib/piano/pn04.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cb4665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn04.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn05.cod b/lib/piano/pn05.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36087cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn05.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn06.cod b/lib/piano/pn06.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ed27a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn06.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn07.cod b/lib/piano/pn07.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11933b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn07.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn08.cod b/lib/piano/pn08.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37c13f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn08.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn09.cod b/lib/piano/pn09.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60c000d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn09.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn10.cod b/lib/piano/pn10.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03dcad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn10.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn11.cod b/lib/piano/pn11.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e77387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn11.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn12.cod b/lib/piano/pn12.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c345aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn12.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn13.cod b/lib/piano/pn13.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..473d1e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn13.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn14.cod b/lib/piano/pn14.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64cce3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn14.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn15.cod b/lib/piano/pn15.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..732cc99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn15.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn16.cod b/lib/piano/pn16.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54c0cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn16.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn17.cod b/lib/piano/pn17.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e2c4b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn17.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn18.cod b/lib/piano/pn18.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1120a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn18.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn19.cod b/lib/piano/pn19.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45a08d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn19.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn20.cod b/lib/piano/pn20.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbef4ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn20.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn21.cod b/lib/piano/pn21.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6a4cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn21.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/pn22.cod b/lib/piano/pn22.cod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b485ba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/pn22.cod
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/rls11025.pcm b/lib/piano/rls11025.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1ff3b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/rls11025.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/rls16000.pcm b/lib/piano/rls16000.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cef5c5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/rls16000.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/rls22050.pcm b/lib/piano/rls22050.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28f94c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/rls22050.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/rls32000.pcm b/lib/piano/rls32000.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83f313d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/rls32000.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/rls44100.pcm b/lib/piano/rls44100.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7529631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/rls44100.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/rls48000.pcm b/lib/piano/rls48000.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a92c93d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/rls48000.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/rls8000.pcm b/lib/piano/rls8000.pcm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd2591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/rls8000.pcm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/piano/ b/lib/piano/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2497478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/piano/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/pianosyn.lsp b/lib/pianosyn.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bcdfa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pianosyn.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+;; ================================================
+;; Show Program Information
+;; ================================================
+(princ "\n\nPiano Synthesizer V1.2 (Feb 2004)\n")
+(princ " Original algorithm and program by Zheng (Geoffrey) Hua\n")
+(princ " and Jim Beauchamp, University of Illinois. Any publication\n")
+(princ " or notes on any composition that utilizes this software\n")
+(princ " should credit the original creators. Any software based on\n")
+(princ " this algorithm should carry a similar notice and restriction.\n")
+(princ " Ported to Nyquist from source code in M4C program by\n")
+(princ " Ning Hu and Roger Dannenberg, Carnegie Mellon University\n")
+(princ " School of Computer Science\n\n")
+(princ " Program Initializing...\n")
+(setf *pianosyn-path* (current-path))
+;; ================================================
+;; Function definition
+;; ================================================
+(defun readdat (filename dim data)
+ (setf filename (strcat *pianosyn-path* "piano"
+ (string *file-separator*) filename))
+ (setq fp (open-binary filename :direction :input))
+ (dotimes (count 4)
+ (setf (aref dim count) (read-int fp)))
+ (dotimes (count (aref dim 3))
+ (setf (aref data count) (read-float fp)))
+ (close fp))
+(defun build-harmonic-phase (n phase size)
+ (sound-srate-abs size (osc (hz-to-step n) 1 *sine-table* phase)))
+;; ******************************************
+;; * Build envelope *
+;; ******************************************
+; after the initial envelope, which is stored in a table,
+; envelopes are extended by splicing together final segments
+; of the real envelope. The final segment is approximately
+; exponential, and so each copy of the segments that is
+; spliced is scaled by the amount of decay during the segment.
+; The long term shape will therefore be exactly exponential, but
+; we thought that a bit of variation rather than a perfectly
+; smooth exponential decay might be better.
+; This function takes a segment, the amount of decay in the
+; segment (the scale factor for the next segment) and a count
+; and builds an envelope
+(defun decay-env (segment decay count)
+ (cond ((<= count 1) (cue segment))
+ (t (seq (cue segment)
+ (scale decay (decay-env segment decay (1- count)))))))
+; PIANO-ENVELOPE builds the amplitude envelope for a group of partials.
+; igroup is the index of the group
+; sc-duration is the score duration
+; attack is the sampled portion of the envelope with a duration of
+; gmagendtime
+; seg-array is the repeating portion of the envelope tacked onto
+; attack to make the envelope longer. The duration of a segment
+; in seg-array is gmagendtimemini
+; the amount by which seg-array[igroup] decays is scalemag1[igroup]
+; Algorithm:
+; figure out how many repetitions of the seq-array[igroup] to
+; add onto the attack to make the envelope long enough. Multiply
+; by an exponential decay starting at the duration -- effectively
+; the damper hits the string at sc-duration.
+(defun piano-envelope (igroup sc-duration gmagendtime gmagendtimemini
+ attack seg-array scalegmag1)
+ (let ((decaycount (1+ (truncate (/ (- (+ sc-duration endingtime) gmagendtime)
+ gmagendtimemini))))
+ pianoenv )
+ (setf pianoenv
+ (sim (at 0 (cue attack))
+ (at gmagendtime (decay-env (aref seg-array igroup)
+ (aref scalegmag1 igroup)
+ decaycount))))
+ ;; For ending time
+ (mult (scale (aref scale1 igroup) pianoenv)
+ (pwlv 1 sc-duration
+ ; decay to 1/1000: about 60dB
+ 1 (+ sc-duration endingtime) 0.001))))
+;; ******************************************
+;; * Build wavetable *
+;; ******************************************
+(defun piano-group (jgroup sc-duration freq table)
+ (sound-srate-abs *piano-srate*
+ (osc (hz-to-step freq) sc-duration
+ (aref table jgroup))))
+;; ******************************************
+;; * Produce single piano note *
+;; ******************************************
+(defun piano-note (duration pitch dynamic)
+ (let ((ioi (get-duration duration))
+ (full-pitch (+ (get-transpose) pitch))
+ (full-dynamic (+ (get-loud) dynamic))
+ ;; note: the "loud" is nominally in dB, but
+ ;; piano-note-abs uses something akin to midi velocity
+ ;; we should probably work out a better conversion
+ (start-time (local-to-global 0))
+ on-dur)
+ (setf on-dur (* ioi (get-sustain)))
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (abs-env (at start-time
+ (piano-note-abs on-dur full-pitch full-dynamic)))
+ ioi)))
+;; PIANO-NOTE-ABS -- private function to do the work; assumes
+;; stretch factor of 1, etc.
+(defun piano-note-abs (sc-duration sc-pitch sc-dynamic)
+ (let (attnamp freq key whichone whichone1 ngroup1 ngroup2 dyna smax
+ dur gmagendtime gmagendtimemini k j envpoint)
+ ;; ******************************************
+ ;; * Initilization for each note *
+ ;; ******************************************
+ (setq attnamp 0.03)
+ ; key is midi pitch number
+ (setq key (truncate (+ sc-pitch 0.000001)))
+ (cond ((< key 21) ;; 21 is A0, lowest pitch on this piano
+ (break "piano-note-abs pitch is too low" sc-pitch)
+ ;; continued -- transpose up to lowest octave
+ (while (< key 21)
+ (setf sc-pitch (+ sc-pitch 12))
+ (setf key (truncate (+ sc-pitch 0.000001)))))
+ ((> key 108) ;; 108 is c9, highest pitch on this piano
+ (break "piano-note-abs pitch is too high" sc-pitch)
+ ;; continued -- transpose down to highest octave
+ (while (> key 108)
+ (setf sc-pitch (- sc-pitch 12))
+ (setf key (truncate (+ sc-pitch 0.000001))))))
+ (setq freq (step-to-hz sc-pitch))
+ (setq whichone -2)
+ (dotimes (i GROUPCON)
+ (if (and (= whichone -2)
+ (< freq (- (aref fa i) 0.001)))
+ (setq whichone (- i 1))))
+ ;; Have to use (- (aref fa i) 0.001) because of the calculation precision of Nyquist
+ (setq whichone1 (1+ whichone))
+ (setq ngroup2 (aref ngroup whichone1))
+ (setq dyna (truncate sc-dynamic))
+ (setq smax 0.25)
+ ; (setq attnpretime (/ (+ (* 0.018 dyna dyna) (* -3.9588 dyna) 244.8139) 1000.0))
+ (setq dur (aref durtab (+ (* key 128) dyna)))
+ (setq ngroup1 (aref ngroup whichone))
+ (setq gmagendtime (* (nth whichone hkframe) (aref dt whichone)))
+ (setq gmagendtimemini (* (aref nptsmini whichone) (aref dtmini whichone)))
+ (setq k (* (aref gmaxtabdim 1) (aref gmaxtabdim 2)))
+ (setq j (+ (* whichone k) (* dyna (aref gmaxtabdim 2))))
+ (dotimes (i (aref gmaxtabdim 2))
+ (setf (aref gmax1 i) (aref gmaxtab j))
+ (incf j))
+ (dotimes (i ngroup1)
+ (setq envpoint (sref (aref (aref gmagmini whichone) i) 0))
+ (if (/= envpoint 0)
+ (setf (aref scalegmag1 i)
+ (/ (sref (aref (aref gmagmini whichone) i)
+ (- gmagendtimemini (aref dtmini whichone)))
+ envpoint))
+ (setf (aref scalegmag1 i) 0.0))
+ (setf (aref scale1 i) (* smax (aref gmax1 i))))
+ (if (> ngroup2 ngroup1) (setf ngroup2 ngroup1))
+ (if (< dur sc-duration) (setq sc-duration dur))
+ ;; **********************
+ ;; * now sum the groups *
+ ;; **********************
+ (scale 0.5
+ (sim (at 0 (set-logical-stop (cue (scale attnamp attsound)) sc-duration))
+ (at 0 (cue (simrep (i ngroup2)
+ (mult (piano-envelope i sc-duration gmagendtime
+ gmagendtimemini (aref (aref gmag whichone) i)
+ (aref gmagmini whichone) scalegmag1)
+ (piano-group i (+ sc-duration endingtime) freq
+ (aref wavetab whichone1)))))))) ))
+;;;;; This is for debugging -- replace synthesis with a sine tone to study envelope
+; (at 0 (cue (mult (piano-envelope 0 sc-duration gmagendtime
+; gmagendtimemini (aref (aref gmag whichone) 0)
+; (aref gmagmini whichone) scalegmag1)
+; (osc c4 2.0))))))))
+(defun piano-note-2 (sc-pitch sc-dynamic)
+ (let ((dur (get-duration 1)))
+ (stretch-abs 1 (piano-note dur sc-pitch sc-dynamic))))
+(defun piano-midi (midiin)
+ (let (midi-seq midifile)
+ (setf midi-seq (seq-create))
+ (setf midifile (open-binary midiin))
+ (seq-read-smf midi-seq midifile)
+ (close midifile)
+ (seq-midi midi-seq
+ (note (channel pitch velocity)
+ (piano-note-2 pitch velocity)))))
+;; ******************************************
+;; *Produce wave file according to MIDI file*
+;; ******************************************
+(defun piano-midi2file (midiin out-name)
+ (princ "\nBegin sound production\n")
+ (princ "=============================================\n")
+ (s-save (piano-midi midiin)
+ ny:all (string out-name) :play T)
+ (princ "=============================================\n")
+ (princ "End sound production\n"))
+;; ====================================
+;; Main Program
+;; ====================================
+(if (not (boundp '*piano-srate*)) ;; if pianosyn.lsp wasn't loaded already
+ (expand 70)) ;; we'll allocate a lot of nodes for data, so expand now
+(setf *pianosyn-save-gc-flag* *gc-flag*)
+(setf *gc-flag* nil) ;; we'll do a lot of gc, so turn off messages
+;; Definite some constant
+(setq NPITCH 22 GROUPCON 23)
+(setq MAXAMP 32767.0)
+(setq TWOPI (+ pi pi))
+(setq *piano-srate* *default-sound-srate*)
+(setq bits 32)
+;; 512 gives pretty good SNR for interpolated sines
+;; some tables will be larger: 512 is just the minimum
+(setq tabsize 512)
+;; For ending time, use 30 msec. (This was originally 0.1 msec,
+;; about 4 samples, but that's too short to avoid clicks.)
+;; This not only must avoid clicks but it simulates the damper.
+;; This is the time to decay to 0.001 of the original, so it's
+;; actually quite a rapid decay.
+(setq endingtime 0.03)
+(setf hkframe (list 66 73 82 90 99 108 116 123 130 135 138 140 138
+ 133 126 117 107 102 105 127 153 187 200))
+(setf attsratelist (list 8000 11025 16000 22050 32000 44100 48000))
+(setf gmax1 (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf scalegmag1 (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf scale1 (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf wavetab (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf ti (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf tstep (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf gmaxtabdim (make-array 4))
+(setf gmaxtab (make-array 64768))
+(setf durtabdim (make-array 4))
+(setf durtab (make-array 16384))
+(setf rlsratetabdim (make-array 4))
+(setf rlsratetab (make-array 11392))
+(setf fa (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf dt (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf ngroup (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf npts (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf gmag (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf nhar (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf gmagmini (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf dtmini (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf nptsmini (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf cw (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf phase (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf hfrom (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf hto (make-array GROUPCON))
+(setf *zero-table* (scale 0 (build-harmonic 1 tabsize)))
+;; =================================================
+;; run-once initilization: pianoActor construction
+;; =================================================
+(princ "\nBegin Instrument-wise initialization...\n")
+(princ "=======================================\n")
+(princ "Reading source files:\n")
+;; Read
+(readdat "" gmaxtabdim gmaxtab)
+;; Read
+(readdat "" durtabdim durtab)
+;; Read
+(readdat "" rlsratetabdim rlsratetab)
+;; Read cwxx.cwd
+(dotimes (pncount GROUPCON)
+ (format t "~A " pncount)
+ (setq filename (strcat "pn"
+ (string (int-char (+ (truncate (/ pncount 10)) 48)))
+ (string (int-char (+ (rem pncount 10) 48)))
+ ".cod"))
+ (setq filename (strcat *pianosyn-path* "piano"
+ (string *file-separator*) filename))
+ (setq fp (open-binary filename))
+ ;; Read cwdHdr in cwxx.cwd
+ (setq cwdHdr-ckID (read-int fp) cwdHdr-type (read-int fp))
+ ;; "CNDN" == 1129202766
+ ;; That is for "FORM"==cwdHdr-ckID
+ ;;(if (and (= cwdHdr-ckID 1179603533) (= cwdHdr-type 1129202766))
+ ;; ()
+ ;; (error "Error in reading chunk header."))
+ ;;That is for "SYNC"==cwdHdr-ckID
+ (if (and (= cwdHdr-ckID 1398361667) (= cwdHdr-type 1129202766))
+ ()
+ (error "Error in reading chunk header."))
+ ;; Read COMMCK in cwxx.cwd
+ (setq COMMCK-ckID (read-int fp))
+ (if (= COMMCK-ckID 1129270605) () (error "COMMCK chunk not found."))
+ (setq COMMCK-fa (read-float fp) COMMCK-dt (read-float fp))
+ (setf (aref fa pncount) COMMCK-fa)
+ (setf (aref dt pncount) COMMCK-dt)
+ (setf (aref dtmini pncount) (* 10 COMMCK-dt))
+ (setq COMMCK-npts (read-int fp) COMMCK-ngroup (read-int fp))
+ (setf (aref npts pncount) COMMCK-npts)
+ (setf (aref nptsmini pncount)
+ (truncate (/ (+ 9 (- COMMCK-npts (nth pncount hkframe))) 10)))
+ (setf (aref ngroup pncount) COMMCK-ngroup)
+ ;; Read DATACK in cwxx.cwd
+ (setq DATACK-ckID (read-int fp))
+ (if (= DATACK-ckID 1346458196) () (error "DATACK chunk not found."))
+ (setf (aref nhar pncount) (read-int fp))
+ (setf (aref cw pncount) (make-array (aref nhar pncount)))
+ (setf (aref phase pncount) (make-array (aref nhar pncount)))
+ (dotimes (count (aref nhar pncount))
+ (setf (aref (aref cw pncount) count) (read-float fp)))
+ (dotimes (count (aref nhar pncount))
+ (setf (aref (aref phase pncount) count) (read-float fp)))
+ ;; Read GRUPCK in cwxx.cwd
+ (setq GRUPCK-ckID (read-int fp))
+ (if (= GRUPCK-ckID 1196578128) () (error "GRUPCK chunk not found."))
+ (setf (aref hfrom pncount) (make-array (aref ngroup pncount)))
+ (setf (aref hto pncount) (make-array (aref ngroup pncount)))
+ ;(display "reading grupck" (aref ngroup pncount) (aref nhar pncount) pncount)
+ (dotimes (count (aref ngroup pncount))
+ (setf (aref (aref hfrom pncount) count)
+ (read-float fp)))
+ (dotimes (count (aref ngroup pncount))
+ (setf (aref (aref hto pncount) count) (read-float fp)))
+ ;; Read GMAGCK in cwxx.cwd
+ (setq GMAGCK-ckID (read-int fp))
+ (if (= GMAGCK-ckID 1196245319)
+ ()
+ (error "GMAGCK chunk not found."))
+ (setq gmaghead (read-int fp))
+ (close fp)
+ (setf (aref gmag pncount) (make-array (aref ngroup pncount)))
+ (setq gmagrate (/ 1 (aref dt pncount)))
+ (setq gmagdur (/ (nth pncount hkframe) gmagrate))
+ ; (display "gmagmini" pncount (aref ngroup pncount))
+ (setf (aref gmagmini pncount) (make-array (aref ngroup pncount)))
+ (setq gmagratemini (/ 1 (aref dtmini pncount)))
+ (setq gmagdurmini (/ (aref nptsmini pncount) gmagratemini))
+ (dotimes (i (aref ngroup pncount))
+ (let (gmaghead1 samps gmaghead1mini)
+ (setf gmaghead1 (/ (float gmaghead) (* gmagrate (/ bits 8))))
+ ;(display "gmag read" i gmaghead1 gmagrate filename)
+ (setf samps (s-read filename :time-offset gmaghead1 :srate gmagrate
+ :dur gmagdur :mode snd-mode-float
+ :format snd-head-raw :bits bits :endian :big))
+ (if samps (snd-length samps ny:all)) ; force read into memory
+ (setf (aref (aref gmag pncount) i) samps)
+ (setq gmaghead (+ gmaghead (* 4 (nth pncount hkframe))))
+ (setq gmaghead1mini (/ (float gmaghead) (* gmagratemini (/ bits 8))))
+ ;(display "gmag read mini" i gmaghead1mini gmagratemini filename)
+ (setf samps (s-read filename :time-offset gmaghead1mini :srate gmagratemini
+ :dur gmagdurmini :mode snd-mode-float :format snd-head-raw
+ :bits bits :endian :big))
+ (if samps (snd-length samps ny:all)) ; force read into memory
+ ;(display "read gmagmini" filename pncount i
+ ; (if samps (snd-length samps ny:all)))
+ (setf (aref (aref gmagmini pncount) i) samps)
+ (setq gmaghead (+ gmaghead (* 4 (aref nptsmini pncount))))
+ ))
+(setq maxfreq (aref fa (1- GROUPCON)))
+(dotimes (i GROUPCON)
+ (setq ngrouptemp -1)
+ (dotimes (j (aref ngroup i))
+ (if (and (= ngrouptemp -1)
+ (>= (* (aref (aref hto i) j) (aref fa i))
+ (/ *piano-srate* 2)))
+ (setq ngrouptemp j)))
+ (if (>= ngrouptemp 0) (setf (aref ngroup i) ngrouptemp)))
+(princ "\nGenerating wavetables...\n")
+(setq tempi (/ (* 360 tabsize) (* TWOPI TWOPI)))
+(dotimes (h GROUPCON)
+ (setf (aref wavetab h) (make-array (aref ngroup h)))
+ (dotimes (i (aref ngroup h))
+ ;(FORMAT T "WAVE ~A OF GROUP ~A~%" i h)
+ (let ((low (aref (aref hfrom h) i))
+ (high (aref (aref hto h) i))
+ tempphase tempcw
+ (len tabsize))
+ ; table size must be more than twice greatest harmonic number
+ ; use a factor of three so we have a wider margin of oversampling
+ (setf len (max len (* 3 high)))
+ (setf sumwave *zero-table*)
+ (do ((k (truncate low) (incf k)))
+ ((> k high))
+ (cond ((< k (aref nhar h))
+ (setq tempphase (aref (aref phase h) k))
+ (setq tempcw (aref (aref cw h) k)))
+ (t
+ (setq tempphase 0)
+ (setq tempcw 0)))
+ (setf sumwave (sum sumwave (scale tempcw (build-harmonic-phase k
+ (+ (* tempphase tempi) 90.0)
+ len))))))
+ (snd-length sumwave ny:all) ; force summation
+ (setf (aref (aref wavetab h) i) (list sumwave (hz-to-step 1) T))))
+;; Read in attack sound
+(princ "\nRead in attack sound...\n")
+(setq attndur 0.5)
+(setq attnth -1)
+(dotimes (count (length attsratelist))
+ (if (and (= attnth -1) (<= *piano-srate* (nth count attsratelist))) (setq attnth count)))
+(if (or (= attnth -1) (/= (nth attnth attsratelist) *piano-srate*))
+ (princ "No attack sound rate corresponds to current sound rate, use the nearest one\n"))
+(if (> attnth 0)
+ (if (<= (- (nth attnth attsratelist) *piano-srate*) (- *piano-srate* (nth (1- attnth) attsratelist)))
+ (setq attsrate (nth attnth attsratelist)) (setq attsrate (nth (1- attnth) attsratelist)))
+ (case attnth
+ (-1 (setq attsrate (last attsratelist)))
+ (0 (setq attsrate (nth 0 attsratelist)))))
+(setq filename (format nil "att~A.pcm" (truncate attsrate)))
+(setf filename (strcat *pianosyn-path* "piano"
+ (string *file-separator*) filename))
+(setf attsound
+ (s-read filename :srate attsrate :dur attndur :format snd-head-raw
+ :mode snd-mode-pcm :bits 16 :endian :big))
+(princ "=============================================\n")
+(princ "End instrument-wise initialization\n")
+(princ "\n\n=============================================\n")
+(princ "Piano Synthesizer function definition:\n")
+(princ "(piano-note-2 step dynamic)\n")
+(princ "(piano-note duration step dynamic)\n")
+(princ "(piano-midi midi-file-name)\n")
+(princ "(piano-midi2file midi-file-name sound-file-name)\n\n")
+(princ "=============================================\n")
+(setf *gc-flag* *pianosyn-save-gc-flag*) ;; restore original value
+;;================= DEBUGGING CODE =========================
+;; run (show-cn-file n) to dump some data from pn??.cod
+;; INT-HEX -- convert integer to hex string
+(defun int-hex (int)
+ (let ((result "") ch)
+ (while (/= int 0)
+ (setf ch (char "0123456789ABCDEF" (logand int 15)))
+ (setf result (strcat (string ch) result))
+ (setf int (/ int 16)))
+ (if (equal result "") "0" result)))
+(defun int-4char (int)
+ (strcat (string (int-char (logand 255 (/ int (* 256 256 256)))))
+ (string (int-char (logand 255 (/ int (* 256 256)))))
+ (string (int-char (logand 255 (/ int 256))))
+ (string (int-char (logand 255 int)))))
+(defun show-cn-file (pncount)
+ (let (filename fp cwdhdr-ckid cwdhdr-type)
+ (setq filename (strcat "pn"
+ (string (int-char (+ (truncate (/ pncount 10)) 48)))
+ (string (int-char (+ (rem pncount 10) 48)))
+ ".cod"))
+ (setf filename (strcat *pianosyn-path* "piano"
+ (string *file-separator*) filename))
+ (format t "SHOW-CN-FILE ~A (~A)~%" pncount filename)
+ (setf fp (open-binary filename))
+ ;; Read cwdHdr in cwxx.cwd
+ (setq cwdHdr-ckID (read-int fp) cwdHdr-type (read-int fp))
+ (format t "header ckID: ~A (~A)~%" (int-hex cwdhdr-ckid)
+ (int-4char cwdhdr-ckid))
+ (format t "header type: ~A (~A)~%" (int-hex cwdhdr-type)
+ (int-4char cwdhdr-type))
+ (setq COMMCK-ckID (read-int fp))
+ (format t "header ckID: ~A (~A)~%" (int-hex commck-ckid)
+ (int-4char commck-ckid))
+ (setq COMMCK-fa (read-float fp) COMMCK-dt (read-float fp))
+ (format t "commck-fa ~A commck-dt ~A~%" commck-fa commck-dt)
+ (setq COMMCK-npts (read-int fp) COMMCK-ngroup (read-int fp))
+ (format t "commck-npts ~A commck-ngroup ~A~%" commck-npts commck-ngroup)
+ (setq DATACK-ckID (read-int fp))
+ (format t "header ckID: ~A (~A)~%" (int-hex datack-ckid)
+ (int-4char datack-ckid))
+ (setf datack-nhar (read-int fp))
+ (format t "datack-nhar ~A~%cw data:" datack-nhar)
+ (dotimes (i datack-nhar)
+ (if (and (zerop (rem i 10)) (or (< i 10) (> i (- datack-nhar 10))))
+ (format t "~% ~A:" i))
+ (setf data-cw (read-float fp))
+ (if (or (< i 10) (>= i (* (/ datack-nhar 10) 10)))
+ (format t " ~A" data-cw)))
+ (format t "~%phase data:")
+ (dotimes (i datack-nhar)
+ (if (and (zerop (rem i 10)) (or (< i 10) (> i (- datack-nhar 10))))
+ (format t "~% ~A:" i))
+ (setf data-phase (read-float fp))
+ (if (or (< i 10) (> i (- datack-nhar 10))) (format t " ~A" data-cw)))
+ (format t "~%")
+ (setf grupck-ckid (read-int fp))
+ (format t "header ckID: ~A (~A)~%hfrom data:"
+ (int-hex grupck-ckid) (int-4char grupck-ckid))
+ (dotimes (count commck-ngroup)
+ (setf data-hfrom (read-float fp))
+ (if (zerop (rem count 10))
+ (format t "~% ~A:" count))
+ (format t " ~A" data-hfrom))
+ (format t "~%hto data:")
+ (dotimes (count commck-ngroup)
+ (setf data-hto (read-float fp))
+ (if (zerop (rem count 10))
+ (format t "~% ~A:" count))
+ (format t " ~A" data-hto))
+ (setf gmagck-ckid (read-int fp))
+ (format t "~%header ckID: ~A (~A)~%"
+ (int-hex gmagck-ckid) (int-4char gmagck-ckid))
+ (setf gmaghead (read-int fp))
+ (format t "gmaghead ~A" gmaghead)
+ (format t "~%")
+ ;; compute range of data to be read
+ (setf offset gmaghead)
+ (dotimes (i commck-ngroup)
+ (format t "gmag: group ~A offset ~A length ~A end ~A~%"
+ i offset (* 4 (nth pncount hkframe))
+ (+ offset (* 4 (nth pncount hkframe))))
+ (setf offset (+ offset (* 4 (nth pncount hkframe))))
+ (format t "gmagmini: group ~A offset ~A length ~A end ~A~%"
+ i offset (* 4 (aref nptsmini pncount))
+ (+ offset (* 4 (aref nptsmini pncount))))
+ (setf offset (+ offset (* 4 (aref nptsmini pncount)))))
+ (close fp)
+ (setf gmag-and-gmagmini
+ (s-read filename
+ :time-offset (* (float gmaghead) 0.25 commck-dt)
+ :srate (/ 1.0 commck-dt)
+ :mode snd-mode-float :format snd-head-raw
+ :bits 32 :endian :big))))
diff --git a/lib/plugin-test.lsp b/lib/plugin-test.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e78342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/plugin-test.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+;; plugin-test -- simulate Audacity interface to Nyquist plugins
+;; Roger B. Dannenberg, Dec 2005
+;; This program runs an Audacity plugin from within Nyquist, where
+;; more debugging tools are available.
+;; There are two functions:
+;; (PLUGIN-TEST "plugin-file-name") -- full emulation of Audacity,
+;; prompts for parameters and audio file. The ".ny" extension
+;; is optional.
+;; (PLUGIN-AUTO-TEST "plugin-file-name" bindings ["audio-file-name"]) -- load
+;; and run the plugin. Bindings is a list of bindings, e.g.
+;; ((amp 1.0) (n 3)), setting the controls of the plugin.
+;; This version does not prompt for values.
+;; ADD-EXTENSION -- if filename does not end in ext, append ext to
+;; filename ext should include the ".", e.g. ".ny"
+(defun add-extension (filename ext)
+ (cond ((equal (subseq filename (- (length filename) (length ext)))
+ ext)
+ filename)
+ (t
+ (strcat filename ext))))
+(defun string-to-number (str)
+ (read (make-string-input-stream str)))
+(defun parse-control-spec (line)
+ (let ((stream (make-string-input-stream (subseq line 8))))
+ (list (read stream)
+ (read stream)
+ (read stream)
+ (read stream)
+ (read stream)
+ (read stream)
+ (read stream))))
+(defun describe-sound (snd)
+ (let ((typ (type-of snd)) sr)
+ (cond ((eq typ 'sound)
+ (setf typ "single-channel sound")
+ (setf sr (snd-srate snd)))
+ ((and (eq typ 'VECTOR) (eq (type-of (aref snd 0)) 'SOUND))
+ (setf typ "multi-channel sound")
+ (setf sr (snd-srate (aref snd 0)))))
+ (cond ((stringp typ)
+ (format t "=== Plugin result is a ~A at sample rate ~A ===~%"
+ typ sr)
+ snd)
+ (t
+ (format t "=== Plugin result is of type ~A ===~%" typ)
+ (pprint snd) ;; print result of plugin if it's not a sound
+ (s-rest 0.1))))) ;; return silence to make play happy
+(defun read-file-expressions (filename)
+ (let (file expr exprs)
+ (setf file (open filename))
+ (while (setf expr (read file))
+ (push expr exprs))
+ (reverse exprs)))
+;; AUDIO-FILE-TO-BINDINGS -- convert audio filename to pair of bindings:
+;; ((s (s-read <filename>)) (len <length-of-audio-file>))
+;; return nil if filename is invalid
+(defun audio-file-to-bindings (audio-file)
+ (let (source)
+ (if (> (length audio-file) 0)
+ (setf source (s-read audio-file)))
+ (cond (source
+ (setf len (* (nth 5 *rslt*) (nth 6 *rslt*)))
+ (list `(len ,len)
+ `(s (s-read ,audio-file))))
+ (t nil))))
+(defun plugin-test (filename)
+ (let (file controls bindings description plug-type
+ value audio-file source exprs len)
+ ;; first, check for filename extension
+ (setf filename (add-extension filename ".ny"))
+ ;; see if we can open the file
+ (setf file (open filename))
+ (if (null file)
+ (error (strcat "Could not open " filename)))
+ ;; parse the file
+ ;sym init step
+ (do ((line (read-line file) (read-line file)))
+ ((null line))
+ ;(display "pass 1" line)
+ (cond ((eql 0 (string-search ";control" line))
+ (push (parse-control-spec line) controls))
+ ((or (eql 0 (string-search ";nyquist" line))
+ (eql 0 (string-search ";version" line))
+ (eql 0 (string-search ";name" line))
+ (eql 0 (string-search ";action" line))
+ (eql 0 (string-search ";info" line)))
+ (push line description))
+ ((eql 0 (string-search ";type" line))
+ (cond ((string-search "process" line)
+ (setf plug-type 'process))
+ ((string-search "generate")
+ (setf plug-type 'generate))
+ ((string-search "analyze")
+ (setf plug-type 'analyze))
+ (t
+ (error (strcat "unexpected specification: " line)))))))
+ (close file)
+ ;; print description
+ (dolist (line description)
+ (format t "~A~%" line))
+ ;; get control values and set them as global variables
+ (setf controls (reverse controls))
+ (read-line) ;; read the newline after the expression that called this fn
+ ;; (otherwise, we'll read in unintended new-line for first control)
+ (dolist (control controls)
+ ;; control is (symbol description type units default minimum maximum)
+ (let ((sym (car control))
+ (desc (cadr control))
+ (ctrl-type (caddr control))
+ (units (cadddr control))
+ (default (nth 4 control))
+ (minimum (nth 5 control))
+ (maximum (nth 6 control)))
+ (loop
+ (format t "~A (~A) [~A]: " desc units default)
+ (setf value (read-line))
+ (if (equal value "")
+ (setf value default)
+ (setf value (string-to-number value)))
+ (if (equal ctrl-type 'int)
+ (setf value (round value))
+ (setf value (float value)))
+ (if (and (<= minimum value) (<= value maximum))
+ (return)) ; break from loop
+ (format t "Try again, value must be between ~A and ~A.~%"
+ minimum maximum))
+ (push (list sym value) bindings)))
+ (setf bindings (reverse bindings))
+ ;; determine the sound file name to process, if any, and open it
+ (cond ((member plug-type '(process analyze))
+ (loop
+ (format t "Audio input file: ")
+ (setf audio-file (read-line))
+ (setf source (audio-file-to-bindings audio-file))
+ (if source (return))
+ (format t "Could not open ~A. Try again.~%" audio-file))
+ (setf bindings (append source bindings))))
+ ;; now we're ready to read the plug-in as expressions
+ (setf exprs (read-file-expressions filename))
+ ;; turn expression list into a let and evaluate
+ (run-plugin exprs bindings)))
+(defun plugin-auto-test (filename bindings &optional audio-file)
+ (setf filename (add-extension filename ".ny"))
+ (let ((exprs (read-file-expressions filename))
+ source)
+ (cond (audio-file
+ (setf source (audio-file-to-bindings audio-file))))
+ (cond (source
+ (setf bindings (append source bindings)))
+ (t
+ (error (strcat "audio file not valid: " audio-file))))
+ (run-plugin exprs bindings)))
+(defun run-plugin (exprs bindings)
+ (setf exprs `(let (,@bindings) ,@exprs))
+ (pprint exprs)
+ (play (describe-sound (eval exprs))))
diff --git a/lib/reverb.lsp b/lib/reverb.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32da1ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/reverb.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+(defun reverb (x time)
+ (multichan-expand #'reverb-mono x time))
+(defun reverb-mono (ga irevfactor)
+ (let (sr ilowpass idel ihz icsc acomball allp1 allp2 allp3 alow allp4 allp5
+ arevout)
+ (setf sr (snd-srate ga))
+ (setf ilowpass 9000.000) ; frequency of lowpass filter
+ (setf idel (list ; list of frequency/delay values
+ (/ 1237.000 sr) (/ 1381.000 sr) (/ 1607.000 sr)
+ (/ 1777.000 sr) (/ 1949.000 sr) (/ 2063.000 sr)
+ (/ 307.000 sr) (/ 97.000 sr) (/ 71.000 sr)
+ (/ 53.000 sr) (/ 47.000 sr) (/ 37.000 sr)
+ (/ 31.000 sr)))
+ ; Nyquist's comb filter uses Hz rather than delay as parameter,
+ ; so take reciprocals to get Hz:
+ (setf ihz (mapcar #'/ idel))
+ (setf icsc (list ; list of delay times
+ (* irevfactor 0.822) (* irevfactor 0.802)
+ (* irevfactor 0.773) (* irevfactor 0.753)
+ (* irevfactor 0.753) (* irevfactor 0.753)
+ (* irevfactor 0.7)))
+ (setf acomball (sum
+ (comb ga (nth 0 icsc) (nth 0 ihz))
+ (comb ga (nth 1 icsc) (nth 1 ihz))
+ (comb ga (nth 2 icsc) (nth 2 ihz))
+ (comb ga (nth 3 icsc) (nth 3 ihz))
+ (comb ga (nth 4 icsc) (nth 4 ihz))
+ (comb ga (nth 5 icsc) (nth 5 ihz))))
+ (setf allp1 (alpass acomball (nth 6 icsc) (nth 6 ihz)))
+ (setf allp2 (alpass allp1 (nth 6 icsc) (nth 7 ihz)))
+ (setf allp3 (alpass allp2 (nth 6 icsc) (nth 8 ihz)))
+ (setf alow (lp allp3 ilowpass))
+ (setf allp4 (alpass alow (nth 6 icsc) (nth 9 ihz)))
+ (setf allp5 (alpass allp4 (nth 6 icsc) (nth 11 ihz)))
+ allp5
+ ; acomball
+ ))
diff --git a/lib/reverse.lsp b/lib/reverse.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f8e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/reverse.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+;; reverse.lsp -- reverse sounds and files
+(setf *max-reverse-samples* 25000000) ;; about 100MB of memory
+(setf *reverse-blocksize* 10000) ;; how many to reverse at a time
+(defun s-reverse (snd) (multichan-expand #'nyq:s-reverse snd))
+(defun nyq:s-reverse (snd)
+ (let ((now (local-to-global 0)))
+ (setf len (snd-length snd *max-reverse-samples*))
+ (cond ((= len *max-reverse-samples*)
+ (error
+ "s-reverse cannot reverse a sound longer than *max-reverse-samples*")))
+ (abs-env (at-abs now (nyq:s-reverse-from snd len)))))
+(defun nyq:s-reverse-from (snd len)
+ (cond ((> len *reverse-blocksize*)
+ (seq (nyq:reverse-some-samples snd (- len *reverse-blocksize*)
+ *reverse-blocksize*)
+ (nyq:s-reverse-from snd (- len *reverse-blocksize*))))
+ (t
+ (nyq:reverse-some-samples snd 0 len))))
+(defun nyq:reverse-some-samples (snd offset len)
+ (display "reverse-some-samples" (snd-length snd 20000) offset len)
+ (let ((samps (snd-samples (nyq:extract-samples snd offset len) len))
+ (i2 (1- len)))
+ (display "reverse-some-samples" (length samps))
+ (dotimes (i1 (/ len 2))
+ (let ((s1 (aref samps i1))
+ (s2 (aref samps i2)))
+ (setf (aref samps i1) s2)
+ (setf (aref samps i2) s1)
+ (setf i2 (1- i2))))
+ (snd-from-array (local-to-global 0) (snd-srate snd) samps)))
+(defun nyq:extract-samples (snd offset len)
+ (let (start stop)
+ (setf start (/ offset (snd-srate snd)))
+ (setf stop (+ start (/ len (snd-srate snd))))
+ (display "nyq:extract-samples" start stop (snd-t0 snd))
+ (extract-abs start stop snd)))
+;(play (s-reverse (s-read "sample.wav")))
+(defun s-read-reverse (filename &key (time-offset 0) (srate *sound-srate*)
+ (dur 10000) (nchans 1) (format *default-sf-format*)
+ (mode *default-sf-mode*) (bits *default-sf-bits*)
+ (endian nil))
+ (let (fsrate fdur channels rslt)
+ ;; first, read the sound just to get the duration and rate of the file
+ (setf rslt (s-read filename :time-offset time-offset :srate srate :dur dur
+ :nchans nchans :format format :mode mode
+ :bits bits :endian endian))
+ (if (null rslt) (error "s-read-reverse could not open file" filename))
+ (setf channels (cadr *rslt*))
+ (setf *rslt* (cddddr *rslt*))
+ (setf fsrate (cadr *rslt*))
+ (display "s-read-reverse" filename srate channels)
+ (setf fdur (caddr *rslt*))
+ (setf time-offset (max 0 (min fdur time-offset)))
+ (setf dur (max 0 (min (- fdur time-offset) dur)))
+ (cond ((> channels 1)
+ (setf rslt (make-array channels))
+ (dotimes (i channels)
+ (setf (aref rslt i)
+ (nyq:s-reverse-file filename time-offset fsrate dur
+ channels format mode bits endian i)))
+ rslt)
+ (t (nyq:s-reverse-file filename time-offset fsrate dur
+ channels format mode bits endian nil)))))
+;; nyq:s-reverse-file -- do the work of reversing one channel of a file
+;; if nchans > 1, chan is the channel number to read
+(defun nyq:s-reverse-file (filename time-offset srate dur nchans
+ format mode bits endian chan)
+ (let ((blockdur (/ *reverse-blocksize* srate)))
+ (if (> dur blockdur)
+ (seq (nyq:reverse-some-samples
+ (nyq:s-read-chan filename
+ (+ time-offset dur (- blockdur))
+ srate (/ *reverse-blocksize* srate)
+ nchans format mode bits endian chan)
+ 0 *reverse-blocksize*)
+ (nyq:s-reverse-file filename time-offset srate (- dur blockdur)
+ nchans format mode bits endian chan))
+ (nyq:s-read-chan filename time-offset srate dur nchans format
+ mode bits endian chan))))
+;; nyq:s-read-chan -- grab some samples from one channel of a file
+(defun nyq:s-read-chan (filename time-offset srate dur nchans format
+ mode bits endian chan)
+ (let (rslt)
+ (setf rslt
+ (if (= nchans 1)
+ (s-read filename :time-offset time-offset :srate srate
+ :dur dur :nchans nchans :format format :mode mode
+ :bits bits :endian endian)
+ (aref (s-read filename :time-offset time-offset :srate srate
+ :dur dur :nchans nchans :format format :mode mode
+ :bits bits :endian endian)
+ chan)))
+ (if (not rslt) (error "nyq:s-read-chan could not read part of file" filename))
+ rslt))
+;(play (s-read-reverse "sample.wav"))
+;(play (s-read-reverse "test.wav"))
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/sdl.lsp b/lib/sdl.lsp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ea22071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sdl.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+;;; Score Description Library. v 1.0
+;;; pmorales. Junio, 2007
+; - es obligatorio definir un instrumento al menos y asignarlo desde el principio
+; - en su lugar hay que utilizar TF (time factor) que tiene un efecto similar al de Cakewalk
+; - los atributos ATTR solo tienen efecto sobre el instrumento que estan definidos.
+; los atributos estan asociados a un instrumento en particular
+; a helper function ------------------------------------------
+(defun floor (x)
+ (round (- x 0.5)))
+; this code is imported from pmorales lambda music
+(defun sdl:pitch-lex (pitch)
+ "ARGS: pitch
+DEVUELVE: Cadena con el valor del argumento convertido a pitch-midi"
+ (case (type-of pitch)
+ (fixnum pitch)
+ (flonum pitch (round pitch))
+ (symbol (sdl:pitch-name->step (let ((str (symbol-name pitch))) (if (equal (char str 0) #\:) (subseq str 1) str))))
+ (string (sdl:pitch-name->step pitch))
+ (t (error "PITCH-LEX: Error lexico en especificacion de pitch"))))
+(defun sdl:digit-char-p (chr)
+ (char>= #\9 chr #\0))
+(defun sdl:code-pitch-p-1 (chr)
+ (or (char>= #\g chr #\a) (char>= #\G chr #\A)))
+(defun sdl:code-pitch-p-2 (chr)
+ (or (eq chr #\#) (eq chr #\b)(eq chr #\B)(eq chr #\s)(eq chr #\f) (sdl:digit-char-p chr)))
+(defun sdl:pitch-p (str)
+ "Detecta si el argumento es un simbolo que representa un pitch"
+ (case (length str)
+ (1 (sdl:code-pitch-p-1 (aref str 0)))
+ (2 (and (sdl:code-pitch-p-1 (char str 0)) (sdl:code-pitch-p-2 (char str 1))))
+ (3 (and (sdl:code-pitch-p-1 (char str 0)) (sdl:code-pitch-p-2 (char str 1))
+ (sdl:digit-char-p (char str 2))))
+ (4 (and (sdl:code-pitch-p-1 (char str 0)) (sdl:code-pitch-p-2 (char str 1))
+ (sdl:digit-char-p (char str 2)) (sdl:digit-char-p (char str 3))))))
+(defun sdl:b-or-# (pname)
+ (let ((chrom (char pname 1)))
+ (case chrom
+ ((#\b #\B #\f) -1)
+ ((#\# #\s) 1)
+ (t 0))))
+(defun sdl:pitch-name-category (pname)
+ (let ((first-char (char pname 0)))
+ (case first-char
+ ((#\C #\c) 0)
+ ((#\D #\d) 2)
+ ((#\E #\e) 4)
+ ((#\F #\f) 5)
+ ((#\G #\g) 7)
+ ((#\A #\a) 9)
+ ((#\B #\b) 11)
+ (t (error (strcat "Improper pitch name " pname))))))
+(defun sdl:char-to-val (char)
+ (- (char-code char) 48))
+(defun sdl:string-to-val (string)
+ (let ((len (1- (length string))))
+ (do* ((i -1 (1+ i))
+ (suma 0 (+ suma (* (sdl:char-to-val (char string i)) (expt 10 (float (- len i)))))))
+ ((= i len) suma))))
+(defun sdl:pitch-name->step (pname)
+ (when (symbolp pname) (setf pname (string-trim ":" (symbol-name pname))))
+ (let ((chrom (sdl:b-or-# pname))
+ (category (sdl:pitch-name-category pname))
+ (octave (sdl:string-to-val (string-left-trim "AaBbCcDdEeFfGg#s" pname))))
+ (+ chrom category (* 12 (- octave 4)) 60)))
+(defun sdl:one-of-twelve-to-string (number)
+ (case number
+ (0 "C")
+ (1 "C#")
+ (2 "D")
+ (3 "D#")
+ (4 "E")
+ (5 "F")
+ (6 "F#")
+ (7 "G")
+ (8 "G#")
+ (9 "A")
+ (10 "A#")
+ (11 "B")))
+(defun step->pitch-name (midi-number)
+ (let ((one-of-twelve (rem midi-number 12))
+ (octave (1- (floor (/ midi-number 12)))))
+ (format nil "~A~A" (sdl:one-of-twelve-to-string one-of-twelve) octave)))
+(defun step->hz (midi)
+ (* 440.0 (expt 2.0 (/ (- midi 69.0) 12.0))))
+(defun pitch-name->hz (name)
+ (step->hz (pitch-name->step name)))
+(defun pitch-name->step (pn)
+ (if (numberp pn)
+ pn
+ (sdl:pitch-name->step pn)))
+;;; functions for SYMBOL PROPERTY LIST processing
+(defun sdl:iterate-on-symbol-plist (fun plist &optional result)
+ (if plist
+ (sdl:iterate-on-symbol-plist fun (cddr plist) (cons (funcall fun (car plist) (second plist)) result))
+ result))
+(defun sdl:sort-pwl (plist)
+ (sdl:iterate-on-symbol-plist
+ #'(lambda (sym pwl-list)
+ (list sym (sort pwl-list #'(lambda (x y) (< (car x)(car y))))))
+ plist))
+; ATENCION: los calculos se hacen sobre pulsos, no sobre segundos
+(defun sdl:calcule-pwl-val (tm plist)
+ (apply #'append
+ (sdl:iterate-on-symbol-plist
+ #'(lambda (prop-sym prop-val)
+ (list prop-sym (sdl:pwl-val tm prop-val)))
+ plist)))
+; this function compute variable attributes
+(defun sdl:pwl-val (x points)
+ (labels
+ ((pwl-interpolate (x x1 y1 x2 y2)
+ (let* ((a (/ (- y1 y2) (- x1 (float x2))))
+ (b (- y1 (* a x1))))
+ (+ b (* a x))))
+ (search-points (x points &optional (result 0))
+ (if (or (null points) (< x (caar points)))
+ result
+ (search-points x (cdr points) (+ 1 result))))
+ (points-xval (n points) (car (nth n points)))
+ (points-yval (n points) (cadr (nth n points))))
+ (let ((len (length points))
+ (index (search-points x points)))
+ (cond
+ ((= 0 index) (points-yval 0 points))
+ ((= len index) (points-yval (- len 1) points))
+ (t (pwl-interpolate x (points-xval (- index 1) points) (points-yval (- index 1) points)
+ (points-xval index points) (points-yval index points)))))))
+; macros in SDL--------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun sdl:is-event-macro? (ev)
+ (and (listp ev) (equal (car ev) 'MAC)))
+(defun sdl:score-has-macros? (sdl-sco)
+ (do ((i 0 (+ 1 i))
+ result)
+ ((cond
+ ((sdl:is-event-macro? (nth i sdl-sco)) (setf result T) T)
+ ((= i (length sdl-sco)) T))
+ result)))
+(defun sdl:expand-macros (sdl-sco)
+ (apply #'append
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (ev)
+ (cond
+ ((not (listp ev)) (list ev))
+ ((and (listp ev) (not (equal (car ev) 'MAC))) (list ev))
+ (t (apply (second ev) (cddr ev)))))
+ sdl-sco)))
+; main functions for SDL -------------------------------------------------------
+; this is a BIG function
+(defun sdl:sdl->score-aux (score-data &optional time-marks)
+ (let ((tf 1.0) ; global time factor
+ sc-instr
+ chords
+ (sc-time 0)
+ (sc-dur 1))
+ (unless time-marks (setf time-marks (gensym)))
+ (labels ((filter-name (ky l &optional xresult)
+ (if l
+ (if (not (member (car l) ky :test #'equal))
+ (let () (push (car l) xresult)
+ (push (cadr l) xresult)
+ (filter-name ky (cddr l) xresult))
+ (filter-name ky (cddr l) xresult))
+ (reverse xresult)))
+ (attrs-vals () (symbol-plist sc-instr))
+ (scale-score-time (event scale)
+ (list (* scale (car event)) (* scale (cadr event)) (caddr event)))
+ (make-sc-note (p) (list sc-time sc-dur
+ (append (list (get sc-instr :name) :pitch (sdl:pitch-lex p))
+ (sdl:calcule-pwl-val sc-time (get sc-instr :pwl))
+ (filter-name (list :name :pwl) (attrs-vals)))))
+ (calcula-dur (datum) (if (listp datum) (eval datum) datum))
+ (setdur (dur) (setf sc-dur (calcula-dur (car dur))))
+ (setinstr (instr) (setf sc-instr (intern (car instr))))
+ (init-instr (instr instr-name)
+ (setf sc-instr (intern instr))
+ (setf (symbol-plist sc-instr) NIL)
+ (putprop sc-instr (gensym) :pwl)
+ (putprop sc-instr instr-name :name))
+ (set-attr (prop val) (putprop sc-instr val prop))
+ (set-pwl-point (prop val)
+ (push (list sc-time val) (get (get sc-instr :pwl) prop)))
+ (set-mrk (mrk-symbol) (if (get time-marks mrk-symbol)
+ (error "sdl->score: time mark ~A already set" mrk-symbol)
+ (putprop time-marks sc-time mrk-symbol)))
+ (set-time-mrk (mrk-symbol)
+ (let ((mrk-time (get time-marks mrk-symbol)))
+ (if mrk-time (setf sc-time mrk-time)
+ (error (format nil "sdl->score: time mark ~A does not exists" mrk-symbol)))))
+ (proc-elt-for-pwl (elt)
+ (if (not (listp elt))
+ (cond ((numberp elt) (setf sc-time (+ sc-time elt)) NIL)
+ (t (setf sc-time (+ sc-time sc-dur)) NIL))
+ (case (car elt)
+ ((KEY TS CHN PATCH LM TN MRK NTR) NIL) ; filter out all these
+ ; for compatibility with lambda music
+ ((TF) (setf tf (calcula-dur (cadr elt))) NIL)
+ ((TIME-IN-SECONDS) (setf tf 0.25) NIL) ; with mm = 60
+ ((DUR) (setdur (cdr elt)) NIL)
+ ((INSTRUMENT) (setinstr (cdr elt)) NIL)
+ ((INIT-INSTR) (init-instr (second elt)(third elt)) NIL)
+ ((ATTR) NIL)
+ ((PWL-POINT) (set-pwl-point (second elt) (calcula-dur (third elt))) NIL)
+ ((FUN) (apply (eval (cadr elt)) (cddr elt)))
+ ((DELTA PAU) (setf sc-time (+ sc-time (calcula-dur (second elt)))) NIL) ; pause positive or negative
+ ((CH) (setf sc-time (+ sc-time sc-dur)) NIL)
+ ((CH1) (setf sc-dur (calcula-dur (third elt))) ; pitch dur
+ (setf sc-time (+ sc-time sc-dur)) NIL)
+ (t (setf sc-dur (calcula-dur (cadr elt)))
+ (setf sc-time (+ sc-time sc-dur))
+ NIL))))
+ (proc-elt (elt)
+ (if (not (listp elt))
+ (cond ((numberp elt) (setf sc-time (+ sc-time elt)) NIL)
+ (t (let ((ret-note (make-sc-note elt)))
+ (setf sc-time (+ sc-time sc-dur))
+ ret-note)))
+ (case (car elt)
+ ((KEY TS CHN PATCH LM TN MRK NTR) NIL) ; filter out all these
+ ; for compatibility with lambda music
+ ((TF) (setf tf (calcula-dur (cadr elt))) NIL)
+ ((LABEL SET-MRK) (set-mrk (second elt)) NIL)
+ ((AT-LABEL AT-MRK) (set-time-mrk (second elt)) NIL)
+ ((TIME-IN-SECONDS) (setf tf 0.25) NIL)
+ ((DUR) (setdur (cdr elt)) NIL)
+ ((INSTRUMENT) (setinstr (cdr elt)) NIL)
+ ((INIT-INSTR) NIL) ;(init-instr (second elt)(third elt)) NIL)
+ ((ATTR) (set-attr (second elt) (calcula-dur (third elt))) NIL)
+ ((FUN) (apply (eval (cadr elt)) (cddr elt)))
+ ((DELTA PAU) (setf sc-time (+ sc-time (calcula-dur (second elt)))) NIL) ; pause positive or negative
+ ((CH) (dolist (n (cdr elt)) (push (make-sc-note n) chords)) NIL)
+ ((CH1) (setf sc-dur (calcula-dur (third elt))) ; pitch dur
+ (make-sc-note (second elt)))
+ (t (setf sc-dur (calcula-dur (cadr elt)))
+ (let ((ret-note (make-sc-note (car elt))))
+ (setf sc-time (+ sc-time sc-dur))
+ ret-note))))))
+ ; first sets pwl data
+ (dolist (ev score-data NIL)
+ (proc-elt-for-pwl ev))
+ ; sort pwl data
+ (dolist (elt score-data NIL)
+ (when
+ (and (listp elt) (equal (car elt) 'INIT-INSTR))
+ (putprop (intern (second elt))
+ (apply #'append (sdl:sort-pwl (symbol-plist (get (intern (second elt)) :pwl))))
+ :pwl)))
+ ; then process score
+ (setf sc-time 0.0)
+ (do ((data score-data (cdr data))
+ (result '()))
+ ((null data) (list (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (ev) (scale-score-time ev tf)) result)
+ #'(lambda (x y) (< (car x) (car y)))) time-marks))
+ (let ((proced-elt (proc-elt (car data))))
+ (when proced-elt (push proced-elt result)))
+ (setf result (append result chords))))))
+(defun sdl:get-key (l k)
+ (when l
+ (if (equal (car l) k)
+ (second l)
+ (sdl:get-key (cdr l) k))))
+(defun sdl:apply-mm-to-score (sco)
+ (let (current-time current-dur end-last-note gap current-mm result)
+ (setf current-mm (sdl:get-key (caddar sco) :mm))
+ (setf current-time (* (/ 15.0 current-mm) (caar sco)))
+ (setf end-last-note (caar sco))
+ (dolist (ev sco)
+ (setf gap (- (car ev) end-last-note))
+ (setf end-last-note (+ (car ev) (second ev)))
+ (setf current-mm (sdl:get-key (caddr ev) :mm))
+ (setf current-dur (* (/ 15.0 current-mm) (cadr ev)))
+ (push (list (+ current-time (* (/ 15.0 current-mm) gap)) current-dur (caddr ev)) result)
+ (setf current-time (+ current-time (* (/ 15.0 current-mm) gap) current-dur)))
+ (reverse result)))
+(defun sdl:normalize-score-duration (sco)
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (ev) (list (car ev) 1 (third ev))) sco))
+; main functions interface -------
+;(defun sdl->score (score-data &optional time-marks)
+; (when (sdl:score-has-macros? score-data)
+; (setf score-data (sdl:expand-macros score-data)))
+; (car (sdl:sdl->score-aux score-data time-marks)))
+(defun sdl->score (score-data &optional time-marks)
+ (when (sdl:score-has-macros? score-data)
+ (setf score-data (sdl:expand-macros score-data)))
+ (sdl:apply-mm-to-score
+ (car (sdl:sdl->score-aux score-data time-marks))))
+(defun sdl->timelabels (score-data &optional time-marks)
+ (when (sdl:score-has-macros? score-data)
+ (setf score-data (sdl:expand-macros score-data)))
+ (second (sdl:sdl->score-aux score-data time-marks)))
+(defun sdl-repeat (n quoted-event)
+ (let (result)
+ (dotimes (i n (apply #'append result))
+ (push quoted-event result))))
+(setf *score* '((TF 1.0)
+ (INIT-INSTR "i1" xx)(INIT-INSTR "i2" yy)
+ (INSTRUMENT "i1")(ATTR :at1 2)(ATTR :mm 60) 4 (:e4 2) 2 (:d4 4) 10 (LABEL :t1)
+ (INSTRUMENT "i2") (ATTR :mm 60)(:f4 8)
+ (LABEL :vuelta) (AT-LABEL :t1) (:f5 4)
+ (AT-LABEL :vuelta) (:f6 8)
+(setf *score2* '((TF 1.0)
+ (INIT-INSTR "i1" xx2)(INSTRUMENT "i1")(ATTR :mm 60)
+ (AT-LABEL :t1) (:e4 4) (MAC sdl-repeat 4 (:f4 :g4)) ))
+;(print (sdl:apply-mm-to-score (car (sdl:sdl->score-aux *score*))))
+;(print (car (sdl:sdl->score-aux *score*)))
+(setf *tlabels* (sdl->timelabels *score*))
+(print (sdl->score *score*))
+(print (sdl->score *score2* *tlabels*))
diff --git a/lib/soften.lsp b/lib/soften.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad5c2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/soften.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+;; soften.lsp -- this is code to "soften" harsh clipping
+; it works by detecting peaks that exceed an absolute amplitude of 126/127
+; using SND-ONESHOT. Then the envelope is smoothed using SND-CHASE
+; to produce a smooth cross-fade envelope. The envelope picks out the loud
+; stuff to be filtered (try 4K) and an inverted envelope grabs the soft
+; stuff which is unmodified except where the loud regions are clipped out.
+; The sum of soft and filtered loud components is returned.
+; Since clipping tends to generate harsh aliasing, the low-pass filter
+; eliminates a lot of the problem, and the filter is usually on so
+; briefly that you don't notice it.
+(defun square (x) (* x x))
+;; region for low-pass will be *soften-width* wide, with
+;; *soften-crossfade* seconds of cross-fade
+(setf *soften-width* 0.02)
+(setf *soften-crossfade* 0.002)
+(defun soften-clipping (snd cutoff)
+ (let (clip-region snd2 loud-stuff soft-stuff filtered-stuff)
+ (setf clip-region (snd-oneshot (prod snd snd)
+ (square (/ 126.0 127.0)) *soften-width*))
+ (setf clip-region (snd-chase clip-region
+ *soften-crossfade* *soften-crossfade*))
+ ; s-rest needs a sample rate:
+ (sound-srate-abs (snd-srate snd)
+ (setf snd2 (seq (s-rest (/ *soften-width* 2))
+ (cue (scale 0.99 snd))) ))
+ (setf loud-stuff (prod snd2 clip-region))
+ (setf soft-stuff (prod snd2 (sum 1 (scale -1 clip-region))))
+ (setf filtered-stuff (lp loud-stuff cutoff))
+ ; (vector filtered-stuff loud-stuff)
+ (sum filtered-stuff soft-stuff)
+ ))
+;(defun tes ()
+; (sound-off)
+; (let (snd)
+; (setf snd (s-read "..\\..\\intro.aif"))
+; (s-save (soften-clipping snd 4000) ny:all "temp.wav" :bits 16)))
+; (tes)
diff --git a/lib/spatial.lsp b/lib/spatial.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bef95da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spatial.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+; created by Adam Hartman and Roger B. Dannenberg
+; 2005
+; stereo manipulation and spatialization functions
+; EMPHIGH -- use four equalizer bands to emphasize
+; the higher frequencies in an input sound
+(defun emphigh (base)
+ (eq-band
+ (eq-band
+ (eq-band
+ (eq-band base 31 -3 1)
+ 62 -3 1)
+ 8000 3 1)
+ 16000 3 1))
+; EMPLOW -- use four equalizer bands to emphasize
+; the lower frequencies in an input sound
+(defun emplow (base)
+ (eq-band
+ (eq-band
+ (eq-band
+ (eq-band base 31 3 1)
+ 62 3 1)
+ 8000 -3 1)
+ 16000 -3 1))
+; LEFTIN -- apply low frequency emphasis to a sound
+(defun leftin (inl) (emplow inl))
+; RIGHTIN - apply high frequency emphasis and
+; a very slight delay to a sound
+(defun rightin (inr) (seq (s-rest 0.02) (emphigh inr)))
+; STEREOIZE -- create a stereo sound from a monaural source
+(defun stereoize (monoin)
+ (vector (leftin monoin) (rightin monoin)))
+; EXTRACTLEFT -- extract the left channel of a stereo sound
+(defun extractleft (inl) (aref inl 0))
+; EXTRACTRIGHT -- extract the right channel of a stereo sound
+(defun extractright (inr) (aref inr 1))
+; WSUM -- weighted sum of two monaural sounds
+; inl: first monaural sound
+; inr: second monaural sound
+; amtl: multiplier for the first monaural sound
+; amtr: multiplier for the second monaural sound
+(defun wsum (inl inr amtl amtr)
+ (sum (mult inl amtl) (mult inr amtr)))
+; SMIXER -- remix a stereo signal
+; in: original stereo sound
+; lamtl: amount in new left channel from the original left channel
+; lamtr: amount in new left channel from the original right channel
+; ramtl: amount in new right channel from the original left channel
+; ramtr: amount in new right channel from the original right channel
+; Note: lamtl, lamtr, ramtl, ramtr should have values in the
+; range of -1 to 1 and may be static numbers or sounds
+(defun smixer (in lamtl lamtr ramtl ramtr)
+ (let ((eleft (extractleft in)) (eright (extractright in)))
+ (vector (wsum eleft eright lamtl lamtr)
+ (wsum eleft eright ramtl ramtr))))
+; WIDEN -- widen the field of a stereo sound
+; in: original stereo sound
+; amt: a value between 0 and 1 which represents a widening factor
+; 0 will leave the sound unchanged while 1 indicates the widest
+; possible stereo field
+; Note: amt may be a static number or a sound
+(defun widen (in amt)
+ (let ((widenamt (mult -1 amt)))
+ (smixer in 1 widenamt widenamt 1)))
+; SPAN -- pan the virtual center channel of a stereo sound
+; in: original stereo sound
+; amt: a value between 0 and 1 which represents the panning location
+; 0 pans the center channel all the way to the left while 1 pans
+; it all the way to the right
+; Note: amt may be a static number or a sound
+(defun span (in amt)
+ (let ((leftc (sum 0.5 (mult -1 amt))) (rightc (sum -0.5 amt)))
+ (smixer in 0.5 leftc rightc 0.5)))
+; SWAPCHANNELS -- swap the two channels in a stereo sound
+(defun swapchannels (in) (vector (aref in 1) (aref in 0)))
+#| NOTE: there's nothing wrong with the code that is commented out here.
+These functions were in the original library, but I have commented them
+out because they are very simple and not very general. Perhaps they
+can be incorporated in an expanded form in a future version of Nyquist.
+For example, some general 3-D positioning with Doppler effects, etc.,
+and some more elaborate HRTF code would be very interesting. Feel free
+to give these a try. -RBD
+; IID -- position a monaural sound source by attenuating the volume
+; of the sound at each ear point based on the distance between the
+; two ear points and the distance of the sound source from the listener
+; in: monaural source sound
+; dist: lateral distance of the sound source from the listener in meters
+; headwidth: width of the listener's head (i.e. the distance between
+; the two ears) in meters
+; rorl: a value of either 0 or 1 which represents whether the sound
+; source is to the left or to the right of the listener
+(defun iid (in dist headWidth RorL)
+ (let ((nearmult (/ 1.0 (mult dist dist)))
+ (farmult (/ 1.0 (mult (sum dist headWidth)
+ (sum dist headWidth)))))
+ (if (eq rorl 0)
+ ; sound source is to the left of listener
+ (vector (mult in nearmult) (mult in farmult))
+ ; sound source is to the right of listener
+ (vector (mult in farmult) (mult in nearmult)))))
+; ITD -- position a monaural sound source by delaying the arrival
+; of the sound at each ear point based on the distance
+; between the two ear points and the distance of the sound
+; source from the listener
+; in: monaural source sound
+; dist: lateral distance of the sound source from the listener in meters
+; headwidth: width of the listener's head (i.e. the distance
+; between the two ears) in meters
+; rorl: a value of either 0 or 1 which represents whether the sound
+; source is to the left or to the right of the listener
+(defun itd (in dist headWidth RorL)
+ (let ((neardel (mult 0.0029387 dist))
+ (fardel (mult 0.0029387 (sum dist headWidth))))
+ (if (eq rorl 0)
+ ; sound source is to the left of listener
+ (vector (seq (s-rest neardel) in ) (seq (s-rest fardel) in))
+ ; sound source is to the right of listener
+ (vector (seq (s-rest fardel) in) (seq (s-rest neardel) in)))))
+; CFSPATIALIZATION -- a spatialization effect based on a cross-feed network
+(defun cfspatialization (in)
+ (let ((shadowLeft (lp (seq (s-rest 0.0004) (aref in 0)) 265))
+ (shadowRight (lp (seq (s-rest 0.0004) (aref in 1)) 265)))
+ (vector (sum (aref in 0) shadowRight) (sum (aref in 1) shadowLeft))))
+; CUSTBP -- a helper function that creates a custom bandpass filter
+; for use in the hrtfapprox function
+(defun custbp (in) (lp (sum (hp in 4980) (mult in 0.75)) 7900))
+; HRTFAPPROX -- a spatialization effect based on an approximated HRTF
+(defun hrtfapprox (in)
+ (let ((filteredLeft (seq (s-rest 0.00025) (custbp (aref in 0))))
+ (filteredRight (seq (s-rest 0.00025) (custbp (aref in 1)))))
+ (vector (sum (aref in 0) (lp filteredRight 10200))
+ (sum (aref in 0) (lp filteredLeft 1020)))))
+;; Dolby Pro-Logic encoding and a
+;; 2D Sound Positioning Scheme
+;; Dave Borel (dborel) with minor changes by
+;; Roger B. Dannenberg
+;; Features:
+;; -Dolby Pro-Logic panning
+;; -Doppler for moving sounds
+;; -Distance attenuation
+;; -Atmospheric damping of high frequencies
+;; -Progagation delay
+;; -Test programs
+(setf config 1) ;Distance between listener and speakers
+; Math Helpers
+; Distance between two points
+(defun dist (x0 y0 x1 y1)
+ (let* ( (rx (sum x1 (mult -1.0 x0)))
+ (ry (sum y1 (mult -1.0 y0))) )
+ (s-sqrt (sum (mult rx rx) (mult ry ry)))))
+; Raise x to each sample of snd
+(defun s-expt (x snd)
+ (s-exp (mult (s-log x) snd)))
+; Doppler effect
+(defun pl-doppler (snd r)
+ (let* ( (v (mult -1 (slope r)))
+ (ratio (recip (sum 1 (mult v (recip 344.31)))))
+ (map (integrate ratio)) )
+ (sound-warp map snd) ))
+; Distance-based low-pass filter
+; (see report)
+(defun absorb (snd r-m)
+ (lp snd (mult 14763.67 (s-expt 0.97895 r-m))))
+; Distance-based attenuation
+; (see report)
+(defun atten (snd r)
+; (let* ( (log2-r (mult (s-log r) (recip (log 10.0))))
+; (db-ratio (mult 20 log2-r))
+; (ratio (db-to-linear db-ratio)) )
+; (mult (clip ratio 1.0) snd)))
+ (mult snd (clip (recip (mult r r)) 1)))
+; Top-level spatializer
+; sound source at (x,y)
+; speaker at (xs, ys)
+; assumes listener at (0,0)
+; You could use this with
+; configurations other than
+; pro-logic (e.g. 6.1, 7.1, etc)
+(defun stage (snd x y xs ys)
+ (let* ( (r (dist x y 0 0))
+ (rs (dist xs ys 0 0))
+ (x-hat (mult x (recip r)))
+ (y-hat (mult y (recip r)))
+ (xs-hat (mult xs (recip rs)))
+ (ys-hat (mult ys (recip rs)))
+ (dot (sum (mult x-hat xs-hat) (mult y-hat ys-hat)))
+ (overlap (mult 0.5 (sum dot (s-abs dot)))) )
+ (mult overlap snd)))
+; Speaker Mixing
+; Dolby Pro-Logic Encoder
+(defun prologic (left center right surround)
+ (let* ( (c (scale 0.5 center))
+ (s (highpass2 (lowpass2 (scale 0.5 surround) 7000) 100) )
+ (slfe (scale 0.25 (lp surround 100)))
+ (l (sim left center (mult -1.0 s) slfe))
+ (r (sim right center s slfe)) )
+ (vector l r)))
+; Direct-to-speaker playback
+(defun pl-left (snd) (let ((s (mult 0 snd))) (prologic snd s s s)))
+(defun pl-center (snd) (let ((s (mult 0 snd))) (prologic s snd s s)))
+(defun pl-right (snd) (let ((s (mult 0 snd))) (prologic s s snd s)))
+(defun pl-rear (snd) (let ((s (mult 0 snd))) (prologic s s s snd)))
+; Pans a sound across the surround speakers
+; (no realistic imaging or attenuation)
+; Works like pan but y specifies depth
+(defun pl-pan2d (s-in x y)
+ (let ((snd (scale 0.5 s-in)))
+ (prologic (mult snd (sum 1.0 (mult -1.0 x)
+ (sum 1 (mult -1.0 y))) );left
+ (mult snd 0.0) ;center(null)
+ (mult snd x (sum 1.0 (mult -1.0 y) )) ;right
+ (mult snd y 0.5)))) ;rear
+; Position a sound in the 2D soundstage
+; Includes spatialization effects
+; (x,y) may be (flonum, flonum) or (behavior, behavior)
+(defun pl-position (s-in x y config)
+ (let* ( (r-m (dist x y 0 0))
+ (r (mult r-m (recip config)))
+ (spd-snd (/ 344.31 config))
+ (offset (if (soundp r-m)
+ (/ (aref (snd-samples r 1) 0) spd-snd)
+ (/ r spd-snd)))
+ (snd (seq (s-rest offset)
+ (if (soundp r-m)
+ (atten (absorb (pl-doppler s-in r-m) r-m) r)
+ (atten (absorb s-in r-m) r)))) )
+ ; Two Notes:
+ ; 1.) The center channel is automatically imaged correctly
+ ; because sounds placed between the left-and-right channels
+ ; distribute linearly between the two channels.
+ ;
+ ; 2.) Although the below settings assume that all speakers are
+ ; equidistant from the listener, you can easily assume a
+ ; different layout by modifying the xs and ys values in
+ ; each channel's call to the stage function.
+ ;
+ (prologic (stage snd x y -.1913 -.4619) ;left
+ (scale 0.0 snd) ;center (null)
+ (stage snd x y .1913 -.4619) ;right
+ (stage snd x y 0.0 .5 )))) ;rear
+; Diagnostics
+; Pro-Logic Channel Test Tones
+(defun pl-test ()
+ (play (prologic
+ ( osc-note a3 )
+ (seq (s-rest 1.25) (osc-note b3))
+ (seq (s-rest 2.5 ) (osc-note c4))
+ (seq (s-rest 3.75) (osc-note d4)) )))
+; Pan Test
+(defun pan-test ()
+ (play (pl-pan2d
+ (seq
+ (s-rest .25) (osc a3 .75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc b3 .75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc c4 .75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc d4 .75))
+ (pwl
+ 0 0
+ 0.99 0
+ 1 1
+ 2.99 1
+ 3 0
+ 4 0
+ 4 )
+ (pwl
+ 0 0
+ 1.99 0
+ 2 1
+ 4 1
+ 4 ))))
+; Doppler test
+(defun dop ()
+ (play (pl-doppler (osc c4 10) (pwl .25 0 .5 100 .75 100 1.0))))
+; Attenuation test
+(defun att ()
+ (play (atten (osc-note c4 4)
+ (pwl 0 2
+ 1 2
+ 2 100
+ 3 100
+ 4 2
+ 4 ))))
+; Doppler positioning test (ambulance)
+(defun ambulance ()
+ (play (scale 0.2
+ (pl-position
+ (stretch 16 (fmosc c4 (mult 1000 (lfo 2))))
+ (pwl
+ 0 -20
+ 8 20
+ 8 )
+ (pwl
+ 0 0
+ 8 )
+ config))))
+; Position test
+; Make a sound orbit the listener
+(defun orbit-x (r t times)
+ (let (k)
+ (seqrep (k times)
+ (pwl
+ 0.0 0.0
+ (/ t 4) r
+ (/ t 2) 0.0
+ (/ (* t 3) 4) (* -1 r)
+ t 0.0
+ t ) )))
+(defun orbit-y (r t times)
+ (let (k)
+ (seqrep (k times)
+ (pwl
+ 0.0 (* -1 r)
+ (/ t 4.0) 0.0
+ (/ t 2.0) r
+ (/ (* t 3.0)4.0) 0.0
+ t (* -1 r)
+ t ) )))
+(defun orbit (snd r t times)
+ (pl-position snd
+ (orbit-x r t times)
+ (orbit-y r t times)
+ config))
+; Play some tones
+(defun pos-1 ()
+ (play (pl-position
+ (seq
+ (s-rest .125) (osc a3 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc b3 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc c4 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc d4 1.75) (s-rest .125))
+ (pwl
+ 0 -5
+ 1 5
+ 2 5
+ 3 -5
+ 4 -5
+ 5 5
+ 6 5
+ 7 -5
+ 8 -5
+ 8 )
+ (pwl
+ 0 -5
+ 1 -5
+ 2 5
+ 3 5
+ 4 -5
+ 5 -5
+ 6 5
+ 7 5
+ 8 -5
+ 8 )
+ config)))
+(defun pos-2 ()
+ (play (seq
+ (orbit (seq
+ (s-rest .125) (osc a3 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc b3 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc c4 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc d4 1.75) (s-rest .125))
+ 5 8 1)
+ (orbit (seq
+ (s-rest .125) (osc a3 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc b3 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc c4 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc d4 1.75) (s-rest .125))
+ 5 8 1))))
diff --git a/lib/spectrum.lsp b/lib/spectrum.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..668c310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spectrum.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+;; spectrum.lsp -- operations on spectral frames
+(defun raised-cosine ()
+ (scale 0.5
+ (sum (const 1)
+ (lfo (/ 1.0 (get-duration 1)) 1 *sine-table* 270))))
+(defun fft-window (frame-size)
+ (control-srate-abs frame-size (raised-cosine)))
+;; fft-class -- an iterator converting sound to sequence of frames
+(setf fft-class (send class :new '(sound length skip window)))
+(send fft-class :answer :next '() '(
+ (snd-fft sound length skip window)))
+(send fft-class :answer :isnew '(snd len skp) '(
+ (setf sound snd)
+ (setf length len)
+ (setf skip skp)
+ (setf window (fft-window len)) ))
+(defun make-fft-iterator (sound length skip)
+ (send fft-class :new (snd-copy sound) length skip))
+;; conversions -- assumes frame length is even
+(defun spectrum-to-amplitude (frame)
+ (let* ((n (length frame))
+ (half-n (/ n 2))
+ (amps (make-array (1+ half-n))))
+ (setf (aref amps 0) (abs (aref frame 0)))
+ (dotimes (i (1- half-n))
+ (let* ((i2 (+ i i))
+ (c (aref frame (1+ i2)))
+ (s (aref frame (+ 2 i2))))
+ (setf (aref amps (1+ i))
+ (sqrt (+ (* c c) (* s s))))))
+ (setf (aref amps half-n) (abs (aref frame (1- n))))
+ amps))
+(defun spectrum-by-amplitude (frame amps)
+ (let* ((n (length frame))
+ (half-n (/ n 2)))
+ (setf (aref frame 0) (* (aref frame 0) (aref amps 0)))
+ (dotimes (i (1- half-n))
+ (let* ((ip1 (1+ i))
+ (i2 (+ i i))
+ (i2p1 (1+ i2))
+ (i2p2 (1+ i2p1)))
+ (setf (aref frame i2p1) (* (aref frame i2p1)
+ (aref amps ip1)))
+ (setf (aref frame i2p2) (* (aref frame i2p2)
+ (aref amps ip1)))))
+ (setf (aref frame (1- n)) (* (aref frame (1- n))
+ (aref amps half-n)))))
+(defun spectrum-rms (frame)
+ (let* ((n (length frame))
+ (half-n (/ n 2))
+ (sum (* (aref frame 0) (aref frame 0))))
+ (dotimes (i (1- half-n))
+ (let* ((i2 (+ i i))
+ (c (aref frame (1+ i2)))
+ (s (aref frame (+ 2 i2))))
+ (setf sum (+ sum (* c c) (* s s)))))
+ (setf sum (+ sum (* (aref frame (1- n)) (aref frame (1- n)))))
+ (sqrt sum)))
+(defun amplitude-rms (frame)
+ (let* ((n (length frame))
+ (sum 0))
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (setf sum (+ sum (* (aref frame i) (aref frame i)))))
+ (sqrt sum)))
+;; SMOOTH-AMPLITUDE -- simple local averaging to smooth out
+;; an amplitude spectrum. This might be useful to broaden
+;; spectral peaks from partials to better represent vocal
+;; formants. It would be nice to have a "width" parameter,
+;; but instead, the filter is fixed at (0.25, .5, 0.25)
+(defun smooth-amplitude (frame)
+ (let* ((len (length frame))
+ (lenm1 (1- len))
+ (lenm2 (1- lenm1))
+ (rslt (make-array (length frame))))
+ (setf (aref rslt 0) (+ (* 0.75 (aref frame 0))
+ (* 0.25 (aref frame 1))))
+ (dotimes (i lenm2)
+ (let* ((ip1 (1+ i))
+ (ip2 (1+ ip1)))
+ (setf (aref rslt ip1) (+ (* 0.25 (aref frame i))
+ (* 0.5 (aref frame ip1))
+ (* 0.25 (aref frame ip2))))))
+ (setf (aref rslt lenm1) (+ (* 0.25 (aref frame lenm2))
+ (* 0.75 (aref frame lenm1))))
+ rslt))
+;; ARRAY-SCALE -- multiply a spectral frame or amplitude frame
+;; by a scale factor
+(defun array-scale (frame x)
+ (dotimes (i (length frame))
+ (setf (aref frame i) (* (aref frame i) x))))
+(defun array-copy (frame)
+ (let* ((len (length frame))
+ (copy (make-array len)))
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref copy i) (aref frame i)))
+ copy))
+(defun amplitude-plot (frame)
+ (s-plot (snd-from-array 0
+ (/ (float (1- (length frame)))
+ *default-sound-srate*)
+ frame)))
+(defun spectrum-plot (frame)
+ (amplitude-plot (spectrum-to-amplitude frame)))
+(defun spectrum-ifft (iterator len skip)
+ (snd-ifft (local-to-global 0.0) *sound-srate* iterator skip (fft-window len)))
diff --git a/lib/statistics.lsp b/lib/statistics.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b805351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/statistics.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+;; statistics.lsp -- simple statistics functions
+;; to compute statistics, create an object:
+;; (setf stats (send statistics-class :new t))
+;; use t to retain the data and nil to not retain the data
+;; then call (send stats :point x) for each x in the data set
+;; call (send stats :print-stats) to print some statistics
+;; see methods below for other methods, e.g. :get-mean
+;; to compute histograms, see comments below
+(setf statistics-class (send class :new '(count sum sum-sqr max min retain data)))
+(send statistics-class :answer :isnew '(ret) '((send self :init ret)))
+(send statistics-class :answer :init '(ret) '(
+ (setf count 0 sum 0 sum-sqr 0 data nil
+ max nil min nil retain ret data nil)))
+(send statistics-class :answer :point '(x) '(
+ (incf count)
+ (setf sum (+ sum x))
+ (setf sum-sqr (+ sum-sqr (* x x)))
+ (setf max (if max (max max x) x))
+ (setf min (if min (min min x) x))
+ (if retain (push x data))))
+(send statistics-class :answer :get-count '() '(count))
+(send statistics-class :answer :get-data '() '(data))
+(send statistics-class :answer :get-min '() '(min))
+(send statistics-class :answer :get-max '() '(max))
+(send statistics-class :answer :get-mean '() '(
+ (if (> count 0) (/ (float sum) count)
+ nil)))
+(send statistics-class :answer :get-stddev '() '(
+ (if (> count 1) (sqrt (send self :get-variance)) nil)))
+(send statistics-class :answer :get-variance '() '(
+ (if (> count 1)
+ (/ (- sum-sqr
+ (/ (* sum sum) (float count)))
+ (1- count))
+ nil)))
+(send statistics-class :answer :print-stats '() '(
+ (format t "Number of points: ~A~%Max: ~A~%Min: ~A~%" count max min)
+ (if retain
+ (format t "Median: ~A~%" (send self :get-median)))
+ (format t "Mean: ~A~%Std.Dev.: ~A~%"
+ (send self :get-mean) (send self :get-stddev))
+ ))
+(send statistics-class :answer :get-data '() '(data))
+(send statistics-class :answer :get-median '() '(
+ (let (i)
+ (cond ((not retain) nil) ;; no data retained to examine
+ ((< count 1) nil) ;; no data to compute from
+ (t
+ (setf data (bigsort data '<))
+ (cond ((oddp count)
+ (nth (/ count 2) data))
+ (t
+ (setf i (/ count 2))
+ (* 0.5 (+ (nth i data) (nth (1- i) data))))))))))
+;; This is the "usual estimator of the population kurtosis" based
+;; on Wikipedia. In order for this to work, the statistics object
+;; must be initialized to *retain* the data
+(send statistics-class :answer :get-kurtosis '() '(
+ (let ((x4 0) x2
+ (n (float count)) ; "n" is just a new name for count
+ (mean (send self :get-mean))
+ (variance (send self :get-variance)))
+ (dolist (x data)
+ (setf x2 (* (- x mean) (- x mean)))
+ (setf x4 (+ x4 (* x2 x2))))
+ (display "kurtosis" x4 (* variance variance) n)
+ (if (> n 3)
+ (- (* (/ (* (1+ n) n)
+ (* (1- n) (- n 2) (- n 3)))
+ (/ x4 (* variance variance)))
+ (/ (* 3 (1- n) (1- n))
+ (* (- n 2) (- n 3))))
+ nil))))
+;; :FRACTION-IN-RANGE -- proportion of values in a range
+(send statistics-class :answer :fraction-in-range '(low high) '(
+ (let ((n 0))
+ (dolist (d data)
+ (if (and (<= low d) (< d high)) (setf n (1+ n))))
+ (/ (float n) count))))
+;; The histogram-class. Make a histogram from data.
+;; To use histogram-class, first make an instance:
+;; (setf my-histogram (send histogram-class :new))
+;; Then add points to the histogram. For each point x:
+;; (send my-histogram :point x)
+;; You can make a default histogram by calling:
+;; (send my-histogram :configure-bins)
+;; This will create the square root of N bins where N is the
+;; number of points. The bins are evenly distributed across
+;; the range of the data.
+;; Alternatively, you can provide your own thresholds to
+;; determine the bins by calling:
+;; (send my-histogram :set-thresholds an-array)
+;; Each element of an-array represents the lower bound for
+;; elements in that bin. E.g. if x is a point, it goes in
+;; bin 3 if (aref an-array 3) <= x < (aref an-array 4)
+;; Note that nothing goes into bin L-1 where L is the length
+;; of an-array.
+;; To actually compute the histogram, call
+;; (send my-histogram :make-hist)
+;; And then you can print or plot it with:
+;; (send my-histogram :print-hist) or
+;; (send my-histogram :plot-hist)
+;; You can change the thresholds with :set-thresholds or
+;; :configure-bins without re-inserting all the points.
+;; You can start over by calling
+;; (send my-histogram :init)
+;; but this probably has no advantage over making a new
+;; instance.
+(setf histogram-class (send class :new '(stats counts thresholds)))
+(send histogram-class :answer :isnew '() '((send self :init)))
+(send histogram-class :answer :init '() '(
+ (setf counts nil thresholds nil)
+ ; create stats object and tell it to retain points
+ (setf stats (send statistics-class :new t))))
+(send histogram-class :answer :point '(x) '(
+ (send stats :point x)))
+(send histogram-class :answer :configure-bins '() '(
+ (let* ((nbins (round (sqrt (float (send stats :get-count)))))
+ (minthreshold (send stats :get-min))
+ (step (/ (- (send stats :get-max) (send stats :get-min)) nbins)))
+ (setf thresholds (make-array (1+ nbins)))
+ (dotimes (i (1+ nbins))
+ (setf (aref thresholds i) (+ minthreshold (* i step)))))
+ thresholds))
+(send histogram-class :answer :set-thresholds '(array) '(
+ (setf counts nil)
+ (setf thresholds array)))
+(send histogram-class :answer :make-hist '(&key (verbose t)) '(
+ (let* ((data (send stats :get-data))
+ (counter 0) (data-position 0))
+ (if (null thresholds)
+ (send self :configure-bins))
+ (cond ((null counts)
+ (setf counts (make-array (1- (length thresholds))))
+ (dotimes (i (length counts))
+ (setf (aref counts i) 0))))
+ (dolist (x data)
+ (cond ((and verbose (> counter 100000))
+ (format t "make-hist ~A% done\n"
+ (* 100
+ (/ data-position (float (send stats :get-count)))))
+ (setf counter 0)))
+ ; increment the right bin -- allows different bin sizes but
+ ; could use a binary search for the right bin
+ (dotimes (i (length counts))
+ (incf counter)
+ (cond ((and (< x (aref thresholds (1+ i)))
+ (>= x (aref thresholds i)))
+ (incf (aref counts i))
+ (return))))
+ (incf data-position)) )))
+(send histogram-class :answer :print-hist '() '(
+ (if (null counts) (send self :make-hist))
+ (dotimes (i (length counts))
+ (format t "~A to ~A: ~A~%"
+ (aref thresholds i) (aref thresholds (1+ i))
+ (aref counts i)))))
+(send histogram-class :answer :plot-hist '(&optional (offset 0)) '(
+ (if (null counts) (send self :make-hist))
+ (s-plot (snd-from-array 0
+ (/ (- (aref thresholds 1)
+ (aref thresholds 0)))
+ counts))))
+(send histogram-class :answer :get-min '() '(
+ (send stats :get-min)))
+(send histogram-class :answer :get-max '() '(
+ (send stats :get-max)))
+(send histogram-class :answer :get-count '() '(
+ (send stats :get-count)))
+(send histogram-class :answer :get-counts '() '(
+ counts))
+(send histogram-class :answer :get-thresholds '() '(
+ thresholds))
+;; Pearson correlation - direct (unstable) algorithm
+;; I created this to get the "true" answer when I was trying to
+;; debug the more complex version below. All three algorithms here
+;; now agree (within numerical roundoff), and I believe the
+;; pearson-class below is the best implementation. -RBD
+;(setf upearson-class (send class :new '(sumxy sumx sumy sumxx sumyy n)))
+;(send upearson-class :answer :isnew '() '((send self :init)))
+;(send upearson-class :answer :init '() '(
+; (setf sumxy 0 sumx 0 sumy 0 sumxx 0 sumyy 0 n 0)))
+;(send upearson-class :answer :points '(x y) '(
+; (setf sumxy (+ sumxy (* x y)))
+; (setf sumx (+ sumx x))
+; (setf sumy (+ sumy y))
+; (setf sumxx (+ sumxx (* x x)))
+; (setf sumyy (+ sumyy (* y y)))
+; (setf n (+ n 1))))
+;(send upearson-class :answer :correlation '() '(
+; (/ (- (* n sumxy) (* sumx sumy))
+; (* (sqrt (- (* n sumxx) (* sumx sumx)))
+; (sqrt (- (* n sumyy) (* sumy sumy)))))))
+;; Pearson correlation
+(setf pearson-class (send class :new '(sum-sq-x sum-sq-y sum-coproduct
+ mean-x mean-y n)))
+(send pearson-class :answer :isnew '() '((send self :init)))
+(send pearson-class :answer :init '() '(
+ (setf n 0)
+ (setf sum-sq-x 0 sum-sq-y 0 sum-coproduct 0)))
+(send pearson-class :answer :points '(x y) '(
+ (cond ((zerop n)
+ (setf mean-x x mean-y y n 1))
+ (t
+ (setf n (1+ n))
+ (let* ((sweep (/ (- n 1.0) n))
+ (delta-x (- x mean-x))
+ (delta-y (- y mean-y)))
+ (setf sum-sq-x (+ sum-sq-x (* delta-x delta-x sweep)))
+ (setf sum-sq-y (+ sum-sq-y (* delta-y delta-y sweep)))
+ (setf sum-coproduct (+ sum-coproduct (* delta-x delta-y sweep)))
+ (setf mean-x (+ mean-x (/ delta-x n)))
+ (setf mean-y (+ mean-y (/ delta-y n))))))))
+(send pearson-class :answer :correlation '() '(
+ (let* ((pop-sd-x (sqrt (/ sum-sq-x n)))
+ (pop-sd-y (sqrt (/ sum-sq-y n)))
+ (cov-x-y (/ sum-coproduct n)))
+ (/ cov-x-y (* pop-sd-x pop-sd-y)))))
+;; This is a very direct implementation of the algorithm below,
+;; but it stores the points -- I created this for debugging but
+;; I don't see any reason to use it now. -RBD
+;(setf npearson-class (send class :new '(pts)))
+;(send npearson-class :answer :isnew '() '((send self :init)))
+;(send npearson-class :answer :init '() '((setf pts nil)))
+;(send npearson-class :answer :points '(x y) '(
+; (setf pts (cons (cons x y) pts))))
+;(send npearson-class :answer :correlation '() '(
+; (setf pts (reverse pts))
+; (let ((sum-sq-x 0) (sum-sq-y 0) (sum-coproduct 0) (mean-x (caar pts))
+; (mean-y (cdar pts)) i (n (length pts)))
+; (dotimes (j (1- n))
+; (let* ((i (+ j 2))
+; (sweep (/ (- i 1.0) i))
+; (delta-x (- (car (nth (1- i) pts)) mean-x))
+; (delta-y (- (cdr (nth (1- i) pts)) mean-y)))
+; (setf sum-sq-x (+ sum-sq-x (* delta-x delta-x sweep)))
+; (setf sum-sq-y (+ sum-sq-y (* delta-y delta-y sweep)))
+; (setf sum-coproduct (+ sum-coproduct (* delta-x delta-y sweep)))
+; (setf mean-x (+ mean-x (/ delta-x i)))
+; (setf mean-y (+ mean-y (/ delta-y i)))))
+; (let ((pop-sd-x (sqrt (/ sum-sq-x n)))
+; (pop-sd-y (sqrt (/ sum-sq-y n)))
+; (cov-x-y (/ sum-coproduct n)))
+; (/ cov-x-y (* pop-sd-x pop-sd-y))))))
+;; the algorithm (from Wikipedia)
+;sum_sq_x = 0
+;sum_sq_y = 0
+;sum_coproduct = 0
+;mean_x = x[1]
+;mean_y = y[1]
+;for i in 2 to N:
+; sweep = (i - 1.0) / i
+; delta_x = x[i] - mean_x
+; delta_y = y[i] - mean_y
+; sum_sq_x += delta_x * delta_x * sweep
+; sum_sq_y += delta_y * delta_y * sweep
+; sum_coproduct += delta_x * delta_y * sweep
+; mean_x += delta_x / i
+; mean_y += delta_y / i
+;pop_sd_x = sqrt( sum_sq_x / N )
+;pop_sd_y = sqrt( sum_sq_y / N )
+;cov_x_y = sum_coproduct / N
+;correlation = cov_x_y / (pop_sd_x * pop_sd_y)
+;; Welch's t-test to test the null hypothesis that 2 population means are
+;; equal when the variances might be unequal
+;; returns list: (welchs-t degrees-of-freedom)
+(defun welchs-t-test (mean1 stddev1 n1 mean2 stddev2 n2)
+ (let* ((var1 (* stddev1 stddev1))
+ (var2 (* stddev2 stddev2))
+ (num (- mean1 mean2))
+ (den (sqrt (+ (/ var1 n1)
+ (/ var2 n2))))
+ (welchs-t (/ num den))
+ (dof-a (+ (/ var1 n1) (/ var2 n2)))
+ (dof-num (* dof-a dof-a))
+ (dof-den (+ (/ (* var1 var1) (* n1 n1 (- n1 1)))
+ (/ (* var2 var2) (* n2 n2 (- n2 1)))))
+ (dof (/ dof-num dof-den)))
+ (list welchs-t dof)))
+;; Levene's test to assess the equality of variances in different samples
+;; based on Wikipedia article. This implementation is for 2 groups. If the
+;; 2 groups can be assumed to be normal (Gaussian), then the F-test should
+;; be considered.
+;; A variation on Levene's test is the Brown-Forsythe test, which uses
+;; medians instead of means. The optional parameter, brown-forsythe can
+;; be set to true to get a Browne-Forsythe test instead of Levene's test.
+;; The verbose flag defaults to t and prints some useful information
+;; The input to levenes-test is a pair of lists of samples. The return
+;; value is W (see Wikipedia for details)
+(defun levenes-test (y1 y2 &optional brown-forsythe (verbose t))
+ (let* ((n1 (float (length y1)))
+ (n2 (float (length y2)))
+ (n (+ n1 n2))
+ m1 m2 z1 z2 z.. z1. z2. stat (den 0) w)
+ ;; compute means or medians
+ (cond (brown-forsythe
+ (setf m1 (vector-median y1))
+ (setf m2 (vector-median y2)))
+ (t
+ (setf m1 (vector-mean y1))
+ (setf m2 (vector-mean y2))))
+ ;; compute zij (lists z1 and z2)
+ (dolist (y1j y1) (push (abs (- y1j m1)) z1))
+ (dolist (y2j y2) (push (abs (- y2j m2)) z2))
+ ;; compute zi. sums
+ (setf z1. (vector-sum-elements z1))
+ (setf z2. (vector-sum-elements z2))
+ ;; compute z..
+ (setf z.. (/ (+ z1. z2.) n))
+ ;; convert zi. variables from sums to means
+ (setf z1. (/ z1. n1))
+ (setf z2. (/ z2. n2))
+ ;; compute the big denominator term
+ (dolist (z1j z1)
+ (let ((diff (- z1j z1.)))
+ (setf den (+ den (* diff diff)))))
+ (dolist (z2j z2)
+ (let ((diff (- z2j z2.)))
+ (setf den (+ den (* diff diff)))))
+ ;; compute w
+ (setf w (* (- n 2) (/ (+ (* n1 (* (- z1. z..) (- z1. z..)))
+ (* n2 (* (- z2. z..) (- z2. z..))))
+ den)))
+ ;; print info if verbose
+ (cond (verbose
+ (format t "Summary of ~A test results:
+ Size of group 1: ~A, ~A: ~A
+ Size of group 2: ~A, ~A: ~A
+ W (result): ~A
+ The significance of W is tested against F(alpha, 1, ~A),
+ where alpha is the level of significance (usually 0.05 or
+ 0.01), and ~A is N-2.~%"
+ (if brown-forsythe "Brown-Forsythe" "Levene's")
+ n1 (if brown-forsythe "Median" "Mean") m1
+ n2 (if brown-forsythe "Median" "Mean") m2
+ w
+ (- n 2) (- n 2))))
+ w))
+;; a simple test for levenes-test
+;; this program uses distributions.lsp, which must be explicitly loaded
+(defun levenes-test-test ()
+ (let (y1 y2 y3)
+ ;; make some data with sigma 0.1 and 0.2
+ (dotimes (i 50)
+ (push (gaussian-dist 1.0 0.1) y1))
+ (dotimes (i 75)
+ (push (gaussian-dist 1.0 0.2) y2))
+ (dotimes (i 75)
+ (push (gaussian-dist 1.0 0.1) y3))
+ (levenes-test y1 y2) ;; levene's test
+ (format t "\n")
+ (levenes-test y1 y2 t) ;; brown-forsythe test
+ (levenes-test y1 y3) ;; levene's test
+ (format t "\n")
+ (levenes-test y1 y3 t) ;; brown-forsythe test
+ (format t "\n")
+ 'done
+ ))
diff --git a/lib/surround.lsp b/lib/surround.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4198f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/surround.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+;; SURROUND.LSP -- Implements Dolby Pro-Logic encoding
+; and a 2D Sound Positioning Scheme
+;; Dave Borel (dborel) with minor changes by
+;; Roger B. Dannenberg
+;; Features:
+;; -Dolby Pro-Logic panning
+;; -Doppler for moving sounds
+;; -Distance attenuation
+;; -Atmospheric damping of high frequencies
+;; -Progagation delay
+;; -Test programs
+(setf config 1) ;Distance between listener and speakers
+; Math Helpers
+; Distance between two points
+(defun dist (x0 y0 x1 y1)
+ (let* ( (rx (sum x1 (mult -1.0 x0)))
+ (ry (sum y1 (mult -1.0 y0))) )
+ (s-sqrt (sum (mult rx rx) (mult ry ry)))))
+; Raise x to each sample of snd
+(defun s-expt (x snd)
+ (s-exp (mult (s-log x) snd)))
+; Signal Processing
+; Smooth FFT Frame Iterator
+; (Inspired by Dannenberg's fft example)
+(defun raised-cosine ()
+ (scale 0.5
+ (sum (const 1)
+ (lfo (/ 1.0 (get-duration 1)) 1 *sine-table* 270))))
+(defun fft-window (frame-size)
+ (control-srate-abs frame-size (raised-cosine)))
+(setf fft-class (send class :new '(sound length skip window)))
+(send fft-class :answer :next '() '(
+ (snd-fft sound length skip window)))
+(send fft-class :answer :isnew '(snd len skp) '(
+ (setf sound snd)
+ (setf length len)
+ (setf skip skp)
+ (setf window (fft-window len)) ))
+(defun make-fft-iterator (sound length skip)
+ (send fft-class :new (snd-copy sound) length skip))
+; Doppler effect
+(defun doppler (snd r)
+ (let* ( (v (mult -1 (slope r)))
+ (ratio (recip (sum 1 (mult v (recip 344.31)))))
+ (map (integrate ratio)) )
+ (sound-warp map snd) ))
+; Distance-based low-pass filter
+; (see report)
+(defun absorb (snd r_m)
+ (lp snd (mult 14763.67 (s-expt 0.97895 r_m))))
+; Distance-based attenuation
+; (see report)
+(defun atten (snd r)
+; (let* ( (log2_r (mult (s-log r) (recip (log 10.0))))
+; (db_ratio (mult 20 log2_r))
+; (ratio (db-to-linear db_ratio)) )
+; (mult (clip ratio 1.0) snd)))
+ (mult snd (clip (recip (mult r r)) 1)))
+; Top-level spatializer
+; sound source at (x,y)
+; speaker at (xs, ys)
+; assumes listener at (0,0)
+; You could use this with
+; configurations other than
+; pro-logic (e.g. 6.1, 7.1, etc)
+(defun stage (snd x y xs ys)
+ (let* ( (r (dist x y 0 0))
+ (rs (dist xs ys 0 0))
+ (x_hat (mult x (recip r)))
+ (y_hat (mult y (recip r)))
+ (xs_hat (mult xs (recip rs)))
+ (ys_hat (mult ys (recip rs)))
+ (dot (sum (mult x_hat xs_hat) (mult y_hat ys_hat)))
+ (overlap (mult 0.5 (sum dot (s-abs dot)))) )
+ (mult overlap snd)))
+; Speaker Mixing
+; Dolby Pro-Logic Encoder
+(defun prologic (left center right surround)
+ (let* ( (c (scale 0.5 center))
+ (s (highpass2 (lowpass2 (scale 0.5 surround) 7000) 100) )
+ (slfe (scale 0.25 (lp surround 100)))
+ (l (sim left center (mult -1.0 s) slfe))
+ (r (sim right center s slfe)) )
+ (vector l r)))
+; Direct-to-speaker playback
+(defun pl_left (snd) (let ((s (mult 0 snd))) (prologic snd s s s)))
+(defun pl_center (snd) (let ((s (mult 0 snd))) (prologic s snd s s)))
+(defun pl_right (snd) (let ((s (mult 0 snd))) (prologic s s snd s)))
+(defun pl_rear (snd) (let ((s (mult 0 snd))) (prologic s s s snd)))
+; Pans a sound across the surround speakers
+; (no realistic imaging or attenuation)
+; Works like pan but y specifies depth
+(defun pan2d (s_in x y)
+ (let ((snd (scale 0.5 s_in)))
+ (prologic (mult snd (sum 1.0 (mult -1.0 x)
+ (sum 1 (mult -1.0 y))) );left
+ (mult snd 0.0) ;center(null)
+ (mult snd x (sum 1.0 (mult -1.0 y) )) ;right
+ (mult snd y 0.5)))) ;rear
+; Position a sound in the 2D soundstage
+; Includes spatialization effects
+; (x,y) may be (flonum, flonum) or (behavior, behavior)
+(defun position (s_in x y config)
+ (let* ( (r_m (dist x y 0 0))
+ (r (mult r_m (recip config)))
+ (spd_snd (/ 344.31 config))
+ (offset (if (soundp r_m)
+ (/ (aref (snd-samples r 1) 0) spd_snd)
+ (/ r spd_snd)))
+ (snd (seq (s-rest offset)
+ (if (soundp r_m)
+ (atten (absorb (doppler s_in r_m) r_m) r)
+ (atten (absorb s_in r_m) r)))) )
+ ; Two Notes:
+ ; 1.) The center channel is automatically imaged correctly
+ ; because sounds placed between the left-and-right channels
+ ; distribute linearly between the two channels.
+ ;
+ ; 2.) Although the below settings assume that all speakers are
+ ; equidistant from the listener, you can easily assume a
+ ; different layout by modifying the xs and ys values in
+ ; each channel's call to the stage function.
+ ;
+ (prologic (stage snd x y -.1913 -.4619) ;left
+ (scale 0.0 snd) ;center (null)
+ (stage snd x y .1913 -.4619) ;right
+ (stage snd x y 0.0 .5 )))) ;rear
+; Diagnostics
+; Pro-Logic Channel Test Tones
+(defun pl_test ()
+ (play (prologic
+ ( osc-note a3 )
+ (seq (s-rest 1.25) (osc-note b3))
+ (seq (s-rest 2.5 ) (osc-note c4))
+ (seq (s-rest 3.75) (osc-note d4)) )))
+; Pan Test
+(defun pan_test ()
+ (play (pan2d
+ (seq
+ (s-rest .25) (osc a3 .75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc b3 .75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc c4 .75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc d4 .75))
+ (pwl
+ 0 0
+ 0.99 0
+ 1 1
+ 2.99 1
+ 3 0
+ 4 0
+ 4 )
+ (pwl
+ 0 0
+ 1.99 0
+ 2 1
+ 4 1
+ 4 ))))
+; Doppler test
+(defun dop ()
+ (play (doppler (osc c4 10) (pwl .25 0 .5 100 .75 100 1.0))))
+; Attenuation test
+(defun att ()
+ (play (atten (osc-note c4 4)
+ (pwl 0 2
+ 1 2
+ 2 100
+ 3 100
+ 4 2
+ 4 ))))
+; Doppler positioning test (ambulance)
+(defun ambulance ()
+ (play (scale 0.2
+ (position
+ (stretch 16 (fmosc c4 (mult 1000 (lfo 2))))
+ (pwl
+ 0 -20
+ 8 20
+ 8 )
+ (pwl
+ 0 0
+ 8 )
+ config))))
+; Position test
+; Make a sound orbit the listener
+(defun orbit_x (r t times)
+ (let (k)
+ (seqrep (k times)
+ (pwl
+ 0.0 0.0
+ (/ t 4) r
+ (/ t 2) 0.0
+ (/ (* t 3) 4) (* -1 r)
+ t 0.0
+ t ) )))
+(defun orbit_y (r t times)
+ (let (k)
+ (seqrep (k times)
+ (pwl
+ 0.0 (* -1 r)
+ (/ t 4.0) 0.0
+ (/ t 2.0) r
+ (/ (* t 3.0)4.0) 0.0
+ t (* -1 r)
+ t ) )))
+(defun orbit (snd r t times)
+ (position snd
+ (orbit_x r t times)
+ (orbit_y r t times)
+ config))
+; Play some tones
+(defun pos_1 ()
+ (play (position
+ (seq
+ (s-rest .125) (osc a3 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc b3 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc c4 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc d4 1.75) (s-rest .125))
+ (pwl
+ 0 -5
+ 1 5
+ 2 5
+ 3 -5
+ 4 -5
+ 5 5
+ 6 5
+ 7 -5
+ 8 -5
+ 8 )
+ (pwl
+ 0 -5
+ 1 -5
+ 2 5
+ 3 5
+ 4 -5
+ 5 -5
+ 6 5
+ 7 5
+ 8 -5
+ 8 )
+ config)))
+(defun pos_2 ()
+ (play (seq
+ (orbit (seq
+ (s-rest .125) (osc a3 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc b3 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc c4 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc d4 1.75) (s-rest .125))
+ 5 8 1)
+ (orbit (seq
+ (s-rest .125) (osc a3 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc b3 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc c4 1.75)
+ (s-rest .25) (osc d4 1.75) (s-rest .125))
+ 5 8 1))))
diff --git a/lib/time-delay-fns.lsp b/lib/time-delay-fns.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..551ac36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/time-delay-fns.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+;; a library of simple time delay functions (chorus, phaser, etc.)
+;; by Kathy Drye and Roger Dannenberg
+;; phaser
+;; The phaser uses all-pass filter to create the delay
+(defun phaser (s) (sim s (alpass s 1 20)))
+;; an example
+;(play (phaser (s-read "example1.wav")))
+;; nyq:snd-tapv -- handles multichannel input sounds
+(defun nyq:snd-tapv (sound offset modulation maxdepth)
+ (multichan-expand #'snd-tapv sound offset modulation maxdepth))
+(defun delay-tapv (sound maxdelay delay depth rate saturation
+ &optional (phase 0.0))
+ ;; delay a signal by delay plus a time-varying amount controlled
+ ;; by an LFO (sine) and add to the original sound
+ ;; delay + depth must be greater than zero and less than maxdelay
+ ;; maxdelay is a scalar
+ ;; rate is the frequency of the LFO
+ ;; saturation is the amount of modulated signal added to the
+ ;; original (normally 0 to 1)
+ ;;
+ (let ((modulation (sum delay
+ (prod depth
+ (lfo rate 10000.0 *sine-table* phase)))))
+ ;; add sound with variable delay to sound with fixed delay
+ (hp (sum (prod (nyq:snd-tapv sound 0.0 modulation maxdelay)
+ saturation)
+ sound)
+ 10)))
+;; flanger:
+;; The flanging effect uses a time-varied delay
+;; This version uses 0-20ms delay modulated at 0.2Hz,
+;; with a saturation of 0.8. This flange does not use
+;; feedback.
+(defun flange (input-sound)
+ (delay-tapv input-sound .02 .01 .01 0.2 0.9))
+;; chorus effect
+;; chorus:
+;; The chorus effect uses a time-varied delay
+;; The delay is generally a longer delay with an lfo controlling
+;; the delay operating around 0.3Hz
+(defun chorus (input-sound &key (delay 0.03) (depth 0.003)
+ (rate 0.3) (saturation 1.0)
+ (phase 0.0))
+ (delay-tapv input-sound (+ delay depth)
+ delay depth rate saturation phase))
+(defun stereo-chorus (input-sound &key (delay 0.03) (depth 0.003)
+ (rate1 0.3) (rate2 0.1)
+ (saturation 1.0))
+ (sim
+ (pan (chorus input-sound :delay delay :depth depth :rate rate1
+ :saturation saturation) .3)
+ (pan (chorus input-sound :delay delay :depth depth :rate rate1
+ :saturation saturation :phase 180.0) .7)))
+;; examples
+;(play (chorus (aref (s-read "example1.wav") 0)))
+; you can apply different parameters to each channel using delay-tapv,
+; e.g. here the rate is different on the left and right channels
+; (works with mono or stereo input!)
+;(play (delay-tapv (s-read "example1.wav") 0.1 0.05 0.005 (vector 0.4 0.1) 0.8))
+; the STEREO-CHORUS is intended for mono input.
+;(play (stereo-chorus (mono-sound))
diff --git a/lib/vectors.lsp b/lib/vectors.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a930d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/vectors.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;; vectors.lsp -- a small simple vector package
+;; vectors are lists, not arrays
+;; probably one should be able to use either form (list or array)
+;; and functions should accept either
+(defun vector-from-array (x)
+ (let (v (n (length x)))
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (setf v (cons (aref x (- n i 1)) v)))
+ v))
+(defun vector-cosine (x y)
+ (/ (vector-dot x y) (vector-norm x) (vector-norm y)))
+(defun vector-dot (x y)
+ (let ((d 0))
+ (dolist (e x)
+ (setf d (+ d (* e (car y))))
+ (setf y (cdr y)))
+ d))
+;; VECTOR-NORM -- also Euclidean distance
+(defun vector-norm (x)
+ (sqrt (float (vector-sum-elements (vector-square x)))))
+(defun vector-sum-elements (x)
+ (let ((sum 0))
+ (dolist (e x)
+ (setf sum (+ sum e)))
+ sum))
+(defun vector-sum (a b)
+ (let (v)
+ (dolist (e a)
+ (setf v (cons (+ e (car b)) v))
+ (setf b (cdr b)))
+ (reverse v)))
+(defun vector-mean (x)
+ (/ (vector-sum-elements x) (length x)))
+;; vector-median uses statistics.lsp -- you must load this explicitly
+;; before calling vector-median
+(defun vector-median (x)
+ (let ((stats (send statistics-class :new t)))
+ (dolist (e x) (send stats :point e))
+ (send stats :get-median)))
+(defun vector-offset (x c)
+ (let (v)
+ (dolist (e x)
+ (setf v (cons (+ e c) v)))
+ (reverse v)))
+(defun vector-difference (a b)
+ (let (v)
+ (dolist (e a)
+ (setf v (cons (- e (car b)) v))
+ (setf b (cdr b)))
+ (reverse v)))
+(defun vector-divide (a b)
+ (let (v)
+ (dolist (e a)
+ (setf v (cons (/ e (car b)) v))
+ (setf b (cdr b)))
+ (reverse v)))
+(defun vector-scale (x c)
+ (let (v)
+ (dolist (e x)
+ (setf v (cons (* e c) v)))
+ (reverse v)))
+(defun vector-zero (len)
+ (let (v)
+ (dotimes (i len) (setf v (cons 0.0 v)))))
+(defun vector-square (a)
+ (let (v)
+ (dolist (e a)
+ (setf v (cons (* e e) v)))
+ (reverse v)))
+(defun vector-variance (x)
+ (let ((n (length x))
+ (sum 0.0)
+ (sum-sqr 0.0))
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (setf sum (+ sum (car x)))
+ (setf sum-sqr (+ sum-sqr (* (car x) (car x))))
+ (setf x (cdr x)))
+ (/ (- sum-sqr (/ (* sum sum) n)) (1- n))))
+(defun vector-stddev (x)
+ (sqrt (vector-variance x)))
+;; compute autocorrelation with lag1 <= lag < lag2
+;; note that because of different overlap, the autocorrelation
+;; will be over different numbers of points (but normalized
+;; by dividing by the length). Note: It should be true that
+;; 0 <= lag1 < lag2 < length(x)
+;; Otherwise, nil is returned.
+;; Algorithm notes: len is length of input,
+;; rsltlen is length of result. The range of lags is
+;; from 0 to len - 1.
+(defun vector-autocorrelation (x lag1 lag2)
+ (prog ((len (length x)) rsltlen rslt y)
+ ;; return nil if lag conditions are not satisfied
+ (if (and (<= 0 lag1) (< lag1 lag2) (< lag2 len))
+ 'ok (return nil))
+ (setf rsltlen (- lag2 lag1))
+ (setf y (nthcdr lag1 x))
+ (dotimes (i rsltlen)
+ (let ((xp x) (yp y) (sum 0.0)
+ (alen (- len (+ lag1 i))))
+ (dotimes (j alen)
+ (setf sum (+ sum (* (car xp) (car yp))))
+ (setf xp (cdr xp) yp (cdr yp)))
+ (setf rslt (cons (/ sum alen) rslt))
+ (setf y (cdr y))))
+ (return (reverse rslt))))
diff --git a/lib/xm-test.lsp b/lib/xm-test.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fb34ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/xm-test.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+;; xm-test.lsp
+;; ============== some test code for xm.lsp ===============
+;(load "xm")
+'(setf pat (make-heap '(a b c d e)))
+'(dotimes (i 10) (print (next pat)))
+'(print "heap test done: ")
+(defun about-equal (x y)
+ (cond ((null x) (null y))
+ ((consp x)
+ (and (consp y)
+ (about-equal (car x) (car y))
+ (about-equal (cdr x) (cdr y))))
+ ((numberp x)
+ (and (numberp y)
+ (< (abs (- x y)) 0.000001)))
+ (t
+ (equal x y))))
+(defun test (name &rest pairs)
+ (format t "TEST ~A : " name)
+ (loop
+ (cond ((or (null pairs) (null (cdr pairs)))
+ (format t " --PASSED--~%")
+ (return))
+ ((not (about-equal (car pairs) (cadr pairs)))
+ (format t " --FAILED-- ~A returned instead of ~A~%"
+ (car pairs) (cadr pairs))
+ (break "a test failed")
+ (return)))
+ (setf pairs (cddr pairs))))
+(setf xx (make-cycle '(x y z) :name "xx" :trace nil))
+(test "test" (next xx) 'x (next xx) 'y (next xx t) '(z) (next xx t) '(x y z))
+(setf aa (make-cycle '(a b) :name "aa" :trace nil))
+(setf zz (make-cycle (list xx aa)))
+(test "test2" (next zz) 'x (next zz) 'y (next zz t) '(z) (next zz t) '(a b))
+(setf zz1 (make-cycle (list xx aa) :for 1 :name "zz1"))
+(setf zz10 (make-cycle (list xx aa) :for 10 :name "zz10" :trace nil))
+(test "test3" (next zz1 t) '(x y z) (next zz1 t) '(a b)
+ (next zz10 t) '(x y z)
+ (next zz10 t) '(a b))
+(setf aa1 (make-cycle '(a b) :for 1 :name "aa1"))
+(setf zza1 (make-cycle (list xx aa1) :name "zza1"))
+(test "test4" (next zza1 t) '(x y z) (next zza1 t) '(a)
+ (next zza1 t) '(x y z) (next zza1 t) '(b))
+(setf zz2 (make-cycle (list xx aa) :for 1 :name "zz2"))
+(setf zzz (make-cycle (list zz2 'q) :name "zzz"))
+(test "test5" (next zzz t) '(x y z) (next zzz t) '(q)
+ (next zzz t) '(a b) (next zzz t) '(q)
+ (next zzz t) '(x y z) (next zzz t) '(q))
+ ; test using cpat as items list
+(setf cpat (make-cycle '(a b) :name "cpat" :trace nil))
+(setf recycpat (make-cycle cpat :for 3 :name "recycpat" :trace nil))
+(test "test6" (next recycpat t) '(a b a)
+ (next recycpat t) '(a b a))
+; test length-class
+(setf lpat (make-length (make-cycle '(a b c)) 2))
+(test "length test 1" (next lpat t) '(a b) (next lpat t) '(c a))
+(setf lpat2 (make-length (make-cycle '(a b c)) (make-cycle '(2 1 0))))
+(test "length test 2" (next lpat2 t) '(a b) (next lpat2 t) '(c)
+ (next lpat2 t) '() (next lpat2 t) '(a b))
+(setf pp1 (make-palindrome '(a b c)
+ :elide (make-cycle '(:first :last t nil) :name "pp1-elide-pattern")
+ :name "pp1"))
+(test "palindrome test" (next pp1 t) '(a b c c b) (next pp1 t) '(a b c b a)
+ (next pp1 t) '(a b c b) (next pp1 t) '(a b c c b a)
+ (next pp1 1) '(a b c c b))
+(setf pp2 (make-palindrome '(a b c)
+ :elide (make-cycle '(:first :last t)) :for 3))
+(test "palindrome test 2" (next pp2 t) '(a b c) (next pp2 t) '(c b a)
+ (next pp2 t) '(a b c) (next pp2 t) '(b a b))
+(setf pp3 (make-palindrome '(a) :elide (make-cycle '(:first :last t nil))))
+(test "palindrome test 3" (next pp3 t) '(a) (next pp3 t) '(a)
+ (next pp3 t) nil (next pp3 t) '(a a))
+(setf pp4 (make-palindrome '(a b c) :elide (make-cycle '(:first :last))
+ :for 6))
+(test "palindrome test 4" (next pp4 t) '(a b c c b a)
+ (next pp4 t) '(b c b a a b))
+(setf ll1 (make-line '(a b c d)))
+(test "line test" (next ll1 t) '(a b c d) (next ll1 t) '(d d d d))
+(setf nn1 (make-cycle (list
+ (make-cycle (list
+ (make-cycle '(a b) :name "ab")
+ (make-cycle '(c) :name "c"))
+ :name "ab-c")
+ (make-cycle (list
+ (make-cycle '(x y) :name "xy")
+ (make-cycle '(u v) :name "uv"))
+ :name "xy-uv"))
+ :name "ab-c-xy-uv"))
+(test "nested test" (next nn1 t) '(a b) (next nn1 t) '(c) (next nn1 t) '(x y)
+ (next nn1 t) '(u v) (next nn1 t) '(a b) (next nn1 t) '(c))
+(setf win1 (make-window (make-cycle '(a b c)) 3 1))
+(test "window test 1" (next win1 t) '(a b c)
+ (next win1 t) '(b c a) (next win1 t) '(c a b))
+(setf win2 (make-window (make-cycle '(a b c)) ; source
+ (make-cycle '(3 1)) ; length
+ (make-cycle '(1 1 3)))) ; skip
+(test "window test 2" (next win2 t) '(a b c)
+ (next win2 t) '(b) ; skip 1 length 1
+ (next win2 t) '(a b c) ; skip 1 length 3
+ (next win2 t) '(a) ; skip 3 length 1
+ (next win2 t) '(b c a) ; skip 1 length 3
+ (next win2 t) '(c) ; skip 1 length 1
+ (next win2 t) '(a b c) ; skip 3 length 3
+ (next win2 t) '(b) ; skip 1 length 1
+ (next win2 t) '(a b c)) ; skip 1 length 3
+(defun only-abc-n (lis n)
+ (and (= (length lis) n)
+ (dolist (item lis t)
+ (cond ((not (member item '(a b c)))
+ (return nil))))))
+(defun abc2 (lis) (only-abc-n lis 2))
+(defun abc3 (lis) (only-abc-n lis 3))
+(setf rr1 (make-random '(a b c) :name "rr1"))
+(display "rr1" (next rr1 t))
+(test "random 1" (abc3 (next rr1 t)) t (abc3 (next rr1 t)) t)
+(setf rr2 (make-random '(a b c) :for 2 :name "rr2" :trace nil))
+(test "random 2" (abc2 (next rr2 t)) t (abc2 (next rr2 t)) t)
+; random using weights
+(setf rr3 (make-random '((a :weight 1) (b :weight 10))))
+(setf a-count 0 b-count 0)
+(setf *num-trials* 10000) ;; NORMALLY, SET THIS TO 10000
+(setf rr3-all nil)
+(dotimes (i *num-trials*)
+ ;(display "weight test" i)
+ (if (eq (setf rr3-out (next rr3)) 'a) (incf a-count) (incf b-count))
+ (push rr3-out rr3-all))
+;(print (reverse rr3-all))
+(setf rr-ratio (/ (float a-count) b-count))
+(format t "test rr3 a/b should be 0.091, actual ratio is ~A~%" rr-ratio)
+(test "weight test" (and (< rr-ratio 0.12) (> rr-ratio 0.08)) t)
+; random using :min
+(setf rr4 (make-random '((a :weight 1 :min 2) (b :weight 10 :min 1))))
+(setf sum 0)
+(setf a-count 0 b-count 0)
+(dotimes (i *num-trials*)
+ ;(display "min test" (next rr4))
+ (if (eq (next rr4) 'a) (incf a-count) (incf b-count))
+(setf rr-ratio (/ (float a-count) b-count))
+(format t "test rr4 a/b should be about 0.191, actual ratio is ~A~%" rr-ratio)
+(test "min test" (and (< rr-ratio 0.22) (> rr-ratio 0.16)) t)
+; random using :max
+(setf rr5 (make-random '((a :weight 1 :min 2) (b :weight 10 :max 5))))
+(setf sum 0)
+(setf rr5-all nil)
+(setf a-count 0 b-count 0)
+(dotimes (i *num-trials*)
+ ;(display "max test" (next rr5))
+ (if (eq (setf rr5-out (next rr5)) 'a) (incf a-count) (incf b-count))
+ (push rr5-out rr5-all))
+(setf rr5-all (reverse rr5-all))
+(setf rr5-state 'a2)
+(setf rr5-count 0)
+(dolist (s rr5-all)
+ (incf rr5-count)
+ (cond ((and (eq rr5-state 'a1) (eq s 'a))
+ (setf rr5-state 'a2))
+ ((and (eq rr5-state 'a2) (eq s 'a)))
+ ((and (eq rr5-state 'a2) (eq s 'b))
+ (setf rr5-state 'b1))
+ ((and (eq rr5-state 'b1) (eq s 'b))
+ (setf rr5-state 'b2))
+ ((and (eq rr5-state 'b2) (eq s 'b))
+ (setf rr5-state 'b3))
+ ((and (eq rr5-state 'b3) (eq s 'b))
+ (setf rr5-state 'b4))
+ ((and (eq rr5-state 'b4) (eq s 'b))
+ (setf rr5-state 'b5))
+ ((and (eq rr5-state 'b1) (eq s 'a))
+ (setf rr5-state 'a1))
+ ((and (eq rr5-state 'b2) (eq s 'a))
+ (setf rr5-state 'a1))
+ ((and (eq rr5-state 'b3) (eq s 'a))
+ (setf rr5-state 'a1))
+ ((and (eq rr5-state 'b4) (eq s 'a))
+ (setf rr5-state 'a1))
+ ((and (eq rr5-state 'b5) (eq s 'a))
+ (setf rr5-state 'a1))
+ (t
+ (error "bad state"))))
+(setf rr-ratio (/ (float a-count) b-count))
+(format t "test rr5 a/b should be 0.503613, actual ratio is ~A~%" rr-ratio)
+(test "max test" (and (> rr-ratio 0.4) (< rr-ratio 0.6)) t)
+(setf hh1 (make-heap '(a b c)))
+(test "heap 1" (abc3 (next hh1 t)) t (abc3 (next hh1 t)) t)
+(setf hh2 (make-heap '(a b c) :for 2 :name "hh2" :trace nil))
+(test "heap 2" (abc2 (next hh2 t)) t (abc2 (next hh2 t)) t)
+(setf xx (make-markov `((a -> a (b ,(make-cycle '(1 2)))) (b -> a))
+ :past '(b)
+ :produces `(a ,(make-cycle '(0))
+ b ,(make-cycle '(1 2 3 4)
+ :trace nil :name "b-produces"))
+ :is-nested t
+ :trace nil :name "markov"))
+(setf xx-out nil)
+(dotimes (i 12) (push (next xx) xx-out))
+(setf xx-out (reverse xx-out))
+(print xx-out)
+;; this is a special test to see if the output is plausible
+(defun markov-test-xx (lis)
+ (let (a b)
+ (setf a (car lis))
+ (setf lis (cdr lis))
+ (cond ((null lis) t)
+ ((and (setf b (car lis))
+ (eq a 0) (member b '(0 1)))
+ (markov-test-xx lis))
+ ((and (eq a 1) (eq b 2))
+ (markov-test-xx lis))
+ ((and (eq a 2) (eq b 3))
+ (markov-test-xx lis))
+ ((and (eq a 3) (eq b 4))
+ (markov-test-xx lis))
+ ((and (= a 4) (= b 0))
+ (markov-test-xx lis))
+ (t nil))))
+(format t "TEST markov test : ~A~%" (if (markov-test-xx xx-out) "--PASSED--"
+ (break "markov test failed")))
+(setf cc (make-copier (make-cycle '(a b) :name "ab" :trace nil)
+ :repeat 3 :name "copier" :trace nil :merge t))
+(test "copier test 1" (next cc t) '(a b a b a b) (next cc t) '(a b a b a b))
+(setf cc2 (make-copier (make-cycle '(a b) :name "ab" :trace nil)
+ :repeat 3 :name "copier" :trace nil))
+(test "copier test 2" (next cc2 t) '(a b) (next cc2 t) '(a b) (next cc2 t) '(a b))
+(setf cc3 (make-copier (make-cycle (list (make-cycle '(a)) (make-cycle '(b))))
+ :repeat 3 :merge t))
+(test "copier test 3" (next cc3 t) '(a a a) (next cc3 t) '(b b b)
+ (next cc3 t) '(a a a))
+(setf cc4 (make-copier (make-cycle '(a b c d) :for 1)
+ :repeat (make-cycle '(2 -2 3 -3))
+ :merge t))
+(test "copier test 4" (next cc4 t) '(a a) (next cc4 t) '(d d d)
+ (next cc4 t) '(d d) (next cc4 t) '(c c c))
+(setf cc5 (make-copier (make-cycle '(a b c d) :for 1)
+ :repeat 3))
+(test "compier test 5" (next cc5 t) '(a) (next cc5 t) '(a)
+ (next cc5 t) '(a) (next cc5 t) '(b) (next cc5 t) '(b)
+ (next cc5 t) '(b) (next cc5 t) '(c) (next cc5 t) '(c)
+ (next cc5 t) '(c) (next cc5 t) '(d) (next cc5 t) '(d)
+ (next cc5 t) '(d) (next cc5 t) '(a) (next cc5 t) '(a))
+(setf acc1 (make-accumulate (make-cycle '(1 2 -3))))
+(test "accumulate test 1" (next acc1 t) '(1 3 0) (next acc1 t) '(1 3 0))
+(setf acc2 (make-accumulate (make-cycle '(1 2 -3) :for 2)))
+(test "accumulate test 2" (next acc2 t) '(1 3) (next acc2 t) '(0 1)
+ (next acc2 t) '(3 0))
+(setf sum1 (make-sum (make-cycle '(1 2)) (make-cycle '(3 4 5))))
+(test "sum test 1" (next sum1 t) '(4 6) (next sum1 t) '(6 5)
+ (next sum1 t) '(5 7))
+(setf sum2 (make-sum (make-cycle '(1 2)) (make-cycle '(3 4 5)) :for 4))
+(test "sum test 2" (next sum2 t) '(4 6 6 5) (next sum2 t) '(5 7 4 6))
+(setf prod1 (make-product (make-cycle '(1 2)) (make-cycle '(3 4 5))))
+(test "prod test 1" (next prod1 t) '(3 8) (next prod1 t) '(5 6)
+ (next prod1 t) '(4 10))
+(setf prod2 (make-product (make-cycle '(1 2)) (make-cycle '(3 4 5)) :for 4))
+(test "prod test 2" (next prod2 t) '(3 8 5 6) (next prod2 t) '(4 10 3 8))
+(setf eval1 (make-eval '(+ 1 2) :for 3))
+(test "eval test 1" (next eval1 t) '(3 3 3))
+(setf testscore '((0 0 (score-begin-end 0 10))
+ (0.1 1 (note :pitch 60 :vel 100))
+ (1 1 (note :pitch 61 :vel 91))
+ (1 0.5 (note :pitch 68 :vel 92))
+ (1.5 0.5 (note :pitch 67 :vel 93))
+ (2 1 (note :pitch 62 :vel 94))))
+(test "basic1" (score-get-begin testscore) 0)
+(test "basic2" (score-get-end testscore) 10)
+(test "basic3" (score-set-begin testscore 1)
+ (cons '(0 0 (score-begin-end 1 10)) (cdr testscore)))
+(test "basic4" (score-set-end testscore 4)
+ (cons '(0 0 (score-begin-end 0 4)) (cdr testscore)))
+(test "basic5" (score-get-begin (cdr testscore)) 0.1)
+(test "basic6" (score-get-end (cdr testscore)) 3)
+(test "score-shift" (score-shift testscore 5)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 15))
+ (5.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (6 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (6 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (6.5 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (7 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))
+ ))
+(test "score-stretch1" (setf xx (score-stretch testscore 2))
+ (setf yy '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 20))
+ (0.2 2 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (2 2 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (3 1 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (4 2 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))
+ )))
+(test "score-stretch2" (score-stretch testscore 2 :dur nil)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 20))
+ (0.2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (2 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (3 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (4 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))
+ ))
+(test "score-stretch3" (score-stretch testscore 2 :from-index 2 :to-index 3)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10.5))
+ (0.1 1.1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 1.5 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (2 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (2.5 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))
+ ))
+(test "score-stretch4" (score-stretch testscore 2 :from-time 1.5 :to-time 2.5)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 11))
+ (0.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 1.5 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (1 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (1.5 1 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (2.5 1.5 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))
+ ))
+(test "score-transpose1" (score-transpose testscore :pitch 5)
+ '((0 0 (score-begin-end 0 10))
+ (0.1 1 (note :pitch 65 :vel 100))
+ (1 1 (note :pitch 66 :vel 91))
+ (1 0.5 (note :pitch 73 :vel 92))
+ (1.5 0.5 (note :pitch 72 :vel 93))
+ (2 1 (note :pitch 67 :vel 94))))
+(test "score-transpose1" (score-transpose testscore :pitch 5
+ :from-index 2 :to-index 3)
+ '((0 0 (score-begin-end 0 10))
+ (0.1 1 (note :pitch 60 :vel 100))
+ (1 1 (note :pitch 66 :vel 91))
+ (1 0.5 (note :pitch 73 :vel 92))
+ (1.5 0.5 (note :pitch 67 :vel 93))
+ (2 1 (note :pitch 62 :vel 94))))
+(test "score-scale1" (score-scale testscore :vel 0.5)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (0.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 50))
+ (1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 45.5))
+ (1 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 46))
+ (1.5 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 46.5))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 47))
+ ))
+(test "score-scale2" (score-scale testscore :vel 0.5
+ :from-time 1 :to-time 1.5)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (0.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 45.5))
+ (1 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 46))
+ (1.5 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))
+ ))
+(test "score-sustain1" (score-sustain testscore 2)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (0.1 2 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 2 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (1.5 1 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (2 2 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))))
+(test "score-sustain2" (score-sustain testscore 2
+ :from-index 0 :to-index 1)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (0.1 2 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (1 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (1.5 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))))
+(test "score-voice1" (score-voice testscore '((note violin)))
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (0.1 1 (VIOLIN :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 1 (VIOLIN :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (1 0.5 (VIOLIN :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (1.5 0.5 (VIOLIN :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (2 1 (VIOLIN :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))))
+(test "score-voice2" (score-voice testscore '((flute horn) (note violin))
+ :from-index 0 :to-index 10)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (0.1 1 (VIOLIN :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 1 (VIOLIN :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (1 0.5 (VIOLIN :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (1.5 0.5 (VIOLIN :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (2 1 (VIOLIN :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))))
+'(score-print (score-merge testscore
+ (score-shift
+ (score-voice testscore '((note violin)))
+ 0.1)))
+(test "score-merge1" (score-merge testscore
+ (score-shift
+ (score-voice testscore '((note violin)))
+ 0.1))
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10.1))
+ (0.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (0.2 1 (VIOLIN :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (1 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (1.1 0.5 (VIOLIN :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (1.1 1 (VIOLIN :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (1.5 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (1.6 0.5 (VIOLIN :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))
+ (2.1 1 (VIOLIN :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))
+ ))
+(test "score-merge2" (score-merge
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (0 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100)))
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91)))
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))))
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (0 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))))
+(test "score-append1"
+ (score-append testscore testscore)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 20))
+ (0.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (1 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (1.5 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))
+ (10.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (11 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (11 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (11.5 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (12 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))))
+(test "score-select1"
+ (score-select testscore t :from-time 1 :to-time 1.5)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (1 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))))
+(test "score-select2"
+ (score-select testscore
+ '(lambda (time dur expr) (eql (expr-get-attr expr :pitch) 61))
+ :from-time 1 :to-time 1.5)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))))
+(test "score-select3"
+ (score-select testscore
+ '(lambda (time dur expr) (eql (expr-get-attr expr :pitch) 61))
+ :reject t)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (0.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (1.5 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))))
+(test "score-filter-length"
+ (score-filter-length testscore 1.5)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (0.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))))
+(test "score-repeat"
+ (score-repeat testscore 3)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 30))
+ (0.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (1.5 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))
+ (10.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (11 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (11 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (11.5 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (12 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))
+ (20.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (21 1 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (21 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (21.5 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (22 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))))
+(test "score-stretch-to-length"
+ (score-stretch-to-length testscore 20)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 20))
+ (0.2 2 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (2 2 (NOTE :PITCH 61 :VEL 91))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (3 1 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (4 2 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))
+ ))
+(test "score-filter-overlap"
+ (score-filter-overlap testscore)
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (0.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1.5 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))))
+(test "score-adjacent-events1"
+ (score-adjacent-events testscore #'(lambda (a b c) b))
+ testscore)
+(test "score-adjacent-events2"
+ (score-adjacent-events testscore
+ #'(lambda (a b c)
+ (if (eql (event-get-attr b :pitch) 61)
+ nil b))) ; remove pitches with 61
+ '((0 0 (SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 10))
+ (0.1 1 (NOTE :PITCH 60 :VEL 100))
+ (1 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 68 :VEL 92))
+ (1.5 0.5 (NOTE :PITCH 67 :VEL 93))
+ (2 1 (NOTE :PITCH 62 :VEL 94))))
+(test "score-indexof"
+ (score-indexof testscore #'(lambda (time dur expr)
+ (eql (expr-get-attr expr :pitch) 61)))
+ 2)
+(test "score-last-indexof"
+ (score-last-indexof testscore #'(lambda (time dur expr)
+ (> (expr-get-attr expr :pitch) 65)))
+ 4)