path: root/debian/rules
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* * Debian packaging changes:roktas2008-02-09
* * Debian packaging changes:roktas2008-01-08
* + Makefile now checks GHC version. If GHC is 6.6, pandoc.cabal.ghc66fiddlosopher2007-11-25
* Remove a duplicate comment line.roktas2007-11-06
* Modified build procedure to allow compilation with GHC 6.8:fiddlosopher2007-11-06
* Makefile:roktas2007-10-07
* Setup executable permissions on some files.roktas2007-01-05
* Add rst2markdown to dh_strip exclude list.roktas2006-12-23
* Remove 'install-lib', it causes too much trouble which needs to be dealed roktas2006-10-29
* Merge trunk with ghc66-branch.roktas2006-10-28
* initial importfiddlosopher2006-10-17