diff options
authorNicholas D Steeves <>2018-05-26 23:00:35 -0300
committerNicholas D Steeves <>2018-05-26 23:00:35 -0300
commit702bc94f3b1caf03aec6f56209d51b092ebfa70a (patch)
Import writegood-mode_2.0.3.orig.tar.xz
[dgit import orig writegood-mode_2.0.3.orig.tar.xz]
2 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb29213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+* Writegood Mode
+ This is a minor mode to aid in finding common writing problems. [[][Matt
+ Might's weaselwords scripts]] inspired this mode.
+ It highlights text based on a set of weasel-words, passive-voice and
+ duplicate words.
+* Basic Usage
+ First, load in the mode.
+: (add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/writegood-mode")
+: (require 'writegood-mode)
+: (global-set-key "\C-cg" 'writegood-mode)
+ I use the command key above to start the mode when I wish to check my
+ writing.
+ Alternatively, this package is also available on MELPA. If installed
+ through the package manager, then only the global key customization
+ would be necessary.
+* Readability tests
+ There are now two functions to perform [[][Flesch-Kincaid scoring]] and
+ grade-level estimation. These follow the known algorithms, but may
+ differ from other implementations due to the syllable estimation.
+ I use these global keys to get to the readability tests:
+: (global-set-key "\C-c\C-gg" 'writegood-grade-level)
+: (global-set-key "\C-c\C-ge" 'writegood-reading-ease)
+* Customization
+The user is free to customize three main portions of the mode.
+** Faces
+ The three faces used pull from the default warning face and add
+ subtle backgrounds. There is a separate face for each check performed.
+ - Weasel words (writegood-weasels-face)
+ - Passive voice (writegood-passive-voice-face)
+ - Duplicate words (writegood-duplicates-face)
+** Weasel Words
+ There is a large list of included weasel words, but you may have
+ your own. See the write-good-weasel-words variable to modify this
+ list.
+** Passive Voice Irregulars
+ There is also a list of irregular passive voice verbs. These are
+ the verbs that do not end in 'ed' to signify past tense. This
+ variable allow the user to modify the list as needed.
+* Alternatives
+ [[][Artbollocks]] looks to be an alternative mode to this one.
diff --git a/writegood-mode.el b/writegood-mode.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..570a813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/writegood-mode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+;;; writegood-mode.el --- Polish up poor writing on the fly
+;; Author: Benjamin Beckwith
+;; Created: 2010-8-12
+;; Version: 2.0
+;; Last-Updated: 2015-03-25
+;; URL:
+;; Keywords: writing weasel-words grammar
+;; Compatability:
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This minor mode tries to find and highlight problems with your
+;; writing (in english).
+;; Behavior inspired by the weaselwords scripts to aid in good
+;; writing.
+;;; Change Log:
+;; 2.0.3 Add in a small decription of the Flesch-Kincaid score
+;; 2.0.2 Fix Formatting in Org-mode files, make faces underline
+;; 2.0.1 Make user additions to word lists dynamic
+;; 2.0.0 Flesch-Kincaid scoring added to functionality
+;; 1.3.0 Several pull requests added, comments checked, passive voice regexp fixed
+;; 1.2.0 Fixed weasel-words regexp to have word boundaries
+;; 1.1.0 Fixed regexps to be multiline.
+;; 1.0.0 Initial version
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
+;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Test Text:
+;; This mode will improve various aspects of your writing in many ways.
+;; With this mode, text within comments will be searched for the
+;; the duplicate problem.
+;; The text is searched and aspects (even within comments) are
+;; highlighted.
+;; Another benefit is the the finding of duplicates.
+;;; Code:
+ (require 'cl))
+(require 'regexp-opt)
+(require 'faces)
+(defgroup writegood nil
+ "Minor mode for highlighting bad english writing."
+ :prefix "writegood-"
+ :group 'help
+ :link '(url-link ""))
+(defconst writegood-version "2.0"
+ "WriteGood mode version")
+;; Weaselwords
+(defface writegood-weasels-face
+ '((((supports :underline (:style wave)))
+ :underline (:style wave :color "DarkOrange"))
+ (((class color) (background light))
+ (:inherit font-lock-warning-face :background "moccasin"))
+ (((class color) (background dark))
+ (:inherit font-lock-warning-face :background "DarkOrange")))
+ "Writegood face for weasel words"
+ :group 'writegood)
+(defcustom writegood-weasel-words
+ '("many" "various" "very" "fairly" "several" "extremely"
+ "exceedingly" "quite" "remarkably" "few" "surprisingly"
+ "mostly" "largely" "huge" "tiny" "are a number" "is a number"
+ "excellent" "interestingly" "significantly" "substantially"
+ "clearly" "vast" "relatively" "completely" "literally"
+ "not rocket science" "outside the box")
+ "The weasel words to use"
+ :group 'writegood
+ :type '(repeat string))
+(defun writegood-weasels-font-lock-keywords-regexp ()
+ "Generate regex that matches weasel-words"
+ (concat "\\b" (regexp-opt writegood-weasel-words) "\\b"))
+(defun writegood-weasels-font-lock-keywords ()
+ (list (list (writegood-weasels-font-lock-keywords-regexp)
+ 0 (quote 'writegood-weasels-face) 'prepend)))
+;; Passive Voice
+(defface writegood-passive-voice-face
+ '((((supports :underline (:style wave)))
+ :underline (:style wave :color "cyan"))
+ (((class color))
+ (:inherit font-lock-warning-face :background "LemonChiffon")))
+ "Writegood face for passive-voice"
+ :group 'writegood)
+(defcustom writegood-passive-voice-irregulars
+ '("awoken" "been" "born" "beat" "become" "begun" "bent" "beset"
+ "bet" "bid" "bidden" "bound" "bitten" "bled" "blown" "broken"
+ "bred" "brought" "broadcast" "built" "burnt" "burst" "bought"
+ "cast" "caught" "chosen" "clung" "come" "cost" "crept" "cut"
+ "dealt" "dug" "dived" "done" "drawn" "dreamt" "driven" "drunk"
+ "eaten" "fallen" "fed" "felt" "fought" "found" "fit" "fled"
+ "flung" "flown" "forbidden" "forgotten" "foregone" "forgiven"
+ "forsaken" "frozen" "gotten" "given" "gone" "ground" "grown"
+ "hung" "heard" "hidden" "hit" "held" "hurt" "kept" "knelt" "knit"
+ "known" "laid" "led" "leapt" "learnt" "left" "lent" "let" "lain"
+ "lighted" "lost" "made" "meant" "met" "misspelt" "mistaken" "mown"
+ "overcome" "overdone" "overtaken" "overthrown" "paid" "pled" "proven"
+ "put" "quit" "read" "rid" "ridden" "rung" "risen" "run" "sawn"
+ "said" "seen" "sought" "sold" "sent" "set" "sewn" "shaken" "shaven"
+ "shorn" "shed" "shone" "shod" "shot" "shown" "shrunk" "shut"
+ "sung" "sunk" "sat" "slept" "slain" "slid" "slung" "slit"
+ "smitten" "sown" "spoken" "sped" "spent" "spilt" "spun" "spit"
+ "split" "spread" "sprung" "stood" "stolen" "stuck" "stung"
+ "stunk" "stridden" "struck" "strung" "striven" "sworn" "swept"
+ "swollen" "swum" "swung" "taken" "taught" "torn" "told" "thought"
+ "thrived" "thrown" "thrust" "trodden" "understood" "upheld" "upset"
+ "woken" "worn" "woven" "wed" "wept" "wound" "won" "withheld"
+ "withstood" "wrung" "written")
+ "List of passive voice irregular verbs"
+ :group 'writegood
+ :type '(repeat string))
+(defcustom writegood-sentence-punctuation
+ '(?. ?? ?!)
+ "List of punctuation denoting sentence end"
+ :group 'writegood
+ :type '(repeat character))
+(defun writegood-passive-voice-font-lock-keywords-regexp ()
+ "Generate font-lock keywords regexp for passive-voice"
+ (concat "\\b\\(am\\|are\\|were\\|being\\|is\\|been\\|was\\|be\\)\\b\\([[:space:]]\\|\\s<\\|\\s>\\)+\\([[:word:]]+ed\\|"
+ (regexp-opt writegood-passive-voice-irregulars)
+ "\\)\\b"))
+(defun writegood-passive-voice-font-lock-keywords ()
+ (list (list (writegood-passive-voice-font-lock-keywords-regexp)
+ 0 (quote 'writegood-passive-voice-face) 'prepend)))
+;; Duplicates
+(defface writegood-duplicates-face
+ '((((supports :underline (:style wave)))
+ :underline (:style wave :color "DeepPink"))
+ (((class color) (background light))
+ (:inherit font-lock-warning-face :background "MistyRose"))
+ (((class color) (background dark))
+ (:inherit font-lock-warning-face :background "DeepPink")))
+ "Writegood face for duplicate words"
+ :group 'writegood)
+(defvar writegood-duplicates-font-lock-keywords-regexp
+ "\\b\\([[:word:]]+\\)\\([[:space:]]\\|\\s<\\|\\s>\\)+\\1\\b"
+ "Font-lock keywords for duplicates")
+(defun writegood-duplicates-font-lock-keywords ()
+ (list (list writegood-duplicates-font-lock-keywords-regexp
+ 0 (quote 'writegood-duplicates-face) 'prepend)))
+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Functions:
+(defun writegood-version ()
+ "Tell the version you are using"
+ (interactive)
+ (message writegood-version))
+(defun writegood-weasels-turn-on ()
+ "Turn on syntax highlighting for weasels"
+ (font-lock-add-keywords nil (writegood-weasels-font-lock-keywords) t))
+(defun writegood-passive-voice-turn-on ()
+ "Turn on warnings for passive voice"
+ (font-lock-add-keywords nil (writegood-passive-voice-font-lock-keywords) t))
+(defun writegood-duplicates-turn-on ()
+ "Turn on warnings for duplicate words"
+ (font-lock-add-keywords nil (writegood-duplicates-font-lock-keywords) t))
+(defun writegood-weasels-turn-off ()
+ "Turn on syntax highlighting for weasels"
+ (font-lock-remove-keywords nil (writegood-weasels-font-lock-keywords)))
+(defun writegood-passive-voice-turn-off ()
+ "Turn on warnings for passive voice"
+ (font-lock-remove-keywords nil (writegood-passive-voice-font-lock-keywords)))
+(defun writegood-duplicates-turn-off ()
+ "Turn on warnings for duplicate words"
+ (font-lock-remove-keywords nil (writegood-duplicates-font-lock-keywords)))
+(defun writegood-turn-on ()
+ "Turn on writegood-mode."
+ (make-local-variable 'font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search)
+ (setq font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search t)
+ (writegood-weasels-turn-on)
+ (writegood-passive-voice-turn-on)
+ (writegood-duplicates-turn-on))
+(defun writegood-turn-off ()
+ "Turn off writegood-mode."
+ (writegood-weasels-turn-off)
+ (writegood-passive-voice-turn-off)
+ (writegood-duplicates-turn-off))
+(defun writegood-count-words (rstart rend)
+ "Count the words specified by the region bounded by RSTART and REND."
+ (if (boundp 'count-words)
+ (count-words rstart rend)
+ (how-many "[[:word:]]+" rstart rend)))
+(defun writegood-count-sentences (rstart rend)
+ "Count the sentences specified by the region bounded by RSTART and REND."
+ (how-many (regexp-opt-charset writegood-sentence-punctuation) rstart rend))
+(defun writegood-count-syllables (rstart rend)
+ "Count the (approximate) number of syllables in the region bounded by RSTART and REND.
+ Consecutive vowels count as one syllable. The endings -es -ed
+ and -e are not counted as syllables.
+ "
+ (- (how-many "[aeiouy]+" rstart rend)
+ (how-many "\\(es\\|ed\\|e\\)\\b" rstart rend)))
+(defun writegood-fk-parameters (&optional rstart rend)
+ "Flesch-Kincaid reading parameters"
+ (let* ((start (cond (rstart rstart)
+ ((and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning))
+ ('t (point-min))))
+ (end (cond (rend rend)
+ ((and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))
+ ('t (point-max))))
+ (words (float (writegood-count-words start end)))
+ (syllables (float (writegood-count-syllables start end)))
+ (sentences (float (writegood-count-sentences start end))))
+ (list sentences words syllables)))
+(defun writegood-reading-ease-score->comment (score)
+ "Rough interpreation of the Flesch-Kincaid Reading ease SCORE.
+From Wikipedia URL `–Kincaid_readability_tests'."
+ (cond
+ ((< score 0) "Ouch! (Proust literature)")
+ ((and (<= 0 score) (< score 30.0)) "Very difficult (college graduate)")
+ ((and (<= 30.0 score) (< score 50.0)) "Difficult (almost college)")
+ ((and (<= 50.0 score) (< score 60.0)) "Fairly difficult (10-12th grade)")
+ ((and (<= 60.0 score) (< score 70.0)) "Plain English (8-9th grade)")
+ ((and (<= 70.0 score) (< score 80.0)) "Fairly easy (7th grade)")
+ ((and (<= 80.0 score) (< score 90.0)) "Easy (6th grade)")
+ ((<= 90.0 score) "Very easy (5th grade)")))
+(defun writegood-reading-ease (&optional start end)
+ "Flesch-Kincaid reading ease test in the region bounded by START and END.
+Scores roughly between 0 and 100."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((params (writegood-fk-parameters start end))
+ (sentences (nth 0 params))
+ (words (nth 1 params))
+ (syllables (nth 2 params))
+ (score (- 206.835 (* 1.015 (/ words sentences)) (* 84.6 (/ syllables words)))))
+ (message "Flesch-Kincaid reading ease score: %.2f %s" score
+ (writegood-reading-ease-score->comment score))))
+(defun writegood-grade-level (&optional start end)
+ "Flesch-Kincaid grade level test. Converts reading ease score to a grade level (Score ~ years of school needed to read passage)."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((params (writegood-fk-parameters start end))
+ (sentences (nth 0 params))
+ (words (nth 1 params))
+ (syllables (nth 2 params))
+ (score (+ (* 0.39 (/ words sentences)) (* 11.8 (/ syllables words)) -15.59)))
+ (message "Flesch-Kincaid grade level score: %.2f" score)))
+(define-minor-mode writegood-mode
+ "Colorize issues with the writing in the buffer."
+ :lighter " Wg"
+ (progn
+ (if writegood-mode
+ (writegood-turn-on)
+ (writegood-turn-off))
+ (font-lock-mode 1)))
+(provide 'writegood-mode)
+;;; writegood-mode.el ends here