path: root/DOC/bin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'DOC/bin/')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DOC/bin/ b/DOC/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a36975f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DOC/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+def get_file():
+ try:
+ fn = sys.argv[1]
+ f = open(fn, "r")
+ except:
+ exit("aborting, can't open {}".format(fn))
+ return f
+def emit(s):
+ sys.stdout.write(s)
+def str2hex(s):
+ return ":".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in s)
+def get_line(f):
+ line = f.readline()
+ if man:
+ line = line.replace(" \n", "\\n")
+ else:
+ line = line.replace("<", "&lt;")
+ line = line.replace(">", "&gt;")
+ line = line.replace(" \n", "<br>\n")
+ return line
+if len(sys.argv) > 2: # Are we creating a man page?
+ man = True
+ man = False
+param_used = []
+param_defd = []
+f = get_file()
+at = NONE
+in_table = False
+in_code = False
+funcdef ={}
+if man:
+ emit("""
+.\" Process this file with
+.\" groff -man -Tascii foo.1
+.TH pigs 1 2012-2020 Linux "pigpio archive"
+pigs - command line socket access to the pigpio daemon.\n
+/dev/pigpio - command line pipe access to the pigpio daemon.\n
+.B sudo pigpiod\n
+.B pigs {command}+\n
+.B \"echo {command}+ >/dev/pigpio\"\n
+while True:
+ line = get_line(f)
+ if line == "":
+ for p in param_used:
+ if p not in param_defd:
+ sys.stderr.write("{} used but not defined.\n".format(p))
+ for p in param_defd:
+ if p not in param_used:
+ sys.stderr.write("{} defined but not used.\n".format(p))
+ break
+ if line.startswith("INTRO"):
+ line = get_line(f)
+ if man:
+ pass
+ else:
+ emit("<h2><a name=\"Introduction\">Introduction</a></h2>\n")
+ at = INTRO
+ elif line.startswith("OVERVIEW"):
+ line = get_line(f)
+ if man:
+ emit("\n.SH OVERVIEW\n")
+ else:
+ emit("<h2><a name=\"Overview\">Overview</a></h2>\n")
+ emit(
+ "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\"><tbody>")
+ elif line.startswith("COMMANDS"):
+ line = get_line(f)
+ if man:
+ emit("\n.SH COMMANDS\n")
+ else:
+ emit("</tbody></table>")
+ emit("<h2><a name=\"Commands\">Commands</a></h2>\n")
+ funcs = sorted(funcdef)
+ elif line.startswith("PARAMETERS"):
+ line = get_line(f)
+ last_par = ""
+ if man:
+ emit("\n.SH PARAMETERS\n")
+ else:
+ emit("<h2><a name=\"Parameters\">Parameters</a></h2>\n")
+ elif line.startswith("SCRIPTS"):
+ line = get_line(f)
+ if man:
+ emit("\n.SH SCRIPTS\n")
+ else:
+ emit("<h2><a name=\"Scripts\">Scripts</a></h2>\n")
+ at = SCRIPTS
+ if at != NONE:
+ if line.find("@") != -1:
+ if not in_table:
+ in_table = True
+ if man:
+ emit("\n.EX\n")
+ else:
+ emit("<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\"><tbody>")
+ if man:
+ pass
+ else:
+ emit("<tr>")
+ if man:
+ line = line.replace("@", " ")
+ emit(line)
+ else:
+ cols = line.split("@")
+ for col in cols:
+ emit("<td>{}</td>".format(col.strip()))
+ if man:
+ pass
+ else:
+ emit("</tr>")
+ continue
+ else:
+ if in_table:
+ in_table = False
+ if man:
+ emit("\n.EE\n")
+ else:
+ emit("</tbody></table>")
+ if line == "...\n" or line == ". .\n":
+ if in_code:
+ in_code = False
+ if man:
+ emit("\n.EE\n")
+ else:
+ emit("</code>")
+ else:
+ in_code = True
+ if at == COMMANDS:
+ if line == "...\n":
+ if man:
+ emit("\n\\fBExample\\fP\\n")
+ else:
+ emit("<b><small>Example</small></b><br><br>")
+ if man:
+ emit("\n.EX\n")
+ else:
+ emit("<code>")
+ continue
+ if line == "\n" and at != OVERVIEW:
+ if man:
+ # emit("\\\n")
+ emit("\\n")
+ else:
+ emit("<br><br>")
+ continue
+ if in_code:
+ if man:
+ line = line.replace("\n", "\\n")
+ else:
+ line = line.replace(" ", "&nbsp;")
+ line = line.replace("\n", "<br>")
+ while line.find("[*") != -1 and line.find("*]") != -1:
+ (b, s, e) = line.partition("[*")
+ (l, s, e) = e.partition("*]")
+ if man:
+ line = "{}\\fB{}\\fP{}".format(b, l, e)
+ else:
+ line = "{}<a href=\"#{}\">{}</a>{}".format(b, l, l, e)
+ while line.find("[{") != -1 and line.find("}]") != -1:
+ (b, s, e) = line.partition("[[")
+ (l, s, e) = e.partition("]]")
+ if man:
+ line = "{}\\fB{}\\fP{}".format(b, l, e)
+ else:
+ line = "{}<a href=\"{}\">{}</a>{}".format(b, l, l, e)
+ if at == INTRO or at == SCRIPTS:
+ if line[0] == "*" and line[-2] == "*":
+ if man:
+ emit(".SS {}".format(line[1:-2]))
+ else:
+ emit("<h3>{}</h3>".format(line[1:-2]))
+ else:
+ emit(line)
+ elif at == OVERVIEW:
+ if line == "\n":
+ if man:
+ pass
+ else:
+ emit("<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>")
+ elif line.find("::") == -1:
+ if man:
+ emit(".SS {}".format(line))
+ else:
+ emit("<tr><td>{}</td><td></td><td></td></tr>".format(line))
+ else:
+ (funcpar, sep, desc) = line.partition("::")
+ funcpar = funcpar.strip()
+ desc = desc.strip()
+ if desc != "":
+ (func, sep, parl) = funcpar.partition(" ")
+ func = func.strip()
+ parl = parl.strip()
+ if func in funcdef:
+ sys.stderr.write("{} has been redefined.\n".format(func))
+ funcdef[func]=parl+"::"+desc
+ if man:
+ emit(".B {}\n".format(func+" "+parl+" "))
+ pass
+ else:
+ emit("<tr><td><a href=\"#{}\">{}</a>".format(func, func))
+ pars = parl.split()
+ for p in pars:
+ if p not in param_used:
+ param_used.append(p)
+ if man:
+ pass
+ else:
+ emit(" <a href=\"#{}\">{}</a>".format(p, p))
+ (des, sep, c) = desc.partition("::")
+ c = c.strip()
+ if man:
+ emit("{}\n.P\n".format(des))
+ pass
+ else:
+ emit("</td><td>{}</td><td><small><a href=\"cif.html#{}\">{}</a></small></td></tr>".format(des, c, c))
+ else:
+ if man:
+ pass
+ else:
+ emit("<tr><td><b>{}</b></td><td></td></tr>".format(funcpar))
+ if man:
+ # emit(".IP {} 9\n".format(func))
+ pass
+ else:
+ emit("<tr><td><a href=\"#{}\">{}</a>".format(func, func))
+ elif at == COMMANDS:
+ if line.find("::") != -1:
+ (func, sep, desc) = line.partition("::")
+ func = func.strip()
+ if func not in funcdef:
+ parl="unknown"
+ desc="unknown"
+ else:
+ (parl,sep,desc) = funcdef[func].partition("::")
+ (des, sep, c) = desc.partition("::")
+ if man:
+ t = "\\fB" + func + " " + parl + "\\fP" + " - " + des.strip()
+ emit("\n.IP \"{}\"\n.IP \"\" 4\n".format(t))
+ else:
+ emit("<h3><a name=\"{}\">{}</a>\n".format(func,func))
+ pars = parl.split()
+ for p in pars:
+ if man:
+ pass
+ else:
+ emit(" <a href=\"#{}\">{}</a>".format(p, p))
+ if man:
+ pass
+ else:
+ emit(" - {}</h3>".format(des.strip()))
+ else:
+ emit(line)
+ elif at == PARAMETERS:
+ if line.find("::") != -1:
+ (par, sep, desc) = line.partition("::")
+ par = par.strip()
+ desc = desc.strip()
+ if par.lower() < last_par.lower():
+ sys.stderr.write("Out of order {} after {}.\n".format(par, last_par))
+ last_par = par
+ if par in param_defd:
+ sys.stderr.write("Duplicate definition of {}.\n".format(par))
+ else:
+ param_defd.append(par)
+ if man:
+ emit("\n.IP \"\\fB{}\\fP - {}\" 0\n".format(par, desc))
+ else:
+ emit("<h3><a name=\"{}\">{}</a> - {}</h3>\n".format(par,par,desc))
+ else:
+ emit(line)
+if man:
+ emit("""
+pigpiod(1), pig2vcd(1), pigpio(3), pigpiod_if(3), pigpiod_if2(3)